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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Yeah I went the easy route with my wording but Swagger had been losing left and right and was mediocrly featured and then MITB and Bam champ which he has held onto. Sheamus kills Noble, Champ, remains champ for a while. They where not over the top maximum god pushes but they where damn quick.
  2. Well cide kinda brought that on himself guaranteeing Bisch and Hogan he could climb out of the cage even though he had never done it and not practising it. Not that the cage match with that particular cage was a good idea to begin with. Ultimate X for a no1 contender would have been a lot smarter move.
  3. Yep WWE losing ME talent left and right. They must be glad they god pushed Swagger and Sheamus outta nowhere.
  4. BTW who else is hoping for the Guns first, and hopefully long, title reign to come of a win against the Band? They are no1 contenders again.
  5. Not saying they should fire him given his obvious connections with TNA but I like how atm they seem to be rotating in and out their legends with Foley and Jarrett on the shelf and Hogan, EB and the Band, despite holding the belts, not playing that big a role lately. Now just for Flair to become less long winded. As to his qualities this has been discussed ad nausea before. He is good but not great and he should not have been the only main eventer for so long in TNA in the earlier days. He should have been an ME but not the only one by far. And yes out of the so called vets he can still really go in the ring but as it comes to vets it is about perception and one of TNA's negative brand perceptions pertains to the high number of vets in prominent places, Jarrett is perceived to be one of those guys.
  6. Depends on the type of contract WWE has with Sky, but as one is pay view and Bravo less so I think it would/should not be a problem. In the very least it won't be a problem as long as TNA's contract with Bravo still runs, which I believe they renegotiated not long ago. One of the reasons why ppv's where dropped there as they could not reach an agreement.
  7. Another good to decent Impact last night. Seems that slowly but surely things are getting into shape. Too bad they will have to keep that up for a very very long time before they win back the lost momentum and make people forget the stupid stuff. Only minor in my eyes was Flair being way way way too long winded and him admonishing AJ. AJ should "outgrow" Flair not the other way around imho. Oh yeah and Rosey, wtf another crappy 3D student.
  8. Yeah Behren's is pretty good although he can be over ratings focused and does not take some stuff into account when talking average ratings etc. He generally has a good view on the business. On this I agree with him in part. Mainly that those nostalgia guys that do not bring in ratings and or merchandise are superfluous and should be looked at to being cut. Sting, Hogan and Foley do bring in fans and sell merch. The Band and Jarrett not so much. Guys that can still go and are proven draws like RVD and Hardy should not be cut. As it is more TNA's overall fault they are not drawing then theirs.
  9. Source Hamilton avenue Journal 411 mania. com. Gotta love the Journal for separating fact from fiction/rumour/perception. BTW non TNA related LA Park aka La Parka in WCW punching out that fan is hilarious.
  10. Yep its an insult, to many scots and welshmen, but it is also a fact.
  11. Yeah, was not responding to the last part of that post which I completely agree with. Kid Perfect, Perfect Jr, Mr. Perfection etc etc etc. Or just one name like they did with the Colon kids.
  12. Yeah but apparently he had it trademarked himself from his ROH days so they needed to cut a deal with him. They did not succeed so chose just Daniels. On FCW seriously no casual viewer or the majority of the E fans give a fig or know a fig about FCW.
  13. Its too close to his real name. Joseph Henning and they can not trademark that in a way that prevents him using it outside the E, plus Joe would have to allow them to trademark it while working for them and would probably demand a fee for that. Much like when Christopher Daniels un curried. They went with Daniels as TNA could not get a deal done for his full name. So instead of going through the hassle they just rename them anyway. They could have done Perfect Jr. or Michael Henning though with no problem.
  14. Think you are confusing England, UK and Britain here mate. England = Just England UK = England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. Britain = England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Ireland. PS anyone remember when Finley first returned they billed him from Belfast Ireland? lolz. So Slag you are not alone.
  15. Meh, from an overall skills set and type the E likes point of view he deserved the win. Who cares if it was predictable as long as it was done well. Which in the case of Barret was so-so in the case of Bryan also so-so and the rest of NXT was blah.
  16. The aforementioned copyright / trademark reasons. Still bad names though.
  17. Self I think you are underestimating the boards here. A lot of people are disappointed in the pairing out of a storyline perspective. It will be some cheap giggles but further then that it will be challenging to develop it in a way that can be good for Kaval's career. The Miz being paired with another but different Daniel Bryan would have worked better. Kaval with I dunno Zach Ryder, JTG or another odd pairing with more long term potential would have worked better. This needs a lot of very very good writing by the E team to work and I just do not see it happening.
  18. Copyright reason's. But then they could have gone with Michael Henning or Perfect Jr. and it would result in the same and be a lot less lame. And no I am not harping on McTaker and Kaval because it is an odd couple and thus lame etc given the WWE the reaction it wants. Kinda like a cheaper and worse version of Miz and Bryan. It is because it is a lot, lot, lot weaker version then that and I do not see it helping Kaval's career at all.
  19. WTF does McTaker have with TNA???? First the angels wings, then the styles clash, then the bad beautiful people rip off and now kaval??? I so hope he calls her on that. I suppose it is a way of getting heel heat with the smarks but for me it is go away, rot and fail in life heat. AKA Bubba heat.
  20. Yeah that was good booking between him and Rey. Especially that first match where Rey won but Gallows was made to look like a real threat.
  21. Hehe yeah I remember from the times I was in the US how ridiculously often they go to commercial.
  22. On a completely different topic I was just musing on some possible changes for the Impact Zone and wanted you guys opinions on possibly replacing the guardrails with electronic advertisement boards. It is quite commonplace in Europe with soccer matches and I know the NBA uses them as well as triple A in Mexico who mainly uses standard ones though, plus you could use them to enhance entrances and then turn them back to ad's during other time. If you strengthen them with padding behind them much as the WWE uses I do not think they would limit workers possibilities outside the ring and possibly even enhance them by walking the top or endanger their safety. It would mean a possible extra source of income for TNA, make it look more professional, they can advertise their own stuff on it, use it to enhance entrances etc. So what are you guys thoughts?
  23. Yeah not disagreeing on that but in the Sun interview where he said the Reid bit he also clarified that it was about the fact that he was allowed to cut promo's freely. So he is probably enjoying being a performer more at this point but he is not disrespecting his time in the E etc. Listen to the Sun interview and you get my point. Still Reid Flair *Groan* He should form an alliance with Lacey, Genetics is BS stable. Lolz.
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