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Posts posted by TheEdgeOfReason

  1. Benoit was right, too. If the WWE had done things right, Kendrick/London could have been a huge feud.


    Meh, they never got any mic time when they were tag champs. It must have one of the most overlooked(By that I mean management basically ignored them) and useless titles reigns ever. Their reign consisted of throwaway matches. If they had the mic time and maybe some singles pushes along with it(think DX, the way they kinda took break to focus on singles work, obviously not ME level for them though) it could have been big then.

  2. I agree. Miz getting involved in the Bryan match made sense, but having Slater and Gabriel win by count out was pointless. Especially in Gabriel's case, as they could have used anyone from the roster in place of Hart. Why not give him a clean win over, say, Evan Bourne or Tyson Kidd or someone like that?


    They needed to put Orton/Sheamus on the show. They probably had to have the two overlap due to time constraints.

  3. Sheamus is his own 'beast'. Honestly, I don't think he should have been booked the way he has thus far either. It seems more realistic to have a group of youngsters, ones who are the first class of this NXT show, to look like they are a little 'green' even post-show (NXT). Again, yes, a win last night would have been great in which to push them to the forefront but I don't think it was needed really. All it takes is a show like tonight, where they end up defeating alot of the WWE as they are, to make them look like legit contenders again.


    I guess, what I'm saying is, them losing at the PPV is not the end of the world for nexus. Yes, this storyline needs to go somewhere now that they have lost; however, I'm holding my thoughts about the matter until after I've seen where they're taking it. A loss could be better for them all together; from a storyline perspective as it may evolve the story all together.


    I guess thats my point. Storyline wise, I don't know where they could go from here. Target the titles?

  4. Just one loss doesn't make them look weak. Honestly, what does everyone think that losing at the PPV was the worst thing ever for the nexus? They're a team of rookie's who have made themselves known by attacking people like cowards (as a pack of wrestlers). They're going to lose. Sure, a win would have really put them over the hump; however, I don't think they are 'pointless' at this point.


    What is their point then? Everything was stacked in their favour last night. 5 of team WWE were taken out by others, one way or another. They still couldn't win. How are they supposed to look like a threat now. I don't really get the rookie thing either. Loads of guys shoot straight to the top(Sheamus most recently) so why should they be cut a break for being "rookies".

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