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Old School Fan

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Posts posted by Old School Fan

  1. WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Kurt Angle © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
    WCW United States Heavyweight Championship: Goldberg © vs. Diamond Dallas Page
    WCW World Tag Team Championships: Edge & Christian © vs. Billy Kidman & Paul Wight
    WCW World Women's Championship: Joanie Lee © vs. Lita
    WCW World Television Championship - Extreme Rules: Rhino © vs. Rob Van Dam
    WCW World Trios Championships: X-Factor © vs. Steven Regal, Fit Finlay & Lance Storm
    Chris Benoit vs. Bret Hart
    Eddy Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett
    Booker T vs. Scott Hall
    The Hardy Boyz vs. B.W.A.

  2. On 9/22/2022 at 12:49 PM, The Blonde Bomber said:

    Bouchard being the “hype girl” for Hardy is fun. It makes sense too. She’s so overwhelmed with hate for Renne she doesn’t care who does it she just wants someone to beat her.

    Wait'll you see what comes up in the upcoming All-Star Wrestling arena program...

  3. While this latest chapter is a short one, it'll be going a long way regarding developing storylines in this diary...


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    August 1968

    Johnny Rougeau was sorting through papers on his desk in his office when he heard a knock on the office door.  "Come on in," he called to the door.  "Hi, girls, glad you made it," he then said as Renée Martel, Michèle Richard and Claire Lepage stepped through the doorway into his office and he gestured for them to sit in the chairs in front of his desk.

    "You said you had some news for us, but you wanted to keep it a surprise over the phone," Renée said as she and the other girls sat down.  "What's up?"

    "When Johnny keeps it a surprise, it usually means it's something big," Michèle quipped.

    "Right you are, Michèle," Johnny admitted.  "I got a call from Mildred Burke yesterday - she wants the three of you to come down to Los Angeles for some angles with the AGWA starting the week after this coming Monday."  Upon hearing the news, Renée, Michèle and Claire began talking excitedly between themselves.

    "Did Mildred says what she's got planned for us?" Renée asked.

    "I think she'll go into more detail when you get down there, Renée, but she said she has plans for you and Claire to do a tag team program against the tag champions, Shirley Hardman and Diane Syverson," Johnny said.

    "Hey, I wonder if that means we'll get a run with the tag belts?" Claire said as she turned to Renée.

    "Mildred didn't say, but who knows?" Johnny said with a shrug.  "And Michèle, remember that feud you had with Earlene Brown that started on the final night of Mildred's tournament back in February?"

    "Sure, too bad it got cut short when we had to come back home after Renée's match with Ann Calvello," Michèle said.

    "Well, Mildred wants to pick it back up where it left off because she's got a plan for it," Johnny said.

    "Good, I hate leaving unresolved angles," Michèle said.

    "So with the three of us heading back to L.A., what's going to happen with my feud with Françoise Hardy?" Renée said.

    "I've got an idea we can do to put the feud on hold for now and then pick it back up when you return home," Johnny said.  "And when it resumes, the buildup it gets should ensure that business will pick up."  When she heard this, Renée raised an eyebrow as she smiled a little, happy to know how much of a push her feud would be getting as it built toward an eventual climax.

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  4. Maple Leaf Wrestling @ Maple Leaf Gardens
    August 11, 1968 - Toronto, Ontario



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    Bob Boyer and Ivan Kalmikoff fought to a time-limit draw.

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    Ivan Koloff defeated Eric the Red when Eric was counted out as he did not make it back into the ring in time to beat the referee's count after Koloff threw Eric through the ropes to the ringside floor.

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    Mark Lewin defeated Joe Christie via submission with the sleeperhold.

    Canadian Women's Championship

    Françoise Hardy (C) defeated Renée Martel via pinfall using a head-and-arm trap pinning combo.

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    Wild Bull Curry & Tiger Jeet Singh defeated Édouard Carpentier & Whipper Billy Watson by disqualification when Watson, as he was being pounded across the back by Singh, inadvertently sent Singh over the top rope as he stood up near the ropes.

    Steel cage match

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    Bulldog Brower defeated The Assassin* by disqualification.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * This Assassin was Canadian wrestler John Hill, who also used the ring names Guy Mitchell, Jerry Valiant (as part of the Valiant Brothers tag team with kayfabe "brothers" Johnny and Jimmy Valiant), the Stomper and Mr. X.

  5. 22 minutes ago, smartman said:

    Isn't excessive brawling what you're supposed to get in a Koloff vs Baker match? I'm hoping Renee isn't going to get pulled off of shows now that "She has to take care of her injured father." That'd be so 1968. I don't remember you mentioning her mother, so I'm guessing he's single?

    Nope, Marcel Martel is married ITTL as IRL, I just haven't mentioned Renée's mother in the diary up to now as she isn't actively involved in the wrestling business.  That said, Renée won't be pulled from events because I've got more planned ahead for her, so no worries there.

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    All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena
    July 29, 1968 - Montreal, Quebec



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    Buster Lloyd & Terry Garvin defeated Jacques Rougeau & Carlos Colon when Lloyd pinned Colon following a headbutt.


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    Waldo Von Erich & Mad Dog Vachon defeated Don McClarty & Dale Roberts when Von Erich used the Iron Claw to force a submission from Roberts.

    Six-woman elimination match

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    Renée Martel, Julie Painchaud & France Gall defeated Françoise Hardy, Margot Bouchard & Miss X.

    ⦁    First fall - Hardy pinned Gall following a crucifix cradle.
    ⦁    Second fall - Painchaud and Bouchard were both counted out while fighting outside the ring.
    ⦁    Third fall - Hardy was disqualified for throwing Martel over the top rope; despite her elimination coming only via DQ, the fans cheered loudly as Hardy was finally dealt her first loss against Renée in the ring while Hardy protested the decision vehemently for a few moments before she left the ring when the referee threatened Hardy's team with forfeiture of the match if she did not leave and return to the locker room area by the time the ref counted to ten.
    ⦁    Fourth fall - Renée won the match when she pinned Miss X following a flying clothesline on the rebound from the ropes.

    ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship

    Hans Schmidt took advantage of the left knee injury suffered by Marcel Martel (C) in Schmidt's attack on him in Quebec City on July 26 when the German ruffian targeted the knee with a spinning toehold; despite battling bravely against Schmidt and holding his own during the match in spite of the injury, Martel, even though he refused to submit to the hold, still fell when the referee, at his discretion, ordered the match stopped to prevent Martel from incurring serious injury, resulting in Schmidt being declared the new Canadian Champion.  As Schmidt celebrated with his newly awarded title belt, Jacques Rougeau and Martel's daughter Renée came to the ring to check on the elder Martel's condition before they helped him out of the ring back to the locker room area; as they headed back up the aisle with Martel leaning on Rougeau and Renée for support, Schmidt grabbed the arena mic and taunted the injured now-ex-champion, calling him weak for requiring a woman's help (a not-so-subtle jab at Renée as well as her father) to get to the back, causing the fans to boo Schmidt viciously.

    ASW World Heavyweight Championship

    Ivan Koloff (C) fought Ox Baker to a no-contest when both wrestlers were disqualified for excessive brawling.


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    All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena
    July 22, 1968 - Montreal, Quebec


    NOTE: While other matches are understood to have taken place on this card, only the three matches below are known to have been documented.


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    In a rematch from their first tag team encounter on June 10, Françoise Hardy & Margot Bouchard again defeated Renée Martel & France Gall when Hardy got the pin on Martel with a fisherman suplex - which only happened after Bouchard tripped Renée from outside the ring as she was coming off the ropes.  Post-match, Renée started arguing with Bouchard when Hardy blindsided Renée with a forearm smash, leading to her getting double-teamed by Hardy and Bouchard; Gall tried to get involved on Renée's behalf as she jumped on Hardy's back, but Bouchard pulled Gall off by her hair and threw her out of the ring before she and Hardy resumed their double-team on Renée, punctuating their attack by taking Renée down with a double suplex, then the heel tandem celebrated and gloated about their win before leaving their downed foes to return to the locker room area amid a hail of boos and jeers.

    ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship

    Marcel Martel (C) defeated Buster Lloyd by disqualification when Lloyd threw Martel over the top rope.

    Two out of Three Falls

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    Édouard Carpentier, Johnny Rougeau & Don McClarty defeated Hans Schmidt, Waldo Von Erich & Mad Dog Vachon, two falls to one.

    • First fall - Vachon pinned McClarty following a piledriver.
    • Second fall - Vachon was disqualified for delivering a low blow to Rougeau.
    • Third fall - Carpentier pinned Von Erich following a flying dropkick.


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    American Wrestling Association @ Winnipeg Arena
    July 18, 1968 - Winnipeg, Manitoba



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    Stan the Moose defeated Bobby Jones by pinfall with a powerslam.

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    Dutch Savage defeated Luke Brown by pinfall following a thumb to the throat.

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    Man Mountain Mike defeated Dr. X when X was disqualified for ramming Mike's head into a corner post outside the ring.

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    The Crusher defeated Harley Race by pinfall following a Bolo Punch.

    Canadian Women's Championship

    Françoise Hardy (C) defeated Renée Martel by pinfall via a rollup, but used a handful of Renée's tights for illegal leverage (not seen by the referee) to get the pin, picking up on a trick sometimes used by Hardy's new cohort Margot Bouchard to try to get questionable pinfalls over Renée in past matches.

    Canadian Heavyweight Championship

    Marcel Martel (C) defeated The Big K by submission with a figure-four leglock.

    NWA World Heavyweight Championship

    Gene Kiniski (C) retained his title by pinfall over Bill Watts following a backbreaker.

    $2,500 12-man Battle Royal

    Man Mountain Mike won the match and the $2,500 prize when, as Harley Race (one of the last three participants left in the ring) was attempting to throw the Crusher over the top rope, Mike came over and seized Race, then sent both wrestlers over to finish as the sole survivor (other participants in the match, in order of elimination, were Bobby Jones, Al Tomko, The Big K, Luke Brown, Marcel Martel, Dr. X, Stan the Moose, Bill Watts and Gene Kiniski).  Early in the match, Mike was ganged up on by the rulebreakers in an attempt to eliminate him from the match early to increase their chances of winning, but all efforts to eliminate the big man by tossing him over the top rope proved fruitless.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Prediction results: (Thanks to all who made their predictions for this card)


    The Blonde Bomber - 7/8

    Lord Byron - 6/8


    All-time prediction results:


    Herrbear - 78/107

    Lord Byron - 43/61

    The Blonde Bomber - 33/40

    Hitman74 - 10/12

    Theheel - 7/10

    Dalton - 6/6

    auto45 - 5/6

    Sco_xY2Jx - 2/6



    • Like 1
  9. While awaiting any further predictions, here's a YouTube clip of one of the participants in the upcoming AWA card in Winnipeg:


    Moose Morowski (AKA Stan the Moose) vs. Verne Siebert (from All-Star Wrestling TV taping in Burnaby, BC, early 1980s; Al Tomko, another participant in the upcoming card and the Winnipeg promoter for the AWA at the time of that card both IRL and ITTL, also makes an appearance here)


    AEW WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: Britt Baker © vs. Jordynne Grace

    TNT CHAMPIONSHIP: Ricky Starks © vs. Rami Sebei

    IWGP UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP: Jay White © vs. Kenny Omega

    NWA WORLD WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Thunder Rosa © vs. Allysin Kay

    STRAP MATCH: Cody Rhodes vs. Matt Cardona

    Mount Rushmore (Kevin Steen/Adam Cole/Young Bucks) vs. Inner Circle (Chris Jericho/Sammy Guevara/Santana/Ortiz)

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  11. The poster for the July 18 AWA event in Winnipeg is now up:

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    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    And once again, it's prediction time:  😁


    Bobby Jones vs. Stan the Moose*


    Luke Brown vs. Dutch Savage


    Man Mountain Mike vs. Dr. X


    The Crusher vs. Harley Race


    Canadian Women's Championship

    Françoise Hardy (C) vs. Renée Martel


    Canadian Heavyweight Championship**

    Marcel Martel (C) vs. The Big K


    NWA World Heavyweight Championship

    Gene Kiniski (C) vs. Bill Watts


    $2,500 12-man Battle Royal

    The Crusher * Gene Kiniski * Man Mountain Mike * The Big K * Bill Watts * Bobby Jones * Dr. X * Harley Race * Marcel Martel * Luke Brown * Stan the Moose * Al Tomko


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * AKA Moose Morowski.

    ** The Canadian Heavyweight Championship from All-Star Wrestling in Montreal, booked for this event.

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  12. On the July 13 edition of Superstars of the Mat, Margot Bouchard and Françoise Hardy are interviewed in the aftermath of Hardy's victory over Renée Martel for the Canadian Women's Championship:

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    INTERVIEWER:  My next two guests at this time have stirred up a lot of controversy on the wrestling scene in the last few days, thanks to one of them defeating Renée Martel this past Monday in Montreal to win the Canadian Women's Championship.  And here they are now, Margot Bouchard and the new Canadian Women's Champion, Françoise Hardy.  (Notices Bouchard is laughing) Okay, Margot, can I ask what's so funny?

    MARGOT BOUCHARD:  (Continues laughing for a moment) You want to know what's so funny, ______?  I told you, didn't I?  I told everyone out there from the beginning that Renée Martel is overrated as a wrestler!  I've been going out of my way to prove it time and again for nearly three years, and last Monday night at the Paul Sauvé Arena, Françoise Hardy confirmed what I've already been saying all this time when she beat Martel to win that title Françoise has with her right now, the Canadian Women's Championship!  I've also said that Martel was overrated as a champion and undeserving of that title, and now that she's lost it to Françoise, Martel can slink right back into obscurity where she belongs!  (Bouchard laughs mockingly again)

    INTERVIEWER:  Well, Miss Hardy, you finally accomplished what you said you'd do, win the Canadian Women's title, and you got it done quickly after you arrived in Canada from your native France - but you can't be too proud of how you won the title, relying on a distraction by Margot to blindside Renée before pinning her for the belt.

    FRANÇOISE HARDY:  (Scoffing) Now why should it matter how I won this championship?  I won it and that's all that matters.  I have reigned as the European Women's Champion for over four years now, and now I have another title to add to my list of accomplishments...  (Holds up the Canadian Women's title belt before the studio camera) This championship you see here, the Canadian Women's Championship.  If I were to choose to, I could hold this title for as long as I've held my European title, which would be an easy thing to accomplish when most of the women who wrestle in Canada - with the present exception of Margot Bouchard here - would pose no challenge to me, and that includes Renée Martel.

    INTERVIEWER:  I'm pretty sure Martel and the fans watching this show would beg to differ.  Now you do know that as the former champion, Martel is entitled to receive a rematch for the title as part of the rematch clause.

    HARDY:  Yes, she does, but what difference will it make?  Renée Martel will get her rematch, but the outcome will still be the same as I retain this title and send her to the back of the line of championship contenders - and it will also be my pleasure to do so in front of all those Canadian peasants who watch her and cheer for her.

    BOUCHARD:  So, Martel, you hear that?  When Françoise is done with you, you're going right back to the bottom of the ladder and I'm gonna see to it you stay there!

    INTERVIEWER:  I think we'll see what happens when Françoise Hardy and Renée Martel face off in their eventual rematch for the Canadian Women's title down the road.  Stay tuned, we've got more action coming up after these messages!

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