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Old School Fan

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Posts posted by Old School Fan

  1. Meanwhile, earlier that night in Montreal...


    All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena

    June 26, 1967 - Montreal, Quebec




    Judy Sowinski defeated Rosalie Paiement* (making her debut) by pinfall following a shoulderbreaker.



    Julie Painchaud used a suplex slam to pin and defeat Miss X.



    Jacques Rougeau battled Terry Garvin to a no-contest when both wrestlers were disqualified for excessive brawling.



    Larry Moquin & Gino Brito defeated Matt Gilmore & Bull Johnson when Brito pinned Gilmore.



    Johnny Rougeau, Édouard Carpentier & Spiros Arion defeated Mad Dog Vachon, Baron Von Raschke & Sweet Daddy Siki when Arion used a full Nelson to get the submission from Vachon.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * Rosalie Paiement (pronounced pay-mont) was created for this diary; she is one of the two girls who met Renée Martel to seek out training for a wrestling career in the previous chapter.

  2. NWA All-Star Wrestling @ Exhibition Gardens

    June 26, 1967 - Vancouver, British Columbia




    Bad Boy Shields fought Red McNulty to a time-limit draw.



    Abdullah the Butcher defeated Roy McClarty by pinfall following a karate thrust to the throat.



    Renée Martel & Donna Costello* defeated Margot Bouchard & Toni Rose when Costello pinned Rose.



    Danny Reilly defeated Tony Nero by pinfall following a powerslam.



    $2,000 8-man Battle Royal

    John Tolos won the match and the $2,000 prize when he last eliminated Danny Reilly (other participants included Abdullah the Butcher, Bad Boy Shields, Red McNulty, Roy McClarty, Tony Nero and Rocky Johnson).


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * AKA Donna Christanello.

  3. June 1967


    The latest issue of the All-Star Wrestling arena program/newsletter is out:


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    And on Page Two, more on the surprise face turn of Julie Painchaud, plus some coverage on one of the girls who met Renée Martel back in March and asked about training to become a wrestler...


  4. 4 Way Elimination Match for the no.1 contenders to the RoH Tag Team Titles:

    The Briscoes vs OGK vs ANX vs WorkHorsemen


    Brian Cage vs Leon Ruff


    Gauntlet Match for the no.1 contenders to the RoH World Title, featuring all ex-RoH champions:

    Samoa Joe, Jay Lethal, PCO, Rush, Bandido, Christopher Daniels, Dalton Castle

  5. Back in Montreal that same night...


    All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena

    June 5, 1967 - Montreal, Quebec



    NOTE: While other matches are understood to have taken place on this card, only the three matches below are known to have been documented.


    Claire Lepage defeated Miss X by disqualification when a second masked wrestler ran in and attacked Lepage as she had Miss X tied up in a single-leg Boston crab. Post-match, the two masked women double-teamed on Lepage until Julie Painchaud made a surprise appearance as she ran out from the locker room area and helped Lepage clear out the masked heels, signalling a babyface turn for Painchaud.



    ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship

    Baron Von Raschke defeated Marcel Martel to become the first ASW Canadian Heavyweight Champion when Von Raschke used the clawhold on Martel for the submission.



    ASW World Heavyweight Championship

    Johnny Rougeau defeated Mad Dog Vachon © to win the title when Rougeau subdued Vachon with the sleeperhold.

  6. Moving ahead a few months...


    American Wrestling Association @ Davenport Municipal Stadium

    June 5, 1967 - Davenport, Iowa




    Judy Arnold & Renée Martel defeated Georgia Hase & Margot Bouchard when Renée got the submission from Hase with the Alligator Clutch while Arnold ran in to stop Bouchard from interfering before the latter two began brawling around ringside.



    Jack Lanza defeated The Big K* by pinfall following a lariat clothesline.



    AWA World Tag Team Championship

    Larry Hennig & Harley Race © defeated René Goulet & Earl Maynard when Race pinned Goulet following a piledriver.



    Texas Death Match

    Johnny Powers defeated The Crusher in a brutal and bloody contest when Crusher could not answer the referee's ten-count after being pinned by Powers.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * Masked identity used by wrestler Stan Kowalski.

  7. Sorry about not being around the last little while (due to reasons mentioned in my above post), but I'm back now.


    So, to get back in the groove...


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    March 1967


    Back in Montreal, while having a few days off from the ring, Renée Martel and Claire Lepage were having lunch at a coffee shop close to Johnny Rougeau's office and were reminiscing about the Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament. "I'll tell you, the hardest match I had to wrestle while we were down in Los Angeles was when I had to face Jan Vallow on the third night of the tournament," Claire pointed out after swallowing a bite from the cheeseburger she was eating. "She wrestles pretty stiff in the ring, kind of like a stiffer version of Michèle."


    "I know, but that's something you should be used to by now, based on your experience with wrestling Michèle," Renée said as she speared a forkful of garden salad.


    "Even if Jan lays into her hits like Johnny Valentine would if he were a woman?" Claire said.


    "Hmm, something like that, I guess," Renée said with a small laugh, having some familiarity with Johnny Valentine as he had been a past opponent of her father's in Montreal and other territories.


    "Hey, I just remembered," Claire spoke up a moment later. "Over at the training gym earlier, I heard some talk from Johnny about him making plans to stage a wrestling event at Expo 67 after it starts in April. Did you hear about that?"


    "That's news to me," Renée admitted. "If Johnny mentioned it, he was in his office then and I wasn't with him."


    "If it's true, that'd be great," Claire said. "Holding a wrestling show at Expo 67 would be a great way to give All-Star Wrestling some much-needed exposure and publicity to visitors to the fair from outside Canada. If Johnny holds a women's match as part of that show, that's even better."


    "Yeah, that's right," Renée agreed. "When we get back to the gym after lunch, I'll ask Johnny about that and see what he says."


    As Renée and Claire continued with their lunch, two young blonde women, who had come into the coffee shop a moment earlier for lunch themselves, recognized Renée at her booth and walked over to her and Claire. "Hi, Renée Martel?" one of the girls, whose short blonde hair was styled in a pixie cut with long bangs, spoke up first. "You remember us?"


    "Umm, no, not really," Renée said as she looked at the two girls, unsure who they were as one of the girls asked about remembering them.


    "We had some classes together in Grade 11* at the Saint-Louis School back in 1965," the short-haired blonde girl explained. "You'd just moved to Montreal at mid-year of the school year and enrolled at Saint-Louis in January."


    Upon mention of the school where she spent her last year of high school* upon returning to Montreal with her family from Calgary in late-December 1964, Renée had an epiphany. "Okay, now I remember - Rosalie and Sabrina, right?" she said to the two girls.


    "That's right," Rosalie, the short-haired blonde girl, said with a grin.


    "Well, how've you two been since I saw you last?" Renée asked.


    "We've kept busy since graduation," Sabrina, who had longer blonde hair past her shoulders and also had long bangs, replied. "Working here and there, mostly."


    "Ever since we graduated, we've been following your wrestling career," Rosalie said. "Mostly from seeing you when you wrestled on TV, but sometimes Sabrina and I would catch the matches at the Paul Sauvé Arena when you're in town."


    "Ah, nice," Renée remarked. "Well, I'm going to be on the card at Paul Sauvé this coming Monday, so are you going to be there then?"


    "We sure will," Sabrina said. "But that's not the only reason we wanted to see you when we spotted you here."


    "Okay, what else?" a curious Renée asked.


    "Sabrina and I were both talking about getting into wrestling ourselves and we wanted to get training for it," Rosalie said. "We figured you're the best person we could talk to about that."


    Renée only needed a moment to think about it. "I'm heading over to Johnny Rougeau's office and gym after lunch, so you two could come along with me and Claire then," she said. "He's started training more girls to wrestle recently, so I'll talk to him. While you're here, how about joining us for lunch and we'll talk more about it?"


    "Oh, thanks, that sounds great," a pleased Rosalie said as she and Sabrina joined Renée and Claire in their booth.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * Under Quebec's education system (which differs from other such systems in North America), high school ends at Grade 11 as there is no Grade 12 in Quebec high schools.

  8. 0. NWA WORLD WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Thunder Rosa © vs. Hikaru Shida

    1. Cody Rhodes vs. Adam Cole

    2. Chris Jericho vs. Miro

    3. Christian Cage vs. Ricky Starks

    4. Golden Lovers vs. Young Bucks

    5. TNT CHAMPIONSHIP: Eddie Kingston © vs. Lance Archer

    6. IWGP UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP: Jon Moxley © vs. Wardlow

    7. AEW WORLD TRIOS CHAMPIONSHIP: Death Triangle © vs. Los Ingobernables

    8. AEW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: FTR © vs. CM Punk & Bryan Danielson

    9. AEW WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: Britt Baker © vs. Mercedes Martinez

    10. AEW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: Hangman Adam Page © vs. MJF



    Who debuts (former WWE and NJPW star): I'll go along with some other posts and guess Prince Devitt

  9. TNT Title Match - Scorpio Sky vs Kazarian

    MJF's Next Mystery Opponent - Wardlow vs ???

    Owen Hart Cup Quarter Final - Adam Cole vs Dax Harwood

    Owen Hart Cup Quarter Final - Rey Fenix vs Kyle O'Reilly

    Owen Hart Cup Quarter Final - Britt Baker vs *JOKER*

    10 Man Tag - The Undisputed Elite (Young Bucks, Good Brother & Bobby Fish) vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, John Silver, Alex Reynolds & Alan '5' Angels)

    CM Punk and Hangman Page set to meet face to face

    Tony Khan has a massive announcement


    Who will MJF handpick to face Wardlow?


    Will Hangman/Punk get physical? Yes


    Who will be the female joker?


    What will Tony's announcement be?

  10. The next best thing to do would be to create your own wrestlers using DAZ Studio or Poser, if you have either of those rendering programs and the characters and related accessories (e.g. hair) to go with them. Search for photos of actual people that you could use for reference, then put your own personal touches on them.
  11. While I get working on a new chapter, here's a YouTube highlight reel video on one of the wrestlers mentioned in the above two NWA All-Star cards and the previous arena program from Montreal's All-Star Wrestling ITTL (seen in his real-life roller derby days):


    (includes interview starting at about 7:57)
  12. NWA All-Star Wrestling @ Exhibition Gardens

    March 6, 1967 - Vancouver, British Columbia

    Attendance - 2,285




    Don McClarty defeated Jack Bence by pinfall.



    Danny Reilly defeated Sandy Barr by pinfall following a powerslam.



    Margot Bouchard defeated Claire Lepage by pinfall following an elbow drop.




    In a non-title match, AWA World Women's Champion Kay Noble wrestled Renée Martel to a time-limit draw.



    Chris Tolos battled Don Jardine to a no-contest when both were disqualified for excessive brawling.



    Rocky Johnson defeated John Tolos by disqualification when Chris Tolos ran in and attacked Johnson as he had John Tolos trapped in the Boston crab. Post-match, the Tolos brothers continued their attack on Johnson until Danny Reilly ran in for the save and helped Johnson run the heel tandem off.


  13. NWA All-Star Wrestling @ Seattle Center Coliseum

    March 4, 1967 - Seattle, Washington




    Eric Froelich defeated Jack Bence by pinfall following a headscissor takedown.



    Rocky Johnson defeated Sandy Barr by submission with the Boston crab.



    Roy McClarty defeated Thunderbolt Peters* by pinfall with a crucifix cradle.



    Don McClarty battled Jim Starr to a time-limit draw.



    Danny Reilly** defeated George Cannon by disqualification when Cannon pulled the referee in the way of an attempted clothesline by Reilly.



    Don Leo Jonathan battled Soldat Gorky to a double countout.




    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage defeated Kay Noble & Margot Bouchard when Bouchard was disqualified for refusing to break a chokehold on Lepage on the ropes.



    NWA World Tag Team Championship (Vancouver)

    Dutch Savage & Don Jardine © defeated John & Chris Tolos when Jardine used the clawhold to force Chris Tolos to submit while Savage ran in to keep John Tolos from interfering.


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    * Early ring name used by Thunderbolt Patterson.


    ** IRL, Danny Reilly was a roller derby skater, active between the early 1960s and his retirement in 1981; he died of cancer in 2001. ITTL, due to roller derby never being created, he became a professional wrestler. He is notable to some of today's roller derby fans for bearing a resemblance to comedian/actor/game show host Drew Carey.

  14. All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena

    February 27, 1967 - Montreal, Quebec




    Maurice Lapointe defeated Eddie Auger by pinfall.




    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage defeated Kay Noble & Margot Bouchard when Bouchard was disqualified for throwing Lepage over the top rope.



    Larry Moquin defeated Terry Garvin by pinfall with a cross-bodyblock.



    Jacques Rougeau defeated Ron Garvin by pinfall following a knockout punch.



    Édouard Carpentier & Johnny Rougeau defeated Mad Dog Vachon & Sweet Daddy Siki when Rougeau used the sleeperhold to subdue Siki.


  15. The latest issue of the All-Star Wrestling arena program (now with an updated top front header, with the logos of Canada's Centennial celebration [top left] and Expo 67 [top right]) covers how Renée Martel, Margot Bouchard and Claire Lepage all fared at the Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament during their foray to Los Angeles for their American debuts:


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    And continued on Page Two...


  16. Several days after the Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament concluded, at a WWWF event in Washington, DC, Fabulous Moolah, while waiting for her upcoming match backstage in the locker room area, was reading through an express-mailed letter sent to her from her Los Angeles contact and did not look happy about what she had read. She then took a look at the accompanying article clipping from the Los Angeles Times - and as soon as she finished reading it, her face twisted up into a mask of fury and she flew into a rage.


    "What the hell is this?! How could this happen?!" Moolah yelled about what she read before she began cursing, then she threw down the letter, kicked over a chair and a wastebasket and stormed down the backstage hallway while continuing to rant.


    A moment later, Bruno Sammartino, who was scheduled to wrestle in the main event that night, came out from his locker room, wondering about what he had heard from inside, then he looked down and noticed the kicked-over chair and wastebasket. As he went to pick the items up, he noticed the letter to Moolah and the newspaper article, then picked them both up and read them. Bruno noticed that the letter talked about the Mildred Burke tournament in Los Angeles, then he read the article which went into detail about the tournament's final night, the matches that took place that night and the announced attendance number (which had drawn over 2,000 more fans that night than Moolah's tournament had drawn), at which he then noticed mention of Renée Martel and how far she got in the tournament, finishing as runner-up to Judy Arnold in their scientific match, giving positive reviews to Renée's performance as well as to the other wrestlers and the event in general.


    Bruno, who had come to like Renée during the times he met her in Montreal and considered her a friend, chuckled to himself when he connected what he read in the letter and article to Moolah's diva-like tantrum. "Serves you right, Moolah," Bruno then said with regards to Moolah setting up her own tournament in direct competition with Mildred's tournament; having wrestled in Boston on the same card Moolah's tournament was held at, he came to realize that Moolah had simply set up her tournament as a self-serving means of keeping the attention of fans and the press on herself and ultimately made it all about herself (especially with the way she bragged to the press following the event), while Mildred's tournament did the opposite in that it showcased the talent she had trained or was associated with and put the spotlight on them where it belonged.

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