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Old School Fan

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Posts posted by Old School Fan

  1. On 2/26/2024 at 6:17 PM, Uncrewed said:

    Dan Lambert and Violence is Forever!

    Lambert, Janai Kai, Dominic Garrini, & Kevin Ku all roll up to The Von Erich Ranch looking like they're intent on starting some trouble. Lambert tells Kevin Von Erich that he's damn right that there's a bunch of dangerous tag teams in the NWA looking for a shot at the NWA Tag Team Titles, because Violence is Forever is at the top of that list! Lambert then explains why...

    Dan Lambert: "You know Kevin, your boys are a lot like this ranch here. Nothing more than a cheap replacement of something better from the past! That's exactly why Kevin Ku & Dominic Garrini are the deadliest tag team in the National Wrestling Alliance, because they can easily streamroll through your two boys with no problem at all!"

    Just as Ross brings up the fact that him & Marshall beat VIF in the first round of the NWA World Tag Team Championship Tournament, he's hit in the face by a jumping spin kick from Janai Kai! Before Marshall has any time to react, he's jumped by Ku & Garrini! Violence is Forever then begin a methodic beatdown of the brothers Von Erich, kicking the living hell out of them before Lambert mercifully calls them off. As Lambert tells his guys to get going, Kevin Von Erich tries to attend to his injured sons.


    6 hours ago, Uncrewed said:


    Ross & Marshall Von Erich!

    The Von Erich brothers take out some nameless VIF goons who try to stop them before getting in an all-out brawl with Ku & Garrini! The four men get into an all out brawl, destroying parts of the VIF Dojo. Lambert yells out to "CALL THE COPS!" as the four men continue to brawl and we cut back to Dusty Studios...

    Oh yeah, Lambert and his goon squad are real brave when they gang-attack the Von Erichs on their turf (the Von Erich ranch), but when Ross and Marshall show up on VIF's turf and hand their asses to them in retaliation, Lambert's all like "CALL THE COPS!"

    Reeeeeal brave bunch, that VIF...  🙄  (More like a bunch of gutless cowards who can dish it out, but can't take it back)

    • Like 1
  2. WCW World Heavyweight Championship
    vs Steve Corino

    WCW United Stated Championship
    Chavo Guerrero
    vs AJ Styles vs Rey Mysterio

    WCW World Tag Team Championship
    Sean O'Haire and the mystery partner vs Booker T and Sting

    The Rock vs Chris Kanyon

    Chris Hero vs CW Anderson

    If Team HBK wins, Shawn Michaels gets 1-on-1 match vs Bret Hart at Great American Bash
    Shawn Michaels, American Dragon, Brian Kendrick and Paul London
    vs Lance Storm, Elix Skipper and The British Invasion

    Rob Van Dam vs Jerry Lynn

    WCW North American Championship Tournament Semifinals
    Mike Awesome
    vs Billy Kidman

    WCW North American Championship Tournament Semifinals
    CM Punk
    vs Alex Wright

    Raven vs Sandman

    Kaz Hayashi vs Low Ki

  3. 23 hours ago, Captain Kremmen said:

    You're about to find out on both counts!

    BTW, good to see you're back to writing the backstage stuff on your diary/BTB.

    Thanks on that - and in fact, I got a BTS post to work on and put up following the Montreal Forum supercard post I have coming up that ties into both that post and the previous Moolah BTS post (and, of course, predictions are still open for that).  😁

  4. Joined on May 15, 2020, so this coming May will mark four years since I joined, though I only started posting regularly when I started doing my Rise of a Star diary and posting my belt renders.  My involvement with Ryland games started with EWR, then I bought TEW 2010 (though I later lost the activation key for it after I bought a new computer in 2016) and now have TEW 2020 (both in disk form, along with a few other games, and as a download).

    • Like 1
  5. The poster announcing an upcoming supercard for All-Star Wrestling at the Montreal Forum is now up - and it gives an indication of what Fabulous Moolah had in mind two posts back as part of her latest scheme against Renée Martel:

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    And now for the predictions:  😁

    Luigi Macera & Lionel Robert vs. The Kelly Twins

    Ben Sharkey vs. Eddie Auger

    Antonio Baillargeon vs. Del Skinner

    Raymond Rougeau vs. Gerry Gosselin

    Gino Brito vs. Michel "Le Justice" Dubois

    NWA North American Women's Championship
    Michèle Richard (C) vs. Ann Calvello

    ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship
    Marcel Martel (C) vs. Fidel Castillo

    NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship
    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) vs. Paula Kaye & Kitty Adams

    Winner to get Canadian Heavyweight title shot
    Jacques Rougeau vs. Abdullah the Butcher

    ASW World Heavyweight Championship
    Mr. X (C) vs. Johnny Rougeau


    • Like 1
  6. 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper and 'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels vs. Sting and Warrior
    Comments: The Blade Runners reunion goes full steam ahead in this one.

    The Funks vs. American Males

    WCW United States Title Match
    The Giant defends vs. 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan

    'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson and 'Flyin' Brian Pillman vs. Miracle Violence Connection

    Road Warriors vs. Steiner Brothers
    Comments: Ends in a no-contest.

    WCW World Tag Team Titles Match
    'The Total Package' Lex Luger and Barry Windham defend vs. The Powers of Pain

    #1 Contenders Match
    'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair vs. 'The Macho Man' Randy Savage

    Who Will Be The First Pick In The Draft For Each Brand: Hogan for Nitro, Sting for the flagship (AKA Saturday Night)

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Captain Kremmen said:

    Trooper: The masked man who has attacked me repeatedly and cost me three big matches here in the AWA, this message is for you. I know you're watching this. You may even be in the building tonight.

    Masked man, you see my hair? I'm very proud of my hair. It has a nice, thick growth to it. I take great care of it.

    So, here's my point.

    Super Clash 5 is coming up.

    Masked man, I challenge you to a match at Super Clash 5.

    Crowd cheered.

    Trooper: And I'll put my hair on the line against you. But, you also have to put something up.

    Masked man, you must put up your mask!

    More crowd cheers.

    Nelson: Whoa! That's quite a challenge!

    Trooper: I await your response, masked man! I, like everyone else, wants to know just who's under that mask!

    Show some guts! Meet me face-to-face in a match! My hair vs. your mask at Super Clash 5!

    Let's make this happen!

    When that match gets made, I have a hunch that the masked stalker's gonna get unmasked.  😏

    9 hours ago, Captain Kremmen said:

    Eric: Nikita, these fans who despised just a few years ago, have now taken to you in a big way.

    But, right now, you still have not heard a word from Col. DeBeers about meeting up for a discussion, a summit, if you will.

    Nikita: That's right, Eric. The offer still stands for DeBeers to meet with me over a meal and talk to each other.

    I want him to see the appreciation that I, how you say, developed for this country after being here for a time. Most wonderful place in the world is the USA.

    He needs to open his eyes to the truth. He is living in promised land. This is the land of great opportunity.

    And DeBeers has made a lot of money in this nation. He needs to open his eyes to reality. Nowhere else in the world, not even South Africa, could you live as free as this and make the money he has or I have.

    Crowd cheered.

    Koloff: Colonel, please listen to reason. Let us sit down like brothers and talk about why America is the best place on earth and how we are fortunate to live here.

    My prediction on that - the only thing to come out of this "summit" will be that Nikita gets blindsided in an ambush attack by DeBeers, thus setting up a feud between the two.

  8. A follow-up to the previous post will be coming shortly, but for now, the newest issue of All-Star Wrestling's arena program (released at the time Renée Martel was on tour in the Kansas City territory) is now out - and it breaks some bad news:

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



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  9. spacer.pngspacer.pngspacer.png

    In her home office at her estate in Columbia, Fabulous Moolah was going over some business papers during a few days off from the ring after returning home following another WWWF tour, but she also had other things on her mind that were distracting her from her work and she was less than pleased about it.  She was still stewing over those mental distractions when Donna Christanello came into her office to check on her.  "Hey Lillian, the girls are still waiting for you out at the ring to start another training session," Donna said as she came in and saw Moolah still at her desk.

    When she got no answer from Moolah other than a brief, distracted-sounding grunt, Donna, figuring Moolah had her head in her work, decided to try something different to get her attention.  "Hey Lillian, Burt Reynolds just came to the estate in a limo and he asked about flying you out to Hollywood with him for a movie premiere," she said to her mentor and boss.  When she again got no answer from Moolah beyond another brief grunt, Donna decided to go for the jugular.  "Lillian, I just got word from the girls that they're all going on strike for more pay," she then said.

    "Huh...what?!" Moolah said as she turned in her desk chair, Donna's last comment having finally caught her attention.  "The girls are doin' what?!"

    "Gotcha," Donna quipped with a laugh.  "You were so wrapped up in your work, I had to try something to get your attention."

    "Darlin', do me a favor, okay - don't gimme a heart attack by sayin' stuff like that," Moolah said in response.  "What's up that y'all needed to get my attention?"

    "The girls are waiting for you out at the ring in the barn," Donna reported.  "They're all geared up to go for another session."

    "Ah, well - you and Toni take care of that, okay?" Moolah said.  "I got a lot of stuff on the desk to take care of right now and I got stuff on my mind too."

    "Okay, wait - by 'stuff on your mind', I hope you don't mean you're still stewing about Renée Martel and that tag team ti—" Donna started to say, but Moolah cut her off.

    "Don't—please, don't say it," Moolah interrupted, not wanting to be given another reminder of the continued success her archrival Renée was having with the NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship since first winning it back in March.  "And no, that's not what's on my mind right now."

    "Okay, so what is on your mind then?" Donna asked.

    "It's the new business I've been givin' to the Vachon brothers up in Montreal ever since they started their own company back in May to compete with Johnny Rougeau," Moolah said.  "When I got wind of it, I made an offer to them to send some of the girls up to wrestle for the Vachons from time to time, to give some competition to the girls' division Rougeau has in his promotion and - well, just stir things up up that way."

    "And how's that going?" Donna then asked.

    "In exchange for booking my girls out to them, I asked the Vachons about sendin' their sister Vivian down here to wrestle for me," Moolah said.

    "And?" Donna wondered.

    "She's with us now, isn't she?" Moolah said with a grin, gaining some satisfaction over poaching Vivian from Mildred Burke's group of wrestlers.  "Meanwhile, the Vachons' first event with my girls wrestlin' for them up in Montreal went pretty well for them - they drew a couple of thousand or so when Betty* and Mahala** went up to face the Sisters of Love last month.  Not a bad number for a promotion less than three months old."

    "True, but from what I've been hearing, Rougeau's still drawing the bigger numbers so far," Donna pointed out, "and Rougeau has the advantage of using Quebec girls in his girls' division.  They're trained very well from what I also heard and they've been getting rave reviews, especially the ones appearing for Mildred Burke when they go wrestle for her."

    "Oh, please, don't remind me," Moolah quipped.  "Those Quebec girls - especially that Martel girl - pretty much kicked my ass when I went against them, same as the Japanese girls when I went to Japan, that's why I had to get dirty against them.  I also really wasn't happy when Martel won that tag team tournament Burke held back in March."

    "Which I know you weren't happy about because the NWA decided to recognize the winners of that tournament as—" Donna began to say.

    "NO!" Moolah snapped tersely, cutting Donna off again.  "Toni and Patti are still the real champions, not those two impostors!  Nobody's gonna tell me otherwise, not even old man Muchnick!"

    "Even though Muchnick told you to stop claiming Toni and Patti as the 'real' champions back in April after he got wind of what you were doing?" Donna said matter-of-factly.  "Lillian, you gotta face the facts - the NWA recognizes Martel and her partner as the champions, not Toni and Patti.  They didn't like that you wouldn't let other teams outside our group challenge for the belts, that's why your claim to the belts got revoked and given to Burke instead.  Lipping off at Muchnick for his stripping recognition of your claim didn't help your case either."

    As she listened to Donna's lecture about the NWA World Women's Tag Team title, a thought crossed Moolah's mind.  "Okay, okay, I get it," she then said to Donna.  "Just wonderin', is Paula out at the trainin' ring?"

    "She was when I left to come here," Donna said.  "You need her?"

    "Yeah, go get her and send her over here," Moolah replied, sending Donna on her way.

    A few minutes later, Paula Kaye arrived at Moolah's office.  "Hey Lillian, you wanted to see me?" she asked as she stepped through the doorway.

    "Sure did, darlin'," Moolah said after turning around in her desk chair.  "You remember the first time you wrestled up in Montreal?"

    "Sure, that was a couple of years ago," Paula replied.  "Lost against some girl named Julie somethin' or other when you sent me up to Johnny Rougeau."

    "Listen, how'd you like to head up to Montreal again?" Moolah then asked.

    "Yeah, I'd heard you were supplyin' to the Vachon brothers up that way now," Paula said.  "You sendin' me up to wrestle for them?"

    "Actually, no, darlin' - I got a different plan," Moolah said.  "I'm gonna get in touch with Rougeau instead and see about bookin' you there," she added as a devilish grin crossed her face, related to the plan she had in mind...

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * Betty Wade, AKA the second Joyce Grable.

    ** Mahala Coker, the real name of Jan Sheridan.


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  10. spacer.png

    Wrestling at the Chase on KPLR-TV @ Chase-Park Plaza Hotel
    July 24, 1971 - St. Louis, Missouri
    Attendance - 900


     NOTE: While other matches are understood to have taken place on this card, only the two matches listed below are known to have been documented.

    NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Beverly "The Hammer" Shade & Vicki Steppe when Martel got the submission from Steppe with the Alligator Clutch.

    NWA Central States Heavyweight Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

    Harley Race (C) fought Rufus R. Jones to a time-limit draw when TV time ran out with the match tied at one fall each.


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  11. Thanks to the availability of AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling in the Kansas City metropolitan area (via WDAF-TV, on the Missouri side of the metroplex) and its resulting popularity with KC wrestling fans (who watched it alongside local NWA member Central States Wrestling's TV show All-Star Wrestling, with which the AGWA program was carried as a companion show there), Renée Martel and several other AGWA stars would make their Kansas City debuts with CSW in short order...

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Central States Wrestling @ Memorial Hall
    July 22, 1971 - Kansas City, Kansas
    Attendance - 3,300



    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngUnknown.jpg
    The Viking* defeated Miguel Valentino by pinfall.

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Danny Little Bear defeated Buddy Austin via submission with an Indian deathlock.

    spacer.pngspacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
    Rufus R. Jones & Steve Bolus defeated "The Big O" Bob Orton & Baron Von Raschke when Jones pinned Orton following a headbutt.

    NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage defeated Beverly "The Hammer" Shade & Vicki Steppe, two falls to one, when Lepage used a crucifix cradle to pin Steppe in the third fall.

    NWA Central States Heavyweight Championship

    Harley Race (C) defeated Haystacks Calhoun, two falls to one, when Calhoun was disqualified in the third fall for throwing Race over the top rope.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * AKA Bob Morse.


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  12. spacer.png

    Stampede Wrestling @ Victoria Pavilion
    July 16, 1971 - Calgary, Alberta



    Unknown.jpgVersus 2.pngUnknown.jpg
    Bob Pringle defeated Sterling Gaylord by disqualification.

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Mighty Ursus battled Bud Osborne to a no-contest when both wrestlers were disqualified for excessive brawling.

    spacer.pngspacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
    In a non-title match, Dan Kroffat & Bill Cody defeated NWA International Tag Team Champions Tiger Joe Tomasso & Earl Black when Kroffat pinned Tomasso.

    Two Out of Three Falls

    spacer.pngspacer.pngspacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
    Renée Martel, Claire Lepage & Marie Laverne defeated Georgia Hase, Judy Sowinski & Michèle Richard, two falls to one.

    • First fall - Richard pinned Laverne following a spinebuster slam.
    • Second fall - Lepage pinned Hase following a flying bodypress off the middle turnbuckle.
    • Third fall - Martel pinned Sowinski following a belly-to-belly suplex.

    NWA North American Heavyweight Championship (Calgary)

    Les Thornton (C) defeated Moose Morowski by pinfall with a three-quarter nelson pinning combo.

    NWA World Heavyweight Championship

    Dory Funk Jr. (C) defeated Black Angus Campbell by submission with the spinning toehold.


  13. spacer.png

    Stampede Wrestling @ Stampede Corral
    July 9, 1971 - Calgary, Alberta
    Attendance - 8,150



    Unknown.jpgUnknown.jpgVersus 2.pngUnknown.jpgUnknown.jpg
    Bob Pirie & Sterling Gaylord battled The Great Moki & Bob Pringle to a time-limit draw.

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Moose Morowski beat Mighty Ursus by pinfall following a powerslam.

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Bud Osborne beat Victor Jovica by pinfall.

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Abdullah the Butcher battled Black Angus Campbell to a no-contest when both wrestlers were disqualified for excessive brawling.

    NWA North American Women's Championship

    Michèle Richard (C) defeated Marie Laverne* by pinfall in a hard-fought contest following a spinebuster slam.

    NWA International Tag Team Championship (Calgary) tournament final

    Tiger Joe Tomasso & Earl Black defeated Dan Kroffat & Bill Cody to win the vacant title when Black forced Cody to submit to a full-nelson.

    NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski, two falls to one.

    • First fall - Sowinski pinned Lepage following an airplane spin.
    • Second fall - Martel pinned Hase following a flying forearm smash off the ropes.
    • Third fall - Hase and Sowinski were disqualified when Michèle Richard ran in and attacked Martel as she had Sowinski snared in the Alligator Clutch; Marie Laverne ran in to even the sides moments later and helped Martel and Lepage clear the heel trio of Richard, Hase and Sowinski out of the ring.

    NWA World Heavyweight Championship

    Dory Funk Jr. (C) defeated Les Thornton by submission with the spinning toehold.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * In addition to being an accomplished wrestler in her own right, Marie Laverne also came from a prominent wrestling family; her mother, Ann Laverne, was also a wrestler (trained by Billy Wolfe, who was also Marie's biological father), as were Marie's husband, Canadian wrestler Gordon Nelson (who wrestled under a mask as Mr. Wrestling some time before Tim Woods adopted the mask and moniker) and her brother Bobby Lane, and her son Steve Nelson was also a wrestler who later got into Japanese-style shoot wrestling and then MMA before becoming a MMA promoter.


  14. spacer.png

    Stampede Wrestling @ Edmonton Gardens
    July 3, 1971 - Edmonton, Alberta


    NWA International Tag Team Championship (Calgary) tournament match

    spacer.pngspacer.pngVersus 2.pngUnknown.jpgUnknown.jpg
    Dan Kroffat & Bill Cody defeated Buck Jones & Sterling Gaylord to advance in the tournament for the vacant title when Cody pinned Jones.

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngUnknown.jpg
    Black Angus Campbell defeated Bob Pirie by submission with a bearhug.

    NWA International Tag Team Championship (Calgary) tournament match

    spacer.pngspacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
    Tiger Joe Tomasso & Earl Black defeated Don & Johnny Fargo to advance in the tournament when Black pinned Johnny Fargo.

    NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski, two falls to one, when Lepage pinned Hase following a flying bodypress off the middle turnbuckle in the third fall.

    NWA North American Heavyweight Championship (Calgary) - Texas Death Match

    Les Thornton (C) defeated Moose Morowski when a worn-out Morowski could not answer the referee's ten-count after getting pinned by Thornton.


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  15. spacer.png

    NWA All-Star Wrestling @ Exhibition Gardens
    June 28, 1971 - Vancouver, British Columbia



    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngUnknown.jpg
    Rick Renaldo defeated Dave Muir by pinfall.

    Unknown.jpgVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Fred Barron battled Soldat Gorky to a time-limit draw.

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Duncan McTavish defeated Eric Froelich by pinfall.

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Dean Higuchi used the full-nelson hold to defeat Frank Marconi by submission.

    NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Beverly "The Hammer" Shade & Vicki Steppe, two falls to one.

    • First fall - Lepage submitted to Steppe's elevated hammerlock.
    • Second fall - Lepage evened the match by pinning Steppe following a cross-bodyblock.
    • Third fall - Martel forced Shade to submit to the Alligator Clutch.

    spacer.pngspacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
    Bearcat Wright & Steven Little Bear defeated Gene Kiniski & Skull Brother II when Wright pinned Skull II.


  16. NON-TITLE: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes

    (If Haynes & Norton win they get a World Tag Team Title shot as Super Clash 5)

    Madusa Miceli vs. Candi Divine

    (If Madusa wins, she gets an AWA Women's World Title shot against Magnificent Mimi)


    After last week's vicious assault on Jerry Lawler by Cactus Jack, will Jim Crockett make a match between the two for Super Clash 5 and will it be a:

    - Standard match

    - Cage match

    - Falls Count Anywhere match (that match is actually Jack's specialty because it fits right in with his chaotic unorthodox style - but up against the King, who knows?)

    - First Blood match

    -Memphis Chain match

  17. spacer.png

    Pacific Northwest Wrestling @ Veterans Memorial Coliseum
    June 21, 1971 - Portland, Oregon
    Attendance - 9,710



    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngUnknown.jpg
    Bill Francis defeated Pat O'Brien by pinfall.

    spacer.pngspacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
    Dean Kailani* & Steven Little Bear defeated Johnny Boyd & The Beast** when Kailani got the submission over Beast with a full-nelson.

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Crusher Stasiak defeated Haru Sasaki via submission with a bearhug.

    NWA Pacific Northwest Women's Championship

    Jan Vallow*** (C) retained her title by defeating Sylvia Hackney via pinfall after bodyslamming and legdropping Hackney.

    NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Beverly "The Hammer" Shade & Vicki Steppe, two falls to one, when Martel forced Steppe to submit to the Alligator Clutch in the third fall.

    NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

    Cowboy Frankie Laine & Great Snuka**** defeated Kurt & Karl Von Steiger (C) when Karl Von Steiger was disqualified in the third fall for throwing Laine over the top rope (The Von Steigers retained their belts due to the DQ).

    NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

    Dory Funk Jr. (C) fought Dutch Savage to a one-hour time-limit draw after each man scored a fall.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * AKA Dean Higuchi/Dean Ho.

    ** Not Yvon Cormier or John Yachetti, but Frank Marconi.

    *** ITTL, Jan Vallow was billed as NWA Pacific Northwest Women's Champion upon her arrival in the territory in 1970 and has held the title since then when not appearing in the AGWA.

    **** AKA Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka.

    • Like 1
  18. 3 hours ago, Captain Kremmen said:

    I do not remember Stella Mae as I started watching wrestling in '84 in earnest and WCCW didn't appear on local TV in Vegas until '85..

    Did watch her debut, though, on WCCW after reading your post.

    She was a real foul mouth! 😀

    The Garvin-Val relationship I only found out about when reading up on Val before making her a personality on my AWA shows.

    This must be the video in question - and boy howdy, did she ever make a first impression!  😆


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  19. spacer.png

    American Girls' Wrestling Association @ Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum
    June 12, 1971 - Phoenix, Arizona
    Attendance - 13,110



    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Tonette Kadrmas defeated Irma Acevedo by pinfall following an overhead suplex.

    spacer.pngspacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
    Beverly "The Hammer" Shade & Vicki Steppe defeated Carol & Carolyn Kruise when Steppe made Carolyn Kruise submit to an elevated hammerlock.

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Sister Lavender used a facebuster to pin and defeat Tanya West*.

    AGWA Interstate Championship

    Jane O'Brien defeated Mary Jane Mull (C) to win the title when O'Brien powerslammed and pinned Mull.

    NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski (with "The Queen" Mae Young), two falls to one, when Martel pinned Sowinski with a belly-to-belly suplex in the third fall.

    NWA North American Women's Championship

    Judy Arnold defeated Michèle Richard (C) (with Mae Young) when Richard was disqualified for refusing to heed the referee's five-count while she battered Arnold as the latter had her arms tangled in the top and middle ropes (Richard retained her title due to the DQ); after slugging the referee to get him out of the way, Richard continued the attack on Arnold at Young's direction post-match until Renée Martel and Claire Lepage ran in for the save for Arnold and chased the heels off.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * For the benefit of @Captain Kremmen - Tanya West, who wrestled in the US and Japan during the 1970s and into 1980 under that name, later appeared as Stella Mae French, the "truck-driving aunt" of World Class valet Sunshine (AKA Valerie, who currently appears as a heel manager in CK's AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed diary), in Sunshine/Valerie's corner during her feud with former client (and real-life cousin) Jim Garvin in World Class in 1984.

    • Like 3
  20. Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Justin Credible vs 2Cold Scorpio & Bob Holly


    Faarooq vs Savio Vega


    Tag Titles: British Bulldog & Owen Hart © vs The Alliance (Barry Windham & Mark Henry)


    Rocky Maivia & Sycho Sid vs Smokin’ Gunns


    Best of 9 Series (NoD 4-1 Alliance) – Malcolm vs Roddy Piper


    Goldust vs Bam Bam Bigelow


    Shawn Michaels vs Mankind


    Returning wrestler - The Undertaker

  21. spacer.png

    American Girls' Wrestling Association @ Tucson Community Center Arena
    June 11, 1971 - Tucson, Arizona
    Attendance - 8,800



    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Irma Acevedo defeated Colleen Murrell by submission with a Boston crab.

    spacer.pngspacer.pngspacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
    Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski (with "The Queen" Mae Young") defeated Carol & Carolyn Kruise when Sowinski pinned Carol Kruise following an airplane spin.

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Sister Lavender fought Jane O'Brien to a double-countout when both girls were counted out while brawling outside the ring.

    NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Beverly "The Hammer" Shade & Vicki Steppe, two falls to one, when Lepage pinned Steppe with a flying bodypress off the middle turnbuckle in the third fall.

    NWA North American Women's Championship

    Ann Calvello defeated Michèle Richard (C) (with Mae Young) by disqualification when Richard threw Calvello over the top rope (Richard retained her title due to the DQ).


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