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Everything posted by Stennick

  1. So next weeks program seems just as cluttered. I won't spoil anything but its hard to see who the main eventers are. Before this it seemed like AJ, Daniels, Joe, Angle and Wolfe were main eventers. I thought TNA was the little company that was just barely making it yet they got Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, Hall, Nash, Foley, Sting. A few years ago it was a big deal that Spike was footing some of Sting's payday you can't tell me Spike is paying the rest of these guys as well.
  2. Thats my thing where did these extra two million viewers come from, hell even RAW had its highest rating since Summerslam. So really where did three million viewers come from and thats not counting the Fiesta Bowl.
  3. So all the hopeful RVD, Heyman, Kennedy talk turned into exactly what I thought it would......nothing.
  4. I don't mind them bringing in Hogan, Flair etc in the first hour. Its not like its been all these guys cutting promos. A few quick shots of Hogan's car, a cutaway of Flair, Pac and Hall, Foley its not like their dominating the program their just featured so far its a slow build and I don't mind that part of it. So far the biggest cluster for me was the beggining and maybe Lashley. I mean with all these guys in there and Lashley clearing not wanting to wrestle if MMA works out (which is has so far). I'd cut my losses with the guy. This is the trouble WCW got into. They'd hire anybody from WWF/E with ANY name value. Lashley has no charisma, no specialness to him. I got why they brought him in but even at that it was too late. Bring these guys in when their hot off the WWE, do what you can with them. Don't wait six months and then try and do something with them. Wrestling fans have short enough attention spans.
  5. I'm not ready to declare it a mess yet. I like Flair being there, the womens match was quick and in offensive. So far the only segment I don't like is the first segment.
  6. That'd be a good idea thats their only hope of keeping viewers. Granted its still a slim chance. FLair is here
  7. I like the idea behind that huge hype for just how "important" Hogan is. Nash with a big promo "making more money than I ever have". I liked the promo but in reality there is no way he'll ever make more money than he did during his run with Time Warner when he was writing his own checks.
  8. Another problem is that these guys are all tag teams for the most part. I'm more of a fan of showing off SINGLES wrestlers instead of a bunch of tag teams. Why not make it a tag team three way, or Homicide vs. Suicide and then Homicide cheats and out comes Hardy. Or Hardy walks out of the crowd, open challenge and Homicide answers. The truth is Jeff Hardy was the biggest world champion in the business six months ago and now he's just a guy.
  9. then AFTER the DQ they spend what feels like an hour with Homicide not able to climb out of the cage getting stuck on the opening while the other seven guys finally decide "hey we look like idiots and so does he hanging on for dear life up there lets go get him".
  10. Wow way to have a good idea show off the X Division, then they put it in a cage with what like eight guys and you can't even see whats going on. THEN they end it with a DQ finish. Way to go TNA, here comes Hardy, wearing a TOOL shirt......if the shirt fits I guess.....
  11. Anybody that thought otherwise is just delusional beyond help
  12. Well first of all I don't have a ratings box so it don't matter what I watch I'm not included in the Nielson ratings. Second of all I love a blend of entertainment and wrestling. 97 WCW, 2000 WWF, those are two of my favorite period of times in wrestling history and you had a blend of both. I'll be watching TNA tonight and tonight only. If they spend the show trying to recreate 1997 with the nWo, Foley, Flair, etc. I won't be watching again. If they spend the show mixing those guys in with treating guys like AJ Styles, Joe, Desmond Wolfe and others like the big deal that they are and combine that with an interesting story that keeps me hooked till next week then I'll watch 'em again.
  13. I wasn't all that excited when Hogan joined TNA but I gotta tell you I'm getting excited about tonight. Just to see what TNA does when their trying their hardest. Tonight to me is TNA giving me their best shot. I'll DVR RAW and watch TNA. If their gonna be something they got tonight to show me. I don't need a thousand new guys debuting I just need a cliffhanger something to get me interested and keep me interested going into next week.
  14. Kam that logo is awesome one of my favorites you've done.
  15. I get swearing isn't allowed but its blocked out anyway when you say a bad word so really no one actually sees the bad word its just implied. So can we not imply bad words is that what you're saying? I mean what exactly is the difference between saying the F word since it just comes out as stars and saying "what the freak"? Both essentially imply the same thing yet no one sees a bad word actually being seen in either instance. I mean for all the people on the board know we have edited ourselves from saying the bad word by putting our own stars up there. I could understand receiving a warning if you said something that wasn't filtered such as something disgusting or racist or something that wasn't appropriate but if it gets edited out anyway then I'm not sure what the big deal is. So seeing four stars on a screen is bad but someone can say "God Darnnit" which could be equally offensive to a group of people and there is no warning for that? At any rate I usually try my best not to include in appropriate things in my post so my apologies for the slip up I'm just not sure stumbling across a post with four stars in the middle of a sentence is so offensive that it needs a warning but thats why they pay you the big bucks I suppose.
  16. And I'll be there dammit! I may not know a single storyline but one thing I think I'll always enjoy is seeing pro wrestling in person. Plus Elimination Chamber in person no matter who's who seems like it should be fun.
  17. Come on Sab you know that if its reported on a wrestling website...which might I point out that all wrestling news reported to us is automatically second hand information. The Observer relies on guys mostly wrestlers themselves reporting ****. I don't know about you but this isn't CNN with respectable sources its boys in the locker room bent outta shape because their push just became someone elses. Its not because their not talented, its because their not friends with the evil HHH. I never heard two words about HHH and Sheamus when he was in developmental now that he's been on the big boys roster what two or three months their bff's? Whats funny is people bitch about WWE's storylines being unbelievable but I never hear anyone bitching about how these backstage stories aren't believable. I think CNN catches more skepticism than Dave does.
  18. BHK I know what you mean and I'm not saying Vince's plan is perfect or even good. Its just I see people complaining about wanting new things, fresh things and important main events and titles that mean something. This show pretty well on paper delivers those things and their not even getting a "well this is a good starting point lets see where this goes". Their getting "OMG THIS WAZ HORRIBLE" or whatever else their getting.
  19. Sometimes I think no matter what the "E" does people will complain. People hated HHH as world champion he's spent the better part of the last few years hanging out in DX land far far away from the title cept for a Randy Orton feud. People complained that WWE was pushing too many body builders and not enough real wrestlers. Well now they have CM Punk, Jack Swagger, Bryan Danielson, they tried to bring in Nigel. People complained that the attitude era was over and they should find something new. They start pushing Morrison, Hardy, Punk, Legacy, now the Celtic Warrior. People still complain. People complain about the tag titles being meaningless in this decade. They put the titles on Jericho and Show and push them to the moon being the only champions that are seen on both shows and constantly involved in main event feuds for said title. Now people complain that these same titles and people are main eventing pay per views. If I was Vince or anyone else looking at these boards trying to give these people what they want I'd tear my hair out. Seriously they want new stars but not THOSE new stars, they want titles to be important but not main eventing, they want a new direction but they don't want THAT direction. I have accepted the fact that I will likely never be a big wrestling fan again. Part of it is I was never a big WWE fan anyway. RAW built its success on being unpredictable. Anything and anyone can show up. Well thats not the case any longer. Their the only dog in town, their a publically traded company, the economy is in the toilet. Times have changed and so has our favorite past time. I know exactly why I don't like the show. Every show seems the same, every star seems to be the same build, the same height and almost void of any personal characteristics. There is little time four shows sometimes three to build between pay per views and stories. Those are the reasons I no longer watch and I'm ok with that. It seems to be others manufacture reasons for themselves why they don't watch wrestling. Its hard to just say "wrestling isn't what it used to be and thats why I don't watch". Its hard to look to the past and realize something will never be like that again or if it is its a long ways off. Its much easier to say "I'd watch again if they did this or that". Problem is they try doing this or that and people just flip their opinion. I bet if we look in this very thread we would see people having counter opinions against themselves when it comes to the product. People saying "I want them to create new stars" or "I want the titles to mean something". Then the minute Vince and his band of merry yes men try this people instantly flip on it and say "WHAT ARE THEY DOING". I think since 2003 I've heard people complaining about the state of the wrestling industry and what it was lacking and why. Yet if you look at Vince's numbers their always right around the same area. Which means that after six years the same people that were fed up with the presentation back them are mostly still watching today. Its been said countless times. Vince is driven by two things television ratings and pay per view buys. You don't like the product then I suggest people start talking with their remotes. Everyone here claims to not watch and then goes into detail about feuds and crowd responses. So either their making these things up in their head (highly unlikely since there accurate assessments ) or their lying to themselves and everyone else. I barely watch but from what I have watched and from what I've heard on here if I look at this pay per view I see young stars being pushed, old stars putting over new stars, tag team titles main eventing, and championships in general being at the forefront of a main event feud. Yet I come on here and people are proclaiming the horrible mistakes of Vince. Its funny they say most wrestling fans are men yet with the complaining and constant mind changing I'd be inclined to think those statistics were reversed. I kid.....I kid
  20. Kam you know more about this stuff than I likely ever will but have you tried seeing what the white around the logo would look like as new york blue? Does it not blend well with the background?
  21. I always thought Impact New York would be a great name for NYCW's television show if they ever achieved one.
  22. Did you ah read the first page? Or even the last few pages before this one? He's not taking requests right now he's kinda backed up.
  23. I've never seen him do it either. Not saying he won't its just I don't recall him doing it one time in this entire thread.
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