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Everything posted by TakerNGN74

  1. Yeah that is what I meant to say, I am glad that Del Rio won the Royal Rumble Match it was good to see someone different win it. Now my only hope is that Mysterio wins the elimination chamber match for the World Title and Del Rio goes after Mysterio at Mania it would be the perfect ending to a great feud.
  2. if Cena or Triple H win I am going to puke, I want to see Cena in a match at Mania this year that has nothing to do with the title. Ever since WM 21 he has been in the main event, except for one year when he was injured.
  3. Yeah but he will get a payoff WWE is not that stupid. So you can say what you want but I don't agree with it.
  4. I don't see Barrett wrestling Taker at this years WM, think about it he (Barrett) has yet to appear at Mania so putting him in such a high profile match with Undertaker would probably not be good for him not that I don't think he would be able to do it but I do think that being in a match at his first mania is already pressure enough so I don't think putting him in a match with Taker is probably a good idea because that would probably be way to much pressure for him. I would like to see Taker vs. Cena at this years WM, this is probably Takers last mania so I think his last match at Mania should be epic, I could also see Taker vs. Kane 3 at Mania this year I know I have said this before in this thread and people said that they didn't need to do it but I feel like they do because they never finished their feud.
  5. I hope Sheamus will win, I understand it if he doesn't though as that might be too much to give him in only his second or third year (Cant remember) with the company. He has already won the WWE Title twice and the King of The Ring so some might say he doesn't need it but regardless of that he is still my pick to win it.
  6. Matt has always been out of shape even when he was in the WWE.
  7. Don't you mean the big purple belt? Nevermind I just read the results and saw who won so they will probably change it back.
  8. I could see how you would say that and I would have to agree, I do think that he is missing somethings though finding them could make him a champion in the future.
  9. The Miz vs. John Morrison Match on raw tonight was amazing, they really went all out for a TV match.
  10. TNA was okay tonight, it just seemed like a mediocre show in my opinion, no match on the card really made me jump out of my seat and no match really put me to sleep so all and all it was a night of average action in my opinion.
  11. I Thought Punk Joining the Nexus was the greatest thing to happen on Raw in a very long time!
  12. I got the History of the WWE Championship Book for Christmas and it looks amazing as far as what is inside it. It starts with Buddy Rogers and ends with Sheamus. It looks very interesting and I can't wait to delve into it. When I first got the book I couldn't help but read the chapter about the Montreal Screwjob still so many years after it happened reading different takes on it intrigues me. It was written by a guy named Kevin Sullivan (Not the Wrestler).
  13. Like I said in my post above it was absolutely pointless to do that because they did the fifteen minutes fine it should have been over after that. No need to go into an overtime because that totally kills the point of an iron man match. Sure when WWE has hour long Iron Man Matches going into overtime makes sense but when you only have an iron man match for fifteen minutes its totally pointless. On top of that Its not really an Iron Man Match unless it is an hour in my opinion thirty minutes maybe but definately an hour.
  14. Yeah to be honest I wasn't shocked about his release but according to some reports they didn't have anything left for him to do which is retarded.
  15. TNA was decent in my opinion tonight, I was actually able to watch it tonight because I didn't have my normal Thursday Night schedule. My only problem with the show tonight was The Iron Man Match come on two overtimes was a bit rediculas if you know that you can't do a match in fifteen minutes then don't do it. I know it was scripted that way but it still is annoying. Also the interview with Ken Anderson was pointless in my opinion and it took away from the time that the Main Event could have had. I am praying for just one week where the show is properly timed and they get through everything before reaction starts. It really makes me mad that they start the main event two minutes before they go off of the air only to continue it on reaction. I know that they have had problems with timing of matches etc which is why Reaction was created but come on its a bit rediculas.
  16. Sadly I have to agree with this in TEW terms he was probably an upper midcarder but not a main eventer.
  17. It was awesome hopefully this will push Punk into WWE Title Contention even though he has already been a multiple time World Champion I think it would be great if this feud led him to greater things such as the WWE Title.
  18. The entire pay per view was solid even the womens match in my opinion.
  19. Just remember that in 1994 at Starcade which was supposed to be WCW's Version of Wrestlemania the main event was Hulk Hogan vs. The Butcher for the World Title it can't get any more epic than that. Just kidding that match should have never happened at least not at a Starcade.
  20. I loved the season finale and I thought the season as a whole was amazing and was super pumped that it was renewed for another season. Can't wait!
  21. Overall Raw was enjoyable I was actually cheering for King to win but the Micheal Cole thing was way to predictable and it is getting really dumb. Am I the only one that thinks its rediculas that the Raw two weeks ago was three hours last nights was three hours and the one two weeks from last night will be three hours. Its seems the E is really throwing the three hour Raws around to use them before the year is up.
  22. So I just finished watching the cage match between AMW and Triple X (Daniels and Skipper) and after seeing it for the first time I can honestly say that match was amazing. Might be up there with Joe vs. Styles vs. Daniels for me.
  23. I would have to agree with this, the match was amazing and was the runner up for match of the year in 2005 (with HBK vs. Kurt Angle from WM21 Winning) Another good match I have never seen but I heard it was really good was the cage match between Elix Skipper and Christopher Daniels vs. AMW
  24. I agree with most of the stuff you are saying but not with this statement, if you watch a TNA Match the commentators never shut up and let you take something in. If you watch WWE if there is something important that you need to hear then they will shut up and let you hear it. TNA's commentators never shut up, it was a lot worse when Don West was around but to say that TNA's commentary is better than WWE's I have to disagree with you. The only factor that I would consider to why TNA's commentary is better than the WWE's is because TNA doesn't have Michael Cole to kiss anyones ass.
  25. Watched Impact tonight and it was actually pretty good, way better than the Impact on Veterans Day.
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