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Everything posted by Nedew

  1. *facepalm* They're above ECW financially speaking, yes. But not size-wise. Slagaholic wasn't talking size-wise, he was talking financially. As i said in the last post. This is nothing to do with size, popularity, whatever. This specific point is about money.
  2. It would be an incorrect statement if that's the statement he made. But it wasn't. He was purely talking about finances there, and saying profitable and unprofitable is as big a difference as popular and unpopular. In your words, fail.
  3. Watching the announcement video, couple of humorous Hulk gaffes. Having to clarify that Bob Carter's not dead, calling Dixie Disney... Interesting how he made the point about "from a wrestler's point of view... not the corporate, business point of view, which i realise now is the most important...", maybe he realises he played the politics a bit too much back in the day.
  4. But what on earth does this mean? Are people sitting there waiting for some phone call that says "quick quick, the 15 minutes featuring the women is on now!"? There is no specific quarter of an hour when they feature, so what does that rating prove? It just makes it appear that less people turn off when they're on, not that they turn on when they are. If i'm flicking through the channels and when i hit BBC1, Antiques Roadshow was on and Fiona Bruce was on fire, sure i'd leave it on, i'd want to know what happened! But that doesn't mean i'm going to tune in week after week for people being set ablaze whilst holding antiquated rubbish.
  5. "Parters In Crime"? Oh, and for the London Calling logo, i'd say perhaps move the Underground roundel slightly to the left so it and Big Ben are more side-by-side than Big Ben all Kanye-ing itself in the way. Great logos though
  6. He said 5-6000, i made it clear i was using the higher estimate.
  7. How is less than 2 thirds 'close to being sold out'?
  8. The colour-coded ones look amazing, really sets them off.
  9. So would prague reading the big red text in the first post!
  10. I was waiting to cringe when that happened, so it's good to have warned him!
  11. "members of the Main Event Mafia" too. So, that'll be Steiner and... yeah, Steiner
  12. Yeah, it's a bit like BBC's iPlayer, but it's a pay service and is available online/through your telly. I wish they'd just kept it all on Virgin1
  13. To lift the mood a little... I love Angle's face on this http://www.tnawrestling.com/media/k2/galleries/1692/IMG_5329.jpg
  14. I thought this, but his arms look too skinny to be Sid. As for Warrior, well... If it's Warrior, the internet will have a field day.
  15. http://www.tnawrestling.com/media/k2/items/cache/e3f5bf88b546a18f08e48e3a89d4814b_XL.jpg Does anyone reckon that's his *actual* silhouette? Doesn't really look like anyone mentioned, that hair especially.
  16. In the words of Frankie Boyle, this has just blown my c*ck off.
  17. The fact that you would use that point as evidence that he doesn't own both is exactly why he would do it!
  18. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l304/Weden7/skipper3hat2.jpg (that took way longer than it should've )
  19. If I were Russo, i'd constantly drop really unsubtle hints of an 'Ultimate' surprise just to wind up the IWC.
  20. This isn't getting anywhere near the credit it deserves Yes please! Three Count are on my all-time top stables. All we need is the Filthy Animals and Misfits In Action and we're set. All Russo creations might i add
  21. Daniels getting cut off not only got him on the show, it also gives him a reason to not like Hogan et al (i remember him telling AJ that things were gonna change for the better when Hogan came in, that maybe Daniels would get the shots AJ got etc.). Gives him enough reason to feel persecuted, a role he plays well.
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