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Everything posted by azzak

  1. I've always thought gimmick matches should incur additional set up costs, which could/should/would be used in place of what size company can said gimmick matches. So if that were implicated that would serve purpose to adding a reason for making double/triple ring an option in game. [NB: Now I think about it, was the cost feature an element in a previous edition of the game? I'm not sure if I'm fabricating a memory here, but I think it may have been.]
  2. I'm hoping this is a very short 'while', you have been killing it lately!
  3. I've previously uploaded some of these characters: Grant Taypen: Leighton Buzzard: JK Lee:
  4. We do not deserve you. Also have you ever considered filming or screen recording and narrating your process? I would love to watch the master at work and learn from you!
  5. But the fact there are all these nuances is the drawback. You're asking for a lot of detail to go into what should in theory be such a minor part of the game. If the game was at the level of detail that football manager is for example, then it would make sense, but as it is there would be way too much energy expended into balancing the use of blood for what should be of little consequence. The fact you've said blood didn't have a material impact on the Austin/Hart match when it is arguably one of the most memorable bleeding moments in mainstream wrestling outlines that. Of course there are lightning in a bottle moments such as Becky/Nia, but arguably a 'good improvisation by Becky Lynch after injury' road agent note covers this in how TEW works currently. (NB: if anything this is an argument for that road agent note to be expanded to both segments and not just matches and the wrestler who gets injured not just the opponent.) Overexposure would need to be a factor in much more prevalent issues before blood in my opinion, such as Nicky Champion in C-Verse or Charlotte Flair in real life constantly winning/holding titles and fans getting sick of it. Fans turning on faces or embracing and adoring heels forcing a booker into deciding whether to stay the course or make the turn is another fan reaction more important than blood apathy. Again, there's much more pressing things that would need to be added for broadcaster demands before blood. Wanting stars on X amount of shows per month/year or on screen for X amount of minutes per show or stars exclusive to the show they air in the event of brand splits etc. And none of that even goes into the game mechanics of actually booking blood in matches. What if I'm booking a company where blood has little to no impact? (Ignoring Jon Moxley for a moment) I'd argue blood doesn't impact an AEW match. There have been moments where wrestlers bled in those matches that were good enough to be considered a spot, but not significant enough to impact the quality of the match. In that sense you're essentially asking me to overthink a wrestler performing a plancha, or Bryan Danielson performing his yes kicks. They're going to pop the crowd, but a Bryan match is still going to score the same with or without them. Don't get me wrong, I understand what you're asking for and why, that level of immersion would be incredible. But as I hope I've outlined above, it just does not work in isolation. It would only work in a game with a level of detail where it would account for 1% of gameplay, again football manager levels of depth, if you know that game. And that's an AAA game with a whole studio behind it. So I can't see the benefit of going through such game changing mechanics just for a little colour (pun intended).
  6. Another excellent batch! What texture did you use for this balaclava? It's beautiful! I have the Naoimhe skin too - I'd been trying to generate some renders for the great makeup it comes with but this exceeds anything I could create! Awesome job - as always! 😄 (PS How annoying is it that it doesn't come with an eyebrows off skin!!!)
  7. Thanks Dalton! Very interesting read and now gives credence to the job histories.
  8. A question for all the C-Verse historians out there: All of the Mexican workers appear to have their job histories stop and restart in September 2005. Even if they stay with the same company, their job history ends at September 2005 for the company and then restarts at September 2005 again as a new entry. Is there some canon reason for this, or is it just something that came to be when Adam was creating one of the TEW editions that was never edited out? Any information on this is hugely appreciated!
  9. As much as I really want to be ready with a request [and I have lots!] I'm going to refrain as I've been very lucky to be involved in the two previous request rounds. But I'll be keeping a very close eye on the great graphics you design!
  10. As always Willr0ck is an impossible act to follow, but I'm going to try... I've been fairly quiet on here recently as I'm working on a mod project so all my focus has been on that. However, after this render I just had to share. I did want to give it some context though. One of my all time favourite renders has been this one below from @WillyWillyWilly - I included it in my CV Expansion Pack mod as the character 'Elixir'. She's one of the characters I'm reworking for aforementioned project, but for as much love as I have for the render, it has become a little dated. (Side point, seriously take a look back at renders from just ~5 years ago, it's incredible how much digital art has progressed in such a short space of time, and that's without AI involvement entering the discussion.) But anyway the render had been such an influence on the character that I didn't just want to come up with a new image, I wanted to honour the original. WillyWillyWilly's fantastic render. After a hell of a lot of work, some creative licence, and more texture editing work on paint.net than I have ever attempted before, I managed to come up with the new render which I'm very proud of. It's not perfect, it was probably the longest render project I've taken on, but I'm really happy with the result. Frustratingly I don't have the best computer for rendering and I'm far too poor to afford new DAZ products, let alone a new PC, so there was still a lot of 'specks' left in her hair - however not only can you hardly see that in the 150 x 150, but I think it actually looks as though she's got glitter in her hair, further adding to the look. (Another side point, I'll always remember reading from someone, I believe it was @smw88about not worrying about minor imperfections as they're usually eradicated when you downsize the render to 150 x 150 - a timeless tip whoever said it [sorry if I've misattributed the quote!]). Anyway, if you don't like this render, or don't think it's as good as I do, I hope that you at least take away from this how we all inspire each other and art inspires art etc. Thanks to all the great renderers/graphics makers/other material creators in this community for the influence you've had on me!
  11. I feel like you're setting a dangerous precedent here... (great work as per usual!!!)
  12. I really wanted to try giving this a go, hope it's what you're looking for.
  13. Could someone create a company logo for 'All Tag Team Action'? Preferably on a gradient background akin to CornellVerse company logos. Other than that complete free reign to any and all creators. Many thanks to anyone who attempts this!
  14. I can't say I'd noticed that before to be honest - but then again I wouldn't have been looking out for it either so that could be why. I think we'll just have to attribute this to her being particularly fussy unfortunately, as I don't know the solution 😔
  15. Hi Matt, my sincere apologies for the delay in looking at this - I can't begin to explain how busy I've been these past few weeks. So I ran a few tests to see, and I typically get 5 goals; the first usually relates to the company size, such as one of must be ranked higher than #25, must not lose fans, must not drop in size etc. The second rule usually relates to finances, and has typically been must have more than 100,000 by the expiry. These two are always of critical importance. Then the last three I get are to do with hiring, one excluding hiring a particular style (psychopath, brawler, MMA crossover and striker all came up for me in tests), the next has pretty much exclusively been must have at least 45 toughness, and the final one is usually another must not have less than 45 in a particular stat, usually one regarding physical such as stamina, athleticism etc. I tried to see if removing the money motivated attribute from Carnation would help, it did not. I tried to tweak a few of her business skills/preferences - I changed finances from average to flashy, patience from low to medium and hiring preference from young raw talent to any. In the test I still got 5 goals, but they were a bit more relaxed, with the first two changing to not falling to tiny size and must have gained popularity in Mexico. The worker restriction goals were still given, and comparable to those from the initial tests. Finally I made another two changes in addition to those above, changing business rep from 48 to 68 and style from lucha libre to any. Yet again I got 5 goals, and these actually appeared to be closer to the original goals; the 100,000, must not fall to tiny, and cannot be a brawler, entertainer or striker. So in conclusion I don't really know how to edit her to prevent you from receiving five goals at the start of the game. I'm reluctant to change anything about the character for the download as I think everything attributed to her is true to the character, and I'm not overly concerned about the goals she's giving - the worker related ones tie in with lucha libre, and the business ones don't strike me as being unachievable. Were you receiving different types of goals to the ones I have outlined above? What starting reputation are you working with etc?
  16. I don't think I have any more words to compliment you! All I can say is it's crazy and flattering to see someone else not only bring to life your words, but improve those words a hundred times over with the amazing renders they create!
  17. What can I say, Carnation is just really passionate about women's lucha libre being done right... But no in seriousness, whenever I get a minute I'll do a few test saves to see if it's a persistent issue and if/how I can address it so she chills out.
  18. That's the best compliment I can receive regarding this project so thank you. It feels like a lifetime ago now!
  19. Mark Carnie Ken Flanagan I wasn't happy with my previous version so made a new one. CV Blue versions here.
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