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Everything posted by justtxyank

  1. I'm actually a fan of theirs as well. I have always marked for tag teams and they were one of my favorites in my youth. I have no problem with them getting a one night match with the Dudleys if the Nastys can still work a serious match.
  2. I don't get why they didn't have Jeff wrestle if he's really signed with them.
  3. Jeff Jarrett is not a draw. I wish TNA would learn that.
  4. I just hoped it would be different. I really really can't believe what is happening here tonight.
  5. FYI, PWI confirmed that Jeff Hardy has signed a contract with TNA.
  6. OH MY GOD. I'm turning TNA off. These commercials are absolutely outrageous.
  7. If you are nearly halfway through your show and your best match is a women's match, you are in trouble in this industry.
  8. I can't believe Orlando Jordan is on TNA. What a stupid stupid stupid stupid decision.
  9. TNA sucks so bad right now. We are 1.5 hours in and all we've gotten are a botched up X-Division match, knockout matches, and a 20 second squash match. Sigh.
  10. OMG the Nasty Boys lol. ROFL. I will admit to loving those guys.
  11. LOL Hogan. I've been in the back all day long... Really? The last hour was your limo driving to the arena.
  12. Yeah they need to improve their production values BIG TIME.
  13. The opening match was a massive fail. It was a cage match with way too many people that ended in a DQ. IT'S A CAGE MATCH! Not only that, but I wish TNA would drop the overly scripted spots that are not feasible at all unless all participants work together.
  14. These commercials are driving me nuts. TNA is making a bad impression thus far imo.
  15. Waltman and Hall both look in pretty good shape actually. They might have value to TNA afterall. I wonder if Jeff Hardy is actually "with" TNA or if he's on some sort of short term deal.
  16. Um I'm definitely switching. The Hitman is on Raw. That's must see TV.
  17. Hall looks to be in much better shape than I thought. At least in the face, he looks almost exactly like his last WWE run.
  18. So far TNA sucks. Why blow Flair and Jeff already? Jeff's debut was very lame imo. The strip poker segment sucked. A non-finish in a cage match? WTF? Failboat has arrived at the Impact center.
  19. Paul Heyman has confirmed on his website that he will NOT be appearing on TNA.
  20. All true. I just look at a guy like RVD though during his stint in the E. Fans still thought he was awesome, but I really believe that was only because of what he did prior to joining the E. His late E stuff sucked because he just followed the same formula. That's why I hope to see him return in TNA. I'd like to see him get to go all out again.
  21. Peter is right. That said, I do prefer the TNA style. Even beyond the indy style guys, all of their workers have more freedom in their matches. I hate the formulaic style that WWE has become. Match quality doesn't even matter.
  22. I mean I hope he is there, but to be that bold in his denying of the story is bad for TNA. Any of his loyal fans who would watch just for him are unlikely to now. To boldly say what he did definitely turns viewers away. It's totally self defeating if he ends up there.
  23. I doubt he'd make the post he did if it wasn't serious. I doubt he'll be there. Major bummer. Now I won't be watching TNA.
  24. Why do people keep saying WCW died because they brought in veteran cast offs? If TimeWarner hadn't wanted WCW gone they'd still be in business.
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