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Everything posted by Bull

  1. The article I read here listed it as a partial source. I assumed it was the part of the article about Wrestlemania seating which is on the Observer website. As I said SEScoops IS fairly credible with the stories they put up and if it turns out to be untrue they will say so. I personally wouldn't just disregard it as false, but I see no reason to try and change your mind either. Base on RAW last night, I doubt Vince got the message if the story were true anyway considering the main event he made for Survivor Series.
  2. I read the same story on SEScoops.com. I find it to be a pretty credible news source more often than not so I wouldn't write this story off as false so quickly.
  3. January 2013. Cartoon Network took it off the air in favor of re-runs of johnny freaking test to celebrate their 20th birthday with.:mad::mad:
  4. While I agree that arguing about a spoiler that WWE reveal themselves is pointless. To avoid arguments like this in the future why don't we just go ahead and put tags on any post that someone might consider a spoiler? Somebody might be trying to have a discussion about an unrelated topic and they will obviously be upset if they come across a spoiler that wasn't tagged, so instead of making unnecessary posts about whether it should be done or not, just do it and save everyone the time of arguing about it?
  5. I think you have to have at least 5 posts before you are allowed to post links, which you now have, so you should be able to post them now without it saying you're not authorized.
  6. I've never understood why people won't watch a match/show just because they already know what happens. So what if you know who wins, if you're expecting a good match why not watch it anyway? If you're a fan who complains about not getting to see good matches, blame yourself, because it's your own fault if you refuse to watch a show just because you already know what happens, especially since you'd already know if it's good or bad. Based on ratings it also gives the company the idea that you don't care about good matches, only crappy stories and statistics.
  7. here is one interview with Paul about his involvement in wwe 13
  8. It's around 5 weeks until HIAC so I could see Cena being back in time to face Punk. There is also a good possibility WWE is exaggerating the recovery time like they have been known to do in the past.
  9. I don't read them as a statement of fact, I read them as what they are, your opinions. I only meant that you type them as if they are facts, which sometimes give people the impression that you think your opinion is better than everyone else's, which it's not. It's fine to have a strong opinion and not sugarcoat, but to me that's not really what you are doing, but not everyone reads things the same either, so if that's how you view it more power to you I suppose. Like I said before I saw Now Way Out for what I thought it was, a B-Level pay per view, nothing more nothing less. If you were expecting it to be something more than that, that was your choice and you were obviously disappointed. I personally got what I expected.
  10. It's not so much being positive or negative as it is you stating your opinion as if its a fact. Not that you are intending to, that's just how I read your posts. It has been established time and again by a countless number of people that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so just because you think it outright sucked doesn't mean everyone else has to think that. I thought No Way Out was exactly what it was booked as, a b-level pay per view. One or two decent to solid matches with nothing but filler everywhere else. It was what I expected nothing more nothing less, but like i said that's my opinion.
  11. I didn't see the Aries vs. Joe Match so I can't compare the two. I guess I need so see more matches also. But if your not comparing it to anything I thought Ziggler vs. Sheamus was a good match.
  12. If people want to see Cena they will pay to see him regardless of whether he is in the opener, main event, or anywhere in between. So long as they say he will be there, I see nothing that says he has to be the main event of every show.
  13. I'm more curious as to what happened to Bryan. He was nowhere to be found for the whole end of that match.
  14. Of the highlights I saw the fights looked pretty darn good, but if the in house and training portion are lacking like you say that is probably a big problem with the live format. In the past seasons the drama in house and training, and the conflict with the coaches seemed like the big promotion points for the show, which is what got people to watch. Cruz and Faber might hate each other, but they didn't seem to sell the show as well as Rampage and Rashad, or Chuck and Tito, not to mention the many others.
  15. Yea and all the heel seem to be much better in their heel roles than the would be as faces. They have a few faces like Mcgillicuty, tatsu, Riley and others, but they are mostly relegated to superstars or NXT. Maybe now that NXT is gonna start showcasing the FCW guys they can use the people they have been using on NXT and Superstars more on Smackdown or Raw.
  16. It seems the biggest problem they have now as far as ratings is the fact it is shown on Fridays. I only caught the last 30 minutes of one episode this season, but I'm usually out with friends on Fridays and most of the weekend as well. If they could move it back to Wednesdays or one other day of the week I would probably watch it. As far as the live fights like I said I only got to see like 30 minutes of one episode so I can't really judge, but I rather enjoyed the spike format with the pre taped fights.
  17. I have always liked Kofi, and since he seems to have horrible luck with every tag partner they give him maybe they will give him a push. I would like to see Christian back in the main event but I don't know if we will ever be that lucky again. Other than those to I can't really think of any other face midcarder who I could see in the main event. There seems to be a lot more heels than faces in wwe these days.
  18. I have been bullied so I know full well what its like to be treated like crap, called names, and the kind of thoughts it can put it a persons head from having to deal with it. The way I see it they are aiming this at very young kids who are easily influenced, especially by people they look up to, so if their little be a star campaign can keep one kid from bullying someone, and in turn save somebody's life then I say by all means keep doing it.
  19. The way I see it, the company is trying raise awareness about bullying. They are doing a good thing even if its only for the publicity, plain and simple. The problem is not the company, its one man who just so happens to be the one in charge. I feel certain that Vince isn't the only one who enjoys making fun of JR or doing things in bad taste just because it pleases them, but I'd say a vast majority of people in that company don't agree with how Vince treats people, and specifically his employees. The fact is Vince is the boss and if he wants it on his show then it simply comes down to you either do what your told or your fired. I guarantee if he is doing something to fuel his own ego he could care less who he pisses off, even the fans of his company
  20. Even with the announcers clear bias toward Manny for basically the entire fight, I ignored it as best I could. I never once saw it as as close a fight as the judges did. I thought Manny won it fairly clearly. There have been many bad decisions in MMA but I have never seen one this bad luckily.
  21. I would say he is probably only gonna work for TNA while he is serving his suspension for the rest of 2012, and once he is done with that he will go back to MMA full time.
  22. You would think with as many workers as they have they would be more inclined to use tag teams to get people exposure, and let them work. They could at least put people together for a while to see who the better worker is, and see what the fans think of each person, once they have established those things, just break them up like the normally do and push the better worker in singles.
  23. Right. I usually don't include myself in these discussions, and usually just stick to reading what everyone else has to say, but here lately I've been adding my two cents in here and there. It seems to me that people build up so much love and hate for certain workers that they start bashing everything within a certain radius when said wrestlers aren't booked how they feel they should be. I've said it probably a hundred times in my last few posts that I agree Brock should have won the match, but I guess I've just come to expect so little of what I want to see from WWE or TNA for that matter. that it doesn't phase me anymore when they don't do things the way I think it should be done. With that, I have been a wrestling fan for as long as I can remember and to be quite honest there isn't much any company can do, regardless of how moronic I think it may be that will make me any less of a fan of the business. I might not watch it for a while but I will always come back to it good or bad to at least see how things are going. Needless to say I will never be one of these people, who get so pissed at one decision, to say "I will never watch this crap again!", because I just plain enjoy watching it. Sorry for the long mostly off topic post.
  24. I have never truly understood the argument about a show being predictable. Its pro wrestling. Its scripted so there is always going to be a level of predictability, especially on lower level pay per view's like this one, and especially for a "Smart Fan". I read the spoilers for smackdown every week and still watch it on Friday's when I can and even knowing what happens I don't let it lessen my enjoyment of the show. People should know by now that WWE is gonna do what they want to do, and what you, me, or anybody thinks is the best choice may or may not be what WWE thinks is the best choice. By this point I would think people would know better than to expect WWE to make the choices we want them to at every single opportunity.
  25. I'm sorry I just don't see how it made him look weak. Cena had to smash him in the head with a steel chain before he could beat him, all other moves excluded. Lesar was demolishing Cena with his own hands, not weapons, and after those first elbow shots real or not I was genuinely afraid that Lesnar was gonna seriously hurt Cena on purpose. In my opinion they did book him to be an absolute beast, because it took Cena using a steel chain to the jaw and and AA to the steel steps to beat him, while Lesnar needed only his bare hands, because technically Lesnar had him beat with that F5 he hit while the ref was out. If you look at it strictly based on who won and who lost then you will obviously be upset, and more power to you if thats how you feel, and thats all you want to look at, but to me there is at least a little bit more to it that just winning and losing. Again I agree that the best option they could have used would have seen Brock winning, but the way they booked Cena to win is not, I repeat not the absolute worst way they could have done it, and making it out like it is just doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.
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