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Old School Fan

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Posts posted by Old School Fan

  1. Custom NWA United States Women's Championship (1968) (for use in Rise of a Star)


    Here's the customized version, made from scratch for my diary, of the NWA United States Women's Championship from 1968.  At this point IRL, Mae Young was recognized as the champion beginning in July that year, so her picture is the one depicted in the belt's center plate picture window.  Below is a larger default version of the belt with the plates only (and no picture within the window):


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  2. Custom 1960s NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Championship (for use in Rise of a Star)



    Here's another belt I had to create from scratch for my diary because there do not appear to be photos available of the NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Championship belt from the 1960s (the earliest known available photos of the title belt, of course, being the version used between 1972 and about 1978 that had the logo of The Ring on its center plate).

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  3. Up in Portland, Oregon, wrestling has always been a big draw with fans, both on local television and at live events - and thanks to the popularity of AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling via its airing on Portland station KPTV (also the home station of fellow NWA affiliate Pacific Northwest Wrestling and its Portland Wrestling TV show) and the recent legalization of women's wrestling in Oregon*, Mildred Burke and Portland promoter/PNW owner Don Owen collaborated to put together a joint card between the two promotions that would end up boasting the largest crowd in Portland history to attend a wrestling event until the PNW 60th Anniversary Wrestling Extravaganza in 1985:

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    AGWA/Pacific Northwest Wrestling @ Veterans Memorial Coliseum
    September 3, 1968 - Portland, Oregon
    Attendance - 11,000+



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    Sally Vega defeated Jane Sherill by pinfall following a flying dropkick off the second turnbuckle.

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    Judy Arnold defeated Patty O'Hara by submission with a spinning toehold.

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    Georgia Hase & Margot Bouchard (with "The Queen" Mae Young) defeated Carmen Thompson** & Linda Moody when Bouchard pinned Thompson following an elbow drop.

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    In a non-title match, Yukiko Tomoe defeated AGWA United States Champion Ann Calvello (with Mae Young) by disqualification when Young ran in and attacked Tomoe, who fought back and ran Young and Calvello out of the ring.

    AGWA Television Championship

    Joyce Fowler (C) defeated Tonette Kadrmas by pinfall following a high knee off the ropes.

    AGWA United States Tag Team Championship - Two out of Three Falls

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Shirley Hardman & Diane Syverson (with Mae Young), two falls to one.

    ⦁    First fall - Syverson pinned Lepage following an airplane spin.
    ⦁    Second fall - Martel pinned Hardman following a flying forearm smash off the ropes.
    ⦁    Third fall - Martel and Lepage won when Hardman and Syverson were disqualified after Young ran in and attacked Martel as she had Syverson caught in the Alligator Clutch; Young and her team, by then joined by Margot Bouchard, waged a 4-on-2 attack against the champions until Yukiko Tomoe and Joyce Fowler ran in and helped Martel and Lepage clear the Queen's Court out.

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    Billy White Wolf*** & Johnny War Eagle defeated Kurt & Karl Von Steiger to determine the number-one contenders to NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Champions Moondog Mayne & Beauregarde when White Wolf used the Indian Deathlock to force a submission from Karl Von Steiger.

    NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Championship

    Moondog Mayne (C) and The Crusher**** battled to a no-contest when both wrestlers were disqualified for excessive brawling in the ring.

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * IRL, women's wrestling did not become legal in Oregon until 1975, when the state legislature lifted a 50-year-old ban on women competing in the ring; for storyline purposes ITTL, thanks to the efforts of Mildred Burke, the ban was lifted more than seven years earlier in late-1967, making the joint event shown above possible by this point.

    ** Roller derby skater IRL.

    *** AKA Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie.

    **** This Crusher is not AWA star Reggie Lisowski, but Stan Stasiak.


  4. Custom World Women's Lightweight Championship (1960s) (for use in Rise of a Star)



    This belt was created from scratch for my Rise of a Star diary to represent the real-life World Women's Lightweight Championship, which had originally been held by Karen Kellogg (one of the last trainees of women's wrestling promoter Billy Wolfe) after she won a tournament on November 3, 1962 in Bluefield, West Virginia, up until she left the wrestling business at some point after Wolfe's death in 1963.  Based on Kellogg's wrestling weight (118 pounds), it can be assumed that her championship was intended for female wrestlers weighing up to about 120 pounds.

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    American Girls' Wrestling Association @ Utah State Fairgrounds Coliseum*
    August 31, 1968 - Salt Lake City, Utah
    Attendance - 6,500+



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    Patty O'Hara defeated Margo Vincent by pinfall following a clothesline to the back of the head.

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    Shirley Hardman & Diane Syverson (with "The Queen" Mae Young) defeated Sally Vega & Linda Moody when Hardman pinned Moody following a side suplex.

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    Yukiko Tomoe defeated Jane Sherill by pinfall with a reverse cradle.

    AGWA United States Tag Team Championship - Two out of Three Falls

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Georgia Hase & Margot Bouchard (with Mae Young), two falls to one.

    ⦁    First fall - Bouchard pinned Lepage following a spinebuster slam.
    ⦁    Second fall - Bouchard was disqualified for throwing Martel over the top rope.
    ⦁    Third fall - Martel pinned Hase following a flying clothesline off the ropes.

    AGWA United States Championship

    Joyce Fowler defeated Ann Calvello (c) (with Mae Young) when Calvello was disqualified for using the piledriver on Fowler (Calvello retains her title due to the DQ).  Post-match, Calvello continued to beat on Fowler at Young's urging until Yukiko Tomoe ran in to stop the assault and chase out Calvello and Young to make the save for Fowler.

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * The Utah State Fairgrounds Coliseum was Salt Lake City's main indoor arena until the opening of the Salt Palace and the University of Utah Special Events Center (now the Jon M. Huntsman Center), both in 1969.



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  6. Following the TV tapings in Anaheim, the girls of the AGWA, once again in association with NWA Arizona promoter Rod Fenton, undertook a tour of the US Southwest - this time starting in Utah, where its cards would end up drawing big crowds thanks to the promotion's exposure via AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling on Salt Lake City station KCPX-TV (now KTVX )

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    American Girls' Wrestling Association @ Smith Fieldhouse
    August 30, 1968 - Provo, Utah
    Attendance - 10,220



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    Margo Vincent and Jane Sherill fought to a time-limit draw.

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    Georgia Hase & Margot Bouchard (with "The Queen" Mae Young) defeated Linda Moody & Samantha Sheridan when Hase pinned Sheridan following a knee lift.

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    Yukiko Tomoe defeated Patty O'Hara by pinfall with a reverse cradle.

    Six-woman elimination match

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    Joyce Fowler, Renée Martel & Claire Lepage defeated Mae Young, Shirley Hardman & Diane Syverson.

    ⦁    First fall - Young pinned Lepage following an elbow drop.
    ⦁    Second fall - Martel pinned Hardman following a flying forearm smash off the ropes.
    ⦁    Third fall - Young was disqualified when she was caught using a foreign object on Martel.
    ⦁    Fourth fall - Syverson pinned Martel (who had been left loopy by the foreign object hit by Young) following an airplane spin.
    ⦁    Fifth fall - Fowler got the win for her team when she pinned Syverson following a high knee off the ropes.

    AGWA United States Championship

    Ann Calvello (C) (with Mae Young) defeated Sally Vega by pinfall following a leg lariat.  Calvello continued attacking Vega post-match at Young's urging, but the champion was quickly chased out to ringside when Yukiko Tomoe ran out to the ring for the save; after this, an incensed Calvello grabbed the arena microphone and berated Tomoe for chasing her out and ruining her fun.



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  7. Soon after the conclusion of their tag team match against Shirley Hardman and Diane Syverson, Renée Martel and Claire Lepage, joined by Joyce Fowler, arrived in the backstage area, with Renée clearly on a mission at that point.  "Alright, where is she?" a clearly displeased Renée said the moment she rounded a corner into the hallway where the locker rooms were.  "I wanna find out who tried to put the boots to me again!"

    "Over here!" Michèle Richard called from another part of the hallway, where she, Earlene Brown, Mildred Burke and a member of arena security were standing while the masked woman who had attacked Renée earlier was now tied up in a chair, cursing up a storm while struggling to get out of her restraints.

    "Wait, I can understand wanting to keep her from getting away," Renée said as she, Claire and Joyce approached the group, "but why keep her tied up?"

    "Y'all just answered your own question," Earlene replied.  "She was fightin' like a wildcat to get away, so we had to tie her in the chair to keep her in one place."

    "And we wanted to wait until after your match was done so you could see and confront who attacked you earlier," Mildred said.  "I'm suspecting it's the same attacker who Fabulous Moolah sent after you back in January and tried to take you out of the tournament then."

    "You don't know what you're talking about!" the masked woman snapped at everyone present.  "I don't know this Moolah and I've never met her!"

    A hint of recognition came to Joyce the moment she heard the masked woman's voice, as she then whispered something to Renée while pointing to the assailant.  "Oh, really?" Renée then said as she turned to the masked woman.  "Then let's find out if you're telling the truth," she added as she started toward the mystery figure, eyeing her mask with the intent of removing it.

    "Don't you touch me, b*tch!" the masked woman snapped again as, despite the rope keeping her tied in the chair, she lashed out and kicked Renée in her left shin, causing her to squeal in pain for a moment.

    "Why, you dirty--" Renée, now angry over the kick, snarled as she attempted to lunge at the masked woman, but Michèle, sensing what her friend had in mind, jumped in and joined Joyce and Claire in trying to restrain Renée, while the masked woman renewed her efforts to try to free herself from the rope tying her to the chair, leading Earlene and the security guard to restrain her themselves.

    "Don't worry, Renée, I got this," Michèle said to her friend before turning back to the masked woman.  "Do that again and I'll knock you right on your ass myself, comprendez-vous?" she sternly warned the assailant as she got right in her face and pointed a finger at her.  "Now settle down!"

    "Alright, let's find out who you really are," Mildred then said as she started to take the mask off of the masked woman - who, even then, tried to resist the attempt, but the veteran wrestler-turned trainer and promoter was having none of it as she successfully removed the mask.  Renée and Joyce both gasped when they saw who was under the mask.

    "I knew I recognized her as soon as I heard her speak," Joyce said, recognizing the now-unmasked woman as a familiar face.  "She wrestles as the Spider for Fabulous Moolah!  The last time I saw her was at Moolah's tournament in San Diego back in February."

    "And we both know her too, Mildred," Renée joined in.  "That's Yvonne, the girl that was part of my training class at your school back in 1964!"

    "So y'all know her from way back?" Earlene said.

    "Yeah, we do," Margo Vincent, one of the AGWA's group of enhancement talents who had just joined in on the conversation the moment she also recognized a familiar face from the past, then said.  "I was in that same class then and Yvonne was the class bully there - she gave some of the other girls in the class a hard time, but she especially had it in for Renée - why, I never really knew, unless it was from envy or something."

    "Like hell I did!" Yvonne shot back.  "Her first day there, she couldn't even get around without tripping over her own two left feet!"

    "Only because you were the one doing the tripping against her," Margo retorted.

    "And she tried to make me look bad in the ring!" Yvonne said next, still trying to play the "victim".

    "Uhh...no," Mildred then countered.  "As I remember, Yvonne, you were the one trying to make Renée look bad by tripping her and roughing her up while practicing moves during classes - she just got the better of you by turning the tables on you and making you look foolish with her amateur training when you tried to make something of it and wanted to rough her up again when she stood up to you for your bullying of her.  Your ego couldn't handle you getting bested by her, so that's why you stormed out of the gym and quit that very day."

    "So when did Yvonne quit the class, Renée?" Claire then asked.

    "It was a week after I started there, February '64," Renée explained.

    "So if she joined Moolah right after she quit Mildred's school, when did that happen?" Michèle asked next.

    "If I recall, Yvonne joined Moolah's camp in September '64 after she came East from L.A. and trained with her for several months," Joyce related.  "After that, Moolah started booking her out with the Spider gimmick in early '65, but she'd go back to Moolah's gym from time to time for seasoning and to help train other new girls.  I was at the gym one time when Yvonne was there for a training session."

    "And how'd she do with the new girls there?" Mildred asked.

    "She said she wanted to 'toughen them up' and prepare them for life as a wrestler, but I think she was just usin' that as an excuse to bully the new girls and rough them up," Joyce said.

    "Sounds just like what she did at Mildred's school," Margo then said with a chuckle, at which Renée agreed with a nod.

    "Okay, Yvonne, you've been made and there's no lying your way out of this, so how 'bout it?" Joyce then said as she looked back at Renée's assailant.  "Anything else we need to know?"

    Yvonne let out a frustrated sigh.  "Alright, you wanna know why I did what I did?" she snapped at everyone present.  "Part of it was to get revenge against the little princess right there, for making me look bad during training back in '64!" she added, looking right at Renée.  "After I went to join Moolah's camp and train with her, one time I went back there to brush up on my skills and Moolah was grumbling about some girl she tried to recruit for her camp but never got because she never answered Moolah's letter.  I asked her who it was and she told me, and I realized it was the same girl who ran me out of Burke's school back then!"

    "I didn't 'run you out', you left of your own choice," Renée corrected Yvonne, who ignored what she said.

    "So when we realized we both had something in common - one girl I had dealings with, the same girl she tried and failed to recruit - we decided she needed to be taught a lesson," Yvonne continued.  "After I told Moolah about you guys forming your own promotion, she offered to continue to book me while she sent me back here to keep an eye on happenings with you, especially when the princess was in town," she added, again referring to Renée.  "When she was, I got in touch with Moolah to let her know about it and she told me what she wanted me to do."

    "Oh, like that time one of our events during last year's Mildred Burke Tournament got postponed because of disruption by those student protesters from Berkeley?" Mae Young, who had come along moments earlier and overheard what Yvonne said, then spoke up.

    "What do you think, Grandma?" Yvonne said disrespectfully with a smirk.

    "So that was you who set it up?  You ****ing young punk!" Mae snapped as she got right in Yvonne's face.  "If you weren't already tied up in that chair, I'd stomp a mudhole in you and walk it dry!  The one good thing to come out of that night was when me and some of the other girls who were supposed to wrestle that night got to lay a beatdown on those pinko chicks from Berkeley when they tried to start trouble with us - and now, I wish you'd have been there too that night so you'd have got the same treatment!"

    "Right, like you think you can lay a hand on me, Grandma!" Yvonne taunted Mae from her chair.  "I'd have you tied up in knots before you could!"

    "Is that so?" Mae retorted. "C'mon, Mildred, untie that young whelp and let her loose so she can try to back up her big talk!"

    "Uhh...no, I don't think I'd better," Mildred said.

    "Why, you afraid I'd give the old broad the thrashing she deserves and that's why you're keeping me tied up, for her protection?" Yvonne said snidely.

    "No, actually," Mildred replied, "I'm doing it for your protection, not hers.  I trained Mae and I've known her for years, and she's tougher than the men she fought with when she was young.  Besides," she added, "I have other ideas - like, oh, letting the police deal with you."

    "What?!  You wouldn't!" Yvonne snapped.

    "Try us," Mildred said as she pointed in the direction of two Anaheim Police officers who were arriving on the scene, causing Yvonne to look worried as she looked in that direction.

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Some time later at home in Columbia, South Carolina, Fabulous Moolah had just finished watching The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson and was getting ready to head upstairs to bed after turning off her living room TV set when the show ended when her phone by her recliner started ringing.  After letting it ring twice, Moolah picked up the handset and answered, "Hello?"

    "Moolah, it's Yvonne," Yvonne replied at the other end.

    "Yvonne, it's 1 a.m. over here and I was just gettin' ready for bed," Moolah said.  "So what gives?  Why didn't you call earlier when I was expectin' you to call?"

    "That's just it, Moolah," Yvonne said.  "I couldn't call right away..."

    "Did you do what I asked you to regardin' that Martel girl?" Moolah asked.

    "Yes, I did..." Yvonne began.

    "So what's the problem then?" Moolah interrupted.  "You did get the job accomplished, right?"

    "Not exactly," Yvonne said.

    "Whaddya mean, 'not exactly'?" an incredulous Moolah said.  "Either y'all got the job done or you didn't, right?  What happened?"

    "I put my mask disguise on again when the fans were distracted by cheering after the second fall of Martel's match, then I ran in and attacked her when she wasn't looking," Yvonne explained.  "I was gonna cut out through the crowd to escape after that, but I wasn't counting on getting jumped from behind by Joyce Grable, then she, Martel and two other girls caught me and hauled me backstage."

    Moolah held the handset away from her mouth for a moment and cursed under her breath.  "What happened after that?" she then said, sounding mildly annoyed.

    "I got tied to a chair to keep me from escaping, then I got unmasked by Mildred Burke in front of Martel after the match and they found out who I was," Yvonne said.  "And on top of that, the plan didn't work - I found out Martel still won her championship match and she's got the AGWA United States Tag Team title now.  After that, the police came and I got charged with assault and taken to jail at the police station."

    "Wha...so what, are you still in jail now?" Moolah said, now more annoyed to hear that not only had her plan to keep Renée from winning a title that night failed, but that her contact had been found out.  "Why waste your time callin' me when you coulda used your one phone call to get hold of a lawyer?"

    "That's the thing," Yvonne said.  "I'm not in jail now, I'm back at home  - about an hour after I got taken in, Burke - of all people - showed up to post my bail and got me out, but she still wants me to face the music for what happened tonight.  I'm expected to appear in court in the next few days on the assault charge."

    "Well, good, then she can recommend a good lawyer to y'all too," Moolah said before she hung up her phone abruptly.  "If there's one thing I can't stand, it's someone who screws up an easy job," she then grumbled as she went upstairs to bed.

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    As a result of Yvonne being found out as her Los Angeles contact, the failure-intolerant Moolah, deeming Yvonne to now be of no further use to her, cut ties with her, refusing to even take any further phone calls from her; when contacted later by the wrestling press after they found out about what happened that night, Moolah denied any knowledge of the incident, or even knowing who Yvonne was - essentially throwing her now-former charge under the bus.  Soon afterward, Yvonne had her day in court as, without Moolah's backing, she plead guilty on the assault charge against her for the attack on Renée that night and, in lieu of jail time as this was her first such offense, she was fined, banned from attending AGWA events or having contact with its wrestlers and staff, and placed on a conditional probation for six months, after which she would not have a criminal record if she stayed out of trouble during that time.  Embittered by Moolah's betrayal and the events of that night, Yvonne subsequently washed her hands of the wrestling business entirely and decided to get a regular 9-to-5 job.

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    AGWA TV taping @ Anaheim Convention Center Arena
    August 27, 1968 - Anaheim, California
    Attendance - 6,712


    Aired the weekend of August 31, 1968 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

    Dark match

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    Lucille Dupree defeated Samantha Sheridan by pinfall.

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    Sally Vega defeated Yolanda Ruiz* by pinfall following a dropkick.

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    Jan Vallow defeated Jackie Long by pinfall following a bodyslam and legdrop.

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    Baby Rocco made short work of Sylvia Hackney when she pinned Hackney following a big splash.  Rocco then called for the arena microphone following the match and again began demanding better competition, vowing to make an example of someone in the locker room if she did not get what she wanted.

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    Judy Arnold defeated Kim Blanchard by pinfall following a sunset flip.

    AGWA United States Tag Team Championship

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage recruited Joyce Fowler to neutralize the presence of "The Queen" Mae Young as they defeated Young's tandem of Shirley Hardman & Diane Syverson (C) to win the title, two falls to one.

    ⦁    First fall - Syverson pinned Lepage following an airplane spin.
    ⦁    Second fall - Lepage evened the match by pinning Syverson following a flying clothesline off the second turnbuckle.  As Martel and Lepage were getting their arms raised in victory for winning the fall, a mysterious masked figure - possibly the same woman who had attacked Renée during the Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament back in January - came out of the crowd, ran into the ring and blindsided Martel with a blow to the back, clocked Lepage with a forearm shot when Lepage tried to intervene, then viciously stomped on the fallen Martel several times before attempting to run out and back into the crowd to escape, but the masked woman's escape attempt was cut short when Fowler dashed up to her, caught her from behind and took her down to the arena floor while holding on to her.  Despite the stiff hits they took from the masked woman, Martel and Lepage then came out to ringside to help Fowler subdue the mystery figure, who put up a fight to try to free herself from the babyface trio's grasp before Earlene Brown, who had been watching the match from the staging area between the locker rooms and the aisle to the ring, ran out to help Martel, Lepage and Fowler get the masked woman under control and hauled her back to the locker room area to be held for arena security.**
    ⦁    Third fall - When the bell rang to start the fall, Martel and Lepage were not back in the ring yet as they were still backstage helping deal with the masked intruder, so Young insisted that the referee start counting to 20 in the hopes that Hardman and Syverson would retain their title by countout, but Martel and Lepage, with Fowler accompanying them, dashed back to the ring in time to beat the count as a brawl broke out between the two teams the moment the Canadian challengers made it in.  Late in the fall, as Lepage and Syverson were fighting around ringside, Renée knocked Hardman to the mat with a flying forearm smash, then got her opponent into position and applied the Alligator Clutch; Young attempted to interfere, but Fowler cut her off and chased her around ringside.  With no nick-of-time help coming for her, Hardman submitted to the Alligator Clutch, giving the match - and the United States Tag Team title - to Martel and Lepage as the crowd celebrated with cheers while Fowler joined the new champions in the celebration.

    Aired the weekend of September 7, 1968 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

    Dark match

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    Panama Franco defeated Jane Travis by pinfall following a knee drop.

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    Japanese star and former NWA World Women's Champion Yukiko Tomoe came to the United States to seek out competition in the AGWA, getting her first opponent there in the form of brash rookie heel Ashley Sinclair.  During the introductions, Sinclair tried strutting her stuff as well as getting in Tomoe's face and bragging that she would leave the match the victor, but her braggadocio ended up in vain as Tomoe used a backslide pin to get a quick win over her in 42 seconds.

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    Jane Sherill & Patty O'Hara defeated Linda Terrell & Margo Vincent when Sherill pinned Terrell following a double kick to the stomach by Sherill and O'Hara.

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    Earlene Brown defeated Margot Bouchard (with Mae Young) by disqualification when Young ran in and stomped Brown on the upper back as she had Bouchard pinned after a big splash.  Post-match, Brown got back up and confronted Young about her interference, then grabbed the manager and looked ready to give her a beatdown when suddenly, Baby Rocco ran out to the ring, blindsided Brown and felled her with several sledgehammer-like blows to the back while Bouchard slowly got to her feet.  With direction by Young, Rocco threw the referee through the ropes to the floor while Bouchard dragged the fallen Brown by her ankles to a selected spot on the mat and then, as Young held down Brown by the ankles, Rocco began rebounding off the ropes and, aided by Bouchard pushing down on her while in midair, delivered three consecutive big splashes to Brown before the heels cleared out from the ring the moment the cavalry arrived (in the forms of Renée Martel, Claire Lepage, Joan Weston, Joyce Fowler and Judy Arnold) to make the save for Brown, who then had to be taken from the ring on a stretcher due to potential injury.

    AGWA Television Championship***

    Joyce Fowler solidified her independence from the Fabulous Moolah as she defeated Georgia Hase (C) (with Mae Young) to win the title when Fowler leveled Hase with a high knee on the rebound from the ropes and quickly went for the pin before Young could get in the ring.

    Post-taping dark match
    NWA North American Women's Championship

    Joan Weston (C) defeated Tonette Kadrmas by pinfall following a shoulderbreaker.


     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * Enhancement talent created for this diary.

    ** What happens during the break between taping the two shows in the aftermath of the attack on Renée by the masked intruder will be covered in an upcoming chapter.

    *** The AGWA TV title passed from Diane Syverson to Sally Vega in May, then to Georgia Hase in June after a one-month reign by Vega.


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    In her home office at her Columbia, South Carolina estate, Fabulous Moolah was sorting through files at her desk when her phone began ringing.  She let the phone ring twice before picking up its handset to answer, "Hello?"

    "Hey Moolah, it's ______," a female voice answered, that of Moolah's Los Angeles contact.

    "Ah, howdy, darlin'," Moolah replied.  "How's things goin' in your neck of the woods?"

    "Personally, good, but wait 'til you hear the news I got," the contact said.  "Renée Martel's back in Los Angeles."

    Moolah cursed under her breath while putting her left hand over the microphone part of the phone's handset for a moment.  "So what's the scoop on her right now?" she then asked.

    "She's out of town on tour right now, but she's scheduled to appear at a TV taping at the Convention Center in Anaheim on Tuesday," the contact reported.  "She's got a championship match coming up for the AGWA United States Tag Team title - I found out the moment posters for the event went up."

    "I don't like this, ______ - I don't like it at all," an unimpressed Moolah said.  "Any type of attention that Martel girl gets is too much attention 'cause it takes attention away from me and my championship reign.  I'm still choked about losin' control of my title back to the NWA Board of Directors back in February and I blame Martel and Mildred Burke for that by rattin' me out to the NWA about my San Diego tournament and about my sendin' you to deal with her at Burke's tournament the week before that - and don't worry, the NWA still doesn't know that you were involved, but only because you managed to avoid getting caught when you escaped the arena after the attack on her."

    "So, what do you want to do about Martel now?" the contact asked.

    "Hmm, well..." Moolah said hesitantly.  "All that heat I caught from the NWA over February's died down since then.  Still, I don't want Martel to get any sort of championship success while she's down there - it's bad enough that she won the Burke tournament and got all that attention from it, and I don't want a repeat of that.  I know what I could have you do on Tuesday, though..."

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  10. JR’S Indie Spotlight (Blue Panther, Brad Armstrong, Brian Lee, Bull Gantner, DDP, Great Sasuke, Konnan, La Parka, Mike Rapada, Mr. Hughes, Norman the Lunatic, Scotty Flamingo, Sgt Buddy Lee Parker, Sledgehammer Anderson, Solar, Tony Anthony, Tony Norris, Ultimo Dragon, Vampire Warrior)
    The Young Pistols vs The Fantastics for the US Tag Team Championships
    Dan Spivey & One Man Gang vs Butch Reed & Terry Gordy
    Jerry Lawler, Jeff Jarrett & Robert Gibson vs Dan Severn, Ken Shamrock & Johnny B Badd
    Wahoo McDaniel vs Cactus Jack in an Indian Strap Deathmatch (Wahoo was a master at the Indian Strap match in his day, but Cactus' time is coming)
    Rick Rude, Steve Austin, Arn Anderson, Larry Zybyzsko & Tully Blanchard vs Ricky Steamboat, Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham & The Steiner Brothers in War Games (It doesn't matter how good Rude and Austin think they are, there's no stopping the Steiners at this point)
    Nobuhiko Takada vs Jushin Liger for the US Television Championship & The Light Heavyweight Championship
    Ron Simmons vs Lex Luger vs Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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    American Girls' Wrestling Association @ Las Vegas Convention Center
    August 24, 1968 - Las Vegas, Nevada

    Attendance - 6,530



    Handicap match

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    Baby Rocco squashed Carrie Lloyd & Samantha Sheridan when she big-splashed each wrestler and pinned them both simultaneously.  Post-match, Rocco grabbed the arena microphone and started ranting as she demanded that she get better competition in the ring.

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    Georgia Hase & Margot Bouchard (with "The Queen" Mae Young) defeated Sally Vega & Linda Moody* when Bouchard pinned Moody following a spinebuster slam.

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    Earlene Brown defeated Patty O'Hara by pinfall following a big splash.  Post-match, Margot Bouchard, looking to pick up where she left off in her feud with Brown, ran out to ringside and started arguing with Brown for a few moments, with Bouchard threatening to get into the ring to confront the big ex-Olympian before arena security showed up and escorted Bouchard back to the locker room area.

    AGWA United States Tag Team Championship - Two out of Three Falls

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage defeated Shirley Hardman & Diane Syverson (C) (with Mae Young) by disqualification in the third fall when Young ran in and attacked Martel as she had Syverson caught in the Alligator Clutch (Hardman & Syverson retain their title due to the DQ).  With Lepage down at ringside after Hardman slammed her to the floor, Hardman ran back into the ring and helped Young double-team Martel before Joyce Fowler ran in for the save for Renée and cleared the heels out.

    AGWA United States Championship

    Joyce Fowler defeated Ann Calvello (C) (with Mae Young) by disqualification when Young pulled the referee out of the ring as he was counting a pinfall attempt by Fowler on Calvello after Fowler dropped the champion with a high knee on the rebound off the ropes (Calvello retains her title due to the DQ).  Young then got up on the ring apron and climbed between the ropes to confront Fowler as a brawl between the two broke out before Shirley Hardman, Diane Syverson and Margot Bouchard ran in and Pearl Harbored Fowler, leading to a four-on-one attack by the Queen's Court before Fowler was saved when Renée Martel, Claire Lepage and Earlene Brown ran in and chased off the heel stable.

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * Roller derby skater IRL.



  12. 8 hours ago, smartman said:

    August in Vegas? Outside? They've all dehydrated themselves in about 30 minutes even swimming occasionally. Vegas is fun, but it's inside fun only. 110 degrees and 10% humidity.


    4 hours ago, SonOfSharknado said:

    Don't forget, this is 1968 Las Vegas, before we spent half a century cooking the earth to death. The heat might be more bearable. 

    Luckily for the girls on the day they went swimming at the hotel pool, weather conditions in Vegas were like this:

    August 23, 1968 Weather History in Las Vegas

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  13. Prior to leaving for Los Angeles with Michèle Richard and Claire Lepage for another stint with the American Girls' Wrestling Association, Renée Martel had gone to the hair salon at Morgan's Department Store in downtown Montreal for a new hair appointment, arranged with Michèle's help while the latter was on duty at the store the day before she and the other girls took their flight down to L.A.  For her latest AGWA run, Renée decided to go for a new look, adding bangs to her long hair:


     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    With the rising popularity of the AGWA, its syndicated TV program AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling was starting to get an increasing number of sponsorships, including for the Holiday Inn hotel chain, allowing the AGWA talent to stay in better-quality hotel accomodations on a discount while touring with the AGWA in exchange for the sponsorship.  On the first night of their latest tour, Renée, Michèle and Claire were staying with the rest of the AGWA roster at a Holiday Inn in Las Vegas, with the babyfaces staying on one floor while the heels were on another floor.

    In their shared two-bed room, Renée and Claire were watching an afternoon matinee movie from one of the Las Vegas-area stations on the room's TV set when the movie went to a commercial break.  "So, how's your dad holding up?" Claire asked.

    "Huh?" Renée, whose mind had been on the movie, replied.

    "Your dad - I heard about his knee from a while back," Claire said.  "How's it doing?"

    "Oh - last I heard, it was doing alright," Renée said.  "Papa's knee had been giving him some trouble lately and his doctor advised him to take some time off from the ring to let it heal, so he set that up by arranging the angle where Hans Schmidt jumped him and 'injured' him in Quebec City while he wrestled Waldo Von Erich, then followed it up with the title switch angle in Montreal a few days later.  Papa's back home in Drummondville now and he's letting my mother tend to him while he has the next few weeks off."

    "Aww, that sounds nice," Claire remarked.  "But aren't you worried your mom's gonna spoil him?"

    "Oh, heck no," Renée said.  "Papa still wants to do stuff around the house to keep himself busy, but Mom wants him to at least hand mowing the backyard over to my younger brother."

    Claire laughed a little at what she heard.  "Well, at least it'll give your little brother something to do and keep him out of trouble," she said with a grin.

    "Yeah, there's that," Renée said with a giggle.  "And speaking of work back at home, I've been wondering about how Françoise and France are minding the store while we're over here in Vegas," she added, thinking of Françoise Hardy and France Gall.

    "Hey, that's right," Claire said.  "I'd heard from Michèle that France is trying to improve her fluency in English while she's wrestling in Canada."

    "She is, because she wants to do TV interviews in English," Renée confirmed.  "But France is taking a more unorthodox approach to learning the language - she's trying to learn by watching American TV shows in their original English."

    "Ohh, I can just picture her doing it now," Claire said with a laugh.  "Can you imagine France learning English from watching an episode of I Love Lucy?  Ricky doesn't even speak English some of the time and when he does, he butchers the language with the stuff he says."

    "'Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do,'" Renée then said while imitating Desi Arnaz as Ricky Ricardo.

    "'Aww, Ricky, why can't I be in your show tonight?'" Claire replied as she imitated Lucille Ball in a mock-whiny tone as Lucy Ricardo, then both girls started laughing themselves silly.

    A moment later, a knock came on the door of Renée and Claire's room.  "I wonder who'd be paying us a visit right now?" Renée said as she got up from her bed to see who was at the door. Upon opening the door, she saw Joyce Fowler standing in the hallway to greet her, wearing a bikini along with a wrap around the top of her hips covering the bikini bottom.  "Oh, hey, Joyce," Renée greeted her.  "What's up?"

    "Hey, you know we got a swimming pool here at the hotel, right?" Joyce replied.  "And it's too nice a day outside to be spending it indoors watchin' TV and we don't wrestle until tomorrow, so how 'bout coming to join me at the pool for a swim?"

    "Well, we hadn't really planned on going swimming today..." Renée started to say.

    "Are you kidding?" Claire said as she popped up beside Renée, holding up her own bikini which she had already quickly taken out from her suitcase the moment she heard Joyce mention the hotel pool.  "You got two bikinis of your own stashed away in your suitcase, just waiting for you to show off at the pool or by the beach."

    "Hey, now there you go," Joyce then said with a grin.  "The fresh air and the exercise'll do you good too, so what do y'all got to lose?  Go for it."

    Renée could not help but giggle.  "Okay, you sold me on it," she agreed, going over to her bed and putting her suitcase on it to retrieve one of her bikinis.

    "Great, I'll be right out!" Claire then said as she dashed into the bathroom to change into her bikini.

    "I see it doesn't take much to convince Claire to join in on the fun," Joyce then said with a small laugh as she walked into the girls' room.

    "Yeah, then there's Michèle," Renée said.  "When we go on these AGWA tours, she never packs less than five bikinis in her luggage for the trips," she added, getting Joyce laughing again.

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  14. On 10/3/2022 at 6:27 PM, smartman said:

    Ah, the old Memphis trick of "Wrestler X is leaving the territory for a run elsewhere for 6-12 months so he loses a LLT match". Renee can go win the title in the States. Is her dad going with her since they won't know he's supposed to be injured?

    Nope, he won't be, but that will be explained in an upcoming chapter.

    On 10/4/2022 at 4:09 AM, kinnikuniverse said:

    This is why i love kayfabe in the pre-social media era. The sheer amount of stuff you could get away with is hilariously carney.


    On the other hand, i just can't imagine loving being a wrestler in that time period, having to keep kayfabe up at all times. Like, c'mon man, i wanna live my life. I wouldn't mind the traveling, though.

    Certainly true when you have wrestlers who are enemies in the ring and on-camera for TV interviews (as well as trash-talking each other in the wrestling magazines), but are actually friends behind the scenes (as is the case here with Renée and Michèle/Margot with wanting to hang out more in public away from the ring, but they can't because of kayfabe).

  15.  War Games:

    The Dungeon of Doom

    - The Taskmaster Kevin Sullivan, Meng, The Shark, Kamala, & Zodiak


    The Hulkamaniacs

    - Hulk Hogan, Sting, Macho Man Randy Savage, & Lex Luger


    Joey Maggs vs. Big Bubba Rogers


    WCW Tag Team Championship:

    Harlem Heat vs. Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick Slater (c)


    Paul Orndorff vs. Alex Wright


    #1 Contender For TV Title:

    Johnny B Badd vs. Brian Pillman


    TV Title:

    Eddie Guerrero vs. Diamond Dallas Page (c)


    American Males vs. The Nasty Boys


    Dean Malenko vs. Mr. JL

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    All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena
    August 19, 1968 - Montreal, Quebec



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    Ox Baker defeated Dale Roberts by pinfall following a Heart Punch.

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    Gino Brito defeated Doug Kent by submission with the figure-four leglock.

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    Buster Lloyd & Gerard Dugas battled Eddie Auger & Larry Moquin to a time-limit draw.

    Loser leaves All-Star Wrestling for 60 days

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    Françoise Hardy & Margot Bouchard were dominating their match against Renée Martel & France Gall when Renée, who was the recipient of the majority of the abuse dished out by Hardy and Bouchard during the match, finally turned the tide and battled back against the heel tandem, soon leading to a brawl between the two teams; while Bouchard and Gall fought outside the ring, Martel caught Hardy with a flying forearm smash off the ropes and had her pinned, but the referee was out at ringside trying to break up the other fight when Bouchard caught Gall with a spinebuster slam on the arena floor.  As the referee tended to Gall at ringside, while Martel still had Hardy pinned, Bouchard took advantage of the referee distraction and took what appeared to be a foreign object out from her right boot, put it on her right hand and used it to hit Renée on the back of her head.  With Renée stunned by the foreign object hit, Bouchard then reversed the pinning positions with Hardy put on top, then she put the foreign object back in her boot and returned to her corner just as the referee returned to the ring, saw Hardy pinning Martel and made the three-count to give the win to Hardy and Bouchard, much to the anger of the fans in the arena.  As a result of the pre-match stipulation, Martel must now leave All-Star Wrestling for a period of 60 days - which the fans were not happy about thanks to the match being stolen by the actions of Bouchard, who gloated to her fallen archrival at the success of her and Hardy's scheme to eliminate her from contention for the Canadian Women's Championship currently held by Hardy.

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    In a non-title match, ASW World Heavyweight Champion Ivan Koloff defeated Chief White Owl by submission via the bearhug.

    ASW World Tag Team Championship - Two out of Three Falls

    Johnny & Jacques Rougeau defeated Hans Schmidt & Waldo Von Erich to win the vacant title, two falls to one.

    ⦁    First fall - Von Erich used the Iron Claw to force Johnny to submit.
    ⦁    Second fall - Schmidt was disqualified for striking the referee as he tried to prevent Schmidt from choking Johnny against the ropes.
    ⦁    Third fall - Jacques scored the winning fall when he pinned Schmidt following a knockout punch.



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