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The Two

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Posts posted by The Two

  1. Does anybody else think it makes entirely no sense for a PG company to have a Buried Alive Match? How do you explain that one to a 6 year old?


    This is really the same problem I have with the Hell in a Cell PPV. The more HIAC matches you hold in which not one person sheds a single drop of blood, the harder it is to sell it as "Satan's Structure" and "the most dangerous, diabolical match ever invented". You don't need to have blood in every match, but you do need it in a HIAC match.


    Basically, what I'm saying is this: Both the HIAC and Buried Alive stipulations are children of the Attitude Era. That's the climate in which they were created and that's where they made the most sense. Now they are anachronisms. It doesn't make sense to have them in a PG company, and (in the case of HIAC) their PG versions just weaken the credibility of the gimmick.


    If you want to be PG, fine, but those Attitude Era gimmicks need to be shelved, just put them away and don't use them again until you are willing to do them properly.


    Just had to get that off my chest.

  2. Can someone please fill me in on what happened in the main event? We don't get Reaction here, so last we saw was Jeff Hardy hitting RVD and Anderson with a chair, then hitting the Twist of Fate on RVD, over Anderson... did anything happen after that?

    Don't know where you are, but here in the UK that's what we saw. You didn't miss anything. Apart from last week, the international version seems to have been being edited to include the start of ReAction in order to run until the end of the match.

  3. <p>I remember reading a couple of weeks ago that they planned to get rid of one of the cases pretty quickly because the writers couldn't handle having more than one case in play (one could question why you'd even create two then, but whatever), but that is just taking the piss. That case didn't even make it to the end of the show, it was in play for less than an hour.</p><p> </p><p>

    On the plus side, it's the SD belt, so his second world title reign will <em>have</em> to last longer than his first.</p>

  4. What The Celt said.



    I'm just amazed at the idea of a Raw main event featuring only one of the ubiquitous trio of Cena, Orton and Hunter. Seriously, when was the last time a Raw main event didn't feature at least two of those guys?


    It's a new guy main eventing a PPV for the first time. This can only be a good thing, and something we should all be happy about. Still not gonna watch it, but it opens the door for real change, especially as Kofi also seems to be on his way to the top.


    It's weird, seems like in the last couple of months something has lit a fire under Vince's ass and made him realise he needs to up his game and build new stars... Hmmm... :cool:

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