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Posts posted by PeterHilton

  1. Why does he have to look like a "threat"? He's the WWE champion! He should be dodging contenders and doing anything he can to hold onto the belt; none of that requires being threatening. In fact, the longer he holds the belt and the more he avoids his comeuppance, the more the crowd will hate him and it will be that much more of a pay-off when someone finally takes the belt from him.


    I agree with this. There are certain heels that I don't really care for it when they are booked as weak or always needing to run away or get help to retain a title (I didn't really care for Sheamus in that role for instance) bt a lot of the time it works.


    I mean..I don't think I EVER saw Honky Tonk Man beat someone clean unless it was on a Saturday morning against a total jobber.


    And I am always shocked people forget how much time Ric Flair spent as 'the Dirtiest Player in the Game'...Barry Windham, Sting, Lex Luger, Dusty Rhodes all essentially made their names by almost beating Flair for a belt.


    JCP did the same thing for years and got tons of success out of it: Face chases Flair, Flair cheats for months, Flair FINALLY loses belt, fans go wild, face, gets over, Flair wins belt back, rinse & repeat...

  2. And again....


    That is what is wrong about modern culture. It is all about poor sportsmanship. And people celebrate it! We as a culture have been conditioned to celebrate crap like this.



    Man you sound like some crotchedy old coot. I'm certain there will be players that will try to get some payback on Jackson the next time he plays the Cowboys; it's the NFL and that kind of payback is common-place.

  3. They have the right to be excited. They do not have a right to turn that excitement into a celebration that would rival that of a Broadway dancing musical.


    What 'rights' are you talking about?


    Do you know how silly that sounds? I WANT the players I root for to be passionate and emotional and driven and to play each game with all the heart and effort they have in them.


    Most fans DEMAND that players give a supreme effort and work as hard as they possibly can to make a big play.


    And then ..what? You want them to get up, dust themselves off, and head back to the huddle like nothing happened? So be bursting with passion one moment and then turn it off like a light switch?


    They're human beings playing a kid's game not robots. I would much rather allow them to express that raw emotion and deal with the occasional prima donnas like MeSean than to ask the entire league act like a bunch of emotioness automotons

  4. Also, I bother me that the writer attacks TNA for bringing in wrestlers who made their name in other companies, and then riding that fame, and not pushing their homegrown stars...


    ..and then AIW makes a HUGE deal out of Danielson and Low Ki being members of their roster.


    Isn't that EXACTLY the same thing? Danielson and Ki didn't make their name at AIW. At all. Not even close. Bragging that they are appearing on the card is one thing, but bragging that they are 'alumni making it big in WWE'?



  5. Don't you guys bash how TNA uses people? Don't they ruin guys careers? Unless you are an old WCW guy or WWE reject you don't go far in TNA. This thread has repeated that over and over again. So how can you say the article is totally incorrect when you yourself has stated these points yourself.


    I do. I still think it's smarter to work for a national company than to work for a fed the size of AIW. I don't know about 'life-changing' but the guys with longterm deals who work for TNA don't exactly seem to be hurting for money the way I assume the guys who work primarily for AIW would be.


    Doesn't that mean something?


    I completely agree WWE is a life changing moment. I disagree that TNA isn't because I still think it would be a great accomplishment however if you do go to TNA that typically ends all momentum for an indy star.


    And I would say you're wrong. Momentum or no...getting your work seen on national TV is a BIG move for a wrestler.


    As i said: even if it's for a few weeks, you get seen by an audience that will NEVER see you if you're working for AIW. Which means you can now work in more areas, and ask for a higher booking fee.


    I just wonder if you asked these guys that are being told they are 'selling out' by leaving AIW how they felt, what they would say...


    And again: I don't get you. You defend TNA because you say you love wrestling, but then you support the AIW side of the argument because..TNA sucks? What's the deal there? And I'm not trying to attack you, I just kind of wonder if this is one of those "i support the little guy no matter what' deals...

  6. I don't agree with any of it. I love the fact that he is someone doing what he can to voice his opinions. I'm sure his opinion of TNA is much like the opinions of internet fans.


    He is standing up for his indy fed. It was interesting to read.


    I find that odd. That's all I can say.


    You don't agree with anything he's saying, but you think it's great he's voicing his totally incorrect and unsupported opinion? Isn't that what message boards do?





    Loved that article. I agree with the points about Brian Danielsons and Low Ki not being AIW guys.


    Tarver got hurt. He still could be something alright in WWE. Bateman is on NXT. Still has a shot as well.


    AIW did get quite a popularity boost from this stunt though. I'd check them out if they were nearby.


    What did you love? What points of his did you agree with? That TNA was trash and that people jumping from an indy fed to TNA are making a mistake because TNA is such a ****hole?


    Considering how hard you defend TNA, I'm baffled :confused::confused::confused:

  8. Lol!


    As long as they don't take it too far why not? It's a big deal to score points. They bust their asses out on the field why not let them celebrate?


    I can see putting fines on those who get into other peoples faces or take it too far. I just think the rules are getting out of hand. Soon they are going to turn the NFL into flag football. :eek:


    If that's about regulating the hits, I'm actually FOR that. If you listen to someone like Cris Collinsworth, he puts it best: people's LIVES are being ruined by helmet-to-helmet hits


    I'm all for hard, wrap-your-arms-around-the-opponent tackles..but limiting the amount of guys who dive into hits headfirst is totally acceptable imo.


    The NFL needs a more standardized way of judging the hits and assessing the fines, but I'm all for protecting the health of the players.

  9. Oh I am in favor of anyone that celebrates being fined. It is not necessary to celebrate after every touchdown, sack, tackle, etc. The only time I am in favor of it is when the team wins or a player hits a milestone.


    I mean did you ever see Barry Sanders act like a jerk when he scored a touchdown? He just handed the ref the football and went about his business. And that is the way it should be.



    OK Grampa...you also wanna tell us how you used to walk ten miles to school every day..in the snow..up hill both ways...?


    Welcome to modern sports. If soccer players can lose their mind every time they score a goal I don't see how it's all that bad for football players to do something similar. Part of being an athlete is about bravado and confidence and sometimes that's going to lead to these kinds of moments. Is it great that guys jump to their feet after tackling a guy 15 yards downfield and pose for the cameras? No


    But it's a game. An emotional. It's not surgery. They aren't passing legislature. So why would I want every player to hand the ball back to the ref and walk away like nothing happened? I want them to be passionate. I want them to care. I want them to dislike their opponent. So as far as I'm concerned, the players should be having fun and be allowed to express themselves, at least a little.

  10. Name you used in the response? As I always like to read your stuff, even if we don't always fully agree.


    I posted under my real name, Javier Zuniga. The writer responded


    Judging the quality of a wrestling promotion based off its exposure, the name recognition of its core talent and the places they perform (demonstrated briefly by your saying they look like little more than a backyard fed) is a pathetic quest of markdom for the WWE and TNA. WWE has built an empire; TNA bought one with Bob Carter's bank account. Companies like AIW are growing and building. Everyone starts somewhere. The company is young and has grown much in the past few years.


    What about the small computer company Michael Dell started out of his college dorm room? What about the California restaurant started by the McDonald brothers that was later nationally franchised by Ray Kroc? What about the retail outlet that Sam Walton launched in Alabama? Businesses start somewhere, and part of that growth entails competing with bigger companies. That's what AIW is doing.


    Thanks for your opinion.


    I think he dodged the point of my response, which was that even if TNA is looked down upon by internet nerds, how is it a bad move for workers to make the jump there? They're still bigger than AIW and it's still a good career move.



    For the record very few times have I seen P.H although maybe I should start calling you Jay Z :)


    Very few times have I seen Jay Z get after somebody unless it needed to be said.


    LOL..thanks...and yeah the PeterHilton screen name came about as a more polite version of a screen name I had on another wrestling site I wrote for a million years ago.


    It still makes me laugh the first time someone gets a personal email from me and they're all "Wait..you're name isn't Peter!!!"

  11. Yeah that's completely laughable that they would claim Bryan Danielson and LowKi as "AIW guys"


    This ...


    "If it was WWE, we would be in full support. That is a life-changing opportunity. TNA is just a move in a lateral direction, going from being part of a rapidly growing company to whatever TNA is—a wasteland of fedjects."


    ..is still pretty lol


    I think that article is asinine btw..an indy fed no one except the hardest of hardcore wrestling fans has no business arguing whether or not it's a good move for someone to sign with a company like TNA, however mismanaged it may seem from the outside.

  12. again attacking a comment i made? Also never said their rating will be high but i liked the match and so did others mostly in the business and fans but key word is MOST not everyone.


    "others mostly in the business and fans" ???


    What does that even mean????


    there was a blurb in the rag-sheets about Mickie and Tara getting some credit for working hurt. That's it.


    They worked a decent little match. It was apparently the best match on an iMpact where every other match went less than 3 minutes, so technically it stole the show.


    But it wasn't the only thing on Impact.

  13. Ah come on Peter he wasn't arguing that. Many others is not necessarily millions and millions or even the majority. It more implies a large minority if anything.


    Yeah but it's also not fair to say that "not much" happened besides the Tara/Mickie match.


    Because ...let's face it...really the only time TBF posts is to talk about the Knockouts. So it wouldn't have mattered what happened on the show, he would've focused on the Mickie/Tara deal.


    Here's the recap:



  14. Meh...I think what's been proven over the years is that pitching wins in the playoffs more so than anything. The Giants had - comparatively speaking - garbage in that lineup but won the World Series because their starting pitching and bullpen was so dominant.


    The Sox still need another lefty in the bullpen and they need Beckett healthy. They might even need another starter.


    If that doesn't happen they'll still be playoff contenders ...but they won 90 games last year so that's not really an improvement.

  15. As stated before, I am sure, I am a huge Carolina Panthers fan. I was wondering who everyone thinks will be our next head coach after John Fox leaves at the end of the season. With Urban Meyer leaving Florida, will he be a possibility? I've heard Bill Cowher and Russ Grimm as possibilities as well.


    Grimm would make an excellent prospective coach. I doubt Cowher comes back to coaching to deal with the hot mess that is the Carolina roster.


    Urban Meyer left to 'spend time with his family' so i doubt he's coming back to coaching right away and PS is right in that there's no real proof he'd be all that great.


    Another interesting possibility might be Jim Harbaugh. He's got an NFL pedigree, runs an NFL style offensive system, he ADORES Andrew Luck and there's a pretty good chance the Panthers are going to end up with the # 1Pick; there are worst ways to start your NFL career than by taking a franchise QB you've worked with for years.

  16. After doing some more research into the contract you are right.


    Gee, thanks. :p


    Kubiak was QB coach with the 9ers during one of Steve Youngs best years (not saying Kubiak was the reason). In his 11 seasons with the team, the Broncos amassed 66,501 total yards and 465 touchdowns, he helped Jake Plummer regain form and Matt Shaub is a pro bowler working under him. He has also a coach who has found running back Adrian Foster.


    I think if Kubiak gets fired he would be a great fit in Denver. He has ties there, nows ownership and he can develop the talent there.


    I know Kubiak's name is going to come up, but I think it'd be a pretty bad idea:


    One...the Texans have become notorious for losing when it counts most. He's never even taken them to the play-offs, despite a string of strong drafts and Pro Bowl type players on both sides of the ball.


    Two...Kubiak made his name in Denver with that zone blocking scheme. McDaniels completely dismantled that scheme and turned over that offensive roster to go to that spread. If you bring in Kubiak, you're automatically throwing away the next season so that you can go BACK to the previous scheme.


    It's similar to what's going to happen at Michigan once Rich Rod gets fired.


    Kubiak is a nice coach but imo Denver could do better.

  17. When he signed a new contract that money went away...


    How would accepting a new job null and void the money owed to you from the other team?


    Obviously now that he is coaching another team, he's not making that 7 mil. He may still be getting something from the organization from the specific details of his termination, but it won't be his full coaching salary.


    OK..calm down people..it's not that complicated... ;)





    Here it is, the first week of January and already it's a prosperous new year for Broncos owner Pat Bowlen.


    Bowlen will be relieved of roughly $7 million in expenses today when the Washington Redskins announce Mike Shanahan as their new coach. Shanahan, who was the Broncos' head coach from 1995 until he was fired after the 2008 season, completed a five-year deal Tuesday evening with the Redskins, according to two sources familiar with the negotiations.


    Shanahan will receive approximately the same average guaranteed salary — $7 million a season — he had during his final contract with the Broncos. He still had three years remaining on his deal when he was fired nearly a year ago.


    The Broncos will still owe Shanahan approximately $3.5 million per year in 2010 and 2011 to essentially have him coach the Redskins. Then again, Bowlen will save roughly $3.5 million each of the next two years now that their former coach is no longer unemployed.


    Denver owed Shanahan a guaranteed $7 million a year. Washington signed him for $3.5 million a year...which meant Denver STILL owed the other $3.5

    million. That's it. That was the language. And every article that talked about the McDaniels firing talked about the fact he still owed Shanahan money.

  18. I feel, for once, WWE is at least TRYING to make this work, at least, within their own limitations. There are simply some things they can't do, and that is have Cena having TOO much time off. I can understand that. At least this storyline isn't hacknyed or lazy like their usual work. They might be bringing back Cena too soon, but they have good reasons.



    He didn't get ANY time away. ANY.


    For months one of the basic components of the storyline was "Cena has to do what he's ordered to do by Barrett or it will cost him his career" with the conflict being "what would Cena do if following Nexus meant he had to betray his own beliefs???"


    Turns out..it really wasn't that big a deal. Because he just said "eff it" got himself fired and then kept on coming to the arena anyway with no real repercussions.


    If that was going to be the case, it makes all those weeks of Cena worrying about his decision fairly pointless.

  19. Because taking him off TV for even one week would be completely idiotic. The #1 star in the top storyline going...you DO NOT take him off TV, not for a second. The only thing I would've changed is not have Cena give his huge good bye speech when he wasn't really leaving at all. That was a great promo, don't get me wrong, but he didn't actually leave.


    Listen..I'm one of the biggest proponents on the board of doing what's best for business. I get that. But you said the same thing I did: why deliver that kind of promo if all you're going to do is reappear a week later?


    And without going into a huge rant, I just have to say that a huge pet peeve of mine is people criticizing storylines, talking about the things that should've been done differently, before they're even remotely close to finishing. Let's be honest here, they've done a great job with the Nexus storyline so far. They deserve the benefit of the doubt to let it play out and then make a judgement on it. I'm sure there's a reason Cena is getting rehired so soon, and you're going to feel pretty silly if it turns out what they planned is a lot better than what you suggested.


    I don't actually think they've done 'a great job' I think it's been really good -especially at first - with spots of really mediocre.


    And it's episodic television with a storyline that's lasted six months or so...exactly how are we supposed to discuss it if it hasn't run it's course yet? Did it upset you that people complained about Lost during the third season?

  20. So now who does Denver bring in? Who are the hot coordinators in the league right now?


    It's going to be a difficult search:


    --like all teams they have to deal with a possible lock-out


    --they still owe Shanahan money.The are assumed to be trying to void Josh's deal by saying he was fired "for cause" because of the video tape deal. If that doesn't happen, they may not have the money to chase a big name


    --the cupboard is kind of bare: he traded away his most talented players, which means anyone coming in has to start from scratch, even if they run a similar system


    --not to harp on it, but Bowlen is going to have to decide whether or not HE believes in Tebow. There wasn't many people in the NFL who did, so if you want Tim to be your franchise QB eventually, you have to find someone who's willing to put their job on the line while grooming someone who is still a long way from being a starter. If you want a Pro-Tebow NFL coach, that kind of limits your search.


    espn is already talking about guys like John Fox and Leslie Frazier (although I'm sure he'll be offered the Minny job) and Air Force coach Troy Calhoun


    I don't think there are any in the college game either. The only Madonna pre or otherwise currently on the earth I'm aware of is well into her career at this stage. Now PRIMA DONNAS the college game has a lot of. :)


    Exactly. And that's not just the players: that's the alumni, the school officials, the conference officials, bowl committees, the recruiting services, etc...


    Basically,Josh has the same personality that Charlie Weis did and everyone at Notre Dame despised Charlie because he thought being a head coach in college was just about coaching. He didn't understand the social and sales aspect the way someone like Mack Brown or Pete Carroll does/did.


    He'd be a disaster in college.

  21. I don't write here often and usually I write only in TEW related issues, but the bashing of the Nexus storyline is really getting on my nerves. In this storyline WWE has offered wrestling fans what they have asking for long time. They have made the Nexus big group of guys, but still not NWO-type of cluster****. The Nexus have not been overly dominant, but still able to dominate quite often with their superior numbers. That way they can stay dangerous but still vulnerable.

    This storyline has now also lasted for over six months and looks like it will be lasting probably until Wrestlemania. It has been build quite slowly, but still it has not got boring with too much slowness. And lastly about the "how predictable"-thing. I would like to hear how would you solve these kinds of situations without being predictable. And even it looked like Nexus is turning on Barrett, I see the situation only as way to get Cena back to the roster and moving the storyline forward. It really doesn't mean The Nexus would break up next week.


    And sorry if there is some language errors, I'm not a native english speaker.


    Thanks for your post Kovic! I agree, I think the Nexus/Cena Storyline has actually been quite good. There's been moments when it hasn't lived up to the hype and hopes of people, but overall i would say its been pretty dang good. I've actually been really entertained by Raw lately overall. Not saying smackdown has been bad, i just haven't really gotten to watch much of Smackdown, And i would have to say its been pretty far off the predictability level of most wrestling storylines. I've made my predictions on things and have been totally off, as have others on these forums. Yeah, we all know in the end, Cena is gonna win out over Nexus (Good guy always beats the bad guy) and that's how it should be, and that's not the point of the storyline. The point of it is the journey, and for the most part the journey has been enjoyable. Anyways, that's my 2 cents on it. haha


    PS: It is late and if i sound like im rambling, I probably am haha


    Not to sound like I'm jumping on the bandwagon, but I have to make a similar point. First, Nexus hasn't been THAT predictable, but there's only so many ways it can go. Secondly, when you try to go straight for the jugular on "unpredictability," you'll find it takes about 3 shows to reach the limits of making any sense with what you're doing.


    Then, as my time in the TNA thread told me back when Hogan/Bischoff took over, the fans start to get mad about your storylines being non-sequiter, confused, and chaotic. I'd say that there have been many times WWE was TOO predictable with Cena, like his I Quit match with Orton, where I was watching the match thinking they couldn't POSSIBLY be so predictable as to just have Cena win all I Quit matches and as usual Super Cena beat Orton after Orton beat on Cena for 45 minutes, and then Cena gets one submission hold on, once. But it's not the case here, IMO.


    I don't think the 'predictable' thing would be my primary complaint. I' say it just hasn't been written or paced all that well.


    Firstly, I'd disagree that it hasn't been 'boring with its slowness.' The storyline has been even more repetitive imo than even the Cena/Orton feud. Just the same segment...over and over and OVER and six months into it the only person who's benefited has been Wade Barrett since everyone else in the nexus just seems to stand around in the background.


    Secondly, there haven't been any real surprises. People say retarded things like "well everything is predictable because all ending have been tried before" which is technically true but a complete cop-out.


    When the Nexus formed, that was surprising. When they turned as a group, that was surprising. it's not that we've never seen it before, it's that it was done in an unexpected moment. Since then, at every major turning point of the story, they've done the most obviously predictable and uninsteresting thing. Does that make it bad? No. But it does make it a drag to watch.


    Cena allowed himself to be fired in order to preserve his 'goody two shoes' way of existence. Was it predictable? Yes. But if he'd turned heel or simply made the three count to save his job would that have been predictable as well? Yes, absolutely


    But which was the more interesting? Cena as a heel which he hast done for most of the decade or Cena doing the exact same thing he's done for the last 5 years?


    Finally..and the best example is the most recent..the odd pacing. IMO they saved the 'Cena gets fired twist' when Cena gave that promo where he led the crowd in cheers against him. Great stuff. Great emotion. And then he just shows up on RAW the very next week??? Why? Why not have him off TV for a few weeks, with the Nexus members crowing about it and scoring wins over big names using heelish tactics? And then bring him back slowly..mysterious attacks in the backstage area, odd messages, subtlety...before he just waltzes in the ring and forces a situation where he fights for his WWE career?


    Why drag your feet for six months and then blow your load all at once right at the very end, which only kills off all the dram you spent six months building?


    Nexus was a great storyline at the beginning, but now it's just repetitive, dull, and overly obvious.

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