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Everything posted by brashleyholland

  1. Could have been. If he'd played it down to them or convinced them that he could find a doctor that would clear him to fight.
  2. Marquardt just tweeted what I said earlier, that he'll be addressing all issues on Tuesday. The tweet went out as Dana was trashing him on Versus. Strong words, saying he is disgusted with what Nate did and he'll never fight in the UFC again. I don't really like to speculate...but my gut instinct is that it's some kind of communicable disease, and that Nate had falsified a medical report or BS'd the UFC that he would be good to go on Saturday.
  3. Nah, bout order has Joe Daddy up next, then Griffin-Manny
  4. With regards to the Marquardt situation, he'll be revealing all on Tuesday.
  5. Nope...Warburton is about to fight Lauzon, the other fights you mentioned are on after that
  6. I don't even know what to say about this. Surprise, surprise, it's in Texas. That means we'll probably be seeing 'Super Ken' again. Either that or he's being paid to take a dive, neither of which would at all surprise me. I was told at a recent event by someone who trains with the Lion's Den guys that Ken's knees are so bad right now that he can no longer do double or single leg takedowns. A couple of years ago I thought he'd turned into a joke...now I just feel sorry for him. It's hard to respect a guy who doesn't respect himself. Oh and the best part? As if this wasn't already enough of a joke, it's likely going to be a mixed rules fight. 1st round stand up, 2nd round MMA etc.
  7. I don't follow? From what I've heard it's still very much more an 'if' than a 'when'.
  8. You didn't like the Masvidal-Noons fight? I though that was quality. Didn't really mind the main event as much as some people, truth be told. I did have a vested interest in the big fella winning mind.
  9. The fact is (and I'm basing this off MMA, but from what I can gather it's twice as bad with wrestling as most wrestling is on free TV) is that you get a large majority of the online fanbase who watch these shows/fights for the sole purpose of jumping onto a forum and tearing them to shreds. We have a significant number of guys who write into our site, or facebook/tweet us after EVERY UFC show goes off the air saying how UFC fights suck compared to Pride/Bellator/Dream/two hobos in a car park etc, that all UFC fighters play it safe, UFC rules suck, Dana White is running a monopoly, they want the three hours of their life back etc....Every. Single. Time. And it's the same guys, too. Most of them have been watching MMA for a few years, in some cases many, many years, and literally haven't a clue what they're talking about. From what I see of many online wrestling fans (which is admittedly this website only and the odd wrestling discussion that pops up on an MMA forum I visit) its the same. The people who complain every week are the ones who think they could do it better because they rock at TEW, yet have no legitimate real world experience. But it's cool to bash WWE/TNA for stupid writing and lame booking while lamenting the days of Steamboat/Flair (which they probably only saw on Youtube because they were born in 1990 anyway). These days I don't watch wrestling. If I'm working till 4am here in the UK, I'll maybe have TNA/WWE on in the background once in a while. But for the most part it I find insults my intelligence so I don't tune in. Like you say, these people are tearing it to bits while contributing to the ratings. I guess the small mercy is that these people are in reality such a small (if very vocal) percentage of the audience, that nobody who really matters is listening to them anyway.
  10. All prelims for every UFC event will be on Facebook/Youtube now for the foreseeable future. Fighters are loving it as they're making really good guaranteed sponsorship money. What I've heard is that it could all change if/when the UFC gets their own TV network. The plan then will be to air the prelims on there in the US, while Facebook/Youtube will carry them for the rest of the world. Also Daff, remember that this event is on Sunday, not Saturday! ;-)
  11. Because nothing in life - and I mean NOTHING - is more important than looking superior to another group of people on the internet. That's a true fact that is!
  12. Don't be scarred, Gomi... http://www.mmabay.co.uk/2011/06/21/ufc-135-takanori-gomi-draws-nate-diaz-at-on-september-24th-in-denver-colorado/
  13. Honestly I have no idea...I guess they can't be bleeding that much cash if they're still around after so long, but I honestly don't know enough to say anymore than that. True that. Maybe that's the harsh reality for TNA then - pro wrestling doesn't survive and make money, WWE does.
  14. I don't follow? If people watch it, TV will show it and advertisers will buy space on it. Didn't MTV have a wrestling promotion that was kinda different to WWE at one point? If you can't last with MTV behind you, then people simply ain't buying what you're selling.
  15. Question: Has any wrestling promotion that has presented something markedly 'different' to what WWE does survived for a significant amount of time on TV and made money? If there's no evidence to support that doing something different to WWE can make money and generate longevity, surely TNA should be doing everything in their power to be as much like WWE as possible, for the sake of their future?
  16. Damn, KJ Noons just got straight up worked by Jorge Masvidal. Great performance!
  17. Figured I'd just post this in here, because A) why the devil not and B) who doesn't want to see me making a fool out of myself on the internet? WARNING: There are some swears in the vid...nothing too bad though http://community.mmabay.co.uk/broadcast/570308/Re-Re-Cash-Rules-Everyting-Around-Them-C.R.E.A.M Oh and C) Hopefully one or two of you will get involved! It's a little side project we're doing over on the 'Bay, a community site where you can write blogs (the best of which we'll feature on our main site which gets around 1.3 million visits a month) video blogs (the most recent/interesting of which will also be up on the main site) and best of all, video battles! You can start a battle with someone, upload your vid, they upload theirs, you both get a rebuttal, and the community votes on who wins. Why bother? Well, if you're first in the community rankings at the end of the year, we're buying you a pair of tickets to ANY MMA event in the world. Strikeforce in Cali, UFC in Vegas, K-1 WGP in Never-Neverland? You win, you name it, it's yours! We'll also chuck out some prizes for random good vids etc as well. What are you waiting for? :-p EDIT: ...and just incase that first vid wasn't bad enough...I sing a little song about my good buddy Mike Bisping in this one :-p http://community.mmabay.co.uk/broadcast/457648/Bispings-punnishment-and-the-Appology-Song-for-Chael-Sonnen
  18. I caught the recent PPV where he had the 'evil' facepaint. Very cool.
  19. While we're on the subject, you guys have to check this out. Barnett was doing he open workout for the press and...well, see for yourself...
  20. Josh Barnett, the 'Abs' era... http://www.yorkblog.com/mma/josh-barnett-pancrase.jpg A WWF wrestler... http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ClRyWvwVy_M/TLT5ZG1X1fI/AAAAAAAABWs/KMlVZdjq9V0/s640/Bastion+Booger+(Mike+Shaw).jpg I rest my case
  21. Josh is a massive, massive pro-wrestling fan. Why he never ended up in the WWF after he was stripped of the UFC title, I'll never know. He's got the look, he's got the patter. He could have been a modern day Ken Shamrock, but..y'know...big...and good :-p
  22. Cage Warriors Fight Night LIVE and FREE right NOW!!!! http://www.cagewarriors.com/live.php My good bud Andreas Kraniotakes is fighting in the main event...peeps might know him from the EA MMA game.
  23. In this day and age it shouldn't make a difference. Shane Carwin is the perfect example; a year ago he couldn't go more than five minutes, last weekend he did three rounds of getting his ass kicked and still came forward. If you have the money and resources available, you can fix the problem. It's not necessarily an athletics issue either. Years ago there was a big, fat Hawaiian super heavyweight called Eric Pele, who was renowned for his cardio. His entire S&C regime was "Exercise and eat right". Going back to my original point, athlete or not, heavyweight or featherweight, if you're making UFC main event money then you can afford to sort your S&C out to go five rounds.
  24. In a word...no :-p He didn't use his qualifying slot to enter the ADCC itself because he had commitments in Pride, but it's highly doubtful he would have taken the plunge anyway. He essentially took the qualifiers by virtue of the fact that he was one of the very few full time paid athletes involved. I can't remember for sure, but I seem to recall around the time of that fight him giving an interview where he said that he'd intentionally put on weight for that fight. I guess he can chalk that one up to experience... :-p
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