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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. Missed the PPV read the results. What a shame. They were just beginning to pick up some momentum and this happens. Luckily no one buys their pay-per-views anyway so there weren't any angry customers.
  2. This can get really ugly especially since many retired football players' injuries don't appear until 10-15 years after retirement. The NFL could simply argue that the injuries weren't football related and hold up players' medical payment requests ad infinitum. For example former full-back Kevin Turner was diagnosed with ALS, we don't yet know for sure that multiple head trauma and a severe neck injury during his playing days were a factor but I'd prefer the NFL ere on the side of caution and help him out. However if your suggestion was adopted the NFL would be allowed to shug their shoulders say, "sorry brah" and wheel Kevin Turner's into his forclosed home. In my experience most people that are world class athletes aren't exactly barn burners in the financial department. Saying "just be smarter" will work as well on them as it would an 8-year-old.
  3. The league is broken because in basketball more so than any other sport, you need stars to win. The problem is that there are too many teams and not enough stars so while a few teams are great and have a legit chance at winning a title, every other team might as well not show up because they don't have an all-star. And now the star players are cutting into the already negligible amount of legitimate contenders by saying screw it and muscling their way on to the same team. The league either needs to contract a half dozen teams or completely re-do the financial structure of the league. The league is broken because a star driven league has been stretched so thin half the teams in the league are wasting their times playing games and no it's not all the fault of the owners. Not to mention that the teams who have stars can keep all of their stars together for their entire careers as long as the stars want to keep playing there. You don't build teams in the NBA, you luck into a star or two and put pieces around them. I'm a Sixer fan and I love this team but I know if they are to ever get a chance to even sniff a title chance they need to luck into finding a star in the draft or finding a star who has a stroke and wants to play for a team without another star which may never happen again as the league is currently constructed. Really, why would a star player go to a team that doesn't have another star player? Maybe my definition of broken and your definitions differ. But when 3/4 the teams in the league might as well forfeit all 82 games because they don't have a prayer of making it out of the second round of the playoffs and will continue to be gigantic wastes of times unless they luck into a star. I think that denotes a broken league.
  4. I hope the NBA does lose the 2011-12 season. The league is broken and needs to be completely re-structured.
  5. Well you can't say that main event didn't tell a story.
  6. From Bischoff's Monday Night Mayhem interview: http://obsessedwithwrestling.com/pictures/v/vincerusso/03.jpg
  7. I believe they are building The Miz a eventual face turn to make him a 'megastar.'
  8. Pfft if TNA knew what they were doing they'd be pulling 2s by now.
  9. <3 Taker's new theme. They kinda screwed it up his first time out, but heading back out it worked out.
  10. When Sting came out I half-expected him to start singing Jesus Christ Superstar.
  11. Holy ****ing **** he brought a ****ing axe? Amazing. Absolutely amazing. LOL Mike Tenay 'the Jets have been tapping out since 1969'
  12. Gotta say I hope TNA is able to go on the road more often, the whole atmosphere of the show and the stage is pretty damn cool.
  13. Spamming AJ Styles vs Chris Daniels 100 shows a year = ratings.
  14. Eric Bischoff was actually the first to have the trench coated dark figure in the rain promos!
  15. I know where you're coming from. Perhaps I'm wrong in this assumption but I believe that the internet is a larger percentage of wrestling fandom than the percentage of internet fandom in those other mediums. Which is why I said what I said in the manner in which I said it. Again, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. When it comes to sports, that's a completely different animal than any other form of entertainment so I chose to exclude it. The emotional investment that goes into sports rivals that of political affiliation. For example you never would hear a fan yelling "we won!" when Mad Men wins an Emmy. A good point but I don't believe that the principle cause of the whining aimed at TNA is because they care about what the IWC thinks. While agree with your sentiments to a point, I don't believe that what you're saying is necessarily true in most or even many cases. There are plenty of examples of spotty script writing, lazy directing, and poor character development being attributes of blockbuster, award winning, movies and TV shows. Attributing all of that lack of emotional fulfillment to a subconscious reviewer is a bit of a stretch. There are many things that can cause that feeling.
  16. But will they go "I was going to pay to go to this show...but TNA didn't book the co-main eventer well so...not gonna go now" It also depends heavily on what indy promotion's fan base we're looking at and in which part of the country. I was wrong for using a sweeping statement, I'm terribly sorry and will try very hard to never do it again.
  17. You're assuming that everyone or even most people that watch wrestling and go to indy shows watch wrestling as if they're Roger Ebert. They don't. Not every wrestling fan is like you. The question of "taking booking seriously" isn't an issue for the vast majority of wrestling fans. Most wrestling fans don't watch a wrestling show and go "well I wouldn't have booked it that way, UGH what terrible booking, they need to push _______!" Instead they actually watch it for fun, not to analyze every aspect of the show and compare it to what you would have done had you gotten off your ass, worked hard, built relationships in the business, got lucky and got to book the show yourself. It's the same thing with many movie reviewers who babble about spotty script writing, lazy directing and poor character development as if John Q. Moviefan is going to give a damn. The average movie goer doesn't watch it with those things in mind, they watch movies to be entertained by the writing and directing. They don't sit back adjusting their monocle sipping 1953 Merlot waiting to be impressed and at the same time looking for every thing to hate about the movie. There are many wrestling fans who hate wrestling, that is unless it's presented the way they think it should be presented. You don't get that in many other entertainment mediums, in other mediums if you dislike it you just turn it off and quit bitching. When wrestling is being presented the way they want it to be they can do no wrong, all the great leaps in logic and bizarre booking is ignored. When it's not what they want they can do nothing right and all the issues with the booking become huge problems that are killing the company. I sorta went on a rant here on a subject that I usually go on a rant on. It's nothing new for me but I'm just tired of the constant childish bitching about booking and the assumption that the 2 million+ people who watch Raw and not Impact do so because of what they say is wrong with TNA.
  18. Heel pope rules. His "Jesus just texted me" line gave me a hernia. With all the babble about no one knowing what side anyone is on and such in TNA, that argument has been pretty null for a while now. They still have angles that go absolutely no where, but we all know who is on who's side and if we don't know we find out quickly instead of it dragging on for months and months. You can hate on the characters and the booking, but the stories are making complete sense now. I have to imagine that there has either been some creative upheaval or creative have been re-invigorated somehow.
  19. Oh there are most definitely nudes of her out there. She may be horrible in the ring but whoever hires her does do so because she can put on great matches. Not to mention she's been wrestling for what less than 5 years now? It always takes longer for big guys to not stink up the place in the ring.
  20. Actually they fired her when they realized she did porn.
  21. And that look borrowed heavily from 80s-early 90s tag teams...
  22. Their appearance is more akin to the 80s-early 90s tag teams than the Hardy Boyz. They just need more tassels.
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