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Everything posted by justtxyank

  1. Hogan trying to act like a 20 year old drives me crazy.
  2. I'd actually love to see Macho Man back on tv. Love that guy.
  3. Fair enough. OK, not going to argue about whether Foley was over before he converted to Goofy. Getting a few main event matches doesn't mean the promoter is taking you seriously as a legit main eventer. Austin could main event against anybody in 1998 and sell out as he was on of the best draws in the history of the business. It's fine if you disagree with me, but Foley has stated this himself that it took him going off the HIAC for Vince to believe in him.
  4. He wasn't main eventing because he was fat and ugly though, not because of overness. Vince was afraid that Foley would fail as a main eventer. Foley himself has stated this. He said that no matter how crowd's reacted to him, Vince never took him seriously until he went off the HIAC.
  5. Foley got over by being Cactus Jack and then Mankind in the WWF. By the time he became goofy Mankind he was already over, Vince just wasn't sure he could carry a strap.
  6. I think I've been pretty clear on this site that Anderson has never appealed to me in anyway. I've never seen the comparison to the Rock as legit. The reason people naturally make that comparison is because of the attitude and the mic work which have similarities in tone and character, but not in delivery. Anderson has always felt forced on the mic to me and has always been bland in the ring. He doesn't have The Rock's look either. As for AJ-HBK, this is another comparison that gets made and I think it sucks equally. AJ is very flashy and I definitely think he is one of the generation's best workers, but he is no HBK, especially not Prime HBK. AJ still doesn't have the psychology or the selling ability of HBK.
  7. I think it is unfair to say he was an average journeyman, but in 1990 there wasn't much reason to think Austin was something more special than Dustin Rhodes who also won ROY and multiple titles in his time in WCW and the WWF. There was also Marc Mero who was a ROY and won multiple titles in WCW and then went on to win a title in the WWF as well. Austin wasn't average, but he was not pegged as a superstar. Heyman liked him, which speaks well of Austin, but when he got to the WWF he wasn't moving mountains there either. It wasn't until the Stone Cold character that Austin became more than a really good midcarder. To be clear, you are asserting that in real life Steve Austin is a beer swigging redneck who doesn't really like anybody, wants to fight everybody, takes orders from no one, has no respect for authority and that Mick Foley is really a deranged lunatic who hears voices? I mean Ric Flair by all accounts really is an egotistical womanizing alcoholic, but I never knew that Austin and Foley were their characters in real life.
  8. I know many on here have been spending the past month plus trying to figure out ways to keep Bret out of the ring, heck even before he came back people were thinking of ways to keep him out of the ring, but there isn't a reason yet to think he isn't going to fight Vince. I think they might book it the way they did Mayweather vs Show where they don't tell us what is going to happen, just that there will be a "match of some sort." They might call it "unsanctioned" or something so they don't have to do a lot of "ring work" and just have them punch each other for a few minutes before a sharpshooter. But, you are kidding yourself if you don't think there is going to be some sort of physical matchup between Vince and Bret after they teased the sharpshooter on Raw. By the way, I'd like them to put Jerry Lawler in the Money in the Bank this year.
  9. 1) Inoki is a former WWF World Champion 2) Koko B Ware is in the Hall of Fame. Does it matter at this point who else they induct? It's a joke and is meant only as a way to give fans a dose of nostalgia. It isn't like it's a real honor or a career aspiration. If however, it were a REAL hall of fame, would Dusty Rhodes, Bill Watts, The Funks, the Von Erichs, Eddie Graham, Gordon Solie, Harley Race, Pete Maivia... etc, belong in the WWE Hall of Fame? It is clearly just a nostalgia trip and nothing more so we should not get bent up about who is or who is not elected.
  10. As mentioned above me, they did the Road Wild ppv at the Sturges bike rally and charged nothing for admission. It was retarded. Say what you want about Jay Leno being involved in wrestling, but that ppv could have sold some tickets. They also had bad judgment in they they frequently went to smaller venues to hold Nitros and ppvs when they could sell more.
  11. To clear something up, WCW gave away attendance in their prime for a few pay-per-views which ended up being a DISASTER for them financially. They were being incredibly stupid and it cost them a fortune. The Roadwild ppvs sent money down the drain. When they did it for Nitro it was equally stupid. No smart wrestling organization gives away tickets that they don't have to. The WWE sells as many tickets as they can before they start giving away free tickets.
  12. Yep. They actually lose money when they go on the road for ppvs. This seems like something they might actually HAVE learned from WCW. Don't throw money away where you don't need to.
  13. Out of curiosity, how many workers on WWE's roster are left off each ppv outside of the Royal Rumble? No, I don't think 25% is that big of a deal when the whole focus of the company right now is a new sheriff has come in to shake everything up. I actually think it makes more sense that way than if it were a new boss trying to change everything by having the exact same people fighting each other. But, to each his own. They don't "need to" in order to sell their product, because they have no real competition. But whether or not they are doing good business is irrelevant to me when evaluating whether their product is actually entertaining. It isn't. I never said I hadn't seen the other two shows. What I was saying is that due to circumstances I rarely get to watch them. Because of that, I wasn't using what happens on those shows to base my evaluation on WWE. Considering Raw is by far their flagship brand, I think that is ok. I'm sorry you think it makes me sound ignorant, but you distorted what I said entirely. But it's cool. I don't care if they are starting to develop a storyline, just like your judgment of TNA, storylines need to exist in perfect right this second or else it is a trainwreck. Right? Different opinions for different people. From a wrestling perspective, I find that WWE presents a pretty stale, generic, paint by numbers product, which translates to garbage in my opinion. You like that stuff. That's great! There were people who defended WWF having guys like Bastion Booger, Abe Knuckleball Schwartz, etc. I'm glad you aren't going to say anymore. We obviously won't agree and you are getting annoyed to the point of heading toward insults. It's best we leave the conversation at that. You can defend WWE and hate TNA, I can hate WWE and cross my fingers and hope for TNA.
  14. I've always thought Bischoff was the perfect on air authority figure, but only as a heel.
  15. So, 75% of the guys on Genesis HAD been on one of their pay-per-views before and that equals them not getting enough time? OK. And yes, I do believe WWE is garbage. I'm sorry you like it. Rarely are the matches any good unless it is a pay-per-view, and even then it is hit or miss. While feuds may have "logic" there isn't anything interesting about them because the promos are all scripted and lack passion and the ringwork is all generic. As for the shows, I don't get to watch Smackdown or ECW so I can't comment on them, but Raw sucks. Sucks sucks sucks sucks. Generic matches, stupid as hell storylines involving Hornswoggle, DX going through the motions and cracking corny jokes every week. The only thing remotely interesting to me about the E is the Bret vs Vince story that is developing. I also think it is irrational to say TNA has no direction after 3 shows have been aired. When the WWF was three shows in under Vince McMahon I wonder if people said "Yep, this is going to be the wrestling show that dominates the world!"
  16. I just read that Kong's issues don't have anything to do with Bubba but rather have to do with not wanting to do the UK tour. As for Flash, we have no idea yet why she is leaving. As for the homegrown talent thing, the homegrown talent has still been working. I'm not going to knock them for the Nasty Boys until I see where it goes. But it is unfair to say the homegrown guys haven't been getting any airtime. They've gotten airtime. Let's remember that when the show was all about the homegrown guys nobody was watching. I agree completely about them doing the screwjob story being stupid. I don't agree that they are just rehashing the attitude era show-wide though. The storyline with The Band is actually interesting to me and it plays off the real life issues that have happened since the Attitude Era, including the common themes that have gone on since it was announced Hogan would be taking over. I just think we are being way too harsh on TNA just because we can. They've basically had 4 televised shows now under the new regime and people are eviscerating them. The WWE has been ramming garbage down our throats for 5+ years. Let's give TNA a chance to play out the storylines before we start saying it's WCW all over again.
  17. I don't think this is the case at all. I think we need to stop buying the perception that the internet media is putting out there. They have issued reports ranging from "Morale is great after inspiring speech from Hogan!" to "Everyone wants out! Hogan is terrible!" We just need to stop trying to be smarky about it and see what happens. I think Hogan is doing a good job right now personally. The only thing I hate that they've done is reenact the Montreal bit last night. To be fair though, the WWE does that seemingly twice a year.
  18. Two things. 1) If WWE was held to the standards TNA is, it would be out of business. 2) TNA needs to go to a live show bad. With taped shows, fans are deciding whether the shows are good or not before they ever see them. Tonight's Impact was no worse than any WWE broadcast, but it is being trashed largely because we all got so upset from the spoilers earlier in the week.
  19. Just watched tonight's impact. Didn't think it was bad at all actually. Much better on tv than it was in the spoilers. Even the Nasty Boys didn't seem so bad. Knobbs is definitely a lot worse off than Sags at this point.
  20. How big will a loss would it be long term though? Her size over the other knockouts inherently limits her. This is what has hurt Big Show in his career.
  21. Like always. Flair is NOT a good talker anymore despite what people still think.
  22. Wow, the Impact spoilers sound horrible. Spoilers in white. The Nasty Boys wrestle and win a match against Nash and Eric Young? Orlando Jordan beats Pope? Angle gets beat by the ankle lock in ANOTHER Angle vs Styles match? TNA imitates the screwjob? I just...
  23. Regardless of whether you agree with it or not, if you are going to work for a company that's success is measured by how well they get other people to buy their product or buy advertising space during their shows, you can't say things that make people not want to do that.
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