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Adam Ryland

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Everything posted by Adam Ryland

  1. Generation is tied to demand. If you've got tons of US fighters already then you're not going to see many new ones generated until people start retiring or a bunch of new companies open to create new demand.
  2. No, I've explicitly said several times that I don't like the whole concept of DLC and won't use it with my games.
  3. Depends what you mean by 'ever'; if you're talking about patching it into the existing game, then no, such a huge task to effectively bolt on an entire new game mechanic wouldn't be viable as a patch. If you're talking about things that might get added to any sequels that get made, then sure, there's no reason things like that wouldn't be considered.
  4. It happens if the psychology is significantly less than the match's grade at that point in the calculation. If the match is at 100 and you only have psychology in the 80s, you'll get penalised.
  5. You would need to increase the size of your Mexican and Japanese coverage in order to access higher levels of popularity.
  6. It tells you after the show whether you had gains or not. You can have gains but see no popularity change because you may not be gaining enough to move a whole number; if you're only gaining 0.1 per show then obviously you'd need 10 shows to see a change. If you got literally no gains it means that whatever you "won" from the show is being negated by other effects, such as a low industry or other penalties.
  7. You'd need a bigger broadcaster. Each size you go up raises the level of popularity it can support.
  8. Yes, it is true, and both methods work. It only matters that there is someone with better psychology in the match.
  9. I'm not keen on the first idea of tying size and build to ageing; that's pretty problematic as you're divorcing the process from context. You could end up with a situation where a ripped middleweight turns into an obese heavyweight overnight when he hits 45 "just because", whereas in reality, bar medical conditions, those sort of changes are always heavily influenced by circumstances that the person would have a high degree of control over.
  10. If title matches aren't being created it is because the AI can't make any valid matches. Just because you've made people available does not mean that they're valid challengers - they need to be of the right level and disposition, can't have been a recent failed challenger, can't be being used elsewhere, can't be coming off a losing streak or bad momentum, etc, etc, and must be able to fit into a match against the current champion. Having 11 titles and spamming multiple title defences is likely your problem, as you're basically guaranteeing that most of your roster are going to be coming off a loss to a champion and therefore are going to be ineligible for any further title shots until they've gotten back onto a winning streak - the only people who'll be on a winning streak are your 11 champions, and they can't challenge each other as they're already champions.
  11. If you mean modifying the actual code that generates the text, then no. If you mean modifying them once they're generated, you would just need to use the editor.
  12. He's simply unavailable then. That could be because he's currently in negotiations, away, has a bad relationship with the parent owner, has a booking skill too high or low for that size of child company, or is too over for a child company of that size. The screen only shows valid, willing candidates.
  13. Moved to the correct forum. Please see "I am getting 'Runtime Error 3159, Not A Valid Bookmark' or 'Runtime Error 3343, Unrecognized Database Format' or 'Runtime Error 3011, could not find the object MSysDb' or 'Runtime Error 3112, Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on 'tblGameInfo'' or "Connection Error 3049, tblGameInfo could not be found" or "Connection Error 3049, File May Be Corrupt"..." in the pinned FAQ.
  14. The Mods forum is further down the board. Any that are still available will be located there.
  15. He's likely grown in popularity elsewhere. His demands are based on what he's worth, not what he's worth to you. If he's now become quite popular in Canada, for example, he will want money that reflects that newfound status. If values were based on what the worker was worth to the company, you could just bring in foreign megastars and pay them peanuts just because they're not known in the Great Lakes.
  16. You would need to send him to the child company first. He can't be booker for them while on your roster.
  17. No, you can't mod the fight engine. If you're seeing text that they're legs are damaged then it does have an impact on the simulation, their related stats will be reduced severely.
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