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Everything posted by Stennick

  1. I know we have a NFL Playoffs thread a page or two back but I figured might as well make a new catch all thread for the NFL. This Super Bowl has storylines with Mannings, and New Orleons, and two high powered offenses going into the game etc. that being said I'm just not interested in it. I like the Colts and don't care about the Saints. To me the game I was most interested in was the NFC Championship and in a lot of ways felt like a more important game than the Super Bowl. Again thats just how I feel. That being said I'm more interested in things such as the uncapped year that may be coming. Some of the things surrounding the player agreements are interesting. First of all the subject of retired players welfare. Brees fired off on the subject being against it (from the intereviews I've seen). I kind of have to agree with him. The NFL hasn't always been the national powerhouse that it was. I don't have any numbers and frankly I'm too lazy to get them but I'd have to think that the Niners run in the 80's is when the NFL started to take over as the top sport in the country. Maybe it was the 70's but I'd think it wasn't until the late eighties early 90's that the NFL became the top sport in America. I have all the respect in the world for those guys and when your dealing with a subject as touchy as peoples livelihoods there is no right answer. That being said take a great guy like Jim Brown. I don't know what Jim made but everything I can gather he was severely underpaid by todays' standards. Sure thats a shame but at the same time the sport wasn't as BIG as it is now. Guys like Montana, Rice, Young, Aikmen, Smith, Elway, these guys made this game huge in the 80's. When the game got big so did their pay days. Its almost like rewarding guys from the past because guys in the present appealed to a larger mass therefore making the league larger. Did they maintain the sport so that others would come along and make it a bigger deal? Sure but I didn't see people from the Dead Ball era getting paid some of Ruth's cash because they kept the sport of baseball alive long enough for someone to come around and make it a big deal. If the League feels compelled to pay these guys thats fine but I think it should come out of NFL's funds and not teams and players. Again I don't know how its set up now but I don't think the players of today should help pay for players of yesterday. I know one way they have talked about doing things is the Rookie Cap. Although I think this is a great idea and NEEDS to be done I don't think that you can say "well since your saving money on these players you can use some of that to fund the players welfare. The NFL as a league generates cash on its own and I think that it should be NFL cash not individual teams or players that fund these player welfares. That being said the Rookie Cap has got to be done. Jamarcus Russell is making too much it cripples a team being all but forced to pay these huge sums of money to unproven talent. Should you get paid to be the number 1 pick in the NFL draft? Sure but should you be paid more than the top guy at your position? Absolutely not. I know there has been talk of taking the average salary of the top five guys at your position and using that as a guidline. Thats one way of dealing with it but then you get into who decides the "top five" and what happens when you get a Kurt Warner's that come out of nowhere as a seventh round pick or a walk on and become great but don't have the salary to reflect it. Also I remember last year being an underwhelming year for QB's and such and everyone said "wait till the 2010 draft with Tebow, Bradford, McCoy, etc" now we're looking at Tebow who's struggling to be a traditional NFL QB, while Colt and Sam have atleast mild health concerns that seemingly have dramatically dropped their stock.
  2. Sab you just made that make sense please apply for their head writing job. I would watch every week if you wrote their shows.
  3. So I caught the last five minutes of tonights show. 1. Why was Nash and Foley fighting in a hardcore match? 2. Why did Hall and Waltman attack Nash? 3. If Hall didn't wrestle at Genesis because he didn't ilke the way he looked in tights, how does he ever expect to wrestle it doesn't look like that gut has gone down any in the last month. 4. Is Bischoff a heel making Jarrett wrestle matches against heels that put him against the odds? And if Bischoff is a heel and Hogan is a face? I just don't understand but I'm sure its because I don't watch the shows.
  4. Nobody really knows what NXT is about I haven't even seen a logo for it yet so I think we'll learn as we go. I can't imagine them just dumping all of the guys they have on the roster now onto the big two a month outside of Mania so I think its going to start out looking similar and then maybe with the draft it might get a lot of new talent influxed.
  5. Yeah I bet tickets are going to be cheap (not worried about it selling out) so I'll go just so I can say I saw them live.
  6. Nice Elimination Chamber and Lockdown here in St. Louis could be a fun year.
  7. Do I know how what works? I'd love for you to fill me in since apparently your blessed with knowing how whatever it is works.
  8. I think its for the best. I believe Vince had a vision in mind to make three large brands. With the success of the ONS pay per views and the DVD flying off the shelves and the E C Dub chants I think Vince wanted to bring it back. That being said guys like Sabu and Sandman are not WWE guys they were brought in mostly to give a rub to guys like CM Punk, Elijah Burke, etc. Things kid of fell apart for the ECW brand right away. RVD and Sabu got busted with pot, Heyman walked out of the promotion, Kurt Angle left, etc. I think for the third brand the idea was for the ECW name along with RVD and Kurt Angle were supposed to be the star power. With the biggest stars on the brand both having some sort of drug/legal issues Vince took over writing it and proceeded to clean house. I like ECW as as it is. It mixes veterans like Regal, Finlay, Chrisitan in there with guys that need to learn how to perform on weekly television. It gives them a chance to try out characters and give guys bigger pushes than they'd normally recieve before bringing them onto RAW or SD. Having the ECW name is just sort of silly at this point. There is nothing extreme about it and why should there be. I personally hate hardcore wrestling and think it works best when you take a "regular" match and sprinkle "hardcore" elements into it. Tables, chairs, blood, etc. I don't have a problem calling it WWE NXT their not exactly brilliant when it comes to naming their television shows. RAW is a good name but I still have no idea why they took the Rock's catchphrase and made an entire television show and video game series around it. Sure it was a great catchphrase but it was his catchphrase not the WWE's. Anyway I'm looking forward to it I'm guessing new championships after they just red did the ECW twice in the last year.
  9. From what I've seen the report is that Helms was hanging out with Irvine (Jericho), some female and maybe one other person. He freaked out at a gas station, hit the girl, hit Jericho and then feld the scene. He's also been pulled as their Superstar of the Day as well as pulled from the Rumble. He's had a Wellness violation as well as some other things he joked a while back that if he got released he'd start of a promotion called FEW (Future Endeavors Wrestling) he may get that chance.
  10. http://www.dafont.com/theme.php?cat=102 thats a link to a ton of fonts
  11. Is this the size you work with Liamo? Do you start with this size and resize them for the game?
  12. Man great TCW ones and I'm frothing at the mouth waiting on those USPW ones
  13. The shows seem to be going downhill from the live episode on. I'm glad its easier to read the spoilers for TNA ahead of time so I don't waste my time trying to watch it when it airs.
  14. I've hated WWE programming for months now yet I always got that feeling that any show now they could produce something worth watching. So I'd DVR it and find myself fastfowarding through nearly the entire show. This week I didn't record it, I didn't check for results. After twenty years of watching wrestling for the first time ever I'm just not interested in watching the WWE. I'll give TNA just a bit more time to move in an interesting direction.
  15. So I spent my time watching real entertainment yesterday in the form of the NFL and missed out on all of they hype for TNA and then their actual show. I come on here and people are bitching about Hall, what happened? I read the results and he was on the show and Hogan said he'd see them Thursday so was he late? Did he show up drunk? What happened? It didn't sound like anything fishy on the results but I've clearly missed something
  16. They don't charge for ppv admittance in Orlando do they? Its basically the exact same as Impact with different banners right?
  17. Yeah I just read the mystery guy so that makes a bit more sense I guess.
  18. So thats their big star? What has he ever done to warrant a challenge to the second most important title in America.... theoretically.
  19. Research is our friend when it comes to murky things such as contracts and trademark copywrights. Nicely done on the research Beak
  20. I feel not so bright. I've had a PM from you sitting in my inbox forever and I never even noticed it. I looked up after reading that and it said one unread message. You should have got at me sooner man. I'll send the workers I have done over to you tonight so you can have a look
  21. Jason Lee needs to be in everything. I'm a huge fan of My Name is Earl it still sucks that show got cancelled. I thought it was original, it was constantly funny. Kinda surprised he's not in it more its not like he's doing much of anything else. I need to head over to IMDB and see whats he's up to.
  22. I watched Extract tonight. For those that don't know it seems like a b movie with Jason Bateman, Ben Afflek (somewhat limited role), the girl from that seventies show Mila whatever her name is. It sounded funny, instead it was just weird.
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