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Everything posted by TakerNGN74

  1. I personally would love to see Morrison vs. Ryder vs. Ziggler for the US title at SS I think it could definately help out Ryder and Morrison further their momentum because lets face it Ziggler has all the momentum in the world right now and that is a good thing.
  2. They probably wouldn't stop running ppvs because its got to be a huge source of Revenue for them and not running pay per views would be dumb. Plus if they did that then they wouldn't be a legitimate company anymore IMO even though I don't consider them a legitimate company because I hate a lot of their business decisions. If you want an example they should have just given the belt to Robert Roode at Bound For Glory instead of having James Storm win it, hold it for eight days, and then loose it to Roode last week on Impact Wrestling. If this was TEW their World Title's prestige would be in the toilet.
  3. Picked up the Greatest Rivalries: Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels DVD today and I have already watched the first disc. One of the best WWE DVDs I hever ever purchased, if you are on the fence about grabbing this DVD do it you won't regret it.
  4. It wasn't a re run where I was at although it felt like it because the TV title match between Mike Bennett and Jay Lethal went to a draw once again however this time when lethal called for extra time Mike Bennett walked away from the match. I didn't get to see the show on Saturday because I was at another wrestling show but I caught the replay and it was pretty good. Can't wait till next week when the All night express and The Briscoes have their rematch (I think it's next week if not its two weeks from yesterday.)
  5. I Thought that the PPV tonight was one of the best that they have done all year, every match was good and even the divas match was enjoyable. Sure no titles changed hands but thats fine I am just glad that Cena didn't win the WWE title again because then we would have 9 different champions in about 90 days. The last few PPV's the WWE Title has changed hands but I am glad that they decided to keep it on Del Rio tonight.
  6. 1. CM Punk 2. Dolph Ziggler (I hated him when he first came in and I hated him even more once I found out he was a former spirit squad member but he has really grown on me and its hard not to like him.) 3. Alberto Del Rio 4. Kelly Kelly (Shes gorgeous and shes improved a lot in the ring) 5. Randy Orton
  7. I wouldn't mind Punk doing that actually I would prefer Punk bringing back a classic WWE title over anyone. However I am so sick of the WWE Title the way it is (John Cenas Belt) so if anyone did it I would be happy and I wouldn't care who did it as long as someone did it. The WWE Title they have now will forever be John Cena's belt to me but thats just my opinion. A few of my friends have told me that they don't mind it as long as it doesn't spin which it doesn't anymore but I still hate it and I always will till they change it.
  8. They have the champion enter first a lot now days and it really makes me mad as well but its something I can live with. I understand where your coming from though because its a big pet peeve of mine as well. I don't mind it in a Divas match or a tag team title match but in the World Title or the WWE Title matches the champions should always come out last but that is just my opinion. Them bringing back the classic IC title was awesome and I can only hope that Del Rio will bring out a classic version of the WWE Title or a different title because I hate the look of the WWE Title. It's Cenas belt which basically means that whoever is holding the belt is keeping it warm for Cena as long as they have that belt design.
  9. I thought that the pay per view was good tonight, I thought that the main event was really overbooked towards the end. However it was a lot better than the match a few years ago between Kane and The Undertaker because the finish in that match was horrible IMO.
  10. I don't care what the point of a match was because in the end it still sucked donkey ass.
  11. I am not saying it couldn't work but for me its just more of a personal preference I would rather see Takers last match at Mania be a singles match then a handicap match. That's just me though and the WWE will do whatever they want to do. and @WrestlingCentury thats the one I was thinking about but I may have got the participants mixed up.
  12. I think WM 28 would probably be the last time Taker wrestled at Mania (he might retire after WM 28 at least thats how I see it) but if WM 28 was his last match I don't think having him go 20-0 in a handicap match would be the way to go. He had a handicap match at WM 19 against A-Train and Nathan Jones and not a lot of people probably even remember that this match even happened. So for his last match to mean something it should be a singles match in my opinion.
  13. I thought that the show as a whole tonight was pretty good, I don't normally watch Impact because I am usually not home on Thursdays but since it was on I thought I would give it a shot. To tell you the truth the show wasn't all that bad, the only thing that I really didn't like about it was the match between Madison Rayne and Tara because they involved the referee way to much and it took a lot away from the match. Other than that I enjoyed the show which is a first from me since TNA doesn't do a lot of things that make sense in my eyes. On another note I am glad to see that they are finally pushing younger talent especially now that Bischoff and Hogan are leaving it gives the younger guys a great chance to shine once again. A lot of people might not like Robert Roode getting a title shot at Bound For Glory but I am okay with it because they actually are pushing a guy that deserves it for once.
  14. The obvious choice here would be Triple H, have them have a rematch and leading up to it Triple H could say "I was so close last year blah blah blah and I want another shot." I think that is the only possibility for the Undertaker at WM 28 at this point unless they push someone hardcore to wrestle him at WM 28. Plus then Triple H and Taker could be only the second match to have happened three seperate times at Mania which they might do it for that reason alone (Austin/Rock was the first) I would love to see him face Sheamus at mania for instance but that is just me I think that they would have a great match. Also Cena is obviously not a possibility but a while back on a you tube video I saw that Cena said he wanted a shot at the streak at WM 30 in Madison Square Garden which would be a huge match. I for one wouldn't want to see that match because I would be nervous that Cena would actually end the streak which is something that I wouldn't want to see. Plus this might be Taker's last mania if he even has a match at Mania this year because I heard he is a lot worse for ware than the E is letting on right now because if you notice they haven't referenced him in monthes and so that makes me believe that he is worse than he should be. Granted he is old and what not but I do remember reading a report that said that the main reason that Michelle McCool retired was to be with Taker at home because he is in such bad health physically.
  15. If you want to see Taker vs. Henry it happened at Wrestlemania 22 in a casket match. I was there live to see that match as well as the others on the card that night.
  16. Really love Sons Of Anarchy and Season 4 hasn't disapointed me so far I can't wait to see where the season takes us. I could see this being the final season of Sons but thats only if Clay and Jax retire at the end of this season if not and they hold it off for a while then there could be a fifth or even a sixth season of the show which I wouldn't mind because its my favoriote show on TV that is not wrestling.
  17. Not to mention that earlier in Edge's career he was in the Brood a stable which was set on building up Edge. Gangrel The Broods leader even admited in an interview that the whole purpose behind the brood stable was to help elevate Edge and nothing else.
  18. I really hope Triple H has one more match with Undertaker (If he can go) at next years Mania. Triple H could go on saying that he was this close to defeating the Undertaker at last years WM and then say that this time he will do it. Their match last year was amazing and providing that Undertaker can go (It's a big If from what I have heard) it would be only the second match to happen three times at Mania. Plus if Undertaker does have one more match at WM and goes 20 and 0 who else on the current roster would be believable enough to be able to end the streak. Cena but he is already wrestling the Rock and I wouldn't want to see that match at WM because I would be scared to death that the streak would end. Like I said though the only possibility for me for Taker at this point at WM would be Trips anything else would be a major letdown to me. Unless they pushed someone strong enough to make people believe that Taker could be beaten by whoever they decided to put in a match with Taker if it wasn't Triple H.
  19. Yeah thats the way it seems because like I said all the PPV posters still say TNA and the graphics at the end of PPV hype videos still say TNA plus all of their belts still say TNA so am almost postive that they just renamed the TV show which wasn't a small change I think they did it to have "Wrestling" in their name to shove it in their face because they did it right after World Wrestling Entertainment changed its name from that to just simply WWE. Here is proof in an article that TNA is still the company name and Impact Wrestling is strictly the name of the TV show. http://www.prowrestling.net/artman/publish/TNA/article10018279.shtml
  20. I believe that the name of the company is still TNA but they changed their show name to Impact Wrestling. I could be wrong but there has to be a reason why all of the belts still say TNA on them otherwise they would have changed it. Heck when they revealed the new belt wasn't that after they changed the name of the show to Impact Wrestling therefore the new belt should have said Impact Wrestling on it but the new belt still says TNA. Also if that were the case why hasn't Adam changed the name of this thread from "The Official TNA Discussion Thread" Shouldn't it be The Official Impact Wrestling Discussion Thread?" Also when they advertise there pay per views on screen it still says TNA and then the name of the pay per view so like I said I don't think they chnaged the name of the company just the TV show.
  21. Back on the topic of Cena vs. Rock at WM28, that match doesn't need the title to be a great match and Cena mentioning that the match will be for the WWE Championship on the Raw that he did just made me cringe at the thought of him having it going into Mania which I don't want to see. It would be nice to see him in a match at Mania that isn't for a title for a change. Also the WWE Title could be put in a match that it could help and thus get people wanting to see it. But the Rock vs. Cena match doesn't need to have the title in it.
  22. I saw it as I ordered the PPV it was on and it was a really good match, it's on the hogan 3 disc set (4 disc depending on where you got it) and I think it might be on one of Michaels DVD's that he had but I am not completely sure about that.
  23. Even though a lot of negative things are said about that match based on what people said they heard one wrestler or both say, it was the best match that Hogan ever had and he has Michaels to thank for it.
  24. Yeah Dude it was fricken awesome, I knew right when the music hit that it was him but it was still cool regardless. I hope he uses it at Summerslam in his match with Cena.
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