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Everything posted by azzak

  1. Leighton Buzzard vs Rhys Vali Usually I don't go for a tag guy in a singles match, but I think Buzzard impressed so much last show that this may be the start of a small solo push. #1 Contenders Match For Cruiserweight Championship: Cain Carlile vs JK Lee A second singles match in a row I opt for the tag team guy, but Lee got the win over the champion (albeit his partner tapped out, not the champion) in tag team action last time out, so again I think this is the start of a bit of a run as a solo act as he guns for the title. Bali Daljit vs Stuart Wilson w/ Chuck Frisby Wilson adds an air of legitimacy to Frisby's fitness instructor shtick and I think the upswing in fortune for Frisby and his entourage continues here. Landon Mallory vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Byron This serves both the purpose of Mallory continuing to bounce back following his loss to Beauchamp, and Byron being an awful father to Bret. Sharp & Heath (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan) The toughest one to predict as both teams are great, but given that the champions are babyfaces they need a heel duo to oppose them and who better than Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan?
  2. I don't have the exact numbers but its ranged from mid 40s to mid 50s. The no penalty for unimportant vs unimportant is certainly doing its fair share of lightening the load, I'll be the first to admit that! It does feel as though its going to take a long time for it to get beyond that stage though, and I don't see the company growing in size until I have way more than the three to five workers I currently have at recognisable and above. But it makes the game fun this way, and I suppose will assist in fending off 21CW from attempting to poach my roster.
  3. YEPW Fully Charged XIII Lone Rider v Lucas Pobb Lone Rider needs some momentum back after being eliminated first in the three way match. Francis Burke v Trey Tallman Burke has a new attitude and Tallman can't get over. Felix Harding v Henderson A modicum of revenge for Harding against Vance Sturt Industries. YEPW Australian Title Jester (c) v Quick Silver Really glad to have guessed Quick Silver correctly last time out, but I don't think it's time for him to dethrone Jester... yet.
  4. Ah sure, I can see why size would be the case - luckily I'm not anticipating getting up to medium before enough workers have risen above the unimportant level.
  5. After the first episode of BOW Night Of Wrestling, the prediction scores are as follows: @Charasmatic Enigma - 6/6 @KyTeran - 6/6 @DAVEFAN95 - 5/6 @John Lions - 5/6 @HiPlus - 4/6 There is still plenty of time for anyone else to join, with the next premium event (PPV) not happening until Saturday Week 2 March, so don't feel discouraged if you want to join in the guesses! Here is the match card for the next TV Show: BOW Night Of Wrestling #2: Wednesday, Week 2, February 2020 Match Card: Hugh de Aske vs Louie Peyton w/Stefan Raynor If Hugh de Aske wins, he gets a BOW World title shot against Stevie Stoat Comments: BOW Tag Team Championship Tournament Quarter Finals: The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan) vs A Pair Of Aces (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) Comments: Christian Blithe vs Lenny Mochin The winner will participate in the BOW Honour Championship four-way match at For Whom The Bell Tolls Comments: Hardcore Match: Brilliant White vs Night Spyder Comments: Vanzycha & Svensson (Pavel Vanzycha & Nigel Svensson) vs School Of Wrestling (Aurelian Bradley & Wes Stryker) Comments: Gordon Leve vs Walker van Cleer Comments:
  6. So with the debut event and debut episode of the TV show in the history books, I thought I would give a bit of an insight into my thought process behind this diary, and answer a few of the questions that have come up since I started. In terms of the game world set up, I have essentially used the default database, save for a few changes that I have made along the way over the years. Much of this doesn't impact this particular save, such as having added a women's division to a couple of companies in the USA and the COTT division. I have expanded the active areas of workers in Europe/British Isles to provide more of a crossover, including some of the workers in the BOW roster (though not all, some I have convinced during negotiations - particularly the workers from the Oceania region as I haven't given them a natural crossover to work in the British Isles region). The company started with a flat 50 popularity across all of the regions in Britain. I wanted the company to start small, but with enough of a following to reflect the hype of the new company starting, and the character of Dunton Hall (who himself starts with ~42 popularity across the UK). The formation of AEW a few years back is (somewhat) an inspiration for the story, with similarities between Hall and Khan in being very wealthy wrestling fans able to start their companies at a national level. They ideally start with a comparable style in so much as wanting to be a wrestling first, but still entertaining, company. (Whether AEW still meets this is a debate for another time and place!) Mainstream to a point but with any of the Sports Entertainment tropes being a supplement to the wrestling action, rather than taking precedence over it. Naturally, the product is Wrestling Nerd Nirvana, which requires three specific match types per show, a Steal the Show match, a Storytelling match, and one of either a Wild Brawl, Car Crash or Mayhem - I tend to lean towards a Wild Brawl but my booking style is to specify a match type for most of my matches, whether required or not by the product, so I usually meet the requirements without behest anyway, as well as adding other match styles in, notably technical masterclass once my workers are over enough to avoid the overexposure penalty. Speaking of which, no workers have had their popularity altered, so many of them can't feature on shows for longer than 15 minutes, though for some unknown reason I don't seem to get a penalty for matches between two unimportant workers - I don't know why this is as I don't believe I've turned off any settings to allow this, so my thought process is that maybe a new company (BOW is set to debut January 2020 in the editor) gets a period of grace for this? If anyone knows the reason why I'd be interested to know... BOW are based in the Southern England region, which may cause some problems with 21CW also being based there if/when BOW rises in size, so that could be an interesting thread down the road. I don't anticipate 'going to war' with them to replicate a WWE/WCW or WWE/AEW war in C-Verse Britain, but if the game naturally goes in that direction then I'm not opposed to it either. Both companies certainly won't be enjoying an alliance either though. I'm open to creating alliances with other smaller companies, should they fit the story. If BOW grows I may look to set up arrangements with CWW, UEW and/or VWA - given a lot of my roster comes from these companies, it would be beneficial to get in their good graces. All workers that have been signed are on non-exclusive written deals for one year. Over time with size rises, I see this changing to exclusive deals, at least for the top stars on the roster, if/when BOW rises to Medium. I wanted to allow the younger/inexperienced workers to remain working for the smaller promotions to keep improving, plus with no house shows running it makes sense that they would work elsewhere when not booked on TV or for an event. Speaking of which, I have a large roster, but some of those signed are there to gain familiarity working with them (in-game), watching their progress, and they are essentially currently viewed as enhancement talent signed to deals. I'm sure the positioning of many workers is starting to become clear in the shows, but over time it should be obvious enough. When setting up companies, I like to divide them into specific divisions, based around whatever titles are in the company. There is always a 'Main Event' division for the World/primary title, and a Tag Team division. Speaking of tag teams, I prefer that division to be made up of dedicated tandems, rather than two individual workers who occasionally team. Obviously the Women's division is a third division. The image I have for BOW is the undercard being split into two separate divisions, the 'Honour Championship' division that is intended to resemble something of a 'pure' division, and a [Spoiler alert] 'Hardcore Championship' division, that is self-explanatory. This is how I separate my roster, which worker fits in which space, with usually around 5 or 6 faces and heels per division, therefore ~10/12 workers per 'division'. Hence the large roster when you consider that I prefer tag team workers to be loosely in that division only. That said, in terms of kayfabe I work the complete opposite, and don't think wrestlers should be assigned to a division in a company on-screen, so in theory any worker can vie for any title (save for gender restrictions). If a worker gains enough popularity and momentum (again in kayfabe) to pursue the World title, they shouldn't be restricted to do so because they're considered a 'Hardcore' guy, for example. With incoming workers, I don't foresee many new signings, and I don't intend to fill my roster with workers that leave 21CW either. That said, there are three in particular that I want to sign when their contracts expire, should they be given up by the company. I may look at others if they aren't renewed by 21CW and I come up with solid plans for them, but other than that I'll try to avoid needlessly signing 21CW alumni just for the popularity boost. I actually ran an original version of this save a few months ago, with the intention of creating this diary, but I got carried away enjoying the game and ended up playing over a whole year in-game and the thought of going back to write up an entire years worth of shows was too much. I'm being much stricter this time around, not allowing myself to play past the a show until I've written up the previous one, so things may go a bit slower than I'd like, but it's well worth it to create this diary. In terms of write-ups, angles will usually be written in full, but matches will almost always be dirt sheet-esque reviews. Wrestling is very much a visual art, I don't think that writing a beat by beat breakdown of the match is fun reading really, certainly not for every match at least. Instead, I may toy with writing certain important matches differently, but this will likely be big blow-off or title matches at events. Two notes from this; 1. Battle royals are an exception to the rule, I think these can be fun to read 'as they happen' due to eliminations etc, but write-ups on these will predominantly focus on the eliminations and entrances (if a Royal Rumble/lottery style battle royal) and not an entire match write-up. 2. Events will be taking place on a ~6 week basis, unless things change. I find that every month leads to a lot of pointless/repetitive matches that water down events as a whole. The plus side to this is it allows for more meaningful title matches on the TV show, more space/time to let storylines play out, and more gravitas to the event matches. I like to stay in the confides of the game as much as possible, and so with BOW currently airing both television and events on the internet subscription based GBTV Sport, I'm not 'convincing' fans to purchase a specific pay-per-view, giving me leeway with events, at least until BOW moves to a pay-per-view broadcaster for their events, if they do. Apologies for the long text with little structure to it, I was writing things as they came to me that I felt pertinent to explain. I like seeing behind the curtain in diaries in terms of both the game world database set up and the writer's intentions, it adds to the interest in a diary for me personally. Of course most, if not all, of the above is adaptable and open to change as the game progresses, it may be that Dunton Hall / I am forced to shake things up.
  7. British Omega Wrestling Night Of Wrestling #1 Wednesday Week 1 February 2020 London, Southern England, British Isles The show opens with Dunton Hall stood in the ring. Dunton Hall: Here in Britain, the weekends are dominated by football, the summer is reserved for Wimbledon, and now, Wednesday belongs to wrestling. Welcome to the first ever episode of Night Of Wrestling! We have a lot going on tonight, our new World champion Stevie Stoat is in action, Thea Davis and Viper McKenna go head-to-head, and in our main event, The Shooters will face Glen Ward and Gavin Owen in the first match of a tournament to crown the inaugural BOW Tag Team champions! And what’s more- Before Dunton can finish, the entrance theme of Stevie Stoat kicks into action, with the new BOW World champion stepping out onto the entrance ramp. The first thing noticeable about Stoat is the elegant, shimmering gold World championship belt draped over his shoulder. The second is that he is clad in a new leather jacket, his usual dour stare concealed by a pair of black sunglasses. The third notable aspect of Stoat’s entrance is the fact that he’s not alone, with The Assassins’ Guild members Louie Peyton and Stefan Raynor walking either side of him, dressed in matching attire. Having collected a microphone from a stagehand during his entrance, Stoat stands toe to toe with his boss in the middle of the ring, still flanked by Peyton and Raynor. Stevie Stoat: What do you think you’re doing?! Who do you think you are?! Coming out here and opening my show! See this belt on my shoulder? It means that I am this show. You had better learn darn quick that I’m the man who runs this place, you’re just the one signing the cheques. Now get the hell out of my ring! Stoat snatches Hall’s microphone from him and tosses it to the canvas. The BOW Owner initially looks like he wants to stand up to Stoat, but when the champion leans in and his cohorts step closer, Hall thinks better and reluctantly leaves the ring as the crowd boos the nefarious champion. Stevie Stoat: That’s right, you keep walking. The fact you’ve booked me on free TV is bad enough, but the fact that I’m not even in the main event is a travesty! So I’m not gonna wait around in this hell hole for a second longer. My match starts now. Stoat throws down his microphone in a rage and turns his attention to the entrance ramp. Martin Bloydell: Good evening folks, and what an explosive start to the debut episode of Night Of Wrestling! Our new World champion Stevie Stoat getting in the face of Dunton Hall and, slighted by the fact that he’s not in the main event, demands that his match start the show! Melanie Florence: I think slighted is an understatement Martin, and he wasn’t just annoyed about not main eventing the show, he was furious about the fact that he even has to wrestle at all. Martin Bloydell: His opponent Jason Dempsey making his way to the ring now, and he’s got to be a little put out of place, this match wasn’t scheduled to be until the middle of the show. Melanie Florence: Yeah, but Dempsey is a tenacious scrapper, he’s always up for a fight. And having won the first ever BOW match following his victory at Reckless Abandon, he now has the opportunity to win the first ever match on Night Of Wrestling, against the World champion no less! Jackie Goldstein: Ladies and gentlemen, your opening match scheduled for one fall, with a twenty-minute time limit. Introducing first, making his way to the ring, Jason Dempsey. Jason Dempsey climbs into the ring, as The Assassins’ Guild depart to the ringside area after a final few words with their leader. Jackie Goldstein: And his opponent, already in the ring, he is the new British Omega Wrestling World champion, Stevie Stoat! Match One: Jason Dempsey vs BOW World Champion Stevie Stoat (w/ Louie Peyton and Stefan Raynor) An exciting first bout for the new BOW television show, with both men fresh off a win at BOW’s debut event. They looked to keep the early momentum of the company’s first weekly outing going by engaging in a hot brawl, but sadly Stevie Stoat showed a fair few signs of age beginning to catch up with him, proving his Reckless Abandon outing may have been a one off for the veteran, justifying 21CW’s decision to cut him from their company last year and signalling this is the beginning of a final hurrah for the career heel. Dempsey meanwhile is enjoying the biggest platform of his career and puts on another solid outing and he’s quickly shaping up to be an important mid-carder for the fledgling promotion. In a surprising plot to the proceedings, neither Peyton nor Raynor on the outside factored into the action much, instead allowing the bout to be about the competitors in the ring. Perhaps the focus was to show off Stoat as a legitimate wrestler, not requiring the interference of his lackeys at every turn. In that sense it paid off, and Stoat put an end to Dempsey’s spirited performance with a Super Kick for the win after 10 minutes. Winner: Stevie Stoat via pinfall. Immediately after the bell rings, The Assassins’ Guild re-join Stoat in the ring, one handing him his championship belt, the other passing him a microphone. Stevie Stoat: Cut my music. Alright, now that’s done with, let’s get down to the real business. I’ve heard talk in the back that some people aren’t too happy with my win at Reckless Abandon. Now, I would be offended, but frankly I don’t give a [expletive] about what people think of me. I am the World champion, I run this place. Stefan and Louie here, they recognise my greatness. Which is why they volunteered to be my problem solvers. They are going to handle all whatever little nuisances arise while I focus on keeping this belt where it belongs, around my waist. Anyone who wants to cross us, give it your best shot. But it doesn’t matter who you are or what you try, because if you cross the three of us, you get smoked out. The crowd raise their hands in the air to the boos of the crowd, when they are interrupted by a sea shanty blasting out of the sound system. The trio turn their gaze to the entrance ramp, where a man saunters out onto the stage, microphone in hand. Jackie Goldstein: That’s Hugh de Aske! Melanie Florence: The Dread Pirate from Belgium is here in British Omega Wrestling! Martin Bloydell: And he’s headed straight for the champion! Hugh de Aske rolls into the ring, unafraid of confronting the champion and his cohorts. Hugh de Aske: Ahoy! The crowd shout ‘ahoy’ back at the newcomer. Hugh de Aske: Ahoy! The crowd return the cry. Hugh de Aske: Ahhhoyyyy! The crowd give out the chant once again, but before Hugh de Aske can respond, Stoat interrupts. Stevie Stoat: Who the hell are you?! Hugh de Aske: I’m Hugh de Aske, b*tch. There is a breezy 'woah' from the crowd at de Aske's vigour. Martin Bloydell: Did he just call the champion a female dog?! Melanie Florence: No. He called him a b*tch! Jackie Goldstein: And I’m here for it! Hugh de Aske: You see matey, being the Dread Pirate, I spend a lot of time sailing the Seven Seas. And while out at sea, I like to keep lookout on what’s going on in the wrestling world. Particularly in the lands of my ancestors. That’s how I found BOW. I saw Reckless Abandon and bucko, what a show it was! Watching the action, I says to myself that I want to be a part of this show. That was until the main event. I was really looking forward to the main event. ‘Pride O’ Britain’ Nate Manchester versus ‘The Smasher’ Stevie Stoat! Only, Stevie Stoat didn’t show up. Instead, an imposter bilge rat was in his place. Sure, the face was the same, well maybe a bit older, a bit fatter, but the man I saw was not Stevie Stoat the scourge of the seven seas I once admired. It wasn’t Stevie Stoat, ‘The Smasher’, it was Stevie Stoat, the rapscallion. Stevie Stoat the landlubber. Stevie Stoat the scallywag! The crowd join in on the fun, repeatedly chanting ‘Scallywag’ at an irate Stoat. Hugh de Aske: Of course, with Stevie Stoat the scallywag nothing was above board. Because Stevie Stoat the scallywag had recruited himself a couple of swabs! And so, for Stevie Stoat the scoundrel and his two new swabs, it was all hands-on deck with their nefarious plan to steal the treasure. de Aske pauses to point at the World title. Hugh de Aske: That treasure. The crowd boos at being reminded of Stoat’s underhanded victory to win the belt. Hugh de Aske: Now being a pirate, I can appreciate the dedication to getting your hands on the loot. But being a pirate, I can smell opportunity when it arises in the crisp, saltwater air. And with Stevie Stoat the scallywag posing as Stevie Stoat ‘The Smasher’, I smell the chance to claim the treasure he holds. Stevie Stoat: Let me get this straight, you want a shot at my title? Hugh nods. Stevie Stoat: No-one just gets a shot at this title. But this is the prime example of what I was talking about earlier. You can have a shot at this title, sure, but only if you beat Louie Peyton here next week. Because as I said, Peyton and Raynor, they’re here to deal with pesky little problems that I don’t have time for. Problems like you. Hugh de Aske: Oh I am a problem for you scallywag. A big problem. Hugh de Aske throws the microphone at the feet of the World champion. Melanie Florence: Wow, what an arrival! Hugh de Aske’s sea shanty plays once more as he exits the ring to an abundance of cheers. Martin Bloydell: Hugh de Aske with a huge opportunity next week as he faces Louie Peyton for the right to challenge Stoat for the World title. Melanie Florence: And also a chance for Peyton to prove his worth to his leader by eliminating the threat! Martin Bloydell: It sure is. Now during all that hostility, Jackie has managed to sneak to the backstage area, where he is standing with Viper McKenna ahead of her match with Thea Davis. Jackie Goldstein is stood aside the stoic Viper McKenna, her scowl a complete contradiction to the cheery demeanour of the young ring announcer. Jackie Goldstein: Viper, tonight you face Thea Davis one on one in what many consider to be a clash of the two best British women’s wrestlers. How are you feeling heading into the match? Viper McKenna: Let me be clear Jackie, we may be the two best that Britain has to offer, but only one of us is the best. That one is me. It’s not even close. Thea Davis may be the best one day, but that day will only come when I hand it to her by calling it a day. Unfortunately for her, I don’t plan on hanging up these boots anytime soon. So Thea I suggest you stop people from mentioning your name alongside Viper McKenna, because it’s pissing me off. And tonight, I’m going to take that frustration out on you. McKenna storms off before Jackie Goldstein can respond. Martin Bloydell: Tense words from Viper McKenna there Melanie, and one must think- The live feed cuts out to static, before returning in a greyscale filter to what looks to be the derelict, concrete staircase of an abandoned warehouse. Sat on one of the steps is Night Spyder, his cold glare looking directly into the camera. Behind him the long, fishnet stocking covered legs of Laurel Wreath begin to bend until she is crouching beside him, her hand resting on his shoulder. She leans in and whispers something in his ear. Once she finishes, she bites his ear lobe, before also turning to face the camera. Night Spyder: The careers of the Irish Daredevil and the Gothic Stalker, intertwined for eternity. Both men pushing each other far beyond the limits of normal men, bathing in each other’s blood as they take residence in the deepest, darkest realms of their own twisted minds to punish each other in ways that sicken those of a normal disposition. And then in a surprising twist of fate an unholy union arose from the tendrils of violence. A newfound mutual respect led to the forging of an alliance. And success in this mind’s eye went from destroying you, to empowering you. Such a shame that empowerment went unreciprocated. Instead, all that siding with you brought me was seeing you be presented with unearned opportunities from beside you rather than opposite you. When we were shades of light and dark, your undeserved successes fuelled the fiery rage within me. But as your partner I thought things would be different, I thought you would make me rise with you. More fool the stalker who doesn’t fully appreciate his muse. Seeing you presented with the opportunity to come to this new house and shape it in your design, that was the final straw. From foe to friend, and full circle we come once again. This time I do not allow you this opportunity Matthew Macks. The Devil on my shoulder has whispered so softly into my ear. She wants me to take this opportunity from you. For this time, it shall be mine. The feed turns to static once again before returning to the arena. Match Two: JK Lee vs Bali Daljit Both Lee and Daljit were looking to rebound from their disappointing night at Reckless Abandon, with JK Lee coming close to winning the battle royal and Daljit bested by Walker van Cleer. Lee was quickest out of the gate here, controlling the pace of the match by keeping Bali grounded, stopping him from using his speed to gain a foothold in the combat. Eventually Daljit was able to hit a snap suplex by countering Lee’s own attempt at the same move, allowing him to up the ante as the crowd began to rally behind him. A nice-looking springboard dropkick impressed the audience, and Dali found himself in full control of the match. Lee used the rulebook to frustrate Bali and the fans, halting his opponent’s momentum on several instances by rolling out of the ring or protecting himself within the out of bounds confines of the ring ropes. An irate Daljit was suckered in, taking the bait as he tried to pull JK Lee back into the ring from the apron. Lee countered with a northern lights suplex, and once again cooled the tempo of the bout to his methodical approach. An attempt to lock in his Crossface gave Daljit the opening to reverse and start one final burst of energy, hitting Lee with a flurry of strikes before landing a neck breaker and heading to the top rope. He jumped off for his Shooting Star Press, but mirroring Reckless Abandon, JK Lee was able to avoid the impact and instead locked in his Crossface, leaving Daljit with no choice but to submit after a 10 minute match that got the crowd buzzing. Winner: JK Lee via submission. Martin Bloydell: A huge win for JK Lee here tonight, forcing Daljit to tap out to his signature Crossface. Melanie Florence: With a win like that, Lee has thrust himself into the limelight here in BOW and must be excited about his prospects moving forward. JK Lee walks the entrance ramp, arm aloft in victory, when suddenly his music is cut in favour of Gram Gorman’s. Gorman marches to the ring, his typical no-nonsense expression and almost trademark lack of smile. He crosses JK Lee, who’s body language shows how irate he is at having his celebration cut short. The two exchange a tense stare before Gorman continues. Martin Bloydell: A stand off between Lee and Gorman there between matches, I wonder what Gorman’s intention was here, interrupting Lee after his victory. Melanie Florence: I’m not sure Martin, maybe production is trying to speed things up and get back to the anticipated timeline after Stoat’s enforced last-minute change to the schedule earlier tonight? Martin Bloydell: Who knows Melanie, but looking at Lee, he’s certainly taking offence to the perceived lack of respect. Match Three: Gram Gorman vs Jermaine Granger Though not an entirely one-sided affair, Gram Gorman dominated much of this match, his experience and versatility being too much for the rookie Granger to handle. The youngster did get to show flashes of his potential, rocking his competition with impressive looking dropkicks and rolling him with a few compact back suplexes. The resilient Gorman withstood the spurts of pressure every time, putting Granger through a baptism of fire with an array of stiff chops and headbutts that left Granger’s chest covered in swaths of bruises. A muscle buster positioned Granger perfectly for Gorman to climb the turnbuckle and hit his Gorman-Aghast twisting senton for the win. Winner: Gram Gorman via pinfall. Martin Bloydell: Another day at the office for Gorman here tonight, barely cracking a smile as referee Humphrey Woolsey raises his arm in victory. Melanie Florence is heading backstage to speak with Royal Air Force, but before that let’s look back at the outcome of the all-important World championship match at Reckless Abandon. Martin Bloydell and Jackie Goldstein run through a recap video of the match between Nate Manchester and Stevie Stoat, particularly the finish in which The Assassins’ Guild team of Stefan Raynor and Louie Peyton cost Manchester the match, while disguised as Royal Air Force. Melanie Florence: Jon, Martin, you’ve requested this time to discuss the actions of The Assassins’ Guild at the end of Reckless Abandon, in which they helped Stevie Stoat defeat your close friend Nate Manchester in the world title match. What exactly do you want to say? Jon Michael Sharp: I’ll get right to the point Mel, we’re angry. We are angry and so is Nate. Angry that The Assassins’ Guild were able to jump us, steal the clothes off our backs and trick the world into thinking that we would ever betray our friend. And now, thanks to them, a coward wears the crown! Martin Heath: We aren’t for hire like Peyton and Raynor, our loyalty runs much deeper than to serve the highest bidder. Alongside Manchester we are the Three Lions, our bond is our pack. And when Nate returns next week, we begin our hunt for vengeance… In another area backstage, Clubber Kohl breaths heavily, his mouth practically foaming as his unblinking eyes stare right down the camera lens. Beside him Eva Berlin grimaces as if chewing a wasp. Eva Berlin: I must keep the War Dog on a short leash. Not for my safety, but for everyone else’s. He is an angry beast, wildly violent when given the chance. Right now, he is angrier, hungrier, and more violent than ever. I guarantee that no-one is safe, because when Kohl is angry, you should be afraid. Especially as I just let him off the leash. Kohl lunges out, screaming in rage as he swipes at the camera, sending it to the floor and the feed is lost. Jackie Goldstein: Wow a lot to unpack there! Martin Bloydell: First Royal Air Force promise vengeance, and then Eva Berlin promises violence at the hands of a very angry Clubber Kohl. Jackie Goldstein: Things sure are heating up in BOW, and I would hate to be the man who stands in the way of the War Dog! Martin Bloydell: I completely agree Jackie, but it’s time for you to go and introduce the next match, starting with the man who was able to beat Kohl at Reckless Abandon, Landon Mallory. Match 4: Landon Mallory vs Colin Picalo The second match of the night to descend into a chaotic brawl, this match proved to be the bout of the night yet, as Mallory, who is quickly becoming an important figure in this company, took on Colin Picalo, a man whose toughness is perhaps overlooked due to his small stature. Despite preconceptions, the Norwich-born Hooligan is a former amateur boxer, and those skills came in good stead for him in this exchange of hard shots. This match wasn’t a technical affair, but instead earned its plaudits through both competitors willing to wallop and welt one another. Picalo opted to focus his shots on the midsection of the taller Mallory, targeting his ribs to cut him down to size. After equalling the height problem, Picalo offered a stiff elbow to the side of the Springbok’s head that left him dazed. You got the sense that one final strike for Picalo could be the difference maker, but that final blow eluded him, as Mallory fought back into the match through sheer will to land his Springbok Ram headbutt for the pinfall. This was a brilliant match for the company in their short tenure, with the Reckless Abandon World title match being the only one better so far. And even then, it’s a tight call. Winner: Landon Mallory via pinfall. Jackie Goldstein: Mallory with his second victory here in BOW, remaining undefeated in his early career here. Martin Bloydell: It wasn’t easy by any means, but he showed his determination to grind out the result against a dogged Colin Picalo tonight. As Landon Mallory celebrates on the top rope, he stops raising his arm aloft to move his hands round his waist, motioning the placement of a title belt. Melanie Florence: Wow, Mallory not being shy about his intentions here. If we needed any indication as to what Mallory is aiming for, well this couldn’t have been clearer! In the backstage area Walker van Cleer watches Mallory’s celebration on a monitor. He shakes his head with disproval before walking away. A complete contrast to the dark and dreary stairwell inhabited by Night Spyder and Laurel Wreath earlier, this time a room pure in church white appears on screen. In the middle of the room stands a man, his back to the camera. He stands straight and tall, wearing a crisp white suit, with long, platinum hair draping over his shoulders. ???: Darkness rears its head from the breast of evil from which it feeds, to seep through from the crevices of the underworld in order to poison our own. Jealousy doth madden the minds of men, but when it manages to claim a soul already as tainted as yours be, it threatens to unleash a demon. I see you Night Spyder. The man turns to face the camera, his face half covered in a pure-white, phantom-of-the-opera-esque mask. He is Brilliant White. Brilliant White: And it is my job to stop you. Next week, I blind the darkness with the light. Martin Bloydell: Folks I am joined at this time by Thea Davis, who will face Viper McKenna in just a few moments time. Thea, earlier tonight we heard from McKenna, what do you think about what she had to say? Thea Davis: Well Martin, let me start of by saying she’s right. Me and her are the two best women in British wrestling today. But she’s wrong to think that I am a distant second. If that’s what she thinks, then she’s in for a shock later tonight. Viper you say people need to stop mentioning my name alongside yours. Well tonight after I beat you, they will only be saying one name. Mine. Davis walks off, energised for her upcoming match. Martin Bloydell: Thea Davis there, ready for her upcoming match, I’ll meet you back at the broadcast desk- ???: Excuse me just one second. A bald man dressed in a sharp suit walks into the frame. He points to the microphone in Bloydell’s hand. ???: Can I borrow that if you would be so kind? A tentative Martin Bloydell hands his microphone over to the man. ???: Yeah, you can go now. The man pushes Martin Bloydell out of the shot. Fink Finkleton: or those of you who don’t know me, my name is Fink Finkleton. Modest as I may be, some people like to call me the slick savant. An astute businessman with a nose that can sniff out opportunity from a mile away, I have come to BOW because unlike all the other talentless hacks around these parts I know potential when I see it. And at Reckless Abandon, I saw great potential in not one, but two men, two great wrestlers. So I offered them my services. And now here I am. Boys, why don’t you come and join me? Finkleton is joined by Pavel Vanzycha and Nigel Svensson by his side. Fink Finkleton: Meet the newest tag team who, under my guidance, will dominate the BOW tag team division for as long as we want. Starting next week. Jackie Goldstein: Things in BOW getting hotter by the second! Martin Bloydell: Yeah, it’s just a shame that jerk had to show up and spoil it all at the end there. Melanie Florence: Jerk? It looked like you had made a new friend from where I’m sitting. Martin Bloydell: Oh please. Anyway, let’s not dwell on the arrival of Finkleton, because up next we have the highly anticipated match between the two best that Britain have to offer, as Viper McKenna and Thea Davis go one on one! Match Five: Thea Davis vs Viper McKenna Unfortunately for all the hype in the build up to this match, the two women failed to deliver a performance beyond distinctly average. Perhaps misguided in an attempt to highlight on the storytelling of their important encounter, focusing on the in-ring action may have yielded better results. Matters weren’t helped by the fact that Viper McKenna is well past her prime at this late stage of her career, and despite her saying otherwise earlier in the night, retirement may well be a reality sooner rather than later. Still, there was a few good moments in this match, and Davis’ match winning Flying Elbow Drop will always be a thing of beauty, regardless of how non-descript the action that came before it might be. Her victory was the right choice here, as she is undoubtedly the premier babyface of this fledgling women’s division. Matches against her career rivals in Zofia Jankovic and Karen Bilous will do more to earn her the adulation of fans though. Winner: Thea Davis by pinfall. Martin Bloydell: Thea Davis with an important victory here tonight, giving her the bragging rights over McKenna. Jackie Goldstein: Davis may have won tonight, but don’t think for a second that The Viper is going to take this defeat well, I’d hate to be in her sights after this setback. Mo Adebola stands backstage with his two clients, The Northern Lights, stood either side of him. Mo Adebola: At Reckless Abandon, under my instruction, my clients Alton and Riddick here, they attacked Eric Future and Petey Barnes. Why did I tell them to do this? To prove that they could. Not to me, I already knew what they were capable of. I wouldn’t represent them if I didn’t. They attacked Future X to show you all what they can do. So that when I stand here and tell you how they are violent offenders who enjoy little more than desecrating the ring mat with the blood of their enemies, defiling the arena with their merciless brutality, and decimating their opponents without remorse, you believe me. The Northern Lights destroy their opponents because they can. They will claim the tag team titles because they want to. Dunton Hall sits at a desk in an office backstage. Dunton Hall: Ladies and gentlemen earlier this evening I was due to address you all regarding some substantial proceedings here in British Omega Wrestling. Unfortunately, due to the actions of the BOW World champion Stevie Stoat I was unable to conduct this announcement. So I want to take the time now to inform you about the upcoming BOW Tag Team Championship tournament. Eight teams will compete in an elimination tournament, with the finals of this tournament taking place on the second Saturday of March, at our next premier event, For Whom The Bell Tolls. Furthermore, this will not be the only championship introduced at the event. When I founded BOW, I promised that this would be a wrestling promotion for wrestling fans. And as such, I believe we need a championship that honours good, pure wrestling. So at For Whom The Bell Tolls there will be a four-way, one fall match for the new British Omega Wrestling Honour championship. After his victory in the ‘Showcase’ battle royal, Konrad Makinen has earned a spot in this match. So too have Merle O’Curle and Padraig O’Hearne for their victories at the same event. These three men will compete for the pride of being crowned the first ever Honour champion thanks to the strength they showed during their matches. But there are many ways to show Honour, not just strength, but also resilience. A man can prove how honourable he is by overcoming adversity, by getting back up to fight after being knocked down. So the fourth challenger will be decided next week in a second chance for the men beaten by O’Curle and O’Hearne at Reckless Abandon, Christian Blithe and Lenny Mochin. Now, best of luck to both The Shooters and Ward and Owen, may the best team win. Martin Bloydell: A huge announcement from Dunton Hall there! Melanie Florence: And what a match that will be at Reckless Abandon! Merle O’Curle, Konrad Makinen and Padraig O’Hearne are all tremendous wrestlers, as are both Blithe and Mochin. Whoever raises that title will make a fine first champion. Jackie Goldstein: Don’t forget about the Tag Team Championships too, and could one of these two teams be in the running to lift those titles at For Whom The Bell Tolls? Match Six: BOW Tag Team Championship Tournament Quarter Finals: The Shooters vs Ward & Owen Save the best ‘til last, as the old adage goes. Many will argue this was the case for BOW tonight, with the tag team main event being a great bout to close out the show. If you asked 100 fans which was better, this or the Mallory vs Picalo match earlier tonight, the split would be 50-50. Throw the Stevie Stoat and Nate Manchester Reckless Abandon title match into the mix for the best BOW match of their short history, and it will be 33 votes apiece with one smart man who refuses to choose. One thing all will agree on is that this one was by far the best from a technical point of view. The Shooters were great technicians when they were last a team a decade ago, now they are brilliant ones. Ward and Owen both have legitimate credentials in judo, and their stature (or rather lack thereof) is not befitting of their ability between the ropes. They certainly looked to prove as such tonight, taking the early advantage in this bout by overpowering Billy Robinson with slick throws and quick tags, cutting down the ROF alumni as soon as he showed signs of fighting back. Dunton Hall spoke about resilience before this match, and it was Robinson’s ability to display such a feat that allowed the tides to turn in this competition, evading a leg sweep from Gavin Owen to tag in his partner. Henderson took down both his opponents with shoulder blocks before creating division amongst them when he threw Ward from the ring and locked Owen in his Scottish Deathlock. Right at the second Owen looked like he would tap, Ward regained his composure to break the hold and regain the advantage for the heel duo. They even managed to lock the Scot in a web of submissions, Ward with his Judo Choke-Sleeper and Owen with a leglock, but Donny boy was close enough to desperately grab a fistful of rope to force them to break the hold. Not only did this give him hope, but the crowd too, who were eating up the action at this point. A spirited fight back from Henderson and a second hot tag of the night allowed Robinson to re-enter the match, bringing the house down as he did so. Sending Ward over the top rope with a clothesline, he caught Owen and locked in the Capital City Crucifix, earning huge cheers from the capital city crowd. With the excruciating hold cinched in, dead centre of the ring, Owen tapped out and The Shooters advance to the semi-finals. Winners: The Shooters via submission. Martin Bloydell: The Shooters win, The Shooters win! They are the first team to qualify for the semi-finals, but who awaits them? The tournament brackets appear on the entrance screen as The Shooters celebrate their victory in front of the crowd as the broadcast ends.
  8. Francis Burke v Lucas Pobb The Party People (Cody Cook & Toasty Bonnar) & Fuzzy Freeman v Sturt's Three Henchmen (Henchman #1, Henchman #2 & Henchman #3) YEPW Tag Team Titles Sturt & Snorefesst v Dick & Morty (Felix Harding & Mortimer Pyle) 3 Way Elimination match to become number 1 contender for the YEPW Australian Title Australian Devil v Lone Rider v Quick Silver
  9. "The Real Angel Of The North" Nate Manchester vs Rhys Vali Grant Taypen vs Dwayne Dark Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne "The Springbok" Landon Mallory vs Brilliant White Non-Title Contest: Leighton Buzzard vs Edison Silva
  10. BOW Night Of Wrestling #1: Match Card: Jason Dempsey vs BOW World Champion Stevie Stoat non-title match BOW Tag Team Championship Tournament Quarter-Final: The Shooters vs Ward & Owen Landon Mallory vs Colin Picalo Thea Davis vs Viper McKenna Bali Daljit vs JK Lee Gram Gorman vs Jermaine Granger
  11. Cain Carlile vs Rhys Vali Dangermouth vs Bret Heartbreak Taypen & Buzzard vs The Northern Lights Landon Mallory vs ??? NWF Cruiserweight Title Match: Welsh Dragon (C) vs Martin Heath
  12. The luck of the Irish was in full force as all three won their matches! A young, talented and handsome wrestler, I am sure there's gold in the future for Blithe don't you worry about that! Embarrassingly, while writing these replies I realised I incorrectly referred to Blithe as Australian, when he's in fact from New Zealand. I'll be sure to have the commentary correct the record moving forward. Sadly, I think you were mistaking Walker van Cleer with EWA's Frank Van Heer. If it's any consolation, I don't think you were the only one to do so. I'll cover this in a bit more detail in another post, but I've started with a flat 50 across the entire British Isles to start with. I know this is probably a hugely unpopular opinion within the fandom of the TEW series, but I am just not a fan of ZEN in the slightest. To be honest I can't even put my finger on why - if it existed in real life I can imagine having a lot of laughs watching it on YouTube or something. APW and DIW are my Australian TEW companies, and I like Milton Hittlespitz as a babyface for a hardcore division. That said, Dastardly is a talented worker for sure. This made me laugh out loud Thanks for your comments, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Charasmatic Enigma's NWF is turning out to be a really fun diary to follow, and I can see both a lot of similarities and differences already. Not bad at all - first shows are probably the hardest to predict, particularly of new companies! I'm worried it will be too predictable moving forward. Thank you, glad you liked it! Thank you, glad you enjoyed. You're right about the large roster, but again a 'behind the curtain' explainer type post should give more understanding of why that is.
  13. Here are the prediction results: @Charasmatic Enigma- 9/11 @John Lions- 9/11 @DAVEFAN95- 8/11 @willr0ck- 7/11 @KyTeran- 6/11 @smw88- 6/11 @HiPlus- 5/11 Congratulations to our joint victors, I'll DM you with your prize (of sorts) in the near future. Please don't get excited about it! Overall I'm really glad with the numbers you all managed to get, I think it was a good reflection of a show that was not too predictable but also honoured the knowledge you all had of C-Verse lore (except Will, who got very lucky with his guesses!) Thanks to everyone for participating, the scores will now reset. I enjoyed reading all your comments and I'll be addressing lots of things that were asked/discussed in them in a future post, where I'm looking to 'peel back the curtain' and explain how I've set up the game world, the company, etc. The match card for the debut episode of Night Of Wrestling should be available this weekend.
  14. Having been a bit late to the party in catching up on this, I'd been waiting for an opportunity to jump in on the predictions, and though I won't win this series, the PPV seems like the perfect place! NWF British Tag Team Titles: Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne Landon Mallory vs Joey Beauchamp NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon vs Brilliant White Dangermouth vs ??? NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Nate Manchester vs Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola Additional Question: Going forwards would you like predictions for weekly TV shows, or just "special presentations" (Events)? I like reading the predictions every show, but could potentially move through the shows more quickly without them. I don't mind either way, so happy to go with the majority. A. I like predicting weekly TV, leave it as is B. I'd prefer to just pick the monthly events C. I don't mind either way (Optional) Bonus question: What sign would you bring to the show? My MP doesn't answer me either
  15. British Omega Wrestling Reckless Abandon Saturday Week 4 January 2020 London, Southern England, British Isles The show opens with a crowd of 2,805 in the London based venue being treated to an extravagant pyrotechnic display atop the entrance ramp as the broadcast team speak over the popping and pow-ing of the colourful spectacle. Martin Bloydell: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to BOW! I’m Martin Bloydell and joining me is the infallible Melanie Florence and gregarious Jackie Goldstein, but we’re going to head straight to the ring where we are joined by the British Omega Wrestling founder and owner, Dunton Hall. As the smoke from the now finished fireworks begins to dissipate across the arena, the camera pans across to the ring, where Dunton Hall stands in the middle of the squared circle, microphone in hand. Accompanying him are three men, instantly recognisable to fans of British wrestling as a trio of retired ring-warriors, British Samurai, Leo Price and UK Dragon. Dunton Hall: To each of you sat in this arena, and to everyone watching at home, thank you. Thank you for joining us tonight as we make history. Thank you for making this a reality. None of this would be possible without you. The crowd, red hot with anticipation, breaks out into a ‘Thank you Dunton’ chant. No, no, please. It may be my name over the door, but I am simply a custodian. British Omega Wrestling does not belong to me, it belongs to each and every one of you! Another cheer erupts from the crowd, before giving way to a new chant: B-O-W, B-O-W. Hall gives a brief pause to allow the fans room to express their joy, before continuing. Boy, we haven’t even got started yet. But that’s the joy of wrestling, and the great fans that love this sport. We do things our own way. That’s what being Omega is all about, walking our own path, living by our own rules despite what the world thinks of us. So, walk with me, down this new path that we are forging together, and let’s make history, and let’s do it with reckless abandon! The gusto of Hall’s speech causes the fans to vocalise their approval once again, and he and his entourage of British wrestling legends depart the ring, acknowledging the fans with claps, high fives and handshakes as they leave. Match One: Colin Picalo vs Jason Dempsey Both men make their way to the ring through the cheers of a raucous crowd who are admittedly more invested in the hype of the event than the competitors themselves. Jackie Goldstein performed the ring introductions for both competitors, and it looks like he’s being trusted to perform double duty for BOW by both announcing the wrestlers and calling the matches. The duo stands across the ring from one another, and the audience’s anticipation reaches boiling point, causing silence to befall the arena as the bell rings. A momentary pause amplifies the tension, before both men charge at each other, colliding in the centre of the ring, both throwing numerous punches at one another, completely disregarding defensive wrestling which sends the audience into rapture. The rest of the match itself, though not bad, is nothing spectacular, but that opening fist fight and the reaction it generated is a moment that will surely live with both men for the rest of their lives. The two went at it for the better part of eight minutes, with the contest best described as a brawl that would be decided by who could land the hardest hit. The action spilled to the outside of the ring at one point, where Picalo shoved Dempsey face first into the ring post, which was squared off rather than being a cylindrical structure as is typical of most ring set-ups in this modern era. Dempsey responded by sending Picalo careening into the steel steps. Once the action returned to the ring Jason Dempsey was able to etch his name into the history books by scoring the first ever win in BOW by pinning Picalo following a Face Waffle. Winner: Jason Dempsey via pinfall. Jackie Goldstein: Congratulations to Jason Dempsey for winning the first ever match in BOW. Melanie Florence: And hats off to Picalo for his performance too, if both men keep that up then they’ll have a bright future here, that’s for sure. Only time will tell Melanie, but there’s no time to reflect as up next we have some tag team action, over to Jackie for the introductions. The tag team known as Future X, consisting of Eric Future and Petey Barnes, make their way to the ring, being one of the more recognisable acts of the card due to their time in Ring Of Fire and in Europe with EWA. As Goldstein attempts to introduce their opponents, he is cut off by said opponents as they walk out onto the entrance stage, microphones in their hands. Roberto Milano: Can I get a spotlight please? Gianfranco Morelli: Yeah dim the lights on all the uggos out there, because The Fashionistas have arrived baby. That’s right honey. You are all lucky to be witnessing live and in person the bodacious- Mmhmm. Flirtatious- Mmhmm. Catwalk connoisseurs. Now shut up while we give you what you paid for as we strut- Our- Stuff. Roberto Milano struts down the ramp as if it were a catwalk. He pauses to exaggeratedly pose throughout his walk while Morelli provides support by offering a few oohs and ahh’s in the background. When it’s Gianfranco Morelli’s turn to perform his theatrical walk, Roberto Milano chases back up the ramp to repeat his strut. The two men take turns performing numerous over-the-top walks of the ramp-cum-catwalk as the crowd vocalise their disproval of the duo. Is it me or are they really bad at this? Oh God yes. Eventually the pair stop their impromptu fashion show to get into the ring and the match can finally begin. Match Two: Future X (Eric Future and Petey Barnes) vs The Fashionistas (Gianfranco Morelli and Roberto Milano) This match was perhaps the complete antithesis of the one that came before it, as the focus here was on the story being told in the ring. Future X played the role of babyfaces well, though it was an easy task given the pompous antics of The Fashionistas antagonising the crowd. Ultimately the heels were their own undoing, forgoing any advantage they took in the combat to pose and flatter one another. In the typical tag team match trope, a hot tag from Eric Future gave Petey Barnes entry to the ring to take out both washed-up, delusional ‘models’ before combining with Future to hit the Future Shock on Gianfranco Morelli and score the 1-2-3. Winners: Future X via pinfall. Thank goodness for that. They must be unbearable during London Fashion Week. I think I’ll avoid the entire city that week. Can’t say I blame you. Still, it was an impressive victory for Future X, who- Bloydell stops mid-sentence as Future X’s in-ring celebration is cut short by two figures sliding into the ring behind them, clubbing the pair down with a forceful attack. That- That’s The Northern Lights! What are they doing here?! Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan continue their unsanctioned assault on Future and Barnes. As they land their finishing manoeuvre the Lights Out on Petey Barnes, they are joined by a suited and booted third man, Mo Adebola. He raises the hands of both men as Vicious looks down on his prey, his mouth foaming in rage, while a brash Riddick Jordan grins directly into the camera before offering an audacious wink as boos rain down on the nefarious duo. A shameful attack by The Northern Lights on Future X after their backs were turned, and no doubt orchestrated by that weasel Mo Adebola! But Melanie, as lamentable as their actions were, they have certainly made an impact. And although he’s a snake, you’ve got to think that being represented by Adebola will lead to big things for the team, his credentials as a lawyer are second to none. Up next we return to singles action, as Bali Daljit goes one on one with Walker van Cleer. Match Three: Bali Daljit vs Walker van Cleer The contrast of styles led to an good bout here, with the technical-infused high-flying hybrid of Bali Daljit opposed by Walker van Cleer’s varied, methodical approach. It was an interesting dynamic which resulted in the best match of the night so far. With both men having years of regular work behind them, Daljit with SNP in Scotland, and van Cleer being the current VWA European champion, they had a lot of experience in working in front of an audience. In fact, it was nice to hear the commentary trio acknowledge van Cleer’s four reigns with the Victory Wrestling Association belt, proving Dunton Hall’s ethos of acknowledging wrestling companies outside of his own. Going for ten and a half minutes, the finish came with Walker van Cleer rolling out of the way of Bali Daljit’s impressive looking Shooting Star Press, only to climb the turnbuckle himself and hit his High Elevation Cross Body finisher. Winner: Walker van Cleer via pinfall. A solid win for the Dutchman there, in what was a strong outing for both competitors. Let’s hope wrestling fans across Britain get to see more of Walker moving forward, he’s sure got something special about him. Backstage, entering the arena is the veteran Christopher Lister. He barely makes it a few steps when someone calls out to him, stopping him in his tracks. Jase Cole: Yo Chris. It’s the Australian Sensation, Jase Cole, who dedicated fans will know is the former tag team partner of Lister. How’s it goin’ mate? The two embrace one another with a solid handshake. Christopher Lister: Jase, long time no see. I’m good man, thanks. Dunton Hall invited me to come down and check out the show, how about you? Oh right on, me too bud. Say, what d’ya reckon about getting the old band back together? I’m sure there’s a few more miles left in the tank and together we were practically unstoppable. Lister nods along, clearly considering the idea. Yeah I’ll think about it Jase. I better go and catch up with Dunton, but it’s been great to see you man. The two exchange pleasantries as Lister continues his way into the building. Woah, did we just witness the reformation of The X Force?! Only time will tell Melanie, but from one possible reunited team, to a certain one, as up next Billy Robinson and Don Henderson team together for the first time in almost a decade, as The Shooters return to British wrestling. They sure are an experienced partnership, but they’ll have to shake off the cobwebs and get on the same page fast, as their opponents have been partners for their entire lives! They sure have, as looking to spoil the homecoming for The Shooters is The Foreign Legion tag team, consisting of twin brothers Jacques and Pierre DuPont from France. Match Four: The Shooters (Billy Robinson and Don Henderson) vs The Foreign Legion (Jacques DuPont and Pierre DuPont) Two teams with years of experience and both being proficient in mat wrestling gave a solid technical bout here, with the DuPont twins keeping Billy Robinson separated from his half of the ring and tagging out to Henderson being the bulk of the action. The crowd were eager to see Robinson make the tag to his partner, but The Foreign Legion kept them frustrated, taunting the crowd, who responded in typical British fashion with tongue-in-cheek chants of ‘[Expletive] The French’ and ‘Thank You Brexit’. It was when Robinson finally got to his corner to make the tag that both the crowd and Henderson sprung into action, with the Scot taking out both members of The Foreign Legion as the crowd serenaded him with ‘Donny, Donny boy’ to the tune of the ‘Daddy Cool’ song by Boney M. The match ended after 11 minutes when Pierre DuPont tapped out to Don Henderson’s Scottish Deathlock, the London crowd blissfully ignorant to the irony of being coaxed by the French heels into cheering for a Scotsman. Winners: The Shooters via submission. The Shooters have done it! After ten long years they score the win on their reunion! And boy did they look good in doing so. Let’s hope the fans don’t have to wait as long to see these two team up again as they were right behind them throughout the match. Jackie Goldstein, not content with just performing the ring introductions and calling the matches, has now added backstage reporter to his repertoire, as he joined Nate Manchester for an interview ahead of the Newcastle native’s main event title match later tonight. Nate, how are you feeling ahead of your match tonight? Manchester exhales. Nervous, excited, raring to go. Every emotion humanly possible in all honesty Jack. This is the biggest match of my career, and by a country mile. But more than anything else, I’m feeling determined. Determined to show the world what I am capable of. Determined to prove that I belong in the main event. Determined to make the other place regret ever letting me go and show them what a mistake they made when they underestimated Nate Manchester! But more than anything, I am determined to do this for the fans, to live up to my name as the Pride Of Britain and lift that World Championship above my head for them. By the end of his speech, which grew in passion and volume as it progressed, Manchester is practically panting out of intensity. Wow, have you ever seen Nate Manchester fired up like that before?! That’s the sort of mindset you have to be in heading into these high-profile matches, Melanie! How would you know? Um, so I’ve been told anyway… I see. Well Martin, it may be Manchester vs Stoat for the World championship in the main event later tonight, but up next is a match between two young men who certainly have the potential to be a World champion in the future, as Lenny Mochin takes on Padraig O’Hearne. Match Five: Lenny Mochin vs Padraig O’Hearne In a match that went over 13 minutes, Padraig O’Hearne and Lenny Mochin put on a good, solid bout that showcased both men well, but didn’t quite live up to the hype of being the dark horse contender to steal the show. Each competitor had ample time to display both their styles throughout the match, with Mochin being the grinding technician to O’Hearne’s virtuoso in both mat work and landing hard strikes. We got to explore their characters throughout the bout, both displaying an intense, competitive persona, with Mochin being the ice-cold tactician and O’Hearne an equally focused, no-frills everyman. Their desire to win certainly won over the crowd, and though it wasn’t a five-star classic, the bout showed just enough to prove that both men could be important figures in British wrestling moving forward. The back-and-forth came to a conclusion when O’Hearne was able to wriggle free from Mochin’s Butterfly Powerbomb ‘Eye Of The Storm’ finisher and land his own signature move, the Crowning Glory, for the pinfall. Winner: Padraig O’Hearne via pinfall. A tremendous victory for Padraig O'Hearne there, landing the Crowning Glory to seal the win. Take nothing away from Lenny Mochin though, he put up a good fight, and I’m looking forward to following the careers of both men going forward. Me too Mel, but for now let’s go across to Jackie Goldstein in the ring. Goldstein stands in the ring, microphone in hand. Ladies and gentlemen… …DANGERMOUTH! The focus shifts to the entrance ramp as one of the backing tracks of a hit song from Grime artist “Dangermouth” Darius Moss begins to play over the sound system. Dangermouth makes his way out onto the stage and performs his hit single which contained lots of nods to professional wrestling with lyrics including ‘take man down with a clothesline’, ‘drippin’ in gold like I’m Sam Strong’ and ‘showin’ these ends that rough justice’. His performance is capped off by another buoyant display of pyrotechnics surrounding the musician on the stage. As the fireworks end, leaving the air filled with smoky residue, Dangermouth shows his appreciation to the crowd. Emerging from the fog behind him is Mo Adebola. He catches the attention of the singer by extending his hand out. The crowd quickly flips from cheers to boos as Dangermouth accepts the handshake with a [expletive]-eating grin growing across his face. What on Earth did we just witness?! It looks like Dangermouth has just made a deal with the Devil. But why? We saw Adebola earlier tonight with The Northern Lights, and now it appears he’s aligned himself with Dangermouth too. What exactly is he planning? Look I hate to say it, but he is a tremendous lawyer. Maybe Danger just needs some new legal representation? Why else would you shake the hand of that scumbag?! In any case, it was an electrifying showcase of Dangermouth’s music. And speaking of showcase, up next is the twenty man battle royal, showcasing some of the hottest talent available in independent wrestling. Match Six: 20-man ‘Showcase’ Battle Royal 1. Aurelian Bradley, 2. Cain Carlile, 3. Gavin Owen, 4. Glen Ward, 5. Gordon Leve, 6. Gram Gorman, 7. Grant Taypen, 8. Jermaine Granger, 9. JK Lee, 10. Konrad Makinen, 11. Leighton Buzzard, 12. Magnus Cage, 13. Michael Gregory, 14. Milton Hittlespitz, 15. Nigel Svensson, 16. Pavel Vanzycha, 17. Strife, 18. Stuart Wilson, 19. Wes Stryker, 20. Wild Child. As is usual for battle royal matches, this began as a chaotic mess with the ring full of too many men to focus on one particular area. That didn’t hold back the arrogant Magnus Cage from trying to steal the limelight though, as he quickly made an enemy of the field by loudly berating his fellow competitors. Heavyweight Olympic Bronze medallist Stuart Wilson took exception to Cage and ‘The Celtic Hammer’ emphatically threw him from the ring for the first elimination. Magnus Cage is eliminated. Another brash youngster in Jermaine Granger tried to capitalise on the moment by sneaking up on Wilson, but the size difference was too much for the Championship Wrestling from Wigan rookie as Wilson threw him over the top rope with ease too. Jermaine Granger is eliminated. Taypen and Buzzard showed why they are a tag team championship winning partnership with slick unity to work together to eliminate Aurelian Bradley, landing a double dropkick to send him over the rope to the floor. Aurelian Bradley is eliminated. Unfortunately for the pair they were immediately dispatched together, when an impromptu alliance between the Polish Pavel Vanzycha and Swedish Nigel Svensson saw both Taypen and Buzzard clotheslined out of the ring as soon as they stood back up after their stereo dropkicks. Grant Taypen is eliminated. Leighton Buzzard is eliminated. On the other side of the ring, Stuart Wilson continued to dominate the field, scoring his third elimination of the match when a big boot sent Wes Stryker flying off the apron, ensuring that ‘Dutch Courage’ couldn’t replicate the success his countryman Walker van Cleer had earlier in the night. Wes Stryker is eliminated. With the crowd thinning out, and several workers downed or jostling in the corners, the wildcard of the match ‘Crazy Blue’ Milton Hittlespitz, who usually works in his native Australia for Deep Impact Wrestling, slid under the ropes to retrieve his trusted weapon of choice, a steel chair. As he slid back in the ring, he is met across the clearing by the German daredevil Wild Child on the other side, who had the same idea, only his weapon of choice was a Singapore cane. As the two measured each other up and prepared to strike, the equally reckless Strife slid back under the ropes into the ring, jumping to his feet with a steel chain wrapped around his wrist. The trio collided in the middle of the ring, but after a few errant swings of their weapons, both Hittlespitz and Wild Child dropped their weapons to team up and throw Strife from the ring. Strife is eliminated. Unfortunately for the audience who were beginning to enjoy the presence of the enigma, Milton Hittlespitz followed Strife out of the ring when Wild Child reacted quickest to send the blue-haired Australian over the ropes. Milton Hittlespitz is eliminated. Wild Child himself didn’t last much longer though, as he was taken down by Stuart Wilson with a strong slam, before being lifted back up and discarded over the ropes, earning Wilson his fourth elimination. Wild Child is eliminated. Cain Carlile, who had been little more than a whipping boy for the bigger workers throughout this match so far, struggled to his feet clutching the cane previously brought to the ring by Wild Child. But rather than using the weapon to his advantage, the Sci-Fi loving geek opted to act as though he were wielding a lightsabre, swinging it around in the air while providing his own sound effects. Most of the field stuck to the perimeter of the ring, avoiding being struck by the pseudo-Jedi. His wild swing did accidentally connect with Gavin Owen, and when Cain spun round to apologise to the Judo master, another hapless swing of the cane hit Owen’s recent CWW tag team partner Glen Ward, another perpetually angry Judo expert. The duo bore down on an apologetic Carlile, but JK Lee capitalised on the confusion by grabbing Carlile by the neck and launching him over the top rope, eliminating both Cain and the cane from the match. Cain Carlile is eliminated. Ward and Owen attempted to recover from the cane strikes, but made the mistake of doing so near the ropes, as the ever-present Stuart Wilson charged across the ring to eliminate both men from the match in one move with a double clothesline. Glen Ward is eliminated. Gavin Owen is eliminated. Unfortunately for Wilson his dominant display was ended thanks to the forgotten steel chair being cracked against his spine by one of the few men in this match capable of matching Wilson’s power, Michael Gregory. A few more shots with the chair for good measure made Wilson a significantly easier target to lug over the rope and down to the ringside. Stuart Wilson is eliminated. Gregory cockily discarded the chair from the ring, recognising he was now the strongest and largest competitor left in the match. By contrast, waiting for him across the ring was the Northern Ireland native Gram Gorman, who is best known for his work in Quebec with All Canada Pro Wrestling. A much smaller competitor in height, giving up over half a foot in difference, Gorman doesn’t let it deter him, as he and Gregory go blow for blow. Across the ring, the alliance between Vanzycha and Svensson pays dividends when the pair are able to easily dispatch of Gordon Leve, giving them a second united elimination. Gordon Leve is eliminated. Gregory takes the upper hand in his battle with Gram Gorman, and hoists Gorman up into a Military Press. He approaches the ropes, ready to send Gorman out the ring, but Gorman manages to break his foe’s grasp, and lands on the ring apron. In an incredible display of strength, Gorman manages to grapple Gregory over the top rope, but the larger competitor steadies himself on the apron too. Another back and forth in the danger zone on the wrong side of the ropes, Gorman shows incredible power once again to land a German Suplex on the ring apron, which sends Gregory to the floor. Michael Gregory is eliminated. Unfortunately for Gorman there is no time to celebrate, and he’s immediately unceremoniously dumped from the match when JK Lee knocks him off the apron. Gram Gorman is eliminated. We’re down to our final four, and it’s Konrad Makinen, JK Lee, Nigel Svensson and Pavel Vanzycha. JK Lee has proven to be wily presence in the match, while Vanzycha and Svensson have formed a useful partnership. Makinen on the other hand has yet to score a single elimination, so the odds are against him. In fact, things go from bad to worse for Makinen when JK Lee makes an apparent alliance with Vanzycha and Svensson, and the trio bare down on him. After weakening Makinen with a barrage of tandem attacks, JK Lee smells opportunity in the air, and attempts to throw Pavel Vanzycha over the top rope. Unfortunately for him Nigel Svensson catches on and he and Vanzycha flatten Lee with a double shoulder barge. However the momentary distraction is all that was needed for Makinen, who uses the distraction to shove Svensson into Vanzycha, who lands groggily against the ropes. Makinen races past Svensson and straight for Vanzycha, sending him over the rope and out of the match. Pavel Vanzycha is eliminated. Seconds later and Svensson joins Vanzycha in being eliminated, when he charges for Makinen, only for Makinen to duck down, pulling at the top rope when Svensson flying over and out of the ring. Nigel Svensson is eliminated. JK Lee attempts to capitalise on the moment by attempting to eliminate Makinen, but the tactic fails to work for a third time as Makinen is quick to fend him off. A few more close calls for both men ensues over the next minute, including one instance where Makinen successfully managed to ‘skin the cat’ to avoid being eliminated. But it took JK Lee locking in his submission finisher, a Crossface, to bring about the finish of the match. Makinen managed to make it to the ropes, but with this being a battle royal, JK Lee didn’t have to break the hold. Though not doing so would prove to be his downfall, with Makinen using the ropes to get to his feet, despite Lee keeping the hold on, and Makinen managed to fling Lee over the rope to score the victory. JK Lee is eliminated. Winner: Konrad Makinen. That’s sure to put him on the map here in Britain, a big win for the Swedish Stone-Cold Killer! And while he celebrates in the ring, let’s cut to Jackie Goldstein in the back, as he attempts to get word from Stevie Stoat ahead of tonight’s main event. Jackie Goldstein is stood outside a closed door. Thanks guys. I’m here outside Stevie Stoat’s locker room, but unfortunately, I’ve not been able to speak to him yet. Goldstein tries knocking again. Oh hang on a second, I hear some movement. The door is swung open, but only half way, as Stevie Stoat grunts. Stevie Stoat: What? Hi Mr. Stoat, I was wondering if I could get your thoughts ahead of your match tonight? Nope. Stevie Stoat goes to shut the door. Hang on a minute, what’s going on in there, who’s that with you? Stoat pushes Goldstein out of the doorway and slams it shut in his face. Oh. Well sorry guys, I tried. Back to you Martin. Oh boy, Stevie Stoat did not want to speak to Jackie there. Now folks as we wait for Jackie to return to the announce desk, I’m going to throw it down to my other broadcast partner Melanie Florence, who is in the ring. Melanie Florence stands in the ring with a microphone in hand. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a very special moment for me, as I am delighted to announce that coming up next is the first ever women’s professional wrestling match to take place in Britain while being broadcast live on air! Match Seven: Aud Valkyrie and Jeri Behr vs Karen Bilous and Zofia Jankovic With three out of the four women in this match being closer to their 40th birthday than their 30th, this was very much an opportunity for the women in this bout to show British wrestling promoters what they have been missing out on by excluding female wrestling to date. With eight minutes of solid action, each of the women got a moment to shine. Zofia Jankovic was certainly the most opportune with hers, as she was by far the best worker in this match. Rather unconventionally for women’s wrestling, the only high-flyer of the match was Jeri Behr, who’s look was clearly inspired by fitness models of the 1980s. Instead, Aud Valkyrie displayed an impactful approach, Jankovic relied on hard strikes, and Bilous was the dominant powerhouse that the babyfaces had to try and overcome. They were unsuccessful though, with Bilous forcing Jeri Behr to submit to her Butterfly Lift-Lock. Winners: Karen Bilous and Zofia Jankovic via submission. After the match, the ruthless duo of Bilous and Jankovic continued to beat on their opponents, until their saviour charged to the ring in the form of Coventry’s own, the Red Queen, Thea Davis, wielding a steel chair. Bilous and Jankovic retreated, slinking out of the ring and into the crowd to avoid Davis’ vigilante ways. Davis originally beckons for the duo to join her in the ring, but the fans response to something else causes her attention to divert to the entrance ramp. Stood on the entrance stage is the veteran English women’s wrestler Viper McKenna. Her and Thea Davis stare down one another from across the arena to close out the segment. Woah boy, what did we just see?! Not only did Thea Davis arrive in BOW to save Behr and Valkyrie, but she was followed by none other than Viper McKenna! Mel, you’re more knowledgeable than either of us on these women, what can you tell us about this? Well, Davis is the hottest prospect to come out of British women’s wrestling in years. And the woman who held that title before her? That was Viper McKenna. Now a wily veteran of the ring, it looks like McKenna has her sights set on her successor, I don’t think she wants to give up the claim to being the best British women’s wrestler just yet! Looks like there could be some hostilities between the two moving forward then. Folks, I’m being told we’re going to head to the back now, as Dunton Hall has requested camera presence in his office. In Dunton Hall’s office, he is stood alongside the trio of retired wrestlers who accompanied him in the ring earlier in the evening, British Samurai, Leo Price and UK Dragon. Gentlemen, I asked a camera crew to join us because I wanted to get on record just how grateful I am to each of you for the work you have put into making BOW become a reality. I am not ashamed to admit none of this could have been possible without the guidance you have each given me. You have all been integral parts in shaping the way British wrestling has been defined over the years, and I am flattered you thought that BOW and I were worthy of your time. It’s not enough of a way to express my gratitude, but I would be honoured if the three of you would accompany me to the ring again later tonight as I make a special announcement and introduce the World title match. The trio of road agents nod and provide a general consensus of agreement as the screen cuts back to the ring. Woah, a special announcement, what do you think Dunton’s going to say? I don’t know Martin, but he sure was sentimental with that group of legends. You’ve got that right. But there’s no room for sentiment in this next match, as Matthew Macks goes head-to-head with Puffy The Sand Iron Player in a hardcore match! Match Eight: Matthew Macks vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player ‘The Irish Daredevil’ Matthew Macks has made a name for himself in Europe, specifically with VWA, where his flagrant disregard for his own safety has helped him become a solid fan favourite. Meanwhile Puffy is a mainstay for independent hardcore wrestling in Britain and has had stints in Europe with UCR and EWA too. This was bound to be a chaotic, weapon-filled frenzy and that is exactly what the competitors delivered. Puffy brought most of his plunder to the ring himself, driving in a golf cart during his entrance. It made sense that many of the weapons he used were golf-related, from the expected golf clubs, to swinging a sock filled with golf balls, to throwing sand in the eyes of Macks, to gouging the Irishman’s forehead with a golf tee. Macks himself was innovated with his offense, going so far as to throw himself off a balcony onto Puffy and a row of set up tables when the two took their fight into the crowd. He managed to score the victory by hitting his Red Lightning finisher on Puffy on top of the golf cart for the pinfall. Winner: Matthew Macks via pinfall. Matthew Macks comes out on top in a crazy, barbaric match! He sure does Jackie, and that- Suddenly the lights cut out as Macks stands celebrating in the ring. When light returns to the arena, he is met by the sight of Laurel Wreath in front of him. She offers him a sinister grin. Without a chance to react, the arena plunges into darkness again. This time as the lighting returns, Night Spyder has appeared behind Macks, and dives into the Irishman with a vicious blow to the back of the head. That’s Night Spyder! Night Spyder with a vicious attack on Macks! Those two have an extensive, complicated history together, from bitter rivals to tag team partners- Well clearly they’re back at the enemy stage... I think that much is obvious, but it begs the question, why? Spyder has Macks locked in his submission finisher, the Spyder’s Web, when the lights go down for a third time. When they come back up, both Spyder and Wreath have vacated the ring, while Macks lies writhing in pain on the mat. What a brutal beatdown after Matthew Macks was already hurting after that nasty hardcore match. While he’s tended to in the ring let’s head to the back where Jackie Goldstein is off conducting another interview, this time with Landon Mallory. Jackie Goldstein is stood aside a focused looking Landon Mallory, eagerly holding a microphone and awaiting the signal to kick off his interview. Landon tonight will be the first time you have ever wrestled here in Britain, but you’re a very accomplished wrestler across Europe, being not only a former multiple time VWA European champion, but also the current VWA Swiss champion after defeating Michael Gregory for the belt just last night. But less than 24 hours after winning your title, you take on Clubber Kohl tonight. What are your thoughts heading into the match? Landon Mallory: Howzit Jackie my oke. Let me tell you how excited I am to finally get in front of a London crowd. It’s always been a dream of mine to wrestle here, and I’ve got goosebumps thinking about stepping into the ring just now! And what’s your take on your opponent, Clubber Kohl? Look our paths haven’t crossed before, but I’ve seen a lot of his work, and that man is like a wrecking ball made of flesh! I can see why he is called the War Dog! But do you know what you do to a dog that is too violent for it’s own good? You put it down. And tonight I will put down Kohl when I bliksem him in his face over and over and over, all round this London arena! Because this springbok isn’t afraid of no dog! Something out of shot catches Mallory’s attention. Ag, man! What do you want? Walker van Cleer walks into view, standing face to face with Mallory, who has tensed up at the arrival of the Dutchman. The two exchange a prolonged, unflinching stare before van Cleer walks past Mallory, who continues to glare in the direction of the departing wrestler. Um, well back to you guys, I guess… Back in the arena the entrance music for Merle O’Curle begins to play as the Irish veteran begins to make his way to the ring. With Goldstein still making his way back from the intense interview it’s Martin Bloydell’s turn to perform the ring introductions as Melanie Florence holds the fort on the commentary desk. Landon Mallory there with a stern warning for Kohl ahead of their match tonight, but not before a confrontation against his longtime foe, Walker van Cleer who we saw win earlier tonight. We will see if that factors into Mallory’s match later tonight, but up first we have the masterful, wily veteran Merle O’Curle taking on Christian Blithe, a hot prospect from Australia! Match Nine: Merle O’Curle vs Christian Blithe Another match that on paper had the potential to steal the show, with both men being particularly strong ring technicians even though they are at the complete opposite stages of their careers. Unfortunately, the pair weren’t quite able to reach the high bar set by both the van Cleer vs Daljit or Shooters vs Foreign Legion matches earlier in the night. But this was far from a bad match either, both men being slick ring workers who were able to keep the audience’s attention for the full 13 minutes that this one went for. Despite a spirited performance from the youngster, Blithe was unable to return to the land down under as the victor, tapping out to Merle O’Curle’s expertly applied Celtic Wreath submission hold. Winner: Merle O'Curle by submission. The experience of O’Curle proves too much for Blithe who has no choice but to tap! A shame, but I hope we see Blithe return to this side of the globe again as he put on a great show even in defeat. He sure did Mel. Coming up next, it’s Springbok vs War Dog, as Landon Mallory takes on Clubber Kohl. But before that, I’m getting word that we’re going to cut to some footage that our camera crew caught backstage just moments ago. In a seemingly otherwise empty locker room, Nate Manchester is preparing for his match with various stretches. Suddenly his attention is caught by two hooded figures who approach him, their backs currently to the camera where the words ‘Royal Air Force’ can be seen emblazoned on their backs. They remove their hoods to identify the men as Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath, one of the most recognisable British tag teams, apparently going by a new team name. Martin Heath: Sorry to interrupt your preparations Nate, Jon and I just wanted to come and wish you luck ahead of your match tonight. Jon Michael Sharp: You look surprised to see us, Nate. Did you really think after all these years of travelling the road together, working shows across the country, that me and Martin would miss your big World title shot? Sorry guys, I was just in the zone. No, you’re right, I’m so glad you’re here. There’s nobody I’d rather share this moment with, to be honest. You guys have always had my back on the independents. Thanks for coming. Hey man we wouldn’t miss it for the world. Tell you what, we’ll get out of your hair and leave you to it. But we’ll wait around in the back, come find us after your match, we want to be the first to see that shiny new belt when you walk through the curtain with it. You got it. Manchester shakes hands with the duo and returns to his stretches as the camera cuts back to the arena. Sharp and Heath, now apparently going by the name Royal Air Force, the long time friends of Manchester, here to show their support ahead of his title match. And I’m sure they’ll be watching the main event closely like the rest of us, but we’re just one match away from that title showdown, and boy what a match it is, Mallory vs Kohl, over to Jackie Goldstein for the introductions! Match Ten: Landon Mallory vs Clubber Kohl (w/ Eva Berlin) The unstoppable force versus the immovable object, this match pitted the relentless toughness of Mallory and his never-say-die attitude against the ferocious, tenacious man-beast Clubber Kohl, who is apparently being managed by his fellow countryman, the permanently sour-faced Eva Berlin. Another wild brawl to book end the show (save for the main event), these two left it all in the ring. Relatively short at under nine minutes, some critics will say they wanted to see more of these two, but the explosive action didn’t need any more time to be entertaining. Mallory managed to withstand everything the German threw at him, including his vicious running knee and his pounding diving headbutt. It wasn’t his ability to absorb that won him the match though, but rather his evasion, as his narrow ducking of Kohl’s charging tackle Hamburg Express finisher, only to land his own Springbok Ram charging headbutt signature move is what allowed Mallory to score the pinfall victory. Winner: Landon Mallory Mallory wins the clash of titans with the Springbok Ram! A violent contest that saw both men match each other blow for blow, but in the end, Mallory is able to knock the War Dog off his feet long enough to get the win. I sure hope this isn’t the last we see of these two. You and me both Jackie. But there’s no more time to reflect on that match, as it is time for our main event! And over to Melanie in the ring to get things underway! Melanie Florence stands in the ring with a microphone. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming back to the ring, a very good friend of mine, the man who made tonight possible and the founder of British Omega Wrestling, Dunton Hall! The crowd cheers as Dunton makes his way to the ring again, with the trio of road agents accompanying him. After the group enter the ring Hall is welcomed by a hug from Melanie, the huge smile across her face a genuine show of friendship. She hands her microphone over to the company owner. Ladies and gentlemen, we are just moments away from crowning the first ever British Omega Wrestling World champion! Are you ready for the main event?! The buzzing crowd shows their excitement with another loud cheer. Boy you’re all raring to go. As am I. But before we get to that, I have one more announcement for you all. You see, what use is there in crowning a champion, when they don’t have a home to defend their title on? I don’t want tonight to be over, I want to do this again, and again, and again. And thankfully, the executives at GBTV agree. So we’re going to do this all over again. And we’re going to do it on Wednesday night! Every Wednesday night in fact, starting next week, live on GBTV Sport with our weekly show: BOW Night Of Wrestling! The announcement elicits another thunderous response from the live crowd. I can’t wait to see you all there, but no more wasting time, let’s find out who is going to walk into our first episode of Night Of Wrestling as the World champion. Nate Manchester’s music begins to play throughout the arena. Introducing first, from Newcastle, England… Nate Manchester! Nate Manchester steps out onto the entrance stage. His fists are taped with the colours of red, white and blue in the shape of the British flag. His black trunks have ‘Pride Of Britain’ stitched into them in gold thread. But the most obvious, eye-catching part of his apparel is the magnificent British flag fashioned as a cape that drapes down from his neck, long enough to trail along the floor behind him. He enters the ring, shaking hands with the three wrestling legends who depart the ring after the fact. Manchester removes the cape, and swings it high in the air, waving the flag to the appreciation of the crowd. The proceedings are interrupted by a loud revving noise. And his opponent, from London, England… Stevie Stoat! The revs are revealed to be from a jet-black motorbike, which Stoat drives out onto the stage. Clad in a leather jacket, Stoat brakes to stare down the ring, twisting the handle to rev the bike once more, like a bull pawing the ground to threaten their foe before charging down on them. Stoat does charge down the ramp on the mechanical beast, riding around the ring before parking up, giving a few more revs for good measure. He climbs through the ropes into the ring, and referee Roy Worrall calls for the bell to begin the match. Main Event: BOW World Championship Nate Manchester vs Stevie Stoat An emotionally charged match that the crowd ate up, this 13-minute affair stole the night due to its high stakes, recognisable participants, and generous build up. Stevie Stoat showed that despite being in his mid-40s has a lot left to offer the business as an active performer, proving that 21CW were wrong to try and feed him to younger talent as he showed no signs of decline. Meanwhile Nate Manchester, who arguably lives off his reputation as a 21CW alumni rather than being anything beyond average in the ring, probably now has a new answer to the career highlight question he was asked in the BOW press conference back in December. It was easily the match of his career, even if Stoat was the better of the two in terms of performance. The structure of the bout was as expected, with Manchester attempting to fight from underneath as the underdog while Stoat controlled much of the action. There were false finishes aplenty as the combat worked towards it’s climax, with Stoat twice kicking out of Manchester’s top rope Manc-Sault moonsault finisher, while Stoat twice landed his Super Kick, only for Manchester to fall out of the ring the first time, barely making it back into the ring before the ten count, and hooking his foot on the rope before the three count after the second Super Kick. The finish of the match saw Manchester duck a third Super Kick, land a bulldog and climb the rope to set up his third Manc-sault. But across the other side of the ring, the referee was distracted by a figure concealing their identity wearing one of the hoodies that the Royal Air Force were wearing earlier in the show. A second hooded figure jumped the apron nearest the competitors and clocked Manchester with the BOW World title, sending him crashing down from the top turnbuckle. The crowd reigned boos down on the action as Stoat lined Manchester up for a third Super Kick, this time scoring the win and the title belt. Winner: Stevie Stoat via pinfall. Stevie Stoat steals the World championship thanks to the betrayal from Royal Air Force! With friends like that, who needs enemies?! A bitter conclusion to what was an incredible match, poor Nate Manchester, losing the biggest match of his career and his friends in the process… Stoat stands tall in the ring, his arm raised by the referee, as Royal Air Force join him in standing over the friend they betrayed. The two men pull down their hoods, but they are neither Jon Michael Sharp nor Martin Heath. Wait a damn minute… That’s not Royal Air Force, that’s- That’s The Assassains’ Guild! The faces of Louie Peyton and Stefan Raynor of The Assassains’ Guild are exposed, their smug grins a mile wide. Peyton, the one who hit Manchester with the belt, hands the title to Stevie Stoat, who holds it aloft as confetti falls from the ceiling. A dramatic finish to an outstanding first outing for British Omega Wrestling, and much like the reign of Stevie Stoat, we are just getting started. Thank you for joining us and we will see you Wednesday night for BOW Night Of Wrestling! The feed ends with the final image of the trio of heels celebrating Stoat’s victory in the ring.
  16. In addition to the commercials airing on both GBTV and GBTV Sport over the better part of the next two months, the match card for the British Omega Wrestling debut show Reckless Abandon was confirmed by the promotions social media account, as seen in a series of posts below: --- Here's a list of the matches for predictions. Please note none of the competitors for the battle royal have been confirmed, so aside from those already booked, you have the whole game world to guess from - good luck with that. I'll do a prize for whoever guesses the most correct results for this show, but moving forward I'll probably offer a prize for the most correct guesses up to and including every event instead. BOW World Championship: Nate Manchester vs Stevie Stoat Comments: The Shooters (Billy Robinson & Don Henderson) vs The Foreign Legion (Jacques DuPont & Pierre DuPont) Comments: Hardcore Match: Matthew Macks vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player Comments: Bali Daljit vs Walker van Cleer Comments: Aud Valkyrie & Jeri Behr vs Karen Bilous & Zofia Jankovic Comments: Merle O'Curle vs Christian Blithe Comments: Lenny Mochin vs Padraig O'Hearne Comments: Future X (Eric Future & Petey Barnes) vs The Fashionistas (Gianfranco Morelli & Roberto Milano) Comments: Landon Mallory vs Clubber Kohl Comments: 'Showcase' Battle Royal Comments: Colin Picalo vs Jason Dempsey Comments:
  17. As the camera remains on the trio sat at the table, we hear the first question posed come from the audience. Good evening, Martin Holdenberg of Wrestle News Now here. Mr. Hall, is this a one off event or can we expect to see more of BOW going forward? Well I certainly hope so! Though ask me after the show and I may have a different answer if everything has gone pear shaped. No, but in all seriousness, I have no intention of this being a one time event. I want BOW to be on screens across Britain every week. And while I can't officially announce anything tonight, I will say the executives at GBTV have been nothing short of fantastic to work with. Right from day one I have been blown away by their enthusiasm, they are extremely dedicated to their sports network and have been very receptive about BOW as a result. There's a lot of alignment between us and that's always important for a successful partnership. Of course, they have their expectations, so do we, but I don't see a reason why BOW and GBTV Sport can't go hand in hand for years to come. There are certain targets in terms of viewers for the upcoming event, but I am confident we can reach those numbers. Cheers Martin. Another reporter is selected to pose a question from the audience. Chris Jones of British Wrestling Observer here. Dunton you have obviously been in discussions with GBTV executives to broadcast this event prior to today. Exactly how long have you been planning to form your own wrestling promotion? Well Chris, let me start by saying I am so relieved to finally be able to talk about this out in the open. Ironically enough I think I've been the only person unable to speak on it, as I know you've all been speculating on your websites, in your so called 'dirt sheets'. It really has been one of the worst kept secrets in the wrestling industry - which, let's be honest, is quite an achievement in this modern era. Don't be mistaken, I'm glad for the intrigue it's generated, I'm sure you've all made the lives of my marketing team a hell of a lot easier! But back to your question, how long have I been planning my own wrestling company? Does since I was a young lad count? No but again, to answer you more seriously, I wasn't lying about my love for professional wrestling. This is something I have wanted for a long time and about a year ago I realised I'm now at an age, and to be frank at a level of success, where I can afford to dedicate all of my time and effort to this. I won't bore you with a list of all the goals I'd set myself for my life, but I've ticked off most of them and now is the time for me to tick off forming my own promotion, and next up is to tick off turning that promotion into the best wrestling promotion ever. So around a year ago I sat down and sorted through my other affairs, and began plotting, slowly, to bring to life what we now call British Omega Wrestling. Hall offers a smile as the next question is lined up. Excuse me, Mr. Hall? This is James Fiore, from WrestleRoundup.com. If you would be so kind, I would like to know if there are any truth to the rumours that you are negotiating with several top names from 21CW. Thank you very much! Hi James, thanks for being here. Truth be told, I think we've all been in this game long enough to know that I can't and won't speculate on the contracts of performers in other organisations. It's not fair to them, to the talents, or to myself and BOW. We all know how this works. But what I will say is that 21CW has a roster full of incredible talent, both past and present. Hell, the two men either side of me are testament to that. I'm not going to pretend that they don't, or even deny their existence, as ignoring other promotions that exist in the world of wrestling makes a mockery of the fans, in my opinion at least. So while I can't confirm or deny that we are in talks with any wrestlers currently employed exclusively elsewhere, what I will say is that if the right worker becomes available, I am open to doing business if it serves a purpose for both parties. Of course there are plenty of people I admire both as performers and as people, but it's not fair for me to publicly comment on them while they are under contract in another company. Thanks for the question. Who's next? The attention of the three men diverts to another section of the crowd as another reporter is handed a microphone. Reporter Ethan White from RingRoar Australia here. I have two questions, the first is for Mate Manchester. You truly are an icon of Britain, known across the seas even in Australia. For those that don't know you can you give us a highlight or two of your storied career to help familiarise ourselves with you? Nate Manchester: Well Ethan, thanks for the kind words. Australia is a beautiful country and who knows, maybe one day BOW could put on a few shows out there. But that's really up to the big boss sat next to me. Um, in terms of career highlights, I think my tag team title run with Leo Price has to be my greatest accomplishment, right? It was great working with Leo, he's a true pro. But, um, other than that, I mean the Manc-Sault I hit off the top of the steel cage on Luke Cool, back in like, what, 2010? That still features on all them like 'Top 10' moments videos out on the internet. I didn't win the match or the United Kingdom title that night, but I did show a lot of people what I can do when given a moment to shine, so, yeah, thank you. My second question is for Stevie Stoat. Your opponent has many accolades and self proclaimed titles in his name, while you're named after a character from the hit TV show "Schitts Creek" and what is essentially a fatter weasel. A smaller ferret if you will. How nervous are you to face such an icon of the British wrestling scene, and what makes you think you actually have a chance? Stevie Stoat: Listen 'ere you little Dingo, I'm 43 years old. I don't watch that trash TV, but if they've got someone with my name on there that's because they're named after me. And who can blame them? I'm Stevie [expletive] Stoat. You wanna talk about icons of British wrestling? I'm a former World champion. I ain't scared of some jumped-up little punk what calls himself the 'Pride Of Britain'. How much pride is he gonna have after I knock his teeth out with the Super Kick and pin his shoulders to the mat, one, two, three? I'm gonna do what I do best, I'm gonna smash him into the canvas and leave it painted red with his blood. I ain't nervous, zero percent. And if you don't like that answer, then you can just [expletive] off back to Australia, mate. With a bit of tension in the air after Stoat's combative answer, the trio have their attention diverted to the next question. John McCarthy from IrishTopRope.com here Mr. Hall. Hi John, great to see you again. Firstly, any chance any Irish talent will be on the show? Oh John, I'm so glad you've asked that question. In fact, don't be surprised if some people think you're a plant after I give this answer. Ireland is a heck of a country, a really beautiful place. I've been across there many, many times of the years and I can't express enough how much I love the place. And the truth is, I think Ireland is going to be a big influence on what we do here in BOW. I can't confirm anything, but we are in talks with multiple talents from the island, on both sides of the border. There's a lot of Irish talent out there currently, and I want to give them a platform to show the world what they can do. Not only that, but I'd love to one day see us putting on shows there too. We're in this for the long haul here, and BOW is not just about London. I want to take BOW to all the major cities in the United Kingdom, and that extends to the wonderful cities in Ireland too. Both Belfast and Dublin are cities that I've spent extended visits in, and the fans deserve to see some live wrestling there too. Oh, and it's not just Ireland either. I want to bring the best talent to this company, and that has led me to find workers from all over the globe. We've been in discussion with some exciting wrestlers from the European scene and, as I'm sure Mr. White will be pleased to hear, I've been holding some talks with some talent from his homeland of Australia too. I spent some time in that part of the world a few years ago, and I was fortunate to be able to catch a couple of independent shows. A few names stuck with me, and if the stars align then those names could find their way into BOW. Secondly, are we to expect that BOW and 21CW are now enemies or are ye just friendly competitors right now? Is this you trying to prove you're not a plant, John? Look as I said before, I don't want to be speaking on behalf of other companies, whether it's about their talent, or their opinion of us. But on our side of things, I don't see why the two companies can't co-exist. Sure, we're both competing to be the biggest, the best companies we can be, but we also offer different products for the fans. 21CW commands a big audience, the execs over at UKB demand that, and as such they've got to appeal to a wide range of people. We're free to do things a bit differently here, and this is very much a wrestling promotion, for fans of professional wrestling. Detractors will call us an indy show on steroids, but honestly I'd take that as a compliment. So there's certainly room for both companies. As I said before, I don't like it when promotions don't pretend the other promotions don't exist, and in actuality, the fact that UKB are publicly funded means we should be able to acknowledge them with little blowback in terms of licencing. I don't want us to be disrespectful, but I want to be able to acknowledge the fact that Nate Manchester is a former 21CW Tag Team champion, or that Stevie Stoat is a former 21CW World champion, because the fans are already aware of the fact, and pretending they're not insults their intelligence. So whether that makes 21CW open to alliance, or a rival promotion, I don't know. All options are on the table right now. Thanks, John. Who's next? Hello, Alan from GBTV Sport Centre here. This one is for both Nate and Stevie. What has drawn you both to coming here and signing for BOW, a new promotion which the world didn't know about until today? I'll go first. I only left the old place back in April, and I walked out on my own terms because I didn't like what they was asking of me. They wanted me to help give the rub to the younger guys, share some of the spotlight. Stevie Stoat don't work like that, man. Anyone wants to take the shine off of me, they gotta earn it. I don't share. So when Dunton came to me talking about BOW, I knew it was the place for me to go and be at the top of the mountain again. You hear a lot of veterans talk about wanting to work with new talent, with the young guys. Well I don't give two [expletive] about that. I'm here to win titles, and earn a pretty penny while doing just that. So if a guy who is a multi-millionaire, maybe even a billionaire - hey Dunton, you a billionaire? Stoat looks over to Hall who replies with a quizzical, non-committal look. If a maybe-billionaire offers you the chance to win titles and earn a boat load of cash, you take it. That's why. Stoat looks over to Manchester, as if giving him permission to speak now. As for me, it was very much a second chance at the game. When things came to an end for me at 21CW, I felt that I was leaving with unfinished business. Um, and I still feel that way now. Back then I was just finding my feet, you know, developing past that spot monkey reputation I had, and showing what I was about. Then it was all swept out from underneath me. So when Dunton approached me and told me about BOW, I was excited to get back to where I'd left off. And also, let me take a sec to say that was he has planned for this company, wow, dude I was blown away. He's got this wicked big vision for how he sees the company, and it's really exciting. This man, he loves wrestling, and I think that's gonna show in what we put out there. So, um, yeah, a second chance by working for a man who really cares about the sport, that's why I'm here. Manchester takes a sip from his water bottle, signalling the end of his answer. Hi gentlemen, Laura Hoyt from Ladies Who Wrestle dot-com here. Dunton, will British Omega Wrestling feature a women's division? Yes. As some of you may know, I'm friends with Melanie Florence and have worked with her for a few writing projects before. I asked her to come in and join us on the commentary team. The stern look I'm getting from my assistants over there suggest I'm probably not supposed to be revealing that right now, but oh well. Anyway, Mel only agreed to join BOW on the condition that we have a women's division. She's a huge wrestling fan and wants the ladies to be showcased in what we do. Not only that, but I wanted to put together a women's division because they deserve the opportunity to show what they can do. It is true that there is a real scarcity in available talent in female British wrestling right now, but the few performers there are really are incredible talents. So admittedly it's probably going to be a smaller division than we would like, but I trust that these women will put female British wrestling on the map and encourage new talent to come and work on our shores. Thanks Laura, all the best. I think we have time for one last question. The microphone is passed to a journalist for the final time. Hi Dunton, Jason Doyle of WrestleWorld News. You've lined up these two incredible men for your main event, but when can we expect the rest of the roster to be announced? Hello Jason. I wish I could sit here and give you all the names we're in talks with, or have already negotiated with, but I don't want to spoil the surprise. What I can say though is to look out for adverts across the GBTV and GBTV Sport channels, and across the BOW social media accounts. We will be announcing the roster, and the matches for Reckless Abandon over the course of the next month and a half leading up to the event. We felt this approach would be best, allowing each talent their own moment in the light rather than shoehorning a list of names into this press conference. Okay, if that's everything then thank you all for attending this conference. Dunton Hall stands from the table and looks directly at the camera, which zooms in to his face for his closing words. British Omega Wrestling debuts Saturday, the last week of January 2020 with Reckless Abandon, live on GBTV Sport. Nate Manchester versus Stevie Stoat for the British Omega Wrestling World championship, with more roster announcements upcoming. Thank you all for your time, and we look forward to seeing you soon. The camera pans out to show Hall stood over the table, the BOW World title still proudly displayed in front of him, with both Nate Manchester and Stevie Stoat stood beside him, staring intently at one another as the live feed ends.
  18. 1. HGC CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Mr. Lucha vs. Dark EAGLE 2. The Untouchables (Paul Steadyfast, Robert Oxford & Joel Bryant) vs. The All-Star Team (Richie Pangrazzio Jr., Bryan Vessey & Larry Vessey) 3. HGC WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE TOURNAMENT QUARTERFINALS: Jason Jackson & Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) 4. Sam Strong vs. Peter Valentine
  19. I am so glad you've asked this! -- On another note, if anyone wants to submit questions there is still time. I've written up the answers to these ones (and a few others) and hoping to post Sunday evening
  20. No harm, no foul as they say. It will be an intriguing plot for the next show!
  21. Thank you, now please don't screw me with a Williams & Casey win... Week 4 Pick'em Sheet World Tag Tournament Semi-final* The Wild Bunch VS The Hot Taggs W/February Malaise Comments: I like the Hot Taggs and I am sure you do too. They fit this style of promotion to a tee, and should be a major force in the tag team division in the future. However I am still going to side with The Wild Bunch this week as I think there's more to them right now, and they seem to be shaping up to be the company's premier tag team. Plus if there's a partnership that is more suited to OCW, it's The Wild Bunch. *side comment: Correct me if I'm wrong (and my apologies if that's the case), but shouldn't the semi-finals be The War Chiefs vs The Hot Taggs and The Wild Bunch vs The Night Terrors? Here's the brackets from the last show: Hardcore Rules "Blue Collar Outlaw" Pepper Pelton VS Original Sinner W/Deacon Darkhold Comments: I struggled with this mainly because I think this is the first time we're seeing Pepper Pelton on the main show. (I'm speculating he has been pre-show material up until now). Both are young rookies, but by virtue of Original Sinner being involved in the company's main storyline, I've plumped for him. Plus it gives him a bit of menace/aura/credibility back after his previous defeat to Animal Harker. Willams & Casey VS The Canadian Blondes W/Mya Catalan Comments: I remain adamant that one day Williams and Casey get a win. Will it be a title victory? No. Will it be this week against The Canadian Blondes? Also no. As I've said before this minor story thread needs to be built up for much longer than this to have any meaningful pay off. Jerry Pepper VS "Evil Genius" Chess Maniac Comments: Two theories I have been pretty confident in spouting throughout my predictions: nicknames, and singles competitors in tag team mates/tag team competitors in singles matches. Jerry Pepper is listed as a tag team wrestler alongside Jay Silver as Lightning Express, but he's in a singles match. Meanwhile, Chess Maniac has a nickname. I'm sure I have previously mentioned that if you've got a nickname and your opponent doesn't, you're probably going over. I'll stick with those theories here. Warren Technique VS A Local Competitor Comments: To quote you: "lol, yes, local competitor definitely means someone's gonna get squashed." World Tag Tournament Semi-final The Wrecking Crew VS The War Chiefs Comments: Now this one is a real potential banana peel slip up, the hardest one to predict in my eyes. There's a lot to like about The War Chiefs, another pair that really fit the vibe of the company (kudos on your tag team division, it's really shaping up well!) but I'm just giving the edge to The Wrecking Crew for two reasons; 1. Generation Next are a bit of a sleeper hit in the company so far - ironic since they're brash loudmouths but their rise has been steady if somewhat underappreciated by this viewer if no-one else. 2. The babyface tag team of The Wild Bunch need heel opponents in the finals.
  22. I had been anticipating this sort of question and I'm very much looking forward to answering it. The 21CW releases are the easiest way to build popularity for a lower level company in Britain, but of course Dunton Hall can't just admit that, so expect a more diplomatic answer when it comes! Uh-oh. Stevie Stoat is not going to be a fan of Mr. White the reporter. But these questions are a good opportunity for the two wrestlers to show their characters a bit more, and I've already got some responses brewing.
  23. This one could very well fit with a future story I'm planning in my new diary if you don't mind me using it?
  24. Reserved for misc. EDITS: Thanks to Willr0ck for the fantastic BOW graphics which he originally created for my expansion mod and which I'm now repurposing for this diary.
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