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The Swanton825

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Posts posted by The Swanton825

  1. 58 minutes ago, Dawn said:

    Really curious to an elaboration of this take ngl lol Taker's latter run as Deadman from 2007 to 2013 produced his best matches is the most common perception, at the very least (one I agree with)

    His two matches with Triple H didn't come close to his match with him at WM 17, the HBK matches were great but felt like the same match (I always find myself mixing up which spots happened at 25 or 26), and I honestly didn't give much of a crap about his match with Punk while it was happening since there was zero chance Punk was winning. As I'm writing this, I'm also realizing two things: how many bad matches Taker got saddled with at Mania (It wasn't until 14 that he even had a good one) and two: matches I thought were Mania were on other PPVs. Don't know why the heck I thought his Hell in a Cell match with Lesnar was at WM. Too many head injuries for this guy, obviously.

    EDIT: Add another one to the head injury count. I forgot the last thing I was going to say. My idiocy caused me to pick a bad example, but my point remains that gimmick quality and match quality are not a 1:1 thing.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, Dalton said:

    Compare Toni Storm vs. Jamie Hayter from Full Gear 2022 and Timeless Toni vs. Hikaru Shida from Full Gear 2023.

    Spoiler: the former was a much better match with much more heat.

    I was talking about the gimmick, not match quality. If we're judging gimmicks solely by match quality, then Taker's biker gimmick was better than any of his Deadman personas because he had most of his best Mania matches as Biker Taker.

  3. 9 hours ago, hollywoodshinebox said:

    Jay White is such a chump now. Thanks Tony


    Ima go out on a limb and say these way too gimmicky things doesn't cut for me that much and I know that the target audience is way bigger than me. Characters are important, no doubt, but there are characters and characters. I see people talk about Daniel Garcia's dance, Toni Storm, Rod and etc like "finally we have characters" and to me this is bush league through and through and feels like people don't understand subtle characters even if they hit them in the mouth. 

    I still feel that Toni Storm gets unfairly lumped in with the dumber stuff like Garcia's dance (seriously, dude went from being the next great technician to Disco Inferno). She commits to the gimmick and IMO it sets her apart from the rest of the women's division.

    • Like 1
  4. 59 minutes ago, milamber said:

    Rumor is Ronda's appearance was a favor to Marina and she's not signed. Hopefully it's still heading for Athena vs Billie at Final Battle but TK might not be able to resist having Ronda appear/wrestle on the show.

    I can't decide if that makes it better or worse. I'd appreciate it if TK could stop with the surprise signings and focus on the roster he does have before the bloat gets too bad.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Jaysin said:

    He wrestled with an essentially broken back during his ROH title run. He said he offered to drop the belt or vacate it, but those in charge insisted on him continuing to work hurt.

    That's just vile! That could have easily ended in Dalton being in a wheelchair the rest of his life!

  6. 1 hour ago, Mootinie said:

    Dalton Castle has a really bad back problem and that's why he's never really gotten beyond his current level in the wrestling business. You can see the brace underneath his trunks in that thumbnail.

    Damn, that's a shame. I can't imagine how agonizing it is for him to bump then. Also makes me realize how much of a wimp I am in comparison.

  7. 10 hours ago, willr0ck said:

    Thank you! And yeah, I'm glad I'm not the only one who is bummed about the Daz renders falling out of favor. There are several of you. I considered that one of my hobbies honeslty. But it is quite fun to make this stuff. You should definitely give it a try if you haven't already. Apologies if you have and posted stuff, there is so much content on here lately it's hard to keep up.

    I've tried to avoid saying anything about the AI renders because I didn't want to discourage newer users, but I really don't like most AI renders. It was really starting to get on my nerves how the AI posts were taking over the re-render thread. Though now that they've got their own thread, it doesn't bug me as much.

    • Like 4
  8. 32 minutes ago, psx said:




    first one down, though i am having a bit of a crisis of how to continue this becuse i realize any real purpose for me making bunch of city logos is basically moot becuse ai can easily produce them and more at faster rate then me. i'll figure it out.

    Even if you're only rethinking requests and not giving up, I just want to back up what has already been said that what you and all the other artists on GDS do is leagues above AI art. AI art is the art version of autocomplete, it'll always be missing something because it lacks any thought to it besides "make complete image". Your work has its own distinct style and real thought put into the appearance of the logos.

    And if you're looking for any more city suggestions:
    Frontier Wrestling Laramie
    Laramie, WY
    Brown and gold logo that incorporates the Wyoming Cowboys logo (if it's good enough for our license plates, it's good enough for a promotion)


  9. 32 minutes ago, willr0ck said:

    If that happens we are all going to either be slaves to the Robot Overlords or dead. Our only hope is that future Arnold Schwarzenegger travels back in time and helps us fight the rebellion against the machines.

    I'm going with the assumption it'll wind up like the Geth in Mass Effect. One machine achieves sentience, society massively overreacts and starts purging all robots in paranoia of an uprising.

  10. On 11/13/2023 at 11:08 AM, lavelleuk said:

    Honestly I totally get that, if at some point in the future you could put a TEW database into AI and churn out a mod I'd probably want to cry at the amount of time I put in making one!!

    The personal touch will always be needed IMO. The only way AI could totally replace the creative process is if said AI was fully sentient and capable of its own creative vision.

  11. On 11/12/2023 at 10:28 PM, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

    I've always found him a real unique act in AEW, I don't really know if there's one comparison but Pillman isn't a bad one.

    The fans got behind him in the match with Nick Wanye, Dalton definitely is getting over in AEW.

    I'm glad to see Dalton start to move up the card. He's still losing, but at least Tony has started protecting him in finishes -- and having Dalton challenge for Belts.

    Thought his work with Nick Wayne was pretty good.

    I was worried for a bit Castle would be enhancement talent. He's way better than job guys like the Outrunners and the Workhorsemen.

    I've always loved wrestlers who can dial up the intensity in their promos (Terry Funk's "Florida Cracker" promo is one of the best of all time for that) and then have their ring work keep up with it. This would be the perfect time to start laying the groundwork for a big push for Dalton.

    • Like 2
  12. 15 hours ago, CQI13 said:

    I haven't seen the segment in question, but I haven't heard anything that makes it seem like a good idea. And all to try to "benefit" James Mitchell? Not sure why they would do that.

    The whole thing has shades of Sandman getting crucified. Given what's on the line/what they lost out on, might not be a bad comparison.

    That's an even more apt comparison than you think. Mitchell plays the segment well (it's James Mitchell, of course he does), just like Raven did during Sandman's crucifixion, but both wind up getting the wrong kind of heat because it's shock value for shock value's sake.

  13. 8 hours ago, CQI13 said:

    Do they at least do a decent job with the announcers talking about that goofiness before the match? I always roll my eyes when WWE guys post stuff in character for a storyline and poor Michael Cole has to read it verbatim.

    I'm not the right person to ask. The second the words "Twitter", "Instagram", "TikTok", or "Social Media" get said by any announcer, my brain tunes out everything they have to say.

    • Haha 1
  14. Billy Corgan is an idiot for wanting a segment like that. I think he forgot that he bought the NWA and not ECW. You've got a TV deal waiting in the wings and screw it up before a single taping. Even TNA under Russo was never that stupid!

  15. 3 hours ago, Fleisch said:

    I wanted to do the same on Starfield but right now its too geared towards playing as the "good guy". Plus there's a glitch that is stopping me completing a mission so I'm annoyed with it. Might go back if Bethesda actually fix it, if not I'll delete it (gamepass version).

    I'm the basic boy who always plays the good guy and even I've noticed how there's really no other way to play your character in Starfield that makes sense for RPing. Constellation are too outright good for it to make sense that they tolerate an evil PC.


    3 hours ago, Jaysin said:

    My partner is pagan and I had the idea where I could make a character loosely based on her named Ashelin, a High Elf witch obsessed with fire. The fire part isn't a real quality of my partner 😂

    You say that like the pyromania is a bad thing. ...I really should talk to my therapist about my taste in women.

    • Haha 1
  16. 4 hours ago, Jaysin said:

    That's how I feel about Skyrim and why I've paid for it maybe five to six times on various consoles. Something about it just clicks with my brain and I lose myself in my character's life. I'm a sucker for roleplaying characters though. I'm planning a Batman inspired playthrough atm. 

    I wish I had the kind of imagination on my playthroughs of games. I'm the kind of player who always says he's going to play differently, then I wind up making a two-handed melee, heavy armor build again lol.


    3 hours ago, FellaLibby said:


    I love Starfield I think it's great. And the twists it actually has is pretty respectable. I however only have it on Xbox so I'm patiently waiting for mod support, which I know is already awesome, but it will make an already great game into an even better one imo.

    I can't wait for the bigger mods to start popping up. If nobody makes a Star Wars total conversion at some point, I'll have lost my faith in humanity.

    • Like 1
  17. On 10/20/2023 at 4:37 PM, Self said:

    Free weekend for Diablo 4 on Xbox, so I'm going to see what the fuss is all about.

    Just finished with Arkham Knight and Lamplighter's League. I thought Arkham Knight was awesome. I tried playing it last year but hated the Batmobile so much I quickly gave up. What a fool I was. Really fun time. I can see myself going back to it or looking into the previous games in the franchise. Anyone know if they hold up, or if they're too dated for modern consoles?

    Lamplighter's League was unfortunate. I love X-Com style games, and this is a good twist on that, but the bugs were piling up. I was stuck on one level, purely due to crashes. It crashed when I tried to save. It crashed when I threw a smoke bomb while graphics were already stuttering. Finally, I beat the level, it faded to black... and never came back. I've uninstalled, but maybe I'll go back to it if it's fixed, or if I upgrade my Series S. 

    Tried Starfield. Not my cup of tea. Not a NASA-core kinda guy. Story didn't grab me. 

    Gonna second Jaysin on Arkham City being amazing. 10/10. Would 100% again. Really, the only outright bad game in the series IMO is Arkham Origins - Blackgate. The Arkham formula does not work in 2.5D.

    It feels so weird being seemingly one of the only people enjoying Starfield. I think I've made my hatred of Bethesda and Todd Howard clear on here, but Starfield has been a fun chillout game for me. By no means is it a great game or "the least buggy game Bethesda's ever made" like some Microsoft exec tried to claim, but it scratches some itch in my stupid ape brain that keeps me playing.

  18. On 10/15/2023 at 12:00 AM, Jaysin said:

    So I now have a 10 year old in my life and one of the things we are bonding over are video games. It seems like couch co-op has gone out the window on a lot of games for Switch and PS4. Looking for some couch co-op games for PS4/Switch, but if there's any suggestions for games we can each play on our own Switches, but together. Like an RPG maybe? We are potentially getting a PS5 for Christmas, so maybe some suggestions for couch co-op games for that too?

    I'd like to add Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 to the suggestions. It's not mind-blowing, but it's a fun beat 'em up with a big cast of playable heroes.

    • Like 1
  19. 21 minutes ago, Dalton said:

    Like who? Danielson, Cole, Swerve, Christian, Copeland, and Saraya aren't working AEW until WWE comes calling, and those are the ones at the top of the cards. 

    Cole would absolutely drop AEW like a bad habit if WWE promised him a push and Saraya will work wherever lets her relapse like a female Jeff Hardy. But I was speaking generally about my thoughts on ex-WWE talent getting work elsewhere. AEW isn't quite to the TNA/WCW level of taking every single WWE castoff yet.

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