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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Different strokes for different folks I guess. The this is Awesome or TNA chants just shows support for the product imho. Better then the What! You S*ck! or Boo/Yeah stuff imho.
  2. Live press conference with chat in 22 minutes I am signed up under Hyde_Hill anyone else watching and/or commentating? Link: http://www.tnawrestling.com/news/item/1702-tna-wrestling-live-online-broadcasts
  3. Yeah that was an example of breaking disbelief and shouldn't be done. For the rest though they are quite enthusiastic and have good chants imho. The bubba army sign guy is more annoying and distracting imho and at the same time he doesn't seem to be into the product at all.
  4. I don't think he meant way better in terms of skills etc but Morgan has been established more then Dinero so far in terms of win/losses and to a lesser extent exposure. Still both are good choices and Dinero vs AJ should be good.
  5. Ehm TNA Thread guys not WWE please move it as that thread needs more posts lolz. And yeah JR is superfluous to TNA's needs imho. Better then Tenay? Sure, big enough improvement and necessary? Nope.
  6. No it wont as they always have a 4 on 4 with Lethal Lockdown in the semi main. And the Cena rant was in the wrong thread.
  7. Agree with ya there Lazor when someone does something wrong it doesn't matter if the competition does the same thing as well or even worse it is still both wrong. You can only do that if someone would have said it like: Hah another WWE reject getting overpushed in TNA what has he done to get a title shot! Nothing! Another reason why WWE is so far superior to TNA!! Then it is fair to point out Sheamus.
  8. What has Dinero been doing? He has been getting over that is what! Despite his spotty win/loss record. He has been built up pretty strongly and they have 2 months to build him up even more before he faces Styles. Apart from the negative star 3D vs Nasty match it was a decent but not great ppv. Like the fact that they have moved the railings back somewhat so there is room on the outside of the ring again. Now just to end the ramp earlier again and it is a great ring setup. Plus JB is back as an interviewer! Most matches where decent but none where really great which is a shame as they had potential. I get putting the title match on as second to last in order for time between each round of the tourney but it would have been better to put another match there and cut the 3d vs nasty boys match in half. And is it me or have they gone for a slower match style allround eg closer to the E's? I really liked the faster pace they had although a bit slower couldn't hurt but they have gone a bit overboard imho. Plus has Abyss gained weight? I know he was always big but he seemed bigger then usual. Fan reaction was weird as in sometimes very hot and sometimes very cold for basicly the same stuff and please get rid of Bubba Army sign guy as he sometimes distracts from the matches.
  9. Unlikely as he is a) a heel and b) stuck at the airport (literally). I am hoping for the Pope but all are good as long as it is not Foley. Edit: Disregard B as he has apparently made it.
  10. Plus his Carbon Footprint is his secondary finisher although he hasn't used the hellevator in a while now. At least his Big Boot is a lot better then the one Sheamus uses hehe. On the tag division they actually have a solid amount of pretty good teams they just haven't been booked a lot atm because the regime change is focusing on brining in their new talent and alligning them the way they want etc. Same with the X-Division and to a lesser extent the Knock Outs.
  11. I think the E can trademark just the first name though just as TNA has done with Daniels. And yeah it's no surprise and smart business sense to change it to something you can trademark so I never get why people gripe over it other then the quality of the name itself.
  12. At the time of the taping EY was the global champ, Terry became global champ during their tour of the UK which happened after the taping. Big announcement on Monday! Oh whatever could it be? lolz
  13. CM Punk got in just before they made it official policy to always own the rights of the names plus Heyman went to bat strongly for him to keep it. Actually under B some wrestlers do this but then they get a percentage or something like that AJ and Joe have something like this with TNA and they tried it with Daniels but couldn't come to an agreement hence why he is just plain Daniels now as they could "trademark" that.
  14. Yeah sorry got a little mixed up there and an eventual Hogan heel turn would work depending on how they execute it.
  15. That's not official though as the announcer could have just screwed up. And their names can change again between FCW and WWE.
  16. Jordon got a victory on Pope to establish him as he was "new" and pope had an excuse as he was "injured" coming into the match and now pope has defeated him cleanly while Jordon still looked a threat. Jordon established and Pope moving on to bigger and better things is my guess and if that was the goal it was well executed. Still don't like Jordon though although he looked pretty decent in this last match.
  17. Hogan was poor at times but the rest of the promo work was fine to very good imho. I was very much entertained by the whole show except the predictable finish and thus anticlimacticle, the pipe down nerds sign guy, adding Bisch as ref and just giving away two slots in the tourney . Good wrestling all-round and good flow to the show though. And Cappy isn't that the whole idea of intrigue? Not knowing what will happen and or how they will get there? I know Russo isn't a good finisher of storylines but until we get it so far it is fairly interesting and can see the appeal for some fans (not me).
  18. And Survivor Series is no more as they announced a re branding at the last conference.
  19. That wasn't in reference to Vicky but stuff before that and in other threads. Sorry for not making that clear. Anyways seems everyone is healthy for WM so will be a good show hopefully.
  20. Real fight????? As stated before I think they are making the Hitman look weak atm so that Vince can come off as a serious threat.
  21. Personally I think she got a mix of both as in heel heat and go away heat. And yeah in the context amp used milking is a negative and a fake necrophilia/ Kiss my ass angle is a lot worse then the real milking of a real wrestlers death. And please stop assuming the worst every time someone posts a short message or everyone has to write essays all the time.
  22. They are already slated for Against All Ods. Although I get the joke. BTW the all knockout show was on dec 31 of course it will get lower ratings. Don't think the X-Division will get buried if it gets a low buy rate as all TNA ppv's get a relativly low buyrate that aren't BFG, Lockdown or Slammiversary. Not as low as some reports but their conversion is pretty bad compared to the E. Also it will probably be more X-Division themed more then anything else and a lot of their main event draws can fit in the division.
  23. X-Pac and in part Vicky come to mind as well. Heels getting cheered for being heels simply happens in today's culture. It's the trick of defining the type of cheer/chant and acting accordingly and is easily remedied see for example Daniels simply cussing out the crowd when he was supposed to be the heel vs Morley (,didn't work in the end as Morley did nothing face worthy so it became heel vs heel and then they will cheer "The Original"). Orton punting Vince = Face cheers, Edge beating Cena up = heel cheers, X-Pac = Get of my screen cheers. And as said before the absolutely worst reaction is no reaction at all.
  24. Sorry should have specified it's not (so much) about female/male but about TNA "original"/ Former WWE difference in pay as it was reported that is. So its possibly about Tara getting a lot more money then Kong which would be ridiculous.
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