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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Maybe Spike/Viacom gave him some movies and or tv show etc as part of the deal? Do not think that for a talent as great as the Rock it would be a true bridge burner.
  2. Very unlikely but seeing as it's wrestling never say never.
  3. Really don't think its in the wrestling talent department personally. Hoping Heyman, Sullivan wouldn't be too bad compared to Russo. And it seems Hogan has taken a backseat in creative with Bisch taking a more active role at least the last set of tapings had a lot less nostalgia, better flow and less new ridiculous stuff. Bisch as head of production, Heyman as head of creative, Ross as head of talent (not happening at least yet), Dixie doing the business side of things and Hogan for pr stuff and a great marketing exec would be the almost perfect backstage team.
  4. At that time he was 100 percent right. Time being when Hogan first came to WCW.
  5. Or it is very slightly up. Hmm PWI I trust and Sullivan was under Bisch during the good WCW years so maybe. Heyman would be ace. But why would Kevin Kay be needed for that? Only thing I can think off is that Spike would allow Heyman to make a Heyman Hustle type show on their network as part of the deal.
  6. Also could be a major signing seeing as Spike sometimes helps foot the bill for very expensive ones.
  7. That would be too much B show, but not B show for me. Either make it a B show featuring the entire undercard or make it an A show but without splitting the brand giving one more time to focus on all the stories going into ppv and matches. It could be more focused towards the X and or the KO's but I would not make it exclusive.
  8. Thing also is you where expecting an X Division match so either technical or high-flying or a combo which we know these guys to be capable off and instead we got a mediocre brawl. I think it told the story well of Kendrick being a bit off in the head and having great fortitude though.
  9. Dixie on facetwat: Just got off phone w/Spike prez Kevin Kay. He is all in and agrees this will change TNA on every level. Seems I was wrong. It is tv related. My guess live every Thursday or a second show on Tuesday?
  10. Hey Ed Leslie hasn't shown up yet and on the semi plus side Nash said he would leave if he did lolz. Nah I expect Dreamer and an ECW we have been overlooked violence faction with Raven, Rhino, Richards and later 3D and maybe RVD.
  11. Hehe yeah but wrestling and overhype are so uncommon right lolz. Problem is TNA uses social media for it and the E their whole shows. I take TNA if I have to have it. As to who or what it is. Probably the mysterious card dude which will be???? My guess is Dreamer. Again a good show Bisch has been listening to the survey and has implemented good changes. If they had been like this post Jan 4th with out all the crap TNA would be in a much better spot right now.
  12. Well the BP have all the belts now, not much higher to go. And they where not so much meant as the centerpiece of the division the way Laycool are. BP are still hotter angle wise imho and Laycool a cheap knockoff. Sadly the majority of the E fans do not even know TNA exists or otherwise watch it so duh it is hotter. But anyone who has seen both know the BP are better especially their original incarnation.
  13. Nah you are not alone Self. Like me and Gabbo you just see it for what it is. A good angle with good possibilities that stood out more due to the lackluster show and lackluster previous period.
  14. Which also made it more awesome by comparison. I looked up the whole angle on its own and while very good I feel it is getting slightly overhyped also factor in that the E has not done something like this in a long long time to make it stand out more. As to where they are going with this. As always wait and see but for now the timing makes me cynical as it was just before the premier of season 2 and seeing as NXT has failed ratings wise, in comparison to wwecw, it needed that boost
  15. Hmm lotta interesting plans and like the fact that Bisch is gaining more power and Hogan and seemingly Russo less. Like I indicated before Bisch was not the problem, Hogan and Russo writing for Hogan was. Not totally sold on all those names though as adding even more would be crazy at this point and the quality is already there it is just a matter of booking it better. The KO's do need some shoring up though imho and Death Ray, James, Burchill and return of Kong and maybe Flash would be very welcome. And actually during some of the X matches I saw ratings rise in the quarter hour reports so not totally sure on that. Ask maskedpropaganda to see if Tucker knows any of this lolz. Also doesn't CMLL still owe TNA somewhat and now that the working agreement is over can't TNA sign Mistico to an exclusive? Dude would pay for himself via a Mexican tv and ppv deal and merchandise.
  16. Some good stuff from EB on the mayhem again: http://www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com/june10/060710TheHotSeatWithEricBischoff.mp3
  17. Hmmm reading the recap this is shaping up to be a horrible RAW.
  18. <p>Good news for TNA and Jeff Hardy.</p><p> </p><p> MAJORITY OF CHARGES AGAINST JEFF HARDY DROPPED, ONE CHARGE REMAINS</p><p> By Mike Johnson on 2010-06-07 18:37:41 A representative of the Moore County Superior Court confirmed to PWInsider.com earlier today that three of the four charges against TNA star Jeff Hardy were dropped earlier this week by prosecutors.</p><p> Hardy had a hearing last week on the morning of 6/3. The Moore County representative confirmed the following charges against Hardy were officially dropped at that hearing -</p><p> </p><p> *Felony drug trafficking, Two felony charges of possession of a Schedule III controlled substance or drug.</p><p> </p><p> *Felony possession of cocaine, Felony maintaining a dwelling for redistribution of controlled substances.</p><p> </p><p> *Misdemeanor Possession of drug paraphernalia.</p><p> </p><p> Those were the charges brought against Hardy when he was arrested following a raid of his North Carolina home in September 2009.</p><p> </p><p> The Moore County Courthouse would not confirm the charges being dropped until today. Last week, they refused comment citing that Superior Court was still in session at the time of the request.</p><p> </p><p> The Moore County representative declined to comment on why the charges were dropped, but suggested PWInsider.com contact the District Attorney's office. That office did not return messages requesting comment left earlier today.</p><p> </p><p> Considering the most serious charges against the former WWE World champion have been dropped, one can assume Hardy's defense was able to provide considerable doubt as to their veracity.</p><p> </p><p> The only currently remaining charge against Hardy at this time, Conspiracy to Traffic Opium, was added by prosecutors in January 2010.</p><p> </p><p> Hardy is next set to go before the court on Tuesday 7/6.</p><p> </p><p> Source PWI</p>
  19. Yeah they are not the be all end all of course, as some internet pundits treat them, but long term and in comparison to other periods they can indicate growth. Still relative to the rest of Spike TNA kicks ass and even relative to other shows for Spike's main target age group they do very well.
  20. Aaaah, not being in the US and PWI not bothering to mention that I was worried.
  21. 0.89 damn. Seems to be the old TNA with the better shows getting the lower ratings. Only 0.2/3 lower on average now.
  22. Well that is kind of the problem with having such a clear and dominant no1 by ignoring and de emphasizing the tag team division it eventually becomes less valuable in most casual fans eyes. If said same casual watching friends of yours where watching in the peak years of the 80's and 90's they would have a different opinion. You don't even need main eventers constantly battling over them but you need the division to be given time and effort and be competitive, same thing goes for cruiserweights. Where there any ME's competing for it in WCW? nope was it one of the highlights and attention grabbers for the show? Yep. One of the reasons why I like that other company is that they have two actual competitions in that respect even though the booking is flawed or shoddy from time to time.
  23. Hehe yeah they caused some confusion there with the supplemental draft. Anyway who cares they had their we don't care about tag teams but we have them run. Had their split and feud and are now waiting to be released.
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