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Everything posted by crownsy

  1. yea, money. Main roster deals, even in NXT's hayday, pay a ton more.
  2. Right, the problem isn't the direction change, that's there right. The problem is it's on national TV when it's the quality of a indy show in front of 100 people.
  3. I enjoyed how this week we had like 3 separate "doesn't Mandy look hot in a bikini pally!" segments straight from the minds of Pritchard and Vince. Yes, yes she does. Do you guys realize it isn't the 90's and I can see her Instagram anytime I want? or if I'm that hard up for a women in sexy clothes, the internet provides. It really feels like they think that's still a big draw for the like 12-25 or so demo, like when we used to have to wait for 20 minutes on dialup to see a naked women in the IRC days. I like Mandy btw, I just think it's funny we're going all in on "man pally! you can't see this kinda SKIN anywhere else! puppies!" version of NXT.
  4. I think we were going to see some sort of Christen screwjob of Jurrasic Express, but then when the injury happened it was so blatantly obvious that Rey was going to be out at least a few months they audibled the finish. otherwise I don't see why you take the titles of the Lucha Brothers there. BoTB was basically just hour 2 of rampage. The Main event was fine, but with Rosa apparently tied up with Martínez I question why we didn't do the title change there. I've seen Britt vs. every babyface women I care about besides Rosa. I'm ready for her reign to end. Also, on that front, they need to get the title off britt because the level of interference allowed from Rebel and Hayter from the outside is comical at this point. It makes the AEW refs look so bad that they just spend the whole match cheating, getting caught, and then it takes like 3-4 times for a ref to be like "go to the back" even. Love BRitt, but I've seen enough of this title reign.
  5. yea, the interm thing seemed very much like "well, we don't have the world title or tag matches on the show so....it's still gotta be for a belt". Didn't really make much sense to do that, but I guess they wanted 2 "title matches" on the show
  6. I agree with all that except we all know Twitter narratives affect real life. I'm not sure he can just leave it out there that AEW is basically a good ol' white boy network with regards to upper management when she took that to a public forum and never call her on that bull (which, spare me her 2000 word clarification on her blog that she was just speaking to diversity. her initial tweet broken down was AEW is run by a good ol' boy network too, sheep, that's why I'm "choosing to leave and be true to myself!" no you got fired functionally) The pick up the phone thing works both ways. If she really believed that she needed to talk to him about how AEW was a good ol boys network, and has "qouta" diversity just to be able to say they do, then pick up the phone, not twitter.
  7. aside from Red Velvet, all those prospects are already significantly better than Swole in the ring. This might be best for her, if she can find a place that lets her work like 100+ match's a year she might really improve. Right now though her Mic work and Ring work are below where she thinks she should rate by a fair margin.
  8. Or, much like the Roster has said now, don't cry about your former boss being racist on twitter (a public forum) and then get mad when he calls you out on said public forum. She can backtrack all she wants now and say she wasn't meaning to imply AEW was a racist company, but that's only because basically no one but Lio rush (who has since been like I talked to Tony, were good now) backed her up on that take and now she looks foolish. Swole has a great story, but she clearly thinks she's a Main Event level talent and she just isn't. and everytime she isn't treated like one, she stays "true to herself!" and pops off on social media. so yea, it is what it is. She was pissed off about being let go, wanted a response on her social media, she got one she didn't really like, and now she's "clarified" her position. truly, Twitter is a cesspool lol
  9. are we.....are we really going to pretend that the Champion is what drives ratings gain or loss? in 2021? I guess every champion in WWE should be stripped of their belts then, since there ratings are down as well. The ratings were falling well before Hangman by the way, so was that because people didn't like the idea of hangman being champ in the future in your mind or.....?
  10. I mean once you get to a certain point, you have to unless you want to start giving away a bunch of solo matches from your upper mid card and M/E scene. WWE gets around this with non-finishes, but AEW does it with multimans. Both can get trying, but I prefer the multiman's more that 15 matches between guys ending in DQs or other silly finishes.
  11. my theory is he/they are going to eliminate most of team taz from the Dimond battle royal
  12. Not gonna lie, I was a bit disappointed after Danhusen's Video in the morning we didn't have a very nice, very evil debut He did say "see you soon!" so maybe they just wanted to tease it, but when he mentioned the "ass men" by name, and sting and darby I thought we might have a britt baker situation where he would show up and just talk while the leg healed I know it wasn't going to happen, but I was still kinda like "awww" when that match ended without him showing up ha
  13. so I don't know if this is anime per se. But I broke down and fired up Arcane on netflix, even though I haven't played LEague in like 5 years I wanted it to be bad brothers and sisters, I regret to tell you it is very good. Now were gonna have Riot chrun out like 100 of these things, sigh. Hopefully they at least keep this quality
  14. yea, this is my impression as well. Pretty clear we're going with "Ass kicker vs. Millennial cowboy" here. Work ethic is Bryan's thing now, same thing with Kingston. I expect he'll be a tweener, which I'm fine with as long as he sticks to the mission statement he has, which is he wants to prove he's the best and doesn't care what people think about it opinion subject to change if Daniellson actually does something heelish like hit Hangman with a cheap shot or chair lol.
  15. Re: FTR and the Pinnacle, I agree. It's like they just did this group for the inner circle fued, and now they don't want MJF to be "overpowered" vs. Darby so for some reason only Wardlow and Spears are allowed to participate there lol. It feels like they are just dragging Pinnacle along until Wardlow punches MJF in the face so they have more bodies for that fued. AEW does have this bad habit of adding things that don't really need to be there. Example is the stip in Sammy vs. Page. Sammy has to leave the inner circle on top of losing the belt? Unneeded and leads to me sitting there trying not to follow the threads of that every time Excaliber brings it up "How would Page have this power? How would it be enforced? If Sammy saved the inner circle from a beat down, would he be fined? What is going on?" and it was uneeded. We all knew (and approved of) sammy not losing to Page there. Like them adding that on to the title match didn't make me go like "WOAH! they might have sammy lose here!" I just wrote the match off aside from the post match angle even more, cause I knew there was truly no shot of an upset.
  16. Re: Factions in general they need to either do a better job explaining these are like loose associations and/or like business arrangements or something. because I agree with you, if your "teamates" care or not has no rhyme or reason right now. Sometimes it's a 1 on 1 situation, other times they appear, its getting odd. Like to stick on the Inner Circle, why did they just let Miro beat the stuffing out of Sammy for like a month straight, but now that American Top Team is here, Sammy is now required to step up and put the belt on the line ? Makes little sense, then you have like the loose ones (like I would say Mox, Kingston, Darby and Sting are at times an "outsider" stable, who have each other's back, but at others they could care less about each other) it's all very strange.
  17. is there a battle royal for the men next PPV? Could see Miro wining it if so, going after Hangman/ BD if they make a world title swap
  18. yea I don't know how they factor this, but I'm yet to watch a rampage live outside of punks return. its Friday night at 10, I rarely have nothing else to do. I generally watch Sunday or Monday TBH
  19. Wow, what a show. And I loved the ending to Omega and BD (called it as well, but that wasn't hard if you just thought of how you'd book this in TEW under K.I.S.S rules) Amazing match, showing that Kenny can still be the best in the world but is a weasel, and that BD is back to American Dragon form. I do agree that if this was WWE, I'd be pissed. But, and if this makes me an AEW fanboy fine, but I think objectivly they've proved they can handle long term storytelling. Like Kenny already tweeted "ain't gonna be no rematch" does anyone here REALLY think that AEW is not going to now tell a months long story of BD having to go through the Elite and top Heels on the roster to get to #1, and force Kenny into a rematch for the title that will be like a 40 Minute Okada - Omega level banger? If this was WWE I'd be pissed, because It would have been a DQ finish and then the fued would just be forgotten about next week or something. That won't happen here, so I am very ok and pleased with the Draw to start this storyline. Also if this was TEW, Cody's note would have been "Cody Rhodes Gimmick is stale, and in desperate need of a change". This whole journey he has been on the last year + of "Get QT MArshall and Brandi over" has not gone well with the fans, nor worked for either QT in the Male roster or BRandi in the quickly becoming stacked Female Division. something needs to change
  20. Really Good show, I enjoyed it 100% that Kenny v. BD match is a draw btw. I don't understand all the hand wringing (not here) online about how this is stupid, WWE booking to have the Champ lose in a non-title to the new guy blah blah. Here's how this is going to go down. It's going to be 20 minutes, because it's non-title. They will tear the house down, and the finish will be KEnny in a submission (I'm hoping cattle mutilation, but prob not. a man can dream though) and then Kenny is about to tap and the time limit goes off. Then you have BD say "Give me a title match, I was going to beat you" and Kenny play the weasel heel and say that he didn't lose, and if BD wants a shot, get in line like everyone else to earn it and hide behind everyone. You can even weave hangman back into that as a guy who either BD has to go through or beats BD to get the shot against Kenny. K.I.S.S booking at it's finest, especially (like they have) you don't do the draw often Also, I'm not a Cody hater but I do think he thinks waaaayyy to much of himself. Like wow, you've been gone a month and now yoo've "regained your passion!"? I hope Black wins again. notice of all the things tonight btw, that was like the lowest pop
  21. The Youtube Videos I've seen from WWE make it look very 205 liveish production wise. That is not a good thing to me, but I know some liked that style of shooting matches.
  22. ugh, as an AEW watched I wish Jonnhy the best but hope he doesn't join. The AEW roster is just about where I want it, and will prob need to absord Kevin Owens because the EVP's love him. We don't need more Upper Midcard guys
  23. yea, it basically sounds like the king of recycled storylines (aka Prichard) basically just wanted him to be Lilo Rush
  24. I dunno, I think Kevin being such a family man hurts WWE's chances to resign him unless it's blow away money. Like if I had the following two job offers as a Dad who doesn't feel like he gets enough time with his 3 year old IRL: A) $3 Million a year, but you need work 200 days a year, can't take much time off, if any, and also don't have much true input on your "branding" lets call it in place of booking; or B) $2 Million a year, but you work 30- 40 shows a year for the main company, and can book outside "gig" work if I feel like it Option B would be more tempting to me.
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