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Everything posted by TheEdgeOfReason

  1. He buried him alive to kill off Bad Ass/Big Evil Taker. He beat him up on his debut. He beat him up at the rumble in '98. As long as they haven't been in an actual match, Kane has pretty much owned him on PPV.
  2. He eliminated Slater with a Crossface. Miz came out and hit him with the MITB briefcase staright after. He got pinned then.
  3. I don't know what happens now. I don't think this is over yet. They only had one PPV match. I would say they were pretty close to buried though. They only really had 2 legit eliminations. 2 were roll ups caused by dissention in team WWE. Hart eliminated himself. Miz took out Bryan. Jericho and Edge took out Cena pretty much and they still didn't win. Sheffield is the only guy to come out of the match with any credibility.
  4. Yeah Skip did look good. It was great up until Super Cena. Alot of twists and turns.
  5. That was a brilliant counter into the Crossface. Miz with the interference. Looks like Nexus will scrape it then.
  6. This has been interesting. Didn't expect that implosion after watching what had gone before.
  7. Well the rumour was that he was assured he would be brought back. It's alot easier to be quiet when you have that assurance.
  8. Don't remember him doing that before. It should really be his finisher.
  9. Kane tombstoned him to hell. Bryan just made Young tap. After what 3 minutes?
  10. Pretty much had to be. It was on wwe.com after all. This should be good. Haven't looked forward to a match this much for storyline reasons for ages.
  11. Well usually when guys go to the apron and then climb the turnbuckle,(think HBK) the ref will start the count.
  12. It was painfully obvious. However what just happened afterwards wasn't. At least to me.
  13. Yeah but just saying that he should have been. He was at 8, stood on the ring apron for about 10 seconds then fell to the outside for another few seconds, before Kane went out. He should have been, even though it was probably accidental.
  14. Why wasn't Rey just counted out? He was at a count of 8 and never entered the ring at all.
  15. Just throwing it out there, he doesn't need to come back as the leader, or the WWE 7th. He could come back and they show the highlight vid, of him decimating Cena. That makes him look legit. He could be used as reinforcements for the Nexus to continue the feud if WWE wins at SS(Or if its a no contest).
  16. That is a good attendance. Wonder when they will pull the trigger on more TV/PPV shows outside the Zone.
  17. Apparently WWE have signed Tyler Black. Can't say I am familiar with his work, but from what I've read its a good signing, yeah?
  18. I love this angle. It dragged for a while but since the announced the 7 on 7, it has been great. Best storyline since Edge won his first world title for me.
  19. Not really. When somebody is going for a tattoo, they will look around and make sure they like the work of the place they're getting it in. Seeing AJ on the wall may convince them its a great place, seeing as he could choose any parlour in America pretty much. Or just when he is interacting with fans they may ask him where he got it etc..
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