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Everything posted by parkereddy

  1. Adam, this doesn’t make sense, and I think you should realize this, too. I legitimately see no way that you think this is fine. The AI should clearly be putting the title on the line in the main event spot, when having the choice between two battle royals, right?
  2. Dalton: 2/4 Kijar: 2/4 NotTheAEWCody: 2/4 50%s all the way round!
  3. <div style="padding: 10px; border: 8px solid #004b95; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:60%; ";"> Results - Championship Wrestling From Hollywood, September 19th Eddie Pearl, the healthy, neck-not-broken member of 5 Minutes of Heat, comes to the ring. He has an envelope in hand. He grabs the mic, saying he officially wants to try his hand in the CWFH Heritage title Battle Royal, to prove his potential, and to make his partner proud. The envelope holds his qualification opponent's name. He opens the envelope... it's The Irish Juggernaut, Mikey O'Shea! Rating: 25 Wolf Zaddies vs Fidel Bravo and Pinx Wolf Zaddies get some beautiful power moves off in a swift victory over their opponents tonight. During the match, the commentary team comments on the recent absence of the tag team champions, The Soul Burners. Winner: Wolf Zaddies Rating: 33 Vipress vs Lacey Ryan Vipress and Lacey go back and forth, excellent wrestling on both sides, before interference from Heather Monroe. Monroe comes to the ring, and by a miracle of attractiveness and assertiveness, convinces the referee to turn around, looking away from the ring. She then attacks both participants, before leaving with a kiss blown towards the beaten bodies of each woman. Lacey is first to her feet, desperately climbing to the top rope for the frog splash, and the 3 count to win the match. Winner: Lacey Ryan Rating: 21 Dave Marquez stands ringside with Anthony Idol. Idol has something to say about his recent run-ins with Adriel Noctis. "Noctis - maybe what you're saying is true, maybe I'm on my way out. But your cowardly attacks prove nothing - I can still go with the best of them, and I'm going to beat your ass October 10th, at UWN Primetime Live!" Rating: 34 Navajo Warrior vs Andy Brown - For a CWFH Heritage Title Battle Royal slot Brown gets the upper hand early, and drills into Warrior with a flurry of kicks in the corner. He gets cocky however, and while he is showing off, taunting the crowd, he turns his back to the warrior. The veteran Navajo Warrior bashes into Brown from behind, then hitting a powerbomb for the two count. Brown then gets back his momentum with a well-timed kick below the belt. The finish comes soon after, as Brown hits a massive lariat for the win. Winner: Andy Brown Rating: 22 Zicky Dice approaches the commentary desk, claiming he is joining the team for this match, which features the "must-see" Royce Isaacs Rating: 64 Royce Isaacs vs Ray Rosas - For the UWN Television Title and a CWFH Heritage Battle Royal spot Royce Isaacs is "Zicky's beautiful baby boy", and his title is on the line here tonight, as well at his chance at dual gold with the CWFH Heritage title. The challenger, Ray Rosas, is a CWFH star in his own right, and will surely be seeking dual title status as well. Rosas and Isaacs are both willing to fight dirty, so the referee has his hands full here tonight. As Zicky gushes over how amazing Isaacs is, Rosas throws him to the outside. Rosas smashes his face into the commentary desk, infuriating Zicky. Zicky trash talks and yells right in the face of Rosas, allowing Isaacs to recover and take advantage. He brings Rosas back to the ring, and goes for a hold, only to be locked up by Rosas in a headlock! Rosas jumps up, looking for the springboard tornado DDT, only to be slammed down into the ground by Isaacs! Isaacs takes advantage, hitting the money clip for the victory. Winner: Royce Isaacs Rating: 30 Royce Isaacs celebrates in the ring with his title, when Zicky Dice runs into the ring, trying to hug Isaacs from behind! Isaacs quickly rolls out of the ring, disgusted, running to the back to avoid Zicky. Zicky chases after him shouting. Rating: 43 Show Rating: 32
  4. <div style="padding: 10px; border: 8px solid #004b95; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:60%; ";"> September 19th Preview We've got a slate of incredible matches lined up for you this saturday, September 19th, at the Oceanview Pavillion. The Wolf Zaddies seek to keep their incredible run going against Fidel Bravo and Pinx, Lacey Ryan goes one on one with Vipress after a heated exchange, and two battle royal qualification matches, as the Navajo Warrior faces Andy Brown, and Royce Isaacs faces Ray Rosas in our main event, with both a battle royal shot, and the UWN Television Title on the line! Match Card: Royce Isaacs vs Ray Rosas - For the UWN Television Title and a CWFH Heritage Battle Royal spot Navajo Warrior vs Andy Brown - For a CWFH Heritage Title Battle Royal slot Vipress vs Lacey Ryan Wolf Zaddies vs Fidel Bravo and Pinx </div>
  5. <div style="padding: 10px; border: 8px solid #004b95; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:60%; ";"> Officially announcing: UWN Primetime Live September 15, 2020 by Dave Marquez Featuring the biggest characters, brightest young stars, and most explosive action on the independent scene, the United Wrestling Network is launching a series of Pay-Per-View events under the name UWN Primetime Live. The events will be infrequent, about one every two months, with no strict schedule. The first event will be Saturday, October 10th, meaning there are a mere three episodes of Championship Wrestling From Hollywood between now and the first ever Primetime Live, where the new CWFH Heritage Champion will be crowned in a 10 man battle royal! Be sure to buy your tickets online now, and check us out at hollywoodwrestling.com, or unitedwrestlingtv.com for information about how to watch LIVE from home! See you there! </div>
  6. I’d be interested in such an option. You can only see so many created people with the “goth” gimmick before it gets a bit old
  7. This would be nice to know, the way the setting is described gives a decent idea, but is a bit vague for basing a company on
  8. The Buy In Lance Archer vs. Matt Hardy Nyla Rose vs. Thunder Rosa Wardlow vs. Hammerstone Main Show Tables Match: Good Brothers vs. Eddie Kingston & Homicide Best Friends (including Orange Cassidy) vs. The Inner Circle (Jericho/Santana & Ortiz) Mr. Brodie Lee vs. Billy AEW TNT Championship: Darby Allin © vs. MJF AEW Women’s World Championship: Kris Statlander © vs. Tenille Dashwood Brian Cage vs. Adam Page Cody vs. PAC AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR © vs. The Young Bucks AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley © vs. Kenny Omega BONUS: Who will debut? Curtis Axel
  9. Jon Moxley vs. Doc Gallows Colt Cabana vs. Billy Matt Hardy vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr. Bea Priestley vs. Thunder Rosa Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Frankie Kazarian
  10. <div style="padding: 10px; border: 8px solid #004b95; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:60%; ";"> Results - Championship Wrestling From Hollywood, September 12th Dave Marquez opens the show, with an interview of "The Lost Cause", Adriel Noctis. "Adriel, I'm going to be straightforward with you, and ask the one question on everyone's mind. Why did you interfere in last week's main event?" Adriel grabs the microphone forcefully "Anthony Idol is a RELIC of the past." "This championship, and CWFH, needs a new breed of wrestler to lead them into the future!" "Watch your back, old men, because you're all on your way out - whether you like it or not" Rating: 22 Robin Shaw vs Zicky Dice for a Heritage Title Battle Royal Slot A couple of big boys clash in this match, Shaw having the size advantage, and Dice with the skill advantage. Dice takes Shaw down by attacking the legs, then hitting a vicious flurry of kicks, locking in a kneebar and wrenching it furiously for the submission victory, looking into the camera, having a blast the whole time. Zicky Dice qualifies for the Heritage Title Battle Royal Winner: Zicky Dice Rating: 34 Zicky Dice rushes around the ringside area, frantically trying to find someone with a microphone. He stops by the announce desk, putting on Joe Galli's headset. "WHERE IS ROYCE ISAACS" "WHERE IS HE TODD??? WHERE IS HE JOEY BABY????????" "SOMEBODY FIND HIM, I NEED ROYCE ISAACS, I HAVE A MESSAGE!!" Zicky heads to the backstage area to search after Joe Galli and Todd Keneley meet him with only shrugs. Rating: 39 Eddie Pearl and Frankie Frank vs The Wolf Zaddies Eddie Pearl is back in action vs the Wolf Zaddies seeking revenge for his partner's broken neck last week. His replacement partner, Frankie Frank, is a little more cool jazz than he is rock and roll. Often in the match, Eddie is looking for a high paced double team move, just for Frankie to fall up short due to his lack of speed. The Wolf Zaddies hit a double clothesline on Frankie after dumping Pearl out of the ring to get the win. The Zaddies howl in joy as they continue their rampage through the CWFH tag division. Winners: The Wolf Zaddies Rating: 31 Heather Monroe vs Lacey Ryan in a Submission Match Monroe gets the upper hand in the early stages, working the back of Lacey Ryan, which is no doubt still hurting from last week. Ryan fights back, heavily focusing on Monroe's left arm, making numerous attempts at armbars. During the match, to the surprise of both competitors, Vipress comes down to the ring, to join the commentary team. Monroe takes advantage of the distraction to hit a massive dropkick on Lacey's back. Lacey breaks a submission attempt via rope break, before locking in an armbar. Right as Monroe seems about to tap, she gets her footing, locks her arms, and lifts Lacey, slamming her into the ring. She once again locks in a camel clutch for the win, staring Vipress in the eyes as she does. Winner: Heather Monroe Rating: 25 Vipress stands up from the desk during Monroe's celebration, microphone in hand. "Haven't we seen enough of this?" "You two have fought each other basically every week for years now, it's time for this to end." "I hate to break it to you - but NO ONE CARES who wins your matches, just give it up already" Vipress storms off Rating: 25 Eric Watts vs Adrian Quest for a Heritage Title Battle Royal Slot Aaron Stevens, new CWFH executive, joins the commentary team for this match. He is looking incredibly sharp, with a beautifully tailored suit, and he ensures that his broadcast partners know it. Stevens's prediction: Watts wins. Quest is a tiny, tiny man. Therefore, far inferior to the naturally gifted and sizable Watts. Watts's power gives him the starting advantage. Quest's strikes are practically no-sold, as the big man isn't phased. Watts keeps a slow, deliberate pace, tossing around Quest, and planting powerful strikes. Quest slips out of the ring, taking a breather before getting back in, and picking up the pace. A dropkick to Watts's knees bring him down, and leave him vulnerable to a DDT. Watts gets back up, and takes control once again with a powerful strike to counter a top rope dive. After taking another beating, Quest slips out of the ring. Watts comes out after him, chasing him down. As Quest runs by the commentary booth, he trips! Watts takes advantage, powerbombing him onto the floor, picking him up, into the ring, and pinning him for the win, qualifying to the Heritage title battle royal. Winner: Eric Watts Rating: 35 Aaron Stevens takes the ring to congratulate Watts on his victory. Watts seems disinterested. Stevens looks over at the lifeless body of Adrian Quest, and laughs at the little man, who he has seemingly no respect for. Rating: 57 </div>
  11. Beautifully executed, and glad to see it back, well worth the wait Jon Moxley/Eddie Kingston/Homicide vs. Bulletproof Brian Cage vs. Adam Page Cody vs. Rey Fenix AEW TNT Championship: Darby Allin © vs. Chris Hero Santana & Ortiz vs. Best Friends
  12. <div style="padding: 10px; border: 8px solid #004b95; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:60%; ";"> A star-studded show this week at the Oceanview Pavillion! Adrian Quest takes on Eric Watts in a David vs Goliath style battle for a shot at the gold, Heather Monroe and Lacey Ryan continue their heated rivalry, Eddie Pearl seeks revenge for his injured partner against the Wolf Zaddies, and Zicky Dice makes a special appearance against Robin Shaw. Also in store for Saturday: New CWFH executive Aaron Stevens makes his first live appearance! Match card: Adrian Quest vs Eric Watts - For a CWFH Heritage Title Battle Royal slot Heather Monroe vs Lacey Ryan - Submission Match Eddie Pearl and Frankie Frank vs The Wolf Zaddies Robin Shaw vs Zicky Dice </div>
  13. I definitely agree here. There’s a lot of potential to flesh out the system.
  14. It doesn't do "nothing", it shows you people who have between a 0 and a 10 in any region. So someone like Bo Dallas shows up for me - even though he averages 30 pop in most regions, since he has between a 0 and a 10 in India. But I agree, it would make more sense to work the way you describe. I don't see a practical application for it the way it currently works
  15. 3/4, and your 1/4 wrong broke their neck. I'm kinda scared for you to predict incorrectly now
  16. <div style="padding: 10px; border: 8px solid #004b95; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:60%; ";"> Results - Championship Wrestling From Hollywood, September 6th Dave Marquez is at the ringside area. He acknowledges the fact that the Heritage title is currently vacant. "Since this title is the prize everybody wants, everybody will get their shot!" "A series of 10 qualifying matches will be held to determine the 10 participants in next month's Heritage Title Battle Royal." "The first of those matches starts, right now!" Rating: 24 Jordan Clearwater vs Ice Williams for a Heritage Title Battle Royal Slot A fast paced encounter between two of the company's young upcoming talent. Ice has the size advantage, but Clearwater's maneuverability and impressive arsenal of moves gives him the advantage, and the win. Winner: Jordan Clearwater Rating: 20 Jordan Clearwater steps over to the ringside area where Marquez is waiting for an interview. "Let me stop you right there Dave." "I'm guessing you're asking how I feel about my chances in the battle royal?" "I'll tell you how I feel." "Like a winner. Jordan Clearwater is a winner, and I proved that in this ring tonight." "Put me in that ring with any 9 men, and I'll stand out, I'll shine, and I'll win. I don't care who they are - but they're going down." Rating: 25 Lacey Ryan vs Heather Monroe CWFH's premier women's rivalry continues. Heather Monroe whips Lacey Ryan right into the referee. While the ref is down, Monroe hits repeated stomps to Lacey's back in the corner, well more than enough that the referee would have disqualified her, had he been conscious. Right as the referee awakens, Monroe locks in a Camel Clutch, shades of the Shiek, and gets the submission victory. The referee takes a while to get her to break the hold, and serious damage is done to Lacey's back. Winner: Heather Monroe Rating: 24 4 Minutes of Heat vs The Wolf Zaddies 4 Minutes of Heat are pumped, ready to go, against their larger opponents here tonight. They deal out some high paced offense, only to be countered by the power moves of their opponents. Eddie Pearl is the legal man down in the ring, while Ricky Gibson battles Tito Escondido on the outside. Gibson comes down straight on his neck after a slam, and is immediately tended to by the referee. After a double team move onto Eddie Pearl, the Zaddies get the W. Winners: Wolf Zaddies Rating: 31 Medical Update: Ricky Gibson has been officially diagnosed with a broken neck. He will be out of action for around a year. We wish him a speedy recovery. Chris Mordetzky vs "The Neon Phenomenon" Anthony Idol for a Heritage Title Battle Royal Slot Two big men square up here in the ring - UWN regular and ring veteran Idol has a slight size advantage over the former "Masterpiece", Mordetzky. However, as these men lock up, it's clear their strength is nearly equal. Both men trade blows back and forth - Idol getting the advantage in the brawling game, Mordetzky ahead in grappling. After a brutal back and forth for around 10 minutes, Adriel Noctis, "The Lost Cause", comes out of nowhere! Noctis distracts the referee as both men are down. Mordetzky looks up, realizes what is going on, and exposes a turnbuckle. He grabs his opponent, tosses him headfirst into the exposed steel, and hits a quick pin! 1.... 2.... 3! Mordetzky wins it! Winner: Chris Mordetzky Rating: 30 This crowd is shocked. Marquez hopes to get answers from Noctis as he rushes away, but is met with only a spit in his direction. </div>
  17. Hopefully I can make something you enjoy! I'm not an expert on the promotion by any means, but they've come onto my radar due to their collaborations with the NWA. I'm hoping to watch as much of their shows as possible to get a real feel for how to book them, and keep it as true to life as possible.
  18. <div style="padding: 10px; border: 8px solid #004b95; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:60%; ";"> CWFH Roster Champions Championship Wrestling from Hollywood Heritage Heavyweight Championship - Vacant The CWFH Heritage Heavyweight Title is the biggest prize in CWFH. Many wars have been fought for this title since the promotion's inception. The longest reigning champion is Peter Avalon, with a reign of 672 days. United Wrestling Network Television Championship - Royce Isaacs The UWN TV title is defended throughout all UWN territories regularly on their television broadcasts. The current champion, Royce Isaacs, is on the verge of a record setting title reign. He has held the title for 330 days, with the record sitting at 378 days from inaugural champion, Scorpio Sky. United Wrestling Network Tag Team Championships - The Soul Burners The UWN Tag Team titles, similarly to the TV title, are defended throughout the alliance's territories. The current champions, the Soul Burners, are a pair of acrobatic high fliers who have wowed audiences around the world in their defences. The record title reign is from current Impact Wrestling stars Reno Scum, at 399 days. Faculty David Marquez - Founder of CWFH and UWN, pioneer of modern studio wrestling, and savvy entrepreneur who has been behind the continued success of UWN television. Aaron Stevens - (User Character) current CWFH booker, former NWA third degree National Champion, Hollywood actor, and former WWE superstar. Jeremy Marcus - Head Referee Joe Galli - Emmy award winning broadcaster for KESQ Channel 3 News. He got his start in wrestling announcing with CWFH, before transitioning to the NWA. He has returned to the CWFH desk to usher in the Aron Stevens era. Todd Keneley - Colour Commentator, interestlingly, was one of the Undertaker's druids at Wrestlemania 21. Men's Roster Adrian Quest - Young cruiserweight with a lot of potential Adriel Noctis - Youngest member of a young roster, at age 21, Adriel Noctis "The Lost Cause" has been making waves with his vicious in-ring work Andy Brown - A top star in CWFH, but has never captured gold in the company Anthony Idol - Veteran worker and beloved "Neon Phenomenon" Buddy Royal - Solid technical wrestler, one half of the Classic Connection Che Cabrera - One half of the "Wolf Zaddies", "Latino Meat" Che Cabrera is a big beefy man who won't be taken down easily. Dan Joseph - Part-time commentary man, part-time hated in-ring performer. Danny Limelight - Technician/Flier with a lot of upside and a great look. Eric Watts - Mountain of a man and former WWE Tough Enough competitor, Eric Watts is a former CWFH Heritage champion, and one of the longest reigning ones at that. His record is very strong, with few losses to his name. Eddie Pearl - One half of 4 Minutes of Heat, he has the attitude of a rock star and the skill to back it up. Fidel Bravo - In a tag team with Pinx. Frankie Frank - Seemingly straight out of the 40s, Frankie Frank enjoys jazz, and its associated aesthetics. Jervis Cottonbelly - A noted comedy performer, known to be a true gentleman and a jolly good fellow. Ice Williams - The "Coolest Man in Wrestling", a young performer with a bright future. Johnny Yuma - One half of the RockNES Monsters. Jordan Clearwater - Young cruiserweight who has recently been wrestling for NJPW. Kevin Martensen - One half of the RockNES Monsters. Levi Shapiro - One half of the Classic Connection, a powerful lightweight. Mikey O'Shea - The "Irish Juggernaut", very large performer who still maintains a measure of speed and maneuverability. Perhaps the largest man in CWFH. Navajo Warrior - A veteran presence in the locker room, large and powerful striker who wears striking native-inspired facepaint to the ring. Pinx - In a tag team with Fidel Bravo Ray Rosas - One of the top guys in CWFH, Ray Rosas has won titles up and down the West Coast. Richie Slade - Young well-rounded worker Ricky Gibson - One half of 4 Minutes of Heat, a self proclaimed rock star. Ricky Mandel - Best known for his work in Lucha Underground Robin Shaw - A large, fat man, who seems to have a good time in the ring. He may not be good, but he's happy to be here. Royce Isaacs - A top star in CWFH. Royce Isaacs is proudly a member of the upper class, and he knows that makes him better than you. Are you sure you even deserve to be reading his name? Ryan Kidd - Young cruiserweight working the indie scene of the southwest Ryan Taylor - One half of the tag team champions. Has formerly worked for PWG, as well as in Japan and Mexico. Steven Tresario - Experienced worker who has been in the CWFH midcard scene for years. Tito Escondido - Coming all the way from Panama, this half of the Wolf Zaddies is just as beefy as the other. Tomaste - One half of the tag team champions. A known practitioner of yoga. Vintage Dragon - Experienced, well rounded lightweight. Zicky Dice - Truly "Outlandish". Two time national greco-roman champion, national champion in sambo, band member, and Seth Rollins loves him. Women's Roster Heather Monroe - The "Killer Bae" is a young worker with an already impressive career. A staple of the CWFH women's scene. Lacey Ryan - Beloved by CWFH fans, she is the eternal foe of Heather Monroe, and an upcoming star in her own right. Vipress - A young high flyer working independent shows all across the US. Tag Teams 4 Minutes of Heat - Ricky Gibson and Eddie Pearl, current DEFY tag team champions and certified rock stars. Classic Connection - Buddy Royal and Levi Shapiro, a couple of mean, old school dudes you do not want to mess with. Fidel Bravo and Pinx - A couple rough looking dudes who can hold their own in a fight The Soul Burners - Ryan Taylor and Tamaste, an.... interesting pair of men who are the current UWN Tag Team Champions. The Wolf Zaddies - Tito Escondido and Che Cabrera, the Bad Dude and Latino Meat. Enough Said. </div>
  19. <div style="padding: 10px; border: 8px solid #004b95; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:60%; ";"> Championship Wrestling from Hollywood is the flagship show of the United Wrestling Network. Run by the "King of Modern Studio Wrestling" Dave Marquez, CWFH, along with Championship Wrestling from Arizona, and Championship Wrestling from Memphis, run weekly television wrestling programs on syndicated television with a coverage reaching 75% of American markets. In recent years, with the addition of FITE and Youtube, the UWN is more widely publicized than ever before. Originally founded as NWA Championship Wrestling from Hollywood, such stars as Bryan Danielson, the Young Bucks, Trevor Murdoch, and Eli Drake have all stopped by the studio show on their way to greatness. Although the NWA relationship remained strong until this point, in 2011, the NWA came under new management. Marquez and the new management had unresolvable differences, and CWFH officially split from the NWA. This gave rise to the United Wrestling Network, which has led to the massive expansion of CWFH's TV coverage and nation-wide fame. In recent years, however, the management that led Marquez to split from the NWA has since sold the company to Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins. These two men have since had an excellent working relationship, holding numerous cross promotional shows and matches. The NWA provides a number of high profile matches, with each and every one of their active titles being defended on CWFH television at least once. Likewise, CWFH has lent some of their experts in studio wrestling production to NWA for their breakout show, Powerrr. </div> <div style="padding: 10px; border: 8px solid #004b95; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:60%; ";"> The Current Situation Dave Marquez has been working hand in hand with the NWA for a couple of years now. Within the past few months, Aron Stevens (third degree national champion, famous hollywood actor, and intellectual savior of the masses) has taken control of the CWFH book. With the coronavirus pandemic, we have yet to see a CWFH show under his control. However, with restrictions being lifted, and crowds being allowed back (whether that be virtually or in person), CWFH has returned and is preparing to usher in a new era. The Hollywood Heritage title is vacant, NWA stars and champions could appear at any time, and a number of hungry new wrestlers are waiting to make their debut. The only question is: Who will be able to shine under the bright lights of Hollywood? </div>
  20. Wrestling Nerd Nirvana: Matches are rated on a ratio of between 40:60 and 55:45 in-ring action/popularity depending on what gets the best rating The in-ring focus here is far too low. To imply AEW has a lesser focus on in-ring action than WWE is just not true. A better split would be 40:60 and 65:35, or potentially even as high at 70:30. This accurately displays that for most talents, in ring performance is key, while also recognizing the popularity of guys like Jericho or Moxley greatly contributes. Deathmatches will be severely penalized Dangerous Match Setups will be penalized Fans will be put off by matches that are too extreme Each of these could probably use a step down in penalization. A good example is the Omega/Moxley deathmatch. It wasn't for everyone and got some criticism, but I would call that "penalized" rather than "severely penalized." They have a fair share of dangerous and extreme matches, which aren't offputting to much of their audience/ Gimmicks will not be necessary, but will have an impact if used The only people without gimmicks are the jobbers on Dark. Everyone else has some semblance of a gimmick, enough to consider it to be necessary. The fan base will be very opinionated and will turn on workers they don't feel belong This setting unfairly penalizes workers who are more developmental or younger, and are still finding their way up in skill, but still very much fit in on the roster. To say someone like Anna Jay, Ricky Starks, or Will Hobbs get penalties like this in real life isn't accurate. If this could be edited in some way to only apply if they're at the level of Star/Major Star, that could be cool.
  21. Agreed entirely. What is WNN supposed to represent if not AEW? That promotion is one of the top things people want to book right now, and everyone is getting stupid penalties and restrictions that wouldn’t exist IRL.
  22. At the very least I’d like an explanation for its removal and replacement with an inferior system. I don’t think there’s a single person out there who likes the new as much as the old
  23. This is a very important one too. I don’t understand why these were removed in exchange for a much more limited, less realistic system.
  24. Basically what I’m saying is: If I’m willing to give cash, and put their guys over, there’s no reason I shouldn’t be able to use their talent, and there’s no way to represent that in the game. Which is absolutely ridiculous.
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