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Moe Hunter

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Posts posted by Moe Hunter

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MrOnu" data-cite="MrOnu" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>At some point, I'll need to be educated about this ring psychology thing. Even after all those years of watching, I don't think I get what it is supposed to be. Or maybe it's a forest and I can't help but only see the individual trees.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Psychology at its most simple level is having the match make sense. It's about having a good flow, and telling a good story. Bret Hart had fantastic psychology - even against similar opponents, he would change his "strategy" so to speak. He did have his combo finish, but it wasn't the be-all end-all of his ring work. Cena on the other hand went for a long, long time just taking a beating then hitting his 5 Moves of Doom. Hogan has been the same for a long time, too.</p><p> </p><p> Matt Hardy has fantastic psychology. For a prime example of this, check out the first 8man MitB match. Multi-Man Ladder matches are often just spotfests (the opposite of a good psychological match), but Matt really shone through here. He convinced his brother Jeff to do the super high-risk dive that broke the ladder outside. This eliminated his most hated rival in history (Edge), and also eliminated Jeff meaning that not only did it take out two competitors, elevating Matt's individual chances, but it also meant he didn't have to *fight* his brother.</p><p> </p><p> Later in the match King Booker was inches away from winning, when Matt grabbed Sharmell (who had been pestering him). He knew that even though Booker was a bad guy, he *had* to choose his wife over the win.</p><p> </p><p> Psychology pretty much comes down to "if this was legit, what would I do? What would I gain from doing this move or that move?"</p><p> </p><p> While I disagree with Ampulator's thinking on a lot of this, I agree that the combination of Orton, Cena and Triple H is plain awful. Remember their Triple Threat match on PPV last year? Cena stopped Triple H from doing a Pedigree through the Announce Table - to follow it up by putting Orton in the STF on the table... What does that achieve? He can't win on the outside, and the Pedigree would have hurt both H & Orton more than what he did. And he could have done the STF after the Pedigree. </p><p> </p><p> Later in the match, Triple H has Orton in a Sharpshooter. Instead of breaking it, Cena puts the other half of Orton in a Crossface. To what end? There's no way he could win by doing it, and if anything increases Triple H's chances.</p>
  2. While Sarita was choking Taylor with the purse Taz said "That kind of thing can get you fired in other companies".

    Or get you life in jail in Boxing. Remember this was how Arturo Gatti was killed by his wife.


    Nash has really changed since his WCW days.


    Kevin Nash: "Some people say I'm the best worker in this business"



    Kevin Nash is awesome. Not as a wrestler, but his character for the last few years in TNA. Laid back, always exaggerating his achievements and public opinion of himself. From way back with Alex Shelly, through the "PCS" skits with the whole X Division - developing their characters (plus all the Backlund jokes!)... Nash is one of the best comedians in all of wrestling.

  3. "Just say'n"


    Okay Helms. How about we clarify:


    1. ECW going under had nothing to do with bad booking.

    2. Heyman would have nothing to do with any TNA finances.

    3. Heyman did excellent booking in OVW, Smackdown and (when he was allowed to) WWE:ECW.


    Heyman knows solid booking. He knows how to run a proper Face vs Heel program. He knows how to get people over and build to their strengths. TNA has always had horrible trouble with frequent and illogical turns - say goodbye to that if Heyman has the reigns.


    Heyman booking TNA by himself would be excellent. That said, I'm not convinced they need him at this stage. Bischoff seems to be finding his legs finally.

  4. I don't think they're Heavy on comedy. Comedy in TEW terms means playing up comedic elements of matches as well as angles, and they very rarely do comedy in between the bells. Plus a lot of their "skits" are ridiculously unfunny - dig up a copy of a video called "WWF's Funniest Moments" - it's extremely low on laughs. WWE's comedy usually comes from things that the WWE don't consider especially funny.
  5. Is Brian Kendrick supposed to be weird? Because I haven't watched for about a month, and I decided to watch this week's episode. And Kendrick was acting... pretty weird in my estimation.


    Yeah, Brian Kendrick was supposed to be acting weird during his last run in WWE too, but they never gave him the reigns. He's really showing how good he is right now.

  6. ODB gone? Excellent. She was nothing great in the ring and had about the worst, most poorly over-acted gimmick around.


    By the by, I also really don't like Beer Money for the same reason to a lesser extanet. "Oh, our gimmick is we like to drink, so we have to take a sip every three seconds on the way to the ring". So much BS. How about they fight a REAL drunk in Scott Hall?

  7. Why would in-character Cena do his fake-furious mode on TWITTER, talking to the fans? Of course he's going to be in his "opening part of the promo" mode, where he's all humble and nice. He's not in the ring, about to take off his shirt, flex and demand that someone comes out and faces him like a man.


    He just wants to sign a petition, as if:


    a) he doesn't know how to sign a petition

    b) as if fan petitions have ever done anything in WWE. Do we think there wasn't one each time Jeff Hardy left?


    It's got to be a work.

  8. So your defense of him saying hateful, violent and disturbing things in a personal email to a TNA employee about another employee (and possibly friend of said employee) is that he always says that stuff? OK I guess?


    You don't think it's relevant that he's been "threatening" everyone forever, and has zero *actual* incidents? I'd say it's solid character evidence towards it being completely empty "threats", with no real intent.

  9. Totally off topic, but I was perusing some of my older DVDs and I started thinking about how much i missed Angle in the E


    Isn't it about time he call off this whole TNA thing. Go back to Vince, work a couple more years as a special event MOTY attraction ala HBK and UT and get a 4 disc set released sometime in the next few years.


    I miss Angle in the E so much.


    That said, am I the only one who doesn't really recognise him as a "13 Time World Champion"? Maybe just because I haven't seen any of his reigns in TNA, but it just seems wrong to me.

  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hyde Hill" data-cite="Hyde Hill" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Not really a big surprise given TNA's large UK fanbase, The fact that he is a heel, has not faced RVD one on one and is an IWC darling who tend to vote more and earlier. Same with Abyss just having 2 percent as he is the no3 babyface for marks after RVD and Hardy, so with Hardy there why vote Abyss?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hyde Hill" data-cite="Hyde Hill" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Angle less votes because of the time off and also bigger star then Abyss, Pope is Pope! And was recent no1 contender, Jarrett gets sympathy votes. I just would not read to much into Abyss not getting that many votes as some online have done.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I don't think people would shy away from voting Angle just because he wants to take some time off. After Pope got robbed, why wouldn't people want to see him get another shot?</p><p> </p><p> Jarrett and Abyss getting incredibly low votes is entirely accurate in the representation of how the fans feel about them. They are being pushed way higher than their actual overness. Even if it was just Abyss and Hardy, I would vote Hardy, and I don't even like Hardy. Abyss is plain awful.</p><p> </p><p> I like Wolfe, but I have to say I voted for Anderson, just because I'm voting honestly. I do however wholeheartedly believe in the strategy of voting for Wolfe just so that Hardy doesn't steal the whole poll. Watch TNA's "championship committee" make their weight tip the scales in Hardy's favour still, though.</p><p> </p><p> BTW, I would really like to see Angle vs RVD. It was the match that put Angle in TNA to begin with, after all!</p>
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Trashbear" data-cite="Trashbear" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>No, this a reference to a story that Lance Storm told on his website a few years ago about how a few of the boys joked that Lance and Victoria look like brother and sister. They started to play it up like they were actually related, and then they started doing the old "never in the same place at the same time" thing so they could try and play jokes on people about them actually being the same person.<p> </p><p> No X-Pac heat from me!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> And they both got given dancing gimmicks!</p>
  12. ok Bret said Melina great so it makes her great when alot of people in the business has said Mickie a good or great worker yet she garbage?


    I understand where ya'll are coming from but i still think Mickie is one of the best workers they had.


    As for the wrestlemania "botch" finish, well even Trish said she was selling her leg injury and could not pick Mickie up fully.

    Who in the business said the same of Mickie that Bret (and Mick Foley, while we're at it) said about Melina?


    Mickie started out good but she went way downhill. Wrestlemania 21 was 5 years ago now!


    im not young and english is my first language.


    I type like i do because i DONT HAVE TO type a certain way for anyone.

    I don't HAVE to put on a shirt to walk around town. Just because you aren't forced to do something, doesn't mean it's not a good idea. I don't have a problem with your typing because it's clear enough, but would I prefer it if everyone typed properly? Absolutely I would!


    A lot of people's mic work hasn't really improved. As for him coasting on mic work, maybe, but was he coasting in general? Getting lazy on protecting guys in the ring?

    He purposely went against the RA's wishes and did his Pay Dirt move instead of the planned finish in a match with an unsuspecting Mr Kennedy, injuring him. Who knows how many other stories like that haen't been revealed. We wouldn't know about that one if Kennedy hadn't been released.

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