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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Yep and beat Daniels, TNA was kinda jumping the gun/putting the horse before the carriage here. Giving him wins/exposure before he had signed long term, probably in hopes that it would help convince him to sign long term. Still as I said before he was a decent hand but didn't have any upside that any of the current talent already has so not sad to see him go. More miffed about Roxxi.
  2. Yeah its more where I want to see them middle/long term then where they are atm hence the hopeful part.
  3. Updated hopeful roster: Still big but should work. Main Event: Angle Styles Joe Daniels Hardy RVD Upper Midcard: Morgan Hernandez Abyss Wolfe Dinero Anderson Midcard: Young Homicide Rhino Kaz Red Tomko Undercard: Moore Shark Boy Tag Teams: Hooliganz (Kendrick + London) Motor City Machine Guns Beer Money Inc. British Invasion (Magnus + Williams) Generation Me Lethal Consequences Women: Kong Tara Hamada ODB Wilde Sarita Daffney Love Rayne Skye Occasional Wrestlers/Personalities: Foley Jarrett Flair Hogan Sting Raven Backstage Interviewers: Borash Hemme Announce crew: Tenay Taz Other: Bischoff So Cal Val Penzer. The referees.
  4. Well Morley and Roxxi are gone. Shame Roxxi got injured when she did and Morley got so much airtime etc and is now gone. He was a decent hand but overpushed and they needed to trim the roster. So him going CMLL instead of sticking with TNA is a blessing in disguise. Next up hopefully: Nasties, OJ, Terry, Neal, Stevie, Kiyoshi, LVE. Phase Out: Nash and 3D.
  5. Again a very, very story driven Impact and it was overkill. Hope they don't keep this up or I will maybe need to break my word that I would keep watching no matter what if they brought in RVD. Although to be fair most of the angles where pretty good for what they where.
  6. luckily that kind of smarkiness doesn't happen here (much) which makes this a great board. JR has signed a temporary contract extention. On spoilers it depends, generally people on here will hide the spoilers and the good news sites will make them clear so you can avoid them and still keep up with the news you do want to know. Still something as massive as RVD signing would be hard to miss hehe. And if TNA trims some of the fat ( I am looking at you nasties lol) on the roster they have a kick ass one.
  7. Like I said the IWC who is really into these kind of things are now more inclined to tune in and the marks will flip once he turns up or the hype video plays. The only thing Hogan did was make the iwc people who where going to watch anyways like me mark out a bit less when he shows up. A hell why are we over analyzing this RV mother.... D !!!!!
  8. Could be he didn't know about the camera's or forgot. Still it can be argued to be a smart move as the most of the IWC will tune in to see him appear and the marks won't know so will be surprised. Personally would have wished he kept it a secret for a bigger mark out moment. Have been saying all along he is their must sign.
  9. Oh I will be so Marking out! It is on! Woohoo! Lol I listened to that interview via link and hoped he was referring to Van Dam. One the one side Whoohoo RVD and on the other sad the cat is out of the bag. If J Hardy's court case goes well and he decides on TNA they will have 3 legit main event talent that everybody knows and can still go in the ring.
  10. Will be missed because she was a true TNA girl through and trough and was good in skits etc and had a seemingly good personality. PS what is it with Playboy and getting fired?
  11. Yeah the amount hasn't really been the problem, more the time that is given to them.
  12. Yeah that was a couple o days ago but it seems TNA are still trying to convince her to stay. Scroll back for the comments.
  13. well he has been acting like a face since after BFG, they just never really gave him a face moment so to speak. Just acting like a good guy and Wolfe being a "badder" guy if ya catch my drift. Still Anderson vs Angle and AJ vs Dinero/Abyss should be good programs.
  14. Not so much to do with my TNA fanboyism more personal taste. It was good, was it great? Nope. Have TNA had promos of that level on average? With a few exceptions nope.
  15. Well the "problem" is that it is kind of an unwritten rule that the title matches go last and given the fact that Cena + Bret vs Batista + Vince is the main storyline on the main show, you can bet it will be the last match. Edge vs Jericho will be the main problem as that will be just before them. If they are smart they but a cooldown match after Taker vs Michaels 2 before getting to the title matches.
  16. Hmm I have talked about it in the past and yes I think there is definitely influence. Especially if you compare her pre taker and post taker push. Can never be sure though and I am hardly objective.
  17. Yep Brashley is correct. Or are they getting more some day other then the 8th?
  18. Good camera man work there. Layla is hotter though and Miss Taker grrrrr.
  19. Lets just hope its a work because all in all she is an attraction. Guys if you want to discuss the reasons WCW went under start a new thread. In general if you read both Controversy Creates cash and The Death of WCW you get the best picture possible from both sides of the coin. As usual the "truth" is illusive and in the middle eg a combination of all factors.
  20. Its a two way street guys creative sometimes fail, sometimes the talent fails and most often its a combination of both leaning to one or the other side. Ignoring the money and keeping the roster from getting too bloated. Also you have to always think about a talents position in relation to other talent. So in so far they are logical releases as the E have plenty of similar or better talent still on board. The biggest shocker is Maria imho as for a Diva she was over in some way. As for TNA signing Helms, Burchill, Haas. They all have definite upsides imho and why not give them a chance if they fail they can job and be gone (much as I hope OJ and Morley etc will be doing) if they don't they might be the next Morgan/Dinero. But atm TNA really, really needs to prune their roster. The only must signs are RVD and J Hardy. In the case of Jeff that would be a good reason to bring in Helms to increase the likelihood of him signing.
  21. He left because of family matters yeah. What those exactly where I haven't been able to find.
  22. Let's not get into the whole decline of WCW and how and why thing as there are so many factors involved in that its a whole separate thread and yes EB was a major factor in it.
  23. Highlights: Kick ass promo: And to be fair lowpoints: Monty Brown + Sabu + Ring Ropes = fail lol.
  24. Kinda unknown. He is booked for a signing coming up somewhere and last year he wrestled shortly for an indy.
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