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Everything posted by TakerNGN74

  1. Okay I understand your point that I shouldn't call peoples opinions dumb, wrestling isn't real by any means and I never said that I thought it was the only time I thought it was real was when I was to little to know any better. It was Triple H that said that people who don't want to be champion shouldn't be in the business he said it on one of his DVD releases. I didn't want Miz to win the title but now that he has I am okay with it.
  2. that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard, yeah you may be right he might not have a long reign but saying that he shouldn't have won it is dumb. Triple H has said it himself if you are not in the business to be the champion then you shouldn't be there.
  3. Although Backlund had a one day title late in his career when he beat Bret Hart. His first title reign lasted six years, not sure if you knew that but I just thought I would bring it up.
  4. Is it just me or did they totally bury Wade Barret, I mean he had three matches for the title and lost them all and then The Miz cashes in and wins the belt granted Orton was injured when The Miz did it but I still think they kind of gave Barrett the short end of the stick. I am glad that the Miz won even though I thought he should have been the first guy to lose when cashing in money in the bank but all in all I am okay with it.
  5. The current plan is to have Kane hold the title until May at least.
  6. It looks more like a womens belt because its purple COME ON NO COMPANY WILL BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY WITH A PURPLE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. I actually watched TNA's Impact tonight because for the first time in a while I was home on a Thursday night and man now I want those two hours of my life back. I always like watching reaction because its something completely different so that is the only reason why I can even stomach TNA. There product is so bad that every time I give them a chance they screw it up and make me not want to watch. A handful of my friends as well as myself all say that we want to like TNA but TNA Makes it impossible because they are so stupid in their decision making. If TNA lasts another year I will be completely shocked because the way they are going they should close tomorow.
  7. No one should ever end his streak because it would make Shawn Michaels look like crap because he couldn't get it done when he had two matches with him. Triple H already lost to Undertaker at Wrestlemania 17, and the only logical thing would be Cena, I do want to see Taker, Cena at Mania before Taker Retires but I am not sure if Cena should win because if he did he would be the biggest heel in the business.
  8. The only reason Michelle McCool is where she is with the company is because she is married to Undertaker and they respect the hell out of him for obvious reasons and as long as Taker remains active she will be around. Otherwise if not for Taker, McCool would have gotten the boot a long time ago in my opinion. This really probably shouldn't be posted in the TNA Thread but since it was brought up that is why I decided to post it here.
  9. East Bound and Down is fricken halarious anyone who has HBO I highly recomend it.
  10. I watched as much as I could of the premiere of season 3 tonight as I was flipping back and forth between that and the new season of Sons of Anarchy that started tonight (Ironically also season 3) and I heard Aksana talk and I already fricken hate her. Before her I thought that Maryse's english was bad but Aksana takes the cake for bad english for me. I hope she is the first to go or they realise that they shouldn't put a microphone in her hand.
  11. I actually started watching it when season 2 started but even though I didn't see season 1 it was quite easy to follow. I got the season 1 DVD last Christmas and watched it all in one day and loved it and Season 2 came out on DVD today. The season premeire tonight was awesome and it will be interesting to see where it goes from here. Its genius that Season 3 started tonight (Tuesday) and they had season 2's dvd come out on DVD on the same day.
  12. I am a huge fan of Sons of Anarchy, Just finally finished watching Season 1 on DVD as I own it. Watched all of Season 2 and Season 3 starts on Tuesday and I can't wait.
  13. Kaval winning Season 2 was amazing and I was totally happy with it. Season 3 should be interesting the only thing I don't like is how in some cases guys are training the female rookies. Granted in season 2 Laycool mentored Kaval and although I hated it at first he won in the end so now I don't care. To be honest I could care less about the new season of NXT although I will probably still watch it to see how it is, I can't see it being any good.
  14. Its common to think that they would do a show like ECW or NXT first but since both shows are live they did they would do the smackdown taping from 7 to 9 and go live at 9 with ECW and now NXT.
  15. ECW was live right after the Smackdown tapings and like I said in my previous post so is NXT.
  16. NXT from what I know is Live right after The Smackdown tapings they kept it that way after the change over from ECW to NXT.
  17. In my opinion Silva got lucky if he didn't get that submission in than Sonnen clearly would have won the fight. I would definately like to see a rematch if they decide to do one and I think they will because a lot of people were probably pissed off by the outcome.
  18. I am so glad that they finally had someone cash in the MITB breifcase the same night they won it. I also think that when The Miz cashes in he should be the first guy to lose the briefcase they have yet to do it and would like to see it happen just once.
  19. Yeah I am sure that they were toying with the idea of even putting that match with him on the DVD. When I picked up the DVD I couldn't help but think gee I hope Benoit was never in one of these matches because I forgot he was. Like I said though it has been three years since the incident and before the Elimination Chamber DVD was released they started phasing him back into title histories so I am sure that they thought why take that match out because of what he did.
  20. I actually watched the match he was in on the Satans Prison DVD and then I got intrigued so I watched the same match on the origional DVD it was released on. Even though it appeared as if the match on the Satans Prison DVD was edited to try and avoid Benoit as much as possible watching the origional match on the origional NYR DVD I realised that it was the same exact match. So it didn't appear that they did any extra editing when releasing it on the Satans Prison DVD. I guess because it has been a little over three years since he did what he did they aren't so hesitant to not include a match he was in on a DVD. Plus I did hear that history sites are slowly phasing him back into their title histories with the exception of WWE's actual histories.
  21. This is kind of off topic to what is currently being talked about in this thread right now but I was wondering if anyone has taken the time to pick up WWE Satan's Prison : The Anthology Of The Elmination Chamber. It has all thirteen Elimination Chamber matches to date and from what I have watched of it so far it is awesome. The only weird thing to me is that it seems that they did some extra editing for the match that Benoit was in. Seems to be a lot more cutting than usuall when he was in the ring. Maybe that is just me but I will have to go back and watch the origional match on the DVD it was origionally on as I own it and compare the two. Anyway thought I would bring it up to see if people have purchased it and if so what do you think of it.
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