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Posts posted by angeldelayette

  1. Monday Week 3 November 1995



    New Four Horsemen Arrive
    '2001: A Space Osyssey' opens things up in the Gainsville O-Dome in Gainesville, Florida.  The crowd rises on their feet, cheering for the arrival of the Nature Boy Ric Flair.  Ric Flair doesn't come out alone, though.  He walks out with Rey Misterio, Jr. at his side.  The two men step into the ring and Flair is given a microphone.  He welcomes WCW Monday Nitro to Flair Country.  He says he has to ask what's causing all this?  The answer is the Nature Boy and the new Four Horsemen.  Flair says that tonight is the beginning of a new era of Four Horsemen.  He begins by saying that this man standing by his side is the first new member of the Horsemen.  He congratulates Rey Misterio, Jr. on earning a spot with the Horsemen.  Misterio gets on the microphone and thanks Flair for the opportunity.  He says that he grew up watching professional wrestling in Mexico and now Mexico is Horsemen Country.  Flair gives a strut and then talks about the fact that we need two more members to make the Horsemen complete.  He says that these two men have competed and won titles in WCW.  He says that they have won titles in Japan and now they come back to the United States.  He tells the two new members to come on down.


    WOW!  Out from the back comes the Miracle Violence Connection, Steve 'Dr. Death' Williams and Terry 'Bam Bam' Gordy!  Williams and Gordy are dressed to the nine in suits as they walk down and step inside the ring.  Both men raise up four fingers.  Williams gets on the microphone and says that the two of them were built to be Horsemen.  Gordy says that he has been in a lot of factions that have been at the top of their game.  But he says that this is a stable he can be absolutely proud to be a part of.  All four men raise four fingers and then Flair, Williams and Gordy exit the ring.  Rey Misterio, Jr. stays in the ring because he is part of the opening match on Nitro.


    Match #1
    Shane Douglas vs. Rey Misterio, Jr.

    It's Four Horsemen versus Four Horsemen as 'The Extreme Franchise' Shane Douglas comes down to the ring to take on Rey Misterio, Jr.  Misterio uses his speed in the beginning to keep Douglas off guard.  Douglas exits the ring to take a break but Misterio comes running with a baseball slide into a flying headscissors outside the ring.  Misterio plays to the crowd before climbing back in the ring.  Douglas slowly joins him before the ten count.  Douglas gets in close with Misterio and hits him with a chop in the corner.  Douglas works over Misterio with a couple of European uppercuts and then whips Misterio to the opposite corner.  Douglas comes running in but Misterio leaps over him, coming down with a sunset flip on Douglas.  Douglas rolls through and locks Misterio in a Texas cloverleaf.  Misterio struggles in the hold but quickly grabs the ropes to break it.  Douglas continues the next several minutes in control.  Douglas eventually lifts Misterio onto the top turnbuckle, climbing up and hooking him for a superplex.  Misterio blocks the hold once, twice.  He gets in a few punches to break the hold and a headbutt sends Douglas to the mat.  At this point, Arn Anderson comes down to ringside.  Misterio waits for Douglas to get up and catches him with a flying huricanrana.  Misterio goes to the apron and sets up for a springboard huricanrana but Arn Anderson shoves him to the mat as he gets on the top rope.  The referee sees it and calls for the bell.  Rey Misterio, Jr. wins by disqualification at 9:58!
    Rey Misterio Jr. d. Shane Douglas =79



    Horsemen Brawl
    Arn Anderson enters the ring and helps Shane Douglas to his feet.  The two men begin putting the boots to Rey Misterio, Jr.  Here come Ric Flair and The Miracle Violence Connection!  The rest of that Four Horsemen hit the ring and begin attacking Arn Anderson and Shane Douglas.  Here come Brian Pillman and Tully Blanchard!  It's a pier 8 brawl!  All eight men begin doing battle in the ring, including Anderson and Misterio and Douglas and Steve Williams.  Ric Flair's side starts getting the advantage.  Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Brian Pillman and Shane Douglas are all sent packing to the ringside area.  Ric Flair, Rey Misterio, Jr. and the Miracle Violence Connection all stand in the ring.  Four fingers are put up all around.  This is a feud that is definitely not over.


    Steve Austin Is Back
    A video begins to play from last week's WCW Saturday Night.  It is the return of Steve Austin.  Austin states that he is no longer stunning and then he issues a challenge to Diamond Dallas Page for the WCW World Television title belt.  Highlights from Steve Austin's career are shown in this video, including shots of him hitting the Stun Gun over and over again.  Austin is shown holding the WCW World Television title, the WCW United States title and the WCW World Tag Team titles.  He is back and looking to make a statement and that's the bottom line.


    Match #2
    Big Bubba Rogers (w/Col. Robert Parker) vs. Ricky Morton

    Our second match of the evening features the bodyguard of the Stud Stable Big Bubba Rogers taking on one half of the Rock 'N' Roll Express Ricky Morton.  The match is dominated by Rogers, who takes down Morton with a big backbreaker.  He locks Morton in the abdominal stretch but Morton refuses to submit.  Morton slowly tries to make his way to the ropes.  He gets the crowd behind him and manages to flip Rogers over with a hip toss.  Morton struggles to hold the advantage and it is quickly replaced by Rogers.  Rogers Irish whips Morton into a corner and catches him with an avalanche in the corner.  The crowd boos and Col. Robert Parker calls for the finish.  Rogers sends Morton to the ropes and drops him with the Bubba Slam!  Rogers makes the cover with one hand: One, Two, Three!  Big Bubba Rogers wins in 5:55!
    Big Bubba Rogers p. Ricky Morton =67



    Stud Stable
    We go to the top of the ramp where Gene Okerlund hypes the WCW hotline.  He says he has heard whispers of a new signing for WCW.  He says he will let everyone know exactly what he has heard.  He gets joined by Col. Robert Parker, Big Bubba Rogers and then the WCW United States Champion Vader.  Okerlund asks the Col. about Lex Luger accepting the open challenge for World War 3.  Parker calls Luger a fool and reminds him of what happened at Halloween Havoc.  Vader speaks up, saying that the time has come for them to add in a stipulation to this match.  He challenges Luger to accept a Last Man Standing match for the WCW United States title.  Parker laughs and says that Luger isn't man enough to accept the challenge.  Parker walks off with the Stud Stable as we go to the ring.


    Match #3
    Tully Blanchard vs. Ric Flair

    Our first hour main event is another classic match between the two Four Horsemen groups.  These two wrestlers have pretty good chemistry and it shows in the match.  Tully Blanchard slows things down in the beginning, using the rope breaks to keep Ric Flair from getting a hold on him.  Finally, Flair gets frustrated and goes right in on Blanchard and Blanchard trips him to the mat.  Blanchard drops an elbow and begins in control of the match.  Blanchard drags Flair's face against the mat and then picks him up, sending him in a corner.  Blanchard moves in but Flair turns things around and begins lacing up Blanchard's chest with knife edge chops.  Flair goes to whip Blanchard across but Blanchard reverses it.  Flair flips up and over the turnbuckle to land on the apron.  He goes to run along the apron but is dropped with a clothesline by Blanchard.  Blanchard drags Flair in the ring and begins dropping multiple elbow drops on the back of Flair.  Blanchard focuses in on the back of the Nature Boy with the announcers reminding us that Flair had his back injured in an airplane crash.  Blanchard brings Flair over with a vertical suplex and then continues in control as we near the ten minute mark.

    Tully Blanchard is still in control of Ric Flair, locking him in an abdominal stretch.  Flair shakes his head, refusing to submit.  He calls out 'NoooOOOooo!'  The crowd gets behind Flair as he tries to work his way to the ropes.  He gets near the ropes and then tosses Blanchard over with a hip toss.  Both men go down to the mat.  The two men slowly raise up and Blanchard Irish whips Flair into a corner.  Flair bounces out of the corner and raises his fists before falling face-first on the mat.  Blanchard says it's over and gets Flair into the vertical suplex position.  He lifts Flair up and then Flair manages to reverse things into a small package: One, Two, Kickout!  Both men get up and Flair ducks a wild punch by Blanchard.  Flair lifts Blanchard and hits the shinbreaker.  Flair bounces off the ropes and gives a strut before raising four fingers in the air.  He turns back to Blanchard and picks him up, locking a hammerlock and dropping straight back to the mat.  Flair goes for the Figure Four Leglock but Blanchard reverses it into a small package: One, Two, Flair reverses the small package: One, Two, Three!  Ric Flair wins at 18:59!
    Ric Flair p. Tully Blanchard =79


    V.K. Wallstreet
    A video begins to play showing highlights of the Computerized Man of the 90's V.K. Wallstreet.  Wallstreet is shown beating several wrestlers in jobber matches with the flying clothesline.  He is shown doing multiple suplexes, including belly-to-back, double underhook and German suplexes.  Wallstreet is shown joining the Family and now stands alongside Jimmy Hart.  Wallstreet is coming back to Monday Nitro soon.


    Technically Wonderful
    Back at the ringside area, here come the members of Technically Wonderful.  Paul Orndorff leads out Eddy Guerrero, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko.  Paul Orndorff opens things up talking about the need to add more gold to Technically Wonderful.  He officially acknowledges Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko for adding the WCW World Tag Team titles to this group.  Now, he says it is time for Eddy Guerrero to add the X-Division title.  Guerrero says that he has no doubt that he can walk away with that title whenever they decide to determine a first champion.  Then, he turns his attention to Benoit and Malenko and says that they have been awesome as the WCW World Tag Team Champions.  He says they don't have opponents for World War 3 so he wonders if any tag teams are going to step up to face them.


    That is when we see the WCW return of The Sheepherders!  Butch Miller and Luke Williams stand at the top of the ramp with microphones in hand.  Miller says that he and Luke are the most dangerous tag team, not just in WCW, but in the entire world.  Williams challenges Benoit and Malenko to meet them in the ring for the WCW World Tag Team titles at World War 3.  Eddy Guerrero speaks up, accepting the challenge on behalf of Benoit and Malenko.  He says that they are the most dangerous wrestlers.  Miller and Williams flash smiles and do a little yell before dropping the microphones and walking to the back.  Within moments, Technically Wonderful leave the ring as well.


    Match #4
    Sabu (w/The Sheik) vs. Al Snow

    Our first match of the second hour is an interesting one as we have two young wrestlers going at it to try to build themselves up.  The match is back and forth with neither man having an extended advantage.  Sabu shows his high flying skill with hitting Snow with a guillotine legdrop on the apron of the ring.  Snow fires back with a spinning heel kick and the Dragon Sleeper.  Sabu manages to, somehow, break the hold.  Sabu gets the advantage, sending Snow to a corner.  The Sheik tosses Sabu a chair and Sabu sets up the chair near the corner.  Sabu bounces off one side and comes running in, using the chair as a springboard for a heel kick into the corner.  The referee tosses the chair out of the ring and Sabu takes down Snow with a body slam.  Sabu climbs to the top turnbuckle and goes for the somersault legdrop but Snow moves out of the way.  Snow rolls Sabu into a small package: One, Two, Three!  The big win for Al Snow at 7:52!
    Al Snow p. Sabu =60


    Warrior Leaving The Hospital
    From the ring, we move to a video outside a local medical facility.  We see Ultimate Warrior coming out from the building and the cameraman asks him if he's okay.  Warrior says he almost died because of that snake bite but he is back and now he is one hundred percent.  Warrior says that he is going to get the unknown man who caused him to get bit by the snake.  He growls and says that he is going to crush the head of the snake under his boot.  Warrior says that the gods have decreed the death of this man, of this snake and it will be at his hands.  Warrior growls before he gets into a car and we go to the ramp.



    DDP Accepting A Challenge?
    At the ramp, Gene Okerlund is standing by with Diamond Dallas Page, Diamond Doll and Maxx Muscle.  Okerlund asks DDP about the challenge issued by Steve Austin last Saturday night.  DDP talks about Austin leaving the company and now he comes back and wants an automatic title shot?  He probably thinks that DDP is going to be a coward and deny the shot.  But that's not what's going to happen.  DDP accepts the challenge from Steve Austin for next week on Monday Nitro.  He says that Austin is going to come back just to feel the bang!  DDP does the diamond sign and then brings it down hard.  Okerlund thanks DDP for the interview and sends us to the ring.


    Match #5
    The Iron Sheik vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

    As you might understand, these two clash of styles don't seem to click in the ring and it shows in their performances.  The Iron Sheik looks a little lost in facing someone like Jushin Thunder Liger.  Liger shows off some of his skills in this match when he hits Sheik with a Lou Thesz Press.  He gets a two count when he hits Sheik with the high angle Liger bomb.  Liger goes up top and goes for a frog splash but Iron Sheik avoids it, sending Liger crashing into the mat.  The Iron Sheik gets to his feet and hits a gutwrench suplex on Liger.  He keeps Liger down on the mat where he finally locks on the Camel Clutch.  Liger struggles in the hold but he is forced to submit.  The Iron Sheik wins in 6:01!
    The Iron Sheik d. Jushin Thunder Liger =56



    Arm Wrestling
    We go to the backstage area where we see Hulk Hogan come across The Giant.  The two men step up face-to-chest and neither man is about to back down.  They talk about their match coming up at World War 3 and Hogan talks about having the large pythons.  The Giant says to prove it and opens a door where there are wrestlers having arm wrestling contests.  The Giant and Hulk Hogan step into the room and step up to a table.  They get set and both men try to pull the other's arms down.  The arm wrestling competition goes back and forth.  Suddenly, it seems that Hogan slips in something and this leads to The Giant getting his arm down and winning the arm wrestling competition.  The Giant roars at Hogan and an angry Hogan says he will get his revenge at World War 3, brother!


    Match #6
    Roddy Piper vs. Randy Savage

    It's time for the main event!  A lot of wrestling experience in this ring as 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper takes on 'The Macho Man' Randy Savage.  Both men meet and jaw in the center of the ring before Piper slaps Savage.  Savage responds by shoving Piper to the mat.  Piper pops back up and the two meet again but this time exchanging punches.  Savage ducks a punch and catches Piper with a clothesline down to the mat.  Savage picks up Piper and sends him out of the ring before heading to the top turnbuckle.  Piper looks up and backs up out of reach of Savage.  Savage drops back down in the ring, waiting for Piper to get in.  The two meet in the center of the ring again and Piper pokes Savage in the eye.  The Hot Rod elevates Savage with a belly to back suplex, scoring a two count.  Savage holds his back in pain.  Piper continues to maintain control for the next several minutes, drawing in some boos from this crowd but a few cheers as well.  Piper drops Savage with a vertical suplex and then when we near the ten minute mark he goes for the Sleeper.  Savage kicks his feet to the turnbuckle and falls backward in a pinning predicament on Piper: One, Two, Kickout!

    As the ten minute mark rolls forward, Randy Savage starts to get some control of the match.  Highlights of this include Savage hitting Roddy Piper with a top rope double axehandle.  The crowd cheers Savage as he hits Piper with an atomic drop and then goes for a piledriver but Piper blocks it.  Piper hits Savage between the legs but the referee doesn't see it as he was on the other side.  Savage falls to the mat in obvious pain.  Piper maintains control as we move forward several minutes.  Piper catches Savage with a running high knee strike and then goes for the Sleeper again.  This time, it's in the middle of the ring.  Savage struggles in the hold but he cannot get out.  He begins to fade and the referee checks his arm once, twice, three times!  The referee calls for the bell.  Roddy Piper wins in 18:48!
    Roddy Piper d. Randy Savage =76





    World War 3 Preview
    Roddy Piper stands up as he releases the hold, getting his arm raised.  Piper gets on the microphone and says that he won tonight just like he's going to win at World War 3.  Lex Luger comes down to the ring and steps inside.  Luger begins a brawl with Piper before gaining the advantage.  Luger shoves Piper to the ropes and then hits a clothesline, sending Piper up and over the top rope to the floor.  The announcers talk about that if this was at the World War 3 battle royal, Piper would be eliminated.  Luger turns and points toward the Starrcade sign.  The announcers talk about this being Starrcade season.  With Luger's back turned, he is attacked by Vader from behind.  Vader hits a Power Bomb on Luger and then lifts him up, throwing him over the top rope to land beside Piper.  Vader starts to celebrate, leaning over the top rope and yelling at Luger and Piper.  With Vader leaning over the top rope, Randy Savage manages to make it to his feet.  Savage rushes over and throws Vader over the top rope to the floor with Piper and Luger!  Savage celebrates in the ring, pointing at the Starrcade sign and making the 'belt' motion at his waist.  Savage climbs to the second turnbuckle, celebrating with the fans as the show comes to an end.  We'll see you this Saturday for WCW Saturday Night!

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    Predictions List:

    Steve Frehley vs. Andre Jones

    Non-Title Match
    Ducont & Thatcher vs. Jett & Moor

    Raven Robinson vs. Sara Marie

    T-Rex vs. Running Wolf

    Non-Title Match
    Bash Street vs. Roger Cage

    Non-Title Match
    Rich Money vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

    Comments On Diary In General: 

    TAGS: @USPW – #AmericanWrestling – #WhereSuperstarsAreMade – #MoneyvBulldozer

    © 2020 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of USPW

  3. Wednesday Week 3 January 2020

    USPW American Wrestling


    New Authority Figure
    The fans here in Clover Fields are on their feet as USPW American Wrestling begins.  The camera pans around the crowd and then music begins to play for the first time here on American Wrestling.  'You are beautiful on the inside.  You are innocence personified.  And I will drag you down and sell you out.  Run away.'  The crowd begins to sing along with the music before Jack Bruce makes his USPW debut!  Bruce walks out, high fiving the crowd as he walks toward the ring.  Bruce climbs inside and absorbs the sounds of the fans singing along with his music.  'What have I become, now that I've betrayed everyone I've ever loved, I pushed them all away.  And I have been a slave to the Judas in my mind.  Is there something left for me to save in the wreckage of my life, my life.'  The fans continue to sing even as the music turns off.  Jack Bruce just smiles in the ring before saying 'welcome to Jack Bruce Wrestling!'  He says that he is the brand new man in charge, the new sheriff in town.  He says he is here to make sure the inmates don't run the asylum.  He says he is going to make this company rock.



    Boos echo through the crowd as here comes Steve Frehley.  The Dark Destroyer walks out and steps in the ring with Jack Bruce.  Frehley tells Bruce that this is his company and no one else runs things but him.  Bruce laughs and says that he remembers Steve Frehley and the Black Wednesday Betrayal.  Bruce says that Frehley will get what's coming to him.  In fact, he will probably get what's coming to him at the end of the month.  Bruce warns Frehley that if he lays a hand on him he will be suspended indefinitely.  But you can touch him.  Bruce points and Frehley turns around before getting taken down by Nicky Champion!  Champion and Frehley begin to brawl in the ring, rolling around on the mat.  Jack Bruce calls for security and here come security and officials to break things up.  Jack Bruce says welcome to Jack Bruce Wrestling.  He smiles and exits the ring as officials separate Champion and Frehley.


    Match #1
    Rick Law (w/Dawn Gemmell) vs. Jacob Jett (w/Persephone)

    The first match this evening features two fan favorites who will meet in tag team action at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  This is a classic brawling versus high flying contest.  Jett gets the advantage early on and sends Law outside the ring.  Jett bounces off the ropes and goes flying with a suicide dive through the ropes onto Law.  Jett plays up to the crowd and gets some cheers before he brings the action back in the ring.  Jett catches Law with a flying headscissors, sending him down in a corner.  Jett waits for Law to get to his feet and hits the backflip kick known as Cleared For Take Off.  Jett heads for the top turnbuckle and leaps with a moonsault but Law moves out of the way.  Jett crash lands on the mat and Law picks up Jett, sending him over the top rope with a clothesline.  Law lands the Disturbing The Peace, a baseball slide kick to Jett outside the ring.  Law brings the action back in the ring.  He gets advice from Dawn Gemmell before striking with the vicious uppercut known as Justice Jam.  Jett is staggered in the ring before Law takes him down with the Long Arm Of The Law!  A vicious lariat clothesline hit with authority drops Jett to the mat.  Law makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Rick Law gets the win at 10:09!
    Rick Law p. Jacob Jett =72



    A Sign Of Respect
    The match is over and Rick Law gets his arm raised.  Persephone comes in to help one half of the USPW World Tag Team Champions Jacob Jett to his feet.  Law takes a moment before walking over with Dawn Gemmell beside him.  Law offers a handshake to Jett.  Jett seems to be taking a moment to think about things before he accepts the handshake.  Jett raises Law's arm and then exits the ring.  Law plays to the crowd as we go to a video.


    RDJ Coming Soon
    Said video is another video focusing on the coming debut of Ricky Dale Johnson.  The country music theme plays in the background.  RDJ is shown in the ring taking down wrestlers again and again with all his famous holds, including Southern Justice and the Texas Hold Em.  RDJ is shown standing outside the ring again and he says that he is coming soon to USPW.  He says he is here to whip the competition and defeat the wrestlers here in USPW.  He says that's the bottom line.  RDJ cracks open a beer and takes a long sip before taking a six shooter out and firing it in the air.  With that, we head back to the ring.


    Match #2
    Jack Jackson vs. The Force

    Our second bout features 'Jacksonville' Jack Jackson stepping in the ring with the man known as The Force.  The match itself cools down the crowd here in Clover Fields as it is a paint by the numbers style squash with The Force in control for most of the match.  Thankfully, The Force finishes things quickly enough with the Full Force, a suplex powerslam.  The Force makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  The Force picks up the win at 4:39!
    The Force p. Jack Jackson =45



    Stars, Stripes And Slams Control Center
    It's time for the Stars, Stripes And Slams Control Center hosted by former USPW owner Danny Jillefski!  Jillefski talks about the big matches set up for Stars, Stripes And Slams, including a one on one encounter between Trent Shaffer and Bulldozer Brandon Smith.  He sends us to a promo with Trent Shaffer and Raven Robinson.  Shaffer brags about attacking Bulldozer Brandon Smith.  He says that he will do the same at Stars, Stripes And Slams because he is the only talent here in this company.  He says that he is the best in this company and he will prove it.  Then he talks about Skull DeBones making the save last week.  He tells DeBones to mind his own business or he will be taken out just like the Bulldozer.  Shaffer promises that he is the only talent in this company and that he proves it week in and week out and that will happen at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  Shaffer poses before we go to the ring.


    Match #3
    USPW Women's Title Match
    Jaime Quine defends vs. Sara Marie

    Our first hour main event features the USPW Women's title on the line as Jaime Quine defends the belt against former USPW Women's Champion Sara Marie.   Both of these women are strong all-around wrestlers and that helps make this a good first hour main event.  Sara Marie takes the advantage early on and goes for the Energy Burst but Quine manages to block the knee and take Sara Marie down with a single leg Boston crab.  She leans back and SM struggles in hold, pulling herself to the ropes.  She manages to reach the bottom rope and get the hold broken.  Quine continues on the attack, though, keeping SM down on the mat and using several different holds to wear her down.  As the minutes tick by, it seems that Quine might be on her way to victory.  She locks a body scissors on SM and SM manages to pull herself up and she drops backward, landing Quine on her back.  The crowd cheers, trying to pull SM back into the match.

    Just as it seems Sara Marie might get back into the match, Alicia Strong makes her way down to the ringside area.  SM pulls herself up but so does Jaime Quine.  SM catches Quine with a dropkick.  She heads to the top turnbuckle, waiting for Quine to reach her feet.  Quine turns toward SM and then SM leaps and lands with a flying cross body.  SM hooks the leg: One, Two, Kickout!  SM gets up and claps her hands, getting the crowd into the match.  SM bounces off one corner and catches Quine with a flying headscissors.  SM calls for the Energy Burst but Alicia Strong climbs up on the apron.  SM turns toward Strong, punching her off the apron.  SM yells down at Strong for a moment.  She turns back toward Quine -- K.O. Kick!  Quine lands the K.O. Kick on Sara Marie.  Quine makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Jaime Quine successfully defends the USPW Women's title in 15:09!
    Jaime Quine p. Sara Marie =70



    Strong Lay Out
    Alicia Strong comes into the ring when the match is over.  She's smiling because she got the result that she wanted.  Jaime Quine exits the ring and heads for the back.  A crestfallen Sara Marie pulls herself up and turns right into a Strong Arm Tactic!  Strong plants SM with the hooked lariat and SM is back down on the mat.  As the first hour comes to a close, Melody runs right out to the ring to make the save.  Strong quickly exits the ring as it becomes a two on one fight.  Strong smiles as she walks to the back while Melody checks on Sara Marie.



    Here Comes The Money
    The second hour begins with the number one contender Running Wolf coming down to the ring.  Wolf high fives the fans and then steps inside the ring.  Wolf begins by talking about the money that Rich Money offered him.  He says that $100,000.00 is a lot of money for anyone.  He says that he could do a lot of good with that money.  He could give it to charity.  He could hand some of it out to the fans as they leave the building.  That last bit gets a cheer from the fans here in Clover Fields.  But, he says, he's more interested in taking the USPW World title belt off Rich Money.  He says he's interested in giving a long-term World Champion that the fans can be proud of.  He says that he spent some time speaking with his ancestors after last week and they said that he's on the right path to defeating Rich Money and becoming the USPW World Champion.  Before he can continue, 'Judas' begins to play and out comes Jack Bruce.  Bruce walks out and enters the ring, shaking hands with Wolf.  Bruce says he's made a decision that will change the match at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  He says that the match between Running Wolf and Rich Money will be not only for the USPW World title but also for the money that Rich Money offered Running Wolf.  He wishes Wolf good luck in this contest and shakes hands with him.  His music hits and he and Wolf head to the back.


    Match #4
    Non-Title Match
    Krusher Karloff vs. Roger Cage

    Our first match in the second hour features one of the Cold Warriors in Krusher Karloff taking on the USPW National Champion Roger Smooth Cage in singles action.  This match is a pure brawl in every sense of the word.  Karloff strikes early on in the match, keeping the younger Cage down on the mat.  Karloff sends Cage into the turnbuckle and follows in with an avalanche and then a body slam.  Karloff moves to his corner and salutes the Russian flag.  He turns back to Cage and goes for the full nelson but Cage reverses it and catches Karloff with a German suplex.  Cage plays up to the crowd before going in and taking over the match.  The USPW National Champion is in complete control from this point.  Cage slips behind Karloff and locks his arm around his head.  He drops him with the Cage Rage, a diving reverse DDT.  Cage makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Roger Cage wins in 12:09!
    Roger Cage p. Krusher Karloff =59



    The Olympus Order Attacks
    Roger Cage picks up the win but he is immediately set upon by The Olympus Order.  Zeus locks Cage in the Olympian Clutch, his version of a camel clutch.  The crowd boos this assault.  Bash Street and Siale Valhalla put the boots to Cage wherever they can while the Olympian Clutch is locked in.  Zeus finally releases and moves around, having Bad Intentions hold Roger Cage up.  Zeus slaps Cage three times, telling him that he is the one that deserves the USPW National title.  Zeus grabs the National title belt and holds it up to boos from the crowd.  Zeus motions and Bash Street lifts Cage up and drops him with a Crucifix Powerbomb.  Cage is left laid out as The Olympus Order stands tall.



    It's Not Fair!
    We go backstage to the office of Jack Bruce.  Bruce is seated behind a desk and the door opens to reveal the USPW World Champion Rich Money.  Money yells at Bruce that it isn't fair that he has to put his money on the line in the match against Running Wolf.  Bruce says that Money was willing to put the money on the line before so Bruce just made it easier.  He reminds Money that he has plenty of money to go around.  He says that his decision is final.  Money says that both Jack Bruce and Running Wolf will pay for this before stomping off.  Bruce just smiles and laughs until we move to the ring.


    Match #5
    Sterling Whitlock vs. Grandmaster Phunk

    One member of The Business steps into action as Sterling Whitlock takes on Grandmaster Phunk.  Just as with the previous match, the match is mostly a brawl between these two wrestlers.  Whitlock brings the action outside the ring early on.  He sends Phunk into the barricade and then brings him over toward the announce table.  He uses his body to block the referee's vision and then grabs one of the cables from the cameras, choking Phunk with the cable for several seconds before releasing.  He brings the action back inside the ring.  Whitlock allows Phunk to get back in control for just a few moments before he takes back control.  Whitlock ends the bout with a leaping piledriver known as Whitlock's End.  Whitlock makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Sterling Whitlock wins at 7:31!
    Sterling Whitlock p. Grandmaster Phunk =59





    Match #6
    Joss Thompson vs. Nicky Champion

    It's time for our main event of the night where 'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson takes on Nicky 'Hawkeye' Champion.  The two men meet in the center of the ring, locking up and Champion getting a headlock.  Thompson grabs Champion by the hair, pulling him back against the ropes.  He shoots Champion off and then takes him down with a shoulderblock.  Thompson flexes his muscles over Champion, drawing boos from the crowd.  Champion uses his legs to trip Thompson to the mat and the two begin a wild brawl in the middle of the ring.  The two men get to their feet and Champion bounces off the ropes.  He leaps with a cross body but gets caught by Thompson and flipped over into a powerslam.  Thompson yanks up Champion and chokes him on the middle rope.  He drives a knee into the back of Champion until reaching the four count.  Thompson releases and lifts up Champion, running his eyes across the top rope.  Thompson maintains control for several long minutes.  He sets up Champion for the Clean Cutter nearing the ten minute mark but Champion elbows his way out.  The two men take each other down with a clothesline.

    Both men are down on the mat.  They are slow to reach their feet.  Nicky Champion stands up first and moves over, driving a few knuckle sandwiches to Joss Thompson.  Champion Irish whips Thompson into a corner.  He climbs in and begins raising down punches.  You guessed it, he reaches ten.  Champion drops back down and then takes Thompson down with a snap suplex.  Champion gets the crowd involved by clapping his hands.  He waits for Thompson to get to his knees and then grabs Thompson, pulling him in.  Champion lands the Hawkeye Hammer, a double underhook facebuster.  Champion rolls Thompson onto his back and makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Nicky Champion picks up the win at 15:24!
    Nicky Champion p. Joss Thompson =84



    Freeway Attack
    Nicky Champion just picked up the victory and gets his arm raised.  The video screen lights up with Steve Frehley standing in the parking lot.  Frehley challenges Champion to meet him out there and fight him.  Champion quickly exits the ring and the cameras follow him as he moves through the backstage area.  The fans at home get a commercial as Champion moves to the parking lot.  We get back just as Champion enters the parking lot.  Champion and Frehley begin brawling near all the cars.  Frehley tosses Champion over a car.  Frehley climbs up and does a body slam of Champion on top of the car!  He tosses Champion down on the ground and joins him.  Frehley moves to a car and gets inside.  He starts the car and aims it right toward Nicky Champion.  Frehley hits the gas and the car speeds toward Champion.  Nicky Champion moves at the last moment, avoiding a hit and run.  Frehley speeds away, while Champion watches him.  The show comes to an end with the announcers shocked at what almost happened.

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    Predictions List:

    Rick Law vs. Jacob Jett

    Jack Jackson vs. The Force

    USPW Women's Title Match
    Jaime Quine defends vs. Sara Marie

    Non-Title Match
    Krusher Karloff vs. Roger Cage

    Sterling Whitlock vs. Grandmaster Phunk

    Joss Thompson vs. Nicky Champion

    Comments On Diary In General: 

    TAGS: @USPW – #AmericanWrestling – #WhereSuperstarsAreMade – #ThompsonvChampion

    © 2020 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of USPW

  5. Wednesday Week 2 January 2020

    USPW American Wrestling



    A Big Money Offer
    This week's American Wrestling begins with the arrival of the USPW World Champion Rich Money.  Money has the belt around his waist and is carrying a large metal briefcase.  He reaches the ring and talks about his new number one contender.  He says that Running Wolf has gone through everything to get this title shot.  With that, he invites Running Wolf down to the ring.  Wolf comes down slowly, always watching out for the arrival of members of The Business.  Money holds the ring ropes open for him and Wolf steps inside.  When they both reach the center of the ring, Money holds up the briefcase, letting Wolf hold it.  He puts in a combination for the lock and opens it, revealing quite a lot of money inside.  Bricks of hundred dollar bills can be seen.  Money tells Wolf that all of this money, one hundred thousand dollars, can be his if he makes the wise decision and lays down on the mat for Money.  Wolf drops the briefcase and Money quickly picks it up, closing it and locking it up.  Wolf says that his people don't believe in money.  They believe in sharing the environment.  So, no, he does not accept the bribe.  Money just laughs and says the offer still stands and for Wolf to think about it.  Money takes the briefcase and walks off, while Wolf stands there.  Wolf walks off moments later, high fiving the fans.


    Match #1
    The Cold Warriors vs. The Dream Team

    The first match of the night features two tag teams looking to increase their ranking in the tag team rankings.  This is a brawling tag team encounter where both sides get their own advantage.  It is a back and forth encounter with Greg Black using some of his aerial techniques, actually catching Karloff with a flying headscissors and hitting Novak with a dropkick in the corner.  In the end, though, Black was caught and thrown with a body slam.  He is sent into a corner and Novak rushes in with an avalanche in the corner before throwing him out into a sidewalk slam by Karloff.  The move is known as Balance Of Power.  Novak makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  The Cold Warriors win in 9:42!
    The Cold Warriors p. The Dream Team =63


    A Texan Coming To USPW
    A music video begins to play with a country music theme in the background.  We are shown videos of Ricky Dale Johnson in the ring, taking down opponents with a leaping lariat, a falling side slam known as Southern Justice and an over shoulder backbreaker rush known as Texas Hold 'Em.  Once the moves are finished, RDJ is shown standing outside the ring.  He says that he is proud to be coming to bring his own southern style to USPW.  He says he's going to whip the competition and that's the bottom line.  RDJ cracks open a beer and begins drinking and we go to the ring.


    Match #2
    Juliette King vs. Sara Marie

    Our next match features two women who have been embroiled in a long-running feud.  That is 'Mama Bear' Juliette King and the bright-eyed Sara Marie.  These two don't seem to click in the ring and it shows in the choppiness of their wrestling.  Both women get the advantage back and forth throughout the contest with King using her brawling skills and Sara Marie using both technical and aerial skills.  During the match, the announcers talk about Ricky Dale Johnson's arrival in USPW.  Back in the ring, Sara Marie hits King with the Glittering Magician Knee known as Energy Burst.  She draws her into the middle of the ring and makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  A big win for Sara Marie at 5:56!
    Sara Marie p. Juliette King =60



    From the pages of USPW: The Magazine, we go to Update hosted by Danny Jillefski.  Jillefski talks about being on the road to Stars, Stripes And Slams.  He announces that the three members of the Triumverate, Alicia Strong and The Muscle Monsters will take on Sara Marie, Melody and Miss American Pie.  He sends us to a pre-recorded promo with Sara Marie, Melody and Miss American Pie.  MAP says that she is looking for revenge after what happened last week.  She is looking to get in the ring with Alicia Strong in particular.  Sara Marie just promises a good match.  She says that The Triumverate can try to keep them down but she will always have a smile on her face.  Melody says she is going to make them treble in fear.  She says her Melody Maker will bring down Alicia Strong.  She says she is going to make beautiful music in the ring.  With that, we go to the ring for our first hour main event.


    Match #3
    Funky Fedora vs. Enygma

    The first hour main event features the youngster Funky Fedora taking on the mysterious Enygma.  The match begins in the center of the ring with a lockup and Fedora pushes Enygma back into a corner.  Fedora manages a clean break but does a little hip swivel in front of Enygma and a smile.  Enygma shoves Fedora and they go back into a lockup.  Enygma locks on a headlock but Fedora brings him to the ropes.  Fedora shoots Enygma off to the other side and Enygma comes back with a running shoulderblock that sends Fedora out of the ring.  Fedora gets up and begins pacing outside, using all of a nine count before getting back in the ring.  Enygma and Fedora get into it again in the center of the ring and Fedora takes control.  Fedora locks Enygma into an armbar down on the mat.  Enygma is quick to get to his feet but Fedora pokes Enygma in the eyes.  Fedora brings Enygma over to the ropes and lays his head across the middle rope.  Fedora bounces off the ropes and comes down seated on the back of the neck.  Fedora continues his control for the next several minutes.  He does a little strut in the center of the ring before body slamming Enygma.  He heads for the top turnbuckle.  Fedora leaps with the Top Rope Knee Drop but Enygma moves and Fedora crashes knee-first into the mat.

    Enygma has the crowd behind him and gets into control around the ten minute mark.  He goes right after the injured leg of Funky Fedora.  He brings the leg over to the bottom rope and then leaps, landing with a seated senton on the leg.  Enygma mocks Fedora with a strut before continuing his control.  Enygma lifts up Fedora in the center of the ring and catches him with the Enygmagiri Kick.  He makes a cover: One, Two, Kickout!  Fedora is still in this one and that means Enygma goes right back to work on the leg.  Enygma picks up the leg and drops it hard onto the mat.  Enygma looks to the crowd, who cheer him on.  Enygma grabs the leg of Fedora and locks in the Enygma Variation!  The scissored ankle lock is locked on in the center of the ring.  Fedora struggles, going to the ropes.  But he cannot make it there and is forced to submit.  Enygma picks up the win at 14:50!  But Funky Fedora definitely looked good in this match.
    Enygma d. Funky Fedora =65



    Baine Warns Enygma
    Enygma releases the hold and gets to his feet.  He gets his arm raised by the official but the lights flicker in the arena.  The video screen lights up to show The Demon From The Deep Tyson Baine.  Baine warns Enygma that his time is coming soon.  Baine says that the fires have been calling for Enygma and that soon they will be sated.  Enygma yells in the ring for Baine to come and join him right now.  Baine says that he will join Enygma in the ring at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  Baine tells Enygma that soon he will remember what the fires feel like and he will rest in flames.  Baine laughs a dark, evil laugh before the video screen turns off.  A shaken Enygma leaves the ring and walks to the back, only high fiving a few fans along the way.


    Hawkeye And Wolf
    To begin the second hour, we are taken backstage where Nicky Champion is talking to Running Wolf.  Champion says that they have a match tonight with Rich Money and Steve Frehley.  Champion says he trusts Running Wolf not to lay down for Rich Money at any time or for any amount of money.  Wolf says he would never disrespect their ancestors by laying down for someone who only cares about money.  Wolf says he will soon be the USPW World Champion and will give the fans a champion they can care about.  Wolf and Champion bump fists and we go to the ringside area.


    The Skull Arrives
    From the ringside area, we go to the crowd where we see the sudden arrival of Skull DeBones.  DeBones is standing within the audience with his trademark chains in one hand and a black baseball bat in the other.  DeBones is simply staring ahead without any focus whatsoever.  The announcers wonder what the veteran wrestler is doing in the audience here and Emily McQueen asks how he got those weapons past security.  DeBones says and does nothing but simply stare ahead as we go up to the ring for our next bout.


    Match #4
    Jillian Jarvis vs. Missy Masterson

    Our fourth match of the night features two female wrestlers.  'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis steps in the ring against the 'Miss Fit' Missy Masterson.  Both of them are pretty good wrestlers, though not quite completely over with the fans.  The announcers remind everyone of Jarvis's attack last week on Pariah and that she will meet Pariah at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  Jarvis quickly takes down Masterson with a series of vertical suplexes and then an exploder suplex into the corner.  Jarvis moves in and Masterson quickly rolls her into a small package, scoring only a two count.  An angry Jarvis gets up and lands a kick to the head of Masterson.  Jarvis Irish whips Masterson into a corner.  Jarvis follows in but Masterson hits her with a boot to the head.  Masterson exits the ring and quickly scales the top turnbuckle.  Masterson leaps and catches Jarvis with a double axehandle off the top.  Masterson gets the crowd involved and then sets up Jarvis for the Identity Crisis.  The handspring moonsault doesn't land, though, as Jarvis rolls out of the way.  Jarvis takes control and downs Masterson with a German suplex.  Jarvis yells at the crowd before turning her attention back to Masterson.  Jarvis quickly locks in the Lockdown Choke Sleeper, a DDT choke sleeper.  Masterson struggles in the hold but is forced to submit.  Jillian Jarvis picks up the win at 8:14!
    Jillian Jarvis d. Missy Masterson =63

    Coming Next Week



    Match #5
    Rajah vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

    Our penultimate match features a member of The Business in Rajah taking on Bulldozer Brandon Smith, who has been in a feud with Trent Shaffer lately.  These two have great chemistry and it shows in the match that is mostly dominated by The Bulldozer.  Smith is obviously a great brawler and he shows it in this match both in and out of the ring.  When the match goes out of the ring, Smith Irish whips Rajah into the barricade and follows it with a running clothesline that sends Rajah into the front row.  Smith brings Rajah over the barricade with a vertical suplex onto the thin mats at ringside.  The match moves back inside the ring and Smith hits Rajah with a series of three German suplexes.  Rajah tries to fight back but this is all Smith.  Smith catches Rajah with a Tombstone Piledriver in the center of the ring.  Smith makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Smith picks up the win at 5:32!
    Bulldozer Brandon Smith p. Rajah=78




    Attack And Save
    Post-Match, Trent Shaffer and Raven Robinson rush down to the ring.  Shaffer attacks Bulldozer Brandon Smith with a steel chair given to him by Robinson.  Shaffer hits Smith with the chair three straight times on his back.  He sets the chair down on the mat and gets Smith into position, looking like he might go for a curb stomp on the chair.  From the crowd, Skull DeBones comes marching through.  DeBones leaps the guardrail and enters the ring to the surprise of Shaffer.  Shaffer and Robinson quickly exit the ring as soon as DeBones enters the ring.  DeBones stands over the fallen body of the Bulldozer.  DeBones says nothing as he stares down Trent Shaffer.  Brock Cornish says that Skull DeBones was like a guardian angel for Bulldozer Brandon Smith on this night.



    Update Part 2
    From the pages of USPW: The Magazine, we bring you the second edition of Update hosted by Danny Jillefski.  Jillefski says that he has been told that he can break this big announcement tonight.  He says that next week on American Wrestling in Clover Fields we will have a brand new General Manager of USPW!  Jillefski says he cannot say who this person will be but it will definitely shake things up.  Speaking of next week, Jillefski reminds us that we will see Joss Thompson take on Nicky Champion in one on one action.  He sends us to a promo by Thompson.  Joss Thompson says that Nicky Champion is foolish for agreeing to step in the ring with him.  Thompson says that Champion may or may not be simply a name but the name of the Complete Package is not just a name.  Thompson says it's a way of life, of his life.  He says he will take down what's left of Nicky Champion after tonight and prove to the world that he is the better athlete.  Thompson poses and we go to the ring for our main event.


    Match #6
    Rich Money and Steve Frehley vs. Hawkeye & Wolf

    The main event is a tag team match pitting Rich Money and The Dark Destroyer Steve Frehley against Nicky Hawkeye Champion and Running Wolf.  Running Wolf and Rich Money start in the ring together.  Money makes a motion for Wolf to lay down for him.  After a moment, Wolf seems to do just that.  Wolf lays down on the mat and Money laughs, yelling that everybody's got a price for Rich Money.  Money gives a nonchalant cover, laying with his back on the chest of Wolf.  It gets a two count before Wolf flips Money's shoulders onto the mat for a two count of his own.  Both men get to their feet and Money shoves Wolf, calling him a fool.  The first few minutes of the match are back and forth with both sides getting the advantage.  Nicky Champion, though, is the first to play face-in-peril as he gets caught in the corner of Money and Frehley.  Frehley showcases his talent when he lifts Champion into a hanging vertical suplex position but then twists so that Champion is facing the opposite way and he throws Champion across the ring.  That would be the Frehley Suplex Throw.  The next several minutes are spent with Rich Money and Steve Frehley in complete control of Nicky Champion but they can't get him to stay down for a pin.  They almost get him to stay down when Frehley distracts the referee and Money strikes Champion with the briefcase.  The momentum shifts nearing the ten minute mark when Frehley goes for the Dark Destroyer Spear and Champion moves, sending Frehley shoulder-first through the turnbuckle to the ring post.  Champion crawls toward his corner and he manages to make the tag to the number one contender.

    Running Wolf comes in and goes after both Steve Frehley and Rich Money.  He winds up a punch, knocking both Frehley and Money down with those wind up punches.  Frehley tags in Money and it becomes a four way brawl between all four men.  Champion and Frehley brawl outside the ring and begin making their way to the backstage area, leaving Rich Money and Running Wolf in the ring.  Wolf gets the advantage and throws Money with a fallaway slam.  Wolf picks up the USPW World Champion and gets him into a corner.  Wolf climbs up and begins raining down punches.  He gets to nine before Money hits him with a low blow not seen by the official.  Wolf falls to the mat, crumpled up some by the pain.  Money catches Wolf with the Bank Roll, a side belly-to-belly suplex with a nice snap.  He makes the cover: One, Two, Shoulder Up!  The crowd explodes in cheers when Wolf gets the shoulder up.  Money gets up and stomps on Wolf before heading to the top turnbuckle.  Money leaps with the Dollars From Heaven, a frog splash, but Wolf gets his knees up and right into the ribs of Money.  Wolf pops up to his feet and lifts Money onto his shoulders -- Wolf Tamer!  The fireman's carry slam lands Money right in the center of the ring.  Wolf makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Hawkeye & Wolf win the match at 14:35!
    Hawkeye & Wolf p. Rich Money and Steve Frehley =88



    Not Quite Over
    A big victory for Running Wolf as he pins the USPW World Champion.  The video screen lights up showing Nicky Champion and Steve Frehley still brawling backstage.  Frehley takes Champion down with the Dark Destroyer Spear.  In the ring, Rich Money is recovering and attacks Wolf from behind, striking him with a chopblock to the knee.  Sterling Whitlock hits the ring and helps Money attack Wolf.  The two men beat down the number one contender as the crowd boos.  Whitlock lays Wolf out in the ring and Money heads for the top turnbuckle.  Money leaps and this time he connects with the Dollars From Heaven.  Money walks over and grabs the briefcase and turns back to Wolf.  Money brings the metal briefcase down on the face of Wolf before handing the briefcase over to Whitlock.  Money and Whitlock leave the ring as the show comes to a close.  We'll see you next week!

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    Predictions List:

    Shane Douglas vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

    Big Bubba Rogers vs. Ricky Morton

    Tully Blanchard vs. Ric Flair

    Sabu vs. Al Snow

    The Iron Sheik vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

    Roddy Piper vs. Randy Savage

    Comments On Diary In General: 

    TAGS: @WCW – #MondayNitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #FirstTimeMatch

    © 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW

  7. Saturday Week 2 November 1995

    WCW Saturday Night

    Highlights From Monday Nitro
    A video plays showing highlights from Monday Nitro, including Sting defeating The Giant, Randy Savage and Roddy Piper agreeing to a match and Ric Flair and Rey Misterio Jr. standing tall.

    Match #1
    In a good match, Road Warrior Hawk(64) and Scott Steiner(68) defeated Blue Bloods(Regal-72, Eaton-60) in 10:11 when Scott Steiner pinned Lord Steven Regal...70

    Stunning Return
    Gene Okerlund discusses the WCW hotline before welcoming back Steve Austin to the interview area.  Okerlund asks Austin about his return and Austin says he is no longer the stunning man he used to be.  He says that he is going back to his Texas roots and becoming more like a Texas rattlesnake.  He says that the wrestlers will never know when he is going to strike.  Austin says he might be coming after Diamond Dallas Page and the WCW World Television title.  And that's the bottom line.

    Match #2
    In a decent match, The Barbarian(47) defeated Brad Armstrong(56) in 6:25 by pinfall with a Kick of Fear...57

    What A Rush
    Gene Okerlund welcomes Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner to the interview.  Okerlund asks them about Harlem Heat.  Hawk says that he is stepping up to the side of Scott Steiner because both of them know what it's like to lose a partner.  S. Steiner warns Harlem Heat that these are two of the best tag team wrestlers in the business.  S. Steiner challenges Harlem Heat to a match at World War 3.  Hawk warns them that oh it's gonna be what a rush.

    Match #3
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, V.K. Wallstreet(46) defeated Disco Inferno(41) in 5:55 by pinfall with a Flying Lariat...50

    The Snake
    A dark room shows an unknown man.  He talks about the snake tempting Eve just as how he is tempting Ultimate Warrior to find him.  He warns Warrior that when you find a snake, he usually strikes and kills what he wants to kill.  He laughs and says that Warrior needs to keep away from him.  Trust me.

    Match #4
    In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Ric Flair(93) defeated Matt Borne(49) in 10:48 by submission with a Figure-Four Leg Lock...85

    Two Four Horsemen?  Nah!
    Having picked up the victory, Ric Flair celebrates in the ring.  His celebration is interrupted by Tully Blanchard, who comes out to the ring.  Blanchard says he's not there for a fight.  He is just there to remind Flair who he is and what he can do.  He says that Flair should not be competing against the Four Horsemen but be a part of them.  Flair says he will be a part of The Horsemen this Monday night.  Blanchard says he gave Flair a chance, smirks and walks out of the ring.  Flair continues to celebrate as the show comes to an end.

    • Like 1
  8. Monday Week 2 November 1995



    Hulk Hogan Returns!
    He's American Made!  This edition of WCW Monday Nitro begins with the arrival of the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan!  The crowd cheers for Hogan as he walks out and enters the ring.  Hogan cups his ear and draws cheers from the crowd.  The fans here at the Five Season's Center seem happy to see Hulk Hogan back in a WCW ring.  Hogan says that he suffered through some pain at Halloween Havoc, brother.  But you know what?  He was the winner, dudes.  He still has the WCW World Heavyweight title belt.  He says that the power of Hulkamania is still standing, brother.  He cups his ear to the crowd again.


    Then come the boos as we have the arrival of The Taskmaster and The Giant.  The Taskmaster and The Giant stay at ringside but The Taskmaster says that he wants another shot for his giant.  Hulk Hogan pauses for a moment and then says he'll grant The Giant a match at World War 3 but with the following stipulation: if The Giant loses, this is the last title shot for The Giant while Hogan is still the World Champion.  The Giant roars and then agrees to the stipulation because he is going to win the title in their next bout.  Hogan celebrates with the crowd, posing in the ring before exiting.  He walks past The Giant and heads to the back.  The Giant walks off next, while The Taskmaster remains at ringside.


    Match #1
    Zodiac (w/The Taskmaster) vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

    Our opening contest features Zodiac from The Dungeon of Doom against Rey Misterio Jr., a possible future member of the Four Horsemen.  It is Zodiac's unpredictable nature going up against the speed and agility of Rey Misterio, Jr..  Zodiac takes an early advantage on the smaller man, striking him with a running high knee to the back.  This sends Misterio out of the ring.  Zodiac gets the referee's attention and The Taskmaster catches Misterio with a kneelift and then rams him into the apron before sending him back inside the ring.  Zodiac moves in to Misterio, picking him up and setting him on the top turnbuckle.  He sets up for a Superplex but Misterio blocks it.  Misterio blocks it twice before shoving Zodiac off the top turnbuckle to the mat.  Misterio leaps, catching Zodiac with a flying cross body.  He scores a two count off that.  Misterio gets the crowd behind him.  He bounces off the ropes and catches Zodiac with a wheelbarrow bodyscissors.  He pops up and hits the DDT.  Misterio continues in control throughout the rest of the match.  He catches Zodiac with a Springboard Hurricanrana into a pinfall: One, Two, Three!  Rey Misterio, Jr. wins the match at 9:33!
    Rey Misterio Jr. p. Zodiac =67



    Who Should Get The Horsemen?
    We go to the backstage area where we see Arn Anderson turn a corner and walk right into Ric Flair.  Anderson clearly gets upset, telling Flair that he brought back the Horsemen and that Flair needs to step away.  Flair says there cannot be a Four Horsemen without Ric Flair.  He says that he will be introducing his three other wrestlers next week on Nitro.  Anderson says they will pale in comparison to his Four Horsemen.  Flair says he doesn't think so but then gets dropped from behind by Shane Douglas.  Douglas picks up Flair and hits the Franchiser.  Douglas looks down at Flair and spits on him before he walks away with Arn Anderson.


    Match #2
    Shane Douglas vs. Brian Knobbs

    Our second match of the night features The Extreme Franchise Shane Douglas against one of the Nasty Boys Brian Knobbs.  The match is dominated by the Extreme Franchise.  Douglas catches Knobbs with a running neckbreaker early on but only gets a one count.  Douglas sends Knobbs to the ropes and then catches him with a scoop powerslam.  Douglas plays to the crowd, drawing some boos.  He raises up four fingers and then picks up Knobbs.  He plants Knobbs on the mat with the side belly to belly suplex.  He says he's not done, though.  He picks up Knobbs and hits the Franchiser.  Douglas makes a lackluster cover: One, Two, Three!  Shane Douglas wins the match at 5:47!
    Shane Douglas p. Brian Knobbs =50


    A Snake
    A dark room is shown.  By the very dim light in the background, a person can be seen seated in a rocking chair in the middle of the room.  The unknown person begins talking about the first sin.  He says that Adam and Eve were tempted by a snake and it led to their downfall.  He says that the Ultimate Warrior and Renegade Warrior were tempted by a snake.  They failed to fight back and that was their downfall.  The man says that he is here to tempt the Ultimate Warrior.  He is the snake in the Ultimate Warrior's garden.  He says that the two of them will fall by his side and fall in line with him.  He laughs and says 'Trust me.'  With that, he falls silent and we go to the ring.


    Match #3
    Earl Robert Eaton vs. Lex Luger

    Our first hour main event features Earl Robert Eaton stepping in the ring with the Total Package Lex Luger.  The announcers spend some time talking about what happened between Luger and Vader at Halloween Havoc.  Two veterans of the ring collide in this match that is a back and forth contest.  Eaton has been on a losing streak lately and he is looking to change that with this match.  Eaton manages to catch Luger with a swinging neckbreaker early on to score a two count.  Eaton stands up and bows to boos from the crowd.  Eaton picks up Luger and sends him back in a corner.  Eaton meets Luger in the corner and throws a few punches with his right hand and then a hard left.  Eaton whips Luger across the ring -- reversed by Luger!  Eaton smashes into the turnbuckle, bouncing out.  Luger catches him with a clothesline as he bounces out.  Luger takes control of the bout and despite a few bursts of momentum by Eaton the match is mostly Luger in control.  The end comes when Luger sends Eaton to the ropes and hits the powerslam.  He stands up and makes the sign for the Human Torture Rack.  He picks up Eaton and lifts him in the Rack.  Eaton struggles but is forced to submit!  Lex Luger wins in 12:06.
    Lex Luger d. Earl Robert Eaton =80


    Open Challenge Accepted
    At the end of the first hour, Lex Luger celebrates his victory.  He asks for and receives a microphone.  Luger says that he is the one who accepted the open challenge issued by Vader on WCW Saturday Night.  Luger promises that he is going to win back the United States title.  He reminds everyone that he is the top wrestler in this company because he has the fans behind him.  Luger says he's back and he's stronger than ever.  He says that no official is going to stop the match this time.  Instead, he is going to walk away as the United States Champion.  Luger flips the microphone to the ground and exits the ring, high fiving the fans on his way to the back.




    Macho Man Interrupted
    At the top of the ramp, Gene Okerlund is standing by.  He reminds everyone to call the WCW Hotline.  He says he has the latest scoops on not just World Championship Wrestling but on the wrestling world in general.  Okerlund brings out his guest, Randy Savage.  The Macho Man walks out from the back to cheers from the fans here at the Five Season's Center.  To begin things, Randy Savage announces that he will be taking part in the World War 3 battle royal.  He says that this will be the opportunity of a lifetime to face Hulk Hogan at Starrcade for the WCW World Heavyweight title.  Savage says that it will be Hogan because Hogan is going to beat The Giant at World War 3.  Savage's words are interrupted by the playing of bagpipes and the arrival of Roddy Piper.  Piper joins Savage at the top of the ramp.  Savage immediately asks Piper what he wants.  Piper laughs and says that it's a real joke if Savage thinks he's going to win the battle royal.  Piper says that he and Savage have been around for a long time but they've never fought inside a WCW ring.  Piper challenges Savage to meet him on WCW Monday Nitro next week.  Savage says he's never backed down from a challenge and he's not backing down from this one.  Piper slaps Savage but Savage shoves Piper to the ground.  Savage turns and walks off while an angry Piper yells at Savage that he's going to pay for that next week.


    Match #4
    WCW World Television Title Match
    10 Minute Time Limit
    Diamond Dallas Page (w/Diamond Doll and Maxx Muscle) defends vs. Disco Inferno

    The WCW World Television title is on the line as Diamond Dallas Page takes on Disco Inferno.  Inferno does a little dancing at the beginning of the match but the dance is over when DDP throws a straight right hand.  The match is mostly dominated by DDP, who sends Inferno to the ropes and catches him with a tilt-a-whirl suplex.  DDP plays to the crowd, who boo him in return.  DDP lifts Inferno up and catches him with a gutwrench into a gutbuster.  DDP throws up the signal for the Diamond Cutter.  He picks up Inferno and lifts Inferno on his shoulders -- Diamond Cutter!  DDP makes the nonchalant cover: One, Two, Three!  Another successful title defense by Diamond Dallas Page in 8:35.
    Diamond Dallas Page p. Disco Inferno =55


    Mortis And Wrath
    A video begins to play showcasing two men in a Mortal Kombat style fight.  A lot of martial arts techniques are shown by the two as they go back and forth.  One of those men is the man named Mortis.  The other is an unknown wrestler.  Mortis finishes the other man with the Flatliner.  A larger man walks in and introduces himself as Wrath.  Mortis and Wrath bow to each other and a voiceover lets us know that Mortis and Wrath are coming soon to WCW.


    New Member Of The Dungeon Of Doom
    Another video begins to play.  This one takes place in the deep, dark jungles.  The Taskmaster is shown walking through the jungles with the animals bowing out of his way as he walks.  The Taskmaster enters a hidden cave where drawings of a large man can be seen.  The man steps forward and slowly bows to The Taskmaster.  The Taskmaster welcomes The Barbarian to the Dungeon of Doom.  The Barbarian rises up and The Taskmaster takes his hand.  The two of them walk from the cave and The Taskmaster says they need him right now.  As The Taskmaster and The Barbarian walk through the jungle, we go to the ring.


    Match #5
    Paul Roma (w/Woman) vs. Ric Flair

    Pretty Paul Roma, a former member of the Horsemen, along with Woman takes on 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair.  Roma walks up to Flair and says he should be back in the Horsemen.  Flair responds that he wouldn't make that mistake again.  Roma gets offended and slaps Flair.  Flair grabs Roma and brings him back in the corner, hitting a knife-edge chop on Roma's chest again and again.  Roma finally staggers out of the corner and Flair hits a chop block on the back of Roma's knee.  Roma drops down and grabs his foot in pain.  We'd find out later on that he suffered a dislocated toe when he came down to the mat.  Flair grabs Roma by the foot and drags his leg across the bottom rope.  Flair leaps and hits a seated senton on the leg.  Roma grabs his leg in pain, calling out.  Flair pulls Roma up and goes for the shinbreaker but Roma manages to flip free of Flair.  Roma lands on his right leg, instead of his injured left leg.  Roma throws a few punches and then sends Flair to the ropes.  Roma hits the standing dropkick, which is just about perfection from Roma.  Roma grabs his left leg in pain.  The match moves forward with Roma in control.  He works to wear down Flair before locking in a reverse chinlock.  The referee checks Flair's arm once, twice but a third time Flair's arm comes up.  Flair pulls himself to his feet and takes down Roma with a belly-to-back suplex.  Flair draws in some cheers from the crowd as he gets to his feet and goes to work on the left leg of Roma.  Flair lifts Roma and hits the shinbreaker.  He grabs the legs of Roma and locks in the Figure Four Leglock!  Roma struggles in the hold but is eventually forced to submit.  Ric Flair wins in 11:54.
    Ric Flair d. Paul Roma =62



    Brawl Of The Horsemen
    Following the sound of the bell, Shane Douglas rushes in from the back.  He enters the ring as Ric Flair breaks the Figure Four.  Douglas drops down and begins throwing punches to Flair.  Flair tries to cover up but Douglas is relentless.  Douglas picks up Flair and sends him to the turnbuckle.  Flair flips up and over the turnbuckles, landing on the apron.  He runs across and climbs the turnbuckle but he gets shoved off by an arriving Brian Pillman!  Pillman moves in the ring and he joins Douglas in putting the boots to Flair.  Here comes Rey Misterio, Jr.!  Misterio rushes to the ring and springboards off the top turnbuckle, putting Pillman down with a flying headscissors.  Misterio ducks a clothesline attempt by Douglas and goes into a wheelbarrow bodyscissors.  He reverses that into a bulldog.  Douglas and Pillman roll out of the ring as Misterio helps Flair to his feet.  Rey Misterio, Jr. and Ric Flair stand tall in the ring.

    World War 3 Hype
    A video begins to play hyping the upcoming World War 3 pay-per-view.  Confirmed for the pay-per-view are Hulk Hogan defending the WCW World Heavyweight title against The Giant, Vader defends the WCW United States title against Lex Luger and the World War 3 battle royal.  Wrestlers confirmed for the battle royal are top wrestlers like Randy Savage, Roddy Piper and Ric Flair.  The winner of this battle royal will meet the WCW World Heavyweight Champion at Starrcade.  Make sure you call your local cable providers and tell them that you want World War 3!


    Match #6
    The Giant (w/The Taskmaster) vs. Sting

    It's main event time and what a main event we have for you this week as The Giant, along with The Taskmaster in his corner, takes on the man called Sting.  Sting goes into immediate attack mode on The Giant.  He leaps into action, throwing punches and clotheslines.  He knocks The Giant back in the corner and then bounces off the opposite corner.  He rushes in with a Stinger Splash but The Giant moves and Sting hits the ring post over top of the turnbuckle.  Sting staggers in the ring and The Giant picks him up and body slams him to the mat.  The Giant gains control of the match, picking up Sting and tossing him in the corner.  The Giant rushes Sting with a corner avalanche.  Sting staggers out of the corner and is brought down with a dropkick by The Giant.  The announcers are definitely impressed by that move by the large giant.  The Giant picks up Sting and drops him down with a headbutt.  The Giant tosses Sting out of the ring and then gets the attention of the referee.  The Taskmaster rushes in, hitting Sting with a running knee to the chin and then tosses Sting back in the ring.  The Giant makes a cover: One, Two, Sting gets his foot on the bottom rope.  The crowd cheers as Sting still seems to have some left in him.

    Moving forward to around the ten minute mark, The Giant maintains control but seems to be slowing down.  Sting is surviving the onslaught until The Giant grabs him by the throat.  The Giant lifts Sting in the air but Sting reverses it into a DDT on The Giant!  Sting has The Giant on the mat!  The referee begins to make a count on both men.  Sting is the first to get to his feet.  Sting helps The Giant up and backs him into a corner.  Sting climbs up and begins raining down punches on The Giant!  He gets to ten and then Irish whips The Giant across the ring.  Sting rushes in and catches The Giant with the Stinger Splash!  He hits two more and The Giant goes down to a knee.  Sting releases a howl.  He goes to bounce off the ropes and The Taskmaster strikes him with a steel chair through the ropes.  The referee sees this and immediate calls for the bell.  Sting wins by disqualification at 14:46!
    Sting d. The Giant =84



    Hogan With The Save
    The bell has sounded but The Giant doesn't seem to care.  The Giant grabs Sting by the throat and lifts him up, dropping him with a devastating Choke Slam!  Sting is dropped hard on the mat.  The Taskmaster slides in the ring and motions for The Giant to give Sting another Choke Slam.  Before this can happen, here comes Hulk Hogan!  Hogan has a steel chair in hand and he slides into the ring.  Hogan hits The Taskmaster with the chair and then strikes The Giant over and over again.  The Giant tries to block it but Hogan's hits get through.  Hogan strikes The Giant with a clothesline, sending him over the top rope.  Hulk Hogan stands over Sting, protecting him.  He stares down The Giant as the show comes to an end.

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    Predictions List:

    The Cold Warriors vs. The Dream Team

    Juliette King vs. Sara Marie

    Funky Fedora vs. Enygma

    Jillian Jarvis vs. Missy Masterson

    Rajah vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

    Rich Money and Steve Frehley vs. Hawkeye & Wolf

    Comments On Diary In General: 

    TAGS: @USPW – #AmericanWrestling – #WhereSuperstarsAreMade – #MoneyFrehleyvHawkeyeandWolf

    © 2020 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of USPW

  10. Wednesday Week 1 January 2020

    USPW American Wrestling



    He Won't Go Away
    USPW American Wrestling kicks off 2020 with the arrival of Nicky Champion down to the ring.  The popular Champion high fives the fans along his way to the ring.  He steps inside and gets on the microphone.  He talks about how 2020 is going to be a new year but that he still has one more foe to deal with.  He says he will be finishing things with Steve Frehley at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  Champion says he should have gotten finished with him last Saturday but they ended up in a draw.  But that won't happen this month.  He says he will have Frehley finished this month.  Champion's words are interrupted by the arrival of Steve Frehley, who joins Champion in the ring.  Frehley says that they have continued to fight and it won't be the last time they fight at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  Frehley says he won't be going away.  He will always be in Champion's head.  Frehley says he likes to talk trash and that he is the best at it.  But he's better at kicking butt.  He proves this by going right after the knee of Champion, dropping him with a straight kick to the right knee.  The announcers remind us that Champion's knee was the subject of an attack last Saturday.  Frehley grabs Champion and brings him to a corner.  He bangs Champion's knee against the ring post time and time again until officials come out and break things up.  Champion is in obvious pain and has to be stretchered out.  The announcers say that he is being taken to a local medical facility.


    Match #1
    Joss Thompson vs. Andre Jones

    The very first match of 2020 on American Wrestling features former USPW World Champion The Complete Package Joss Thompson against Da Phreak Andre Jones.  Jones came down with his volleyball, as always.  Thompson shows a good mix of brawling and technical skills in this match as he dominates the early going.  Thompson is always good for a fast start but Jones manages to weather the storm.  Jones has been featured in 11 years of USPW and he shows why when he manages to take down Thompson with a big body slam.  Jones heads to the top turnbuckle and leaps but Thompson moves out of the way.  Jones lands hard on the mat.  Thompson moves in quickly and strikes with the spinning back suplex bomb known as the Clean Cutter.  Thompson keeps his legs over the shoulders of Jones: One, Two, Three!  Joss Thompson wins this match in 12:24.
    Joss Thompson p. Andre Jones =78



    From the ring and from the pages of USPW: The Magazine, we present to you Update hosted by Danny Jillefski.  Jillefski talks about what happened to Nicky Champion earlier tonight.  He says that he only knows that Champion is being treated at the local medical facility.  But, hopefully, they will get an answer on his recovery before the end of the show.  He talks about how Stars, Stripes And Slams is coming up at the end of the month and says we will see a very special return.  He sends us to a promo by the returning superstar.  That superstar is The Demon From The Deep Tyson Baine.  Baine says that he is returning to face his long-time archrival in Enygma.  He says that Enygma knows very well what the flames desire.  He says the flames desire destruction and that is what he shall bring them when he steps in the ring with Enygma.  Baine says that Enygma shall rest in fire.  Baine gets a look in his eyes and flames appear before the camera before we go to the ring.


    Match #2
    The Business(Rajah and Sterling Whitlock) vs. Natural Storm

    Two members of The Business team up on this night, Rajah and Sterling Whitlock, against experienced tag team and former six time USPW World Tag Team Champions Natural Storm.  This was a rather quick tag team match that saw Natural Storm take complete control throughout the contest.  The Storm D.C. Rayne and The Natural Eddie Howard used quick tags in and out to keep a fresh man in the ring.  In the end, it was Sterling Whitlock that was taken down with the high velocity swinging neckbreaker known as Storm Damage.  Rayne makes a cover: One, Two, Three!  Natural Storm pick up the win at 5:46.
    Natural Storm p. The Business =65



    Stars, Stripes And Slams Control Center
    Next, we go to Lionel Greenwood and the Stars, Stripes And Slams Control Center.  Greenwood announces that Rich Money will defend the USPW World title against the number one contender, Running Wolf.  He reminds everyone that Wolf earned this contest last Saturday as he ran through the gauntlet of The Business.  With that, he sends us to a promo featuring Running Wolf.  Wolf stands within the forest, walking up and down for a moment before looking at the camera.  He says that he earned this number one contendership by being the best and beating some of the best.  He says he will continue to prove himself to the world and prove that he deserves to be the next USPW World Champion.  Wolf promises to give the fans a World Champion that they can be proud of.  He releases a loud war cry and says he is now on the war path to take on Rich Money at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  With that, he releases another war cry and we go back to the ring.


    Match #3
    Alicia Strong vs. Miss American Pie

    Our first hour main event features two veterans of the company.  Alicia Strong has been with USPW for 12 years, while Miss American Pie has been here for seven years.  This is more of a close contest than some might have thought.  Miss American Pie shows some brawling and technical skill in this contest.  At one point, she takes down Strong with a vertical suplex and then throws her headband into the crowd for a lucky fan.  MAP picks up Strong and backs her into the corner, climbing up and throwing punches as the crowd counts along.  When she gets to ten, she brings Strong down with a monkey flip.  MAP chases Strong outside the ring.  When Strong returns to the ring, she quickly stomps on the returning MAP.  Strong picks up MAP and throws her with an exploder suplex.  Strong makes the cover and gets a two count.

    Moving forward to about ten minutes in and Alicia Strong has been wearing down Miss American Pie with the use of both technical and high flying abilities.  Strong breaks out the flying headscissors, sending MAP flying through the air.  Strong yells at the crowd, drawing boos from this audience at The Dust Bowl.  Strong sets up MAP for the Angel Driver but MAP manages to counter into an arm drag.  MAP hits a dropkick and both women lie on the mat for several seconds.  Both women are slow to get to their feet.  They meet in the center of the ring and exchange punches until Strong rakes the face of MAP.  The leader of The Triumverate catches MAP with a boot to the gut and then bounces off the ropes, catching MAP with the Strong Arm Tactic.  That is her version of a hooked lariat.  Strong makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Alicia Strong wins in 15:04!
    Alicia Strong p. Miss American Pie =72



    Attack And Save
    Following the victory, Alicia Strong gets to her feet.  She gives a stomp down on Miss American Pie, drawing boos from the crowd.  Strong goes to her corner and gets a can of spray paint.  She shakes it up as she circles MAP.  Before she can do any damage, though, here come Sara Marie and Melody!  The two ladies leap into the ring and Strong takes off out of the ring.  Strong looks annoyed at being stopped by her two rivals.  She circles the ring and then backs off, headed for the back.  Sara Marie and Melody check on Miss American Pie, helping her to her feet.  The three ladies exit the ring and high five the fans on their way to the back.


    USPW Women's Title
    The beginning of the second hour continues our venture into the Women's division with the arrival of USPW Women's Champion Jaime Quine.  Quine is taking selfies all the way down to the ring before she steps inside.  She takes one more before taking the microphone.  Quine talks about the fact that she will not be defending her USPW Women's title at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  Why?  Because there are no female wrestlers worthy of stepping into the ring with her beauty.  She takes another selfie and says she will be keeping this USPW Women's title until she decides to retire because of how wonderful it looks over her shoulder and around her waist.



    Jaime Quine is interrupted by the arrival of Pariah, who walks down to the ring.  Pariah enters the ring and talks about the fact that she has been overlooked since she arrived in this company.  She says she knows she has a past but that everyone has a past.  She says she doesn't need anyone else around her except the fans who know her talent.  She challenges Jaime Quine to put the title on the line against her.  Quine laughs and says Pariah will be busy with someone else at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  As if on cue, Jillian Jarvis attacks Pariah from behind.  Jarvis locks on the Lockdown Choke Sleeper, dragging Pariah to the mat.  Pariah struggles in the hold but eventually stops moving.  It is only then that Jarvis releases the hold.  Quine moves in and takes a selfie standing over the fallen Pariah.  Officials come in to help Pariah to the back.  Quine and Jarvis go to the back as well.


    Match #4
    Non-Title Match
    Mick Muscles vs. Roger Cage

    Our next match features a veteran former USPW World Champion Mick Muscles taking on the current USPW National Champion Roger 'Smooth' Cage in a non title affair.  This match is a brawl on the face of it and both men are looking to prove themselves in this contest.  Cage hits Muscles with three straight vertical suplexes.  He picks up the former bodybuilder from Vermont and brings him down with a standing dropkick.  Cage remains in control for almost the entire match.  The ending comes when Cage drops Muscles with a diving reverse DDT known as Cage Rage.  Cage makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Roger Cage wins the bout in 9:42.
    Roger Cage p. Mick Muscles =60


    It's Good To Be Rich (Money)
    In a video, we are taken to the luxurious home of the USPW World Champion Rich Money.  Money is seated on an expensive leather sofa with the USPW World title belt in his lap.  He looks into the camera.  He reminds everyone that he has been the World Champion since July of last year and that is because USPW is all about money.  He says that he runs things around here because he is the USPW World Champion.  He says he will be in the building next week to confront his new number one contender in Running Wolf.  Money says that he has a big money offer to make to Wolf that could change this man's life forever.  Money reminds everyone that everybody has a price for Rich Money.  He snaps his fingers and a butler walks in with a glass of lemonade on a tray.  Money laughs and we go to the ring.


    Match #5
    Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega) vs. Running Wolf

    Our semi main event features an up and coming wrestler in The Marksman Kirk Jameson against the number one contender to the USPW World title in Running Wolf.  Jameson comes out with his manager Maryam Vega in his corner.  But she doesn't factor into the result of the contest.  There is a time, though, when she does factor in.  Jameson leaves the ring and uses Vega as a human shield, keeping her between him and Running Wolf.  Jameson shoves Vega into Wolf and catches Wolf with a forearm shot, bringing him back into the ring.  Jameson is a technical marvel and works over the back of Running Wolf during the middle portion of the match.  The resilient Wolf, though, continues to fight.  Wolf is definitely a brawler and makes his comeback with knife-edge chops and tomahawk chops to Jameson.  He eventually lifts Jameson up on his shoulders and hits the Wolf Tamer, a fireman's carry slam.  Wolf makes the cover immediately: One, Two, Three!  Running Wolf gets the win at 6:29.
    Running Wolf p. Kirk Jameson =79




    USPW World Tag Team Titles
    In the interview area stands Belle Bryden.  She reminds the fans about the USPW magazine.  A new issue of the magazine should be hitting newsstands right now.  Then she brings out the USPW World Tag Team Champions Jacob Jett and Julius Moor along with their manager Persephone.  Persephone speaks up, stating that she has the best tag team in USPW right now.  She challenges any team to try to step up to the top of the mountain and face them at Stars, Stripes And Slams.  Rick Law and James Justice come out from the back.  Law reminds them how quickly those belts can change hands on one wrong move.  Justice reminds them that this team held those belts before and he says they are ready for another shot, dudes.  Jacob Jett immediately accepts on behalf of his team.  The four men stare each other down for several long, tense moments before handshakes are made all around.  With that, we go to the ring for our main event.


    Match #6
    Steve Frehley vs. Enygma

    That main event features two former USPW World Champions in 'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley and the masked man known as Enygma.  As anyone would expect, this match is a brawl from the beginning.  Enygma gets the advantage in the early minutes, using some speed to avoid Frehley's attack and counterpunch before focusing in on the ankle of The Dark Destroyer.  Enygma brings Frehley over to the ropes and places Frehley's ankle over the bottom rope.  He lifts for a seated senton but Frehley pops up, shoving Enygma over the top rope to the floor below.  Frehley exits the ring and rams Enygma against the barricade and then against the ring post.  Frehley brings the action back in the ring and he shows off his strength by lifting Enygma up with a delayed vertical suplex.  Frehley picks Enygma up off the mat and lifts him on his shoulder, dropping him with a running powerslam.  Frehley makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout!  During the bout, the announcers talk about the attack on Nicky Champion and how Champion has been checked out at the local medical facility.

    Moving forward to around nine to ten minutes into the bout and Steve Frehley has been in control.  Frehley goes for a sleeper, trying to wear down Enygma.  Enygma drops to his knees and then the crowd gets behind the mysterious masked wrestler.  Enygma fights to his feet and drops Frehley with a jawbreaker.  Enygma pushes his way up and catches Frehley with the Enygmagiri Kick but is unable to make a cover due to being worn out from the punishment he took earlier.  Enygma pushes himself up and meets Steve Frehley near a corner.  Enygma trips Frehley and locks in an ankle lock.  He's going for the Enygma Variation but Frehley is too near the ropes and Enygma has to break the hold due to a rope break.  Frehley pulls himself up and Enygma goes for another Enygmagiri Kick but Frehley avoids it.  He grabs Enygma and pulls him up on his shoulders -- Frehley's Comet!  The tornado face slam plants Enygma in the center of the ring.  Frehley crawls over and makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Steve Frehley wins in 14:38.
    Steve Frehley p. Enygma =78



    Out Of An Ambulance
    Steve Frehley gets his arm raised in victory on this night.  He gets to his feet and the video screen lights up to show the backstage area.  An ambulance is shown on the big screen.  The sounds of it backing up can be heard.  The cameras follow the ambulance until it shows up on the ramp.  Out from the back comes Nicky Champion!  He's limping but he's walking to the ring with fire in his eyes.  Steve Frehley meets him on the ramp and the two begin exchanging punches.  Champion is running on adrenaline as he picks up Frehley in a press slam and slams him down on the ramp.  Champion grabs his leg after a moment and then pulls Frehley up.  Frehley aims a kick square for the knee, making Champion's knee buckle and a grimace of pain shows over his face.  Frehley pulls Champion onto his shoulders, preparing for a Frehley's Comet.  Before he can hit the move, though, officials come running out.  They manage to pull Champion down off the shoulders and keep the two men separated.  The show comes to an end with the officials keeping them separated.

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    Predictions List:

    Joss Thompson vs. Andre Jones

    The Business (Rajah and Sterling Whitlock) vs. Natural Storm

    Alicia Strong vs. Miss American Pie

    Non-Title Match
    Mick Muscles vs. Roger Cage

    Kirk Jameson vs. Running Wolf

    Steve Frehley vs. Enygma

    Comments On Diary In General: 

    TAGS: @USPW – #AmericanWrestling – #WhereSuperstarsAreMade – #FrehleyvEnygma

    © 2020 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of USPW

  12. Why USPW Again?

    USPW has always been my first love when it comes to the Cornellverse.  I feel like I will always come back to it over any other Cornellverse promotion.  I know the wrestlers and have a feel for how I want to write these characters.  I hope that people enjoy the diary.

    How Far Ahead Are You?

    I am about three months ahead in the game.  I started this game as one for me to simply enjoy playing.  But I feel like it will make a great diary so here we are.

    Prediction Contest?

    Because I am so far ahead in the game, it will be difficult to run a prediction contest.  However, I will still put up predictions lists.  I hope that you will all continue to make those predictions and hopefully make comments within them.  I always enjoy reading your thoughts as the readers.

    Let's get it started...

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    Predictions List:

    Zodiac vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

    Shane Douglas vs. Brian Knobbs

    Earl Robert Eaton vs. Lex Luger

    WCW World Television Title Match
    10 Minute Time Limit
    Diamond Dallas Page defends vs. Disco Inferno

    Paul Roma vs. Ric Flair

    The Giant vs. Sting

    Comments On Diary In General: 

    TAGS: @WCW – #MondayNitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #GiantvSting

    © 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW

  14. Saturday Week 1 November 1995

    WCW Saturday Night

    Highlights From Monday Nitro
    In a video, highlights of Monday Nitro include the arrival of Roddy Piper, Ric Flair defeating Eddy Guerrero and more.

    The Family Starts
    In the interview area, Gene Okerlund interviews Jimmy Hart.  Jimmy Hart, again, complains that  left him behind.  Jimmy Hart says that The Family is returning and the first man in it is V.K. Wallstreet, who walks out.  Wallstreet says that The Family is now going to be run by the Computerized Man of America.  Wallstreet shakes hands with Jimmy Hart and the two walk off as we go to the ring.

    Match #1
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, The Demolishers(Axis-48, Smasher-44) defeated Bunkhouse Buck(28) and Dick Slater(48) in 6:48 when Axis The Demolisher pinned Bunkhouse Buck with a Demolisher Decapitation.

    Bunkhouse Buck was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance...48

    Studd Stable Challenge
    In the interview area, Gene Okerlund interviews Col. Robert Parker, alongside Vader and Big Bubba Rogers.  Col. Parker celebrates the victory by Vader over Lex Luger at Halloween Havoc.  Col. Parker says that Vader proves himself, once again, to be the man.  Col. Parker issues an open challenge for World War 3 for anyone who wants a shot at the United States title.  He will be waiting for the challenge on Monday Nitro.

    Match #2
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Scott Norton(45) defeated Al Snow(45) in 7:54 by pinfall with a Shoulder Breaker...52

    Head Goes Flying
    The match is over and Al Snow is left down. Scott Norton is celebrating, but then stops and sees his opponent still on the ground. He attacks, and beats him into the canvas.  Norton kicks Head into the crowd and hits Al Snow with another Shoulder Breaker.  Norton walks off while Al Snow crawls toward the crowd to try and get Head back.

    Real Four Horsemen?
    Arn Anderson gives a promo, talking about Ric Flair and his decision to create another Four Horsemen group.  Arn Anderson challenges Rey Misterio Jr. to meet him in a match at World War 3.

    Match #3
    In a decent match, Diamond Dallas Page(59) defeated Brad Armstrong(46) in 9:02 by pinfall with a Diamond Cutter. During the match we also had Maxx Muscle run in and attack Brad. Diamond Dallas Page makes defence number nine of the WCW World Television title...61

    DDP Celebration
    Having picked up the victory, Diamond Dallas Page celebrates in the ring with Maxx Muscle.  DDP says he is going to continue to defend this title each and every week on television.  He promises that more and more wrestlers will feel the bang

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  15. Monday Week 1 November 1995




    Celebrating The End of Hulkamania?
    The show begins with The Taskmaster and The Giant walking down toward the ring.  A split-screen shows highlights from the main event of Halloween Havoc.  We are shown The Giant choke slamming Hulk Hogan through the ring.  The announcers let us know that Hogan will not be in the building this week.  In the ring, The Taskmaster says that last night they saw the end of Hulkamania.  He says that they have a huge celebration here with The Dungeon Of Doom.  He laughs and says that he can finally say that Hulkamania is -- he is interrupted by the arrival of Sting.  Sting says that the demise of Hulkamania has been premature.  He says that he is here to say that next week will see the return of Hulk Hogan to the Five Season's Center in Cedar Rapids.  He then challenges The Giant to a match next week on Monday Nitro.  After a moment, The Taskmaster accepts the challenge and says that The Giant will put Sting in a hospital room beside Hulk Hogan.  Sting smiles and walks away.  The Taskmaster takes The Giant to the back before we go to our first match.


    Match #1
    Lord Steven Regal vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

    The opening bout is a mixture of technical skill against high flying skill.  The announcers talk about that this is the type of match you can expect from the X-Division.  The crowd is hot for this back and forth contest.  Regal brings the action down to the mat, focusing in on the both the arms and the legs of Misterio.  He throws Misterio with an Exploder suplex, scoring a two count.  He hits a tiger suplex to score another two count.  He goes for the Regal Stretch but Misterio manages to get to the ropes before it can be applied.  Regal pulls up Misterio and the high flyer catches Regal with a wheelbarrow into a bulldog.  Misterio gets the match sped up, sending Regal out of the ring.  Misterio bounces off the ropes and hits a baseball slide into a headscissors takedown.  Misterio brings Regal into the ring and finishes him off with a Springboard Hurricanrana into a pinfall: One, Two, Three!  Rey Misterio Jr. wins in 10:04.
    Rey Misterio Jr. d. Lord Steven Regal =79



    At the ramp, Gene Okerlund is standing by.  Okerlund welcomes to the ramp the newest tag team here in WCW, The Demolishers.  Okerlund welcomes them to WCW and then Axis takes the microphone.  Axis says that they are here to prove that they are the best tag team in the world.  He says that means taking the WCW World Tag Team titles from Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko.  Smasher says that they are going to smash the competition, including the champions and win the gold.  With all that being said, Okerlund sends us to the ring for our next match.


    Sitting In The Crowd Again
    Instead of going to the ring, though, we are taken to the crowd where we see Shawn Michaels, once again, sitting in the audience.  The WWF worker looks to the camera and smiles but does nothing more than that.  The announcers talk about the fact that he works for another promotion up north.  They wonder why he is here where the big boys play.  Without getting any answers, we go to the ring for our second bout.




    Match #2
    Tully & Arn vs. American Males

    This second bout is a tag team match pitting the team of Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson against American Males.  This match is dominated by Tully and Arn.  The two men take turns focusing on the arms of both Marcus Bagwell and Scotty Riggs.  As usual, Anderson picks a body part and stays with it throughout the match.  This time it's the right arm.  They keep Marcus Bagwell in the ring and on their side of the mat.  Blanchard catches Bagwell with a slingshot suplex and then sets him up for the Spiked Piledriver, tagging in Double A.  Arn Anderson climbs to the second turnbuckle and leaps down with the Spiked Piledriver.  Anderson locks Bagwell in an armbar and he is forced to submit, giving the win to Tully & Arn at 6:20.
    Tully & Arn d. American Males =68



    New Four Horsemen?
    Back at the ramp stands Gene Okerlund.  He is joined on both sides by Tully & Arn, Brian Pillman and Shane Douglas.  Okerlund asks Anderson about this new group.  Anderson declares that this is the new Four Horsemen unit here in WCW.  It is the first Four Horsemen unit without Ric Flair.  All four men hold up four fingers.  Douglas speaks up, saying the Extreme Franchise is headed right to the top alongside these three men.  Pillman laughs and says he's proud to be a member of the new Horsemen.  After the speech, Pillman walks toward the ring because his match is next.


    Match #3
    Brian Pillman vs. Scott Steiner

    It's time for our first hour main event where Brian Pillman steps in the ring with Scott Steiner.  The two men have good chemistry and it shows in this bout.  This is a solid back and forth contest with both men getting in a pretty good amount of offense.  When Steiner has the advantage, he throws Pillman with an overhead belly to belly suplex.  As soon as Pillman gets up, he gets laid out with the Steinerline.  Steiner gets the crowd involved before sending Pillman to the ropes.  He catches him with a tilt-a-whirl slam and gets a two count.  Steiner calls for the Frankensteiner and pulls up Pillman.  He sends Pillman to the ropes but Pillman grabs the top rope.  Steiner leaps and drops to the mat on his back.

    Brian Pillman moves in on Steiner, getting him to the corner and lacing his chest with chops.  He moves in and drops Steiner with the Tornado DDT.  He makes a cover and gets a two count.  Pillman picks up Steiner and locks in a seated abdominal stretch.  Steiner starts to fade in the submission hold but his arm only drops twice.  With the third, his arm remains up and he manages to throw Pillman to the mat.  Both of them slowly get to their feet.  Steiner meets Pillman in the middle of the ring with punches.  He sends Pillman to the ropes and Pillman comes back with a running dropkick on Steiner.  Pillman slides out to the apron, waiting for Steiner to get to his feet.  Steiner slowly gets up, staggering around.  Pillman leaps off the top rope with Air Pillman!  He connects and makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Brian Pillman picks up a victory at 16:31.
    Brian Pillman p. Scott Steiner =83



    New Tag Team?
    The match is over and Scott Steiner is down on the mat.  Here comes Harlem Heat!  Booker T and Stevie Ray slide in the ring and begin throwing punches to Steiner.  Booker motions to his brother and Stevie Ray lifts Scott Steiner up only for Booker to drop him with a Harlem Sidekick.  The crowd boos this attack.  But the cheers come when Road Warrior Hawk hits the ring!  Hawk takes down Booker T with a clothesline.  Stevie Ray goes in and begins brawling with Hawk.  Hawk manages to send Ray over the top rope to the floor.  Hawk turns his attention to Scott Steiner, helping him up.  He offers Steiner a handshake and Steiner accepts it after a moment.  The two men raise each other's arms and then walk off together.  Could we see a new tag team formed?


    Now A New Four Horsemen, Right?
    The second hour begins with the arrival of the Nature Boy Ric Flair.  A lot of 'Whoo's' fill the crowd with Flair in the ring.  Flair begins by asking them what's causing all this?  He says it's the Nature Boy and he's live right here in the Dee Events Center in Ogden, Utah.  He says there's a party going on tonight in Utah and it's going to be with the Nature Boy.  Flair says he heard what Arn Anderson said earlier tonight and he has to ask the crowd here if there can be a Four Horsemen team without the best wrestler in the game today?  The answer is a resounding no from the crowd.  Therefore, Flair announces that he is going to create his own Four Horsemen unit.  He says he is going to be searching both in and out of WCW for the best wrestlers to join the true Four Horsemen.  His second announcement is that he has signed himself up for the World War 3 battle royal.  He says he has experience winning these types of battle royals, after all.  He goes to finish when someone comes out from the back.

    It's Rey Misterio, Jr.!  The crowd seems surprised at Misterio interrupting Ric Flair tonight.  Flair asks Misterio what he wants as Misterio enters the ring.  Misterio offers a hand shake to Flair and Flair accepts.  Then, Misterio says it would be an honor to be a part of Ric Flair's new Four Horsemen group.  Flair doesn't say yes right away.  Instead, he reminds Misterio that there is a party going on in Utah tonight.  He invites Misterio as his guest to the party and he says they'll see if Misterio can keep up with a Horsemen lifestyle.  Misterio gladly accepts the challenge and the two men shake hands again.  Flair walks over to the ropes and Misterio holds them open for him.  Flair and Misterio exit the ring together as we go to a video clip.

    WCW Saturday Night
    A video plays showcasing what's going to happen this week on WCW Saturday Night.  The show will feature Al Snow taking on Scott Norton and Diamond Dallas Page defending the WCW World Television title against Brad Armstrong.  We will also see the WCW debuts of The Demolishers.  Make sure you tune in to TBS at 6:05 PM EST.


    Match #4
    Earl Robert Eaton vs. Randy Savage

    The second member of Blue Bloods steps in the ring in singles action against the Macho Man Randy Savage.  These two veterans put on a really good wrestling match, given the short amount of time they were given.  Savage was mostly in control of the bout, showcasing the usual double axehandle off the top rope and basic moves like body slams and hip tosses.  Savage puts Eaton down on the mat with a body slam near the turnbuckles.  He climbs to the top and raises his arms.  Then he leaps and catches Eaton with a Flying Elbow Drop off the top turnbuckle.  Savage makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Randy Savage picks up the win at 5:34.
    Randy Savage p. Earl Robert Eaton =70


    Technically Wonderful Celebration
    We cut to a scene from last night where Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko return to the backstage area with the WCW World Tag Team titles.  Eddy Guerrero is there with him and says they need to celebrate this victory.  He says that this is the first gold for Technically Wonderful but not the last.  Benoit and Malenko merely nod, looking stoic like they always do.  Guerrero opens a bottle of champagne and the liquid goes flying through the air, drenching all three members of Technically Wonderful.  The celebration continues as we go to the ring.


    WCW World Television Title Match
    10 Minute Time Limit
    Diamond Dallas Page (w/Diamond Doll and Maxx Muscle) defends vs. Alex Wright

    Our next match is a defense of the WCW World Television title as Diamond Dallas Page defends versus Alex Wright.  This was a well executed squash match as DDP was in control for almost all the time this bout was put on.  DDP hits Wright with the Trip To The Diamond Mine, a tilt-a-whirl slam.  He catches Wright with an inverted atomic drop and a clap to the ears.  DDP plays to the booing crowd as Diamond Doll and Maxx Muscle stand at ringside.  Finally, DDP puts Wright on his shoulders and then drops him with the Diamond Cutter.  He makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Diamond Dallas Page defends his WCW World Television title at 5:44.  Make sure to tune in to WCW Saturday Night where he will defend the title again.
    Diamond Dallas Page p. Alex Wright =67


    The Bite
    The Renegade Warrior is shown walking backstage.  He opens a door and walks into a dark room.  He looks toward the camera and says that Ultimate Warrior will be back soon from the injury suffered by the snake.  He says that he will seek revenge on whoever did that to his mentor.  The lights in the room come on and inside the room are several Cobras, slithering along the walls.  The lights go out and a deep, dark laughter can be heard.  Some may recognize that laughter, some might not.  The Renegade Warrior's screams can be heard echoing off the walls as we fade out and go to the ring for our main event.


    Match #6
    Eddy Guerrero vs. Ric Flair

    Speaking of that main event, we have an exceptional match between two great wrestlers as Eddy Guerrero steps in the ring with The Nature Boy Ric Flair.  The two men meet in the middle of the ring and lock-up with Flair backing Guerrero in a corner.  Flair unleashes a hard chop to the chest and a second one before Guerrero is able to slip free and back Flair in the corner instead.  Guerrero throws a few forearm shots to the head and then sends Flair flying with a hip toss out of the corner.  Guerrero takes control for the first several minutes of the bout.  He backs Flair into a corner and sends him flying out with a monkey flip.  Guerrero tries to move forward but Flair slips out of the ring.  Guerrero comes running to the ropes and leaps over, catching Flair with a Hilo before bringing the action back in the ring.  Guerrero sends Flair to a corner but Flair bounces up and over to the apron.  Flair runs across the apron and gets to the top turnbuckle where he's met by Guerrero.  Guerrero slams Flair off the top turnbuckle.  Guerrero picks up Flair and hits him with a vertical suplex, swiveling his hips and getting back up and hitting a second vertical suplex.  He pulls Flair up and wiggles his hips before hitting a third vertical suplex in a row.  Guerrero makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout!  Guerrero heads to the top turnbuckle.  He leaps with a flying knee drop but Flair moves and Guerrero's knee hits the mat.

    Both Ric Flair and Eddy Guerrero are slow to get to their feet at around the ten minute mark.  Flair kicks the knee of Guerrero out from under him and begins his focus on that right knee of Guerrero.  He lays the knee across the bottom rope and hits a seated senton on that leg.  Guerrero grabs it in pain.  Flair gives a strut across the ring and releases a 'Whoo' that is echoed by the crowd.  Flair goes for the Figure Four but Guerrero rolls him into a small package: One, Two, Kickout!  Flair pops back up and lifts Guerrero, hitting a shin breaker.  Then he bounces off the ropes and hits the running, jumping knee drop.  Flair has the crowd solidly in his corner.  Flair moves to the legs of Guerrero and locks in the Figure Four.  Guerrero struggles for about a minute and a half before he is forced to submit.  Ric Flair wins at 20:12.
    Ric Flair d. Eddy Guerrero =84


    Return Of A Hot Rod
    The ring is cleared and it looks like we are reaching the end of this week's WCW Monday Nitro.  Then, we hear the sound of bagpipes being played.  The announcers are shocked when Roddy Piper makes his return to WCW.  The crowd gives him a warm welcome as he walks down to the ring.  He steps inside and a 'Piper' chant begins to move through the crowd.  Piper takes a microphone and says, so you know who I am, huh?  I haven't been forgotten.  Well, remember, just when you think you have all the answers, I change the questions.  He says that he's not here to absorb your cheers.  He says he's here for one reason and that's to take the WCW World Heavyweight title off the waist of Hulk Hogan.  He reminds everyone that he's the one wrestler that Hogan could never beat.  So, he says, he's going to enter the World War 3 battle royal and win the whole thing.  Then, he's headed to Starrcade to take that title.  He says that he's the reason Hogan's got no hair.  He points toward the Starrcade sign and says he's headed back to Starrcade to win the World title.  Now, it's time for him to go because he doesn't want to stay in this city any longer than he has to.  His music begins playing and the crowd has started giving Piper some boos.  Piper exits the ring as the show comes to a close.  We'll see you this Saturday for WCW Saturday Night.

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    Predictions List:

    Lord Steven Regal vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

    Tully & Arn vs. American Males

    Brian Pillman vs. Scott Steiner

    Earl Robert Eaton vs. Randy Savage

    WCW World Television Title Match
    10 Minute Time Limit
    Diamond Dallas Page defends vs. Alex Wright

    Eddy Guerrero vs. Ric Flair

    Comments On Diary In General: 

    TAGS: @WCW – #MondayNitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #GuerrerovsFlair

    © 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW

  17. Sunday Week 4 October 1995



    Match #1
    WCW World Tag Team Titles Match
    Benoit & Malenko (w/Eddy Guerrero) vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

    WCW Halloween Havoc kicks off with the arrival of The Rock 'N' Roll Express.  Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson get a good crowd ovation.  The crowd is definitely behind them in this contest against Technically Wonderful as Benoit & Malenko get booed as they walk out.  The match is a contest pitting the speed and resilience of The Rock 'N' Roll Express against the technically ability of Benoit & Malenko.  As is the usual, Ricky Morton plays the face-in-peril to perfection before making the hot tag to Robert Gibson.  Gibson comes in and has punches for both Benoit and Malenko.  Eddy Guerrero climbs on the apron and he takes a punch, knocking him off the apron.  With the referee distracted, Benoit hits a low blow on Gibson.  He brings him to the mat and locks on a crossface.  Within a few moments, Gibson is forced to submit, giving Benoit and Malenko the win and the WCW World Tag Team titles at 18:28.
    Benoit & Malenko d. The Rock 'N' Roll Express =81



    Oh Yeah!
    After a replay of the finish of the last match, we are taken down to Gene Okerlund and Randy Savage.  Okerlund asks Savage about his match tonight with Sabu.  Savage says he still doesn't know why Sabu attacked him since Sabu doesn't speak.  But he says it doesn't matter because anyone who attacks him is going to get the Macho Madness.  Savage says that tonight against Sabu is going to get intense.  It's going to get wild.  Oh yeah, dig it!  Savage moves off as we go to the ring because this match is next.


    Match #2
    Sabu (w/The Sheik) vs. Randy Savage

    Sabu comes out with The Sheik still in his corner, facing off with The Macho Man Randy Savage.  This is a high flying contest between these two veteran wrestlers.  The experience gives The Macho Man the edge in the early going.  Savage gets Sabu in the corner and begins throwing punches.  Sabu comes firing back with punches of his own and the two are brawling in the corner.  Savage grabs Sabu and tosses him out of the ring.  He climbs to the top turnbuckle and hits a flying double axehandle onto Sabu!  Savage has the crowd in his favor as he grabs Sabu and tosses him back in the ring.  Savage continues his control until he goes for his flying elbow drop and Sabu gets a boot up in the face of the Macho Man.  Sabu gets in control, hitting Savage with an Arabian Piledriver and getting a two count.  Sabu is tossed a chair by The Sheik and referee Randy Anderson warns him not to use it.  Sabu lays Savage out near the middle of the ring and sets up the chair near the ropes.  Sabu bounces off the ropes and gets tripped by Savage, knocking him into the set up chair.  The referee lets it go as Savage pulls himself up.  The Sheik gets on the apron and Savage turns toward him -- Fireball!  Savage is burned by the fireball!  The referee calls for the bell immediately, disqualifiying Sabu at 7:38!
    Randy Savage d. Sabu =80



    A New Tag Team?
    As officials check on Randy Savage, we go backstage where we see Road Warrior Hawk come across Scott Steiner.  Hawk wishes Steiner good luck in his match tonight and reminds him that he knows about partners going down with injuries.  He says that he hopes that Rick Steiner gets better soon.  However, both of them are tag team specialists.  He says that it would be awesome to put two of the top tag teams in the world together.  Hawk asks Steiner if he wants to be partners moving forward and become the next WCW World Tag Team Champions.  Steiner says he'll think about it and give Hawk an answer soon.  He shakes hands with Hawk and then we go to the ring for our next match.


    Match #3
    Paul Orndorff (w/Eddy Guerrero) vs. Johnny B. Badd

    The third match of the night features the leader of Technically Wonderful taking on main rival Johnny B. Badd.  The match begins with the speed of Badd taking control and eventually sending Orndorff out of the ring.  Mr. Wonderful paces around before sliding back in the ring.  He catches Badd with a forearm shot and then brings him down to the mat, keeping the high flyer grounded during this contest.  Orndorff locks in an armbar and focuses on the right arm of Badd throughout the match.  He releases the armbar and drives a knee into the forearm.  Orndorff lifts Badd and hits him with a German suplex with a bridge: One, Two, Kickout!  As the match moves forward, Orndorff goes for the Piledriver but Badd blocks and manages to reverse it into a back body drop.  Both men are slow to get to their feet but both manage to do so at the same time.  Badd throws some left handed punches, favoring that right arm.  Badd hits the Tutti Frutti, that left handed hook that knocks Orndorff to the mat.  Badd heads to the top turnbuckle.  He goes for the Shooting Star Press but Orndorff gets the knees up!  Orndorff turns Badd into the Piledriver position but Badd swings around and rolls up Orndorff: One, Two, Three!  A big win for Johnny B. Badd!
    Johnny B. Badd p. Paul Orndorff =60


    Sitting In The Crowd
    The camera pans around the crowd and in what will come as a shock to many people we see Shawn Michaels sitting in the crowd watching WCW action!  Michaels tries to cover himself up but the cameras clearly caught the former WWF Intercontinental Champion watching WCW action.  What a huge surprise for the fans here at the War Memorial Stadium!



    Hulk Hogan
    We go backstage to see Gene Okerlund standing by with Hulk Hogan.  Okerlund talks about what a big surprise it is to see Shawn Michaels in the crowd.  Then he turns his attention to Hulk Hogan.  He says that Hogan has a huge title defense tonight against The Giant.  He asks Hogan his thoughts going into this match.  "Well, let me tell you something, brother!"  Hogan says that tonight all of his attentions are on that big nasty Giant that is standing in his way.  Fe Fi Fo Fum, brother.  He says that just like Jack and the beanstalk he's going to cut that nasty Giant down and get a victory, dude.  He says he's not afraid of The Giant and he's not afraid of The Taskmaster because he's got all the Hulkamaniacs in his corner, brother.  He says he saw what The Giant did yesterday on WCW Saturday Night but he's not a tree, brother.  He is the top wrestler in this business and tonight he is going to prove it.  So Giant what ya gonna do when the power of Hulk Hogan and Hulkamania runs wild over you?!?!


    Match #4
    Casket Match
    Stevie Ray (w/Sensuous Sherri) vs. Scott Steiner

    We are halfway through the show with this contest as Stevie Ray steps in the ring against Scott Steiner with a casket at ringside.  The only way to win this bout is to stuff your opponent in the casket and close the lid.  The two men meet in the center of the ring and exchange some words off-microphone, leading to Stevie Ray slapping the taste out of Steiner's mouth.  Steiner responds with a standing Steiner-line!  Steiner picks up Ray and shoves him into a corner.  Steiner climbs up and begins raining down punches.  He gets to five before Ray shoves Steiner to the mat.  Steiner pops back up and runs into a clothesline by Stevie Ray.  Ray motions to Sherri and she opens the casket.  Ray starts moving Steiner toward the casket but Steiner fights back.  The casket is closed as Steiner regains the control.  As we move forward in the match, we have Booker T and The Great Muta now at ringside.

    The match has gone back and forth, with both men trying to get the other into the casket but there's been no luck thus far.  More than ten minutes in and Steiner has had to face both members of Harlem Heat and The Great Muta.  Booker T comes in the ring and catches Steiner with a Harlem Sidekick.  Booker checks on his brother and then turns into a hard-hitting clothesline from Road Warrior Hawk!  Hawk is here and he beats down Booker T, sending him spiraling out of the ring.  Hawk exits the ring and catches Booker T with a military press slam onto the top of the casket.  Back in the ring, Steiner and Stevie Ray are brawling in the center of the ring.  Ray rakes the face of Steiner and then slips behind him.  He holds Steiner by the arms and The Great Muta comes in the ring.  The Great Muta spits the mist -- NO!  Steiner ducks the mist and it hits Stevie Ray!  Stevie Ray is blinded by the mist!  Steiner catches The Great Muta with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex!  He goes to Stevie Ray and catches him with the Steiner Screwdriver!  Steiner drags Ray outside the ring and opens the casket.  He dumps Stevie Ray inside the casket and closes the lid!  Scott Steiner wins this hard-hitting affair!
    Scott Steiner d. Stevie Ray =71



    Genius Corner
    At a staging area, the place is set up for The Genius Corner.  Lanny Poffo talks about bringing back The Genius Corner at least on every pay-per-view.  This week, he has a very special veteran guest making his return to WCW.  This man is a former World Champion in another organization.  This man is The Iron Sheik!  The Iron Sheik walks out from the back, drawing boos and USA chants from the crowd.  The Iron Sheik walks to Poffo and Poffo welcomes The Iron Sheik to the Genius Corner.  Sheik says that he is the man who is genius because he is from Iran where all the best wrestlers come from.  Poffo asks Sheik why he's here in WCW.  The Iron Sheik says he's here to prove once again that the best wrestlers come from Iran.  He says that means he is here to beat that idiot Hulk Hogan for the WCW World Heavyweight title.  Sheik reminds  Poffo that Iran is number one.  America?  Hock ptooie!  Poffo says that we have another future challenger for the title before sending us to the ring.


    Match #5
    Blue Bloods vs. The Renegade and Ultimate Warrior

    The next match is an extremely short match as Blue Bloods take on The Renegade and Ultimate Warrior.  This is a match dominated by Renegade and Ultimate Warrior.  There are a few clotheslines here and there.  A few body slams.  Nothing too technical in the contest, honestly, though Lord Steven Regal and Earl Robert Eaton do try their best.  The end comes when Ultimate Warrior hits Lord Steven Regal with the gorilla press drop and then the big splash.  Warrior makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Three!
    Renegade and Ultimate Warrior p. Blue Bloods =56


    Finished After Tonight
    Backstage, Ric Flair and Sting cut a promo on their match tonight with Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman.  Flair admits that the two of them don't make a great tag team as was proven in their previous match.  He says he wants the best matches each and every week.  That means that the two of them must split apart after tonight.  Sting agrees with them but says they still might need to watch each other's backs because of these two that they're facing tonight.  But Sting says they need to make tonight amazing and get a victory.  Flair agrees and reminds Arn Anderson that to be the man, you have to beat the man and he is, as always, the man.  A whooo is thrown in there before we go to the ring.


    Match #6
    WCW United States Title Match
    Vader (w/Col. Robert Parker) defends vs. Lex Luger

    A big hard-hitting contest between these two strong men in Vader and The Total Package Lex Luger.  The first few minutes of the bout are spent feeling each other out in the ring and testing each other's strengths.  They each go for clotheslines but cannot knock the other one down.  Finally, Luger strikes by bouncing off the ropes and hitting Vader with that steel-plate enhanced forearm.  It sends Vader down to the mat.  Luger gets the crowd involved and goes after Vader, picking him up and putting him in the corner.  Luger throws punches, climbing up and raining more punches down on Vader as the big man tries to cover himself up.  Luger drops down after ten and calls for the Human Torture Rack!  Can he get the big man up?  He lifts Vader up but then falls onto his stomach with Vader on top of him.  He wasn't able to keep Vader up.  Vader goes for the ribs of Luger for the next few minutes with stomps and then a German suplex that sends Luger flying out of the ring.  Vader meets Luger at ringside and Irish whips him into the guardrail, hitting Luger's ribs there.  Vader grabs Luger and tosses him back in the ring as the crowd tries to get behind The Total Package.  Vader heads to the top turnbuckle and goes for the Vadersault but Luger moves out of the way!  Both men are slow to get to their feet and then meet in the center of the ring with punches.  Luger tries to lift Vader with a body slam but he cannot do it, grabbing his ribs again.  Vader quickly steps in and wraps Luger in a Bear Hug!  Vader squeezes those ribs and Luger tries to fight free but slowly begins to fade.  The referee checks the arm of Luger and it looks like Luger has passed out from the pain.  The referee calls for the bell.  Vader picks up the win in 12:11.
    Vader d. Lex Luger =82


    Brand New Title
    We go to the announcers and Eric Bischoff tells everyone that he hopes they're enjoying the show so far.  Then, Bobby Heenan announces that they have a brand new title coming to WCW.  That's right, says Eric Bischoff.  This brand new title is going to be called the X-Division title.  He says there are no limits to this title.  Just the best wrestling in the company.  That title is coming soon but also coming soon is World War 3 in November.  Bischoff says that the World War 3 battle royal will be something different for WCW.  It will feature 30 of the best wrestlers in WCW.  Two men start in the ring and every two minutes another wrestler comes out until all 30 wrestlers have been involved.  The only way to eliminate someone is to throw them over the top rope and both their feet hit the floor.  The last man standing will get the World title match at Starrcade.  So make sure to tune in next month.  But remain right here because we have a huge match coming next.


    Match #7
    Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman vs. Ric Flair and Sting

    Our semi main event features Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman versus Ric Flair and Sting.  Sort of.  In the early minutes of the match, all four men do battle inside the ring.  Flair and Sting get control and Sting sets up Pillman in the corner.  Sting goes for the Stinger Splash but Pillman moves and Sting hits the ring post with the top of his head.  Sting falls to the mat and EMTs come out to check on him.  He actually gets helped to the back and we are left with a handicap match as Ric Flair must take on both Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman.  Flair does a good job in the early goings of the match, lacing the chest of Anderson with a chop and then hits Pillman with one.  Flair moves back to Anderson but Pillman comes in and holds Flair by the legs.  Anderson strikes Flair with a punch and he takes control.  Quick tags in and out are made by both Anderson and Pillman, working over Flair.  Flair manages to get a few shots in but he is mostly dominated by Anderson and Pillman at this time.  When Pillman is in the ring, he takes down Flair with a headscissors and then a dropkick that sends Flair out of the ring.  Pillman leaps over the ropes with a flying crossbody onto Flair outside the ring.  Pillman yells at Flair and then two men come out from the back.

    Those two men are Shane Douglas and Tully Blanchard.  They move into a neutral corner, watching the match.  Brian Pillman brings Ric Flair back in the ring and tags out to Arn Anderson.  Anderson grabs a hammerlock on Flair and then brings him up and down with a body slam.  Anderson sets up Flair for the Anderson DDT but it's blocked by Flair.  Flair wiggles his way free and then clips the leg of Anderson.  With Flair and Anderson down on the mat, Sting finally makes his way from the back.  He has a large bandage on his forehead.  He's met by Shane Douglas and Tully Blanchard but he manages to fight his way through them!  Sting climbs up on the apron and is absolutely begging for a tag.  Sting reaches out as Flair begins crawling toward the corner.  Anderson crawls toward his corner and tags in Pillman!  Pillman comes in just in time to see Flair tag Sting!  Sting comes in throwing punches to Pillman.  Arn Anderson comes in and he gets hit with an inverted atomic drop.  Sting takes down Pillman with a clothesline.  Flair asks for the tag and Sting obliges him!  Flair bounces off the ropes and hits...Pillman with a chop across the chest.  Flair struts across the ring and Pillman tags in The Enforcer.  Tully Blanchard climbs up on the apron, drawing the attention of the referee and Ric Flair.  Shane Douglas comes in with a lead pipe in hand.  He strikes Flair in the back of the knee with the pipe!  Douglas rolls out of the ring and Arn Anderson grabs Ric Flair, locking him in a Figure Four!  Sting is pulled off the apron and sent into the guardrail by Douglas.  Tully Blanchard climbs off the apron and the referee checks on Flair.  After about a minute, Flair is forced to submit!  Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman win in 19:48.
    Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman p. Ric Flair and Sting =81



    New Group Forming
    Outside the ring, Shane Douglas and Tully Blanchard continue their attack on Sting.  They lay him out on the floor before moving in the ring where Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman are attacking Ric Flair.  Anderson lets go of the Figure Four and Douglas picks up Flair, dropping him with the side belly to belly suplex.  The crowd boos loudly as the four men put the boots to Flair.  With Flair laid out in the ring and Sting laid out outside the ring, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Shane Douglas and Brian Pillman stand in the ring side by side.  All four men raise four fingers.  Could this be the formation of a new Four Horsemen?!?!?!


    Gift Box
    We go to the backstage area where we see Ultimate Warrior walking down a corridor.  There's a note on a door asking him to come inside.  Warrior tilts his head in confusion for a moment before opening the door and walking in.  The room is dimly lit and in the very center stands a table with a gift box on it.  The tag says 'Ultimate Warrior.'  Warrior opens the box and up comes a cobra!  Warrior's eyes go wide and he tries to back away but the cobra snaps, biting Warrior in the arm.  Warrior falls backward and begins trying to crawl away as we go back to the ring for our main event.


    Match #8
    WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
    Hulk Hogan defends vs. The Giant (w/The Taskmaster)

    It is main event time and time for the WCW World Heavyweight title to be defended as Hulk Hogan faces off with one of his largest foes of his career in The Giant.  When the bell sounds, the two men meet in the center of the ring.  The Giant looks down at Hogan and Hogan looks up at The Giant.  Hogan hits The Giant in the chest with a forearm shot but The Giant doesn't move.  Instead, The Giant grabs Hogan and shoves him back in the corner.  Hogan only remains standing by falling into the turnbuckle.  Hogan pushes himself forward and begins striking The Giant in the chest with several forearm shots.  He tries to lift The Giant with a body slam but The Giant's weight comes crashing down on Hogan.  The referee drops down: One, Two, Shoulder Up!  The Giant smiles, as though he wants the match to continue.  The Giant picks up Hogan and shoves him into a corner.  He rushes toward him and hits a reverse avalanche.  He stays in that corner and begins firing rapid fire elbow strikes to Hogan.  He pulls out of the corner and takes down Hogan with a body slam.  The Giant roars in the ring to boos from the crowd.  The crowd begins to chant 'Hogan, Hogan' and for the next several minutes, The Giant remains in control.  The Giant tosses Hogan outside the ring around the ten minute mark.

    The Giant follows Hulk Hogan outside the ring and hits him with a running big boot, sending Hogan down to the thin mats outside the ring.  The Giant talks with The Taskmaster and then goes back after Hogan.  He picks up Hogan in a press slam fashion and throws Hogan in the ring over the top rope from the floor!  The Giant slides back in and catches Hogan with a sharp, crisp clothesline.  The 'Hogan' chant picks up in the crowd again.  The Giant sends Hogan to the ropes and catches him with a dropkick.  The Giant makes the cover: One, Two, KICKOUT!  A huge kickout from Hogan!  Hogan's body shakes with adrenaline as he rises to his knees.  The Giant throws a punch but Hogan shakes it off.  Hogan gets to his feet, drawing energy from this crowd.  He points toward The Giant and then waggles his finger.  The Giant throws a punch but Hogan blocks it!  Hogan throws a punch!  A second one!  A third one!  Hogan sends The Giant to the ropes and hits him with a big boot to the chest and then a body slam that brings The Giant to the mat.  Hogan cups his ear, listening to the fans cheer.  He bounces off the ropes and is hit in the back with a chair by The Taskmaster!  The referee saw it and calls for the bell.  The Giant has been disqualified at 18:47!
    Hulk Hogan d. The Giant =75



    Is Hulkamania Still Alive?
    Hulk Hogan turns around, seeing The Taskmaster with the chair in hand.  Hogan slides out of the ring and chases The Taskmaster!  The Taskmaster slides inside and Hogan follows.  But Hogan runs right into The Giant!  The Giant grabs Hogan by the throat and lifts him up, dropping him with a Choke Slam!  The Giant puts the boots to Hogan several times before grabbing Hogan by the throat and choking him on the mat.  Hogan tries to fight but seems no match for the power of The Giant.  The Giant picks up Hogan and drives him THROUGH THE MAT with a second Choke Slam!  The mat literally broke with the power of that Choke Slam!  Officials and EMTs come running out to check on Hogan.  The Giant stands over the hole he made in the ring and roars as The Taskmaster stands beside him.  The Taskmaster says this is the end of Hulkamania!  The show comes to a close with officials trying to work to get Hogan out of the underneath part of the ring.  We'll see you tomorrow with Monday Nitro!

  18. heH16Ck.jpg

    NEWS: WCW Halloween Havoc PREVIEW!



    Predictions List:

    WCW World Tag Team Titles Match
    Benoit & Malenko vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

    Sabu vs. Randy Savage

    Paul Orndorff vs. Johnny B. Badd

    Casket Match
    Stevie Ray vs. Scott Steiner

    Blue Bloods vs. The Renegade and Ultimate Warrior

    WCW United States Title Match
    Vader defends vs. Lex Luger

    Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman vs. Ric Flair and Sting

    WCW World Heavyweight Title match
    Hulk Hogan defends vs. The Giant

    Comments On Diary In General: 

    TAGS: @WCW – #HalloweenHavoc – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #WorldTitleMatch

    © 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW

  19. 1 minute ago, Dawn said:

    I wondered if I was making a mistake going against majority in the Duggan match but sometimes your gut instinct knows best :p


    It was a good judgment call on your part.  And I knew you'd love the new Demolishers tag team!  I brought them in specifically for you.


    Now, if I could just get a nomination on DOTM.  LOL.

    • Like 1
  20. Saturday Week 4 October 1995

    WCW Saturday Night

    Highlights From Monday Nitro
    A music video is shown to recap what happened on WCW Monday Nitro.  Those include Ric Flair and Sting defeating Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko, Shane Douglas over Jim Duggan and more.

    Match #1
    In a decent match, Arn Anderson(66) and Brian Pillman(67) defeated American Males(Bagwell-44, Riggs-37) in 6:19 when Arn Anderson pinned Scotty Riggs with a Spinebuster...60

    Challenge Issued
    At the interview area, Gene Okerlund interviews Al Snow.  Al Snow talks about the interference last Monday by Scott Norton.  Al Snow challenges Norton to meet him in the ring next week on WCW Saturday Night.  He warns Norton that Head says he's going to win.

    Match #2
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Johnny B. Badd(55) defeated Disco Inferno(40) in 6:24 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press...50

    Studd Stable
    At the interview area, Gene Okerlund interviews Col. Robert Parker, along with Vader and Big Bubba Rogers.  Okerlund asks Col. Parker about the upcoming United States title defense by Vader.  Col. Parker laughs and says that Vader is going to destroy Lex Luger.  But he will be the gentleman that he is and allow Luger to lay down for Vader if he chooses to.  Otherwise, he will unleash Vader on The Total Package.

    Match #3
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Road Warrior Hawk(62) defeated Bunkhouse Buck(26) in 5:43 by pinfall with a Flying Lariat...59

    Will Renegade Become A Warrior?
    In a video, Ultimate Warrior is shown talking to The Renegade backstage.  Warrior says his final test to become The Renegade Warrior will happen tomorrow at Halloween Havoc.  Warrior says that they will have a tag team match against Blue Bloods.  Warrior says that The Renegade will become a warrior.  The Renegade agrees and says it all comes down to this moment.

    Match #4
    In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Diamond Dallas Page(60) defeated Rey Misterio Jr.(68) in 8:34 by pinfall with a Diamond Cutter. Diamond Dallas Page makes defence number seven of the WCW World Television title...73

    Seeing The Forest
    In a video, The Taskmaster is standing in a forest with The Giant.  The Taskmaster says that The Giant has been training and will make his return to WCW tomorrow night and defeat Hulk Hogan.  To show off The Giant's power, we are shown him pushing over a tree.  The Taskmaster laughs and says that's what's going to happen to Hulk Hogan at Halloween Havoc.

  21. Monday Week 4 October 1995



    A Public Apology
    WCW Monday Nitro comes to you live from Humphrey Coliseum on the campus of Mississippi State University.  The crowd boos when The Taskmaster walks out from the back.  He's alone this week.  He steps in the ring and begins by saying he would like to issue a public apology on behalf of the Dungeon of Doom for The Giant's actions last week.  He says that nothing like that will happen again.  He says that The Giant will not be in the building tonight as he has been suspended for this evening.  However, this does not change his destiny.  He says that at Halloween Havoc The Giant will walk away with the WCW World Heavyweight title.  He says that The Giant will destroy Hogan and end Hulkamania.  The Taskmaster laughs before dropping the microphone and standing at ringside as Zodiac has a match next.


    Match #1
    Zodiac (w/The Taskmaster) vs. Randy Savage

    Our opening match features the crazy Zodiac against the Macho Man Randy Savage.  These two wrestlers don't click at all and it shows in their performances.  Savage mostly dominates the contest, using both his brawling and high flying skills.  In the end, Savage catches Zodiac with a fallaway slam and then heads to the top turnbuckle.  Savage raises his arms and then leaps with the Flying Elbow Drop.  Savage makes the cover and scores the 3 count at 10:18.
    Randy Savage p. Zodiac =60



    Another Attack
    Randy Savage gets his arm raised in victory but here comes Sabu!  Sabu uses the ropes as a springboard, hitting a flying leg lariat on Savage.  Sabu mounts Savage and starts throwing punches.  Savage covers up and then flips Sabu around.  Savage grabs Sabu and hits him with a short-arm clothesline.  Savage heads to the top turnbuckle but Sabu gets up first and climbs up with him.  Sabu hits Savage with a flying overhead belly-to-belly suplex off the top turnbuckle.  As both men lie there, here come officials to keep the two separated.  Sabu fights through the officials and throws a few punches to Savage.  Officials grab Sabu and then Savage breaks free and Savage hits a few punches on Sabu.  Finally, the two men are kept apart and taken to the back.



    Challenge Accepted
    We go to the ramp where Gene Okerlund is standing by.  Okerlund reminds everyone to call the WCW Hotline as he has an exclusive on a new signing to WCW.  But right now he has to bring out his guests, The Studd Stable.  Col. Robert Parker brings out Vader and Big Bubba Rogers.  Okerlund asks Parker about the challenge laid out by Lex Luger on WCW Saturday Night.  Parker says that Luger made a huge mistake challenging the man they call Vader.  But they can accomodate him.  Parker accepts the challenge on behalf of Vader and says that Luger is going to go down faster than the Titanic because this iceberg's name is Vader.  He says that Vader is going to prove who the man really is.  With that, Okerlund sends us to the ring.


    Match #2
    Barrio Brothers vs. Nasty Boys

    We go to the ring for our second match of the night featuring Barrio Brothers against Nasty Boys.  The match has a lot of sub-par wrestling in it as the focus is on the Nasty Boys maintaing control.  This includes the Pitstop, driving Ricky Santana into the armpit of Jerry Sags.  The match ends with Brian Knobbs hitting Fidel Sierra with the running powerslam.  Knobbs makes the cover and gets the three count at 8:17.
    Nasty Boys p. Barrio Brothers =53



    Open Challenge Accepted
    Once the ring is cleared, Eddy Guerrero comes out from the back.  Guerrero enters the ring and talks about how Technically Wonderful is dominating WCW.  He says that Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko will become the new WCW World Tag Team Champions at Halloween Havoc.  He wishes them good luck in their match tonight before focusing on his own open challenge.  He asks anyone to come from the back and step in the ring with him.  After a few moments, here comes Johnny B. Badd!  Badd says that tonight is the first night of his revenge on the entire group of Technically Wonderful.  He says it begins tonight with Eddy Guerrero and will continue with Paul Orndorff at Halloween Havoc.  Badd suddenly drops the microphone and rushes toward the ring.  He slides inside and the two begin brawling as the referee calls for the bell.


    Match #3
    Eddy Guerrero vs. Johnny B. Badd

    Our first hour main event features Eddy Guerrero against Johnny B. Badd.  Guerrero shoves Badd into the corner and drives a knee into his gut.  Another knee and then Badd turns things around and begins throwing punches.  Badd throws a big knockout punch in the corner and Guerrero slides down to the mat.  Badd picks up Guerrero and brings him over with a vertical suplex.  Badd makes the cover: One, Kickout!  Guerrero slides out of the ring to catch a break but Badd comes flying with a somersault plancha outside the ring.  Badd picks up Guerrero and runs toward the ring post but Guerrero reverses and sends Badd face-first into the ring post.  Guerrero brings the action back into the ring and picks up Badd, bringing him over with a vertical suplex.  He swivels his hips around and hits a second vertical suplex.  He swivels his hips around and hits a third vertical suplex.  Guerrero makes a cover: One, Two, Kickout!

    Following a commercial break, we come back with Guerrero still in control.  Guerrero sends Badd out of the ring and then rushes in with a senton.  The action goes back in the ring and Guerrero heads to the top turnbuckle.  The crowd gets behind Johnny B. Badd and Badd manages to get up.  He rushes to the top turnbuckle and then leaps up, catching Guerrero with a Super Frankensteiner!  Badd makes the cover: One, Foot on the bottom rope, Two, Referee sees the foot and stops the count.  Badd gets to his feet and pulls Guerrero up.  A shove by Guerrero sends Badd crashing into the referee.  The referee is just stunned at the moment.  Guerrero slides out of the ring and grabs a chair, sliding back in.  He bangs the chair on the mat and then tosses it to Badd, falling on the mat like he got hurt.  The referee turns around and sees Badd with the chair.  The referee looks between the two and then calls for the bell, disqualifying Badd!
    Eddy Guerrero d. Johnny B. Badd =78



    Badd Beatdown
    The second hour begins with the arrival of all the members of Technically Wonderful to join Eddy Guerrero and Johnny B. Badd in the ring.  Badd tries to use the chair but Chris Benoit ducks and catches Badd with a German suplex train.  Guerrero gets up and grabs the chair, hitting Badd in the back with it.  Dean Malenko stomps on Badd and then Paul Orndorff calls them off.  He grabs Badd and hooks him in.  He lifts him up and plants him with the Wonderful Piledriver in the middle of the ring on top of the chair!  Badd is out cold on the mat as Paul Orndorff raises his arms in victory.  All four members of Technically Wonderful raise their arms.


    Hulk Hogan
    We go from there to a video featuring Hulk Hogan.  In the background of the video, all of the interactions between Hogan and The Giant are shown as Hogan is talking.  Hogan talks about his history of beating giants, brother.  He says that nobody thought he could do it when he body slammed Andre.  He said that nobody thought he would beat King Kong Bundy inside the cage.  He said that nobody thought that he would beat Ric Flair in his first match in WCW, dude.  He says that the same thing is going to happen this Sunday at Halloween Havoc, brother.  He asks The Giant what ya gonna do when the power of Hulkamania runs wild over you?!?!  Hogan flexes and we go to another video.


    The Demolishers Are Coming
    This video features the brand new WCW tag team of the two men known as The Demolishers.  Axis and Smasher are shown beating random wrestlers, including hitting the Demolisher Decapitation.  In a voice-over, Axis talks about being the most dangerous tag team in professional wrestling.  Smasher says that they are going to smash the competition.  Axis says they will be in the building next week on WCW Monday Nitro.  After another Demolisher Decapitation, we are taken back to the ring.


    Match #4
    Shane Douglas vs. Jim Duggan

    We are taken to our fourth match of the evening featuring The Extreme Franchise Shane Douglas against Hacksaw Jim Duggan.  The match features back and forth action with both men getting in an equal amount of momentum.  Douglas catches Duggan with a big body slam in the middle of the ring.  He drops an elbow and makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout!  Douglas gets up and backs into a corner before rushing forward and hitting an inverted rolling neck snap.  Douglas yells at the crowd, letting them know that he's the Franchise.  Douglas picks up Duggan and Duggan throws a few punches to the gut.  Duggan gets to his feet and takes down Douglas with a clothesline.  He bounces off the ropes and goes for Old Glory but Douglas moves out of the way.  Duggan grabs his knee and Douglas grabs him around the waist -- Belly to Belly Suplex!  Douglas makes the cover: One, Two, Three!
    Shane Douglas p. Jim Duggan =57


    Halloween Havoc
    A video plays letting the fans know the matches that are happening this Sunday at Halloween Havoc.  These include Hulk Hogan defending the WCW World Heavyweight title against The Giant.  Vader defends the United States title against Lex Luger.  Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko take on The Rock 'N' Roll Express for the vacant WCW World Tag Team Titles.  Randy Savage faces Sabu and more!


    Match #5
    Big Bubba Rogers (w/Col Robert Parker) vs. Al Snow

    Our semi main event features Big Bubba Rogers with Col. Robert Parker in his corner taking on Al Snow with Head in his corner.  The match is a brawl, with both men striking hard and fast.  Snow uses moves like the springboard moonsault and spinning heel kick when he is in control.  Rogers comes back with a big boot and a bearhug.  Snow struggles in the bearhug but manages to fight his way free.  Scott Norton comes down to the ringside area, watching the match.  Rogers gets the referee distracted and Scott Norton pulls Al Snow out of the ring.  Norton hits him with a Power Bomb on the floor and then throws him back in the ring.  Rogers walks over and picks up Snow, hitting the Bubba Slam.  Snow is completely out.  Rogers makes the cover: One, Two, Three!
    Big Bubba Rogers p. Al Snow =69



    Heating Up
    We go to the ramp and Mean Gene Okerlund.  Okerlund says to call the WCW Hotline for all of the matches lined up for Halloween Havoc.  Speaking of Halloween Havoc, he brings out his guests this evening, Sensuous Sherri and Harlem Heat.  Okerlund asks them about the challenge issued by Scott Steiner.  Sherri says that Scott Steiner wants to be yet another person put on the shelf, right beside his brother.  She announces that Stevie Ray has decided to step up and be the one to face Scott Steiner in the casket match.  She also says that she is so confident in Stevie Ray winning that she will leave WCW if he loses.  Booker T wishes Stevie Ray good luck in the match and says he'll be there for his brother.  Stevie Ray hypes the match briefly before we go to the ring.


    Match #6
    Benoit & Malenko (w/Eddy Guerrero) vs. Ric Flair and Sting

    Our main event contest features the team of Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko against Ric Flair and Sting.  One thing that this match uncovered is that Sting and Ric Flair have absolutely zero chemistry as partners.  It was like two individuals on one team.  Eddy Guerrero stands at ringside for Benoit & Malenko.  The match begins with Flair and Benoit.  Flair backs Benoit into a corner and laces his chest with chops.  Flair tags in Sting and they try a double team clothesline but it doesn't look good at all as they seem to mostly miss Benoit.  Sting retakes control, though, but the turnaround comes when he goes for the Stinger Splash but misses and strikes the ring post instead.  Benoit tags in Dean Malenko and the Man of a Thousand Holds begins focusing on the legs and back of Sting.  Malenko picks up Sting and hits the gutbuster, showing some strength in the tag team wrestler.  Malenko tags Benoit back in and Benoit hits a bridging Northern Lights suplex for another two count.  Benoit takes down Sting with the enzuigiri and we go to our last commercial break.

    Coming back from commercial, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko are still in control, cutting Sting off from his corner.  Benoit locks Sting in a Torture Crab, a Boston crab with a knee into the back.  Sting calls out in pain but refuses to submit.  He manages to use some of his strength left to flip Benoit to the mat and begins crawling toward his corner.  Benoit manages to tag in Malenko but Sting tags in Ric Flair!  Flair comes in, lacing chops to the chest of both Malenko and Benoit.  Flair grabs Malenko and drops him with a shinbreaker, focusing on the leg of The Shooter.  Flair bounces off the ropes and hits a kneedrop on Malenko, making a cover but Benoit breaks it up before the three count.  Flair gets up and rakes the eyes of Benoit and here comes Sting.  Sting and Flair bump into each other as they go after different wrestlers but they make it work.  Sting sends Benoit out of the ring and Flair locks Malenko in the Figure-Four Leglock!  Malenko struggles, trying to reach the ropes but the hold is in the center of the ring.  After about a minute in the hold, Malenko is forced to submit.
    Ric Flair and Sting d. Benoit and Malenko =82



    Final Attack
    Ric Flair and Sting pick up the win but here come Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman!  Anderson goes right after Flair, who just broke the Figure Four.  Anderson throws mounted punches on Flair before picking him up and hitting a Spinebuster.  Pillman catches Sting with the Air Pillman!  Anderson picks up Flair and then drops him with the Anderson DDT!  Anderson drags his thumb across his throat and Pillman picks up Sting.  Anderson and Pillman drop Sting with a double DDT!  Sting and Ric Flair are left laying on the mat.  Do they have a chance this Sunday at Halloween Havoc?  Make sure you tune in and find out.  We'll see you this Saturday for WCW Saturday Night and then Sunday for Halloween Havoc.  Be there!

    • Like 2
  22. heH16Ck.jpg


    Predictions List:

    Zodiac vs. Randy Savage

    Barrio Brothers vs. Nasty Boys

    Open Challenge Match
    Eddy Guerrero vs. ???

    Shane Douglas vs. Jim Duggan

    Big Bubba Rogers vs. Al Snow

    Benoit & Malenko vs. Ric Flair and Sting

    Comments On Diary In General: 

    TAGS: @WCW – #MondayNitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #BenoitMalenkovFlairandSting

    © 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW

    • Like 1
  23. Saturday Week 3 October 1995

    WCW Saturday Night

    Highlights From Monday Nitro
    Highlights from WCW Monday Nitro are shown.  These include Brian Pillman defeating Sting and Hulk Hogan defeating The Great Muta.

    Match #1
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Pretty Powerful(Hernandez-46, Roma-42) defeated American Males(Bagwell-44, Riggs-41) in 6:26 when Paul Roma pinned Marcus Bagwell with a Power-Plex...47

    Latin Power
    Eddy Guerrero issues an open challenge for WCW Monday Nitro and then issues a challenge on behalf of Technically Wonderful.  This challenge is issued on behalf of Benoit and Malenko.  The challenge is made to Flair and Sting.

    The Franchise
    At the interview area, Gene Okerlund interviews Shane Douglas.  The Franchise hypes his match against Jim Duggan on Monday Nitro.  Douglas promises that he is going to put Jim Duggan in the grave.

    Match #2
    In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Jim Duggan(54) defeated Lord Steven Regal(70) in 7:35 by pinfall with a Running Clotheline Tackle...71

    Renegade Warrior?
    Inside a funeral home stand Ultimate Warrior and The Renegade.  Warrior tells Renegade that he has to let go of fear in order to become a warrior.  Warrior leads The Renegade to a casket and tells him to get in.  Renegade hesitates but eventually gets inside and Warrior closes the casket, locking the airtight casket.  Several minutes go by before Warrior unlocks the casket.  Claw marks can be seen inside the casket and Renegade's eyes are wide as Warrior ponders whether Renegade is ready.  In response, The Renegade closes the casket and we go to our main event.

    Match #3
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Scott Norton(39) defeated Disco Inferno(43) in 15:43 by pinfall with a Shoulder Breaker...49

    Got Head?
    Having picked up the victory, Scott Norton celebrates in the ring.  He stands in the ring when, suddenly, a bunch of mannequin heads fall from the ceiling and on top of Norton.  Norton looks a little scared for a moment before kicking the heads and walking out.

    The Total Package
    At the interview area, Gene Okerlund interviews Lex Luger.  Okerlund asks Luger about the attack by Vader last week.  Luger says that Vader has fallen in with the wrong crowd.  But if he wants a fight, then he's going to get it.  Luger challenges Vader to meet him at Halloween Havoc and put the United States title on the line.  Okerlund reminds everyone to tune in to WCW Monday Nitro this Monday as the show comes to a close.

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