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Everything posted by TheEdgeOfReason

  1. Just seen promo to end SD between Kane and Taker. Very good stuff.
  2. They look like people I would love to chat to anyway. They are pretty funny. London sounds like he really holds a grudge against againt the 'E for whatever reason. Kendrick just seems to take the "it is what it is" attitude.
  3. Meh, they never got any mic time when they were tag champs. It must have one of the most overlooked(By that I mean management basically ignored them) and useless titles reigns ever. Their reign consisted of throwaway matches. If they had the mic time and maybe some singles pushes along with it(think DX, the way they kinda took break to focus on singles work, obviously not ME level for them though) it could have been big then.
  4. Nah not yet. They told the story of ordering breakfast though. "THATS NOT HIS ORDER" "I'll have a steak and 15 egg whites" lol.
  5. I got up to about a third of the way through. Damn Megavideo:p They were talking about Japan when it cut out. The Benoit/Bob Holly stuff was hilarious. Plus the stuff about the sum/moon. I'll check out some more later.
  6. Ah, never seen that show. I'm watching the shoot right now. Its ridiculously funny.
  7. A strip club. get them to advertise it etc. I'd assume she isn't cheap. Maybe the service will help the manager to take the risk of a financial loss.
  8. wtf, why waste that chance to try and put another guy over as a threat.
  9. Whats with the random comments from Cole and Lawler when they come back from commercials?
  10. Something I've been wondering, Iis NXT live? It gets taped alongside SD right?
  11. They needed to put Orton/Sheamus on the show. They probably had to have the two overlap due to time constraints.
  12. So Young is out. A whole episode of Raw to do this. Addition by Subtraction I guess they are going for.
  13. BTW Edge has a bad ass hair do these days. That sounded pretty gay didn't it?
  14. I guess thats my point. Storyline wise, I don't know where they could go from here. Target the titles?
  15. What is their point then? Everything was stacked in their favour last night. 5 of team WWE were taken out by others, one way or another. They still couldn't win. How are they supposed to look like a threat now. I don't really get the rookie thing either. Loads of guys shoot straight to the top(Sheamus most recently) so why should they be cut a break for being "rookies".
  16. Cole/Bryan/Miz is leading somewhere I think. The threat of Nexus is gone imo. Why would they beat WWE now, when they couldn't last night, when everything went their way. Unless they add somebody to the group, it's pretty pointless. Nexus really should have went over last night if they wanted this program to go on.
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