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Everything posted by Self

  1. ... and while Heyman was in charge of the big picture, the details were often booked by a team under him. I believe Lance Storm said that he, Raven and Dreamer were booking the small shows and the minutiae of the matches for a time. Teams are good, but in my mind I say the smaller the better. The bigger you get, the more time spent arguing between different points of view.
  2. In my experience, the Irish don't tan well. Which is fine by me. Anything to break out of that generic 'Main Eventer' mould and be different is nothing but a good thing in my book. On a related note, I think I heard that after this coming PPV, they're going to have SEVEN weeks before Royal Rumble. That's a mighty long build.
  3. I'm skim reading these posts, so forgive me if I've got the wrong end of the stick, but is someone suggesting that Sheamus should have decisivly beaten Kofi in that Battle Royale? That is a bad idea. Kofi Kingston's push is far more important than Sheamus' right now. WWE need fresh, new, Main Event Babyface talent far more than they need a legitimate monster to feed to Cena. The Kofi/Orton feud is heating up nicely, but if Kofi is beaten by anyone, ANYONE, it could stall his momentum.
  4. It should be a fine midcard battle. Sure it's a title match, but if it goes on after DX vs JeriShow, Kofi vs Orton or whatever Undertaker is doing I'll eat my hat. And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm glad WWE are mixing it up a bit. Would I have picked Sheamus? No. I'm in the 'too soon' camp. I would have had him in a dominating feud on RAW first, to build him up some more, but I like his look and certainly don't begrudge him the spot.
  5. It's not just a Russo thing. Vince McMahon has them going all the time. It even happens in mainstream TV and Movies. Characters and plot-lines are set up, but for one reason or another they're forgotten about or fade into the background. It can be annoying, but it's not a Russo-only problem.
  6. I putting my money on AJ's mystery attacker being... AJ STYLES!!! SWERVE! It wouldn't the first time Russo has done that.
  7. Flicking through RAW (very dull night in the land of Self) and I love the narrow entranceway. Getting rid of the stage and having that tunnel makes it looks so different from the year-in year-out fare. Plus, the visual of the fans reaching down and coming oh-so-close to touching the wrestlers make them look more like stars than when they have to wander over to the crowd themselves. Still prefer the UFC way of entrances, but this is pretty cool. Is... Is The Miz' catchphrase getting over? I don't watch RAW often, but are people actually chanting along with it on a weekly basis, because that's... AWESOME!
  8. He wasn't... back when he was trying to create the image of himself being a serious actor. Apparently he feels he's accomplished that, so he feels safe to do a little wrasslin' for fun. Which is awesome news in my book. His promo he did on the 10th Anniversary of Smackdown was great. Wrestling would be lucky to have him back, even for a little while. P.S. Just finished watching ECW. Still struggling to get used to the new ring announcer. I'm terrified she's going to mess up and embarrass herself every second... Really takes away from my glee at Zack Ryder's entrance music. P.P.S Zack Ryder promo to kick off the show??? Woo Woo Woo. You know it!
  9. I wasn't saying it in a negative way, or to sound superior. I'm genuinely surprised that the 'Fosbury Flop' isn't a thing that people automatically know. Then again, I'm British, so I probably went through a vastly different curriculum than most folks in the world. Also not trying to take anything away from AJ either. He's a physical freak. However... I think I could probably do it. I'm no gymnast. I haven't flopped for several years. I'm not even particularly tall. Still, give me a couple of goes practice and I reckon I could clear those ropes. Could I land properly? Probably not. Could I do it without hurting Joe & Daniels? Perhaps not. Could I do it in the middle of a wrestling match? Oh God no. Never said I could. AJ is awesome, it just makes me chuckle to see folks this excited about such an 'exotic' move. Not just you, but I've been on other forums that were completely marking out.
  10. You should check out the Summer Olympics. It'll blow you mind. I'm half joking. It did look really cool. I'm just surprised anyone can find it that impressive as I was taught how to do that in High School. I'm guessing it wasn't a standard technique taught all around the globe though.
  11. The "Shooting Star" that AJ did was a Fosbury Flop. It's not a wacky name for a cool move, but rather the technical term for how high jumpers clear the bar in modern athletics. It's so named because it was popularised and perfected by Dick Fosbury in 1968. The rest of the show was fun. Nigel needs to work on his kick outs. They look really weak. The finish of Beer Money/British Invasion/MCMG just made me not want to watch TNA ever again. Really fun match spoiled by a ridiculous ending involving two characters I have no interest in seeing.
  12. I'm watching Turning Point now (work sure got a lot more fun since I got my own office) and I just watched the Beautiful People match. I liked it. I really didn't think this show would make me want to watch Impact again, but this match kinda did. I knock TNA a lot, but the Knockouts just have more personallity (well... gimmicks) than the Divas, and I dig that. Lacey was well protected, she didn't embarrass herself. I've always liked Velvet in a 'wrestling skill has nothing to do with it' kinda way. Madison totally won me over in that match. After reading Remi's positive review I was looking extra closely at her, and she seems pretty good. She was the one taking all of Taylor & Sarita's high flying spots and she bumped off ODB's clotheslines like she was getting hit by a frieght train. Solid heel work. Making the babyfaces look good. Also, I like the Sarita/Taylor team. They remind me of early Motor City Machine Guns in the way that they are two vaguely similar workers, put into a team seemingly at random, but have thrown themselves totally into it with matching outfits and dual poses. It's very cute.
  13. I might check out this PPV. Even though the idea of Joe vs Daniels vs Styles for the title deeply offends me as a storyteller, it'll probably thrill me as a fan of wrestling matches. I've been YouTubing a lot of Wolfie's segments, still waiting to be sold on the guy, but have been pretty unimpressed thus far. Maybe this'll turn it around. P.S. I would have killed to have seat warmers in my car this morning. Literally. If the devil had showed up offering them to me in exchange for ganking the postman, I would have shown up to work covered in blood, with an extremely warm arse.
  14. PM'd you a request. Here's a placeholder post. Sweet CGC tag belt too.
  15. CGC love is good. Very good. Top draw. I also dig the Quebecois belt.
  16. A truly wonderful thread. I especially love the UKB logos. Stunning.
  17. So very Canadian. So very pretty. Totally borrowing that World Title for my CGC game.
  18. Dude. If you mean what I think you mean, High Five. I've managed to see Iron Man, Indiana Jones and every superhero movie for the last couple of years without having it ruined by spoilers, but I think I'm going to stumble upon something that's going to ruin Dark Knight for me. I didn't think Batman was that big a deal, but... close calls already. You kept it vague though, for that I tip my cap. I think the Leper Messiah thing is more of a chicken/egg situation. I remember when the pic was made, but not whether the Leper gimmick was in before that. I was always uncomfortable about using a copyrighted image as the basis of an alt, but if it's in the game, Adam must have no problems, legal or ethical.
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