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Posts posted by azzak

  1. DuntonHall.jpg.77a63a8cb0d46eeb3e660044f27dee00.jpg

    Dunton Hall: Look, no-one is more upset about this than I. If you're hurt, or we're pushing you too hard... Is it the travel? I know flying takes a toll on my back, and you've been flying over every week for our shows. If there's anything we can do to help you, all you have to do is let me know what you need, and I'll get it for you. It's not just a wrestling promotion I'm trying to build here, but a family too. I care about everyone under my employment, and I'll still care even after they leave. So I want to help you with this, believe me when I say that. But I've also got to set an example here. Fortunately it's not anything illegal or performance enhancing, otherwise this might be different. But I can't have you, or anyone else for that matter, abusing pain killers. So I'm not going to fire or suspend you, but I am going to have to fine you. We'll donate the money, anonymously of course, to a local rehabilitation centre for people fighting the same battle with these pills. That's another point, I'd like to see you give up relying on these pills. I'm happy to bring in some specialists, again still under the radar, to help you with this, or do you think a stint in rehab would be more beneficial?


    Gram Gorman: No, no, I'm grand. I don't need rehab. I'll give up the pills. Thanks boss, I really appreciate how you're handling this. I'm sorry if I've let you down.

    In the end Dunton and Gram would go on to speak for hours. There was a lot of tears and laughter - all from Dunton as Gorman is as stoic as his in-ring persona. But in the end it appeared as though there was a much deeper understanding and a stronger relationship between the two. Gorman's fine was donated specifically to a rehabilitation centre in his home country of Northern Ireland, and he agreed to work on giving up his abuse of pain killers. The grappler even managed to crack a smile, just once or twice, during this closed door heart-to-heart, and he seemed genuinely appreciative of his bosses actions.


    In out of character news, I've decided to try a new writing method for this block of shows leading up to the Madness event, where I write each storyline out week by week, rather than writing show by show. Once that's done I'll then move each segment into their relevant show, and release as normal. I'm hoping this method doesn't change too much 'on screen' other than a bit more cohesion in the storytelling. Therefore it's taking a bit longer to release the next show, as I'm essentially writing five episodes in one go. Fortunately for those who have yet to predict, it means there's still some time to get those guesses in for Night Of Wrestling #8.

    • Like 3
  2. The Canadian Blondes vs The Heartbreak Express [1 Pts]

    Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Rob Reynolds [1 Pts]

    Al Coleman vs Raphael [1 Pts]

    The Most Wanted (Winchester, Revell, Martin) vs Miller Fforde, The American Cobras [1 Pts]

    Cali Slick vs Rayne Man [1 Pts] Time Limit Draw

    Big Hustle vs Left Shot Bradford [1 Pts]

    Pick the two fastest winners of their Beat-the-Clock challenge matches! [1 Pts for every correct answer] Rob Reynolds and Left Shot Bradford

    Joffy Laine (c) vs Texas Hangman for the LSW Texas Heavyweight title [1 Pts]

    • Like 1
  3. Munemitsu Senmatsu [C] vs. Takayuki 2000 – MJPW World Heavyweight Title

    Infamy Inc. vs. Massive Thunder – MJPW World Tag Team Titles

    Americana [C] vs. SPEED D – EXODUS World Junior Heavyweight Title

    Sir Winston Watoga vs. The Great Hisato

    Golden Army (Toshiharu Hyobanshi, Kiminobu Kuroki & Lion Genji) vs. Senmatsu-gun (Reaver, Taheiji Konoe & Sozen Ishinomori)

    Orange Tsuchie vs. SUKI

    Magnum Kobe vs. Mokuami Maita

    • Like 1
  4. Jaime Quine and 'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis vs. 'Miss Fit' Missy Masterson and Pariah
    Comments: The number one contender and the hottest babyface of the women's division in Pariah score a win over the champion with Jarvis taking the fall. 

    The Cold Warriors vs. American Gold
    Comments: A run-of-the-mill victory for The Cold Warriors to keep them relevant before putting over Texas Express. 

    'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega) vs. 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine
    Comments: This should be a MATCH and I'm very excited for it. With that said, it's an easy win for Valentine as his program with Joss Thompson is beginning.

    USPW National Title Match
    Roger 'Smooth' Cage defends vs. 'The Bronzed god' Zeus
    Comments: I'm close to 50/50 on this one, but don't think there's a title change on free TV with just one week of build. 

    The Triumverate ('Professional Wrestling's Princess' Alicia Strong, Glorious Gloria and 'Mama Bear' Juliette King) vs. Miss American Pie and The Bombshells
    Comments: The heels take the win. 

    Rich Money, 'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley and 'The Talent' Trent Shaffer (w/Raven Robinson) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Hawkeye & Wolf
    Comments: Another one that could go either way. This match could be used to put the babyfaces in peril ahead of their likely respective PPV matches against their opponents, but given the babyfaces aren't exactly underdog types I'm going with them getting the win to build momentum and get one over on the heels. 

    Comments On Diary/Other Comments: 

  5. Prediction Results:

    @Charasmatic Enigma - 8/8
    @KyTeran - 7/8
    @willr0ck - 7/8
    @Wrestling Machine - 7/8

    A very close call after the first show and a very strong round overall from everyone involved.

    With most of the matches announced during the previous show, we have a very strong card for Night Of Wrestling #8:

    BOW Night Of Wrestling #8

    BOW World Championship Match
    Hardcore Match

    Matthew Macks vs Stevie Stoat (C)

    BOW Honour Championship Match
    Jason Dempsey vs Lenny Mochin (C)

    Gram Gorman, Konrad Makinen and Padraig O'Hearne vs Magnus Cage, Merle O'Curle and Michael Gregory*
    (*The winners will face each other in a three way match at Night Of Wrestling #9 next week to determine the number one contender for the BOW Honour Championship)

    The Northern Lights w/ Mo Adebola vs The X Force

    Clubber Kohl w/ Eva Berlin vs Stuart Wilson

    Karen Bilous vs Steffi Chee

    Jeri Behr vs Steph Blake

    Nate Manchester w/ Royal Air Force vs Colin Picalo

  6. The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane) vs The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham, Ralph Liotta) [1 Pts]
    The redemption of The American Cobras began at the previous show, and it continues here by beating the team that were established as 'the best of the rest' last time out.

    Renegade Bradley Blaze (c) vs Joffy Laine for the LSW Texas Heavyweight title [1 Pts]
    I don't think there's another shock title change happening just yet.

    Pick the Winner of the Texan Rumble [3 Pts]
    Big Hustle
    The stipulation that he could choose any match makes me think he will go on to finish the series against Left Shot Bradford before emerging as Blaze's new challenger.

    Who will be the runner-up in the Texan Rumble? [1 Pts]
    The Architect
    The scheming heel has his monster Dreadnought do all the heavy lifting for him but falls at the final hurdle after his behemoth bodyguard has been eliminated.

    Who will have the most eliminations during the Texan Rumble? [1 Pts]
    A dominant performance to establish him as the monster of the company.

    • Like 1
  7. BOW.png.42ca7f003c4b3b9ca07df93974a8e2b0.png

    British Omega Wrestling
    Night Of Wrestling #7
    Wednesday, Week 3, March 2020
    London, Southern England


    MartinBloydell.jpg.cffe8db0913e3bd08ecf1680de734fdf.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.e6a94ee03fcbfd1a45f0535e32cb3392.jpg JackieGoldstein.jpg.65dfa6095502d3275a7d71de854728db.jpg
    The BOW broadcast team: Martin Bloydell, Melanie Florence and Jackie Goldstein.

    Martin Bloydell: Ladies and gentlemen, we are hot on the heels of an incredible show Saturday night, where BOW presented ‘For Whom The Bell Tolls’. Tonight we return to Night Of Wrestling and we have another great show in store for you!

    Jackie Goldstein: That’s right Martin, and not only were three new champions crowned at that event, but two of them put their new titles on the line tonight. Will Thea Davis’ or The Shooters’ time at the top of their respective divisions end just as soon as they have begun as they take on K.T. Devonshire and The Assassins’ Guild respectively?

    Melanie Florence: And not only that, but fresh off his controversial title defence, the BOW World Champion Stevie Stoat competes tonight when he faces the young German kickboxer Eugen Semper. The man who helped Stoat keep hold of his title will be in action too, as Walker van Cleer faces Gordon Leve.

    Martin Bloydell: All that and more to come tonight folks, but we’re kicking things off with ‘The Irish Daredevil’ Matthew Macks looking to build on his victory over longtime rival Night Spyder as he takes on ‘The Angry Man’ Glen Ward, one on one.


    Match One:

    MatthewMacks.jpg.26ce29a9de58d91affaf019657242793.jpg vs.jpg.cc211d3035fbeda62eeb35bedae6f2e2.jpg GlenWard.jpg.5b72eb3ce8ed9e1154062bce3cbf15a7.jpg
    Matthew Macks vs Glen Ward

    Contrasting styles were in action for the first match of the show, as Matthew Macks’ reckless high flying action went up against Glen Ward’s versatility, ‘The Angry Man’ being a dab-hand at any style other than the aerial antics of Macks’. Unfortunately, the difference in wrestling approach hindered the match more than it helped, and the two men displayed a lack of cohesion in their performances. This serviceable opening bout came to an end in less than eight minutes when Macks pinned Ward following his Red Lightning finishing move.

    Winner: Matthew Macks via pinfall.


    Martin Bloydell: Macks follows up on his victory at For Whom The Bell Tolls with another win here tonight! Things are certainly looking good for ‘The Irish Daredevil’ right now, and it’ll be interesting to see where he goes from here.


    Aurora.jpg.db819405df0f70658c1beb936fb18d13.jpg LennyMochin.jpg.e307e07ff92b5d3a037c1eeb3d6dd0f5.jpg
    Nicole Phillips interviews the new BOW Honour Champion Lenny Mochin in the backstage area until the duo are approached by Merle O’Curle. Mochin stops responding to Phillips to exchange a tense stare with O’Curle.


    Merle O’Curle: At For Whom The Bell Tolls you jeopardised our friendship by getting one over on me and taking advantage of my back being turned. Let me tell you one thing young man. If the shoe was on the other foot…

    Merle O’Curle’s stern expression cracks into a smile.

    Merle O'Curle: …I would have done the exact same thing. Congrats Lenny, you deserve it.

    The segment ends with Mochin and O’Curle laughing as they walk off together.



    AltonVicious.jpg.6a1e09c13ad5f3e58c7bcf93b2c32a29.jpg Dangermouth.jpg.b8dd99b372c62a96417bbc0557d93e3e.jpg RiddickJordan.jpg.48c0cfc56691276dd572b87c517f29ca.jpg

    The camera points through a door frame into a locker room where Mo Adebola is stood with The Northern Lights and Dangermouth, all of them towering over his shoulders and scowling directly into the camera.

    Mo Adebola: These three men behind me are the most fearsome bad asses you will ever have the misfortune of facing. Eric Future and Petey Barnes, you were nothing but our first victims as we tear apart the British Omega Wrestling locker room for no reason other than because we want to. You challenge us at your peril. Do not cross us. Do not cross The Danger Zone.

    Mo Adebola strides forward and slams the door shut. On the door is a freshly placed sticker of the stable’s new logo.



    Jackie Goldstein: Oh boy, a chilling warning from Mo Adebola there. It looks like he’s united all his clients to form a dangerous alliance, and I for one will not be crossing The Danger Zone!

    Martin Bloydell: You and me both Jackie, and I don’t think we’re the only ones looking to steer clear of Adebola’s intimidating new group. Coming up next, Thea Davis makes the first defence of the BOW Women’s Championship, as she faces K.T. Devonshire.

    Melanie Florence: This match has been brewing for some time, both women call themselves ‘The Red Queen’ and both like to use the Flying Elbow Drop as their finishing move, so there’s a lot of similarities between the two. But which Queen will reign supreme here tonight and take home the title?


    Match Two:

    BOW Women’s Championship Match

    KatyaKornishkova.jpg.7823f03511ddd6703e38f15cfcdfd72e.jpg vs.jpg.cc211d3035fbeda62eeb35bedae6f2e2.jpg TheaDavis.jpg.c4003eca9fd72952fa57104c9d208166.jpg
    K.T. Devonshire vs Thea Davis (C)

    The first ever British women’s title match on free television was given a big chunk of air-time to allow both women to show off their skills, lasting over thirteen minutes as Thea Davis and K.T. Devonshire fought a competitive match that was solid, but unspectacular. Davis continued on her path to being the face of the women’s division with her first successful title defence, pinning K.T. Devonshire after landing her version of the Flying Elbow Drop.

    Winner and still BOW Women’s Champion: Thea Davis via pinfall.


    Melanie Florence: Thea Davis continues to write her name in the history of British wrestling with a successful title defence. But you can bet there’s a long list of women backstage who are ready and willing to challenge the true ‘Red Queen’ for her gold!


    Eva Berlin is stood backstage with ‘The War Dog’ Clubber Kohl beside her.

    EvaBerlin.jpg.64e224e516a16a850ad3d08bd55c4cad.jpg ClubberKohl.jpg.ca71ac99ddfd2c69f8b3760748397078.jpg

    Eva Berlin: At For Whom The Bell Tolls, ‘The War Dog’ Clubber Kohl drowned ‘The Dread Pirate’ Hugh de Aske in a pool of his own blood. But it wasn’t enough. The dog is still angry. He needs a new chew toy. Is there a man brave enough to step up and face him?

    ???: Aye.

    Both Berlin and Kohl turn to find ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson standing defiantly in their presence. The Olympic athlete has a big, muscular frame that humanises the usually menacing aura of Kohl.


    Stuart Wilson: Your dog is nothing but a bully. Lets see how it fares when it takes on someone it’s own size. Next week, you and me, Kohl. I’ll put you down.

    Neither Wilson nor Kohl flinch as they stand nose to nose while the image on screen fades.


    Martin Bloydell: Oh boy, I’m just getting news that Dunton Hall has made it official, next week Stuart Wilson goes one on one with Clubber Kohl is what is sure to be a collision for the ages!


    Match Three:

    GavinOwen.jpg.270ab8160898fccf57769f44a7e3ab24.jpg vs.jpg.cc211d3035fbeda62eeb35bedae6f2e2.jpg JasonDempsey.jpg.4c061d42ed4ec12da94c73bec03573de.jpg
    Gavin Owen vs Jason Dempsey

    Jason Dempsey has been slowly building momentum in British Omega Wrestling, with his last Night Of Wrestling outing seeing him score a victory over Owen’s team mate Glen Ward. Tonight he was able to complete the series by seeing off Gavin Owen courtesy of his Face Waffle finisher after over seven minutes of in-ring action.

    Winner: Jason Dempsey by pinfall.


    Immediately after his hand is raised by the referee, Dempsey takes a microphone.


    Jason Dempsey: A few weeks ago I said I wanted the first shot at whoever won the BOW Honour Championship. Well Lenny Mochin won that title on Saturday night at For Whom The Bell Tolls, so Lenny, I’m shooting my shot mate. I want to face you for that championship next week. If there is anyone in this company that represents Honour, it’s me. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I give my all for these fans every time I step between these ropes. So be a man of your word, come out here and show that title some respect, and accept my challenge.

    After a momentary pause, Lenny Mochin makes his way out onto the entrance ramp, the BOW Honour Championship worn proudly over his shoulder.


    Lenny Mochin: Bruv, I don’t know what you’re trying to suggest, but there is no-one more determined to make this championship the most prestigious belt in professional wrestling. I am not gonna be some cowardly champion that ducks and dodges his challengers, yeah, so don’t even try it. You want a shot at this belt next week? Sign me up. You might be some tenacious scrapper who don’t know how to quit, but you’ll still be swept aside by ‘The Brewin’ Storm’ just like everybody else.


    ChristopherLister.jpg.11c022c265f480a096a674c9bf313f22.jpg EricFuture.jpg.e99c4b23d369081340568977ca855c33.jpg

    Backstage a sombre looking Christopher Lister and Jase Cole look forlorn as they address the audience by speaking into the camera directly.

    Jase Cole: On Saturday night we lost the biggest match of our careers and missed the opportunity to become the first ever BOW Tag Team Champions. And boy does it suck.

    Christopher Lister: We hold our hands up, the better team won on the night. Congratulations Billy and Don, you earned it. But acknowledging that doesn’t make the defeat any easier.

    Jase Cole: You keep those belts shined real nice for us boys, because we will be back for them, that’s for true. But in the meantime, there’s something what’s been hanging over Chris and I, and we gotta get this off our chests.

    Christopher Lister: There’s an asterisk hanging over our semi-final win against Future X, and that’s not sitting well with us. See boys, we didn’t know anything about the attack that cost you guys our match, and for that we are sorry.

    Jase Cole: Obviously our words don’t undo what happened, but we still want to try and make things right.

    Christopher Lister: So, Jase and I, we agreed there was only one way to fix things, and that’s to challenge you… The Northern Lights.

    Jase Cole: Next week, The X Force vs Northern Lights. See ya then.


    Martin Bloydell: Two huge matches announced in a matter of seconds, as Dunton Hall has confirmed that next week’s show will feature both The Northern Lights vs The X Force, and Jason Dempsey vs Lenny Mochin for the BOW Honour Championship!


    Match Four:

    GrantTaypen.jpg.af1189ffb0e9aded55632ab78248ae9b.jpg LeightonBuzzard.jpg.0ac5341d6e025971c18c8be83f853f09.jpg
    NigelSvensson.jpg.5c16c1c3329b5853d9a3982a356f8044.jpg PavelVanzycha.jpg.d98117c77a694f8e5c191d64de48effa.jpg FinkFinkleton.jpg.e1fd3e9a8b388d3d46e3ce0d2e334250.jpg
    A Pair Of Aces vs Vanzycha & Svensson w/ Fink Finkleton

    Going into this match Grant Taypen and Leighton Buzzard of A Pair Of Aces had tag team experience on their side, whereas the new pairing of Vanzycha and Svensson are a hot commodity, especially with their manager Fink Finkleton being a vocal advocate of their abilities. While some fans expected a one-sided affair given the ring prowess of the European duo, this was anything but. The Aces more than held their own against the new pairing, proving to any doubters why they have not only held down steady gigs but held multiple championships across many different promotions in Great Britain. Unfortunately for their fans they did eventually fall to defeat, with Grant Taypen having no choice but to submit to Pavel Vanzycha’s Cross Armlock to bring the hot eleven-minute match to an end. All four men deserve a lot of praise for their ability to excite the crowd in this contest.

    Winners: Vanzycha & Svensson by submission


    Aurora.jpg.db819405df0f70658c1beb936fb18d13.jpg PadraigOHearne.jpg.c5677776746e38f755ace18ec675a401.jpg

    Nicole Phillips is stood backstage in her usual dedicated interview section, this time with Padraig O’Hearne stood beside her.

    Nicole Phillips: Padraig I’ve been told you’ve requested this time, so please tell us, what’s on your mind?

    Padraig O’Hearne: Well Nicole, there’s only one thing on my mind, and it’s been on my mind for months now. The Honour Championship. It’s true I didn’t win the belt in the four-way match on Saturday, but I didn’t lose that match either. In fact, I beat the new champion Lenny Mochin one-on-one at Reckless Abandon, pinned his mat to the shoulders one, two, three, and I know I’d do it again given the chance. So that’s what I’ve got on my mind, a chance-

    Padraig O’Hearne stops mid-sentence as he is distracted by the arrival of Konrad Makinen.


    Konrad Makinen: You’re not the only one who has been laser focused on that Honour title belt these past two months Padraig. You’re not the only one who didn’t take the fall in the four-way match on Saturday, either. I may have lost to Lenny before, but that was down to Merle O’Curle getting involved, and you can be sure that if I got another go, things wouldn’t turn out the same. In fact, another feather in my cap is that I already hold a win over you. So if anyone deserves that title shot, it’s me.

    Padraig O’Hearne: Well if that’s what you think, why don’t we run things back and meet in that ring for a number one contenders match?

    Dunton Hall: Hold on a minute.


    Both men’s attention turns to the CEO, who takes the place of Nicole Phillips between both men.

    Dunton Hall: Last I checked it was me who booked the matches around here. Now I know I’ve gone on record in calling you both pillars for this company, but you are far from the only men I’ve been impressed by here in BOW. I can think of at least four other men as deserving as the pair of you for a title opportunity. So, here’s what I’m going to do. Next week, the pair of you will be part of a trio’s match. The team that wins that contest will go on to fight in a three-way match the following week, and the winner of that match gets a shot at the Honour Championship at Madness. In fact, here comes the man who will be teaming with you both in that match next week.

    Dunton Hall points further down the corridor, commanding the attention of both men beside him. The camera follows their gaze...


    ...to find Gram Gorman stood grimacing at his partners next week.


    Jackie Goldstein: Huge repercussions for the Honour Championship there from the mind of our boss, and next week is shaping up to be one stacked show!


    Match Five:

    EugenSemper.jpg.1e098edbd7afe27198a31bcd3fbaec37.jpg vs.jpg.cc211d3035fbeda62eeb35bedae6f2e2.jpg StevieStoat.jpg.a03bde3fb2cad807755db2fe869e781b.jpg
    Eugen Semper vs Stevie Stoat

    In a very one-sided match that lasted less than five-minutes, the BOW World Champion Stevie Stoat dominated against the rookie Eugen Semper. The kickboxer did have one brief flurry that had the veteran rocked for a moment, but aside from that this was all one-way traffic which ended with a Super Kick from “The Smasher”. Stoat looked good coming out of this match, but Semper really struggled and it’s likely that he needs a lot more seasoning in dark matches before returning to television screens.

    Winner: Stevie Stoat by pinfall.



    After his match, Stevie Stoat remains in the ring with a microphone in hand.

    Stevie Stoat: And yet again I stand here your winner. Just like last Saturday. Seems to me like there ain’t no-one round ‘ere who is a match for me. Not the kickboxers, not the pirates, and certainly not the Springbok.

    The crowds chorus of boos erupts into a cascade of cheers as Stevie Stoat is interrupted by the entrance music of none other than Matthew Macks, and the reckless wrestler makes his way to the ring.


    Matthew Macks: How about an Irish Daredevil?! Bet you’ve never had the luck of wrestling one of those before.

    Stevie Stoat: Give over, ginger bollocks. That ruleless rubbish you do ain’t wrestling. Any homeless bum could do it.

    Stoat looks Macks from head to toe.

    Stevie Stoat: And from the looks of things, they do.

    Matthew Macks: Aye, grand. My bollocks may be ginger Stevie, but at least I have a pair. Every defence you’ve made of that belt, you’ve had to rely on someone else to win it for ya. So if you think hardcore wrestling is so easy, why don’t you fight me in a hardcore match next week? And better yet, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and put your shiny gold title belt on the line while you’re at it?

    Macks pats the title belt draped over Stoat’s shoulder, while the champion looks like he’s chewing on a wasp.

    Stevie Stoat: You’re on kid. But the only luck of the Irish you’ll have next week, is if they manage to find your teeth after I smash them out of your mouth.

    Matthew Macks: On Saturday I squashed a spider. Next Wednesday I win the World title.

    Macks drops his microphone to mat as he supported by a red-hot crowd cheering for him.


    BillyRobinson.jpg.d88abef959d62caa903b6c396c59df48.jpg DonHenderson.jpg.e346390d4c44f10eca1e20291446776b.jpg

    Somewhere backstage are the BOW Tag Team Champions Billy Robinson and Don Henderson, who stare intently into the camera.

    Billy Robinson: Ten years. Ten long years since me and this man last wrestled as a team. Twelve years since we held championship gold together.

    Both men hold up their newly won title belts.

    Billy Robinson: Until Saturday night. And for the first time in a long time, things feel right in the world again. You see when me and Don are together, that wrestling ring is our home. And being the champions means that every other team out there wants to invade our home. But Don and I, we love wrestling. And we are the best wrestling tag team there is. So, we will welcome any and every team into that ring with us. And that starts tonight with you, The Assassins’ Guild.

    Don Henderson: Assassins’. You’re no assassins. You two are nothing but a pair of punks. You run about the gaff wi’ Stevie Stoat thinking you’re hard men, when in reality you two would fight each other for the chance to wipe his arse. You two asked for this opportunity at these titles tonight, but are you sure you actually want it? Is this about proving yourself as the best tag team in British Omega Wrestling, or is it about proving yourselves to Daddy? Because if it’s the former, leave your Daddy issues in the locker room and bring your best. ‘Cos otherwise, The Shooters will put you down.


    Match Six:

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    Aud Valkyrie vs Viper McKenna

    Neither Aud Valkyrie nor Viper McKenna were successful in their attempt to win championship gold on Saturday night in the BOW Women’s Championship ladder match, but they sought to get back into contention against each other tonight. With both women at the tail ends of their careers, each match they compete in feels more important than the last, especially if either wants to hold gold in BOW before hanging up the boots. Together they put on a good back and forth, which abruptly ended with Viper McKenna scoring the pinfall after Aud Valkyrie was illegally attacked while the referee was distracted with The Viper. Valkyrie’s assailant?

    ‘The Big Bad’ Steph Blake.

    Winner: Viper McKenna via pinfall.


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    An irate Stevie Stoat paces through his locker room as The Assassins’ Guild try to keep up with him.

    Stevie Stoat: That no good little punk. Who does he think he is speaking to me like that? If he wants a hardcore match, that’s exactly what he’s gonna get. Let’s get out of here boys, we’ve got some planning to do.

    Louie Peyton: Actually boss, we can’t.

    Stevie Stoat: What?!

    Louie Peyton: We’ve got a match tonight against The Shooters for the Tag Team titles.

    Stefan Raynor: We were hoping you could give us some advice…

    Stevie Stoat: Advice? You want advice? I’ll give you advice… Win.

    Stevie Stoat storms out of the locker room, slamming the door shut behind him without a second glance.


    Match Seven:

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    Christian Blithe vs Walker van Cleer

    Over ten minutes of really good action was next up for the fans, as Walker van Cleer and Christian Blithe met in a match that saw their technical wrestling prowess heavily influence the contest. By the end of the contest the fans were buzzing as this one stole the show. Blithe put in a great effort, but as many expected the man who cost Landon Mallory his title shot at For Whom The Bell Tolls took the win, courtesy of his High Elevation Cross Body.

    Winner: Walker van Cleer via pinfall.



    Immediately after winning his match, Walker van Cleer rolls out to the ringside area, not even giving the referee a chance to raise his hand. He swipes a microphone and slides back into the ring.

    Before he speaks, the crowd begins to boo.

    Walker van Cleer: At For Whom The Bell Tolls, I cost Landon Mallory his BOW World Championship match.

    The crowd continues to rain down jeers on the Dutch wrestler.

    Walker van Cleer: Do you want to know why?

    The audience’s booing intensifies, which visibly angers van Cleer. He seems willing to give the fans a moment to settle down, but their disapproval doesn’t let up. After waiting what he deemed to be long enough, Walker shrugs his shoulders and lays the microphone down on the mat. He mouths the word ‘fine’ into the hard cam and exits the ring.


    Melanie Florence: Walker van Cleer refusing to acknowledge the crowd and leaves us with more questions than answers!

    Martin Bloydell: Answers that I’m sure we will get in the weeks to come, but for now there’s still one more match to come tonight, our main event, and it’s coming up next!


    Match Eight:

    BOW Tag Team Championship Match

    LouiePeyton.jpg.dfa03a9eb029c89e020d305be4c80de9.jpg StefanRaynor.jpg.c6b5caf747f28279e9209389049c308b.jpg vs.jpg.cc211d3035fbeda62eeb35bedae6f2e2.jpg BillyRobinson.jpg.d88abef959d62caa903b6c396c59df48.jpg DonHenderson.jpg.e346390d4c44f10eca1e20291446776b.jpg
    The Assassins' Guild vs The Shooters (C)

    In what was the best match to date for The Assassins’ Guild, they took on the first ever BOW Tag Team Champions Billy Robinson and Don Henderson of The Shooters as they looked to spoil the fairytale reunion for the veterans just as quickly as it was getting started. Despite their penchant for bending the rules, this was a relatively straight shot attempt from the challengers, especially with no sign of the BOW World Champion Stevie Stoat looking to repay the favour and interfere on their behalf. There was plenty of moments where they looked as though they didn’t need the help of their mob boss, scoring very near falls on two different occasions as they hit their finishing team move The Last Hit on both members of The Shooters during the course of the match. The resilient champions were able to withstand though, and it was the Capital City Crucifix from Billy Robinson in his London hometown that forced Stefan Raynor to submit and give The Shooters a very hard-fought, well earned first defence of their Tag Team titles.

    Winners and still BOW Tag Team Champions: The Shooters via submission.


    Jackie Goldstein: Stefan Raynor with no choice but to tap out to the Capital City Crucifix. What a first title defence for The Shooters!

    Melanie Florence: And as much as I hate to admit it, The Assassins' Guild took the champions to the edge tonight, and without their leader Stevie Stoat in sight.

    Martin Bloydell: That caps off our show tonight folks, join us next week for what looks to be a huge show as Stoat defends the BOW World Championship against Matthew Macks in the Irish Daredevil's favourite environment, a hardcore match! See you next Wednesday!

    • Like 2
  8. LAP Lucha

    Samael The Executioner ©️ vs Sunburst


    LAP Women's Parejas

    Lilly & Rose (Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose) ©️ vs Tex-Mex (Houston Handley & Teresa Perez)


    LAP People's

    Chess Maniac ©️ vs Mustang Blanco Jr


    Women's Escalera De Oro (Ladder Match, LAP Women's Title Shot)

    Alina America vs Danielle Sweetheart vs Electric Dreamer vs Miss American Pie vs Queen Amazon vs Simony Sentinel


    LAP Parejas

    Panther & The Foxx (Pantera Fenomenal & Flying Jimmy Foxx) ©️ vs The Lords Of Xtreme (Masked Cougar & Snap Dragon)


    LAP Women's

    Raven Nightfall ©️ vs Electric Dreamer


    Main Event: Escalera De Oro (Ladder Match, LAP Lucha Title Shot And Main Event Lucha Fest II)

    Amazing Fire Fly vs Axxis Jr vs Frankie Perez vs Jagged vs vs Hijo Del Relampago vs Remmy Skye 


    (EXTRA POINT) Which match will have the highest rating?
    Escalera De Oro (Ladder Match, LAP Lucha Title Shot And Main Event Lucha Fest II)

    • Like 1
  9. 29 minutes ago, Wrenegade said:

    Here is my very first render in Daz. I know this isn't good (kinda looks like Eric Bischoff with plastic surgery 😅) and that I have a lot to learn but excited to see how I progress from this.



    Isn't good?! Dude it's great! Welcome to the game - you'll have a blast!

    2 minutes ago, Clarity said:

    Been a hot minute since I've been on here, but thought I would share a re-render


    Created by upscaling the original image, and then putting it through an AI website called Stylar.ai


    Welcome back! There's a dedicated thread for AI created content here.

    • Thanks 1
  10. Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match
    "The Bone Collector" Christopher Ball VS "Southern Psychopath" Animal Harker
    Comments: As much as I'd like to see Christopher take his ball and run with it, I think he gets mauled by Animal Harker in the end, and will be left collecting his bones from the ring mat as Harker takes the (psycho-)path to the Bunkhouse Stampede!

    The Texas Outlaws W/Herb Stately VS Lightning Express
    Comments: Predictions for a lightning quick win here shouldn't be outlawed as the two tough Texans spice up their act with a stately victory that should see them on the express route towards tag team championship contention.

    Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match
    Phillippe "The Phenom" LaGrenier W/Clare South VS "Bluecollar Outlaw" Pepper Pelton
    Comments: A phenomenal win for Phillippe as he peppers Pelton until he's black and blue in the deep south.

    Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match
    Bullseye W/Waylon Walls VS "Wildfire" Cip Conduit
    Comments: This one had me stumped, I really ran into a wall here. So I've just made a wildfire prediction rather than wail on about my guess.

    GWC World Television Championship Match
    Zip "The Lip" Deverall W/Mya Catalan VS Astro
    Comments: Deverell has this win all zipped up. He is a star in the making, his ceiling is outer space!

    Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier
    Dreadnought W/Playboy Jake Sawyer VS Kalder Tagg W/February Malaise
    Comments: Playboy Jake Sawyer has nought to dread as his client beats Kalder Tagg into next February.

  11. Here's a bunch of British/European region (and a couple from Oceania too!) workers I've re-rendered for my British Omega Wrestling diary that I've not actually posted here yet. Some of these may have been posted here before, but I can't be bothered to double check. Larger PNG versions available if desired.


    Aud Valkyrie

    Erin Grey

    Jeri Behr

    Karen Bilous

    Katya Kornishkova

    Steffi Chee

    Thea Davis

    Viper McKenna

    Zofia Jankovic


    Aurelian Bradley

    Bali Daljit

    Billy Robinson

    Brilliant White

    Cain Carlile

    Christian Blithe

    Christopher Lister

    Clubber Kohl

    Colin Picalo


    Don Henderson

    Eugen Semper

    Gordon Leve

    Gram Gorman

    Hugh de Aske

    Jase Cole

    Jason Dempsey

    Jermaine Granger

    JK Lee

    Konrad Makinen

    Landon Mallory

    Lenny Mochin

    Magnus Cage

    Matthew Macks

    Merle O'Curle

    Michael Gregory

    Milton Hittlespitz

    Nate Manchester

    NigelSvensson.jpg.f638ffc7f220b837ca2bf569e73eb73e.jpg NigelSvensson_alt.jpg.acba3049d157728d3e1bc9c194400fd4.jpg
    Nigel Svensson (+ alt)

    Night Spyder

    Padraig O'Hearne

    PavelVanzycha.jpg.d4be6cac7b55c228af4f0a7ece1ace85.jpg PavelVanzycha_alt.jpg.b0824a5bff469ef85a748b3841ddae4c.jpg
    Pavel Vanzycha (+ alt)

    Puffy The Sand Iron Player

    StevieStoat.jpg.c8d8fedf8e03d11d6bdaae1928972712.jpg StevieStoat_alt.jpg.8bd701978e3dd20275badee2751a7887.jpg
    Stevie Stoat (+ alt)


    StuartWilson.jpg.b4d0ab9d6d8f301b51cc005b4426d54d.jpg StuartWilson_alt1.jpg.986de164db0dec6a933d200160a2bc08.jpg StuartWilson_alt2.jpg.5f3ae68ad7566aa1875cf4851831e01d.jpg
    Stuart Wilson (+ alts)

    Walker van Cleer

    Wes Stryker

    Wild Child

    Tag Teams

    Future X
    EricFuture.jpg.8316ef5d8a8f9e380a51eb0d7fa3ffe2.jpg PeteyBarnes.jpg.e3344932cf543aafe1852909828849b4.jpg
    Eric Future and Petey Barnes

    Sharp & Heath
    JonMichaelSharp.jpg.fa023f80b149a7b1f8b7a8a9bc500c38.jpg MartinHeath.jpg.27834ba02dc1f9ddb632cb2f0426882f.jpg
    Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath

    Taypen & Buzzard
    GrantTaypen.jpg.9e34f354686c1f23866cbd6800b75848.jpg LeightonBuzzard.jpg.5f3c3e57ced36ae30bf0f847be047d9f.jpg
    GrantTaypen_alt.jpg.492a413f3ddf1f9f23f23b963bb8050a.jpg LeightonBuzzard_alt.jpg.8f1fc5743d20c84864b78f95b930a746.jpg
    Grant Taypen (+ alt) and Leighton Buzzard (+ alt)

    The Assassins' Guild
    LouiePeyton.jpg.21d107176225e9989bbfd77917485d15.jpg StefanRaynor.jpg.6837ef8461dccd84b430e3c994c865f8.jpg
    LouiePeyton_alt.jpg.93b51154e8e3d74fcae9342d50c12cec.jpg StefanRaynor_alt.jpg.09b49a8b75e210f357d6a3e207990e6b.jpg
    Louie Peyton (+ alt) and Stefan Raynor (+ alt)

    The Fashionistas
    GianfrancoMorelli.jpg.1aa2d479f64cec911b81f4759341300c.jpg RobertoMilano.jpg.9312965a80d2fba76f6e761e7dc6e0b8.jpg
    GianfrancoMorelli_alt.jpg.87d655c4d6ad8553de1be944f061915e.jpg RobertoMilano_alt.jpg.a2f763f8f648afbbc54a379cd66e9a99.jpg
    Gianfranco Morelli (+ alt) and Roberto Milano (+ alt)

    The Foreign Legion
    JacquesDuPont.jpg.ef9bc2a97f58697fe15a2762f3b3f69a.jpg PierreDuPont.jpg.21ab9c721f2f26667519fe490f7bbe3b.jpg
    Jacques DuPont and Pierre DuPont

    The Northern Lights
    AltonVicious.jpg.2b8e1f26c2f5bae6cae09a0d491353b9.jpg RiddickJordan.jpg.02ebe13250634dd6802ee9c09bb6e5f1.jpg
    Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan

    Ward & Owen
    GavinOwen.jpg.69a3eb8a6211152d617cfe3e3054ce7c.jpg GlenWard.jpg.08272b40dec8eade1cb87302e2bb8bd5.jpg
    Gavin Owen and Glen Ward



    British Samurai

    Dunton Hall

    Eva Berlin

    Fink Finkleton

    HollyLeves.jpg.8ee175aa72d71826681a3dabbfe43b31.jpg HollyLeves_alt.jpg.9f0cff95055b2b8b2877340484112c2c.jpg
    Holly Leves (+ alt)

    Humphrey Woolsey

    Jackie Goldstein

    Jasmine Perlot

    Laurel Wreath

    Leo Price


    Martin Bloydell

    Melanie Florence

    Mo Adebola

    Rachel Dearheart

    Roy Worrall.jpg
    Roy Worrall

    UK Dragon

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  12. Here's a bunch of British/European region (plus a couple from a few other regions too) workers I've re-rendered for my British Omega Wrestling diary that I've not actually posted here yet. Some of these may have been posted here before, but I can't be bothered to double check. Larger PNG versions available if desired.


    Aud Valkyrie

    Erin Grey

    Jeri Behr

    Karen Bilous

    Katya Kornishkova

    Steffi Chee

    Thea Davis

    Viper McKenna

    Zofia Jankovic


    Aurelian Bradley

    Bali Daljit

    Billy Robinson

    Brilliant White

    Cain Carlile

    Christian Blithe

    Christopher Lister

    Clubber Kohl

    Colin Picalo


    Don Henderson

    Eugen Semper

    Gordon Leve

    Gram Gorman

    Hugh de Aske

    Jase Cole

    Jason Dempsey

    Jermaine Granger

    JK Lee

    Konrad Makinen

    Landon Mallory

    Lenny Mochin

    Magnus Cage

    Matthew Macks

    Merle O'Curle

    Michael Gregory

    Milton Hittlespitz

    Nate Manchester

    NigelSvensson.jpg.f638ffc7f220b837ca2bf569e73eb73e.jpg NigelSvensson_alt.jpg.acba3049d157728d3e1bc9c194400fd4.jpg
    Nigel Svensson (+ alt)

    Night Spyder

    Padraig O'Hearne

    PavelVanzycha.jpg.d4be6cac7b55c228af4f0a7ece1ace85.jpg PavelVanzycha_alt.jpg.b0824a5bff469ef85a748b3841ddae4c.jpg
    Pavel Vanzycha (+ alt)

    Puffy The Sand Iron Player

    StevieStoat.jpg.c8d8fedf8e03d11d6bdaae1928972712.jpg StevieStoat_alt.jpg.8bd701978e3dd20275badee2751a7887.jpg
    Stevie Stoat (+ alt)


    StuartWilson.jpg.b4d0ab9d6d8f301b51cc005b4426d54d.jpg StuartWilson_alt1.jpg.986de164db0dec6a933d200160a2bc08.jpg StuartWilson_alt2.jpg.5f3ae68ad7566aa1875cf4851831e01d.jpg
    Stuart Wilson (+ alts)

    Walker van Cleer

    Wes Stryker

    Wild Child

    Tag Teams

    Future X
    EricFuture.jpg.8316ef5d8a8f9e380a51eb0d7fa3ffe2.jpg PeteyBarnes.jpg.e3344932cf543aafe1852909828849b4.jpg
    Eric Future and Petey Barnes

    Sharp & Heath
    JonMichaelSharp.jpg.fa023f80b149a7b1f8b7a8a9bc500c38.jpg MartinHeath.jpg.27834ba02dc1f9ddb632cb2f0426882f.jpg
    Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath

    Taypen & Buzzard
    GrantTaypen.jpg.9e34f354686c1f23866cbd6800b75848.jpg LeightonBuzzard.jpg.5f3c3e57ced36ae30bf0f847be047d9f.jpg
    GrantTaypen_alt.jpg.492a413f3ddf1f9f23f23b963bb8050a.jpg LeightonBuzzard_alt.jpg.8f1fc5743d20c84864b78f95b930a746.jpg
    Grant Taypen (+ alt) and Leighton Buzzard (+ alt)

    The Assassins' Guild
    LouiePeyton.jpg.21d107176225e9989bbfd77917485d15.jpg StefanRaynor.jpg.6837ef8461dccd84b430e3c994c865f8.jpg
    LouiePeyton_alt.jpg.93b51154e8e3d74fcae9342d50c12cec.jpg StefanRaynor_alt.jpg.09b49a8b75e210f357d6a3e207990e6b.jpg
    Louie Peyton (+ alt) and Stefan Raynor (+ alt)

    The Fashionistas
    GianfrancoMorelli.jpg.1aa2d479f64cec911b81f4759341300c.jpg RobertoMilano.jpg.9312965a80d2fba76f6e761e7dc6e0b8.jpg
    GianfrancoMorelli_alt.jpg.87d655c4d6ad8553de1be944f061915e.jpg RobertoMilano_alt.jpg.a2f763f8f648afbbc54a379cd66e9a99.jpg
    Gianfranco Morelli (+ alt) and Roberto Milano (+ alt)

    The Foreign Legion
    JacquesDuPont.jpg.ef9bc2a97f58697fe15a2762f3b3f69a.jpg PierreDuPont.jpg.21ab9c721f2f26667519fe490f7bbe3b.jpg
    Jacques DuPont and Pierre DuPont

    The Northern Lights
    AltonVicious.jpg.2b8e1f26c2f5bae6cae09a0d491353b9.jpg RiddickJordan.jpg.02ebe13250634dd6802ee9c09bb6e5f1.jpg
    Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan

    Ward & Owen
    GavinOwen.jpg.69a3eb8a6211152d617cfe3e3054ce7c.jpg GlenWard.jpg.08272b40dec8eade1cb87302e2bb8bd5.jpg
    Gavin Owen and Glen Ward



    British Samurai

    Dunton Hall

    Eva Berlin

    Fink Finkleton

    HollyLeves.jpg.8ee175aa72d71826681a3dabbfe43b31.jpg HollyLeves_alt.jpg.9f0cff95055b2b8b2877340484112c2c.jpg
    Holly Leves (+ alt)

    Humphrey Woolsey

    Jackie Goldstein

    Jasmine Perlot

    Laurel Wreath

    Leo Price


    Martin Bloydell

    Melanie Florence

    Mo Adebola

    Rachel Dearheart

    Roy Worrall.jpg
    Roy Worrall

    UK Dragon

    All my renders are in this thread.

    • Like 16
    • Thanks 3
  13. Predictions results:

    Firstly, I realise now I don't think I mentioned the outcome of the previous prediction results. Joint winners @Charasmatic Enigma and @John Lions were given the chance to choose which clients would be taken on by new managers Holly Leves and Rachel Dearheart, respectively. As has already been established in the diary, C.E. chose for Holly Leves to be assigned to The Fashionistas tag team, and Lions selected Gram Gorman for Rachel Dearheart to align herself with.

    This time round, the now two time victor @Charasmatic Enigma was given the option to select a worker to become active in the British Isles. Here is his selection, in the form of a press release:

    "The news broke earlier today that American independent wrestler and prodigy ring technician Erin Grey has announced her desire to begin working across the British Isles in the near future. Earlier this month, Grey sensationally quit All Canadian Pro Wrestling, after falling out with the Quebec based promotion's head booker, Face Nelson. Until now Grey had kept her cards close to her chest about what she had planned next for her career, and it seems as though she's after a change of scenery, having already worked for two separate North American promotions in ACPW and the now-defunct Angel Athletic Association, where she spent five months with the Seattle based company until they ceased operations in the summer of 2017. Early speculation from industry insiders suggest that Grey is looking to catch the eye of British Omega Wrestling management, as the new company has recently introduced women's wrestling to the United Kingdom for the first time ever. Whether the two parties are in talks is not yet confirmed, but with such a small pool of female wrestling talent to choose from, many think BOW CEO Dunton Hall would be foolish not to open negotiations with the 21 year old."

    Erin Grey is expected to start accepting bookings in the British Isles in the coming days.


    Now in other news, a final call for predictions with the show expected to be posted tomorrow evening.

  14. Mick Muscles vs. Nicky 'Hawkeye' Champion
    Comments: The face of the company isn't losing to an over the hill bodybuilder on TV with no build behind it.

    'The Bronzed god' Zeus vs. Leaf LeBaum
    Comments: Zues has The Olympus Order behind him while LeBaum is just finding his feet.

    'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis vs. Sara Marie
    Comments: A general rule of thumb when predicting is that the worker with a nickname usually beats a worker who doesn't. 

    Shockwave vs. The Texas Express
    Comments: I think these two are on the up and up iirc.

    'The Talent' Trent Shaffer (w/Raven Robinson) vs. Enygma
    Comments: Intrigued by this match up and think it could have made a good little program, but I think Enygma is on his way to retirement, putting over workers as he does so. 

    'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. 'The Storm' D.C. Rayne
    Comments: One of the premier heels in USPW and starts the year in a feud with Champion so can't afford a loss here.

    Comments On Diary/Other Comments: 

    USPW are by far my least favourite of the Big 3, and one of my least favourite promotions altogether. They're an over-produced, disgraceful sham of a wrestling promotion, a vomit of stars and stripes surface-level patriotism and I'd love nothing more than Allen Packer to get bored of the company, strip it apart and shut it down.

    With that said there are a few workers on their books I do genuinely like and want to see how they fare in your vision for USPW. And more to the point I am very interested to see if you can actually make me like the company! 😆

    • Like 1
  15. Al Coleman vs Raphael [1 Pts]
    I don't really rate Raphael, but if I remember correctly he has national level popularity so is a useful tool in putting over better workers, such as Al Coleman.

    EBK vs The Canadian Blondes vs The Heartbreak Express vs The Oklahomans in a Tag Team Turmoil match [1 Pts]
    I'm working on the theory that the winning team is likely to emerge as the next title contenders, so that narrowed it down to a babyface team, and there's a lot more about The Heartbreak Express than there is The Oklahomans.

    Ernest Youngman vs Rob Reynolds [1 Pts]
    Rob Reynolds is a good worker, but mid-card is about the right level for him just now. He needs a bit more character development to become a major player. Youngman has the talent that demands he be pushed higher up the card, and it starts here.

    Big Hustle vs Left Shot Bradford [1 Pts]
    I think this feud continues as the series is tied 1-1 after this match.

    The Most Wanted (Blaze, Winchester, Revell, Martin) vs Joffy Laine, ???, ???, ??? [1 Pts]
    A tough call as I don't think either side can really afford the loss. Laine needs the bounce back after his shock title loss, but The Most Wanted's evolution into their 'complete form' needs cementing with a solid victory. I think the easiest option is for one of Laine's partners to take the pin here.

    Who will Joffy Laine pick as his partners? [1 Pts for every correct answer]
    My theory is that he calls on some friend(s) from Puerto Rico. I really want to select The Latino Kings, but the fact that I'm risking three points on a stable doesn't sit well with me, particularly when there's better available workers from FCW available. Instead I'm going to go for Kip Keenan, as I think he fits the promotion well as a long term signing too. Frankie Perez is my second choice, he's proven popular by readers of this diary and is a fantastic talent, so I imagine you want to bring him back in. A third, rather un-inspired choice for my third pick is Rayne Man, as his history with The Most Wanted is enough motivation for him to be in the match, and he's a safe option to eat the pin to protect Laine and the two debutants. 

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