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Everything posted by TakerNGN74

  1. ARE YOU SERIOUS??? You're comparing Roman Reigns to Heidenreich who has to be one of the worst wrestlers I have ever seen in the WWE. Roman Reigns doesn't even deserve to be in the same sentence as Heidenreich and I think it's pretty harsh to compare anyone to him because like I said Heidenreich was terrible. Reigns might be the greenest of the three but in no means is he a bad wrestler, he does what he needs to do and he makes everything he does (at least that I have seen from him) look crisp and he shows no sign of how green he actually is. So to compare him to Heidenreich or anyone else you mentioned as being a generic big man you obviously don't see him for what he is a big man who CAN work I do agree He needs more work but he isn't that bad.
  2. The match you are thinking of took place at Wrestlemania 22 in Chicago Illinois. I was there and the crowd was fantastic during that match. The following year (23) he faced Shawn Michaels and although it wasn't as good as the one hour match that they had on RAW later in the year it was still a great match imo. But I get your point, John Cena is so stale it's rediculous he has been doing the exact same thing for the past ten years and WWE doesn't want to even consider turning him heel because of what it would likely do to merchandise sales. That is a smart decision but it's not a decision that the smarks are going to like.
  3. I was reading some stuff about Triple H's entrance at Wrestlemania because a lot of people were commenting about the white stuff that was on his stomach when he was coming down to the ring. It turns out that he was hit by dry ice and suffered 2nd degree burns from it. If that is the case I give him a lot of credit for being able to do the match after the incident. It's like the time Undertaker was in an elimination chamber match and got hit by fire, so he ran to the ring and medical personel had to hose him down with water and a doctor had to clear him to wrestle the match. Figured I would pop in here and comment about it though since nobody else did because I myself was wondering what had happened.
  4. Figured I would join in the party and give my thoughts on the show, since I took part in the predictions I figured it's only natural. Orton/Sheamus/Big Show vs. The Shield First off the opener was well done I didn't think that they were going to go with this match to open the show but I am glad that they did. I am glad that the Shield won but I was hoping for an Orton heel turn and not a Big Show Heel turn (after a brief tease of a face turn) Mark Henry vs. Ryback Way better than I expected it to be the only thing that I didn't like about it was that it looked like the ending was botched and like DaMegaFish stated the ending seemed to sudden and came out of nowhere. Hell No vs Ziggy/E It was good for what it was I thought that Hell No were going to lose the tag titles to Ziggy and Big E but I am glad that it didn't happen due to the fact that Langston is horrible and shouldn't have a title at this point. FanDANgo vs Jericho Good match Jericho seems to love his role as Gatekeeper which is fine because he does it well and he's not selfish in an industry with a lot of selfish people. Glad that Fandango finally wrestled and it looks like the guy has a lot of potential. Del Rio vs Swagger I enjoyed the angle leading up to this match but the match was just lackluster to say the least. Everyone knew that Swagger wasn't going to win which was fine due to the circumstances but the fact that Ziggler didn't at least tease a cash in was disapointing. Why not have him cash it in on the SHOWCASE OF THE IMMORTALS. It just doesn't make any sense to me why he wouldn't have. It seems like they are really reluctant with Ziggler and the briefcase and if they were going to be that way they shouldn't have given it to him in the first place. Punk vs Taker Taker's entrance was awesome and it was cool that In Living Colour performed Cult Of Personallity for CM Punk's entrance. This was by far the match of the night I was really pulling for Punk to win but I am fine with Taker winning. Lots of near falls and the match made Punk look like a legitimate threat making me believe that Punk could have ended the streak but in the end it just didn't happen although it was a valiant effort. Note: Next year at Wrestlemania XXX will probably be Taker's last match so that match has to be huge my guess is that Cena will recieve the honor which is fine (If they don't to Cena Rock III next year at 30) as long as Cena doesn't end the streak. Lesnar vs Triple H This match was good even though a lot of you didn't like it which was fine because it's your opinion but I enjoyed it and it was better than their summerslam match in my opinion. I was really thinking that Lesnar was going to win and end the career of Triple H but even though Triple H's career didn't end he will still only wrestle two times a year anyways. Rock vs Cena -Once In A Life Time part 2? Thought this match was solid and a lot better than their first match (Although I liked their first match when I watched it live and then hated it when I saw it again so maybe that will happen again when I see this match for a second time) they seemed to communicate better to make it a cleaner match the only thing I didn't like about it was that everyone and their mother knew that Cena was going over plus the fact that nothing really happened after the match that was memorable really happened. I like Mania's with a memorable ending this one just didn't have one. But anyways I thought the match was more watchable than their first even though there was no doubt in my mind at all who was going to win their second encounter. Overall I thought the show was good not great just good but not as bad as the entire IWC is saying that it was.
  5. According to some of the reports I read he (Lesnar) has already signed a two year extention that will see him wrestling up until Wrestlemania 31. The deal is said to be similar to his current deal so he will make 5 million dollars each year. Decided to add my WM predictions here instead of making a double post. WWE Championship: The Rock vs. John Cena This one seems like a no brainer, I would love for the Rock to win again to be honest even though I can't stand his schtick anymore. However logic says that Cena wins and then they have their rubber match at Wrestlemania 30 (even though I hate the thought of the same match happening three years in a row) The Undertaker vs. CM Punk I have always been in the camp of people that have said that the streak should never end, especially after Michaels failed to do it I said that if the greatest wrestler of all time couldn't end it than no one should. However with Punk I think it's time plus all good things must come to an end. Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H Triple H probably won't retire here, if it wasn't for the stipulation that Triple H would have to retire if he lost than I would definately say Brock Lesnar but since that stipulation was announced it seems as it Triple H is going to win and then they will end up doing a third match at this years Summerslam. The Shield vs. Big Show, Randy Orton and Sheamus The Shield needs to keep their momentum, to me once they lose (unless done creatively) they will lose all of their momentum. World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger I realistically can't see Swagger winning this maybe after the pot DUI incident he might have won and been given another chance with the belt but since he will probably be suspended for 30 days post mania I am going with Del Rio. If Swagger does win I could see Ziggler cashing in on him and winning the belt and even if Del Rio wins I could see a Ziggler cash in. Ryback vs. Mark Henry I honestly don't care. Chris Jericho vs. Fandango Chris Jericho is a guy who likes to put people over and that is what I see happening here, plus Jericho's deal was said only to be a short term deal through wrestlemania so if he won on the last night of his current contract (unless it was extended) it wouldn't make much sense to me. Tag Team Championship: Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler and Big E. Langston I hate the idea of Langston having a title because he sucks but Hell no will most likely split up and feud after Wrestlemania. Tons of Funk vs Rhodes Scholars If Ton's of Funk win I RIOT. Intercontinental Championship: Miz vs. Barrett Miz is an awful face and I am really high on Barrett so I hope he wins although sadly he probably wont.
  6. I hate to agree with this but fact is that it would have made a lot of sense to have Jarrett as you said try to kill the company that he created. I don't mind that Bully Ray is the leader but I think that there could have been a lot more mileage with the storyline had Jarrett be the one that was revealed as the leader. I get what Blackman says as Jarrett was crammed down our throats when TNA first started but I believe that enough time has passed so that people might forget that stuff like that even happened.
  7. The Aces and 8's vignettes last night were golden. The one thing I really hated about the show now that Derek made me think of it was the match between Matt Morgan and Joeseph Park. First of all Matt Morgan is way better than that and should be in the World Title picture by now hell he could have been a World Champion at least two times by now with how short TNA's title reigns are in general. The longest World Title reign has only been 8 monthes in almost eleven years are you kidding me? Plus everyone knows that Joseph Park is Abyss and that he can actually wrestle and the fact that they are making the guy look like a complete moron is really starting to bother me. Everyone knows who he is and that he can wrestle so TNA isn't fooling anyone by doing this. Anyways that is all I had to say I could go on and on about the Joseph Park crap but I wont because I don't have the time.
  8. I watched the show tonight and liked what I saw for the most part however I am not keen on all of the X division matches being triple threat matches. TNA since their inception has really been very good at ruining specific match types (The cage match to be exact with an all cage match pay per view even though they don't do it anymore.) But having all of the X title matches be in a triple threat match will really come to bite them in the ass in the long run IMO Lets say they decide to do a triple threat match for the World Title down the line, it will end up not meaning as much as it normally would because all X title matches are contested in a triple threat format.
  9. I read a rumor earlier today on some site (I honestly can't remember because I browse numerous wrestling sites during the day) that said that Taker wants Punk to end the streak. It may or may not be true but if Taker wants someone to end it than it will end. The argument he reportedly gave was that after he is gone there is no point to have the undefeated streak hang over mania long before he is gone. Again not sure how valid this is but it does make sense. I however am in the camp that thinks that if Michaels couldn't get it done than nobody should be able to end it. Punk is the only guy who if he ended the streak it could help in the long run. The other guy I think of would be Cena but people would probably be more mad at him ending that than anything he has done currently in his career. However I am torn on whether or not I would want Punk to end the streak because like I said earlier if Michaels couldn't end it than I don't think anyone should but it could also be a way for Undertaker to pass the torch to Punk.
  10. On your being able to watch Cesaro vs. Orton 20 times I could do that, plus Sheamus and Cesaro have really good chemistry and I could watch them have 30 matches and it wouldn't get old to me!
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rickymex" data-cite="Rickymex" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I remember hearing that The Miz suffered a concussion during the match and was loopy all the way till the end. I personally like The Miz and his ring skills have improved a lot. While I don't think he will win the WWE title again he seems to have a lot of upside with his media appearances and his ability to move from midcard to tag teams to fringe main eventer.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Now that you mention it I do remember him suffering a concussion so that might be why the ending was so bad. However even before that the match wasn't very good. The crowd was absolutely dead and it seemed like the Miz was just going though the motions during the match even before the point where he got a concussion.</p>
  12. The Wrestlemania you are referring to (27) was one of the worst Wrestlemania's of all time In My opinion. Rock completely ruined it by being the host and because of his ego, no match on the show with the exception of HHH vs. Taker got more than 15 minutes. Also the match between The Miz and John Cena was so mediocre that It felt like a match on RAW and not the main event on the grandest stage of them all. I have never been a huge fan of the miz whether he was a face or a heel I honestly didn't mind his title run but other than that I wouldn't go out of my way to watch a match of his or listen to a promo that have did because he is just awful. Plus his ring name is just horrible but that is my opinion.
  13. The MITB contract doesn't expire at Wrestlemania it would expire at Money In The Bank 2013 which is around the year mark from where the last Money In The Bank Pay Per View took place and also where Ziggler won it last year.
  14. All I am saying is that the right person would have to end it in order for the fans to accept it. I don't think that the WWE is dumb enough to have some guy defeat him (Taker) if they weren't going to invest long term into the guy who finally ended the streak. I have heard rumors that Taker wanted Orton to defeat him at WM 21 whether or not that is true remains to be seen and we will probably never find out because that is why they call it a rumor. If Orton defeated Taker back at WM 21 I think it would have actually helped his career big time. But in this stage in the game after defeating Orton, Batista, Edge, Shawn twice, and Trip's three times just to name a few I don't think it will be done. After all if the bosses son in law couldn't get the job done then who can? Just my opinion and you can choose to agree with it or not but that's the way I see it. Edit: Like djthefunkchris said I think that the one guy who could actually end it and not have it kill his momentum would be CM Punk although I am hoping that Punk has the title going into mania still so I doubt that the match would even happen. But that is the one guy who if they had end Taker's Streak (Punk) I would actually be able to accept although It might take me some time to actually do so.
  15. I could see how you could say that based on my name that I would be biased but the fact is that Undertaker isn't my favoriote wrestler I like him but he is by no means my favoriote of all time (that distinction would belong to Stone Cold Steve Austin). Out of all of Taker's matches at Wrestlemania I thought his matches with Shawn were absolutely amazing and the match they had at WM 25 is considered by many to be the greatest of all time (which is hard to disagree with unless you think their match at 26 was better I don't but if someone does that's their own opinion and they are entitled to it) his match with Shawn at WM 25 is my second favoriote match of all time. Shawn came the closest to breaking the streak and there were points in both matches that I thought that Shawn might actually be the one to end it. However since that didn't happen I just don't believe that it should be done because like I said in my previous post at this point it would probably hurt whoever broke it rather than help them. In Triple H's or Shawn Michaels respective cases it would have just given them something more to add to their impressive resume's. It's my opinion and if I was saying this solely on what my forum name is (TakerNGN74) that I would never want to see the streak end. However I actually was cheering Michaels on because i wanted him to end it at 25 and again the following year at 26. He came the closest to ending it (Triple H came close in his three matches as well but not as close as Michaels did IMO) I just don't see anyone else coming close to ending it in the two years (If that) that Undertaker may still be wrestling (29 and 30).
  16. In my opinion if Shawn Michaels didn't break the streak than nobody should. Plus at this point I think that if someone actually did it would hurt their career than actually help it. Also how many matches realisticly does Taker have left I would say two (29 and retiring at 30).
  17. You are not alone on this man just like The_Showtime said, I too thought that Cena did much better with his promos than the Rock did when they were leading up to their match last year (especially the one where he pulled out his old school rapper gimmick). Last year at Mania was the first time I actually found myself legitimately cheering for Cena to win a match because of who he was up against and he lost and I was very disapointed. Cena carried him to a above average match and lets face it Cena did all of the work in that match just so that the Rock could win and not look like he was out of Cena's league (Rock in his prime would be no comparison to Cena but this is Rock way past his prime). The fact that they are probably going to give the belt to the Rock at this point is just plain stupid. If Punk is going to lose the title he should lose it to a guy who actually will stay around. If Rock wins the title then the holder of that title wont be around every week which wouldn't be a great idea. At this point The Rock is worse than Hulk Hogan ever was. We all know that Hogan was famous for coming back and saying that he wanted to win (against Michaels) but that match wasn't for a title and even though he recently said he wanted to be the TNA Champion the TNA title isn't looked at in the same way that the WWE Title is. The fact that Rock is even getting this match makes me sick because he did nothing (except for defeating Cena which is huge but not enough to warrent him a title oppertunity) to earn it. Anyways that does it for my long rant, it's probably the longest post I have posted in this thread but I felt that it needed to be said.
  18. On that note I was watching the top 100 Raw moments DVD that I got for Christmas and yes all of the WWF logos are uncensored, but the weird thing is that Mike Tyson was shown in the countdown and he had a WWF attitude shirt on and the logo on the shirt was still blurred out which I found to be really strange.
  19. Can I get an Alt of Whippy The Clown as Nathan Priest please?
  20. I remember reading in Bret's book as well that he suggested dropping the title to Shamrock as opposed to Shawn. To even further the theory if any of you guys have heard of the company Kayfabe Commentaries and watched their Timeline The History of WWE: 1997 with Jim Cornette they talk to him about the weeks leading up to the Screwjob and Cornette suggested that Bret drop it to Shamrock because Cornette thinks that he would have. Plus Cornette also goes onto say that Bret told him that he would lose the belt to anyone but Shawn.
  21. That's funny because I know exactly what you are talking about because I remember the exact same thing.
  22. I think he would be more accepted if he could talk but since he is awful at it he shouldn't even be handed a microphone (Seriously the ROH bookers should fine themselves for letting him talk) but yeah he does look very generic the only thing that sets him apart is the fact that he is a decent wrestler and I am being nice when I am saying that because if it wasn't for his decent wrestling skills he wouldn't even be able to be in the business.
  23. I am with you on that as well, he's not a bad wrestler but he is a horrible talker and I almost always mute my TV whenever he is talking.
  24. Yeah Nigel set it up in storyline and yeah Nigel's goal is pretty much the same as Cornettes to take the belt off of Steen and bring Honor back to ROH.
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