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Adam Ryland

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Everything posted by Adam Ryland

  1. This was covered in this thread not long ago - to recap, any news would be posted on the GDS site and forums, so the fact that we haven't posted anything means we don't have any news to share. (Note that I don't do rough estimates or speculation as to potential future plans; I think we've all had quite enough of games companies announcing things and then delaying them or not delivering at all, so I prefer only to announce things when they're actually done and guaranteed to be coming out!)
  2. You've likely either not got enough / any free pictures with which to generate them or there are no training facilities open to create graduates.
  3. If they're not yet back from excursion then you'd have to wait until they are before you can sign them.
  4. The level of debt is unimportant, it's how many consecutive months they have been in debt. I think this is covered in the handbook btw.
  5. I don't think there is one; the in-game handbook should cover everything you need to know though. It's difficult to be give any advice without knowing what part you're struggling on, but a general tip is just to look at the default database, there's enough varied content that you should be able to see how just about anything is constructed.
  6. Hi everyone, There seems to have been some confusion recently regarding using the CornellVerse, so I just wanted to do a very quick reminder about that most sexy of topics - intellectual property rights. We operate a fair usage policy when it comes to the CornellVerse - below I've covered what that means. First and foremost, if you want to use the CornellVerse - whether that's actual default data or the characters and fictional game world - to make a TEW mod (or mods for any GDS game for that matter) then, as long as you're not charging money for it, that's absolutely fine! No need to ask permission, you're free to go ahead and use it as you see fit. Change existing characters, make new ones, create alternate timelines...be as creative as you like, it's all good. If you want to use the characters or setting for a project outside of GDS - for example, writing short stories, creating artwork, etc - then as long as it's not commercial (i.e. making money for yourself, for someone else, or helping promote a commercial endeavour) then that's generally fine - just be polite and send me a quick mail or private message to check before starting if you're unsure of what constitutes 'fair usage'. So, in short, the only thing you can't do is use the CornellVerse for commercial gain or promotion, as obviously the IP rights for the CornellVerse and its characters belongs to Grey Dog and so it's prohibited for other people or companies to financially benefit from it. If anyone has any questions, let me know via private message. Happy holidays! Adam
  7. The bonus would apply, albeit to a value that is already reduced by 75% because it's a tour show.
  8. That's because you're not using the latest patch. The issue was fixed in part III.
  9. I think you're likely imagining it; I only checked back as far as 2016, but that hasn't been an editable option since at least then. It can't be edited as many processes rely on the certainty that gender doesn't change.
  10. Moved to the correct forum. Shaun, please post your TEW2020 topics in the TEW2020 section - you keep posting them in the main GDS section.
  11. Pay-per-view data is shown in the post-show breakdown screen, as well as at the top when viewing any past show. Buys are calculated based on the usual factors, such as company size, what matches were on the show, etc.
  12. There are lots of different variables involved, including the company size, the worker's age, and their hidden destiny value. There's no one thing that decides it.
  13. You just add the name and upper and lower weight limits in the boxes provided and save to create additional classes. It's identical to altering an existing class.
  14. Your old image applies to anything that has already been generated for the website. If you're seeing it for new content then you've forgotten to update their contract image and that's what you're seeing. A worker has a default image and one for every contract, changing the former does not change the latter.
  15. It has been discussed before, and falls into the same category as the suggestion that there should be data for whether a worker is used to working the left or right side of the body; it's not really worth doing as, firstly, it's a lot of data and work for almost zero reward - any competent wrestler can get up to speed in a different environment inside of a few matches, meaning any effect would be fleeting, and any penalty would be so tiny as to be worthless anyway - and, secondly, it doesn't really bring anything to the game anyway as it's so minor. By contract, it makes sense for WMMA because the difference between a four-cornered ring and a cage actively affects strategies and a fighter's effectiveness, which in a full-blown simulation is important to cover. So, in short, no, this wouldn't be considered. I can understand why you'd suggest it, as the "throw in anything and everything that improves accuracy" is a seductive line of thinking, but things that minor aren't worth the added loading times, file size, and work to do given how little they actually add.
  16. You can't. The 'newsfeed' is linked to their picture at the time the story was generated. It would use their new picture for any subsequent stories that are generated.
  17. I think you're confusing nationality and race; 'other' is a race category, not a nationality. It's anything that doesn't fit into the other categories, hence the name.
  18. The idea is that each tour should end with a big event, so your pre-programmed events need to be relatively close to where you have the tour set to end; if it is, then the game recognises that you mean for that to be the final and will fold it in to the schedule. If your events are too far out for the game to use them as a tour end, it will create a new event to fill that gap. So, you shouldn't, for example, have a tour running from the first day of November to the last day of November but have an event for Saturday, Week 2 of that month, as obviously the game can't make that work as a tour end as it's two weeks too far forward - you'll therefore end up with two events that month, your pre-programmed 'rogue' event and the actual tour finale. From what you've described, you've probably put your events too far from where the tour is due to end and just need to move them slightly. If you can't figure out the correct dates, let me know, I can advise you further.
  19. You just need to run the installer again. You can get it from this page. If you're an Elicense user you use the Elicense Download button; if you have one of the newer QLM licenses then you use the Retail Download button. If you didn't unlicense the game then you don't need to do anything with regarding to licensing as the game will still be active on your machine. If you did unlicense beforehand, simply fill in your license code upon starting the game when prompted.
  20. Not really; adding in 100 characters takes time due to the level of detail required, there's only so much you can do to mitigate that. The only real shortcut would be to use an existing character who you know is very similar and copy / import them and use that as the base to save yourself some time.
  21. I don't recall any of the TEW games ever having been able to convert WreSpi databases....I'm not sure that's even viable given that there'd be so many gaps given how few stats WreSpi characters have compared to in TEW.
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