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Posts posted by RayW

  1. I started doing this about 6 months ago and it really brought back my love for wrestling. One thing I hate about the WWE network though is that they don't have all the Raws or Nitros. They have most of them (if not all by now) during the Monday Night wars but then it gets pretty sporadic. Once you get into the new millennium there are a few years that don't have any or literally just have 3 or 4 for the entire year. I'm really hoping they improve on this.


    That's weird. you'd think the older eps are harder to keep in the archives. Maybe they knew it just wasn't worth it. :p


    The ability to watch the archives was the thing that sold me to the network at first. Then I found out I had to have a credit card (even for paypal), so I had to cancel.


    They haven't uploaded all the Raw's, Nitro's, etc yet. They have pretty much the entire Raw collection from 1993-1996 and Nitro of 1995-1996, and I'm assuming they're going to upload the majority in order (so 1997 next). I believe I read somewhere that the 'random' episodes that are up are because they are episodes featured in original programming like the Monday Night Wars and Rivals. I may be wrong though.


    But this is also why I opted to go back to 1985 and start from there. By the time I get through to the Monday Night Wars I'm hoping they'll be at least up to 1998/1999. And if you imagine, watching 1996 in chronological order (without mentioning ECW) would be 152+ hours of viewing alone. It'll take me a good while to get through just a year of that haha

  2. I've been watching WWE Network since the UK launch, and now that I've caught up on all the original content and watched a few of the Beyond the Ring documentaries, I started to watch a few of the PPV events, randomly. I've now decided that I'm going to watch the WWE, WCW and eventually ECW through in chronological order from 1985. The events I'll be including are anything classed as a 'PPV' and all WWF SNME and NWA/WCW COTC events, until I get to 1993 and I'll start including WWF Raw. I'm hoping that by the time I get to 1993 (should take me a while, I'll probably only watch one event every couple of days) that WCW Saturday Night will be uploaded, also.


    Looking forward to watching them in order, I've never really seen much of anything pre-1995, so I'm hoping to get a much better appreciation of certain legends like Steamboat, Funk, Piper, etc. who I've only ever really seen in 'classic' match ups and compilation videos.

  3. When tickets go on sale months beforehand, people book flights, hotels, etc MONTHS in advance. It's not their fault if the show is still terrible and people aren't just going to eat a few thousand bucks to stay at home


    And people wouldn't watch if they weren't interested? THEY DON'T


    The ratings and viewership is in the toilet compared to last year and it's not even against football season. The show can't even get above 4 million viewers during the peak season, it says something which is that people ARE tuning out.

    Obviously Mania is different because as you say all the stuff involved with getting flights, hotels, etc. but a regular Raw? I think my point is valid for that, especially this far into the period of time that people are displeased with the product on a whole. If people are still buying tickets to a show now that they aren't enjoying, well...


    I have to agree. There are more than enough wrestling promotions around to watch besides WWE. I dont get why smarks or adult fans like to hijack the show. They gave the WWE money so they lost whether they cheer or boo Cena or Reigns or anybody else. If WWE stopped getting money from the vocal fanbase then maybe they would make some changes to who they push.


    That being said, with all due respect Vince is clueless as a promoter. Zigglers been over for years, Ambrose remains over, Bryan is one of the most over people on the roster but you let Roman Reigns win when he hasnt really even had a proper midcard feud or paid his dues enough. Hes screwing Reigns over by pushing him too far too fast. I can see Vince force pushing Cena again after the Reigns push doesnt work out the way he imagined.


    But, the fans wont be smart enough to not give him money and not to watch his shows. We have to hit him where it hurts if we are ever going to see a change in the WWE. I dont think theres a better reality check than having half filled arenas and plummeting ratings/stocks

    Oh I agree. I'm not saying that the WWE are doing anything right, but just that people do have a choice. I've been watching Lucha Underground and Reality of Wrestling lately, both have been more entertaining than Raw, to be honest.


    I'm going to Raw in a couple of weeks in London with some friends, I'd be pissed if they were going just to boo everything. It's different being angry at something on the night, but going with the mentality of just crapping on everything "just because you can" is kind of strange and pathetic. Just my thoughts, though.

  4. SportsEntertainmentMania is a week away & the only 2 things I'm interested in seeing is the ladder match (has zero to do with the build up for it & everything to do with it being a chance for some of the most talented workers to put on a great match) & to hear the crowd shit on everything (same reason I'll be watching Raw the next night)


    After that Raw, I likely won't be watching WWE til next year's Rumble b/c yet again they've failed to give me a reason to stick with it


    I, for one, am tired of the fans proverbially taking a dump "on everything". It's no longer about being displeased with the product and has become the "cool" thing to do. If you are going to the shows just to boo, why waste your money or your time? Seriously? It's pathetic. If you don't enjoy the shows any more, don't watch it, it's that simple. I no longer like Agents of SHIELD, I don't sit and watch it just to bitch, I simply stopped watching. Simple solution, you'd imagine, no?

  5. While I think the Steam machines are a great idea, because you can have all your PC titles in your living room on whatever big screen tv you may have, i'm not convinced that the Steam controller is going to be adequate enough for a lot of games. Two people of the same skill level with one using a controller and the other a keyboard + mouse, the K + M player will easily take the player using a controller to school every time.

    I can't imagine any self-respecting FPS or RTS player using a controller, so that still means you'll need a keyboard + mouse.

    I have my gaming PC set up on my living room television (it's actually dual screened, set up on both a separate monitor for every day use, and my TV for gaming and media browsing via Kodi). It's not too bad using a K+M for me, as I have a wireless K+M, and I'll just sit on my sofa with a laptop tray or desk (whichever my wife isn't using). I've not really had any issues, and at least for me, it's fairly comfortable.

  6. I've heard Watchdogs is demanding on ultra as its programming isn't all that.


    Oh yeah, if you just wanna tax your computer, and not necessarily get the best looking game, anything from Ubisoft is generally poorly optimised for PC!


    I'm not sure with Watchdogs, I have it on PC and both my brothers have it, one on a PS4 and the other on an Xbox One, and on my PC it looks very obviously better in comparison to both.


    But, yeah, it's taxing. I have an i7 with 32GB RAM and a lot of air circulation / decent fans, and it still makes my tower so hot that I could probably cook my dinner on it. It's the only game I own that does this.

  7. In addition to the other examples (99, 06, 08), in 1997 neither the Royal Rumble Winner, the runner-up, or the guy who left RR as champion were in the Main Event / Title Match at Wrestlemania.


    Austin won, Bret was the would-be winner as Austin had been eliminated but refs didn't see it, and HBK won the championship that night. At WM, Austin vs Hart had nothing to do with the title or the ME, which was Sycho Sid vs Undertaker.


    Let's not act as if the Rumble is some sacred, unbroken, unbreakable promise. Del Rio vs Edge and Sheamus vs Bryan opening WM instead of Main Eventing is also going against the conventional way the RR works.


    The winner gets a title shot, so the last two matches stay true to the point of the Rumble match itself, even though they didn't headline. In 2006 and 2008 the winner still got to fight for the Championship. In 1999, no one was going to buy a PPV headlined by a non-wrestler. Of course McMahon would give up his title shot. In 1997 if I remember correctly the referee's were busy dealing with something at ringside, and didn't see Austin throw Hart out of the ring, but had to declare him the winner by default as he was the only one left in there. This lead to Austin being called the 'unofficial' winner and caused the match that it lead to at Mania, so I'm not really sure 1997 can count?


    And why shouldn't we act as if the Rumble is an 'unbreakable promise'? Every year we are reminded over, and over, and over that the winner of the match will get a title shot at 'Mania. Or have I just imagined that for the past twenty-two years? I've never once heard Michael Cole or Jim Ross say "The winner of the Royal Rumble might get to face the Champion at WrestleMania!" or "If he wins the Rumble there's a pretty decent chance he will get a title shot at WrestleMania!"


    If the winner of the Rumble has to defend his spot at Mania after winning the match, why then should I, as a fan, invest my time and emotion in the Royal Rumble match itself? Why should I root for my favourites? Why should I care who wins, if after the event 'creative' decide 'nah, we'll go with someone else'? It totally defies and undermines the entire point of the match itself.


    I do not like Roman Reigns, I'd rather a handful of others won the Rumble instead, but I detest this self-entitled mentality that wrestling fans have suddenly developed over the last two or three years. Roman Reigns won the Rumble, and hopefully he beats Bryan at Fast Lane, because it's a match that he shouldn't have to fight in. He's already earned his spot against Lesnar (in a pure keyfabe sense).

  8. So after a few months of back and forth on the idea of cutting my Sky subscription, I've decided to do so. I bought a DVB-S PCI card and have connected it up to my Sky dish so that I can receive FreeSat, and using Kodi (formally XBMC) as my front end, I have set up a PVR system that includes the channels from FreeSat, some FilmOn streams and the basic channels from USTVNow.com. I finally feel ready to get rid of Sky and save myself some money! Lol


    Plus, the PVR front end I am using allows me to make channels based on Kodi plugins, which is pretty cool, as I use Amazon Prime and can use the plugin for that to make some decent 'catered to myself' channels.

  9. I'll give you an example.. (its been going on 6 weeks)


    I sent them another email asking if they were actually ignoring a law (which i had point out to them about 4 times)


    Their reply was just a copy/paste generic email. Full details would send me into massive rant mode


    I'm assuming you're after a refund? Surely they have to abide by the UK distance selling rules and honour your request?


    EDIT: I posted this before you replied to MLT :)

  10. I would basically agree if it wasn't for a major point.


    WWE changed a big part of revenues changing business model launching the WWE network. From a based TV distribution, PPV through cable or satellite providers to an internal internet based streaming service. It's a double edged sword because, aside your initial costs, you'll potentially gaining a lot of money; on the other hand your customers has a direct relationship with you and they'll have more influence on your business and creative decision making. Unless WWE will return to the old revenue system, these events like the #CancelWWENetwork trend will happen more in the future.


    I don't think it's about being or not grown up, it's about having enough about:


    1) Vince McMahon's mentality stuck in his age of glory;


    2) a product that from a narrative point has major logic flaws;


    3) a decision making that stops or diminish someone the viewers feel he's deserving the top spot and instead are forced to swallow somebody who he's undeserving or not yet deserving the position he's getting.


    For me it was last year Royal Rumble the time to stop paying for WWE product, for many this year. Everyone is free to spend their money whatever they want.


    By the way, showing for free the two top matches you paid on the WWE Network or on PPV, seemed another insult to your customers. Vince McMahon is again playing with fire and already got burned last year.


    I can respect and appreciate if people want to cancel because they no longer enjoy the product, my issue is with the uproar and movement of people cancelling because of one man winning. By cancelling because of Roman Reigns you're saying that you care more about disliking him than you do about supporting the guys you do like. I again take it back to my Sky Sports example, I don't unsubscribe because they show a lot of the teams I dislike, I keep to watch those that I do. It's the same principle here.


    But cancelling because you're displeased with the overall product and cancelling because someone won the Rumble that you didn't want to win it are two different things.

  11. Good for you, but maybe not everyone views it the way you do. If someone won't find the current product worth paying for with Reigns on top and the classic content/NXT isn't enough to justify subscribing in their mind, why should they continue to subscribe?

    So because of one man, people are going to stop paying for the service? It's inane. It's so over the top that it's laughable. I don't like Arsenal, but I still pay for Sky Sports so that I can watch the teams I do like. It's the exact same argument here. I don't particularly like Reigns, but I do like Ambrose, Rollins, Ziggler, etc. so why should I forego seeing them just because I don't like one person?


    Then by all means, continue watching. I find WWE programming to be an insult to my intelligence and it makes me feel like a dog is taking a giant number two on my face. So, I've decided I'm not going to give them money anymore.

    This. Mootinie is saying he doesn't like the programming, this implies the overall show. He's stopping his subscription because he no longer likes the product - not because one man has upset him. It may have been the final nail in the coffin for him, but it's not he sole reason, unlike all those "Reigns won so let's cancel our subs because Daniel Bryan isn't main eventing WrestleMania!!!!1!!!1111" comments I'm seeing everywhere.

  12. If people cheered faces because they the fans are supposed to and booed heels for the same reason wrestling would be 100 times less creative, unpredictable and fun. If everyone did what you said it would be Rocky Maivia running down to help Roman instead of The Rock.


    It's such a weird concept that no other form of entertainment has... So you're watching your favourite tv program and they kill off everyone interesting and make a bad actor the lead? 'Don't complain! It's just life'.


    I'm not fully against Reigns, and sometimes Smarky crowds annoy me (especially when they hijack things with self indulegent chants) but I wouldn't ever think to tell them not to do it. What makes wrestling such a unique form of entertainment is the direct and immediate reaction of the fans. Also people need to see that it isn't just 'smart' fans. The term itself it just outdated. Even if Philly is a typically 'smarky' crowd when 99% of an crowd think one way it's not just a loud minority.


    Put it this way, Facebook is one of the most unsmarky WWE fan bases and even that voted that they disliked the show.


    Sorry, I was kind of annoyed because I was enjoying the show for the most part, but the booing at the end of the show really took all the enjoyment out of it for me. I think I spoke without really thinking.


    I think I'm just stuck between a rock and a hard place, I'm kind of tired of WWE trying to force Reigns on me, but also tired of the IWC crapping on everything that isn't Daniel Bryan related.

  13. Also, off topic, but I just can't get into "Mizdow". It's stupid. It's not even a silly type of stupid, it's just out right dumb.


    The guy is meant to be his 'stunt double', right? So why does he mimic him? That make zero sense. Stunt doubles don't mimic, they replace the main star for dangerous spots, right?


    What, in my opinion, would have worked better, would have been for The Miz to have Damien Sandow, as his stunt double, fight for him. Have The Miz claim his wins for himself, as he's the star, and Sandow is just 'filling in for him' as his stunt man, not mimicking everything he does. But, that's just my opinion.

  14. I enjoyed the Royal Rumble, not so much the match itself, although I enjoyed elements of it. My main issue was that it was too predictable, and by the third (or fouth, if you include kick off show) tag team match, I was a little bored of the concept.


    I'm not over the moon that Roman Reigns won, but then I also didn't want Daniel Bryan to win. I was rooting for Bray Wyatt or Dean Ambrose, and I'm glad that both those two come out looking relatively strong.


    I'm also getting a little tired of smarky crowds ruining the big shows for me. In all honesty, WWE should stay clear of towns known to be overly "smart". Roman Reigns winning the Rumble didn't ruin it for me, I can live with that, the inane booing of his win ruined it for me. The guy's a Face, cheer him. You just ruined a major event because you didn't get your own way. So what? That's life.


    I see like this... The "smart" fans don't want to see anyone shoved down our throats unless they decide who it is? What? Pure hypocrisy.

  15. T, I wasn't discrediting Brock, if anything I was trying to stick up for Alberto :) in terms of record Alberto is very average, ignoring who he fought, but the numbers are very similar to Brock. That was my point.


    Yeah, CroCop destroyed him and PRIDE gave him one more chance which he also blew, but I wouldn't think it fair to mock him with a "it worked out so well for him last time" comment, as there are plenty of fighters that make a career out of MMA with very similar records (regardless if people think they are good or not).


    But like I said in a follow up post, I care very little for this "cross over" of sports. Brock managed to be a success, but I iust don't care enough about him as an MMA fighter, and it's soured me on him as a pro wrestler. Same as i don't care about Punk or Lashley, I didn't care about Batista, or Big Show doing boxing.

  16. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>There's no way to play my Steam games without having the Steam client open is there? I don't use it often, but it always seems to use quite a bit of resources on my laptop(which isn't that powerful to begin with).<p> </p><p> It's not that big of a deal because I hardly play, but I'd probably play my games more often if I could exit the client.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nah, you have to have the Steam client open to play any game that is redeemed via Steam, unfortunately.</p>
  17. <p>While Steam is great, if you're going to get into PC gaming, it'd be wise to make a bookmark list of digital shops. I know that for me, when I want to buy a game, I'll search 10-15 shops before purchasing it, as someone usually always has a great deal on it. For example, FIFA 15, got that for something like £25 on a deal in it's launch week, but can't remember where from now... This website is also quite good for finding a cheap version, but it only counts 'sales', so if a store usually sells a game for £30 but it isn't a sale, and another store sells the game for £40 but has it on sale for £35, then the first store won't show: <a href="http://www.isthereanydeal.com" rel="external nofollow">http://www.isthereanydeal.com</a></p><p> </p><p>

    Steam has a nice library feature in Big Picture, but personally I use XBMC as a launch platform for my games on my HTPC.</p>

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