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Old School Fan

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Posts posted by Old School Fan

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    AGWA TV taping @ Anaheim Convention Center Arena
    June 8, 1971 - Anaheim, California
    Attendance - 7,800


     Aired the weekend of June 12, 1971 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

    Dark match

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    Jan Vallow defeated Dixie Grant by pinfall following a bodyslam and legdrop.

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    Diane Syverson (with "The Queen" Mae Young) defeated Terri Grayson by pinfall following an airplane spin.

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    Sister Lavender, now competing as a fan favorite (even though retaining her hippie girl gimmick) since the demise of the Dynasty back in March, defeated Jen Scott by pinfall following a facebuster.

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    Former Dynasty leader Tonette Kadrmas, now seemingly leaning to the babyface side as well after returning from the arm injury she suffered during the Dynasty's implosion in March, dominated her match against Yolanda Ruiz before taking the pinfall win with an overhead suplex.

    AGWA Television Championship

    Joyce Becker (C) defeated Beverly "The Hammer" Shade by disqualification when Vicki Steppe ran in and attacked Becker as she had Shade pinned after knocking her to the mat with a high knee off the ropes.

    NWA North American Women's Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

    Michèle Richard (with Mae Young), now getting the title match she had earned by winning the Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament, made good on her vow to upend Ann Calvello (C) and finally capture the title she had been pursuing since first challenging Joan Weston for the belt in 1967 when she defeated the veteran Calvello, two falls to one, to win the title in the TV main event (joined in progress during the second fall), thereby now making her second only to the Fabulous Moolah in the hierarchy of women's wrestling.

    • First fall - Neither Richard nor Calvello were willing to take chances against the other as they squared off and battled evenly through most of the fall, but Richard quickly seized an opportunity and trapped Calvello in an abdominal stretch, to which Calvello submitted to give Richard the first fall after just over 20 minutes.
    • Second fall - Calvello rebounded from the first fall as she caught Richard in a figure-four leglock; hard as she tried to escape from it, Richard was soon forced to submit to that hold, evening the match at one fall apiece as the pro-Calvello crowd cheered.
    • Third fall - Even though both women were hobbled by the submission holds each had put on the other (Calvello's back and one side affected by Richard's abdominal stretch, Richard's legs affected by Calvello's figure-four), Richard and Calvello were each determined to finish off the other as they tore into each other during the fall.  Calvello took the upper hand at one point and attempted to put the figure-four leglock on Richard again to finish her off, but Richard used her free foot to push Calvello off and into the turnbuckles chest-first, knocking the wind out of the veteran.  Richard then kipped up, whipped Calvello to the ropes and caught her on the rebound with a spinebuster slam, then pinned her for the three-count, stunning the arena crowd with the surprisingly clean pinfall win as Richard got up and raised her arms in the air in victory, then was handed the North American title belt by the referee while Young came into the ring and raised Richard's left arm to hail her client's win.

     Aired the weekend of June 19, 1971 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

    Dark match

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    Sylvia Hackney defeated Addie Trent by pinfall following a dropkick.

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    Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski (with Mae Young) defeated Samantha Sheridan & Laurie Reid when Hase pinned Reid following a knee lift.

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    Vicki Steppe forced Margo Vincent to submit to an elevated hammerlock.

    NWA World Women's Lightweight Championship

    Julie Patrick upended Barbara O'Leary (C) to win the belt when Patrick dropkicked O'Leary off the second turnbuckle to get the title-winning pinfall.

    NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) avenged the attack on them by Paula Steele & Patty Stevens (with Mae Young) two weeks ago as they defeated the Queen's Court duo in the TV main event, two falls to one.

    • First fall - Steele powerslammed and pinned Lepage while Stevens ran in to hold off Martel and keep her from breaking up the pin.
    • Second fall - Stevens was counted out after getting double-dropkicked out to ringside by Martel and Lepage.
    • Third fall - Steele was dominating the match in the third fall as she pounded away at Martel when France Gall, whose pre-match attack on her by Steele resulted in Gall's loss of the NWA World Women's Lightweight title to Barbara O'Leary at the final night of Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament V, came to ringside and began berating Steele for the attack and causing her to lose the title because of it.  When Steele spotted Gall and threatened to go out after the slender French beauty and finish what she started against her, Martel seized the opportunity, hooked Steele's arms from behind and fell forward, catching Steele in a backslide pin as the referee moved into position and made the three-count while Lepage ran in to keep Stevens from interfering with the pinfall.  Following the winning pinfall, Martel and Lepage got out to ringside, grabbed their title belts and went to join Gall in celebrating retaining their title as the fans cheered while Young went into the ring and protested in vain over Steele getting distracted to cause the pinfall loss, which the referee disregarded as he pointed out that France did not physically interfere in the match, while an irate Steele kicked at the bottom rope and made threats against Martel, Lepage and Gall, who taunted the burly heel and retorted that the pinfall loss served her right for attacking Gall in the first place.

    Post-taping dark match
    NWA United States Women's Championship

    Judy Arnold (C) defeated Baby Rocco (with Mae Young) by disqualification when Michèle Richard ran into the ring and attacked Arnold while she had Rocco tied up in a spinning toehold; Ann Calvello, armed with a folding chair, ran in post-match to even the sides and cleared Richard out.


  2. On 2/13/2024 at 5:40 PM, sonny912 said:

    This was run by tully's father and got bought out be wwe so they can put their shows on usa network right? Why this promotion in particular though? If you want to run a Texas promotion why not go with the best, wccw?

    Actually, SCW's TV time slot on USA was acquired by the then-WWF for its All American Wrestling show after SCW lost the slot due to several factors (including SCW's inability to continue paying $7K per episode to keep the time slot and a certain match between Tully Blanchard and Bob Sweetan which USA refused to air because of how bloody it was), while the promotion itself was sold in 1985 and became Texas All-Star Wrestling (later USA All-Star Wrestling, which World Class bought and absorbed near the end of 1986).

  3. Masa Saito vs Osamu Kido 

    Brad Armstrong & Brad Rheingans vs Norio Honaga & Super Strong Machine 

    Black Cat, Eddie Guerrero & Pegasus Kid vs Great Sasuke, Koji Kanemoto & Ultimo Dragon 

    The Headhunters vs Kensuke Sasaki & Shinya Hashimoto 

    Jushin Thunder Liger (C) vs Hiro Saito 

    The Blue Bloods vs Debuting Gajin Young Lions 

    BBD (Vader, Bigelow & Kokina) vs Bad News Allen, Chris Jericho & Lance Storm 

    Keiji Mutoh & Hiroshi Hase (C) vs Riki Choshu & Tatsumi Fujinami 

    Antonio Inoki vs Masahiro Chono 

  4. 2 hours ago, 80085 said:

    Worker of the year HAS to be The Nightmare Vladimir Kulakov in Russian Federation Of Wrestling.

    Put Russian Fed Wrestling as Diary of the Year too bro


    Writer of the year HAS to be @Old School Fan because of how much work they put in to not just 1 but 2 huge diarys. Lifetime achievement award. Is that a thing.


    Cverse best diary could be AWA1989 by @Captain Kremmen


    Thanks for the nom, but Rise of a Star is the only diary I've ever written here, and Captain Kremmen's AWA 1989 diary is a real world diary, not CVerse.  Glad that you like both diaries and all the work that get put into them though.  😁

  5. Bonus content time once again:  😁

    Updating on the previous two posts that featured it, here's a updated listing from the AGWA's arena program of the TV stations carrying AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling as of June 1971, also promoting that the program now has over 100 stations as part of its syndication network, including a few newly-added Canadian stations (new stations carrying the show appear below KOB-TV Albuquerque in the listings). 

    While Mildred Burke has been successful in getting the program's reach expanded, the one market she'd like to get into - the lucrative Northeastern US market (the New England states, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware) - has thus far been kept out of her reach thanks to the Fabulous Moolah, who is aware of the show's existence thanks to her previous spies, going out of her way to convince Vince McMahon Sr. to persuade TV stations in his territory not to pick AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling up; however, Vince Sr., thanks to having seen the show once while out of territory on a business trip, ended up being impressed by what he had seen of the show and the niche it provided, and knowing that other promoters, both NWA and non-NWA, were picking up the show for airing on their local stations as a companion program to their own local wrestling shows for that reason, as well as word-of-mouth spreading about the show into his territory and the resulting demand for the show now starting to come from the Northeast fans (albeit as a faint trickle at first), he knew that delaying the inevitable, much as Moolah herself was demanding that the gates be kept closed in order to protect her position on top of women's wrestling, would only be a fool's errand...



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  6. 2 hours ago, Captain Kremmen said:

    Is this coming back or did you wave the white flag on it?

    Sorry about that, I've been out of action the last week or so due to a combo of writer's block and being sick with a cold (and what happens from it - coughing, sneezing, lack of proper sleep, just generally feeling crappy, etc., and all that'll sap the creative juices out of anyone 🤒 ), so there hasn't been much on the creative front lately. 

    I'm on the verge of shaking off that cold though, so I'm easing myself back into productivity by finishing work in Photoshop on a bonus content post that'll be coming up shortly, followed by an event post, so...  😁

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  7. Disciples of Apocalypse (Brian Adams, Charles Wright, Yokozuna) vs The Goon, The Sultan & Salvatore Sincere

    Mankind vs Rocky Maivia

    Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Justin Credible vs Terry Funk and Who?

    Smokin’ Gunns vs The Godwinns

    Sycho Sid vs Goldust

    The Alliance (Roddy Piper, Jake Roberts & Mark Henry) vs NoD (Elijah, Malcolm & Wallace) – Best of 9 Series

    Barry Windham vs Faarooq – Best of 9 Series

    The Rockers (Michaels & Jannetty) & Bam Bam Bigelow vs Camp Cornette (Vader, Bulldog & Owen Hart)

    Intercontinental Title: Ultimate Warrior © vs Steve Austin (via DQ)


  8. Sycho Sid vs Justin Bradshaw

    Brian Adams vs The Goon

    The Godwinns vs Justin Credible & Hunter Hearst Helmsley

    The Black Panthers vs Jake Roberts & Mark Henry - Nation of Domination / The Alliance (Best of 9 Series)

    The Rockers & Bam Bam Bigelow vs Smokin' Gunns & The Sultan

    Camp Cornette (Owen, Bulldog & Vader) vs Marc Mero, Savio Vega & Terry Funk

    Intercontinental Title - Ultimate Warrior (C) vs Goldust

  9. On 1/21/2024 at 10:42 PM, smartman said:

    I wonder if the war lasts long enough if Moolah doesn't make a call to them to offer her girls for some matches.

    As it would turn out, earlier on the same night as the AGWA Reno card above, Moolah - having earlier heard through the grapevine about developing competition for All-Star Wrestling on the promotional front - saw an opportunity to fan the flames, and perhaps also "stick it" to Johnny Rougeau's girls (especially her hated rival Renée Martel), by sending some of her girls up to the Montreal area on that night, which would also see a historic moment occur at the following event...  🤔

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Grand Prix Wrestling @ Verdun Auditorium
    June 1, 1971 - Verdun, Quebec



     NOTE: While other matches are understood to have taken place on this card, only the three matches listed below are known to have been documented.

    Two Out of Three Falls

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    Joyce Grable* & Jan Sheridan defeated The Sisters of Love (Sister Serenity and new partner Sister Rainbow), two falls to one, when Sheridan pinned Rainbow with a sunset flip in the third fall.

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    Jean Ferré (making his North American debut) defeated Cowboy Jones when Ferré pinned Jones following an elbow drop.

    National Wrestling Association World Tag Team Championship** - Two Out of Three Falls

    The Hollywood Blonds (Jerry Brown & Dale Roberts) defeated Mad Dog & Butcher Vachon (C), two falls to one, to win the title when Roberts pinned Mad Dog Vachon with a bulldog in the third fall.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * The second and better-known Joyce Grable (real name Betty Wade), who had just made her debut at this point.

    ** This title was initially known by that name (probably taken from the earlier National Wrestling Association, which continued to exist in-name-only by this point) upon its introduction in Grand Prix Wrestling before the title's name was changed later in 1971; replicas of the World Tag Team Championship belts worn by the Vachons in the AWA were used to represent the title in GPW.


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    American Girls' Wrestling Association @ Centennial Coliseum
    June 1, 1971 - Reno, Nevada
    Attendance - 5,000+



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    Panama Franco defeated Texas Red by pinfall.

    Handicap match

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    Baby Rocco (with "The Queen" Mae Young) defeated Carol & Carolyn Kruise when Rocco big-splashed each of the Kruise twins, then pinned them both at the same time.

    3-on-2 Handicap match

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    Earlene Brown & Julie Patrick defeated Barbara O'Leary, Beverly "The Hammer" Shade & Vicki Steppe when Brown pinned Steppe following a big splash.

    NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski (with Mae Young), two falls to one, when Lepage pinned Sowinski with a cross-bodyblock in the third fall.

    NWA United States Women's Championship

    Judy Arnold (C) defeated Michèle Richard (with Mae Young) by disqualification when Georgia Hase and Judy Sowinski came into the ring and attacked Arnold as she had Richard caught in a spinning toehold; a triple-team attack by the Queen's Court members on Arnold ensued post-match until Renée Martel and Claire Lepage came in to even the sides and helped Arnold run the heel trio off.


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  11. 'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels vs. A WCW Legend
    Comments/Guesses On Who The WCW Legend Is: If we go back to the pre-WCW days of JCP, then my guess would be Tully Blanchard

    WCW World Heavyweight Title Number One Contender's Tournament, Semifinals
    'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair vs. 'Iron' Mike Rotunda

    Non-Title Match
    The Giant vs. Chris Kanyon

    Christian Cage and 'Living On The Edge' Sexton Hardcastle vs. Steiner Brothers

    WCW World Heavyweight Title Number One Contender's Tournament, Semifinals
    'Flyin' Brian Pillman vs. 'The Macho Man' Randy Savage
    Comments: Flair-Savage in the finals, folks...

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  12. 1 hour ago, falling_star said:






    It seems that, under new ownership, new doors are being opened for Shane McMahon's WCW, as the company will be occupying Madison Square Garden for the first time in it's storied history. Long a stronghold for Vince McMahon's World Wrestling Federation, the Garden has recently opened up it's stance on only renting to one professional wrestling company; Shane's relationship with the management of the venue is said to be a major reason the booking opened up. Broadcasting this month's Great American Bash PPV from the world-famous venue will certainly be seen as a major coup for reeling professional wrestling organization.


    That would've been great to see IRL back in the day - the closest WCW got IRL to getting into MSG was that facility's theater annex (currently the Theater at MSG), when it held two cards there (when it was the Paramount Theater) in 1993 and 1996.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Uncrewed said:


    NWA Main Event- February 1st, 2024
    Attendance: 1,000 at Dusty Studios (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

    The old ECW Arena, by chance?  🤔

    In any case, glad to see how things turned out with this new-era NWA so far - I was worried (from a kayfabe perspective) that under Heyman, the NWA would've been turned into an ECW clone.

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    American Girls' Wrestling Association @ San Diego Sports Arena
    May 29, 1971 - San Diego, California
    Attendance - 13,650



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    Beverly "The Hammer" Shade & Vicki Steppe defeated Carol & Carolyn Kruise when Steppe made Carol Kruise submit to an elevated hammerlock.

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    Michèle Richard (with "The Queen" Mae Young) defeated Marie Vagnone by pinfall following a spinebuster slam.

    NWA World Women's Lightweight Championship

    Julie Patrick (subbing for France Gall, who was announced as having been injured after being attacked by Paula Steele at the final night of the Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament on Tuesday) defeated Barbara O'Leary (C) by disqualification when O'Leary threw Patrick over the top rope (O'Leary retained her title due to the DQ).

    Bodyslam match

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    Earlene Brown defeated Baby Rocco (with Mae Young) when Brown succeeded in slamming Rocco.  Post-match, Paula Steele ran into the ring and attacked Brown from behind as she was getting her hand raised in victory, but Brown fought back and eventually ran Steele out of the ring after clotheslining her to the mat.

    NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Paula Steele & Patty Stevens (with Mae Young), two falls to one.

    • First fall - Steele pinned Lepage following a powerslam.
    • Second fall - Martel pinned Stevens with a small package as Stevens attempted to pick Martel up off the mat.
    • Third fall - Martel and Lepage won when, as Martel had Stevens trapped in the Alligator Clutch, Steele ran in and, as the referee was checking for a sign of submission from Stevens, attacked the referee, kicking him in the stomach and throwing him out of the ring, leading to Steele and Stevens' disqualification.  Steele then ran over and knocked Lepage out of the ring post-match, then attacked Martel and attempted to brutalize her, but Earlene Brown ran in for the save and chased off Steele (who was subsequently fined $200 for her attack on the referee).

    NWA United States Women's Championship

    Judy Arnold (C) defeated Judy Sowinski (with Mae Young) by pinfall via sunset flip.


  15. Bad News Allen vs Kuniaki Kobayashi  

    Akira vs Koji Kanemoto  

    The Rhodes (Dusty & Dustin) vs Kensuke Sasaki & Scott Norton  

    Masahiro Chono vs Shinya Hashimoto

    Bam Bam Bigelow & Vader vs Chris Jericho & Lance Storm  

    Dragon Bombers (Black Cat, El Samurai & Takayuki Iizuka) vs Raging Staff (Hiro Saito, Super Strong Machine & Tatsutoshi Goto) 

    Keiji Mutoh & Hiroshi Hase (C) vs David Taylor & Steven Regal

    Norio Honaga (C) vs Jushin Thunder Liger

    Antonio Inoki & Sting vs The Steiner Brothers

    Tatsumi Fujinami (IWGP) vs Riki Choshu (G18) 

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    Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament V - Night Four @ The Forum
    May 25, 1971 - Inglewood, California
    Attendance - 17,990


    Aired the weekend of May 29, 1971 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

    Battle royal for the AGWA Television Championship

    Joyce Becker (formerly Joyce Fowler and the original Joyce Grable), shortly after her return to the AGWA, made her return a triumphant one as she captured the AGWA TV title (left vacant due to previous champion Shirley Hardman's lower back injury at the hands of Ashley Sinclair back in March) by last eliminating a determined Jane O'Brien, marking the start of her second reign with the TV title (other participants in the match, in order of elimination, were Panama Franco, Sylvia Hackney, Irma Acevedo, Sister Lavender, Lita Marez, Jan Vallow, Sally Vega and Diane Syverson).

    Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament, West Division - Semifinals

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    Michèle Richard (with "The Queen" Mae Young) clashed with Mary Jane Mull in the first semifinal bout, which saw Mull seeking to avenge getting taken out of last year's tournament due to being attacked backstage by Richard (who then took Mull's spot in the tournament).  Richard had Young standing by at ringside to yell at Mull to try to get her off guard.  Later in the match after a few minutes of trying to catch Richard, who kept running from Mary Jane, Mull made a move toward Young, who was still heckling her.  But Mull made a big mistake here, as she turned her back on Richard while threatening Young.  Michèle bounced off the ropes and caught her veteran opponent from behind with a knee to the back.  After Mull fell to the mat, Richard picked her up, whipped her to the ropes and caught her on the rebound with a spinebuster slam to score the three-count and move on to the final, to await the winner of Ann Casey vs. Richard's Queen's Court stablemate Paula Steele.

    NWA World Women's Lightweight Championship

    Barbara O'Leary, already in the ring, awaited the arrival of champion France Gall for their scheduled title match, but as Gall made her way down the aisle toward the ring (with the sounds of the Left Banke's "Pretty Ballerina" playing over the Forum sound system to mark France's arrival), Paula Steele, who had defeated Gall in the opening round of the tournament two weeks earlier, ran out behind her and ambushed the popular French star, beating her down to the arena floor before scooping her up and ramming her back-first into the ringpost.  France, due to the onslaught against her by Steele, was unable to do much against the larger and more powerful brawler and only found relief when Renée Martel, Claire Lepage, Joyce Becker and Ann Casey came to the rescue and chased Steele off.  Gall's friends and the referee checked on her condition and the ref asked if she wanted to forfeit the match, but Gall, knowing that would lead to her losing her title to O'Leary, refused and insisted on wrestling the match - but as soon as France stepped through the ropes to enter the ring, the opportunistic O'Leary immediately went on the attack on her.  After viciously slamming Gall to the mat three times, O'Leary, taking advantage of the champion's weakened state following the brutal attack by Steele, climbed the ropes and came crashing down, knee-first, on France’s back, the target of Steele's previous attack.  O'Leary could have pinned Gall at this point, but instead she picked France up and corkscrewed her.  That was all the referee decided Gall could take, and he ordered the bell rung to stop the match, call for the World Women's Lightweight title belt and award it to the victorious O'Leary, declaring her the new champion to the fans' chagrin.  Martel and Lepage, who had remained at ringside during the match, came into the ring to check on the downed Gall as O'Leary paraded around with the lightweight belt while the fans booed.

    Immediately after the match, AGWA owner Mildred Burke came to ringside to be interviewed by Dick Lane; during the interview, Burke reported having seen the attack on Gall by Steele from backstage via TV monitor and stated that she was appalled by what Steele had done to cost Gall the lightweight title.  Burke then announced that, as a result of her actions against Gall, Steele, who was to have faced Ann Casey in the semifinals, was ejected from the Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament and would be replaced by a selected wrestler.

    Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament, East Division - Semifinals

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    Ann Casey took on Patty Stevens (with Mae Young; subbing for Paula Steele due to the latter's ejection from the tournament) in the other tournament semifinal.  Stevens attacked Casey before the match began, kicking her brutally into the corner, but thanks to Casey's conditioning, she was able to escape and recover.  Once free, Casey began a tremendous counterattack.  Stevens went on the defensive and for a long while the match was at a dangerous standstill.  The match seesawed with each woman seeming to have the advantage only to have the other escape.  Finally, Casey overpowered the larger Stevens, using a brilliant display of scientific wrestling, before catching Stevens in an airplane spin - but as Casey dropped Stevens to the mat to go for the pin, Steele ran from backstage into the ring and attacked Casey, leading to Stevens' disqualification.  Steele, soon joined by Stevens after she recovered from the airplane spin, continued brutalizing Casey until Renée Martel, Claire Lepage and Joyce Becker charged out to the ring again and sent Steele and Stevens running.  Steele, however, refused to go quietly as she shoved the ringside timekeeper out of his chair, grabbed the folding chair and threw it into the ring toward the fan favorites, then grabbed the arena mic and went on a tirade, verbally ripping into Mildred Burke for removing her from the tournament, then vowing that every fan favorite in the AGWA would pay the price for Burke's decision.

    NWA United States Women's Tag Team Championship

    Ethel Johnson & Marva Scott (C) stepped into the ring to defend their belts against Beverly "The Hammer" Shade & Vicki Steppe in the TV main event.  Several times during the match, Johnson and Scott tried to shake hands and maintain a sportsman-like air about the match, but their efforts were in vain as they were met with viciousness and treachery by Shade and Steppe.  Disgusted by their challengers' actions, Johnson and Scott turned the tide on their rulebreaking foes and battered them senseless before Scott dropkicked Steppe off the middle turnbuckle and scored the three-count and the popular decision to allow her and Johnson to retain their title.

    Aired the weekend of June 5, 1971 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

     Bodyslam match (first wrestler to bodyslam her opponent wins)

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    Earlene Brown and Baby Rocco (with Mae Young) clashed in the latest chapter of the feud between the two big gals.  Rocco’s malicious tactics were evidenced from the opening bell, as before Brown could set herself, Rocco launched a sneak, pre-emptive strike, battering the ex-Olympian against the far ropes.  Rocco tried several times during the match to hoist Brown up for a bodyslam but could not do so, while efforts by Brown to slam Rocco were met with either Rocco grabbing onto the ropes or Young grabbing onto Rocco's legs to prevent Brown from getting her rival up, enabling Rocco to retake the advantage with eye rakes and other illegal moves.  Finally, Brown had enough as she snared Rocco and rammed her against the turnbuckles.  As Rocco rebounded, Brown caught her, hoisted her up and bodyslammed her to finish off the despised Rocco and get the win to the fans' delight.

    NWA United States Women's Championship

    Judy Arnold (C) defended her title against Patty Stevens (with Mae Young), who stepped into the ring for the second time tonight following her failed shot at redemption in the Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament.  Arnold took command from the opening bell with a series of armdrags, armlocks, and perfectly executed flying tackles.  Desperately, Stevens lashed out with kicks to Arnold’s head and belly.  Arnold, momentarily stunned, couldn’t prevent being whipped into the turnbuckle.  Stevens tried to repeat her success, but Arnold reversed the maneuver, then turned the tide in her favor as Stevens found herself bodyslammed three times in a row.  When Arnold found her challenger weak enough, she ended the match with a spinning toehold.  Stevens called it quits and Arnold won the match via submission as her many fans cheered happily.

    NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) faced the challenge of Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski (with Mae Young) as the champions put their belts on the line.  Martel and Lepage began the match in their usual fashion, tagging in and out while displaying their tremendous physical ability and wrestling skills.  But quickly, with help from Young with her distractions, Hase and Sowinski took command of the match.  The challengers, using double teaming and referee distractions, continually pounded away at both Lepage and Martel.  Soon, however, the tide began to turn as Claire and Renée mounted an offensive that had Hase and Sowinski begging for mercy.  But the popular duo were determined not to fall for that old trick.  In a flash, Lepage executed a beautiful reverse suplex and takedown.  Hase’s shoulders were down on the mat as the referee began to count.  A split second before the three count Hase managed to get her foot on the ropes, but Lepage, thinking that she had pinned Hase, jumped up jubilantly.  However, her joy was short lived and she was in for quite a shock as Hase hit her from behind, knocking her to the mat.  In the meanwhile, Paula Steele and Patty Stevens, who had been closely observing the match from backstage, ran out to ringside and attacked Martel.  Steele pulled Martel off the ring apron and slammed her back-first against the metal corner post.  Then as Lepage lay on the mat, Sowinski joined Hase in the ring and they began to double team Lepage.  While Steele and Stevens continued to attack Martel outside the ring, Hase tossed Lepage into the ropes and with the help of Sowinski, they gave Lepage a double clothesline across her throat, knocking her to the mat again.

    Hase then jumped on Lepage and began choking her and as Hase applied the pressure while Sowinski stomped on the downed Lepage, Steele and Stevens double-suplexed Martel on the arena floor as Young urged her Queen's Court on.  The referee, having seen Steele and Stevens get involved by attacking Martel, called for the bell and disqualified Hase and Sowinski for outside interference and then tried to intervene against Hase and Sowinski, but he soon found himself flying across the ring courtesy of Sowisnki.  Help soon came for Martel and Lepage as Earlene Brown, Judy Arnold, Joyce Becker, Ethel Johnson and Marva Scott ran out to the ring, and as soon as the Queen's Court saw the cavalry coming, they quickly beat a hasty retreat to the locker room area.  Once order was restored, Martel, who managed to get back to her feet, got back in the ring to tend to the half-conscious Lepage.  Martel, aided by Arnold, then pulled her friend and partner to the edge of the ring where Brown was waiting, then Brown, with Martel following alongside, carried Lepage away in her arms back to the locker rooms while the rest of the fan favorites followed.

    Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament - Final

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    Following a ten-minute intermission to allow the fans to cool down from the heat generated by the World Women's Tag Team title match, Michèle Richard battled Ann Casey in the final for the Mildred Burke Invitational Trophy and the right to face NWA North American Women's Champion Ann Calvello for that title.  Conspicuous by her absence was Richard's manager Mae Young, who wisely chose to stay backstage owing to the events of the previous match.  Richard was the first to come to the ring, to the accompaniment of "Mississippi Queen" by Mountain as boos rained down on her from the fans, before the mood changed as Casey came out to the near-capacity crowd's cheers as Elvis Presley's "A Little Less Conversation" played in the background.

    Despite the earlier beating she took from Paula Steele and Patty Stevens, Casey appeared unbeatable at the start of the match.  She came charging out of her corner and hit Richard with three sensational flying dropkicks, then a series of arm drags took Richard to the mat again.  Michèle scurried to the ring apron to catch her breath.  Getting back to the action, the two engaged in a test of strength.  Richard won the test when she grabbed a handful of Casey’s hair, taking her down, then she followed up with forearm smashes, kicks and punches to stagger Casey as she took control of the match for the next few minutes.  Richard next clamped Casey in a crushing headlock, but Ann pushed Michèle off and Richard went sailing into the ropes.  As Richard came back on the rebound, Casey caught her with another stunning flying dropkick.

    Casey whipped Richard into the ropes again, hoping to catch her the same way, but Richard sidestepped and Casey went crashing onto the mat—badly hurt.  Richard stomped on her worn-down opponent, picked her up and whipped her to the ropes, then caught Casey with a spinebuster slam and went for the pin, with the referee making the three-count to give Richard her second Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament win (her previous win coming two years earlier under her then-ring name of Margot Bouchard).  After Young came back out to the ring to join her client following the match's end, Richard got her hand raised in victory by both Young and the referee and was presented with the Mildred Burke Invitational Trophy as the fans booed and jeered, then she got the arena mic and made her victory speech:


    MICHÈLE RICHARD:  Hey, as soon as I was first entered in this tournament, I said I was gonna go all the way and capture it, and I delivered on that promise, just like I did back in 1969.  I clobbered Julie Patrick, I mowed over Ethel Johnson, I plowed through Mary Jane Mull, and then I finished off the tournament favorite, Ann Casey, to win it all and capture this trophy.  (Holds up the Mildred Burke Invitational Trophy)  And just like in 1969, I get a shot at glory by getting a shot at the North American Women's title as my prize for winning the tournament - but this time around, the outcome's gonna be different because the current belt holder, Ann Calvello, won't escape with the belt like Joan Weston did back then.  Calvello, consider this your notice - when I get you in the ring, on TV, in two weeks, it's game over for you and I become the new North American Champion.


    As Richard held up the trophy again, though, the fan reactions began changing from boos to cheers when, to Richard's surprise, North American Women's Champion Ann Calvello (who was not scheduled to wrestle that night but put in an appearance anyway) came from the locker room area and down the aisle to ringside, where she began exchanging barbs and threats with Richard as the episode wrapped up, telling the tournament winner to bring her A-game when the title match took place because she would be ready for her in two weeks' time.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Prediction results: (Thanks to all who made their predictions for this card)

    @The Blonde Bomber - 6/7

    @Lord Byron - 6/7

    @Captain Kremmen - 5/7

    @DexterXSR - 5/7

    All-time prediction results:

    Lord Byron - 132/192

    The Blonde Bomber - 119/160

    Herrbear - 78/107

    Captain Krennem (FKA piperrulz) - 70/110

    Hitman74 - 10/12

    kinnikuniverse - 9/10

    Theheel - 7/10

    Dalton - 6/6

    DexterXSR - 5/7

    auto45 - 5/6

    Sco_xY2Jx - 2/6


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  17. 32 minutes ago, DexterXSR said:

    So I just binge read this diary over a couple days, and I am absolutely glued to the screen, so without further ado, my picks.

    Battle royal for the AGWA Television Championship
    Sylvia Hackney • Irma Acevedo • Lita Marez • Panama Franco • Joyce Becker* • Jane O'Brien • Sister Lavender • Diane Syverson • Sally Vega • Jan Vallow

    NWA World Women's Lightweight Championship
    France Gall (C) vs. Barbara O'Leary

    NWA United States Women's Tag Team Championship
    Ethel Johnson & Marva Scott (C) vs. Beverly Shade & Vicki Steppe

    Bodyslam match (first wrestler to bodyslam her opponent wins)
    Earlene Brown vs. Baby Rocco

    NWA United States Women's Championship
    Judy Arnold (C) vs. Patty Stevens

    NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship
    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) vs. Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski

    Plus - who will win the Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament?
    Mary Jane Mull • Michèle Richard • Ann Casey • Paula Steele

    Thanks for your predictions, and welcome to the board - hope you enjoyed what you've seen so far.  😁

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