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Old School Fan

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Posts posted by Old School Fan

  1. On 9/4/2022 at 2:57 PM, Kamchatka said:

    "In 1972, young visionary businessman and prospective wrestling promoter Richard Eisen- with help from several people already involved in the wrestling industry- created the Supreme Wrestling Federation. The promotion opened with a bang, signing the hottest act in America, Mickey Starr, to an exclusive contract (which was unheard of in North America at the time) and promoting their shows all across the United States."




    SWF (1970s)

    Wow, this logo design definitely recalls old school WWWF from that time frame IRL.  Nice work on this.  😁

    • Like 1
  2. spacer.png

    All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena
    July 8, 1968 - Montreal, Quebec



    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Larry Moquin defeated Jerry Dorsey by pinfall with a cross-bodyblock.

    spacer.pngspacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
    Antonio Baillargeon & Jacques Rougeau defeated Terry Garvin & Matt Gilmore when Baillargeon pinned Garvin following a flying dropkick.

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Ox Baker defeated Eddie Auger by pinfall following a Heart Punch.

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Ivan Koloff defeated Dale Roberts by submission with a bearhug.

    Canadian Women's Championship

    The opening moments of this title match between Françoise Hardy and champion Renée Martel saw the two trade a series of scientific holds.  Later in the match, Martel applied a figure-four leglock, but Hardy made it to the ropes to force Renée to break the hold.  Later still, as Martel regained the upper hand after Hardy maintained control for some time, Margot Bouchard, even though she was not scheduled to wrestle that night, came to ringside from the locker room area to taunt and intimidate Martel.  As Renée argued with her archrival, Hardy took advantage of the distraction and drove her knee into Martel's back, then rolled up and cradled Martel to win the title.  The fans, outraged over Bouchard's involvement factoring into the outcome, booed as Hardy was awarded the Canadian Women's title belt and celebrated with Bouchard, who gloated at the downed Renée to rub in her nemesis' title loss.

    ASW  World Heavyweight Championship

    Johnny Rougeau (C) defeated Waldo Von Erich by submission with a sleeperhold.



    • Like 2
  3. spacer.png

    American Wrestling Association @ Winnipeg Civic Auditorium
    June 21, 1968 - Winnipeg, Manitoba

    Attendance - 4,000


    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Dr. X defeated Dutch Savage by submission with a figure-four leglock.

    2-on-1 Handicap match

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
    Man Mountain Mike defeated Bill Kochen* & The Big K when he big-splashed each wrestler, then pinned both simultaneously.

    Canadian Women's Championship

    Françoise Hardy defeated Renée Martel (C) by countout when Martel could not get back into the ring in time to beat the referee's ten-count after Hardy suplexed her onto the arena floor at ringside (Martel retains her title due to the countout).

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Larry Hennig defeated René Goulet by pinfall following a powerslam.

    Two out of Three Falls

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Bill Watts defeated Harley Race, two falls to one.

    • First fall - Race pinned Watts with a Fisherman Suplex.
    • Second fall - Race was disqualified for ramming Watts head-first into a corner post outside the ring.
    • Third fall - Watts won when he pinned Race following a powerslam.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * Bill Kochen was the father of wrestler Dave Kochen, who also wrestled and refereed in the AWA using the ring name Buddy Lane.


    • Like 1
  4. spacer.png

    All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena
    June 10, 1968 - Montreal, Quebec


    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Antonio Baillargeon defeated Don Serrano by pinfall following a dropkick.

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Dale Roberts wrestled Matt Gilmore to a time-limit draw.

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Buster Lloyd defeated Paul Bouchard by pinfall following a headbutt.

    spacer.pngspacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
    Françoise Hardy (in her first appearance in Montreal) & Margot Bouchard defeated Renée Martel & France Gall (also making her Montreal debut) when Hardy scored the upset pin on Martel with a crossface cradle pinning combination.

    2-on-1 Handicap match

    spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
    Angelo "King Kong" Mosca defeated Gerard Dugas & Eddie Auger by pinfall.

    spacer.pngspacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
    Johnny Rougeau & Gino Brito battled Ivan Koloff & The Great Mephisto* to a no-contest when both teams were disqualified for all four wrestlers brawling in the ring at once.

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * This Great Mephisto is not Frankie Cain, the best-known wrestler to go by that ring name (which he used while using an Arab gimmick, similar to The Sheik); the Great Mephisto who appeared on this card also wrestled as the Mighty Atlas in the United States.

    • Like 1
  5. In the newest issue of the All-Star Wrestling arena program, "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff takes a moment to rile up readers by bragging about the alleged "superiority" of the USSR while dissing the West and rival wrestlers (including Johnny Rougeau):


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *




    Meanwhile on Page Two, the two new French girl grapplers are introduced, and a rundown of the upcoming card:



    • Like 2
  6. 16 hours ago, DarK_RaideR said:

    I figured there would be a new round of diaries due to the transfer mess up, but it's fun to see that many of the old ones are also still going now that all the posts have been carried over.

    I'm sure glad myself that things eventually worked out as all the pages transferred over (even though I'll have to manually fix some of my earlier diary posts), as it allowed me to resume writing my diary and pick up where I left off by introducing a couple of new characters who'll play big parts in the storyline as the diary moves into June 1968.

    • Like 5
  7. June 1968

    Two days after returning from Vancouver to Montreal, Renée Martel and Michèle Richard arrived at Johnny Rougeau's office after being called over by Johnny.  "Come on in, Renée and Michèle, take a seat," the All-Star Wrestling owner said as he indicated the two empty chairs in front of his desk.  "I'm glad you came by because I got some news to tell you."

    "What's that, Johnny?" a curious Renée asked.

    "Well, you both know about the work I've been doing to build up our women's division, to give the two of you new opponents to face, right?" Johnny said.

    "Sure, you know we're both game to face new challenges," Michèle replied.

    "While you've been away, I've been getting in touch with promoters from outside North America to see about sending available female wrestlers they may have to Canada on tour," Johnny said.  "Mildred Burke told me she'd heard that promoters in Japan are trying to organize a new all-girl promotion over there, but she hasn't heard anything new regarding that yet.  I did hear back from a British promoter, though - he's been booking two girls from France to tour around the British circuit and they've been a hit wherever they've appeared except in London, and only because London doesn't allow women's wrestling within its borders."

    "So the girls aren't allowed to wrestle in London?  That doesn't sound fair," Renée said, voicing her displeasure at what she heard.

    "You're right, but where they've been allowed to wrestle in the United Kingdom, they've been drawing crowds, those two girls," Johnny said.  "They've been doing great going between there and West Germany to wrestle.  When the promoter asked the girls if they'd be willing to come over to Canada to wrestle and build up their experience, he said they both jumped at the chance.  They flew over from London and arrived in Montreal a few days ago while you were still in Vancouver, and they're busy in the gym right now, sparring and watching the other girls practice."

    "I'd sure like to see what they're like as wrestlers," Michèle said.

    "You will, but there's something you should know first," Johnny said.  "The style of pro wrestling used over in Europe is very different from how it's done in North America.  They use more of a technical-based style and their matches are done in rounds, much like in boxing.  They also don't do a good guy/bad guy divide or related gimmicks in most European promotions to the extent that the North American promotions do."

    "Then I guess they're finding out right now just how different things are with wrestling here than across the Atlantic," Renée said with a small giggle.

    "Well, you'll find out just what they think of our style of wrestling," Johnny said as he got up from his desk.  "Just a second, I'll go get them."  He then went into the gym for a moment, then returned soon after with the ladies he had talked about.

    "Hello, I'm Françoise Hardy," the taller of the two women, who had long brown hair with bangs, introduced herself as she extended her right hand for handshakes with Renée and Michèle, who likewise introduced themselves.  "This is France Gall," Françoise then introduced the shorter girl, who had long blonde hair and wore a hair clip to keep her hair out of her face.

    "Hello, nice to meet you both," France said next as she also shook hands with Renée and Michèle.  "Isabelle's my real first name, but you can call me France - everyone I know does."

    "Okay, France," Renée said with a giggle.  "So how're you two enjoying Montreal so far?"

    "Well, it's not quite as big as Paris, but what we've seen so far looks good," Françoise admitted.  "I've seen a lot of nice places here to shop and dine at, but what really surprised me while we travelled around town were these buildings, what do you call them... 'shopping malls'?"

    "That's what they are," Renée confirmed with a grin.  "I guess they're not like the shopping areas that exist in Paris, are they?"

    "Oh, no, not close," Françoise said with a laugh.  "I don't think there's anything like that anywhere in France for that matter, where all the shops are under one roof and you don't have to worry about the weather while you go between shops - it's very different here from there, especially the underground malls."

    "Yeah, I imagine so," Michèle joined in with a nod.

    "Okay, getting back to wrestling, what do you and France think of the style of pro wrestling we use here compared with the European style?" Johnny then asked.

    "Big difference between here and Europe," Françoise explained, turning to Renée and Michèle.  "Johnny probably already told you about the differences in wrestling style, but one of the other ones is that we don't use wrestling gimmicks in Europe. We prefer to focus on the wrestling itself."

    "Yeah, Johnny told us that too," Michèle said.  "He also said the European promotions don't do heroes vs. villains like the companies in North America do."

    "That's right, for the same reason," Françoise said.

    "But since you're wrestling in Canada now, do you think you'd be open to doing a gimmick?" Renée asked.

    "Hmm, I don't know - it would depend on who I'd be facing in the ring," Françoise said.

    "One of the reasons I brought you over to Canada, Françoise, was to book you for a series of matches against Renée, to eventually challenge her for her Canadian Women's Championship," Johnny pointed out.  "Since Renée wrestles as a heroine in Canada and in the United States, facing off against her would make you appear as the villain to the fans, as would teaming with Michèle since she's the main villain in our women's division."

    "Okay, so what would I need to do to play off that role?" Françoise asked.

    "I could show you what to do," Michèle volunteered.  "I've wrestled as a villain since I debuted and it's easy to do once you know how.  Since you came here from France, you could play that up by portraying yourself as arrogant and superior-acting, then back it up with your talent and mix in a bit of rulebreaking.  How good are you with doing TV interviews?"

    "I've done a few when I appeared on TV for matches in France and in England," Françoise said.  "I'm fluent in both French and English, so it wouldn't be a problem."

    "Good, it'll be necessary as part of the gimmick you'd be doing," Michèle said.  "In your interviews, you could proclaim French wrestlers as the superior athletes while you run down and insult the popular Canadian wrestlers and the fans who root for them.  Study up on the cities you wrestle in and learn about their sports teams so you can mock and make fun of them, that'll get the crowd rooting against you and for your opponent.  The trick, though, is don't go overboard and get the fans too mad at you - just get them mad enough that they want to see you lose, but not so mad that they want to riot and tear the arena - and you - apart."

    "Ah, okay," Françoise said with a nervous laugh.  "I'll keep that in mind."

    "How about you, France?" Renée then said.  "I've heard you're good in the ring yourself, but how good are your TV interview skills?"

    "Yeah, about that," Françoise said.  "France is good with interviews too - as long as she does them in French.  She only has a basic grasp of English right now*, so she wouldn't do so well on English interviews, but she wants to learn and improve her English skills."

    "Here, I'll give her a test," Johnny said, handing an English-language arena program to France to read. "Read the top article on the first page for us out loud."

    "Okay, I'll try," France said as she held up the program and started to read it, somewhat haltingly.  "Last w... Er, last week event...at the Paul Sauvé Arena was a success...thanks to...to the..."  She then put down the program and let out a nervous giggle.  "See, it's like Françoise said," the blonde girl explained.  "My English isn't really the best, so I couldn't do TV in that language right now."

    "But you want to learn to speak it more fluently," Renée said.

    "Oh yes, I do," France said with a nod.

    "How will you do that?" Renée asked.

    France then started digging into her purse and took out a pair of books - one a bilingual pocket dictionary of French-English and English-French, the other a book of English phrases for French speakers.  "I've been using these to help me learn," she said as she showed the books to Renée, Michèle and Johnny.  "I'm also thinking of learning by ear by watching American TV shows in English to hear how it sounds."

    "Well, that's a way of learning English," Renée said with a laugh.  "That's how I learned when I was living in the US for a few years with my family while I was growing up."

    "Yeah," France said with a giggle of her own as she put her books back in her purse.  "Say, could you and Michèle show us how you wrestle when you're in the ring?" she then asked Renée.

    "Sure we can," Renée said with a grin as she and Michèle got up from their chairs.  "At the same time, you can show us your wrestling styles while we're in the gym.  Françoise, what's your style?"

    "Right now, strictly technical," Françoise said as the group left Johnny's office to head into the neighboring training gym.

    "I mix technical with some acrobatic and aerial moves," France pointed out.  "The acrobatic moves work well for my size because I'm one of the lighter girls in the sport."

    "Great, but how's it worked out for you so far, France?" Michèle asked.

    "Well... So far up to now, I haven't won a single match yet," France admitted with a smirk as the group arrived at the training ring.  "Even though my skills are good, because of my size, I've been used to help make other wrestlers like Françoise look good themselves in the ring."

    "Whoa, seriously?  You haven't won a match yet?" Michèle remarked, stunned to hear that during her entire time wrestling in Europe, France (who shook her head in response to Michèle's question) had been used mainly as a jobber by the promoters who had booked her.

    "Well, we should see what we can do to change that," Renée said with a grin, prompting a small smile from France.

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * As noted in an earlier chapter, whenever two or more Francophone characters speak together in this diary, they are assumed to be speaking French with each other (but translated to English for reader benefit); in this case, the featured characters here were already doing so when France attempted to read in English from the arena wrestling program.

  8. On 8/30/2022 at 7:39 PM, piperrulz said:

    I once read an interview with Billy Graham.

    When he was wrestling for Stu up there in Calgary, he once had a match with Billy Robinson.

    Robinson had a rep for taking advantage of wrestlers and sometimes hurting them on purpose.

    Graham taped blades to his fingers in the dressing room and approached Robinson and told Billy if he screwed with him during their match that he was gonna cut Robinson up.

    Robinson told Billy he was wrong and didn't do that.

    They had their match and Graham said he didn't even know Robinson was in the ring with him because Robinson worked so light.

    Glad to see this back.

    Hope my imaginary GF Renee' is champeen for a while!

    Glad to see this back!

    I miss the old school time-limit draws.



    Speaking of Billy Robinson, this YouTube clip covers the contract signing of a championship match between him and Dino Bravo to take place in Montreal on March 7, 1983, with a stipulation added in response to the stalling tactics the then-heel Robinson had been using during his title defences:



    (from Superstars of Wrestling, February 1983; the contract signing starts at 24 seconds into the clip)

    • Like 1
  9. Before continuing, let's go back in time a couple of years for a card which introduces a well-known future legend of the sport early in his career - but which will also introduce two female wrestlers who will soon fall into Renée Martel's orbit as the diary moves into mid-1968.

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Fédération Française du Catch Professionnel @ Palais de la Mutualité
    February 13, 1966 - Paris, France


    Guy MercierVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Guy Mercier wrestled Jacky Corne to a time-limit draw.

    Billy RobinsonVersus 2.pngRay Apollon
    Billy Robinson wrestled Ray Apollon to a time-limit draw.

    Jean FerréVersus 2.pngspacer.png
    Jean Ferré* defeated Yves Amor by pinfall following an elbow drop.

    European Women's Championship

    Françoise HardyEuropean Women's ChampionshipFrance Gall
    Françoise Hardy** (C) retained her title by defeating France Gall*** by pinfall with a head-and-arm trap pinning combination.

    Jack de LasartesseVersus 2.pngRobert Duranton
    Jack de Lasartesse**** defeated Robert Duranton by pinfall.

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * Yep, that is André the Giant in his younger days, early in his formative years in the sport in his native France.

    ** IRL, Françoise Hardy is a retired French singer/songwriter, active between 1962 and 2018.  ITTL, she became a professional wrestler instead, active in the sport primarily in mainland Europe and the United Kingdom from the early 1960s.

    *** IRL, France Gall was the stage name used by Isabelle Gall, a French singer active from 1963 to 1997; she died of complications from cancer on January 7, 2018.  ITTL, she likewise became a professional wrestler and also started out competing in Europe from her 1965 pro debut, but was already looking to expand her horizons beyond that part of the world.

    **** Jack de Lasartesse was one of the ring names used by Swiss wrestler Edouard Probst during his career, when he competed mainly in Europe; he also wrestled in the United States in 1957 and 1958 using the ring name Ludwig Von Krupp, where his highest profile match was an unsuccessful challenge against then-NWA World Champion Dick Hutton on September 25, 1958 in Washington, D.C.


  10. IWGP Heavyweight Championship - Kazuchika Okada (C) vs. Minoru Suzuki
    IWGP Heavyweight Championship - Shinsuke Nakamura (C) vs. Shelton X Benjamin
    Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Karl Anderson
    Hirooki Goto vs. Katsuyori Shibata
    Togi Makabe vs. Yujiro Takahashi
    NEVER Openweight Championship - Masato Tanaka (C) vs. Tomoaki Honma
    IWGP Tag Team ChampionshipK.E.S. (Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Lance Archer) vs. Crazy Ichizoku (Takashi Iizuka and Toru Yano) vs. Muscle Orchestra (Manabu Nakanishi and Strong Man) vs. Tencozy (Hiroyoshi Tenzan and Satoshi Kojima)
    Bad Luck Fale & Prince Devitt vs. Captain New Japan & Ryusuke Taguchi
    IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team ChampionshipTime Splitters (Alex Shelley and KUSHIDA) (C) vs.Forever Hooligans (Alex Koslov and Rocky Romero)
    Gedo, Jado, Tomohiro Ishii and YOSHI-HASHI vs. Jushin Thunder Liger, Maximo, Tiger Mask and Yuji Nagata 

  11. Now that all the pages in my diary have successfully transferred over and appeared (thanks to Arlie for the hard work in making it happen), it's time to get back to business:


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    NWA All-Star Wrestling @ Pacific Coliseum
    June 3, 1968 - Vancouver, British Columbia
    Attendance - 10,539



    Bad Boy Shields defeated Tony Orford by pinfall.


    Jack Bence fought Karl Von Steiger to a time-limit draw.


    Roy McClarty defeated Kurt Von Steiger by pinfall following a cross-bodyblock.


    Erich Froelich defeated Gorgeous George Jr. by pinfall following a flying dropkick.


    Pat Barrett defeated Armand Hussein by pinfall.

    Canadian Women's Championship


    Renée Martel (C) put up a spirited battle to retain her title as she battled Margot Bouchard to a time-limit draw.

    NWA Canadian Tag Team Championship


    Haystacks Calhoun & Don Leo Jonathan defeated The Assassins (C) to win the title when Calhoun pinned Assassin I following a big splash.

    NWA World Heavyweight Championship


    Tex McKenzie defeated Gene Kiniski (C) by disqualification when Kiniski threw McKenzie over the top rope (Kiniski retains his title due to the DQ).


    • Like 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, Arlie Rahn said:

    OK, support just finished recovering all the missing posts. They did say that you may see a few duplicated posts. If so, you can delete one. I've checked 2-3 dynasty ones that didn't come over and they look good now.

    At this point, all of the support tasks have been completed so you guys should have full reign to post and edit without worrying about future posts coming over.

    I just checked my diary and saw that all the other pages have just appeared and converted (the pictures on the pages from 7 and earlier with visuals didn't convert, but I can edit them manually), so I got one thing to say about that - YEEEEE-HAW!  😃 🏆

    • Like 1
  13. 6 hours ago, eayragt said:

    Two posts from March 22 and one from March 23 now appear - I think we're moving!


    Good to hear.  On my end, on the other hand, my diary posts beyond March 21 still have not appeared yet, but reading what you mentioned does give me some hope.


    3 hours ago, Dalton said:

    To add to Hollywood's post, line breaks are definitely an issue, not just in the dynasty section. It seems lines are double spaced and line breaks have that "Add Space After Paragraph" option from Microsoft Word or something by default, and so we need to hit shift+enter to go down a line instead of two lines and it still leaves a huge amount of space in between lines. Hope that makes sense. 


    It's a relatively minor thing but would be a massive QoL fix for the majority of users. 


    I had the same problem when I noticed the first post on my diary thread yesterday - for some odd reason, it had developed huge gaps in between paragraphs and I wasn't able to fix it in the editor to make it look the way I wanted it to, and I was leary of editing it via source code in the event I ended up inadvertently messing it up even further.  I've saved my non-event diary chapters on my computer via use of the rich text format, though, so what I did was paste the text from the original post that I had saved in RTF into the first post to reformat it and saved it, and it came out fine, as shown below:


    GDS - reformatted text.jpg

  14. Now I've just spotted a new problem that I just ran into - up until a few minutes ago, I had 490 posts displaying in my post count (shown here):


    GDS error message - 490 posts earlier.jpg


    But when I took a look at my post count a few minutes ago, it had dropped unexpectedly to just 302:


    GDS error message - dropped to 302 posts.jpg


    What happened to cause this?  Did I just suddenly end up losing almost 190 posts for some reason or other?

  15. On 8/22/2022 at 1:45 PM, Scapino1974 said:

    Just testing this. It seems like several months worth of posts have disappeared since the forum update.

    I noticed that too, and it makes zero sense whatsoever - it's not like everyone here on the forums just suddenly and spontaneously decided to stop posting back in late March, then just as suddenly resume posting last Friday (as the "4 months later..." tag seems to imply on a lot of the threads) when this is obviously not the case.  It's also bad enough that images are not appearing in many of the posts that are still up due to the codes not transferring properly - I tried editing an early post in my diary thread to restore the images instead of just having the image code appear, but when I tried inserting the images using the "Insert image from URL" feature, after just a few of those images, one I tried to insert caused the feature to loop repeatedly and refuse to insert the image, so I just gave up after a few tries.


    To put it plainly, I'm not happy about what's going on and I don't want to end up abandoning my diary, after all the time and hard work I put into it, over the broken and missing posts (as I'm sure a lot of other posters here would not want to do with theirs).

  16. 1 hour ago, hellshock70 said:

    Also seems to be a cutoff around March 23 for some threads. Reaper's title thread is 35 pages but cuts off on page 25 with the last posts being March 23, 2022. Saw another one... maybe Kam's logos that has that same date.

    I noticed the same thing on my Rise of a Star diary, which covers 14 pages of posts but cuts off for me after page 7, with the most recent visible post dated March 21 (even though it, along with a number of other diaries here, has been very busy, with posts extending well past that date up to this past Wednesday, the day the forum move began).

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