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Bad Collin

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Everything posted by Bad Collin

  1. I've got an interesting challenge in my game now. Runaway Train was the owner who hired me as booker but he has left the business three months later leaving his daughter Lisa Bowen in charge. Lisa has set me the goal of hitting Large within two years but also not to hire anyone that works for a medium sized company or higher. Since i'm in 2025 everyone with Wrestleworld is at least medium leaving me with a total of ten promotion to scout talent from...
  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="soxfan93" data-cite="soxfan93" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47568" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Do pre-show wins build momentum? I'm trying to get some cooled workers back to neutral but they seem to be getting worse rather than better.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I did a search for an answer to this but I didn't see that anyone answered it. Does anyone know? I ask because I have been booking TCW with nine shows a month for three months now and my unimportant workers have not gained momentum at all no matter how many Pre show wins I give them. Most of the guys I am trying to push have had 10-15 wins and no change.</p>
  3. Good luck Charismatic Enigma, it's tough challenge this year. My game has turned upside down because I managed to land the bookers job at TCW! They are struggling right now, all the big stars have left and Wolf Hawkins is dead. Roderick Remus is world champion and although he's no Aaron Andrews he is doing a great job. I teamed Glorious George up with Aaron Knight as The Commonwealth so he should gain skills quickly. I was part of an 80 rated tag match on the last TCW Presents Total Wrestling (despite having an in-ring performance of 34!) so here's another roll: 38. “Casting Call" You have been cast in a small TV show, next stop Hollywood! +5 points to spend across Charisma and Acting. Also add TV Actor to Misc for your character. If previously your character had "TV Actor" add "Movie Star" Yes! Not an addiction for once! I can always use more charisma so I upped it from 62 to 67. I am now a hard drinking, soft and hard drug taking, TV actor with a chequered past - no wonder I play badass so well. All at 23 years old too.
  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="d12345" data-cite="d12345" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47616" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>How long did it take for Aaron Andrews, Mighty Mo, Jay Chord, Huggins and Edd Stone to get poached?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Andrews went to SWF in Jan 2024, he's tearing it up there with 99 rated matches all over the place</p><p> </p><p> Mighty Mo lasted until Dec 2024 before heading to USPW</p><p> </p><p> Huggins went to USPW in May 2022</p><p> </p><p> Edd Stone lasted until May 2024 and he is now with CZCW and holds their main belt.</p>
  5. I'm on cloud nine at the moment boys because I just got the TCW booking gig in my Road To Glory game. I'm in February 2025 and TCW are in pretty bad shape: All the big stars are gone (Roderick Remus is champion and is the only main eventer who can really work) Wolf died The tag division is deader than dead, as in Roderick Remus and Marc Speed are the only decent tag team This is going to be quite a challenge. There are a few free agents who can immediately come in and challenge for a slot in the main event; Acid II, Americana Jr, Lenny Brown and The Architect. Otherwise it's time for T-Bone Bright, Seth Whitehead and Nick Booth to take the final step. I really want to get the tag division back to being the best in the world so the first few months are going to involve a lot of tag matches with random looking teams.
  6. I always play with factions because it gives an endless supply of storylines. I give my factions a theme to make it easier to remember the types of characters the members have. I book on the principle that factions who fail are going to change something to turn things around (e.g. turn on members, disband, get more vicious etc) and successful factions will get over confident and be ripe for an implosion as the members argue over who was most deserving of credit for the success.
  7. Moving to Wrestleworld was a great success! We lost 55k in the first half of the year but grew to the point where we we are now making about 5k a month with one show. The size increase has been amazing; we grew 12 popularity points in the Midlands, 11 in the North and South and a few points in Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Glorious George still needs a lot more experience though, we need to get to a stage where we can profitabily run 5 shows a month: Roll for the end of 2024: 14. “UHHHHHHH, WHAT A RUSHHHHHHHH” Add "Hard Drug User" to your character’s addictions. If you have this already then upgrade to "Heavy Hard Drug User" or "Former Hard Drug User" if previously a Heavy Hard Drug User. Ugh, this guy is cursed. He is now a drinking, soft drug using, hard drug using ex criminal!
  8. While i've been thinking about the challenge I have also been carrying on with my save. I've reached the end of 2023 and just hit small. We have $100k in the bank and since I might need to restart anyway I decided to take a risk and up the production levels to sign up with Wrestleworld. We lost $13k in the first month so hopefully ticket sales pick up quickly enough to get close to breaking even by the time the $100k runs out. Roll for hitting small: 24. “Aerial Assassin” You have devoted yourself to climbing that turnbuckle, +5 to your Aerial or Flashiness skill Roll for the end of 2023: 17. “I Fought The Law And The Law Won” Add "Chequered Past" to your character's personality. If you have this already upgrade to "Often in Trouble" and if needed, "Most Wanted"
  9. Just to add more facts to the debate, i'm in year four of my game and the big promotions have had the following: BHOTWG - 2 99's and 4 98's EILL - 2 100's and 15 99's (El Hereo Mexicano was involved in all but one of those matches) SWF - 1 100 and 16 99's TCW - 1 99 USPW - 1 99 Three 100 rated matches in nearly four years tells me that they are near impossible to get
  10. We might need to reset the challenge this time around. Unless the overness cap has been patched, getting a 100 rated match looks to be far too difficult. Added to this are DJ's comments about survival at the start of saves being more challenging. Any suggestions are welcome. The obvious solution is to drop the completion requirement to a 99 rated match but increase the victory conditions around it. (e.g. your wrestler must have a 99 rated match in a PPV main event singles match for a company of at least large size) Or instead of having one victory condition have points for achievements and see who can get the highest score (e.g. one point per company size increase, one point for every year booked, one point for every 99 rated match - to a max of ten, five points for selling out the biggest stadium on the game - ten points for getting into the Hall of Immortals.)
  11. <p>End of 2022</p><p> </p><p> I finally got round to booking the end of 2022. It was a very tough year, I ran 16 shows and made a loss of about 3k and only gained 3 pop for my company. No wonder my character picked up a drug habit to go with his drinking:</p><p> </p><p> <em>13. “P-A-R-T-why? Cos I Gotta!” Add "Soft Drug User" to your character’s addictions. If you have this already then upgrade to "Heavy Soft Drug User" or "Former Soft Drug User" if previously a Heavy Soft Drug User.</em></p><p> </p><p> The industry is rising now after bottoming out in November and i've dumped some high earners so i'm hoping to make good progress in 2023.</p>
  12. I know it's not the same but I can recommend Trello for planning the stories and copying and pasting the angles into the game. There's a whole thread about Trello here: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546226&highlight=trello
  13. Yeah it sucks. Luckily you can talk to workers now and get them to work in your game area. I set a filter for unemployed female wrestlers with at least 60 experience and asked them to work in the British Isles. The downside is that you'll have to pay their travel costs but some will move to your area which will make things cheaper.
  14. Feel free to move if you can get a new job. I've applied for about five with no success so far. Only as booker though, owner goals are part of the challenge.
  15. I really like your user character. Good luck, someone has to fluke a 100 rated match at some point!
  16. Has everyone given up on this I've been really struggling to book 2022, I just completely ran out of ideas so I've been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey instead. I'm up to July 2022 at the moment and I think i've finally got enough ideas to finish the year. My wrestling industry is now at 0 and the economy is at 33 and falling. I have a few written contracts coming up at the end of the year and I need to start making some hard decisions. At the moment I am breaking even by running 16 shows a year.
  17. RIP Wolf TCW were struggling as it is, this is a huge blow for them. His last match was an 89 rated world title match against Greg Gauge.
  18. <p>Looks like we are in for a serious challenge this year.</p><p> </p><p> I've barely got off the ground, the industry and economy are in the toilet and with the current level of ticket sales I can only run 16 shows a year. Also, i'm not sure if it the latest patch but i'm suddenly getting a lot of requests for pay rises - i'm going to have to cut some people because they are not worth the new amount they are asking for.</p>
  19. That's got to suck. That is one of the reasons I like the C-Verse, nothing that happens in the real world can influence your thinking on your wrestlers.
  20. <p>I think it would be amazing to have canon dynasties. Adam could set the outline of the feud as a challenge (e.g. Scythe retiring Skull DeBones) and the best write up would become canon.</p><p> </p><p> Obviously the major downside to this is that some people like to have their own head canon history when they are booking.</p>
  21. Roll was: 36. “Solid? Liquid? Gas?” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Consistency skill Progress is pretty slow and the wrestling industry is 14 and declining! The economy is also dropping so it looks like more slow progress is ahead. The Dynasty is here: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=547337
  22. It was now or never for Rick Law, he's in serious decline now
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