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Posts posted by steev42

  1. http://www.2d12.com/RTG/WSW2.jpg

    Wall Street Wrestling Presents

    Incredible Public Onslaught 2027

    McGaw Arena in Tri-State, 5000 in attendance



    Money Talks (Joaquin Sanchez & Richard Pennyworth III) w/Lisa Bowen defeated The Next Big Things (Mike Aroma & Patrick Lindland) ©

    James Diaz & Chad Ryland defeated The Amazing Caballero Bros (D)

    Amber Allen defeated Isabel Duran ©


    Buy-In Tournament Quarterfinal Matchup

    Matty Faith vs Roger Reed

    This is the way to start a show. While the announcers put over the fact that whoever won this bout was going to have to face a completely fresh competitor in the semi-final round, it was obvious that the two in the ring weren't thinking that far ahead and were completely focused on their current opponent. Some good back and forth action, and Reed would eventually take control and have Faith at his mercy. At least, it looked like he was, until Faith was able to get his knees up on a top-rope move, and from there he had control. A couple big moves to set up his opponent, and the Leap of Faith made victory academic in 12:04.

    Winner by Pinfall: Matty Faith (C-)


    Camera cuts backstage, where we see Micheal Savage has been watching the match. He taunts Matty Faith, telling him that he put his body on the line for nothing, that when Savage meets him in the ring, there will be nothing left.



    Buy-In Tournament Quarterfinal Matchup

    Ross Henry vs Juana Huracan

    Henry started this match on absolute fire, leaving Huracan to scramble to try to find some offensive maneuvers. She eventually was able to stunt the offense of the undefeated superstar with some...questionable...tactics, but even that wasn't enough to last for long. Even winded from the low blow, Henry was able to drive Huracan into the ring with an Earthquake Powerslam for the 1-2-3 in 7:37.

    Winner by Pinfall: Ross Henry (C+)


    We cut backstage, where W$W Blue Chip Champion Blue Phantom has turned a corner and run directly into Cali Slick. The two of them exchange heated words, and nearly come to blows, but slightly cooler heads prevail -- Phantom challenges Slick to meet him in the ring later tonight. Slick agrees with a long eye on the Blue Chip belt.



    Buy-In Tournament Quarterfinal Matchup

    California Love Machine vs Aldous Blackfriar

    This match had some pretty good action, but was mostly used by the announcers to talk about other events -- Slick vs Phantom that was just made official, Faith taking on Savage, and Ross Henry's continuing undefeated streak. When Aldous Blackfriar got the submission, cleanly, in 9:45, they verbally questioned whether or not the cult leader would be able to take on Henry in the same way.

    Winner by Submission: Aldous Blackfriar ©


    W$W Tag Team Championship Match


    Thunder & Lightning (Jason Thunder & Lightning Lomas) vs The Fame Express (Cameron Jones & Jake Idol) w/Jackpot Jordan ©

    Thunder & Lightning are newly turned heel, and they took full advantage of every rules loophole they could find in this match. They attacked with the ropes, they stayed in the ring far longer than they should have after a tag, they had the outside guy attack the legal man on the other team. And it was working for them, as they time and time again were able to get an advantage that ALMOST got them the victory. Eventually, it all came to a head after another blow to the back of Cameron Jones' head by Lightning Lomas when he wasn't the legal man, and both teams jumped in the ring attacking each other for long enough that Francis Long had to throw the match out.

    Draw by No Contest ©, The Fame Express are still W$W Tag Team Champions


    The match is over, but the brawl continues. It would eventually see Thunder & Lightning take out first Cameron Jones, then Jake Idol, leaving both champions down and out while the challengers stand tall.



    Non-Title Match

    Cali Slick vs Blue Phantom

    After a draw at Public Relations 19 and an argument backstage, these two men come out here and try to show the world that they are better than the other. While Phantom manages to get his offense in here and there, he's never really able to get momentum that sticks. Cali, on the other hand, is able to throw the smaller man around the ring with ease, and is eventually able to land the Slick-Back for the victory in 14:22.

    Winner by Pinfall: Cali Slick ©


    Matty Faith comes to the ring, and talks about his match with Micheal Savage. He says that yes, Savage is the fresher man, but that doesn't account for experience. Tonight's his night, and he can feel it -- Savage will lose, and Faith will go on to win the Buy-In Tournament.



    Buy-In Tournament Semifinal Matchup

    Matty Faith vs Micheal Savage

    Faith tries to put his money where his mouth is, and starts the match fast and furious, causing Savage to go on the defensive for quite some time. It's obvious, though, that Savage is just trying to weather the storm, and eventually he is able to plow over Faith with a vicious clothesline that is the beginning of the end. It's quite obvious that Faith is still tired from his earlier bout, and Savage takes full advantage, hitting the Locked Hate Demolisher for the pinfall in 8:35.

    Winner by Pinfall: Micheal Savage (C+)


    Buy-In Tournament Semifinal Matchup

    Ross Henry vs Aldous Blackfriar

    Blackfriar seems overwhelmingly confident from the beginning of this match, playing with Henry by using rope breaks constantly. Henry was getting visibly frustrated by these tactics, but Blackfriar continued to play keep-away from nearly four minutes before Henry was finally able to get his hands on him. From there, the match kicked into high gear, with both men going on flurries of offense back and forth. Henry would eventually take control and look to be setting himself up for victory when Blackfriar would pretend to be injured, drawing Long's attention. This would be the cue for Hellcat Hernandez and Marcel LaFleur to slide in and lay out Henry with an Evil Rites. Blackfriar would scramble to make the cover, but was a bit too quick in moving, and Long caught LaFleur leaving the ring. With Henry down and LaFleur in the ring, Long quickly called for the bell, awarding Henry the DQ victory in 13:43.

    Victory by Disqualification: Ross Henry (B)


    W$W Openweight Championship Match


    Rocky Weatherfield vs Harvey Robbinfield ©

    The match starts with a handshake between two men that respect each other greatly. After that, it was all business. They started with a long feeling out period, each jockying for any little advantage they could get. Rocky would take control first, but that wouldn't last, and each man was able to have the advantage numerous times over the course of this long match. Eventually, both men exhausted and frustrated by numerous near pins, Harvey would just barely get Rocky up off the ground, but manages to nail a picture perfect Omega Driver to get the pin and the 6th defense of his belt in 22:20.

    Winner by Pinfall and STILL W$W Openweight Champion: Harvey Robbinfield (C+)


    Ross Henry comes out to the ring for the Buy-In final match, and grabs a microphone. He tells Savage that he may have gotten lucky once tonight, and he may be the fresher man, but Henry is undefeated, and that isn't going to change tonight.



    2027 Buy-In Tournament Final

    Ross Henry vs Micheal Savage

    Savage didn't like what Henry had to say just before the match, and the two men came to grips quite quickly, trading offense back and forth with tremendous flurries. Both men are big, but Henry had to play the underdog in this matchup as Savage is just a bit bigger, and had the strength advantage in this fight. It did seem to throw Henry off his gameplan for a bit, but eventually he found his footing, and was able to use his greater speed to his advantage. It was a battle of attrition, but little by little, he took down Savage's base, and was eventually able to get the big man up...and back down with the Earthquake Powerslam, giving him the pinfall victory and the Buy-In Tournament championship in 13:41.

    Winner by Pinfall and 2027 Buy-In Tournament Champion: Ross Henry (B)


    Ecstatic with victory, Ross Henry celebrates wildly, going into the stands to celebrate with the fans, who lap it up, cheering him on.





    Hell of a show. Hell of a show. Henry pulls out two B rated matches in one show (turn out to be #5 and #7 matches in W$W history), and has to be viewed as the top contender for the championship going forward as his undefeated streak continues. Savage did far better than I thought he would, rising to the challenge of taking on two top contenders who had been weakened, and making both matches things of glory. The main event helped make this tournament our third B- rated show and best of all time, setting 2027 up for great things.

  2. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>


    Wall Street Wrestling Presents</p><p>

    <strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Public Relations 19</span></strong></p><p>

    Generic Venue in New England, 1700 in attendance</p><p>

    </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Preshow sees W$W Openweight Champion Harvey Robbinfield defeat James Diaz (</em><em><strong>C+</strong></em><em>) in a non-title matchup, and #1 Contender Rocky Weatherfield defeat Hellcat Hernandez w/Aldous Blackfriar (</em><em><strong>C+</strong></em><em>).</em></p><p> </p><p>

    As the show opens, Davis Ditterich and Emily McQueen talk about how for the first time, the Buy-In Tournament will be featuring 16 people. The first round matchups will take place tonight, and among others, we will be seeing Blue Phantom, Ross Henry, Matty Faith, Aldous Blackfriar, Cameron Jones, Jake Idol, Jillian Jarvis, and Juana Huracan.</p><p>

    <strong>D-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Buy-In Tournament First Round Matchup</strong></p><p>

    Roger Reed vs Jake Idol w/Jackpot Jordan</p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

    A good match to start the show off. The announcers brought up that these two men had drawn the middle seeds, being ranked #8 (Idol) and #9 in the field of 16. Decent performances from both men that ended in 9:39 when Roger Reed hit the Stealth Crusher for the pin. </p><p>

    <strong>Winner by Pinfall: Roger Reed (C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Buy-In Tournament First Round Matchup</strong></p><p>

    Cameron Jones w/Jackpot Jordan vs Juana Huracan</p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

    Juana Huracan (#6) is a former Buy-In Tournament winner, having won the whole thing 4 years ago, but was unable to parlay that into an Openweight Championship reign. Cameron Jones (#11) is a member of the reigning W$W Tag Team champions, along with Jake Idol, having defeated Juana and Jillian Jarvis to claim his second reign with that title. With the knowledge of the recent tag team competition between them being talked about the whole match, both of these people put it all on the line, but Juana was the one to cinch in the submission, getting Cameron to tap to the Time-Square Lock in 8:17. </p><p>

    <strong>Winner by Submission: Juana Huracan (C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Buy-In Tournament First Round Matchup</strong></p><p>

    Micheal Savage vs Tigre Salvaje Jr</p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

    The announcers talk about Tigre Salvaje's recent poor fortunes; despite coming into the match ranked #4, he has had poor showings as of late, and just hasn't managed to string together any real quality wins. Micheal Savage is a brute who is relatively new to W$W, ranked #13. Salvaje Jr gets some good offense in relatively early, but it doesn't take long for Savage to weather the storm and turn the game around. Shortly thereafter, the upset is complete, as he nails Tiger Salvaje Jr with the Locked Hate Demolisher for the pinfall in 7:21. </p><p>

    <strong>Winner by Pinfall: Micheal Savage (D+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Rocky Weatherfield comes to the ring to talk about his match for the W$W Openweight Championship in two weeks. He says that Harvey and he see eye to eye on a lot of things, but when the bell rings to end the match at IPO, it'll be Rocky who stands victorious.</p><p>

    <strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Buy-In Tournament First Round Matchup</strong></p><p>

    Cali Slick vs Blue Phantom</p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

    Phantom has had one hell of a year, winning the W$W Blue Chip Championship after his mentor American Elemental II left the company. He's ranked #12 for this tournament -- but he's facing perhaps the greatest Blue Chip champion in W$W history, Cali Slick. Cali comes in at #5, riding high after some successful fueds with Matty Faith and Rocky Weatherfield in the last year. Neither man held back, both wanting to show they were better, both in the Blue Chip division as well as trying to climb the ladder to the top. In the end, the action spilled outside the ring. Intent upon each other, neither man heard referee Francis Long's count until the last moment, and neither one made it back into the ring. Long calls for the double count-out in 9:48.</p><p>

    <strong>Draw by Double Count-Out (C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Ross Henry comes to the ring. He talks about how he is happy to be finally getting some good competition...good, but not great. Sorry, Pennyworth, but this is going to be your last match in this years tournament.</p><p>

    <strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Buy-In Tournament First Round Matchup</strong></p><p>

    Ross Henry vs Richard Pennyworth III w/Lisa Bowen</p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

    Ross Henry is undefeated in W$W thus far, good enough to earn him the #3 seed in this tournament despite not having any titles to his name. Pennyworth is a triple crown champion, but has fallen down the card in recent years, and is only #14 in the sixteen man field. Still, he is able to give as good as he gets, with both men trading blows back and forth, and neither one giving an inch. [ED: If only either of these guys were good at selling this match would be the bomb.] Lisa Bowen did her best at ringside to distract either the referee or Henry, but it wasn't to be, and Henry eventually caught Pennyworth with the Earthquake Powerslam for the pinfall in 11:30.</p><p>

    <strong>Winner by Pinfall: Ross Henry (B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Buy-In Tournament First Round Matchup</strong></p><p>

    Riley McManus vs Aldous Blackfriar</p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

    Like Pennyworth in the previous match, McManus has a long history of titles in W$W, but after losing the Tag Team championship a few months back, he has struggled to regain his momentum. He comes in ranked #15, facing off against #2 ranked Aldous Blackfriar. Blackfriar and his Dark Watch stable have hounded the last two other champions, driving American Elemental II out of the company completely, and being a constant thorn in the side of Harvey Robbinfield since he took the title away from Blackfriar. Last month saw a last man standing match that supposedly ended Blackfriar's challenges for the title, but he is in this tournament to try to get another shot. And it turns out that he wasn't leaving anything to chance -- he was able to distract the referee at a critical moment, and Hellcat Hernandez slid into the ring to lay out Riley McManus. Recovering swiftly, Blackfriar locked on the Gloomweaver Clutch to earn the submission victory in 9:05.</p><p>

    <strong>Winner by Submission: Aldous Blackfriar ©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Harvey Robbinfield, title belt over his shoulder, replies to Rocky Weatherfield's earlier promo. He claims that as good as Rocky might be, Harvey is better. This match is going to be tough, between two top competitors...but in the end, it'll be Harvey, not Rocky, who is going to have to pay attention to the tournament victor.</p><p>

    <strong>D</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Buy-In Tournament First Round Matchup</strong></p><p>

    California Love Machine vs Jillian Jarvis</p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

    A matchup between two people who have both held the Openweight and Tag Team gold in W$W. Jillian earns the higher seed at #7 due to having held the Tag gold more recently, but #10 CLM is no slouch. There were no holds barred as these two went back and forth for the longest match of the night. Momentum shifts abounded, as it looked like both would be victorious multiple times, but eventually, CLM would hit the LAX Departure for the pinfall in 14:23.</p><p>

    <strong>Winner by Pinfall: California Love Machine ©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Buy-In Tournament First Round Matchup</strong></p><p>

    Matty Faith vs Amber Allen</p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

    It's been some time since she did it, but Amber Allen is a former Openweight Champion here in W$W. Unfortuantely, her time in NOTBPW left her trying to climb back up the card when she returned, and she's ranked #16 here in this tournament despite putting on some incredible matches. Matty Faith has had a good year, but hasn't yet tasted gold. W$W officials think that it's about time he pulls that off, and have ranked him #1 for a reason. In this match, the two pulled out all the stops, putting on the show of the night without a doubt. They even teased Amber getting the victory a couple times, but Faith was just too resolute, and would not stay down for the three count. He eventually nails the Leap of Faith for the victory, pinning Allen at 11:50.</p><p>

    <strong>Winner by Pinfall: Matty Faith (B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    --</p><p> </p><p>

    A damned good show, with two matches that will probably leap into the top 10 from the company included. Sets up Incredible Public Onslaught 2027 with some solid matches for the tournament, and a decent title match as well. The show's final rating was a <strong>C+</strong>. Wish I'd known Ross/Pennyworth was going to be so good. I considered leaving it as the semi-main anyway, but in the end I thought CLM/Jarvis would be the better bout.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Card for W$W Incredible Public Onslaught 2027</em></p><p>

    #1 Matty Faith vs #9 Roger Reed</p><p>

    #13 Micheal Savage gets a bye due to no opponent</p><p>

    #3 Ross Henry vs #6 Juana Huracan</p><p>

    #10 California Love Machine vs #2 Aldous Blackfriar</p><p>

    Faith/Reed vs Savage</p><p>

    Henry/Huracan vs CLM/Blackfriar</p><p>

    Faith/Reed/Savage vs Henry/Huracan/CLM/Blackfriar</p><p>

    W$W Openweight Championship Match: Harvey Robbinfield © vs Rocky Weatherfield</p><p>

    W$W Tag Team Championship Match: Fame Express © vs Thunder & Lightning</p>

  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Morti" data-cite="Morti" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46809" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This looks very exciting! Thought about getting Rich Money as an on air authority figure? <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> Very ready to watch this towards the future</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well, NOW I have. I'd been mostly avoiding on-air authorities for a while, just having Riley play the part. Then Tommy Cornell retired from the ring, and I managed to snag him for about 8 months. Which was nice. But Rich Money...that makes too much sense. I may just do that.</p>
  4. <p><strong>Current Goals</strong></p><p>

    Riley McManus has given the following critical goals: </p><p>

    * Must not have fallen below #20 in the world rankings (currently #19) in the next year.</p><p>

    * Must have improved financial balance to at least $350,000 by August 2028.</p><p>

    And the following average goals, which have mostly been the same since the beginning of the game:</p><p>

    * Cannot hire or extend anyone with problems with the law.</p><p>

    * Cannot hire anyone who is a psycopath.</p><p>

    * Cannot hire anyone over 35. [This one has varied. It's gotten as high as 42, this is the lowest he's gone so far, but there's always an age limit.]</p><p> </p><p>

    In addition, I have my own goals. First, there's getting to Cult, which requires getting New England up to a D+ importance. Secondly, there's getting a TV show -- though I want some written contracts before that. Just trying to run 3 shows in a month was killer.</p>

  5. <p><strong>2026 W$W News Recap</strong></p><p>

    This has gone in the main post in the RTG thread, but since I was giving all the background, I left it off. Just a couple of quick notes this year.</p><p>

    In week 2 of May 2026, BHOTWG signed away two key members of W$W's roster, Logan Wolfsbaine and American Elemental II. Unsure if I'll ever get them back, this prompted the Hall of Fame Inductions in June. I like to think that BHOTWG let them come back for the ceremony.</p><p> </p><p>

    On Monday/1/Oct/26, NOTBPW signed away current W$W Tag Team Champion Claire Winters. The Originals were able to drop the belt before her notice period ended.</p><p> </p><p>

    In October 2026, W$W introduced Hostile Takeover, a 3rd show a month designed to spread into the Mid Atlantic region. Hefty losses that month saw them quickly drop the idea for the time being.</p><p> </p><p>

    And on Thursday/2/October/26, sadly, Rip Chord passed away.</p>

  6. So, I'm twelve years into my Road to Glory game, and I seem to be the only one posting on that thread. It was annual entries, but was kind of diary-ish after all, so rather than continue that, let's try an actual diary.


    To start out with, big thanks go out to Cory Carnes (an e-fed compatriot) for the W$W Logo and the Pennyworth avatar, and ReapeR, who I caught in a moment of weakness and got to make title belts for me.


    The essence of a road to glory game is the user character, and this is mine:

    Richard Pennyworth III






























    Mystery Box Rolls


    2017: Pop Goes the Weasel : +20 to Weasel Performance

    2018: Forgive me Father : +20 to Religious Habit

    2019: Chance Encounter: Strong Friendship with: (Mexico) Joaquin Sanchez [Already active in USA]

    2020: Link to the Past: +5 to Chain Wrestling

    2021: They Love Me/They Hate me: +20 total to add to Face/Heel

    2022: Link To The Past: +5 to Chain Wrestling

    2023: “LEGEN… wait for it… DARY!” Gain a Best Friend relationship with someone on your roster then add +10% to your Drinking habit. (Cameron Jones)

    2024: Feet of Fury: +5 to Puroresu

    2025: Real Rock n' Rolla: +10 between Mic and Charisma, become Musician.

    2026: “Solid? Liquid? Gas?” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Consistency skill

    2027: Bit Part" You have been hired for a small role in a tv pilot +10 points to spend across Microphone Skills, Charisma and Acting [+5 Mic, +5 Acting]

    2028: 40. “I’m In My 20s, On The Internet And I Enjoy The WWE” You can choose to add 20 points to your Brute Performance rating OR Weird Performance rating OR use a random number generator to score between 0 and 50, adding the number to either rating. [Choose Weird & Roll: +30]

    2029: 41. “Say Your Prayers, Drink Your Milk And Take Your Vitamins” You can choose to add 20 points to your Wholesome Performance rating OR use a random number generator to score between 0 and 50, adding the number to your Wholesome Performance rating. [Wholesome 45->65]





    Since I started the game, I've been with Wall Street Wrestling -- a company that should have been founded by Pennyworth in real story purposes, but for this game is owned by Riley McManus. We have been mostly the same product since the game started, but we did tweak Traditional from a Heavy to a Key Feature a while back to try to get slightly more momentum.




    Modern Traditional

    Traditional Key

    Mainstream Medium

    Cult Very Low

    Modern Medium

    Realism Heavy

    Hardcore Low

    Lucha Libre Low

    Pure Low

    Daredevil Low


    Match Ratio 90% Events, 80% TV

    Intensity 60%

    Danger 40%

    Heel/Face Divide

    Women Integrated



    W$W Progress



    19th best promotion in the world, with a bankroll of $275,036.



    17th best promotion in the world, with a bankroll of $461,989.



    14th best promotion in the world, with a bankroll of $648,510.




    Top Ten



    <details><summary>As of January 2027</summary>

    #10: W$W Short Sell in September 2025, coming in at a C+.

    #9 : W$W Bull Market Brawl in August 2024.

    #8 : W$W Breaking the Bank in April 2025.

    #7 : W$W Insider Trading in November 2025 (first show with new name; was Black Friday but had to be moved to get my guys on it)

    #6 : W$W Bull Market Brawl in August 2025

    #5 : W$W Insider Trading in November 2026

    #4 : W$W Christmas Crash in December 2025

    #3 : W$W Incredible Public Onslaught 2026 in January

    #2 : W$W Incredible Public Onslaught 2025 in January, coming in at a B-

    #1 : W$W Breaking the Bank in April 2026, also at a B-.


    <details><summary>As of January 2028...and January 2029</summary>

    #10: W$W Bull Market Brawl in August 2025 (C+)

    #9 : W$W Insider Trading in November 2026 (C+)

    #8 : W$W Christmas Crash in December 2025 (C+)

    #7 : W$W Paying Dividends in July 2027 (C+)

    #6 : W$W Incredible Public Onslaught in January 2026 (C+)

    #5 : W$W Expected Earnings in October 2027 (B-)

    #4 : W$W Incredible Public Onslaught in January 2025 (B-)

    #3 : W$W Public Relations 30 in December 2027 (B-)

    #2 : W$W Breaking the Bank in April 2026 (B-)

    #1 : W$W Incredible Public Onslaught in January 2027(B-)




    <details><summary>As of Jan 2027</summary>

    #10: Logan Wolfsbaine defeated Jillian Jarvis (April 2026, B-)

    #9 : Rocky Weatherfield defeated Richard Pennyworth III (September 2026, B-)

    #8 : Harvy Robbinfield defeated Richard Pennyworth III (August 2026, B-)

    #7 : American Elemental II defeated The Silencer (April 2025, B-)

    #6 : American Elemental II defeated Riley McManus (November 2024, B)

    #5 : Logan Wolfsbaine defeated Cali Slick (January 2026, B)

    #4 : Harvey Robbinfield defeated Aldous Blackfriar (January 2026, B)

    #3 : Harvy Robbinfield defeated Juana Huracan (January 2026, B)

    #2 : American Elementall II defeated Ray Snow (December 2025, B)

    #1 : American Elemental II defeated Frankie-Boy Fernandes (January 2025, B)


    <details><summary>As of Jan 2028...and January 2029</summary>

    #10: American Elemental II defeated Riley McManus (November 2024, B)

    #9 : Ross Henry defeated Aldous Blackfriar by DQ in Buy-In Tournament Semifinal Match (January 2027, B)

    #8 : Logan Wolfsbaine defeated Cali Slick (January 2026, B)

    #7 : Harvey Robbinfield defeated Joaquin Sanchez (April 2027, B)

    #6 : Ross Henry defeated Micheal Savage in Buy-In Tournament Finals (January 2027, B)

    #5 : Harvey Robbinfield defeated Aldous Blackfriar in Buy-In Tournament Finals (January 2026, B)

    #4 : Harvey Robbinfield defeated Juana Huracan (January 2026, B)

    #3 : Ross Henry defeated Destruction by Stoppage (December 2027, B)

    #2 : American Elementall II defeated Ray Snow (December 2025, B)

    #1 : American Elemental II defeated Frankie-Boy Fernandes (January 2025, B)



    W$W Hall of Fame


    <img src="http://www.2d12.com/RTG/Workers/American Elemental II.jpg" height="100" width="100">

    American Elemental II (Inducted June 2026, 1x Buy-In Tournament Champion, 1x Openweight Champion, 1x Tag Team Champion, 1x Blue Chip Champion)


    <img src="http://www.2d12.com/RTG/Workers/Claire Winters.jpg" height="100" width="100">

    Claire Winters (Inducted June 2026, W$W Original, 1x Openweight Champion, 2x Tag Team Champion)


    <img src="http://www.2d12.com/RTG/Workers/Dewey Libertine.jpg" height="100" width="100">

    Dewey Libertine (Inducted Sept 2025, Head Referee for nearly a decade)


    <img src="http://www.2d12.com/RTG/Workers/Logan Wolfsbaine.jpg" height="100" width="100">

    Logan Wolfsbaine (Inducted June 2026, 1x Buy-In Tournament Champion, 2x Openweight Champion)


    <img src="http://www.2d12.com/RTG/Workers/Richard Pennyworth III.jpg" height="100" width="100">

    Richard Pennyworth III (Inducted June 2026, W$W Original, 2x Openweight Champion, 1x Tag Team Champion, 2x Blue Chip Champion)


    <img src="http://www.2d12.com/RTG/Workers/Riley McManus.jpg" height="100" width="100">

    Riley McManus (Inducted June 2026, W$W Original, 4x Openweight Champion, 3x Tag Team Champion, 1x Blue Chip Champion)



    Title Histories



    <details><summary>Triple Crown Winners</summary>

    Dates are of first completion.

    <img src="http://www.2d12.com/RTG/Workers/Amber Allen.jpg" height="100" width="100">

    Amber Allen [Tag, Blue Chip, Openweight] Completed November 2027


    <img src="http://www.2d12.com/RTG/Workers/American Elemental II.jpg" height="100" width="100">

    American Elemental II - Completed January 2025 [buy-In, Tag, Blue Chip]*


    <img src="http://www.2d12.com/RTG/Workers/Richard Pennyworth III.jpg" height="100" width="100">

    Richard Pennyworth III [Tag, Blue Chip, Openweight] Completed November 2023


    <img src="http://www.2d12.com/RTG/Workers/Riley McManus.jpg" height="100" width="100">

    Riley McManus [Tag, Blue Chip, Openweight] Completed February 2028



    <details><summary>Grand Slam Winners</summary>

    Dates are of first completion.

    <img src="http://www.2d12.com/RTG/Workers/American Elemental II.jpg" height="100" width="100">

    American Elemental II - Completed Grand Slam November 2025



    <details><summary>W$W Openweight Championship</summary>http://www.2d12.com/RTG/WSW%20Openweight.jpg<img src="http://www.2d12.com/RTG/Workers/Famine Faith.jpg" height="100" width="100"><table><tr><td>27</td><td>Famine Faith</td><td>(2x)</td><td>Jan 2029 - PRESENT</td><td>0 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>26</td><td>Cali Slick</td><td></td><td>Dec 2020 - Jan 2029</td><td>0 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>25</td><td>Ross Henry</td><td>(2x)</td><td>Jun 2028 - Dec 2028</td><td>5 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>24</td><td>Famine Faith</td><td></td><td>Apr 2028 - Jun 2028</td><td>2 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>23</td><td>Ross Henry</td><td></td><td>Jun 2027 - Apr 2028</td><td>11 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>22</td><td>Roger Reed</td><td></td><td>Mar 2027 - Jun 2027</td><td>1 Defense</td></tr><tr><td>21</td><td>Harvey Robbinfield</td><td></td><td>Jun 2026 - Mar 2027</td><td>7 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>20</td><td>Aldous Blackfriar</td><td></td><td>May 2026 - Jun 2026</td><td>1 Defense</td></tr><tr><td>19</td><td>American Elemental II</td><td></td><td>Nov 2025 - May 2026</td><td>5 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>California Love Machine</td><td>(2x)</td><td>May 2025 - Nov 2025</td><td>4 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>17</td><td>Logan Wolfsbaine</td><td>(2x)</td><td>Jun 2024 - May 2025</td><td>7 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>Jackpot Jordan</td><td></td><td>Dec 2023 - Jun 2024</td><td>3 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>Jillian Jarvis</td><td></td><td>Nov 2023 - Dec 2023</td><td>0 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>Fro Sure</td><td></td><td>Feb 2023 - Nov 2023</td><td>6 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>Riley McManus</td><td>(4x)</td><td>Sep 2022 - Feb 2023</td><td>3 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>Amber Allen</td><td></td><td>Aug 2022 - Sep 2022</td><td>0 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>Riley McManus</td><td>(3x)</td><td>Aug 2021 - Aug 2022</td><td>8 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>California Love Machine</td><td></td><td>Feb 2021 - Aug 2021</td><td>4 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>VACANT</td><td colspan="3">(Due to Ekuma signing with SWF)</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>Ekuma</td><td></td><td>Nov 2020 - Jan 2021</td><td>1 Defense</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>Richard Pennyworth III</td><td>(2x)</td><td>Mar 2020 - Nov 2020</td><td>3 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>Claire Winters</td><td></td><td>Jul 2019 - Mar 2020</td><td>5 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>Riley McManus</td><td>(2x)</td><td>Oct 2018 - Jul 2019</td><td>6 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>Seth Whitehead</td><td></td><td>Jul 2018 - Oct 2018</td><td>1 Defense</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>Logan Wolfsbaine</td><td></td><td>Jun 2017 - Jul 2018</td><td>13 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>Richard Pennyworth III</td><td></td><td>Oct 2016 - Jun 2017</td><td>5 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td>Riley McManus</td><td></td><td>Jan 2016 - Oct 2016</td><td>7 Defenses</td></tr></table></details>


    <details><summary>W$W Buy-In Tournament Winners</summary><img src="http://www.2d12.com/RTG/Workers/Micheal Savage.jpg" height="100" width="100"><table><tr><td>2029</td><td>Micheal Savage</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>2028</td><td>Famine Faith</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>2027</td><td>Ross Henry</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>2026</td><td>Harvey Robbinfield</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>2025</td><td>American Elemental II</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>2024</td><td>Logan Wolfsbaine</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>2023</td><td>Juana Huracan</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>2022</td><td>Nick Booth</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>2021</td><td>California Love Machine</td><td></td></tr></table></details>


    <details><summary>W$W Blue Chip Championship</summary>http://www.2d12.com/RTG/WSW%20Blue%20Chip.jpg<img src="http://www.2d12.com/RTG/Workers/The Revelation.jpg" height="100" width="100"><table><tr><td>25</td><td>The Revelation</td><td></td><td>Dec 2020 - PRESENT</td><td>1 Defense</td></tr><tr><td>24</td><td>Jason Thunder</td><td></td><td>Oct 2028 - Dec 2028</td><td>2 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>23</td><td>VACANT</td><td colspan="3">(Due to Injury)</td></tr><tr><td>22</td><td>Marcel LeFleur</td><td></td><td>Aug 2028 - Oct 2028</td><td>4 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>21</td><td>The Silencer</td><td></td><td>Jun 2028 - Aug 2028</td><td>2 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>20</td><td>Riley McManus</td><td></td><td>Feb 2028 - Jun 2028</td><td>2 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>19</td><td>War Diaz</td><td></td><td>May 2027 - Feb 2028</td><td>6 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>Blue Phantom</td><td></td><td>Nov 2026 - May 2027</td><td>4 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>17</td><td>Joaquin Sanchez</td><td>(2x)</td><td>Sep 2026 - Nov 2026</td><td>3 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>Cameron Jones</td><td></td><td>Jun 2026 - Sep 2026</td><td>2 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>Richard Pennyworth III</td><td>(2x)</td><td>Feb 2026 - Jun 2026</td><td>4 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>VACANT</td><td colspan="3">(Due to Injury)</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>Jackpot Jordan</td><td></td><td>Oct 2025 - Feb 2026</td><td>3 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>Cali Slick</td><td>(3x)</td><td>Jul 2024 - Oct 2025</td><td>10 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>VACANT</td><td colspan="3">(Due to Fro Sure signing with TCW)</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>Fro Sure</td><td></td><td>Feb 2024 - Jul 2024</td><td>3 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>Cali Slick</td><td>(2x)</td><td>Jun 2023 - Feb 2024</td><td>4 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>JOJI</td><td></td><td>Feb 2023 - Jun 2023</td><td>2 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>Richard Pennyworth III</td><td></td><td>Oct 2022 - Feb 2023</td><td>2 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>Frankie-Boy Fernandes</td><td>(2x)</td><td>Apr 2022 - Oct 2022</td><td>3 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>Cali Slick</td><td></td><td>Nov 2021 - Apr 2022</td><td>3 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>Amber Allen</td><td></td><td>Jun 2021 - Nov 2021</td><td>3 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>Joaquin Sanchez</td><td></td><td>Feb 2021 - Jun 2021</td><td>1 Defense</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>Frankie-Boy Fernandes</td><td></td><td>Sep 2020 - Feb 2021</td><td>2 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td>American Elemental II</td><td></td><td>Jun 2020 - Sep 2020</td><td>2 Defenses</td></tr></table></details>


    <details><summary>W$W Tag Team Championship</summary>http://www.2d12.com/RTG/WSW%20Tag%20Team.jpg<img src="http://www.2d12.com/RTG/Workers/Riley McManus.jpg" height="100" width="100"><img src="http://www.2d12.com/RTG/Workers/Amber Allen.jpg" height="100" width="100"><table><tr><td>14</td><td>McManus & Allen</td><td>(2x)</td><td>(Riley McManus 4x & Amber Allen 2x)</td><td>Oct 2028 - PRESENT</td><td>2 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>Apocalypse</td><td></td><td>(Plague Ryland & War Diaz)</td><td>Feb 2028 - Oct 2028</td><td>6 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>McManus & Allen</td><td></td><td>(Riley McManus 3x & Amber Allen)</td><td>Nov 2027 - Feb 2028</td><td>1 Defense</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>Thunder & Lightning</td><td></td><td>(Lightning Lomas & Jason Thunder)</td><td>Mar 2027 - Nov 2027</td><td>3 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>The Fame Express</td><td></td><td>(Cameron Jones 2x & Jake Idol)</td><td>Nov 2026 - Mar 2027</td><td>4 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>Bitch Slap</td><td></td><td>(Jillian Jarvis & Juana Huracan)</td><td>Sep 2026 - Nov 2026</td><td>2 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>The Originals</td><td>(2x)</td><td>(Riley McManus 2x & Claire Winters 2x)</td><td>Apr 2026 - Sep 2026</td><td>4 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>The Wild Cats</td><td></td><td>(El Jaguar & Tigre Salvaje Jr)</td><td>Feb 2026 - Apr 2026</td><td>0 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>The Originals</td><td></td><td>(Riley McManus & Claire Winters)</td><td>Jun 2025 - Feb 2026</td><td>7 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>The Anti-Establishment</td><td></td><td>(Hellcat Hernandez & Pamela Rojo)</td><td>Oct 2024 - Jun 2025</td><td>4 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>Los Technicos</td><td></td><td>(American Elemental II & Blue Phantom)</td><td>Jun 2024 - Oct 2024</td><td>0 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>Money Talks</td><td></td><td>(Joaquin Sanchez & Richard Pennyworth III)</td><td>Nov 2023 - Jun 2024</td><td>4 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>Dynamite Express</td><td></td><td>(Cameron Jones & Syd Collier)</td><td>Apr 2023 - Nov 2023</td><td>2 Defenses</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td>Going Coastal</td><td></td><td>(Frankie-Boy Fernandes & California Love Machine)</td><td>Apr 2022 - Apr 2023</td><td>4 Defenses</td></tr></table></details>







    Main Event

    Aldous Blackfriar [#325], Tigre Salvaje Jr [#492], Matty Faith [#452], Jake Idol [#449], Harvey Robbinfield [#392], Rocky Weatherfield [#416], Ross Henry [#421]

    Upper Midcard

    Lightning Lomas, Roger Reed [#486], Patrick Lindland [#478], Micheal Savage, Jillian Jarvis [#437], California Love Machine [#408], Cali Slick [#395]


    Jason Thunder, Cameron Jones, Joaquin Sanchez, Juana Huracan [#460], The Silencer [#471], Richard Pennyworth III [#455], Mike Aroma [#467], Blue Phantom, Hellcat Hernandez, Amber Allen [#124], Riley McManus [#475]

    Lower Midcard

    Marcos Caballero, Marcel LeFleur [#348], Chad Ryland [#424], Jose Caballero, James Diaz [#464]

    Openers and Enhancements

    Duane Windham, Andre Reinhardt, Bruce Garofolo, Shooting Star Perez, Thelma Jo, Isabel Duran


    Jackpot Jordan [due to injury] (managing Cameron Jones & Jake Idol), Lisa Bowen (managing Richard Pennyworth III & Joaquin Sanchez)

    Announce Team

    Davis Ditterich & Emily McQueen


    Francis Long

    Road Agents

    Coyote Dynamite & Vin Tanner



    Main Event

    Patrick Lindland, Famine Faith, Micheal Savage, Jillian Jarvis, Roger Reed, Ross Henry

    Upper Midcard

    Lightning Lomas, Juana Huracan, Riley McManus, Cali Slick, Jason Thunder, Mike Aroma


    The Silencer, Richard Pennyworth III, Plague Ryland, Amber Allen, Joaquin Sanchez, War Diaz, Cameron Jones, Hellcat Hernandez

    Lower Midcard

    Duane Windham, Jose Caballero, Marcel LeFleur, Marcos Caballero

    Openers and Enhancements

    Bruce Garofalo, Shooting Star Perez, Andre Reinhardt, Isabel Duran


    Lisa Bowen (managing Richard Pennyworth III & Joaquin Sanchez)

    Announce Team

    Davis Ditterich & Emily McQueen


    Francis Long

    Road Agents

    Coyote Dynamite



    Main Event

    Famine Faith, Roger Reed, Ross Henry, Patrick Lindland, Micheal Savage, Freddy Huggins

    Upper Midcard

    Jillian Jarvis, Lightning Lomas, Kenneth Caine, Shawn Orton, Cali Slick, Riley McManus


    The Revelation, Plague Ryland, Mike Aroma, Richard Pennyworth III, Amber Allen, War Diaz, Jason Thunder, Joaquin Sanchez, Blue Phantom

    Lower Midcard

    Jose Caballero, Isabel Duran, Duane Windham, Marcos Caballero

    Openers and Enhancements

    Matt Alvarez, Lloyd Kipp, Shooting Star Perez, Shadrach, Ultimate Phoenix II

    Authority Figures

    Rich Money (Also managing Money Talks)

    Announce Team

    Davis Ditterich & Emily McQueen


    Francis Long, Denver Austin

    Road Agents

    Coyote Dynamite

    Injured Reserve

    Marcel LeFleur




    And now, on to 2029!

  7. What's the formula? You're telling me that there is a calculation at work there, where a comparison between y and z destiny values equals x you get either a bad or a good chemistry note?


    If the destiny values are very close between the two workers, do they get tag chemistry? Or singles chemistry?


    I have a vague recollection of a conversation from like 2 or 3 versions ago, where it was stated that it was something like this (with numbers obviously completely made up) : If the destiny stats were 34 apart, or 73 apart, or 118 apart, then they had Great Chemistry in the ring. Different numbers meant different things.


    My guess is that some calculations are also being done to account for people being able to have different chemistries for different aspects (opponents, tag, announcing, managing). I doubt they're all just X apart calculations -- but from what I recall, that's essentially what it boils down to.

  8. <p>I play Motorsport Manager as well, and it has a system that could work for negotiations like this. Each worker has a Patience rating on negotiations. You make your offer, and then after some days (I think this is too long in MM, maybe too long in TEW) you get a response that says "I think this value is too low." Then, depending on how *many* options you were off on (bonuses, wages, duration, etc.), patience gets deducted by a few points. Their patience runs out, they cut off negotiations.</p><p> </p><p>

    What I'd like to see, though, is a smaller wait time, particularly in PPA/Handshake contracts. If accepting the deal isn't going to affect other jobs, the duration shouldn't take other bids into account. If it might (written or exclusive), then you should get a quicker response that says something like "I like your offer, and I'm considering it. I'm also considering other offers, however." Basically a "Yes, but" response.</p>

  9. So, 2025 was an interesting year for Wall Street Wrestling. But before we get into that, some news, coincidences, and other fun stuff from the game at large.


    In January, Acid II died. Acid is still around, but neither of them are set to regenerate, so that kind of ends the legacy there. Sad.


    Coincidence -- Friday, Week 4 of January, Logan Wolfsbaine successfully defended the W$W Openweight Championship against California Love Machine. Four days later (Tuesday, Week 1 of February), Logan Wolfsbaine defeated California Love Machine to win the Coastal Zone Championship.


    On Saturday, Week 4 of September, Dewey Libertine retired from the business. This was notable because he'd been my only referee since September of 2016. The day after he retired, he became the first inductee into the W$W Hall of Fame.


    And finally, on Saturday, Week 2 of December, Tommy F'N Cornell retired from active competition. He was unemployed. I jumped on that, you'd better believe. Somehow, I was the only one. Right now I have him pushed as an Authority Figure (and his debut got an A rating when he was all alone), and he's also sitting in the commentary booth as an additional Colour guy. But he'd also make one hell of a road agent. I dunno. He might just bounce around as I need him.


    Annual awards saw Lucy Stone-McFly dethrone David Stone as the Young Wrestler of the Year after 4 straight wins for David. I wonder if he's too old now, or if she was actually better than him.


    In other news, starting in October, W$W finally got their Public Relations tour up and going permanently, having a 1-hour show every month in New England. Despite the extra expense, we still made relative buttloads of money this year, jumping from about $77,000 to $210,000 over the course of the year.


    Title Histories

    The Blue Chip Championship had it's most memorable reign thus far, with Cali Slick's third reign lasting from July '24 until October '25, through 10 successful defenses. He lost the title to Jackpot Jordan thanks to Richard Pennyworth attacking Slick in a high-IQ move to give Jordan the belt during their feud. Jordan has defended the title twice thus far, but Pennyworth has not gotten his shot yet.


    The 2025 Buy-In Tournament saw American Elemental II victorious...


    The Tag Team championship was held by The Anti-Establishment (Hellcat Hernandez and Pamela Rojo) from Oct '24 until June '25. They were defeated by a newly-returned-face Riley McManus and Claire Winters, teaming as The Originals. McManus and Winters remain champions, having defended the belts 5 times thus far, more than any other tag team champs have done.


    The Openweight Championship was held by Logan Wolfsbaine in his second run as champ from June '24 until May '25, with 7 successful defenses. He was defeated by California Love Machine, making his second run. CLM held the belt until November '25, making 4 successful defenses before losing it to American Elemental II. AE2 has had 1 successful defense thus far.


    I'm particularly proud of AE2's climb. He debuted in June 2017, and was decidedly low on the card. I'm pretty sure he was an opener. He didn't see his first victory until November 2018. Won the Blue Chip Championship in June 2020, the Tag Team Championship in June 2024, and finally the Openweight Championship in November 2025. In his time with W$W, he has compiled 42 wins, 36 losses, and 2 draws. And yet, he puts on one hell of a show. Undoubtedly helped by his time in other companies (particularly BCG in Japan and GWC in the US), but I'm very pleased with how he's had a slow push that's actually worked. He is W$W's 2nd Triple Crown Champion (Pennyworth was the first).


    Popularity wise, we've reached a D in the Tri-State, pushing towards that elusive D+. New England hit E- in November; the Mid Atlantic and Great Lakes regions hit it in December. First goal - get to Cult by hitting D+ in Tri State and New England. Second goal - Hit D in the Mid Atlantic so I can get a TV show on East Coast Today.


    Pennyworth's skills remain relatively stagnatn. 2 point games in Brawling, Puro, Hardcore. 3 point gains in Aerial and Flashiness. 0 gain in Chain, Mat, and Submissions. Basics to a 75, Psychology to a 70 (almost can call in ring!), Safety looks capped at 81, Consistency to a 69, Selling to a 50. Physical stats look capped in the Ds. Entertainment has Mic at 36, thanks to the last year's roll. Respect is up to a 42, but everything else seems stagnant.


    2017: Pop Goes the Weasel : +20 to Weasel Performance

    2018: Forgive me Father : +20 to Religious Habit

    2019: Chance Encounter: Strong Friendship with: (Mexico) Joaquin Sanchez [Already active in USA]

    2020: Link to the Past: +5 to Chain Wrestling

    2021: They Love Me/They Hate me: +20 total to add to Face/Heel

    2022: Link To The Past: +5 to Chain Wrestling

    2023: “LEGEN… wait for it… DARY!” Gain a Best Friend relationship with someone on your roster then add +10% to your Drinking habit. (Cameron Jones)

    2024: Feet of Fury: +5 to Puroresu

    2025: Real Rock n' Rolla: +10 between Mic and Charisma, become Musician.

    2026: “Solid? Liquid? Gas?” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Consistency skill

  10. The way I did this in TEW 2016 was, I had numerous copies of Singles matches (just copy/paste in the database editor) and ticked the box "Has Name Value" and just created a bunch of matches like "King of the Ring Opening Round", "King of the Ring Semi-Final", etc. etc.


    As well as just generic "Tournament Opening Round", etc. and "#1 Contender's Tournament" matches and whatever, whatever.


    So, in the match history, it will say "Shawn Michaeals defeated Razor Ramon in a King of the Ring Semi-Final match".


    Brilliant. Stolen.

  11. <p>2024 in the books.</p><p> </p><p>

    NYCW, having declared war on me in December 2023, was bought out by SWF in January 2024. So much for that war.</p><p> </p><p>

    Claire Winters (one of my originals) and JOJI had been dating since JOJI's first run with my company, back in April of 2017. They broke up on Wednesday, Week 1, August 2024. On Saturday of that same week, Claire started dating California Love Machine. Hmmm....</p><p> </p><p>

    On Wed, Week 3 November, Zimmy Bumfhole tore his rotator cuff. This was unfortunate for him, as he had been the reigning SWF World Champion since November 2023, defending 11 times in that span.</p><p> </p><p>

    On Thursday, Week 3 November, Ed Monton retires from the business. He had been the owner of TCW. A little over a week later, Pee Wee Germaine took over. TCW was Cult. I'm regional...</p><p> </p><p>

    I decided against going for the company switch because even though TCW was Cult, it was popular enough to be National, but was in the safety period. I decided that went against the spirit of the rules. Still, I made a copy of the game just to see if I could have made the jump -- and they hired Phil Vibert anyway. Ah well.</p><p> </p><p>

    In W$W History, the Buy-In Tournament for 2024 saw Logan Wolfsbaine emerge victorious. He was able to later use that momentum to claim his 2nd Openweight title, but more on that in a moment.</p><p> </p><p>

    Money Talks opened up 2024 as the Tag Team Champions (user character Pennyworth and Joaquin Sanchez). They would lose the belts in June after 4 successful defenses to Los Technicos (American Elemental II and Blue Phantom). Los Technicos ended up splitting on the card, with AE2 being a main eventer and BP being an opener, so with no successful defenses, they lost the belts in October to The Anti-Establishment (Hellcat Hernandez and Pamela Rojo). They have 1 defense so far.</p><p> </p><p>

    Cali Slick opened the year as the 2-time Blue Chip Champion, but would be dethroned in February 2024 after 4 defenses by Fro Sure. Fro would defend it 3 times before being sniped by TCW, leaving the belt vacant. Cali Slick would win the belt again in a July fatal four-way, and he leaves the year the way he entered it, a 3-time champion after 5 successful defenses. Though he currently remains champion, he's in a program with the Openweight champ...</p><p> </p><p>

    2024 was a fairly quiet year for the Openweight Championship. Jackpot Jordan had won the belt in December 2023, and he held it until June 2024, defending it 3 times in the meantime. Logan Wolfsbaine would use his Buy-In victory to earn a shot at the title, and take the belt to become a 2-time champion. He has defended it 4 times, and ends the year still champion.</p><p> </p><p>

    Financially, we are not as well off as we were at the beginning of 2024, having lost almost $30,000 in February on an experiment of going weekly in other areas (abandoned with main eventers started complaining) and again in July when I tried to run my normal event elsewhere, but couldn't make the ticket sales. We do still manage to end the year with almost $72,000 in the bank.</p><p> </p><p>

    6 of W$W's top 10 events came in 2024, including a C+ in August at #1. Match-wise, 8 of our top 10 came in 2024, topped off by a B rated match between American Elemental II and Riley McManus that was basically a throwaway (giving AE's storyline opponent a reason to taunt him after) earning a B. AE is a member of 4 of my top 5 matches -- he's really becoming a star for me.</p><p> </p><p>

    Hall of Fame check has Logan Wolfsbaine join Riley McManus as eligible to be entered -- apparently floating titles count as Main Event level, because it shows that he has 3 of them now.</p><p> </p><p>

    Award-wise, Champagne Lover has bumped up to the Veteran Wrestler of the Year category, leaving Wolf Hawkins to be the Wrestler of the Year. David Stone has taken the Young Wrestler 4 years running. W$W won the most improved back in 2019, but the last three years have seen WLW and SOTBPW trading wins back and forth.</p><p> </p><p>

    For the user character, Pennyworth's popularity has been mostly stagnant at a D- in the Tristate and the spillovers from that...though he has bumped up to an E- in New England. His skills continue their slow plodding increase except for the Technical/Submission skills that I want to increase. At least his Psychology is up to 68 and his Selling to 48. He's getting to be a decent worker...time to push him back up the card, I think. </p><p> </p><p>

    And finally...</p><p>

    2017: Pop Goes the Weasel : +20 to Weasel Performance</p><p>

    2018: Forgive me Father : +20 to Religious Habit</p><p>

    2019: Chance Encounter: Strong Friendship with: (Mexico) Joaquin Sanchez [Already active in USA]</p><p>

    2020: Link to the Past: +5 to Chain Wrestling</p><p>

    2021: They Love Me/They Hate me: +20 total to add to Face/Heel</p><p>

    2022: Link To The Past: +5 to Chain Wrestling</p><p>

    2023: “LEGEN… wait for it… DARY!” Gain a Best Friend relationship with someone on your roster then add +10% to your Drinking habit. (Cameron Jones)</p><p>

    2024: Feet of Fury: +5 to Puroresu</p><p>

    2025: Real Rock n' Rolla: +10 between Mic and Charisma [8 mic, 2 chr], become Musician.</p>

  12. <p>Quick Picks</p><p>

    GWC World Heavyweight Championship: Spencer Spade w/ Lisa Bowen vs. <strong>Ross Henry ©</strong></p><p>

    North American Heavyweight Championship: Hellion w/ Father Grim vs. <strong>Riley McManus ©</strong></p><p>

    Comments: I don't see either of these champs losing just yet.</p><p> </p><p>

    GWC World Openweight Championship: <strong>Torment</strong> w/ Father Grim vs. Matty Faith ©</p><p>

    Comments: On the other hand, I think Torment just might pull it off.</p><p> </p><p>

    GWC World Tag Team Championship: The Keith Brothers vs. <strong>Bowen Services ©</strong> w/ Lisa Bowen</p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    Grudge Match: Homegrown vs. <strong>The Diaz Cousins</strong></p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    US Championship: Funakoshi vs. <strong>Keith Holly ©</strong> w/ February Malaise</p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    North American Women's Championship: Lucy Stone-McFly vs. <strong>Brooke Tyler ©</strong></p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    North American Women's Tag Team Championship: <strong>Tex-Mex</strong> vs. Ladies Night vs. Jade & Parissi</p><p>


  13. <p>Seems I'm the only one going right now.</p><p> </p><p>

    W$W has finished 2023 with $107,500 in the bank, easily surpassing McManus' goal of $60k. They're up to 25th in the ranking. Usually winning regional battles, but occasionally a month will see one or more of my rivals getting a huge show (McFly's promotion pulled out a B- one month, for instance) and pushing me down. Tri-State popularity is *right* on the edge of a D-.</p><p> </p><p>

    And apparently Riley decided that NYCW was the devil, and he declared war on them in December. So...that's awesome.</p><p> </p><p>

    The Buy-In Tournament in 2023 was won by Juana Huracan, who had a fairly decent year thereafter. She never was able to turn that into an Openweight title run (kept bouncing around the card), but was definitely in the picture having a long fued with one of the champs that lasted most of the year.</p><p> </p><p>

    The W$W Blue Chip Championship started the year in the hands of my user character Richard Pennyworth III, but he lost it in February after only 2 defenses to JOJI. JOJI held it until June, defending it successfully twice, before losing it to the current 2-time champion Cali Slick. Slick has now held it for 6 months and defended it 4 times, both of those current records for the belt. He also held it for 5 months and 3 defenses in 2021/2022, making him one of the most relevant Blue Chip Champions of all.</p><p> </p><p>

    The Tag Team champions were Going Coastal entering the year, but they lost the belts in April after 4 defenses to The Dynamite Express (Jones and Collier), turning heel in the process. Express held it until November, with 2 successful defenses, losing it to Money Talks (Pennyworth and Sanchez). Pennyworth becomes the W$W's first Grand Slam champion.</p><p> </p><p>

    Our owner entered 2023 as the 4-time Openweight champion, but he lost the belt in February to Fro Sure. Fro held on to the belt for most of the year, being tormented by Juana for a good portion of it, in and around his 6 successful defenses, before being bested by Jillian Jarvis in November. He had dropped down to a Midcard autopush, so it was time to get it off him. Jarvis held the belt for a single month before losing to her feud partner Jackpot Jordan in her very first defense.</p><p> </p><p>

    In other news, SWF called up our very own Logan Wolfsbaine in April. He spent 3 months as a jobber up there before his contract expired, and SWF didn't pick him up...so I did. He's come in hot, but hasn't had a shot at the title yet. His 13 month reign in 2017-2018 remains the longest reign in W$W history, so it's probably only a matter of time before he takes the belt again.</p><p> </p><p>

    The W$W Hall of Fame pre-check shows only one eligible candidate at this point, that being Riley McManus. That's actually a little surprising to me. But we'll see how it goes moving forward.</p><p> </p><p>

    I'm keeping my eyes open for a potential Cult opening. I don't really WANT to leave W$W, but getting some better workers might help Pennyworth advance. He isn't getting any boosts from working with others now, for the most part. Brawling 37->38, Puro 14->16 (+5 for year-end, see below), Hardcore 15->17, Chain 64->65, Mat 67, Submissions 61->62, Aerial 17->19, Flash 16->18, Basicas 69->71, Psychology 62->65, Safety 76->79, Consistency 61->64, Selling 44->46. Physicals all stagnant. Entertainment all stagnant. Respect 30->34. </p><p>

    Popularity wise, he's up to a D- in Tri State, but only has the spillovers elsewhere it looks like, with an F+ in Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, and New England, and an F in the South East.</p><p> </p><p>

    2017: Pop Goes the Weasel : +20 to Weasel Performance</p><p>

    2018: Forgive me Father : +20 to Religious Habit</p><p>

    2019: Chance Encounter: Strong Friendship with: (Mexico) Joaquin Sanchez [Already active in USA]</p><p>

    2020: Link to the Past: +5 to Chain Wrestling</p><p>

    2021: They Love Me/They Hate me: +20 total to add to Face/Heel</p><p>

    2022: Link To The Past: +5 to Chain Wrestling</p><p>

    2023: “LEGEN… wait for it… DARY!” Gain a Best Friend relationship with someone on your roster then add +10% to your Drinking habit. (Cameron Jones)</p><p>

    2024: Feet of Fury: +5 to Puroresu</p>

  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="marsupial311" data-cite="marsupial311" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>A box for typing salaries instead of a slider bar is the best update.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Is it instead of, or is it as well as? Entry was unclear.</p>
  15. <p>2022 in the books.</p><p>

    W$W has risen to the point that it would be regional if I hadn't capped it at small. I'll probably remove the cap in March; just trying to get some buffer against the bouncing that seems to happen.</p><p> </p><p>

    The W$W Buy-In Tournament has it's second year, and Nick Booth claims victory this year.</p><p> </p><p>

    The W$W Blue Chip Championship started the year held by Cali Slick. He held it through April, losing it to 2-time champ Frankie-Boy Fernandes. Fernandes kept it until October, losing it to Richard Pennyworth.</p><p> </p><p>

    The W$W Openweight Championship started the year held by 3-time champ Riley McManus. He held it until August, defending it 8 times, losing to Amber Allen. Allen promptly got autopushed down to midcard when I hit the F+ popularity in other regions, then signed a written with NOTBPW. With no other heels good to go, she lost the title in September with no defenses to the now 4-time champ, Riley McManus. He still holds the title at the end of the year.</p><p> </p><p>

    The W$W Tag Team Championship was introduced in August, with Going Coastal (Frankie-Boy Fernandes and California Love Machine) winning a gauntlet to claim the initial reign. At the end of the year, they have defended it twice and remain champs.</p><p> </p><p>

    W$W's finances have dramatically improved, ending the year with $95k in the bank. Their momentum is an A, and their prestige has gotten to a C-. They have improved to #26 in the promotion rankings, surpassing RIPW and NYCW, as well as the Sean McFly owned GWC.</p><p> </p><p>

    July was a crazy month, as PWC and DIW both closed their doors, and CGC was bought out and closed by SWF. December saw both MAW and NYCW declare hostility against W$W on the same day, joining RIPW in their hostility. </p><p> </p><p>

    In the top 500 we have Cali Slick (469), Fro Sure (458), Jackpot Jordan (480), Ray Snow (330) and Rob Reynolds (352).</p><p> </p><p>

    User Character Pennyworth continues to make small gains. Brawling jumped a point, being the only non F level in ring skill that gained at all. All of the performance skills increased; basics 67 to 69, Psychology 59 to 62, Safety 74 to 76, Consistency 59 to 61, and Selling 43 to 44. Physical skills all stagnant. Charisma went up a point, but all other entertainment skills held steady. Respect has gone up from 26 to 30.</p><p> </p><p>

    2017: Pop Goes the Weasel : +20 to Weasel Performance</p><p>

    2018: Forgive me Father : +20 to Religious Habit</p><p>

    2019: Chance Encounter: Strong Friendship with: (Mexico) Joaquin Sanchez [Already active in USA]</p><p>

    2020: Link to the Past: +5 to Chain Wrestling</p><p>

    2021: They Love Me/They Hate me: +20 total to add to Face/Heel</p><p>

    2022: Link To The Past: +5 to Chain Wrestling</p><p>

    2023: “LEGEN… wait for it… DARY!” Gain a Best Friend relationship with someone on your roster then add +10% to your Drinking habit.</p><p> </p><p>

    For Legendary, I'm ignoring the whole 'suit' thing though my announcer/colours are both kind of in suits. It just seems like there are too few. So I'm just picking a random member of our roster; This becomes Cameron Jones.</p>

  16. <p>2021 is done.</p><p>

    With Ekuma stolen before January show, Openweight title started the year vacant. I created a tournament title to be held every January (The Buy-In Tournament), and decided the winner would be given a title shot against Juana Huracan in February. California Love Machine was given the bump as thanks for his complaints. He would go on to claim the title in February, and hold it until August, when Riley McManus would become 3-time champion after pinning Fro Sure in a triple threat. Riley has turned heel (I didn't have anyone better at heel, and my split was way off), and is dodging challengers left and right. Claire Winters is the top face right now, though JOJI and CLM are both up there as well.</p><p>

    Blue Chip Championship started the hear with Frankie-Boy Fernandes. He held it until February, losing to Joaquin Sanchez, who passed it on to Amber Allen in June. She has the best reign thus far, defending three times in 5 months before losing to Cali Slick in November. He is the current champ.</p><p> </p><p>

    PWC joined RIPW in declaring hostility towards W$W.</p><p> </p><p>

    I got Brandon Smith back, joining Running Wolf as my top faces in a program with Riley. Then TCW went national. Both of them signed pretty quickly -- I got two more matches out of Smith. Guess it was not meant to be.</p><p> </p><p>

    Up to the 30th most important promotion in the world. Last show had an attendance of 883; closing in on that 1000 mark. Roster was reloaded a bit after TCW called, and now my main event is heel-heavy with Nick Booth, Charger Siaki, Riley McManus all being heels and Claire Winters being the only face. I'm surprised she's stayed up there, honestly. I never expected her to be the original signing to stick around.</p><p> </p><p>

    End year roll was to hire a dirty doctor...and yeah, that's just not going to happen. I can't see Riley telling me to do that, and I wouldn't. So, for the first time, I'm rerolling. And I swear, that's all the cheating I'm doing.</p><p> </p><p>

    2017: Pop Goes the Weasel : +20 to Weasel Performance</p><p>

    2018: Forgive me Father : +20 to Religious Habit</p><p>

    2019: Chance Encounter: Strong Friendship with: (Mexico) Joaquin Sanchez [Already active in USA]</p><p>

    2020: Link to the Past: +5 to Chain Wrestling</p><p>

    2021: They Love Me/They Hate me: +20 total to add to Face/Heel</p><p>

    2022: Link To The Past: +5 to Chain Wrestling</p><p> </p><p>

    Brawling has finally crossed into the D- range. Chain Wrestling has now gone up to a 64. Other in-ring stats just plodding along. Basics has cit C+, Psychology a C, and Safety a B-. Entertainment stats seem to have hit a plateau; none of them have effectively changed this year, though I think I wasn't doing as many angles with Pennyworth either. Respecct has crossed into the E range, and Reputation has reached that magical 100 mark.</p><p> </p><p>

    Pennyworth has been having some decent matches, a C match against Amber Allen in September being the best. I'm trying to work him with her a bit, because she's better at technical. He went 5-6 this year, yet his momentum is still high.</p>

  17. <p>5th year of Wall Street Wrestling is in the books.</p><p>

    I introduced a mid-level title for the undercard to fight over in February, with a multi-month tournament leading up to it's being awarded at the June finale show. Americal Elemental II claimed the inaugural Blue Chip Championship, and held on to it for 3 months before losing to Frankie-Boy Fernandes in a fatal-four-way match. Fernandes has defended it twice in the three months since then. I suspect that the title reigns for this belt will fall in the 2-6 month range most of the time. Pushing too many wins on a guy with the belt gets them up out of the range of where the belt is supposed to be.</p><p> </p><p>

    Claire Winters started 2020 as the Openweight Champion, but dropped it in March after 5 successful defenses to Richard Pennyworth III, making him a 2-time champion. He spent 6 months ducking challengers, defending the belt 3 times in that period, once losing due to a countout. He defeated California Love Machine in October to retain, something CLM was absolutely furious about. I couldn't make him willing to lose, but I'd already decided who was going to be the next to hold it. In December, Ekuma took the belt off Richard, and ends the year as champion.</p><p> </p><p>

    In other news, I hired Bulldozer Brandon Smith in May, planning on him taking the title off Pennyworth sometime around August. He signed a touring contract with PGHW, and went and broke his neck after I had used him in one match--a Called Shot battle royal. He's got another 9 months or so before he's back. I almost thought it had happened a second time; I hired Cali Slick and 3 days later I get note that he was injured...but it was just an 8-day injury that didn't even end overlapping any of my shows.</p><p> </p><p>

    In November, RIPW declared hostility towards me. First promotion relationship right there. McManus and Cattley (the current CEO) gained a simmering tension relationship out of it.</p><p> </p><p>

    In regional battles, I've now won the last two in a row, and it's now in a field of 5, as Vibert is trying the whole hardcore thing again, opening up PWC in the Tri-State. So now the Tri-State region has W$W, PWC, NYCW, RIPW, and MAW fighting.</p><p> </p><p>

    Unfortunately, some promotion that doesn't even have a logo, Radical Wrestling Forever in Mexico, took the Most Improved Company this year, even though W$W won it last year.</p><p> </p><p>

    On the User Character front</p><p>

    Brawling 32->34</p><p>

    Puro 8->10</p><p>

    Hardcore 9->11</p><p>

    Chain Wrestling 53->58 (No change it looks like after last year's roll)</p><p>

    Mat is stuck at 66 and Submissions at 60</p><p>

    Aerial 11->14</p><p>

    Flashiness 10->12</p><p>

    Basics 62->64</p><p>

    Psychology 54->57</p><p>

    Safety 67->70</p><p>

    Consistency 53->56</p><p>

    Selling 39->41</p><p>

    Physicals are all locked; Athleticism at 51, Power at 44, Stamina at 60, and Toughness at 41.</p><p>

    Microphone 24->27</p><p>

    Charisma 37->40</p><p>

    Acting 30->33</p><p>

    Star Quality stuck at 78, Sex Appeal at 64, and Menace at 10</p><p>

    Respect 18->22</p><p>

    Reputation 89->94</p><p>

    Colour sticking at 1, Announcing and Refereeing at 0. I've tried to bump his reffing skill up a little, but despite using him as ref in a bunch of dark matches, I'm seeing no improvement (not even in the editor). Anyone know if he needs to be pushed as a ref to get gains there?</p><p> </p><p>

    2017: Pop Goes the Weasel : +20 to Weasel Performance</p><p>

    2018: Forgive me Father : +20 to Religious Habit</p><p>

    2019: Chance Encounter: Strong Friendship with: (Mexico) Joaquin Sanchez [Already active in USA]</p><p>

    2020: Link to the Past: +5 to Chain Wrestling</p><p>

    2021: They Love Me/They Hate me: +20 total to add to Face/Heel</p><p> </p><p>

    With my heel performance at 97, I think I'll just bump that up to 100, and put the rest in face, bumping that to 37.</p><p> </p><p>

    For once, moving forward, owner goals have nothing to do with money. I can't fall below Small, and I can't fall below #33 (currently #32). Means I'm ok spending a bit on contracts to try to break that D+ ranking. I have hope for January's Main Event of Juana Huracan vs Ekuma for the Openweight Championship...</p><p> </p><p>

    EDIT: So much for that. Ekuma got snaked by RIPW before my January show. Back to the drawing board.</p>

  18. <p>Main Event</p><p>

    Ten Man Tag</p><p>

    Steel Cage Warfare</p><p>

    If Bowen Services wins, Lisa gets to reward them with title matches, if they lose, they must disband.</p><p>

    Riley McManus, Homegrown, and the Keith Brothers versus <strong>Bowen Services</strong> w/ Lisa Bowen</p><p>

    Comments: I don't see Bowen breaking up unless you're losing Lisa somehow -- so it's possible if she's pregnant or something. Otherwise, Bowen gets the title shots.</p><p> </p><p>

    Semi Main Event</p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    Sixty Minute Time Limit</p><p>

    GWC World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

    <strong>“The Boss” Ross Henry</strong> versus Kozue Kawashima ©</p><p>

    Comments: Too much of a buildup to not have him win.</p><p> </p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    Thirty Minute Time Limit</p><p>

    United States Championship</p><p>

    <strong>“The Butcher” Alexander Vasquez</strong> versus “Lionheart” Funakoshi ©</p><p>

    Comments: Just a gut feeling.</p><p> </p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    Thirty Minute Time Limit</p><p>

    GWC World Women’s Championship</p><p>

    Amber Allen versus<strong> Alicia Strong</strong> w/ Lisa Bowen ©</p><p>

    Comments: Bowen continues to be strong.</p><p> </p><p>

    Tag Team Match</p><p>

    Twenty Five Minute Time Limit</p><p>

    The Mission versus <strong>The Fallen</strong> w/ Father Grim</p><p>

    Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    Thirty Minute Time Limit</p><p>

    North American Women’s Championship</p><p>

    Foxxy LaRue versus <strong>“The Franchise” Brooke Tyler</strong> ©</p><p>

    Comments: Too soon for Tyler to lose.</p><p> </p><p>

    Opening Match</p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    Twenty Minute Time Limit</p><p>

    <strong>“The Evolution” Primus Allen</strong> versus Torment w/ Father Grim</p><p>

    Comments: Primus needs some momentum, I think.</p><p> </p><p>

    Bonus Points: Who gets the fall in the Steel Cage Warfare?</p><p>

    Comments: I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Jeffrey Aroma.</p><p> </p><p>

    Who gets beat in Steel Cage Warfare?</p><p>

    Comments: one of Homegrown. I'm going to say Puder.</p>

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