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Everything posted by justtxyank

  1. TNA still needs to work on their production quality. The music still sounds cheap.
  2. Oh please, lol. It is a fine way to get around Hall being a *****. You are such a TNA hater. Yay for Tara!
  3. By the way, the Morley match vs Daniels was good even though I don't agree with Morley winning.
  4. Yeah, he's a much better worker with more charisma as well. I haven't really ever watched any of Kendrick's matches all the way through until that one though, and I was really impressed with how he moves in the ring.
  5. By the way, Tara carrying a tarantula to the ring is really stupid.
  6. I can't believe Hall chickened out. Great match between Kendrick and Red. I can't stand Red though, so was pulling for Kendrick.
  7. It's just that after reading everything about how badly he wants back in the business to get a commentator's job and how cleaned up he's been on the circuit, I thought for sure he would make good for a few months to try to get a more permanent job.
  8. What does that mean lol? I can't believe Hall is this much of a punk that he will blow another opportunity.
  9. I ordered and I'm going to be pissed if Hall doesn't wrestle. Wow. I ordered for that match.
  10. I just read that RVD basically said the only thing TNA has is that they aren't WWE. He went on to say WWE is the king. Better storylines, more fans, bigger arenas, etc. From the way that article read, I don't think there is anyway he is going to work for them.
  11. Me too. So stupid. He is just not worthy of this kind of hype.
  12. I just read that the live Monday show drew a 1.8 in the key demo (male, 18-34) which is more than twice the average .7 in that demo. I hope TNA can build some momentum. I was thinking about ordering the ppv, but I don't want to if the surprise is going to be Kennedy. I don't want my money to make them think I like him.
  13. Agreed. What people forget is that prior to his wife dying, Jarrett was hated by the IWC and the Impact fans were sick to death of him. He was being compared to HHH without the look or talent. People were saying he was the one holding everyone down in TNA to keep himself relevant when he couldn't draw a single viewer. Then his wife dies, he takes time off and comes back on the side of the righteous and everyone is proud to call him the "founder of TNA" and cheer for him.
  14. LOL I can't even believe people are suggesting Shane McMahon. Andre the Giant is more likely. Anyway, I think it's going to be Kennedy which is really stupid.
  15. I look at the Genesis card and I think, wow, that looks like a really good card. The booking can't be all that bad. Red font is my comments *TNA champ AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle in what is billed as Angle's last shot at Styles This should be another really good match. I hope they don't copy the same format with both guys hitting their finishers over and over. To be honest, I'd like to see AJ pull out an awesome spot to win the match and put Kurt out for a little bit. *The debut of a new "acquisition" Lots of hype on this for me. It better not be Sid Vicious though lol. *Beer Money vs. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. Really pumped for this one. Love the Outsiders. I know internet smarks will be mad if the Outsiders win, but I think either outcome can be good depending on how it's booked. *Abyss vs. Bobby Lashley This has good potential. *TNA Tag Team champions The British Invasion vs Matt Morgan and Hernandez Don't care about this match at all *TNA Knockouts champ ODB vs Tara - best of Three Falls I love Tara, hate ODB. Should be a good match. *TNA X-Division champ Amazing Red vs. mystery opponent Jeff Hardy? *Daniels vs. Sean Morley I'm glad to see Sean Morley getting a real run in a promotion. This should be an entertaining match. *Desmond Wolfe vs. D'Angelo Dinero Both of these guys have really bright futures in TNA. Feuding them together should elevate both of them.
  16. The Rock is also billed as Dewayne the Rock Johnson for the Toothfairy.
  17. I was taught that non-competes had to protect legitamete business interests.
  18. The "what" chants are the stupidest thing in wrestling and make me hate Steve Austin with a burning fire. I loved Vince calling out the crowd the week before for the idiotic "What" chants.
  19. I'd love to see this challenged in court. I'd like to see the WWE argue that they need non-competes to protect a legitimate business interest.
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