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Old School Fan

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Posts posted by Old School Fan

  1. NWA Florida Tag Team Championship (1968)



    This is an approximate recreation of the first regularly-used version of the NWA Florida Tag Team Championship belts, dating back to 1968. The reference for that title belt is here; only the center plate is featured because the source I used did not show side plates on the belt, if any.

  2. After looking through your first card, I'll weigh in with a few thoughts:


    Good to see you got Mauro Ranallo doing play-by-play in your commentary team (and I'm not just saying this because I'm familiar with his work from ECCW and Top Ranked Wrestling in my neck of the woods from the mid-2000s). Ranallo's just one of the best play-by-play men currently in the wrestling biz, period.


    I don't know who Danhausen is since I haven't followed his career, but he appear to combine elements of Sting, Vampiro (and according to Wikipedia, Conan O'Brien mixed with Mark Hamill's Joker from Batman: TAS) and he does sound like an interesting character.


    Even though Rick Rude's been gone for over two decades now IRL, having him team with Robert Roode as the Roode Brothers in this diary sounds compelling and they ought to get a push for tag team gold.


    Remaking Matt Hardy as "Dr. Von Hardy" and Jeff Hardy as a modified version of his original ring persona Willow the Wisp? Hmmm...


    I remember Brian Pillman from his Stampede and WCW days and his late run in the WWF as part of the expanded Hart Foundation, and his son Brian Jr. has real potential to follow the success of his dad, especially with Chris Jericho mentoring him. Brian Sr. would be proud.


    Nice to see Taz mentoring his son Hook as the latter makes his way into the wrestling biz.


    Bringing together three of the more recent wrestling icons (Edge, Johnny Nitro/Mundo/Morrison and the Miz) just might be an attention-getter here.


    And finally, Brock Lesnar remade with a Viking gimmick as Bjørn Larsen? I'd sure like to see where this goes (kind of like a modern day version of '70s wrestler Eric the Red, but in better shape and with more skills).


    All in all, a good first event. :cool:

  3. WCW World - Sting vs. Big Van Vader

    WCW US - Ricky Steamboat vs. Rick Rude

    WCW TV - Steve Austin vs. Marcus Alexander Bagwell

    WCW LHW - Brian Pillman vs. Scotty Flamingo

    WCW Tag - The Enforcers vs. Dustin Rhodes & Barry Windham

    WCW US Tag - The Steiners vs. The Samoan Swat Team

    Falls Count Anywhere- Cactus Jack vs. Abdullah The Butcher

    Ron Simmons vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

    The Fabulous Freebirds vs. The Diamond Exchange

    Terrence Taylor vs. Brad Armstrong

    Paul Orndorff vs. Shane Douglas

    Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Ultimo Dragon

    Who Is The New Commissioner? Nick Bockwinkel

  4. The poster for the December 13 AWA event in Winnipeg is now up:


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Here's the full match lineup below, so make your predictions on the winners: :D


    The Alaskan vs. George "Scrap Iron" Gadaski


    Doug Gilbert* vs. Stan Mykietovitch**


    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage vs. Margot Bouchard & Julie Painchaud


    Jack Lanza vs. Killer Kowalski


    AWA World Tag Team Championship

    Dick the Bruiser & The Crusher © vs. "Pretty Boy" Larry Hennig & "Handsome" Harley Race


    AWA World Heavyweight Championship - Two out of Three Falls

    Mad Dog Vachon © vs. Reggie Parks


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * Not the brother of "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert, this Doug Gilbert (real name Doug Lindzy) was one-half of the "Mr. High & Mr. Low" tag team with Dick Steinborn in the 1960s, who also wrestled under a mask as the Professional.


    ** Real name of the wrestler best known in the 1970s and '80s as Moose Morowski, also known later in his career for competing with All-Star Wrestling in Vancouver.

  5. AWA World Tag Team Championship (pre-1969)



    This is an approximate recreation of the AWA's main tag team championship belts, used prior to 1969. The reference for that title belt is here; I could only get the basic design of the belt plates and had to wing it for the details because of the lack of close-up detail available in the source photo.

  6. This entry brings back the secondary (and original) subject of this diary as it gets late into the year:


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    December 1966


    Over at Michèle Richard's apartment on a Saturday afternoon, she and Renée Martel were in the middle of watching a Bugs Bunny cartoon on TV while waiting for Sur le Matelas to begin, with both girls laughing at the trickster rabbit's antics. "Boy, you'd think that Daffy Duck would learn not to let Bugs trick him into getting his beak shot off by Elmer Fudd again and again, wouldn't you?" Michèle commented with a laugh while watching the cartoon.


    "Well, that's just it - Daffy's really not as smart as he thinks he is," Renée replied in between laughter after seeing Daffy get his beak blasted by Elmer Fudd for the third time thanks to Bugs' sleight-of-tongue. "If he's stupid enough to get shot thanks to Elmer being stupid enough to fall for Bugs' tricks, that's on him."


    "For sure," Michèle agreed. "Hey, I was just thinking - when you come back here later tonight with Julie and Claire to watch the Canadiens game against Chicago, you want to order some pizza for the game?"


    "Sure, why not?" Renée said. "Wouldn't mind the pepperoni, mushroom and green pepper combo."


    "Great, I'll go get a case of Pepsi to go with the pizza and we'll be all set for tonight," Michèle said, right as her phone started ringing.


    "Hello?" Michèle said as she answered the phone upon reaching it. "Hi Johnny, what's up? I didn't expect you'd be calling me here on a Saturday," she added upon hearing Johnny Rougeau at the other end, then she listened for a moment. "Yep, Renée's here with me and we're watching TV right now, waiting for wrestling to come on. You wanna talk to her?" After a pause to listen again, she then said, "Really? Alright, I'll tell her and we'll be down right away. Okay, see you in a few."


    "'We'll be down right away'? What's up?" Renée wondered aloud as Michèle went to turn off her TV set.


    "Johnny wants us at the office right away," Michèle said before turning to get her winter coat and shoes at the coatrack by the front door. "He tried reaching you at your place first, then he tried here when no one answered there. Anyway, he wants you there specifically because it's something urgent. He told me what it was, but he said not to tell you right away so the surprise doesn't get spoiled."


    "Surprise?" Renée said, her curiosity now piqued as she grabbed her own coat from the coatrack. "Well, now I gotta find out what it is."


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    A few minutes later, Renée and Michèle arrived at Johnny's office and stepped through the front door. "Ah, good, glad to see you both made it," the All-Star Wrestling owner greeted the two girls.


    "So, what was the surprise Michèle said you had to tell me?" Renée asked.


    "Well..." Johnny began as he gestured to one of the chairs in front of his desk, which was occupied by a guest. The guest turned around in the chair - and Renée let out a surprised gasp as she saw who it was.


    "Ohmigosh, Mildred?" Renée exclaimed as she immediately recognized Mildred Burke, her mentor and co-trainer. "I didn't think you'd be coming up to Montreal."


    "Just thought I'd surprise you," Mildred said as she got up from her chair and went to hug Renée. "So how's one of my prize students doing?" she asked during the hug.


    "Between competing and the Christmas rush that's just getting started, I'm keeping busy," a delighted Renée said with a giggle. "Oh, I also want you to meet Michèle Richard, the friend of mine I've told you about in my letters."


    "Hi, Mrs. Burke," Michèle said as she extended her right hand for a handshake with Mildred. "Renée's talked a lot about you over time and she's got a lot of praise for you."


    "She's told me quite a bit about you and how good of a wrestler you are," Mildred said. "So you prefer to go by a ring name when you wrestle?"


    "I do, I wrestle using Margot Bouchard as my ring name because I compete as a heel and I do it to avoid being publicly connected with my father because he wrestles as a face," Michèle explained regarding her father, Ti-Blanc Richard.


    "Ah, I see," Mildred said with a nod. "So Johnny, I trust that Renée's been well looked-after, has she?"


    "She has, despite that incident last year in Nova Scotia," Johnny pointed out. "Since then, I've made sure to have her back, as have her father and Michèle."


    "Good," Mildred said. "Based on the experiences I had back when I was married to Billy Wolfe and after divorcing him, I want to be sure that the girls I train don't go through the same kind of trouble. She mentioned in one of her letters to me that you've been a strong backer of women's wrestling here and that the girls you train and have working for you get treated well, so I'm pleased to hear that."


    "Thanks, Mildred, glad to hear it," Johnny said in response.


    "Now, I want to get to the heart of why I've come to Montreal," Mildred then said. "I have plans for the new year that I want to include Renée in, around January, and I'd also like to invite along other wrestlers that she works with."


    "Well, I have a total of six girls currently working for me, including Renée and Michèle," Johnny said. "I'm also training a new batch of girls right now to expand my women's division to give Renée and Michèle more opponents to work with since they're the cornerstones of that division. Whoever you want to book with Renée, I'll let them know."


    "Good to hear," Mildred said. "The first thing I want to do, though, is have Renée and Michèle take part in a photo session I have booked for your training gym for Monday. I need some photos to use as reference material for a logo I'm having done for my new promotion down in the States and to use for getting wrestling belts made and I want to have them demonstrate some wrestling holds for the camera."


    "That'd be great, but unfortunately, I also have a day job working at a department store when I'm not booked to wrestle and I'll be working that Monday, so I wouldn't be able to do a photo session," Michèle said.


    "That's okay, I could talk to one of the other girls and get them to join me for the photo session," Renée then spoke up.


    "Or, what I could do is hire a model from a modelling agency in town and have her come work with Renée," Mildred said. "When I explain to the agency what I need the model for, it shouldn't be any problem."


    "Yeah, that'd be fine," Johnny said. "And Renée and Michèle, another reason I had you come over here is because you've been booked to appear in Winnipeg on the 13th. After he took over running Winnipeg with his AWA, Verne Gagne decided that based on the success Alex Turk had in featuring women's wrestling the last few months he was in business there, he wants to continue featuring the girls prominently on his shows there, so I'm sending you two along with Claire and Julie to Winnipeg for a tag team match on his card that night."


    "I'd have to look up my work schedule, but I don't think I have to work on the 13th, so I can make that match," Michèle said.


    "Sounds good to me too," Renée added with a grin. "The photo session, the Winnipeg event, what Mildred wants me for in January - all of that."


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Two days later, Renée went to Johnny's training gym for the photo session Mildred had planned, several hours before she was to wrestle later that night. As it turned out, the model Mildred hired to work with Renée for the session, who came recommended by Michèle as she had done some catalogue work for Morgan's Department Store, had seen her wrestle on TV before and was eager to work with her, so the session went off without a hitch as a number of photos of Renée performing wrestling holds on her were shot by the photographer in the ring, which ropes had been taken down from their cornerposts to give the photographer a clear view of Renée and the model as they did the holds. After the session was done and the photos developed, Mildred picked the photo she liked best and put it to use for the logo she had designed (featuring an artist's rendition of Renée headlocking the model):


  7. Backstage in the locker room area at the Montreal Forum during the early part of the undercard of the Fred Blassie-Édouard Carpentier main event, Renée Martel, accompanied by her father Marcel (who was not wrestling that night), was talking with Bruno Sammartino and Rocky Johnson when Bruno told Renée about his bringing her up to Vince McMahon Sr. shortly after the last time he was in Montreal. "...and I thought it wasn't worth having to go get training from Moolah as a condition of going to wrestle for Vince, so I decided to not take his offer," Renée explained, talking about the offer she had received from the WWWF last December in the letter sent to Johnny Rougeau's office.


    "Especially after all the training you already got," Bruno said in agreement. "When I asked Johnny about you earlier, he said that as good as you were last time I saw you, you've improved steadily since then."


    "I did, and Papa had a big hand in that improvement," Renée said as she looked at Marcel, who nodded.


    "She's also kept herself in fighting shape by supplementing her training with Stu Hart whenever we're back in Calgary," Marcel said. "She's always willing to learn and she wants to keep improving and keep her skills and timing sharp."


    "Good, it never hurts to keep improving yourself in the ring," Bruno said.


    "About McMahon's offer, how much was he willing to pay you to appear for him?" Rocky then asked.


    "He never said how much specifically, but he did offer big paydays in his letter," Renée replied. "Still, bigger paychecks wouldn't have been worth it if it meant having to join Moolah's camp and wrestle exclusively for her. I'd never say never to taking some matches in the WWWF at some point in the future, but only if Vince dropped his and Moolah's requirement of having me join Team Moolah - otherwise, no chance."


    "Well, that's alright," Rocky said. "It never hurts to have a home base like you got here in Montreal, but it's also good not to be tied down working for one promoter like you would've been with Moolah if you took the offer."


    "And that's the way I like it," Renée said, just as she spotted Fred Blassie coming around the corner. "Hey, Fred, all set for your big match tonight?" she then asked.


    "As set as I'll ever be," Fred said. "And after tonight, that'll be the last time you see me around here for a while."


    "Really? How come?" Renée said.


    "A couple of weeks ago, Johnny got a call from Roy Shire over in San Francisco," Fred said. "Roy wanted me there to work an angle for him against Bill Watts*, the United States Champion over there, so I put in my notice with Johnny and I'm finishing up here tonight by dropping the World title back to Ed."


    "Ah, well," Renée said. "Sorry to see you go after tonight, but...it's sure been interesting having you around, and you should come back here next chance you get," she added as she went to give Fred a hug.


    "I just might take you up on that invitation," Fred said. "Maybe even go for teriyaki at one of the steak houses in town again. Or, if you get a chance to start wrestling down in the States at some point and you and your dad are down in L.A. to wrestle while I'm there, stop by and pay a visit."


    Renée looked toward Marcel, who nodded. "It's a deal," she said with a grin.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * Yep, the same "Cowboy" Bill Watts who later founded Mid-South Wrestling (later the Universal Wrestling Federation), which gave us Junkyard Dog, Jake Roberts, Sting, Hacksaw Duggan, Ted DiBiase, One Man Gang and "Dr. Death" Steve Williams and was also a stopover for the Fabulous Freebirds.

  8. I would love to have seen that Blassie-Carpentier match.


    I can picture the fans being totally into it.


    Bloody and violent. Just like a stretcher match should be. :D


    Without a doubt. I also have a chapter coming up detailing behind the scenes at the Forum on the night of that match.

  9. <img src="

    https://i.postimg.cc/Y9dZtBp7/asw-2.png" alt=" ">

    All-Star Wrestling @ Montreal Forum

    October 10, 1966 - Montreal, Quebec

    Attendance - 16,020


    <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/XJf3Zc6Z/Montreal-Forum-1945.jpg" alt=" ">



    <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/C5n8nNXw/Ronnie-Garvin-1.jpg" alt=" "><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/mZ7C4dYS/Terry-Garvin-1.jpg" alt=" "> <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/52pfM7VX/Unknown.jpg" alt=" "><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/52pfM7VX/Unknown.jpg" alt=" ">

    Ron & Terry Garvin defeated Mr. Haiti & Tony Curtis when Ron Garvin pinned Curtis following a knockout punch.



    <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/YS63xW3w/Paul-Le-Duc-1.jpg" alt=" "> <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/RhHPwrrq/Chin_Lee.jpg" alt=" ">

    Paul LeDuc and Chin Lee fought to a time-limit draw.



    <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/44SpTy7R/Tony-Marino-1.jpg" alt=" "> <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/52pfM7VX/Unknown.jpg" alt=" ">

    Tony Marino defeated Bull Johnson by pinfall follwing a dropkick.



    <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/hjcmkhL8/Stan_Stasiak_1.jpg" alt=" "> <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/8P5Cbmth/Johnny-Kostas.jpg" alt=" ">

    Stan Stasiak defeated Johnny Kostas by pinfall follwing a Heart Punch.



    <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/K8W5DcnG/Renée_Martel_1966.jpg" alt=" "> <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/zG9HhNG4/Judy-Sowinski-1960s.jpg" alt=" ">

    Renée Martel defeated Judy Sowinski by disqualification when Sowinski slugged the referee as he tried to stop her from pressing her knee against the back of Renée's neck to choke her against the middle rope. Post-match, Sowinski continued her assault on Renée, but missed with a clothesline after whipping her to the ropes as Renée ducked, then rebounded with a dropkick that sent Sowinski rolling out to the floor at ringside, where she traded insults with Renée while the crowd cheered the hometown girl for her efforts.



    <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/QMRz1hqR/Rocky_Johnson_1.jpg" alt=" "> <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/L80MX4NF/Tiger-Jeet-Singh-1.jpg" alt=" ">

    Rocky Johnson battled Tiger Jeet Singh to a double countout.



    ASW World Tag Team Championship

    <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/ncqWkDw0/Jacques_Rougeau_Sr._1.jpg" alt=" "><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/N0dnD6G3/Johnny_Rougeau_1.jpg" alt=" "><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/tTrf7sPC/World_Tag_Team_1960s.jpg" alt=" "><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/T1GkfXgm/Hans_Schmidt_1.jpg" alt=" "><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/3NHCrS7N/Killer_Karl_Krupp_1.jpg" alt=" ">

    Jacques & Johnny Rougeau © defeated Hans Schmidt & Dutch Momberg when Johnny used the sleeperhold on Momberg for the submission.



    WWWF World Heavyweight Championship

    <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/prv4nMPF/Bruno-Sammartino-1.jpg" alt=" "><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/JnmxjfTf/WWWF_Heavyweight_1965.jpg" alt=" "><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/YCfCZMsv/Killer_Kowalski_1.jpg" alt=" ">

    Bruno Sammartino © defeated Killer Kowalski when Kowalski was disqualified for refusing to stop choking Sammartino against the ropes. Post-match, Bruno rallied and, after fighting back, cleared Kowalski out by clotheslining him out of the ring.



    ASW World Heavyweight Championship - Stretcher Match

    <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/7hrR83Bs/Edouard_Carpentier_1.jpg" alt=" "><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/wT35prg6/World_Heavyweight_Montreal_1960s.jpg" alt=" "><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/nrGmcstr/Freddie_Blassie_1.jpg" alt=" ">

    Édouard Carpentier defeated Fred Blassie © in a brutal and bloody contest to regain the title when Blassie was taken from the ring back to the locker room area on a stretcher after Carpentier, who was down for much of the match thanks to Blassie's savage tactics, rallied and fought back to eventually bring Blassie down with a ferocious beating as the fans rooted Carpentier on.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Prediction results:


    Herrbear - 6/9


    All-time prediction results:


    Herrbear - 27/36

    Hitman74 - 10/12

    Theheel - 7/10


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



  10. kinnikuniverse said:
    I saw tony curtis and i was like "wait wut?" Lol.


    Yep, strangely enough, that actually was a wrestler who used that name in Montreal at the time (thanks to checking the WrestlingData.com site and looking through the results for Lutte Internationale's predecessor All-Star Wrestling).


    kinnikuniverse said:
    Good to see Renée's matches finally moving up to midcard. She made quite the progress in 1 year.


    Renée's coming along steadily, but it'll still be some time before she really makes it big in this diary. I've got some plans for her for 1967 (and something even bigger for 1968), so keep reading to find out.


    kinnikuniverse said:
    Pretty stacked card! Goes to show just how huge the montreal territory was back in the day.


    Also, how is Gino Brito doing? Is he teaming up with tony parissi already at this point? Cause that could be a good tag team to build up for a dream match against the rougeaus.


    In fact, how's ivan koloff doing? Cause we're around the time period where johnny rougeau came up with the koloff character for him


    The earliest records I could find of Gino Brito and Tony Parisi (the latter sometimes using his real name, Antonio Pugliese) teaming up IRL were from Montreal in 1968, though it's possible that they may have teamed up prior to that but those matches were not documented. As for Ivan Koloff, he was still wrestling as Red McNulty at this point (1966 and into 1967) both IRL and ITTL and didn't start wrestling as Koloff until January 1968 in Montreal.

  11. Old School Fan: 1/3


    One out of three? Dang, I must be slipping! :o Well, I'll see about doing better with this next set of predictions. :D


    Josh Alexander [c] VS. TJP (#3)

    (STRONG Openweight)

    Claudio Castagnoli VS. Jay White

    Team Filthy (Tom Lawlor, Chris Dickinson, Danny Limelight & Clayton Gainz) VS. Clark Connors & Violence Squad (Brody King, Gunner Miller & Schaff)

    Karl Fredericks [#4]VS. Matt Adams [#2]

    Adrian Quest & PJ Black VS. Chris Hero & PACO

    Fred Rosser (#11) VS. Hikuleo (#8)

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