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Old School Fan

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Posts posted by Old School Fan

  1. 9 hours ago, piperrulz said:

    Francoise better watch what she says about Renee. You should never poke a sleeping tigeress.

    When Renée returns to Montreal after her 60-day exile, she'll have quite a bit to say about Hardy running her mouth during her rule of the roost.

    9 hours ago, piperrulz said:

    Nice to see the Baron win with the Claw,

    Notice how that was a nice, simple, effective finisher. He didn't have to climb to the top of the rafters and hit his opponent with the Triple Lindy to win. 🙃

    Ah, the good ol' days...  😎

  2. On 11/1/2022 at 3:08 PM, OleCrankyGamer said:

    These are magnificent! Really helped me in my 1970 to 2000 Universe! Thank you so much!

    Thanks, glad you like it.  To go with the previous piece as a counterpart:

    Generic National Tag Team Championship


    And the default version with blank side plates (for your own logos or whatever else), in larger size:


    • Like 2
  3. Back in Montreal once again...

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena
    September 16, 1968 - Montreal, Quebec



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    Buster Lloyd defeated Antonio Baillargeon by pinfall following a headbutt.

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    Gino Brito and Chin Lee battled to a time-limit draw.

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    Don McClarty & Carlos Colon defeated Matt Gilmore & Doug Kent when Colon pinned Gilmore following a running powerslam.

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    In a non-title bout, Canadian Women's Champion Françoise Hardy defeated France Létourneau* by pinfall with a crucifix cradle.  Following the match, Hardy took the arena microphone and dismissed Létourneau as insignificant and not in her class, then went on to proclaim that no Canadian woman wrestler - except for one (Margot Bouchard) - was in her class, not even former Canadian Champion Renée Martel**, which served only to draw the ire of the fans in the arena.

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    Jos & Paul LeDuc defeated The Masks when Jos LeDuc forced Mask I to submit to a bearhug.

    ASW World Tag Team Championship - Two out of Three Falls

    Baron Von Raschke & Waldo Von Erich defeated Johnny & Jacques Rougeau (C) to win the title when Von Raschke used the Iron Claw on Johnny Rougeau for the submission in the third fall after each team had scored a fall.

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * France Létourneau was created for this diary.

    ** This is to serve as the beginning of a buildup toward an eventual rematch between Renée Martel and Françoise Hardy.

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  4. spacer.png

    American Girls' Wrestling Association @ Sam Lynn Ballpark
    September 14, 1968 - Bakersfield, California
    Attendance - 6,500+



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    Sally Vega and Mary Jane Mull battled to a time-limit draw.

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    Georgia Hase & Margot Bouchard (with "The Queen" Mae Young) defeated Sylvia Hackney & Kathy Starr when Bouchard pinned Starr following an elbow drop.

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    Yukiko Tomoe defeated Panama Franco by pinfall following a fisherman suplex.

    Two out of Three Falls

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    Judy Arnold, Renée Martel & Claire Lepage defeated Ann Calvello, Shirley Hardman & Diane Syverson (with Mae Young), two falls to one.

    ⦁    First fall - Calvello pinned Martel following a leg lariat.
    ⦁    Second fall - Arnold pinned Syverson following a cross-bodyblock.
    ⦁    Third fall - Martel avenged her loss of the first fall when she pinned Calvello with a schoolgirl rollup after Calvello, who was holding Martel for Young (who had gotten up on the edge of the ring) to blast with a foreign object while the referee was busy trying to break up a brawl between the other members of both teams, accidentally got decked by Young when Renée ducked the hit.  Post-match, Calvello blew her stack as she started arguing with Young over the misplaced hit, forcing Hardman and Syverson to separate the two.

    AGWA Television Championship

    Joyce Fowler (C) defeated Baby Rocco (with Mae Young) by disqualification when, as Fowler had Rocco caught in a sleeperhold, Rocco dropped the referee to the mat by kicking him in the stomach, followed by Young running in after the ref went down and blindsiding Fowler.  Post-match, Young and Rocco continued to beat Fowler down, then Young held the fallen champion in place on the mat as Rocco got set to deliver a big splash - but before she could, Judy Arnold, Yukiko Tomoe, Renée Martel and Claire Lepage all ran in for the save as they ran Young and Rocco off and kept Fowler from falling victim to the big splash.


    • Like 1
  5. 16 hours ago, piperrulz said:

    I'd be watching on KSHO back in those days.

    Like how you've really put the work into this.

    Colon makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up bc he brought back Brody's killer and all the wrestlers knew Jose Gonzalez  did it.

    I miss Sat. afternoon wrestling. Still would rather watch it then than on Monday nights.

    Well, if you liked how that turned out, check out this Photoshop-created piece representing what a local (in this case, Los Angeles) TV Guide ad of the show would've looked like at the time...  😁


    • Like 1
  6. Bonus content time:  😁

    Since the launch of AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling in TV syndication in September 1967, Mildred Burke's efforts to expand the program's reach beyond its initial few stations paid dividends when, thanks to the niche it provided (women's wrestling), she was able to get the program packaged with the locally-produced programs of NWA-affiliated promotions on many stations, more than tripling the number of stations during the first year of its production.  From a September 1968 AGWA arena program, here's a look at a listing of all the stations carrying AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling at that point:


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    And on the same night as that All-Star Wrestling show...

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    American Girls' Wrestling Association @ Orange Pavillion
    September 13, 1968 - San Bernardino, California
    Attendance - 5,700



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    Sylvia Hackney defeated Panama Franco by pinfall following a dropkick.

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    Georgia Hase & Margot Bouchard (with "The Queen" Mae Young) defeated Sally Vega & Lita Marez when Hase pinned Marez following a kneelift.

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    Yukiko Tomoe fought Jan Vallow to a time-limit draw.

    NWA United States Women's Championship

    Mae Young (C) and Judy Arnold battled to a double-countout as both women brawled around the ringside area.

    AGWA United States Tag Team Championship

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Shirley Hardman & Diane Syverson by disqualification when Mae Young (who did not accompany Hardman and Syverson to the ring for the match, as she had chosen to rest up following her title bout earlier) ran out to the ring and attacked Martel as she had Syverson tied up in the Alligator Clutch; post-match, Young helped Hardman and Syverson continue the 3-on-2 attack on Martel and Lepage until Judy Arnold came out to even the sides and helped the champions run the Queen's Court off.


  8. 1 hour ago, Henderson said:

    Just in case anyone is confused by what they just saw, that was yet another dinosaur being put out to pasture! I'm not interested in stupid gimmicks, I'm not interested in cartoon characters, and I'm not interested in playing second fiddle to no one! Steve Austin is back here in WCW to do one thing and one thing only, and that's beat people up! I ain't "Stunning" anymore, I'm just flat out Steve Austin and I'll run through anyone who has a problem with it!


    Flair: For weeks....WEEKS now, people have been coming up to the Nature Boy saying "Slick Ric, PLEASE tell me who the 4th Horsemen is!!!" "Nature Boy, is there a 4th Horsemen?!?!" "Nature Boy, is it just the three Horsemen?!?!" Well ask no longer!!!! There's always been 4 Horsemen and there always will be! There's no longer the question because right here, tonight, the 4th Horsemen is revealed and it's STEVE AUSTIN! WHHHOOOOOOOOOO!!

    Maybe for now, but if Austin starts itching for the World title, I can't see him remaining long as a Horseman because by this point in his career (especially with seeing early rumblings of his "Stone Cold" persona), he's becoming too individualistic to be part of a stable or clique for any length of time.

  9. AEW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: MJF © vs. Darby Allin

    AEW WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: Dr. Britt Baker DMD © vs. Thunder Rosa

    AEW WORLD TRIOS CHAMPIONSHIP: Bullet Club © vs. Hangman Page & The Golden Lovers

    AEW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: CM Punk & Bryan Danielson © vs. Cody & Dustin Rhodes

    TNT CHAMPIONSHIP: Ricky Starks © vs. Jon Moxley

    Kevin Steen vs. Chris Jericho

    Kris Statlander vs. Ashley Flair

    Malakai Black vs. Orange Cassidy

    CASINO BATTLE ROYALE: Including Eddie Kingston, Andrade, Dragon Lee, Brian Cage, Rami Sebei, Ethan Page, Jungle Boy, Miro, Lance Archer, PAC, Rush, Ricochet & many more!

    • Like 1
  10. Meanwhile, back in the Montreal territory...

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    All-Star Wrestling @ Colisée de Québec
    September 13, 1968 - Quebec City, Quebec
    Attendance - 9,058



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    Annette Dupuis* defeated France Gall by pinfall following a springboard reverse elbow off the ropes.

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    Antonio Baillargeon battled Ben Sharkey to a time-limit draw.

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    Matt Gilmore defeated Carlos Colon by countout when Colon was unable to beat the referee's count to get back in the ring after Gilmore threw him through the ropes to the ringside floor; Colon got his revenge moments later when, as Gilmore attacked him after returning to the ring and attempted to whip him to the ropes, Colon reversed the whip and dropkicked him to the mat on the rebound, sending Gilmore out to ringside to the delight of the pro-Colon fans.

    Canadian Women's Championship

    Hometown heroine Barbara LaMarche defeated Françoise Hardy (C) by disqualification** when Hardy refused to let go of a submission hold on LaMarche after the latter grabbed onto the bottom rope to force a break of the hold (Hardy retained her title due to the DQ).

    ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship

    Ti-Blanc Richard defeated Hans Schmidt (C) by disqualification when, as Richard had Schmidt trapped in a bearhug, Schmidt threw some powder he had taken from his tights earlier into Richard's eyes (Schmidt retained his title due to the DQ).  Schmidt continued his assault on Richard post-match, but the big Quebec lumberjack quickly battled back after shaking off the effects of the thrown powder and floored the German ruffian with a clothesline before chasing him out of the ring.

    ASW World Tag Team Championship

    Johnny & Jacques Rougeau (C) defeated Jos & Paul Leduc when Johnny Rougeau used the sleeperold on Paul LeDuc for the submission.

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * Annette Dupuis (pronounced du-pwee) was previously mentioned as a participant in a women's battle royal at an All-Star Wrestling card in July 1967; as then noted, she was created for this diary.

    ** This was the only match in a series of bouts between Françoise Hardy and Barbara LaMarche in which LaMarche got the win; in all other matches between them around the circuit, Hardy emerged victorious.


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  11. spacer.png

    AGWA TV taping @ Anaheim Convention Center Arena
    September 10, 1968 - Anaheim, California
    Attendance - 7,082


    Aired the weekend of September 14, 1968 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

    Dark match

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    Kathy Starr defeated Jessie Willard* by pinfall with a reverse rollup.

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    Sylvia Hackney defeated Ashley Sinclair by pinfall with a sunset flip.

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    Jane Sherill & Patty O'Hara defeated Serena Harris & Dixie Grant* when O'Hara pinned Grant following a clothesline.  Following the match, AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling host Dick Lane appeared at ringside to interview Mae Young and AGWA United States Champion Ann Calvello, who began ranting about Yukiko Tomoe getting involved in her recent matches while the AGWA was on tour, then demanded to have a match against Tomoe; Mildred Burke came to ringside and told Calvello that if she wanted the match with Tomoe, she would have it for next week's episode.

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    Tonette Kadrmas defeated Sandra Hale by pinfall following an overhead suplex.

    Handicap match

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    Baby Rocco defeated Liz Connor & Jackie Long in a squash when she big-splashed Connor and Long in turn and pinned them both simultaneously.  Post-match, Mae Young joined Dick Lane for another interview at ringside, where Young called Rocco over, then announced that Rocco was the newest member of the Queen's Court; during the interview, Rocco bragged about her attack on Earlene Brown in the previous episode which sidelined the ex-Olympian and said that she would do the same to her again if she attempted to return to face her.

    AGWA Television Championship

    Joyce Fowler (C) defeated former (and original) TV Champion Margot Bouchard (with "The Queen" Mae Young") by disqualification when Bouchard refused to stop choking Fowler against the ropes. When the referee tried to stop Bouchard from choking Fowler, Young ran in and clocked the ref, then threw him through the ropes to the floor before directing Bouchard to continue her attack; moments later, Bouchard and Young were chased out when Renée Martel and Claire Lepage arrived for the save, leading to a heated argument between the heel duo and United States Tag Team Champions Martel and Lepage.

    Aired the weekend of September 21, 1968 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

    Dark match

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    Mary Jane Mull defeated Jane Travis by pinfall following a bodyslam.

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    Carmen Thompson & Linda Moody defeated Casey Andrews & Kim Blanchard when Thompson pinned Andrews.

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    Georgia Hase (with Mae Young) defeated Linda Terrell by pinfall following a kneelift.

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    Judy Arnold defeated Lorna Dale by pinfall with a sunset flip.

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    In a non-title match, AGWA United States Tag Team Champions Renée Martel & Claire Lepage defeated Janet Russ & Jen Scott when Lepage pinned Russ following a flying clothesline off the second turnbuckle.  Post-match, Georgia Hase and Margot Bouchard ran into the ring and attacked Martel and Lepage, leading to a brawl between the two teams that required several referees and arena security to break up.

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    In the TV main event, Yukiko Tomoe faced off against AGWA United States Champion Ann Calvello (with Mae Young) in a non-title match.  At the beginning of the match, Tomoe offered Calvello a handshake, a show of good sportsmanship.  However, sportsmanship is not a word in Calvello's vocabulary, and she snubbed the former NWA World Women's Champion.  Calvello took the early lead, using a series of headlocks and hiptosses.  Tomoe retaliated with a series of slams.  At one point, Calvello tried to level Tomoe with a clothesline off the top rope, but Tomoe caught her and reversed the move into an armbar.  Calvello brought the fight outside the ring, where she proceeded to suplex Tomoe on the arena floor.  The action returned to the ring and the pendulum swung back in Tomoe’s favor until the referee was accidentally knocked down in a collision with Calvello.  With the ref down, Young got involved, ran into the ring and attacked Tomoe, then grabbed and held onto her for Calvello to attack; the United States champion made a run for the ropes to clothesline Tomoe, but the Japanese star escaped and Calvello accidentally clotheslined Young instead as the crowd cheered.  Taking advantage of the miscue, Tomoe caught Calvello from behind and delivered a belly-to-back suplex into a bridge pin, which a substitute referee came in to count as he made the three-count, giving the win to Tomoe.  Following the match, Tomoe went out to ringside, grabbed Calvello's title belt off the timekeeper's table and held it up, then pointed to it and yelled something in Japanese to Calvello while pointing at her; moments later, Young went up to Calvello and pushed her, then berated her for the miscue that led to Young getting clotheslined instead of Tomoe, leading to an argument between Calvello and Young that brought fellow Queen's Court members Georgia Hase and Margot Bouchard out to settle and make peace between client and manager.

    NWA United States Women's Championship

    Mae Young donned the tights herself and debuted her NWA United States Women's Championship (which she was reported to have won while touring with the Gulf Coast Championship Wrestling territory in Alabama in July) in the AGWA, battling to a no-contest against Ann Casey.  During the match, an incensed Ann Calvello showed back up to ringside, grabbed the arena microphone and demanded from Young to know what was going on with bringing her own United States title with her, accusing her manager of trying to steal some of Calvello's own thunder (this match was not aired as part of the September 21 episode, but was held for airing in a future episode).

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * Enhancement talent created for this diary.



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  12. 19 hours ago, Lord Byron said:

    Good diary so far--the detail for a diary in the 1960s is amazing, IMO...

    Hope Wendy Richter manages to hook up with Renee and not the Fabulous Moolah and WWF (as for why not the not-so-Fabulous Moolah, well, watch the Dark Side of The Ring episode about her, for starters--if even half of it is true, yikes); I don't see Renee Martel doing a screwjob like Moolah and the WWF did...

    The AGWA sounds like it'd be a good episode of Tales From The Territories, the new VICE series which details the territories (and which is produced by none other than Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Rocky's son)...

    We'll see what happens down the line.  😎  Meanwhile in the more immediate future, all I can say (since I lay out the synopses for my chapters in advance) is that, at some point in 1969 (without spoiling anything), Renée and Moolah may finally meet.  What happens then? 

    • Like 1
  13. spacer.png

    American Girls' Wrestling Association* @ San Jose Municipal Stadium**
    September 5, 1968 - San Jose, California
    Attendance - 8,000+



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    Sally Vega and Patty O'Hara battled to a time-limit draw.

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    Judy Arnold defeated Jane Sherill by pinfall with a sunset flip.

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    Shirley Hardman & Diane Syverson (with "The Queen" Mae Young) defeated Carmen Thompson & Linda Moody when Hardman pinned Moody following an elbow drop.

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    Yukiko Tomoe defeated Tonette Kadrmas by pinfall following a flying bodypress.

    AGWA United States Tag Team Championship - Two out of Three Falls

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) drew with Georgia Hase & Margot Bouchard (with Mae Young) after each team had scored one fall.

    ⦁    First fall - Martel pinned Hase following a flying forearm smash off the ropes.
    ⦁    Second fall - Bouchard pinned Lepage following a spinebuster slam.
    ⦁    Third fall - Both teams were counted out while brawling outside the ring.

    AGWA United States Championship

    Ann Calvello (C) (with Mae Young) defeated Joyce Fowler by countout when Young, out of sight of the referee, grabbed Fowler's right leg to prevent her from getting back into the ring after Calvello threw Fowler out to ringside.  When Fowler confronted Young about her interference post-match, Calvello ambushed Fowler from behind and threw her back in the ring, where Calvello and Young double-teamed her until Yukiko Tomoe ran out to the ring and chased the heels out.

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * The AGWA promoted this event in conjunction with San Francisco promoter Roy Shire, whose Big Time Wrestling had just joined the NWA a month earlier.

    ** San Jose Municipal Stadium, which opened in 1942 with seating of 2,900 for baseball (later expanded to 4,200), is now known as Excite Ballpark.


    • Like 1

    Main Event

    WWWF Championship

    The Sheik vs Bruno Sammartino (c)

    WWWF United States Championship

    Bobo Brazil vs Waldo Von Erich (c)

    WWWF Junior Heavyweight Championship

    Johnny DeFazio (c) vs Baron Mikel Scicluna



    Killer Kowalski vs Gorilla Monsoon

    Eddie Graham vs Buddy Rogers

    Billy Graham vs Argentina Rocca



    Dick Brower vs Frank Holtz

    "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff & "Krusher" Kovacs vs Dominic DeNucci & Victor Rivera

    Cowboy Bradley & Little Beaver vs Sky Low Low & Little Brutus


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