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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. I disagree on Dibiase and Cody except the decent in the ring part, for me they are bland and boring as sin. Zeke needs to improve on his ringwork bigtime hes not even on Tista level. Miz is just a little bit better on the mic then Morrison at the moment because they are letting him and Morrison works better as a heel. But Morison is an uppermidcarder on Smackdown with a DVD and Miz is a midcarder on RAW with two belts. I would say Morrison is above Miz atm. Morrison is the best alround talent followed by Swagger who needs to work on his mic skills and then the Miz third from this list. IMO
  2. Yeah SD is kicking ass again especially with Edge back, now just to move titsa back to raw and have a little less taker and it will be truly must watch again. Too bad Zeke will come in and ruin it lolz. And I actually like big men but I like those that can go! So not him.
  3. That soon to debut Japanese wrestler is indeed from their working relationship with New Japan and is called Kazuchika Okada. Here is his wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazuchika_Okada Could be either he or Kiyoshi will go under the mask but I don't really rate Kiyoshi at all anyways compared to other people on the roster.
  4. Well the Rumble is a gimmick ppv kinda so that leaves Mania and Summerslam. Man I am all for gimmick ppv's but in moderation, say 3/4 per year now its all of them which automaticly makes them lose their specialness.
  5. Jesse Neal or a new guy? BTW Bisch has opened a facebook and is asking what you want to see on TNA feel free to chime in, you can prolly recognize my post. Link: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=310203093797&topic=12677&start=30&hash=d66accff9ecf1f3d1bb0943017226ad4#topic_top
  6. That's why I said current status hehe. BTW those two new video packages where cool although the women's one was a bit long in the tooth. I always said they should use those more as the guy that makes those is great. One of my personal favs: LAX Highlight pac. PS anyone know the name of the song? As its not Hardcore by filthee that was their entrance song.
  7. I Like Kaz being back although they could have done more with it storyline wise and actually ending Suicide. Kaz in 2008 and before he left was an upper midcarder and was getting over well and was more over then Suicide ever was or ever could get, just hope they start calling him Kaz again. They can either A) have Homicide reveal it was Kaz all along or B) have a "new" worker use the Suicide gimmick C) Double duty for Kaz. Anderson beat down Angle by focusing on the wound and he did swing the mic on the wound to lay him out. You could barely see it though due to shoddy camera work ( ,man TNA needs to work on that,). So far the only guy that seems to be really getting lost in the shuffle/demoted push is Daniels lets hope he goes full on heel or face soonish to get his heat back. Very entertaining Impact Angle/storyline wise still some of the matches needed more time imho. I would have done Daniels vs Angle as the long main event and closed out with that Anderson vs Angle stuff. And yey for full on Monster Abyss being back (hopefully) and getting the ,admittingly weird, rub from Hogan.
  8. Young turned face last week and Nash just turned this week after his beat down a couple of weeks ago. Joe turned face leading up to his confrontation with AJ. That is their current status
  9. Ehm size wise they are also a lot bigger then ECW mainly due to their international exposure. In the US not so much but still bigger ratings wise. And you did contradict yourself money wise pointing out the indies that are profitable and at the same time saying that its easier to run a profit when you are small. Both are true bit given the fact that TNA is much much much larger then any indie and turning a profit that means they are doing a lot better. And if you are so negative about TNA with that "historical" summary you have been reading too many smark boards.
  10. Well it is kind of upto interpretation and I included that part of the interpretation in my op. The thing is it was in direct reference to OJ implying that it is useless to give him a push because people don't want to see him. What I replied in that sense is if you don't push/ give exposure to someone how will you know if people will actually like him etc? If it was more in the vein of give the marks what they want that is also true but that statement without the clarification that the op gave and you did here more extensivly could also be interpreted as only show the known names and only those, implying you can't get the fans to want someone. Lazor I completely agree with your statement above but as it doesn't conflict with what I posted, just a portion of it and that portion was a possible interpretation of Hart's statement which I pointed out and didn't think was true.
  11. The thing is with the Nasties is that I get the whole name value thing but there are so many better options out there with either a greater or same level of name value and even more skilled in and or out of the ring. Some are in TNA at this moment and some have been. That's my biggest gripe with them. My gripe will be even bigger if they are still around by this summer and haven't jobbed/lost in a feud to as many people as they can. And yeah their PPV match was really really really really bad almost Sharmell vs Morasca level.
  12. Well Gary Hart bless his sole isn't completely correct there as in the current landscape of things it doesn't wholly work that way. Most people only know what they want to see after they see it so if you don't even give a guy/story time and or exposure who is to say? Also if you want to build new stars interest at first is always lower (overness) and then by exposing them and then getting wins over established talent they get more over if they have the talent. And this is the central thesis of TEW and is what it mimics best and is the most true. What Gary refers to is the territorial days where you could have two headliners go at each other for years and sometimes bing in "big" stars from other territories. Those days are over and dead. If you follow that mantra too strictly TNA for instance would be all Hogan, Sting, Flair, Foley, 3D, Nash etc. On a semi related note and what is true about that statement is you always have to book out of the marks perspective eg the audience you want to reach and I think that point is sometimes lost on these boards and what smarks always seem to forget. I consider this community mainly "educated" smart marks and that is a big difference. On the size of TNA, bigger then the original ECW in its hayday in numbers but still a significant chunk smaller then WCW in its dying ones.
  13. On OJ lets wait and see but this reeks of Bisschoff so can't go down the sophisticated route. On the other spoiler at leasts its in a tag which is the right way to use him if you want to use him that way.
  14. fire him so he can come back home? lolz. Same goes for Danielson to a lesser extent. Haas, Finley, Goldust and Regal would make good trainers imho.
  15. Yeah and their promo work has been the "highlight" so far. That match and the beat downs they did where horrible, just horrible. And bringing them in because they are/where a known tag team is not reason enough when you already have team 3D could easily get the James gang again as well as the Steiners and you have the Outsiders. All of them ( even Hall) better workers and names then the nasties. Not to mention the fbi, impact players hell even the Bashams.
  16. Ken Anderson? Although you don't rant as soon as his name comes up you have to point out you don't like/rate him for some reason lolz. (Intended as joke not criticism)
  17. plz warn if you are going to spoil some of us like surprises. Best to put them in white text using colors and then say highlight to read like so: This is a spoiler
  18. A well channel surfing and I think its called Tivo or dvr? And while I am in agreement that the last pure Russo months where better right now TNA is in a state of flux so I am giving them time to get out of that and if it is still Nasty Boys in the ring and Foley/Flair/Hogan/Bisch/Hall/Pac for a very large part out of it then I am outta there. Except if they sign RVD lolz.
  19. plz move this to the WWE section. Just say check wwe for comment thommo/peter whatever.
  20. Yeah I am a fan of TNA and I like some of the chants. That goes towards the different strokes as I said before. I just think the "crew" has possibly been given a worse rep then they deserve.
  21. Basicly saying they are very enthusiastic fans and that the whole name "the crucial crew" was started as a joke and that they got heat for chanting sit down Brooke (, which they meant as a joke,) during Daniels vs Morley plus not chearing for Morley and turning their back on his win and where told they would be thrown out if they didn't stop it. The whole story about the Bubba army not getting in at the jan 4th edition which caused some friction. ( Not their fault). The fact that the production crew themselves asked them to go into the pit because they where so enthusiastic and that it is not their intent to get over for themselves and just to support the product. And yeah I agree sometimes they go to far as with the "overrated" at Anderson and "You Still Suck" at OJ or the you are married (, which wasn't that audible,) But all in all they are quite enthusiastic and support the product in a way I feel increases it. Bassicly they are just very big fans and want TNA to do well and sometimes they do go a bit overboard because of it. But the guy giving the interview has himself gone to the production crew and asked them what they would prefer. And again atm for me the Bubba Sign guy is way more annoying. This is from memory listening to it some time ago, if ya get the chance please listen to it. As long as they don't break the suspension of disbelief (you are married) or overtly harm the product ( turning back, Overrated) I see no harm.
  22. This is a better representation on what they are about: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theshoot/2010/01/22/the-shoot-episode About 77 minutes in.
  23. Well it's now really official Impact on Monday's and live every other Monday as expected. Hope this increases viewership for wrestling as a whole. And if the ratings dissapoint no real harm in going back to Thursday imho.
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