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Everything posted by brashleyholland

  1. For me, if you're in the UFC main event scene, you're getting paid enough to sort out you strength and conditioning programme. If Tony Lopez and Mike Kyle can slug it out for five rounds in King of the Cage for a few grand each, someone like Quinton Jackson, who makes millions per fight, has no excuse. I'm hoping that the increased pay for guys in main events will eventually lead to more top-tier guys getting their cardio sorted.
  2. I don't really care enough about wrestling to try and understand how it works these days, but even I know what sells PPV's and what doesn't. Surely the fact that WWE routinely out-sells TNA on PPV proves that it's story lines, characters etc that sells, not great wrestling matches? If people want to see shows with great wresting, they'll just watch one of the small promotions, right? By extension then, TNA putting on a show filled with great matches probably wont sell that well in comparison to their usual stuff...which will give people the excuse to say "There's your X-Division, nobody bought the PPV, now here's 6 months of Hogan vs Sting" It seems crazy to me that they wouldn't spend a couple of months promoting an X-Division show as one of their 'big' shows, having guys like AJ Styles and Samoa Joe etc in the world title picture as the event approaches etc, rather than just chucking a bunch of one-off 'dream matches' on a card and using it as an excuse to go back to the same old formula when nobody buys it.
  3. Crazy Overeem fact: He won the ADCC European qualifiers once. Submitted all four guys with a guillotine choke. Not that that means anything in MMA 6 years later, but meh :-p I think if it does go to the ground then he should have the skill/strength to at least neutralise Werdum in the early going. I'll be very, very interested to see how he does in the grappling department if this thing goes into the second round though...the last time he got out of the first was 2007, and although he did 12 and a half mins in the WGP, grappling is a different thing entirely when it comes to cardio. I'm wondering how those big muscles of his will hold up as the fight wears on.
  4. I've never really been in favour of fighters judging. In my experience they're not the most impartial bunch of people out there, especially the older generation who often have a strong bias towards one style. I've got a foot on both sides of the fence with this one. I absolutely think that Overeem is legit....but he's yet to prove it against a top 10 heavyweight. If he beats Werdum decisively, then more power to him.
  5. Firstly, I want to apologise to Adam/GDS and everybody else if my language offended anyone on Saturday night. One too many glasses of Perry at the summer fair unfortunately lads. My mother would be (even more) ashamed of me. Also, I want to specifically apologise to Amp, for taking the brunt of it. So yeah, stand on me. Moral of the story: Don't go pint for pint with a man literally twice your size. Or do, just don't go on the internet afterwards :-p No excuses though, I was a douche bag. Sorry. Anywhoo... If UFC 131 proved anything to me, it's that giving the judges monitors is not the solution to the judging problem. I'm sure it was just a coincidence, but I love the irony of everyone clamouring for monitors, and when we finally get them we see some of the worst overall judging of an event in recent memory. Also, does anyone get there feeling that there will be some major upsets this weekend? Is Werdum beating Reem even an upset?
  6. We're sending Rosa and Beltran $1,000 each for their efforts.
  7. Don't get your knickers in a twist sunshine. People only get funny when you make grandiose statements.
  8. Absolutely, I will name drop my mates for all they're worth :-P It'd be a good thing if they weren't eating all my food, drinking my beer and destroying my supplement/nutrition cupboard Unfortunately, that is not the case, and those Pikey SOB's the Maguire's have just arrived
  9. Yeah, coz Carwin never won a fight that he didn't take down... Amp - You don't half talk some massive, massive s**t sometimes. I mean literally, I'm sat here with Robbie Olivier, Joachim Hansen and Oli Thompson and some of the best trainers you'be never heard of, and we're literally in tears here. You seem to argue the point just for the sake. Either your understanding of MMA is so basic that it doesn't bare listening to, or f**k, you should just call it quits.
  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Daffanka" data-cite="Daffanka" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I think five round fights between what -should- be elite fighters are a great thing. When it's guys like Pettis and Guida it's one thing but BJ/Fitch and Rampage/Machida really could've done with another two rounds.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah, and I guess the argument for that is that guys like Penn, Fitch and Rampage should have the funds to do a proper S&C programme, have a dietician etc so that going five rounds isn't an issue. </p><p> </p><p> More events means more guys lower down the pay-scale main-eventing...what I don't want to see is guys who can't afford to prepare properly being forced to go an extra two rounds. </p><p> </p><p> Although saying that, I've seen some pretty decent five-rounders in KOTC over the past year or so...I guess it's all relative.</p>
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Fantabulous" data-cite="Fantabulous" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>UFC PPV and TV main events going to five rounds</strong> </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm not a fan of this at all. Value for money is a subjective thing. Is it value for money being forced to sith through an awful five round fight that could have been an awful three round fight? </p><p> </p><p> Here are a couple of facts though: </p><p> </p><p> - Fighters will get hurt more fighting for five rounds than they would over three. </p><p> </p><p> - Medical suspensions will be longer. </p><p> </p><p> I understand the idea of having 5-rounders for title eliminators, but because there is no ranking system, the UFC rarely has title eliminators. The demands of the sport and their schedule don't allow it. </p><p> </p><p> Again it's subjective, but a big thing for me is that for every fight that people say "That needed another 2 rounds", there are two where they say "I'm glad that was over". </p><p> </p><p> I dunno, maybe we'll see guys focusing more on their strength and conditioning now that this is in place. I guess it's all part of the evolution of the sport. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Nick Diaz vacates the Strikeforce Welterweight title; only fights for the UFC now</strong></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I don't know that the title dropping thing is anything to do with Showtime - it's not their belt/title and as long as Diaz is contractually allowed to fight in the UFC, he can take his belt with him if he wants to. </p><p> </p><p> What I'm hearing about this, and the whole 'business as usual' thing, is that Zuffa still has obligations to Showtime with regards to Strikeforce. They can't shut it down, but at the same time, they have no obligation to keep it talent rich. </p><p> </p><p> To me, the vacating of the Strikeforce title is a 'keeping up appearances' type of deal. Everyone knows whats going on, but on the face of it, it appears that the UFC is running SF as an organisations with it's own champions etc. </p><p> </p><p> I know that Paul Daley is fighting on the 30th of July, but he wont tell me who against. So I'm guessing that it'll be Woodley, who's undefeated and recently beat Tarec Saffiedine. Having that fight for the belt makes perfect sense. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>UFC adding a Flyweight Division</strong></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Two words - Mamoru Yamaguchi. That is all. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Speaking of little guys, the TUF entry fights happened this week, and apparently they were sick. Dana has dubbed them the best ever fights in the history of TUF, and has said that he wants to get them all shown in full on TV. </p><p> </p><p> I've heard this morning that they're trying to get Spike to agree to an extended 'pre-season' special that will show every fight in full as a lead-in to episode one, rather than having a Fight Night lead-in.</p>
  12. UFC nerves maybe? He went from being number one contender on a PPV to a fight where he literally had nothing to gain and everything to lose, and he lost it. Stuff like that has to mess with a guy's head. With that said, I think that both Roop and Poirier are criminally underrated (although I'm picking my boy Jason 'Shotgun' Young for the upset this weekend), so I'm not putting any nails in the Grispi coffin yet. Have him fight Chan Sung Jung next, or the winner of Elkins/Omigawa then we'll see if he's done.
  13. I've always loved the fact that Al Bundy could probably kick my ass in a fight.
  14. It's because every time we hop on the good foot and do the bad thing, I buy her an extra large bag of fish and chips to celebrate Who knows? In fairness to her it was 140 that she had trouble with. Maybe 145 is just right, but we don't know how big she got in the two years she's had off. Especially if she's had to bulk up a bit to do stunts/get the tough chick movie look. Keep in mind though that this whole weight thing is just an educated guess on my part, and although I've never been wrong about anything ever in the past, there's a first time for everything :-p
  15. Interesting little nugget of news...Dave Bautista is bankrolling a Gracie Jiu Jitsu gym in Tampa. He trained with Cecar Gracie when he was prepping for his MMA debut.
  16. Not really. There are some crazy rumours that she could be 'with child', but they're just rumours. There is a possibility (and this is just me thinking aloud) that it's a weight issue. I say this because she was actually cleared to fight and given her licence, which was later revoked. In order to be granted her licence, she'd have had to have submitted bloods, medical etc, so it's unlikely to be something like pregnancy or a blood condition. But... A commission doctor can cancel/revoke a licence to fight if he believes that the fighter would be putting their health at risk by cutting a large amount of weight. Gina got HUGE in her break from MMA (well, relative to her fighting weight) just check out the pics of her in that movie she filmed. It's possible that on reflection, her licence to fight on the 18th was pulled because the cut was dangerous. She's had weight issues in the past.
  17. The thing is, I don't. To me it's a huge deal that my home nation is hosting the Olympics of submission grappling. I want it to do well, and for as many people to go see it as possible. I'm not a petty person, I'm going to give it as much coverage as I can, but I do resent putting money in their pockets. Thankfully some of us care more about the sport than making money! :-p Part of me is actually grateful that I can go and watch an event as a fan for a change :-p
  18. So here's a funny story about how scummy promoters can be. People may not know this, but the Abu Dhabi Combat Club (the world's most prestigious submission grappling tournament) is being held in the UK this year. Nottingham, in September to be exact. Now, the world championship is held every two years and since it's been held outside of Abu Dhabi, Sheik Tanhoon has basically allowed countries to 'bid' for it, like the Olympics or the World Cup. Obviously this isn't on as grand a scale as it's only a two day event and governments etc aren't involved, so it comes down to local companies to bid. People who organise grappling tourneys, clothing companies, events companies...that kind of thing. This years bid was won by a company called Masaru Fight Co. They make BJJ/Grappling gear and sponsor high-profile grapplers like Roger Gracie and Victor and Braulio Estima. So far they've made a big old balls-up of the whole thing as regards to advertising and ticket selling. They've released vague bits of info on their facebook pages, and the only way to get tickets is to call a number and leave your details on an answer phone on the off-chance that they'll call you back, or facebook them and get them to call you. The only pricing info for tickets is that they "start at £40" for a two day pass. The Capital FM Arena's website doesn't have the event listed, let alone tickets for sale. But here's the kicker. About two weeks ago I heard something that blew my mind. I know the guy I heard it from was legit, but I assumed that he was either the victim of a prank, or he had some serious beef with the organisers. He told me that Masaru were charging members of the press £250 to cover the event. Now, some might say it's only fair. A press pass (usually) gets you access to decent seats, interviews, press conference, photo-shoots and if you're very special (like I am) access to the free VIP bar and afterparty. You could argue that this kind of access ultimately allows you to make a living. But that's not how it works, and trust me, very, very few people make a living covering combat sports. Most people I have spoken to will not be covering the event full stop, because they cannot pay £250 to send a photographer on top of travel/hotel/expenses. Most MMA journalists I know don't even get these things paid for them because the sites they write for can't afford it, let alone a £250 premium for the vague promise of "limited access". Firstly, the idea of money changing hands between sports press and an event holder is unethical. Press shouldn't have to pay for access in the same way that promoters shouldn't have to pay press to cover their events (doesn't stop it from happening in the MMA world though). I've done press for the UFC right down to tiny amateur shows and never, ever has money changed hands. It's the same, as far as I know, for all sports. Events have the absolute right to refuse or restrict Press access...but to charge for it? That's unheard of. It's a two way deal, and whether I get treated like an absolute king, as I did at BAMMA recently, or sat in the public seats amongst a group of stupidly drunk Polish skinheads due to a ticketing error like I was at a show that shall remain unnamed earlier this year, I bust my ass to give the best coverage possible in exchange for my credential. Our site gets more hits than MMAWeekly now, and every article we publish is a few grand less a promoter has to spend on advertising, as far as I see it. Anyway, I was sure there was some kind of mistake, so I emailed Masaru to enquire about Press credentials. Three emails and no reply later, I wrote on their facebook wall for all to see that I had emailed them a week ago re: press credentials and hadn't heard back. They got right back to me, and it turns out there HAD been a mistake... ...because all £250 got you was "strictly limited access" for photos. If you wanted "strictly limited access" for interviews and a press conference, it'd cost you....£400. That's four hundred of the Queen's finest English pounds. It pains me that people are using the good name of the ADCC to make money - the whole point of it is as a showcase event, Sheik Tanhoon isn't exactly in need of a quick buck. It's an invite only tourney, fighter's fees are paid by sponsorship and a fund...yet some people just can't resist being greedy and milking it for an extra few quid. I don't know who they're expecting to pay that kind of money, but good luck to them I say. My prediction as of right now is that most press coverage will be from the stands, except maybe the guys from Gracie Mag and Tatame who will be coming over with the Brazilians. I know I'll be paying £40 for my ticket, organising interviews myself and spending the second day drinking beer and enjoying the fights. *Rant over*
  19. No, I was being serious! I thought it was amazing!
  20. Yeah, I'm not sold on Guida's chances against Miller. On the one hand if you're gonna hand pick the kind of attributes a fighter would need to beat Jim, then Guida ticks the boxes. He's got the takedown and he can be suffocating on top, all while doing just enough (or looking like he's doing just enough) to avoid repeated stand ups. If anything, Guida would be less worried about getting stood up against Miller than he was against Pettis, as in all likelihood it'd just mean another impressive, point-scoring takedown without the risk of getting blasted. But... Miller is just too classy on the ground, and as we've seen in the past, Guida's erratic, relentless style has cost him almost as many times as it's served him well. Miller isn't going to let him get away with leaving an arm, leg or neck out there from the top possition, and you can be damn sure that if he gets Guida's back off a scramble, Clay will be tapping. Would be a good fight to watch though.
  21. For me, it looks like what they'll do is give the Miller/Henderson winner the title shot (which they've pretty much said is the plan anyway if Miller wins) and have Guida fight Melendez. Personally I'd have Guida fight the winner of Miller/Henderson and Melendez fight the Edgar Maynard winner in December. It looks like Melendez will fight the Noons/Masvidal winner, which I guess would go down early September, so the time frames could work out...
  22. Except I'm right, because there's no such thing as 'being deserving' of fighting GSP, or anyone else. He's a man, not a god. There is zero logic in what you're saying. Nobody in the UFC is saying "Well, Rick Story is worthy of a title shot, but he's not worth of fighting GSP". Otherwise Matt Serra, Dan Hardy, Thales Leites, Patrick Cote, Joe Stevenson and countless other would never have got title shots, by virtue of the fact that they were so far below the current champs that they were 'undeserving'. Frankly, you're talking out of your arse on that one :-p Exactly, which proves the point that saying one man isn't worthy to face another is ludicrous. You win some fights, you fight whoever is the champ. That's how it works, that's how it's worked since the 1800's and that's how it'll work forever. Regardless of who's 'worthy'.
  23. That doesn't even make sense. GSP holds the title, they're one and the same thing. If you're not deserving of facing GSP, you're not deserving of the title. Simple as. There are tons of great fights for GSP right now, after Diaz there will be more. And yet the last man to beat him was simply a decent BJJ guy (who hadn't submitted anyone since 2002) with heavy hands (which he'd never been able to KO, or even stop anyone with, ever), who also happened to be a part-time fighter and a midget. Now I'm not saying that kind of lightning has to strike twice for GSP to be beaten, just that any capable athlete in the UFC welterweight division has the ways and means. Any Given Sunday.
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