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Posts posted by Undertaker666

  1. All these years and that's all they could do for their first early access build? They put PWX on Greenlight two years ago! What the hell have they been doing for the past ten years?


    To be fair, there's only two or three people working on it in their spare time (at least to my knowledge), there isn't a huge team working on it like Yukes, 2K etc. They've also had people leave the team, which actually turned out to be a good thing as the coder they currently have seems far more competent than the one they had previously.

  2. Isn't there some option whereby you can turn off your phone for everything but storyline-critical calls? Or is that just wishful thinking on my part? :-p


    If there is that option, I haven't found it yet... *waits for someone to point it out and make me feel stupid*


    I did enjoy The Ballad of Gay Tony as well, although I think they got a different guy doing Brucie's voice and the character was much more subdued. Still, some sweet cars/guns in that one :-p


    I keep meaning to get the expansions but something else always comes up.


    Of course, my main recollection of Amiga games was Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards. I was 14. :D


    Filth! :p


    (although I was playing Viz: The Computer Game when I was 11 :D)


    Meh, then I have a ghetto beige one. I couldn't get the 64 when it first came out because I had JUST gotten a Vic20 and my mother was like, "You just GOT a computer!". And she wasn't buying the "But this isn't a real computer. The C64 is!" line. :)


    My cousin had the Vic20, and he was the same after he'd played on my C64. :p


    I also disagree with your age assertion. I was born in 73 and grew up on 70s music, because it was in the house and all around me, all the time.


    My example. I was born in 79. I grew up with 80's music because my sister was older and listened to it. If not for that I would most likely have grown up in the 90's music. That's my whole point about the age thing.


    I agree with both of you. I had my father playing ELO, The Beatles, T-Rex, and my mother playing a lot of Elvis Presley. Then with my brother being six years older than me I was listening to the modern stuff at the same time.


    And bringing music back on topic, the C64 had some of the best soundtracks ever thanks to the SID chip:


    Last Ninja 2:

    Thing on a Spring:

    Monty on the Run:

  3. I'm not into too much of todays music. I prefer music back when it was actually *music*. :D


    Couldn't agree more. :cool:


    Also, UT, if you come to Pennsylvania, visit Scranton... Home of our version of The Office! :pIt's a cruddy city for its size.


    You've really sold me on visiting there with that last line. I hope you don't work for the local tourism office. :D


    GTA4 was a good game that could have been great with a few changes. I dont regret buying and having played it or anything.


    Plus it gave us Brucie.


    And Imma not point fingers or make accusations...but that may have given us a certain version of Bam Bam Johansson.


    Maybe. :p


    The original Bam Bam was created in 2006. Maybe he was the inspiration for Brucie, eh, eh? ;)


    Oh. And when being chased by cops no one calls you to complain that you never go bowling with them any more and when can we go bowling and WAAAAAHHHHHHH


    That is annoying. Even when you've completed the story mode they continue calling!

  4. Well sadly I am not a whipper snapper, I was two when the 80's began and I remember pretty much everything after 1985.:D


    I was born in '82, but I was aware of the things going on from an early age. Plus when I used to work as a topographical surveyor in '99, the guy I worked with was a teenager in the 80's so for the five hour journey to and from the site each day we were often listening to 80's music. It actually surprised me just how much of it was familiar to me. Then again my musical taste has generally been a bit more 'old skool' than my advancing years would suggest. (Skip James anyone? :p)


    All though Vice City had Phil Collins music in it so that makes it awsome as well.


    *high five*

  5. The only recollection I have of the C64 is Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun. I don't even remember if it was any good or not.


    Ahhhh, you obviously played on one of the later C64's, the beige version. I had the same (I own three C64's, two beige and the earlier grey/brown version too) but it came with the "Hollywood" pack which had Miami Vice, Rambo II, Top Gun, The Great Escape... and some other game which currently escapes my memory.


    Wipeout for Wii... Nuff said. :cool:


    Wipeout 64 is still the best, in my opinion. (although I haven't played the Wii version)


    What is Wipeout?


    :eek:*falls off chair*


    I laughed when they changed the name of Bully in the UK to Canis Canim Edit. :D It seemed to me that Bully might've gotten more controversy than the GTA games.


    Manhunt, you don't get much more controversy than that game as it was taken off the shelves, still got my copy though. :cool:


    The videogame industry is an odd one though. I remember when Barbarian was briefly removed from the shelves back in the 80's because of two things:


    1. A provocatively dressed Maria Whittaker. Ahhhh, Maria...


    2. There was a tiny blood spurt when you beheaded your opponent. :rolleyes:

  6. the gameboy advance and ds sonics weere fn awesome. sonic adventure one was good . i hated sonic adventure 2 and so on. the new sonic looks like will be awesome.


    I don't know what the Gameboy and DS Sonic games were like, but if they were the classic 2d view then I can imagine they were typical Sonic, ie. awesome. :cool:


    PA is my stomping ground. I hang out there a lot. Lancaster, King of Prussia, Tannersville, Philly, etc. :p


    lol, well if i'm over there i'll let you know. :cool:


    Oh and Sonic wins! Especially when you're high on sugar!


    You've just gone up another 'Taker Awesome Point. (no money can be exchanged for 'Taker Points)


    Sonic 1 on the mega drive was awesome.


    You can have a 'Taker Awesome Point too. :cool:


    How 'bout some Sensible Soccer?


    Now yer talkin'. But what about even earlier (you probably were too young) with Microprose Soccer on the Commodore 64?

  7. Yep. I don't think I've played every Sonic game, but I've played the majority of them. I kind of gave up on anything after Sonic Adventure 2 though.


    I think Sonic Adventure 2 was the first Sonic game I played after Sonic & Knuckles (although I did briefly play the awesome Sonic CD). I was hugely disappointed and returned it the same day. I'm glad to see the Sonic series is returning to the 2D roots that made it so great. :cool:


    (I can't comment on any DS stuff)

  8. Original Sonic was kinda meh, but Sonic 2, Sonic 3, and Sonic & Knuckles were amazing.


    The first Sonic's lack of the spin dash is really the only reason I don't like it.


    Can I guess that you played Sonic 2 and onwards after Sonic 1 though?

  9. haha, well I tend to get on well with my bro and his mates(they are in their mid-late twenties), I guess that rubs off on me.


    Sounds familiar as I had to grow up fast due to starting work in an office at the age of 16.


    As for Guinness, very meh imo, its like drinking gravy, its sooo thick.


    I thought the same, but one fateful day I ordered a Guinness (I was drunk :p) because that's what my friend was having. Never looked back since. :cool:


    (taste buds do change with age)




    And back on topic, Mario vs Sonic? Which was better? And i'm only talking during the 16 bit era of the Mega Drive/Genesis and Super NES.


    Personally i've got to go for Sonic, as much as a I love/d the Mario games. Take the original Sonic for example, you only needed the D-Pad and one button to jump. That's simple gameplay at it's best.

  10. This. I was born in 1991, but Vice City has easily the best soundtrack. My personal fave GTA. IV was good but apart from the Irish mob, the storyline was painfully boring. I never even finished it.


    Interesting. You were born after the 80's but appreciate the Vice City soundtrack more, and one of your countrymen created Guinness? Awesome. :cool:


    (oddly enough, I thought you were around the same age as myself for some reason)


    If you ever do visit Pennsylvania that's like right next to me. Hope I don't find out because you will pay for that comment sir. :D


    You can't deny the truth. :p

  11. Everything Steve said, word for word. Except I'm not going to mug an old lady. That's old school. I'm going to divert her social security check to a numbered account I control. I'll use the baseball bat on her 42 cats though!


    I'm hoping to visit Pennsylvania at some point. I get the feeling that you and I would have a good time at a bar. (it's not too far from NYC :p)


    I only liked ONE Final Fantasy game.


    That's one too many. :p


    You're not old. I can say that because I'm a lil older than you.


    No, i'm old, you're just oldER. :D


    I expect GTA is quite good story-wise, I've never gotten past the awkward and ugly shooting mechanic to know though.


    It's probably been too many years past the original for you to appreciate the overhead charm of it. I've still got my original disk and the London 1969 expansion and loved every minute of it. I admittedly did skip GTA 2 though, the only one i've never owned.


    I like running around, shooting dudes as much as the next guy, but I need a proper aiming system and a way to use cover.


    There is a cover system in GTA IV... what do you mean by a "proper aiming system"?


    Heavens, no. I'm talking about little home movies my friends make and we... watch them on the big screen... Yeah.


    Ooh! Downloaded porn. Nothing illegal with that, is there? ;)




    Ah! Of course! *nudge nudge, wink wink* Shameful...

  12. GTA games suck.


    You're such a girl. :p


    I'm not into the Japanese stuff either. Pokemon is about it.


    And certain Final Fantasy games... :rolleyes:


    You can't fault Paws to much she just hit her teen years. :D


    Ok, I don't feel old. Now I feel ancient. :(

  13. I haven't checked with either of them myself (both systems were launch systems so way out of warranty) but I don't doubt that Sony will have me pay.


    The 360 has a three year warranty, I don't know about the PS3. Maybe things are different over there, but here you usually only get a twelve month warranty on anything. Obviously that could be because Microsoft expect them to fail within three years, but they still didn't have to extend the warranty.


    The ApocalyPS3 only lasted a little over 24 hours. Was the internal clocks on the old "Fat" systems having a glitch and mistakenly thinking 2010 was a Leap Year. Wasn't that huge a deal, just an annoyance for me, but there were reports of people losing trophies or something. Which I didn't care about anyway cuz I don't use my console for Online Gaming, that's what my computer is for.


    Still shouldn't have happened though. I must admit that I did giggle when I heard about it after all the Playstation fanboys harping on about the faults of the 360. :D


    I use my 360 more as a DVD player and way to play .avi files on my gigantic TV than I do to play games.


    I hope you're not suggesting that you download movies off the internet and watch them on your 360?! :eek:


    Okay, what should I get? Three good Game Boy/Game Boy Advance games (used) or WMMA2?


    WMMA2. :cool:


    Dude i <3 Pokemon. :)


    Another Japanese thing I hate with a passion.


    Super Mario Land, Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins and Wario Land 4 are the three games that I'm looking at.


    Only played Super Mario Land, but it was simply fantastic. (although Super Mario Bros. 3 is still my favourite Mario game)


    Anyone play the Grand Theft Auto series?


    Ever since the very first one. :cool:


    Anyone else exicted for Fable 3 and Arkham Asylum 2. God I am a geek.


    I couldn't get into Fable 2 so I haven't really looked into Fable 3. As for Arkham Asylum, I only played the demo but the sequel is looking like something i'll purchase.


    I want super mario galaxy 2! Has anyone beaten the first one? I am at the last stage and it's making me mad. I keep losing at stupid parts, that I shouldn't lose at.


    I still haven't finished Super Mario Galaxy since my brother has borrowed my Wii for over twelve months now. Strangely, it was bought for me as a Christmas present from him... anyone would think he wanted one himself... :rolleyes:


    But I only know of the more recent ones that only people of my generation play :p not your nerdy poor graphic ones.




    I am also not a fan of the GTA series, especially since I can't play it while my kids are still up! :cool:


    Is this really the state that society has got to? I've watched horror movies since I was five/six years old and I turned out just fine. Although once i've finished typing this post i'm going to mug an old lady and beat someone to death with a baseball bat... /joke


    Anyone into Saints Row? The first game was ok, but Saints Row 2 was amazing. I can't wait for the third one.


    Loved the first one (to satisfy my next-gen GTA urge while it was still in development) but i've never played the sequel.


    I wanted a PS3 for so long. I've been a Sony man through and through since the beginning. First console ever was a PS1 and I've kept my PS2 for five years, up to this year.


    Your first console was the PS1? Now I feel old... :(


    GTA 4 was all right but I agree San Andreas was my favorite as well. I liked the fact that you could make him get fat, get a hair cut, and the music was awsome in that game (All though Vice City's music was great as well).


    Vice City, in my opinion, still has the best GTA soundtrack. Obviously all you young whipper snappers here wont appreciate it though because you didn't grow up in the 80's. :p

  14. So does mine...and the Amiga 500...and the Atari ST. Haven't booted the Amiga 1000 in like a decade but I'm sure it still works too.


    The first ever TV I bought myself was a 32" (I think) widescreen TV in late 1998, it lasted until a month after the one year warranty was over. The TV that I had with the C64 back in 1985/86 still works to this very day, and that TV was used a LOT for many years.


    YES! OH MY GOD, YES! About the only Asian style game that I can stand is Lineage II (and that's only because they made even the male characters/models look so effeminate, they might as well give 'em boobs). Look.


    The Japanese style just seems very odd to me. Half of the time you can't tell who's male or female, and when I see someone four foot tall carry a sword longer and wider than their body I can't help but think, "Eh?".


    Ahh but Daggerfall was just like it. The whole Elder Scrolls series (with the exception of Arena, the first game) was freeform. I think the problem with Morrowind vs Oblivion was that there wasn't enough time between the games for people to develop a hankering. Also, since Morrowind was so open and had more current graphics (which made it stand out MAJORLY from Daggerfall), there wasn't much for folks to look forward to in Oblivion. Coupled with the modability of Morrowind and you could literally play the game indefinitely and always have new stuff to do and see.


    Morrowind was my introduction to the series, as I said, i'm not really a RPG fan. I owned the Xbox version because my PC at the time couldn't handle it so modding wasn't really an issue with me, but I did observe my friend playing around with various things. There was "something" magical about Morrowind (without trying to sound cheesy) which drew me in, and even though all the ingredients (with improved graphics) were present in Oblivion I just found it lacking. I'm sure it's more to do with me than with the game itself, but there's not much I can do about that. Well, except for moan about it on an internet forum. ;)



    Does no one remember the Jaguar? :p The only reason I have one is because I worked in Electronics Boutique (now known as EBGames) so I got it for free. Wasn't like anyone was going to stop me though. The damn system wasn't being bought by anyone anyway.


    I remember it, but there were only two good games I ever played on it. Tempest and Alien vs Predator.


    The Angry Video Game Nerd reviewed the Jaguar: Part One Part Two (don't watch if you're easily offended kiddies)



    Did you walk it dry too? :)


    I sure did. :D


    Yup, not enough time between games for folks to develop a real hankering for it. This differs from something like Mass Effect where the story keeps people coming back. ME is a lot more linear than the Elder Scrolls so there's a finality to each game that only makes you want the next one to see where the story goes. Fable I think was very similar.


    I've heard so many great things about Mass Effect (and now the sequel) that I have been tempted to pick it up in the past. But if Knights of the Old Republic hadn't been a Star Wars game, then chances are i'd never have played it.

  15. I have never heard of that. :confused:


    Old article, but: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/watchdog/2009/09/playstation3_and_the_yellow_li.html


    Brief snippet: "If this failure had occurred in the first 12 months after purchase, Sony would have replaced the customer's console without charge, but since the problem appears to be affecting consoles after 18-24 months of use, and therefore outside of the warranty period, Sony say it's not liable. Sony does offer a solution, by offering customers a refurbished machine in return for their faulty one. Up until late August 2009, the company charged £145 for this service, but that price has since been reduced to £128. As part of this charge, not only do customers receive a console that is as good as new, they get a door to door courier collection and delivery service. Sony says it makes no profit from the facility, and in fact make a loss."


    I've known a few people get the RROD with the 360, but they haven't been charged one penny. Sony or Microsoft support...? Microsoft is better, in my experience.


    Also, I can't remember what the fault was, but wasn't there a mass PS3 meltdown because of something simple to do with the clock (or something) recently?

  16. Yes I'm a huge RPG fan, but very picky at what I play. I never got into the FF series. I played 7 for like 45 minutes got stuck and quit. X2 was ok. I never finished it though. 12 is and always will be my favorite. I have logged over 100 hours and never beat it.


    45 minutes would've been 44 minutes 59 seconds too long for me.


    I never had a problem with my PS1. Granted it didn't work after I threw it out the door and it bounced off the patio. :D That was because it was a present and I was telling the dude to get lost. :p


    I went from the Mega Drive/Genesis to PC to the N64, I skipped the Saturn and PS. The Saturn was insanely expensive and the PS was even more expensive if you actually worked out the cost. Sony had a great marketing strategy though so the PS sold more.


    My ps2 is awesome I love it. I play it a lot and watch DVD's on it.


    My PS2 stopped playing DVDs, "That's fine as I can still play games on it", I said. Then one fateful day in the middle of summer, a boiling hot day combined with an extremely bad day at work I came home to sit down and play some PS2 to chill out... the game froze as it was loading. I tried it a few more times, and with different games, same thing. So I carefully unplugged all the wires, took it outside and stomped a mudhole in it's ass. :cool:


    The picture was taken because my friend didn't actually believe me. :p


    I've not heard of people returning there PS3's because of a red ring of death. :D


    That's because the PS3 has the Yellow Light of Death. :p


    I've never had problems with my PS1, and my PS2 only had one problem over the 10+ years I've owned it -- the lens went out of alignment last year and I had to spend about 20 minutes repairing it.


    That said, my girlfriend's family has gone through 5 PS2s and at least 2 PS3s.


    See above.


    For the most part, if a console-exclusive (or based) game comes out that I (or my nieces/nephews) like, I'll get it, even though I'd rarely play it (Fable being the exception).


    I forgot about Fable, loved it. I could never get into Fable 2 for some reason though, maybe it was "Morrowind Syndrome" again?


    Oh and I'm not a fan of Final Fantasy anything.


    *high five*

  17. I was referring to the non liking of Final Fantasy. :D


    But you did say you love RPG's...


    But if they could make it right the first time you wouldn't need it replaced. :D


    The PS3 has had it's fare share of faults too ya know. The very first console I had break down on me was my PS2, so I put my foot through it:




    I haven't bought, and wont buy, a Sony product again. It actually says alot about the products of today when they don't last as long as they could due to money hungry companies. My first Commodore 64 still works 20+ years later, as does the TV I used to play it on.


    As one of those "millions" you mentioned, I'm afraid that on this we'll have to disagree. KOTOR was good, I'll give it that, but I could not get into Morrowind or Oblivion as much. And considering that I've beaten a majority of the "main" Final Fantasy series, I'll admit that I may be a bit biased in my opinion. Which leads me to say that in my opinion, Final Fantasy VI is the best RPG ever. It's not everyone's cup of tea, I know...but to this day that is the only RPG I can boot up after not playing it for several months to a year and still know where everything is and what order to go in without needing to talk to people.


    I'm not a fan of the "Japanese style", if that makes any sense. I simply can not stand Anime either. To me, Morrowind was like nothing else i'd ever played before; go where you want, do what you want, when you want. I dread to think of the hours i've put into playing Morrowind. I was extremely excited when Oblivion was looming on the horizon, but when I played it the magic of Morrowind was missing somehow. Whether it was because I was older, it was more of the same, or I lacked the time and patience I had when playing Morrowind, I don't know.

  18. Plus you factor in the Xbox's lack of support. How many times do you have to get your system fixed before you buy a PS3? :D


    Lack of support? Call them up, "RROD? Send it to us and we'll fix it/replace it". That's good support in my eyes.

  19. You have just become my new best friend. I love my RPG games, but Final Fantasy was horrible. :D


    I don't like RPG games, but there are occasions (like I previously mentioned) that have RPG-like elements which catch my attention.

  20. i've always been partial to he Nintendo though. Having owned each system, and still have them is a plus for me.


    Still got my NES, SNES, N64, Game Cube and Wii. :cool:


    (oddly though, i'm more of a Sega fanboy simply due to the MegaDrive/Genesis)


    The PS3's controller doesn't weigh twenty pounds, and its rechargeability comes standard.


    My Xbox controllers don't weigh twenty pounds, I use wired controllers. :p


    Can play Blu Ray movies. And with the Blu Ray format for games you can store more information on PS3 discs, meaning for RPG games, you don't have to switch out discs, unlike the Xbox.


    Only RPG-like games i've played in recent years are Knights of the Old Republic, Morrowind and Oblivion. I'd rather scratch my eyes out than play Final Fantasy games, obviously millions disagree with me though.


    WWE All Stars. Opinions?


    From what i've read and seen of the gameplay, it's what the Smackdown vs Raw series should be aiming for as it's closer to No Mercy on the N64. I saw one of the "new features" of the new SvsR game will be the ability to throw weapons... you could do that back in 2000 (or whenever it was) on No Mercy. :rolleyes:

  21. Why the hell would anyone want a 360?


    Better selection of games. Streaming media. Xbox Live. A controller that doesn't give you "The Claw" after using it for ten minutes.


    PS3 game play is a lot nicer. Graphics look better.


    Of the comparisons i've seen on Gamespot where games are on both formats, the Xbox usually wins. Just because the console is more powerful doesn't mean anything, unless the game developers take advantage of that.


    Internet play is FREE. :D


    You get what you pay for. I've heard countless stories of PS3 owners complaining about lag or not being able to get into games.

  22. Literally just finished watching NXT. Did no-one else notice the huge goof made by Michael Tarver when they talked to the previously eliminated rookies after the triple threat?


    Striker: Who do you think should be eliminated and why?

    Tarver: One thing's for sure, whether i'm in this chair or in that ring, I am the product. But if I had to choose anybody...... I would choose me.

    Striker: *says nothing but has a WTF look on his face*


    I laughed so hard I think a little pee came out. When Striker talked to the rest of the guys he changed it to, "Who should WIN NXT and why?". :D

  23. I wonder how they're going to work that. Syfy has a pretty packed Friday night as is. So, would Smackdown go to another night, or, will Caprica, SGU, and all that get moved.


    Whilst I don't know the Sci-Fi (I refuse to spell it any other way) schedule, it would be interesting to see if they moved Smackdown to compete with the repeat of Impact! on Thursdays. (which generally gets higher ratings)


    The Undertaker is getting really old though, and can't work as much as he used to... RAW, being the talkshow of WWE, would suit him excellent. Both him and Batista should be moved there, perhaps moving Randy Orton to dominate smackdown.


    As over as Orton is, he's still nowhere near the levels of 'Taker. Smackdown needs someone of his status even if he is on a "he may appear" schedule.


    And as old as he is, he's still had the two best Wrestlemania matches of the past two years. Obviously some credit has to go to HBK, but it takes two to Tango.

  24. Anyone think a Taker move to Raw is out of the question? Doubt he's got long left and it'd provide a big boost whenever they do use him...


    Can't see it happening. Raw is the Triple H show and Smackdown is the Undertaker show, even though he doesn't appear all that often. Last time I saw Smackdown (can't remember when that was :o), the opening video featured 'Taker at the beginning and the end (is that still the case?) of the montage. That's no coincidence in my book.

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