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Everything posted by brashleyholland

  1. No, but you can do multiple tweets, or use services that link to longer messages. I love how the whole point of twitter was short messages without all the bull, yet the first ting people did was figure out ways around the character limit :-p
  2. It's nothing to do with the time of the fight. He would get destroyed in a couple of rounds by either of them.
  3. And just like that, Overeem is out of the SF HWGP. Cormier in against Silva on September 10th. Has he been cut from Strikeforce? Is he heading to the UFC? Will commit suicide by Klitschko in a boxing ring? Who knows? (I do!)
  4. So for the first time since I was about 14 (which was a loooooong time ago) I'm actually genuinely excited/interested in watching Raw tonight to see what happens next. I caught the PPV last night (mainly because I spent the entirety of Sunday sleeping off a particularly epic hangover and was wide awake by 1am) and I'd seen bits of a couple of Raws in recent weeks (I have it on sometimes in the background while I work) so I had a vague idea of what was going on...but dayum, I found it entertaining. The ladder matches were all cool, but the atmosphere for the main event really took me back. Definitely reminded me why I liked wrestling so much. Also all this fridge talk has reminded me that I have Mars Ice Cream bars in mine. Raw snacks sorted then.
  5. You mean it's not Mooey Tye? Damn, all these years..I'm handing in my Mongkhon. :-D
  6. Lol, only in wrestling would you have a guy lying face down, motionless on the floor, while a group of EMT's tend to the dude with a hurty knee next to him :-p
  7. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Fantabulous" data-cite="Fantabulous" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Frankie Edgar vs. Gray Maynard III headlines UFC 136</strong><p> </p><p> Zero interest in this fight.</p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Say whaaaaaat? Their last fight was amazing! </p><p> </p><p> Will be interesting to see what they do if Edgar wins though...do they do a fourth fight? My guess is yes, but only after Guillard/Guida/Miller/Henderson etc have had their satisfaction.</p>
  8. I'm gonna be asking BAMMA on Monday afternoon what their position is. They were waiting for his suspension to resolve itself, which it has. Money could be a barrier, but if he has nowhere else to go...
  9. Mezger submitted Tito with a guillotine choke. Frank finished him with strikes. Tito ended up on all fours with Frank hammer-fisting him in the side of the head.
  10. That was a while ago, they'd fight now for the money that they'd get. Also Dana just said on the conference call that if Tito beats Evans, he'll likely become the number 1 contender, or at least number three in the UFC pecking order.
  11. MMA fans have short memories, usually covering about a fight or two and any big KO/submission/robbery that has taken place in a fighter's career. That's why I love betting on betfair - the site allows you to set your own odds and you only bet against other people, not the house (they take a % of all winnings, that's their end) so you can make some great money against idiots who saw Tito's last fight and know that he nearly won last time, so are convinced he has a 50-50 chance against Rashad in 2011. Now if you look at the actual odds set by the oddsmakers, they tell you all you need to know about this fight. Rashad opened at -500. That means you'd have to risk $500 to win $100. 5-1, or 83%...so they're giving Ortiz a 17% chance of winning the fight. Putting actual percentages on it for anything other than actually making odds is pretty silly, but there's something about that number that seems pretty much dead on :-p Yeah, he's not helping himself. It's a problem in the days of social media, and one I've talked about a lot on our show...fighters in his position should not be saying anything that isn't pre-approved my their management, and for the most part, MMA managers haven't got their heads around proper PR yet.
  12. Now then you lot, get your reading gear around this...an in-depth look at the situation regarding Machida's management pulling him out of the fight. http://www.mmabay.co.uk/2011/07/14/whartons-analysis-dana-white-reveals-that-machida-went-back-on-his-word-for-money/ Also, LOL at me writing THREE news articles in the last 24 hours (all of which I spent time corroborating) on the Rashad/Davis/Machida/Tito situation. If that fight changes one more time, I'm going to personally punch all involved, then take all their mothers out for a nice seafood dinner and NEVER call them again.
  13. A quick look at this weekend's Dream event. Yeah, I'd forgotten about it too... http://bit.ly/ncGTPf
  14. It's nothing to do with that at all. They offered Tito the fight too. The fact is, they have three weeks and there is nobody else available who could conceivably face Evans for a title shot. Nothing more to it than that.
  15. Beat me to it :-p http://bit.ly/pfCJgK Also worth noting is that they offered the fight to Tito as well, who turned it down. It's expected that Lyoto will take the fight from what I've heard, but he hasn't said yes as of yet.
  16. This is an oft-repeated argument when it comes to digital media theft. Whichever way you choose to look at it, it's still theft and it's hurting something you claim to be a fan of. You're essentially taking money out of guys pockets who for the most part make very little money anyway. Whether that makes you any less of a wrestling fan or not will be interpreted differently by those who share your views and the guys who's pockets you're taking money out of. The "I can't afford it/I've given them money before" argument doesn't wash with me. I've had IPod's ever since they came out. I've owned a Mac and my Mrs had an IPhone. We've spent a lot of money with apple over the years. I really want a new IPad, so tonight I'm going to break into the Apple store and steal one. I'm a big fan of Apple products, but I can't afford it this month. Sure, if everyone else in my town does the same thing then eventually our Apple store will get closed down, but hey, at least I got my IPad! Now who's up for Angry Birds? You said that being poor doesn't make you any less of a wrestling fan, but lets not get enjoyment confused with entitlement here. You're not entitled to something for free, just because you enjoy it. Nothing against you personally mate, just the argument.
  17. You do realise that he doesn't mean ANYTHING he says in these interviews, right? That's like saying "When I heard that he was supporting Saddam Hussain, I pretty much stopped taking Sgt Slaughter seriously" I love how Chael is still getting people with this routine
  18. Isn't that what being a troll is all about? :-p
  19. Lol, he's only three years older than me...cousin maybe? :-p Ok, so he can be my cousin and your adoptive father. Done
  20. I wasn't. I didn't even bring quality of opponents up, Amp did, and it was completely irrelevant to the comparison I was making, hence my response :-p
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