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Old School Fan

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Posts posted by Old School Fan

  1. Another issue I just

    1 hour ago, Kamchatka said:

    Ok main issue im finding with the new forum is that users can't edit posts that were transferred over from the old forums (they can however edit new posts)

    Also that old forum code like [img] no longer work and has to be done differently here so all old threads now have broken images that cannot be fixed as they can't edit it.

    so likely creators, dynasty writers and mod makers who use their first page of the thread as an updating space to have the latest version / collection of their work on them, or have dynasties that use images through them, will have to transfer the entire thing over to a new thread.

    Bigger issue is that this means all old image threads, rerender threads, alt threads are rendered dead/broken and cannot work as repositories.

    Speaking of which regarding image formatting, this is what I get when I try to view older posts in my diary with images:

    GDS error message - picture formatting.jpg

  2. American Wrestling Association @ Winnipeg Arena

    May 31, 1968 - Winnipeg, Manitoba

    Attendance - 11,220




    Orest AntonationBobby Jones

    Orest Antonation defeated Bobby Jones by pinfall.



    Luke BrownThe Big K

    Luke Brown defeated The Big K by pinfall follwing a powerslam.



    René GouletGeorge Gordienko

    René Goulet defeated George Gordienko by submission with a Boston crab.



    Dutch SavageTiny Mills

    Dutch Savage defeated Tiny Mills by pinfall following a running piledriver.



    Canadian Women's Championship

    Renée MartelCanadian Women's ChampionshipMargot Bouchard

    In a rematch from the May 10 card, Renée Martel © defeated Margot Bouchard by disqualification when Bouchard slugged the referee as he tried to stop her from choking Martel against the ropes. Frustrated over getting denied the title due to the DQ, Bouchard continued pounding Martel post-match, but when she whipped the champion to the ropes for a clothesline, Renée ducked and caught Bouchard on the rebound with a dropkick, sending her foe out of the ring.



    AWA World Tag Team Championship

    Mitsu ArakawaDr. MotoAWA World Tag Team ChampionshipMighty IgorBill Watts

    Mitsu Arakawa & Dr. Moto © defeated Mighty Igor & Bill Watts when Moto pinned Watts following a karate chop; prior to the pin, however, Moto had thrown salt in Watts' eyes while the referee was distracted breaking up a brawl between Arakawa and Igor.



    AWA World Heavyweight Championship - Two out of Three Falls

     AWA World Heavyweight ChampionshipLarry Hennig

    Verne Gagne © defeated Larry Hennig, two falls to one.

    • First fall - Gagne took the fall when Hennig was counted out as he did not get back into the ring in time to beat the referee's ten-count after getting dropkicked out of the ring by Gagne.
    • Second fall - Hennig evened the match when he pinned Gagne following a powerslam.
    • Third fall - Gagne won when he subdued Hennig with the sleeperhold for the submission.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Prediction results: (Thanks to all who made their predictions for this card)


    Lord Byron - 5/7

    Herrbear - 6/7

    The Blonde Bomber - 7/7


    All-time prediction results:


    Herrbear - 78/107

    Lord Byron - 37/53

    The Blonde Bomber - 26/32

    Hitman74 - 10/12

    Theheel - 7/10

    Dalton - 6/6

    auto45 - 5/6

    Sco_xY2Jx - 2/6


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



  3. Following the previous May 10 AWA Winnipeg card, a number of the wrestlers who took part in that card flew out to St. Paul, Minnesota for an event the next night. On the early afternoon of that card, the wrestlers were gathered at the studio of Minneapolis independent station WTCN-TV*, where the matches for the syndicated AWA All-Star Wrestling program were held. While at the station, TV interviews tailored for the markets where the AWA would be holding upcoming events where its show aired were recorded, including the following interview, which was tailored for the program as aired on Pembina, North Dakota station KCND-TV**:


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Marty O'NeilMargot Bouchard


    MARTY O'NEIL: Coming up on Friday night, May 31, Winnipeg promoter Al Tomko will be putting on a night of AWA action at the Winnipeg Arena with seven big matches. In the main event, you'll see the World Heavyweight Champion Verne Gagne defend his title against the challenge of "Pretty Boy" Larry Hennig. In tag team action, the World Tag Team Champions, the Japanese duo of Mitsu Arakawa and Dr. Moto will defend their belts against the Mighty Igor and "Cowboy" Bill Watts. In more singles action, Dutch Savage faces off against former World Tag Team Champion Tiny Mills, and the Canadian Girls' Wrestling Champion Renée Martel will defend her title against my guest at this time, Margot Bouchard. Welcome to the show, Margot.


    MARGOT BOUCHARD: Your pleasure, O'Neil, strictly your pleasure.


    O'NEIL: You're currently a top contender to Renée Martel's Canadian Girls' title and you've been seeking to get that title since she first won it over a month ago. How do you plan to...


    BOUCHARD: (Interrupting) Let me just stop you right there a moment, O'Neil, and I'll lay it out for everyone watching at home. I've had a rivalry going with Renée Martel since shortly after she first debuted in the sport almost three years ago and every time the two of us have met in the ring, I've dominated her from bell to bell. I don't care how well trained she is as a wrestler and I don't care how well she does against other opponents, but when she goes up against me, I prove every time just how overrated she is as a wrestler.


    O'NEIL: Well, she must be doing something right if she has the Canadian Girls' title belt.


    BOUCHARD: And the only reason she has that belt is because I wasn't entered in the tournament where she won it. If I had been, you'd be talking to me as the champion right now - don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


    O'NEIL: The last time you faced off against Martel for her title in Winnipeg, it ended with you getting the win via countout, but not the title.


    BOUCHARD: Because she knew I had her beat for the belt, so she stayed out of the ring long enough to get herself counted out.


    O'NEIL: Not according to some of the fans who saw your match. They said you brawled with her outside the ring and you got back into the ring just ahead of her right near the end of the referee's count.


    BOUCHARD: Hey, what do I care what the fans think they saw? Of course they'll defend her because she kisses up to those fans, but anyone with even half a brain knows that I was the better wrestler that night and I had that belt won, that's why she stayed out just long enough to take the countout and keep me from the belt that I rightfully deserve. Well, now I got another chance at the belt on May 31 in Winnipeg and there's nothing standing between me and my destiny to become the Canadian Champion. Let me tell you something, Martel - (switches to French) quand je vous reçois dans ce ring de lutte ce soir-là à Winnipeg, je vous démonte pièce par pièce et je quitte ce ring de lutte comme le nouveau champion - croyez-le!


    O'NEIL: Not everyone watching us out there speaks French, Margot - care to translate?


    BOUCHARD: Hey, your viewers are so smart, let them figure it out!


    O'NEIL: Well, there you have it, folks - Margot Bouchard has determined to get the Canadian Girls' Championship from Renée Martel and they'll face off for that belt on May 31 at the Winnipeg Arena. Tickets for that event are available at the Arena box office and at the Marlborough Hotel's wrestling office, so get them while they're available!


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * That station is now NBC affiliate KARE.


    ** KCND-TV (mentioned on the AWA wrestling posters displayed elsewhere in the diary) was, as noted above, originally a station based in Pembina, North Dakota, signed on in 1960 with partial affiliations with the ABC and NBC networks. Due to Pembina's population being too small to support the station itself, KCND (which carried AWA All-Star Wrestling) targeted the much larger Winnipeg market across the Canadian border and had studios in both Pembina and Winnipeg. KCND was purchased by Canwest in March 1975, then moved into Winnipeg and recalled as new independent station CKND-TV on August 31, 1975; since 1997, it has operated as Winnipeg's Global TV O&O station.

  4. The poster for the May 31 AWA event in Winnipeg is now up:


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    And here's the full match lineup below for your predictions: :D


    Orest Antonation* vs. Bobby Jones


    Luke Brown vs. The Big K


    René Goulet vs. George Gordienko


    Dutch Savage vs. Tiny Mills


    Canadian Women's Championship

    Renée Martel © vs. Margot Bouchard


    AWA World Tag Team Championship

    Mitsu Arakawa & Dr. Moto** © vs. Mighty Igor & "Cowboy" Bill Watts


    AWA World Heavyweight Championship - Two out of Three Falls

    Verne Gagne © vs. "Pretty Boy" Larry Hennig


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * Real name of the wrestler who competed in other territories (including NWA All-Star Wrestling and Stampede Wrestling, where he won three International Tag Team titles) using the ring name "Buffalo" Bill Cody in the 1970s and 1980s.


    ** Dr. Moto was an early ring name used by Tor Kamata (real name McRonald Kamaka), who made a name for himself in the AWA, Stampede, Los Angeles, the WWWF and his native Hawaii (among other territories) from 1959 to 1987.

  5. NWA All-Star Wrestling @ Port Alberni Civic Arena

    May 27, 1968 - Port Alberni, British Columbia

    Attendance - 1,000+


    Port Alberni Civic Arena



    Tex McKenzieKarl Von Steiger

    Tex McKenzie defeated Karl Von Steiger by pinfall following a bulldog.



    Canadian Women's Championship

    Renée MartelCanadian Women's ChampionshipMargot Bouchard

    Renée Martel © defeated Margot Bouchard when Bouchard was disqualified for refusing to stop choking Martel against the ropes. On a side note, prior to the start of the matches, Martel pleased quite a few local young fans when she signed autographs for them inside the arena lobby.



    Two out of Three Falls

    Don Leo JonathanAbdullah the Butcher

    Don Leo Jonathan and Abdullah the Butcher battled to a time-limit draw after each wrestler won one fall.

    • First fall - Jonathan pinned Abdullah following a Mormon Swing.
    • Second fall - Abdullah pinned Jonathan following a karate thrust to the throat.
    • Third fall - The 30-minute time limit ran out during the fall.



    NWA World Tag Team Championship (Vancouver)* - Two out of Three Falls

    Haystacks CalhounPat BarrettNWA World Tag Team Championship (Vancouver)Assassin IAssassin II

    Haystacks Calhoun & Pat Barrett defeated The Assassins ©, two falls to one.

    • First fall - Barrett pinned Assassin II following an Irish Drop.
    • Second fall - Assassin I pinned Barrett following a backbreaker.
    • Third fall - The Assassins were disqualified for excessive rulebreaking (the Assassins retain their belts despite the DQ).



    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * This is the last known title defence of the Vancouver version of the NWA World Tag Team Championship both IRL and ITTL, as the championship was quietly shelved soon afterward in favor of focusing on the NWA Canadian Tag Team Championship (which the Assassins also held at that point).

  6. American Wrestling Association @ Winnipeg Civic Auditorium

    May 10, 1968 - Winnipeg, Manitoba

    Attendance - 4,700




    René GouletBobby Jones

    René Goulet defeated Bobby Jones by submission with a Boston crab.



    Canadian Women's Championship

    Margot BouchardCanadian Women's ChampionshipRenée Martel

    Margot Bouchard defeated Renée Martel © by countout when Martel could not get back into the ring in time to beat the referee's count as Bouchard got into the ring first after the two girls brawled around ringside (Martel retains her title due to the countout). Although she was happy to get a win over Renée, Bouchard was not happy with not getting Renée's title due to the countout outcome and demanded a rematch for the next AWA card in Winnipeg.



    Two out of Three Falls

    Larry HennigHarley RaceLuke BrownBill Watts

    Larry Hennig & Harley Race defeated Luke Brown & Bill Watts, two falls to one.

    • First fall - Race pinned Watts following a piledriver.
    • Second fall - Brown pinned Race following a powerslam.
    • Third fall - Hennig pinned Brown following a running forearm smash.



    Dr. XDutch Savage

    Dr. X defeated Dutch Savage by submission to the figure-four leglock.



    Mighty IgorMad Dog Vachon

    Mighty Igor defeated Mad Dog Vachon by disqualification when Vachon reversed a whip to the ropes by Igor and whipped him into the referee.



  7. ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin [vs] ‘The Bad Guy’ Razor Ramon


    ‘The Master of the 619’ Rey Mysterio [vs] John Bradshaw Layfield w/ Paul Heyman, Batista & Brock Lesnar


    ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] ‘The Big Valbowski’ Val Venis [vs] Test [vs] Mr. Perfect


    Malenko & Regal [vs] Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn


    Rikishi, Haku & Umaga [vs] Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy & Shelton Benjamin


    ‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho

  8. All-Star Wrestling @ Water Street Arena*

    May 1, 1968 - Cornwall, Ontario

    Attendance - 2,000+




    Larry MoquinMatt Gilmore

    Larry Moquin fought Matt Gilmore to a time-limit draw.



    Buster LloydTerry Garvin

    Buster Lloyd defeated Terry Garvin by pinfall following a headbutt.



    Renée MartelClaire LepageBelle StarrMargot Bouchard

    Renée Martel & Claire Lepage defeated Belle Starr & Margot Bouchard when Bouchard was disqualified for throwing Lepage over the top rope.



    ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship - Two out of Three Falls

    Marcel MartelASW Canadian Heavyweight ChampionshipBrute Martin

    Marcel Martel © battled Brute Martin to a time-limit draw after each wrestler had scored one fall.

    • First fall - Martel pinned Martin following a clothesline.
    • Second fall - Martin evened the match by using a bearhug to force Martel's submission.
    • Third fall - The one-hour time limit ran out during the fall.



    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * The Water Street Arena, as it was known at the time of this card, was renamed the Si Miller Arena (shown above) in 1994; it was built in 1936, superseded by the Cornwall Civic Complex in 1976 and demolished in 2011 after the opening of the three-rink Benson Centre.

  9. Rufus R Jones, the R stands for guts!!


    Speaking of which, here's a few YouTube videos featuring him:


    Rufus R. Jones vs. Leroy Brown - lights out match (from Tampa, Florida, February 1983)


    (from World Wide Wrestling, January 1984; Jimmy Valiant also gets involved)


    (from World Wide Wrestling - not listed, but probably from 1984; Paul Jones, Dusty Rhodes and Kamala also get involved)


    (from Kansas City, 1987)


    (from WWC Anniversary show, September 1988)
  10. All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena

    April 29, 1968 - Montreal, Quebec




    Buster LloydLarry Moquin

    Buster Lloyd* defeated Larry Moquin by pinfall with a shoulderblock.



    Margot BouchardClaire Lepage

    Margot Bouchard defeated Claire Lepage by pinfall with a spinebuster slam.



    Tony BaillargeonTerry Garvin

    Tony Baillargeon defeated Terry Garvin by pinfall with a flying clothesline.



    Canadian Women's Championship

    Renée MartelCanadian Women's ChampionshipBelle Starr

    Renée Martel © defeated Belle Starr by pinfall via a sunset flip. Post-match, Margot Bouchard ran in and attacked Renée from behind, leading to a two-on-one gangup by Bouchard and Starr against Renée until Claire Lepage ran in to even the sides and a brief brawl ensued until Renée and Lepage ran the heels out.



    Jacques RougeauJohnny RougeauMatt GilmoreBrute Martin

    Jacques & Johnny Rougeau defeated Matt Gilmore & Brute Martin when Jacques Rougeau pinned Martin following a powerslam.



    ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship - Two out of Three Falls

    Marcel MartelASW Canadian Heavyweight ChampionshipIvan Koloff

    Marcel Martel © battled Ivan Koloff to a curfew draw** after each wrestler had scored one fall.

    • First fall - Koloff used a bearhug to force Martel's submission.
    • Second fall - Martel evened the match by using a figure-four leglock to force Koloff to submit.
    • Third fall - The match was stopped during the fall by an 11 p.m. curfew.



    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * Buster Lloyd was an early ring name used by wrestling legend Rufus R. Jones, who was best known for his time competing in Central States Wrestling, Jim Crockett Promotions and the AWA.


    ** WWWF events in New York City in the 1960s and 1970s IRL were known to have some of their events ended while a match was in progress due to an 11 p.m. curfew in that city, which affected fans attending the events who were under legal age and were not accompanied by parents or legal guardians. If this were also the case in other cities back then, it would make sense to show what would happen in such an event at a wrestling card ITTL.

  11. STARDOM SuperNova 2023 Quick Picks

    Main Event. World of STARDOM – 2nd Defence: KAIRI vs Mayu Iwatani ©


    6. High Speed – 8th Defence: Hazuki vs Saya Kamitani ©


    5. ALFA (Giulia, Suzu Suzuki, Thekla, MIRAI & Mai Sakurai) vs Vermillion World [syuri, Maika & Himeka) alongside Yui Inihara & a mystery 5th woman


    4. Wonder of STARDOM – 8th Defence: Skye Blue vs Momo Watanabe ©


    3. Cosmic Angels – Delicious (Mina Shirakawa & Unagi Sayaka) vs Tam’s Angels (Mei Hoshizuki & Masked Mystery woman)


    2. Oedo Tai (Natsuko Tora, Saki Kashima, Ruaka) vs STARS (Saya Iida, Hanan & Momo Kohgo)


    1. Future of STARDOM – 1st Defence: Brittany Bryant vs Waka Tsukiyama ©


    Pre. AZM & Miyu Amasaki vs 2 local jobbers


    Guess the show grade – Higher or lower than 75: 80


    Who is the woman under the mask supporting Tam? – 1. Maya Yuhiki (who is a new signing) or 2. Utami Hayashishita (who is Utami under her alter ego, type vibe, Nakano U-Tam-i)

  12. All-Star Wrestling @ Colisée de Québec

    April 25, 1968 - Quebec City, Quebec




    Larry MoquinTerry Garvin

    Larry Moquin defeated Terry Garvin by pinfall with a cross-bodyblock.



    Belle StarrMargot BouchardRenée MartelClaire Lepage

    Belle Starr & Margot Bouchard defeated Renée Martel & Claire Lepage when Starr pinned Martel with a fisherman suplex after Bouchard tripped Martel from behind from outside the ring as Martel rebounded off the ropes, causing Renée to stumble into Starr's suplex. Post-match, Martel quickly recovered from the suplex and confronted Bouchard over her action which led to Renée getting pinned; Bouchard then pushed Renée, which led to a brawl between the two teams that spilled out to ringside before Martel and Lepage battled Starr and Bouchard back to the locker rooms.



    Gino BritoJacques RougeauMatt GilmoreBrute Martin

    Gino Brito & Jacques Rougeau defeated Matt Gilmore & Brute Martin* when Jacques pinned Gilmore following a knockout punch.



    Baron Von RaschkeHans SchmidtBill MIllerDan Miller

    Baron Von Raschke & Hans Schmidt defeated Bill & Dan Miller when Von Raschke used the Iron Claw to force Dan Miller to submit.



    ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship

    Marcel MartelASW Canadian Heavyweight ChampionshipThe Sheik

    Marcel Martel © defeated The Sheik by disqualification when Sheik was caught attempting to throw fire at Martel (which, by his good fortune, he blocked from hitting him when he grabbed a folding chair and put it between him and Sheik's fireball) while both wrestlers were brawling around ringside. Post-match, Martel continued fighting the Sheik and chased him back to the locker room area. Following that match, Sheik was fined $200 by the Quebec City Athletic Commission for his fire-throwing stunt and threatened with suspension from wrestling in Quebec City for six months if he repeated such a stunt.



    ASW World Heavyweight Championship - Two out of Three Falls

    Johnny RougeauASW World Heavyweight ChampionshipIvan Koloff

    Johnny Rougeau © defeated Ivan Koloff, two falls to one.

    • First fall - Rougeau used a backslide pin to put Koloff's shoulders to the mat for the three-count.
    • Second fall - Koloff used a bearhug to force Rougeau's submission.
    • Third fall - Rougeau won when Koloff was disqualified due to Baron Von Raschke and Hans Schmidt running in to attack Rougeau as he had Koloff locked in the sleeperhold; post match, the three foreign heels triple-teamed on Johnny until Jacques Rougeau and Gino Brito came in for the save and helped Johnny chase Koloff, Von Raschke and Schmidt out of the ring.



    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * Brute Martin was a ring name used in the Montreal territory by Yvon Cormier (AKA the Beast, of New Brunswick's Cormier wrestling family) to avoid confusion with John Yachetti, who used the Beast ring name in Montreal.

  13. WCW World Heavyweight Championship Steel Cage Match:

    Rhyno © vs Shawn Michaels (In three words - GORE! GORE! GORE!)


    WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

    The New Faces of Fear © vs Shane Douglas and ???

    (Jindrak was not medically cleared for competition on Sunday, so Shane Douglas will need a new partner)


    WCW World Television Championship Match

    AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe ©


    WCW World Cruiserweight Championship Match

    Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs TAKA Michinoku


    WCW United States Championship Match

    Booker T © vs Al Snow


    Diamond Dallas Page vs Kevin Nash


    6-Man Match to Determine #20 in the Mayhem Match:

    Randy Savage vs Ric Flair vs Rob Van Dam vs Steve Corino vs Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Billy Kidman


    #1 Contender's Match for WCW World Tag Team Championship Tables Match:

    The Extremists vs The Hardy Boyz


    Bonus Point:

    Who do you think will be Shane Douglas' partner? Assuming he's not signed by the WWF, I could see Chris Benoit showing up to team with Douglas in a mini-Triple Threat reunion

  14. Canadian Women's Championship (for use in Rise of a Star)



    This belt was created to put on Renée Martel as part of my Rise of a Star diary, as seen by the engravings on the side plates of the belt (which will be changed for whoever holds the belt). The center plate itself is inscribed "Canadian Champion Girl Wrestler" and, as shown, contains an inlaid miniature gold crown and several gems. Below is a larger version of the belt with the plates only, to give a better detailed view:


    • Like 1
  15. Stampede Wrestling @ Victoria Pavilion

    April 12, 1968 - Calgary, Alberta




    Ox Baker & John Foti defeated Gil Hayes & Mr. Robust* when Baker pinned Hayes.



    Canadian Women's title tournament - semifinal

    Renée Martel defeated Terri LaChance by submission with the Alligator Clutch.



    Canadian Women's title tournament - semifinal

    Diane Syverson defeated Jan Case by pinfall following an airplane spin.



    NWA International Tag Team Championship (Calgary)

    Bobby & Jerry Christy © defeated Buck Jones & Clem St. Louis when Bobby Christy pinned St. Louis.



    Canadian Women's title tournament - final

    Renée Martel defeated Diane Syverson to become the first Canadian Women's Champion when Renée pinned Syverson with a small package. In a post-match TV interview with Stampede Wrestling host Ed Whalen, Renée talked about facing Syverson before (both elsewhere in Canada and in the United States) and put her over as a tough opponent and one of the top stars in the business, then credited Stu Hart, Mildred Burke and her father Marcel for the training that got Renée to where she is now, then she thanked the fans for their support and announced that she intends to be a fighting champion as she defends her newly-won Canadian title all over Canada.



    NWA North American Heavyweight Championship (Calgary)

    Archie "Stomper" Gouldie © battled Marcel Martel to a no-contest when both wrestlers were disqualified for excessive brawling.



    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * Mr. Robust was a masked identity used by Canadian wrestler Newton Tattrie, who was best known as Geeto Mongol, a member of the Mongols tag team in the then-WWWF and in Eddie Einhorn's International Wrestling Association.

  16. Looking forward to see what you do with Renee'. You have done a great job with your diary. Really done your homework. Did you do a lot of reading on the subject before getting started?


    Sure did.


    Do you know a lot about Stampede? The only stuff I ever watched of it was when they aired it on the old WWE 24/7 network. Have to do some serious video study and read some things if I'm gonna do Stampede.


    I used to watch Stampede a lot on TV as a kid back in the '80s. YouTube's got a lot of Stampede clips from the 1980s, plus a few from the '70s (and even a clip from 1961 featuring a young Gorilla Monsoon) to search through.


    You lived in Portland? What did you think of it?


    Actually never lived in Portland, but I did follow PNW via the Apter mags and I saw a few Portland Wrestling matches spotlighted on Pro Wrestling Plus, the Canadian counterpart to Pro Wrestling This Week.


    Remember Mean Mike Miller and Moondog Moretti?


    God bless the memory of Don Owen.


    I do remember Mike Miller from when he wrestled in Stampede and Moondog Moretti from All-Star in Vancouver. Also remember the feud between Curt Hennig (as AWA World Champion) vs. the Grappler over that title, Raven's early run in Portland as Scotty the Body (after coming from staying for a cup of coffee in Vancouver with All-Star), the Equalizer (before he became Kevin Sullivan's kayfabe brother Dave Sullivan in WCW) and Brian Adams' return to Portland as Demolition Crush and his run there under that name.

  17. While I'm working on the upcoming Stampede card, here are some YouTube clips involving the wrestler mentioned in the previous chapter:


    As Archie "Stomper" Gouldie:


    (from Stampede Wrestling, July 1973 - NWA World Champion Harley Race also gets involved)


    (from Stampede Wrestling, 1983)


    (from Stampede Wrestling, 1983 - Stomper and JR Foley interrupt and a two-on-one attack on Stu ensues until Bret Hart comes to the rescue)


    (from Stampede Wrestling, December 1983 - this is the match that saw Stomper's face turn following a double-cross by Bad News and host Ed Whalen's subsequent departure from the show, followed by interviews and a strap match between Stomper and Bad News; those clips were aired on the 1999 revival of Stampede Wrestling hosted by Mauro Ranallo and Bad News)


    (from Stampede Wrestling, c. January 1984)


    As Mongolian Stomper:


    (from Memphis, May 1979)


    (from Houston, June 1982)


    (from Houston, September 1982)


    (from Smoky Mountain Wrestling, August 1993)
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