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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. As long as SOMEONE has final say. Russo has alot of good ideas and he's definitely become a better storyline writer but when he's left to his own devices you get chaos and everything collapses on itself in time. He's a very good bricklayer but a very poor architect.
  2. Yankees are +48 on the road over the O's but they are +111 over the O's when they play in a stadium smaller than Babe Ruth's waistline. As for outhitting them, you were first to mention how the Yanks outhit the O's. Look I'm not sure why you felt the need to unleash the snarkness on me but I was just trying to point out that the Yankees offensive numbers are going to be slightly skewed when looking at counting stats because they play in billion dollar shoebox. So while they have a much, much better offense than the O's; they also benefit from playing half their games in baseball in a park the approximate size of Reggie Jackson's **** ring. That makes it look like they have a much, much, much better offense, when really it's just much, much better. Hope I cleared things up for ya!
  3. There were reports that the Red Sox may have fired him and let him say he quit. Personally I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle. I think that when the Sox told him to hit the bricks he let out a big sigh of relief. The stories that have come out about the team since he left have not made it sound like it was a fun job towards the end. One thing I'll say about Ruben Amaro the Phillies GM is that one of the biggest factors in bringing in a player is that they are good people and good teammates. The Phillies won't bring in pitchers who drink in the clubhouse during games.
  4. Yankees: 396 Road Runs Orioles: 348 Road Runs Orioles also out hit the Yanks on the road. Yanks obviously out-walked and out-slugged them tho. Jus sayin'
  5. I agree with most of your assessment but a minor quibble with your point on Jim Hickey. It's not like Hellickson, Davis, and Neimann were nobodies they were all highly rated prospects with great arms.
  6. Or it's August and Bound For Glory isn't until over 2 months from now.
  7. I'm trying to get you to say whether you think if he's involved and if it's a good or bad thing. Sparking conversation through irresistible invisibility.
  8. Not only that but he's been clearing off his calender. According to Gerweck.net he has told promotions he is a regular with to stop booking him. They also report that the Kings of Wrestling are without a doubt WWE bound. Jim Cornette shows up and all the sudden WWE starts sniping ROH talent left and right. Speculate! Speculate! Speculate!
  9. I'm not starting a fight I'm just pointing out your bias. You can claim there isn't one all you want but there is. It is neigh impossible for one to go to their first ever WrestleMania, the culmination of a childhood dream, and then compare that show fairly with another PPV by another company that you watched on a screen and not in person. I haven't and won't pick a side on how good this PPV is compared to other PPVs because it's the first PPV I've watched from start to bottom in a long long time.
  10. You enjoyed a WrestleMania which you saw live better than a show you watched on your TV/Computer? You don't say!
  11. Ultimate X was a fun match. The finish was a little clumsy but I can't imagine it's easy to climb that jungle gym while 20 feet in the air. EDIT: Oooh Low-Ki said TNA...twice! Ooooh
  12. If you take PPV out of the question we're talking about just another TV show. Think of the big shows as a season finale. Except that instead of having to wait until next year, the new season starts the following week!
  13. When you have the ball in your hands every possession since you were 6 you tend to look out of sorts when you suddenly don't have the ball and you're playing against a fantastic defensive team. Why LeBron isn't utilized in a Magic Johnson-like playmaker role is beyond me. He's the best playmaker in the NBA at his size since the aforementioned hall of famer. Even when LeBron isn't playing well he makes the right read 99% of the time. I think LeBron running point is something we'll definitely see next season. Mike Bibby is completely useless and Mario Chalmers is best utilized as a second choice point guard.
  14. It seems that <span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Read a Gerweck.net report a while ago saying that TNA are flirting with the idea of dropping the name TNA. At the 5/12 impact it was announced that the SHOW will be dropping the name TNA and going with just 'Impact Wrestling' however the company will still be called TNA. It's been suspected (by me) that they will begin a rebranding campaign and one of the main points of the campaign will be to push the word 'wrestling'</span> I can't confirm that last part for sure (<img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />), but there's enough evidence for conjecture imo.
  15. How else were they going to fill 30 minutes? This wasn't a match between two spring chickens, they can't move from spot to spot to spot like it's 1998. Bravo to Taker and Trips I knew they would deliver a great match and that's exactly what they did.
  16. Everyone involved with that Snoop Dogg/Hornswoggle vignette should be stabbed with HIV infected needles.
  17. At least they did something for the 19 people who ordered the PPV.
  18. The Impact Zone fans don't pay anything. I'm sure that next week the Impact Zone will look like stands of a beer league softball game, not even little league. No one was happy, if they booked a finish like that no one was supposed to be happy. Again I'll the re-emphasize that I don't think it was a booked finish. I didn't mind the finish to the semi-main event, I did mind that it was a match well below RVD and Mr. Anderson's standards.
  19. Wrestling can only be what you think it should be. I understand. That being said I highly doubt it was a work. Even without the main event the PPV was horrible top to bottom, this monthly PPV **** needs to stop. Too many throw away PPVs in both WWE and TNA.
  20. It'd certainly be much better for TNA if it was a work.
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